List of recently extinct molluscs

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14 extinct in the wild mollusc species (0.20%)581 critically endangered mollusc species (8.4%)507 endangered mollusc species (7.3%)879 vulnerable mollusc species (13%)535 near threatened mollusc species (7.7%)2437 least concern mollusc species (35%)1988 data deficient mollusc species (29%)Circle frame.svg
Mollusc species (IUCN, 2020.1)
  • 6941 extant species have been evaluated
  • 4953 of those are fully assessed[a]
  • 2972 are not threatened at present[b]
  • 1967 to 3955 are threatened[c]
  • 324 to 441 are extinct or extinct in the wild:
    • 311 extinct (EX) species[d]
    • 13 extinct in the wild (EW)
    • 117 possibly extinct [CR(PE)]
    • 0 possibly extinct in the wild [CR(PEW)]

  1. ^ excludes data deficient evaluations.
  2. ^ NT, LR/cd, LC.
  3. ^ Threatened comprises CR, EN and VU. Upper estimate additionally includes DD.
  4. ^ Chart omits extinct (EX) species

As of February 2021, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists 299 extinct species, 149 possibly extinct species, 14 extinct in the wild species, two possibly extinct in the wild species, eight extinct subspecies, one possibly extinct subspecies, and five extinct in the wild subspecies of mollusc.[1]


There are 267 extinct species, 134 possibly extinct species, 14 extinct in the wild species, two possibly extinct in the wild species, five extinct subspecies, one possibly extinct subspecies, and five extinct in the wild subspecies of gastropod evaluated by the IUCN.


Extinct species


Includes the majority of land snails and slugs.

Extinct species

Possibly extinct species

Extinct in the wild species

Extinct subspecies

  • Placostylus bivaricosus etheridgei

Extinct in the wild subspecies

  • Partula suturalis strigosa


Extinct species

  • Belgrandiella intermedia
  • Cahaba pebblesnail (Clappia cahabensis)
  • Umbilicate pebblesnail (Clappia umbilicata)
  • Graecoanatolica macedonica
  • Littoraria flammea
  • Littoridina gaudichaudii
  • Olive marstonia (Marstonia olivacea)
  • Ohridohauffenia drimica
  • Omphalotropis plicosa
  • Posticobia norfolkensis
  • Corded purg (Pyrgulopsis nevadensis)
  • Reverse pebblesnail (Somatogyrus alcoviensis)
  • Ouachita pebblesnail (Somatogyrus amnicoloides)
  • Thick-lipped pebblesnail (Somatogyrus crassilabris)
  • Channeled pebblesnail (Somatogyrus wheeleri)
  • Tropidophora desmazuresi
  • Tropidophora semilineata

Possibly extinct species


Extinct species

  • Boulder snail (Athearnia crassa)
  • Short-spired elimia (Elimia brevis)
  • Closed elimia (Elimia clausa)
  • Fusiform elimia (Elimia fusiformis)
  • Shouldered elimia (Elimia gibbera)
  • High-spired elimia (Elimia hartmaniana)
  • Constricted elimia (Elimia impressa)
  • Hearty elimia (Elimia jonesi)
  • Teardrop elimia (Elimia lachryma)
  • Ribbed elimia (Elimia laeta)
  • Wrinkled elimia (Elimia macglameriana)
  • Rough-lined elimia (Elimia pilsbryi)
  • Pupa elimia (Elimia pupaeformis)
  • Pygmy elimia (Elimia pygmaea)
  • Cobble elimia (Elimia vanuxemiana)
  • Excised slitshell (Gyrotoma excisa)
  • Striate slitshell (Gyrotoma lewisii)
  • Pagoda slitshell (Gyrotoma pagoda)
  • Ribbed slitshell (Gyrotoma pumila)
  • Pyramid slitshell (Gyrotoma pyramidata)
  • Round slitshell (Gyrotoma walkeri)
  • Agate rocksnail (Leptoxis clipeata)
  • Oblong rocksnail (Leptoxis compacta)
  • Interrupted rocksnail (Leptoxis foremani)
  • Maiden rocksnail (Leptoxis formosa)
  • Rotund rocksnail (Leptoxis ligata)
  • Lyrate rocksnail (Leptoxis lirata)
  • Bigmouth rocksnail (Leptoxis occultata)
  • Coosa rocksnail (Leptoxis showalterii)
  • Squat rocksnail (Leptoxis torrefacta)
  • Striped rocksnail (Leptoxis vittata)

Possibly extinct species

  • Mossy elimia (Elimia troostiana)

Extinct in the wild species


Extinct species

Possibly extinct species


Possibly extinct species

Hygrophila species[]

Extinct species

  • Shoal sprite (Amphigyra alabamensis)
  • Carinate flat-top snail (Neoplanorbis carinatus)
  • Angled flat-top snail (Neoplanorbis smithi)
  • Little flat-top snail (Neoplanorbis tantillus)
  • Umbilicate flat-top snail (Neoplanorbis umbilicatus)
  • Fish Lake physa (Physella microstriata)
  • Acorn ramshorn (Planorbella multivolvis)
  • (Stagnicola pilsbryi)

Possibly extinct species

  • Thickshell pondsnail (Stagnicola utahensis)


There are 32 extinct species, 15 possibly extinct species, and three extinct subspecies of bivalve evaluated by the IUCN.

Extinct species

  • Coosa elktoe (Alasmidonta mccordi)
  • Carolina elktoe (Alasmidonta robusta)
  • Ochlockonee arcmussel (Alasmidonta wrightiana)
  • Arc-form pearly mussel (Epioblasma arcaeformis)
  • Angled riffleshell (Epioblasma biemarginata)
  • Arcuate pearly mussel (Epioblasma flexuosa)
  • Acorn pearly mussel (Epioblasma haysiana)
  • Narrow catspaw (Epioblasma lenior)
  • Forkshell (Epioblasma lewisii)
  • Fine-rayed pearly mussel (Epioblasma personata)
  • Nearby pearly mussel (Epioblasma propinqua)
  • Sampson's naiad (Epioblasma sampsonii)
  • Cumberland leafshell (Epioblasma stewardsonii)
  • Turgid riffle shell (Epioblasma turgidula)
  • Lined pocketbook (Lampsilis binominata)
  • Tombigbee moccasinshell (Medionidus mcglameriae)
  • Highnut (Pleurobema altum)
  • Hazel pigtoe (Pleurobema avellanum)
  • Scioto pigtoe (Pleurobema bournianum)
  • Yellow pigtoe (Pleurobema flavidulum)
  • Brown pigtoe (Pleurobema hagleri)
  • Alabama pigtoe (Pleurobema johannis)
  • Coosa pigtoe (Pleurobema murrayense)
  • Longnut (Pleurobema nucleopsis)
  • Ovate clubshell (Pleurobema perovatum)
  • Alabama clubshell (Pleurobema troschelianum)
  • True pigtoe (Pleurobema verum)
  • Unio cariei

Possibly extinct species

  • Dreissena caspia
  • Southern acorn riffle shell (Epioblasma othcaloogensis)
  • Haddleton lampmussel (Obovaria haddletoni)
  • Black clubshell (Pleurobema curtum)

Extinct subspecies

  • (Epioblasma florentina florentina)
  • (Epioblasma torulosa torulosa)

See also[]


  1. ^ "The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Retrieved 2021-02-09.

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