List of senators in Brazil

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This is list of senators in Brazil since its foundation in 1826 until the 52nd (last term of 2003-2007).

Senators of the Empire of Brazil (1826-1889)[]

After the declaration of Brazilian independence, the new monarch, Dom Pedro I bestowal 1824 new Constitution. The Constitution of the Empire, Brazil was a monarchy centered on the figure of the emperor and divided into four branches: Executive (the monarch and his ministers), judicial (Judges), moderator (Emperor) and the legislative. Formed by the Senate and House of Representatives.

During the Empire of Brazil (1822—1889), All senators were appointed for life. Besides being for life, the office was unique Brazilian born or naturalized and required a minimum age of forty years and a minimum annual income of eight hundred thousand reis.

Each senator was appointed directly by Emperor, who was presented with a list of three candidates elected in the provinces by a majority vote and indirect. The representatives of the provinces in Imperial Senate were chosen by criteria such as experience in public office and also ennoblement.

The senators were considered "Augustan most worthy and honorable representatives of the Nation" and his office was a sign of important distinction for men dedicated to public life. Nearly all the senators had been general and provincial parliamentarians and more than half of them was a minister of state or governor of the province.

The Senate also included the princes belonging to the line of succession to the Brazilian throne - "the imperial princes Brazil". The princes of the Gran Para and Princes of Brazil - Under Article 46 of Constitution of the Empire of Brazil of 1824 were entitled to a seat in the upper house once they reached the age of twenty-five years. With this option, the Princess Isabel was the first female senator in Brazil - the only case of a royal Brazilian who managed to enjoy such a constitutional arrangement.

Name Noble title Province Legislature
Afonso de Albuquerque Maranhão Rio Grande do Norte 1st to 3rd
Afonso Celso Viscount of Ouro Preto Minas Gerais 17th to 20th
Alfredo d'Escragnolle Taunay Viscount of Taunay Santa Catarina 20th
Álvaro Barbalho Uchôa Cavalcanti Pernambuco 14th to 20th
Ambrósio Leitão da Cunha, Baron of Mamoré Baron of Mamoré Amazonas 14th to 20th
Ângelo Carlos Muniz Maranhão 8th to 11th
Antônio Augusto Monteiro de Barros Minas Gerais 1st to 4th
 [pt] Viscount of Serro Frio Minas Gerais 15th to 20th
 [pt] Pernambuco 6th
Antônio Coelho de Sá e Albuquerque Pernambuco 12th to 13th
 [pt] Paraíba 3rd to 13th
 [pt] Baron of Estância Sergipe 19th to 20th
Sergipe 10th to 20th
 [pt] Viscount of Albuquerque Pernambuco 4th to 11th
 [pt] Minas Gerais 1st to 3rd
 [pt] Pará 19th to 20th
 [pt] Ceará 11th
 [pt] Alagoas 5th to 14th
 [pt] Marquis of Inhambupe Pernambuco 1st to 3rd
 [pt] Viscount of São Luís do Maranhão Maranhão 12th to 20th
 [pt] Viscount of Abaeté Minas Gerais 7th to 18th
 [pt] Baron of Pindaré Maranhão 3rd to 10th
Antônio Pinto Chichorro da Gama Rio de Janeiro 12th to 20th
 [pt] Rio Grande do Sul 14th to 15th
Baron of Iguape São Paulo 20th
Rio Grande do Sul 1st to 3rd
Viscount of Sepetiba Alagoas 5th to 9th
Pernambuco 1st to 3rd
Viscount of Sousa Franco Pará 9th to 15th
Bernardo Pereira de Vasconcelos Minas Gerais 4th to 8th
Count of Baependi Rio de Janeiro 14th to 20th
Viscount of Maranguape Rio de Janeiro 4th to 12th
Marquis of Vila Real da Praia Grande Mato Grosso 1st
Ceará 7th to 12th
Viscount of Itaúna Rio de Janeiro 10th to 14th
Cândido José de Araújo Viana Marquis of Sapucaí Minas Gerais 4th to 15th
Minas Gerais 20th
Cândido Mendes de Almeida Maranhão 14th to 17th
Viscount of Caravelas São Paulo 10th to 17th
Bahia 3rd to 10th
Marquis of Nazaré Bahia 1st
Espírito Santo 17th to 20th
"Regente Feijó" (título não-nobiliárquico) Rio de Janeiro 2nd to 5th
Viscount of Cavalcanti Rio Grande do Norte 16th to 20th
Viscount of Pedra Branca Bahia 2nd to 9th
Viscount of Jaguaribe Ceará 14th to 20th
Paraíba 1st to 2nd
Marquis of Valença Minas Gerais 1st to 9th
Eusébio de Queirós Coutinho Matoso Câmara Rio de Janeiro 9th to 13th
Evaristo Ferreira da Veiga e Barros Minas Gerais 20th to 20th
Pará 16th to 20th
Marquis of Barbacena Alagoas 1st to 2nd
Maranhão 18th to 20th
Minas Gerais 11th to 17th
Baron of Mamanguape Paraíba 14th to 20th
Rio Grande do Sul 17th
Baron of Sousa Queirós São Paulo 7th to 20th
Marquis of São João de Palma São Paulo 1st to 5th
Rio de Janeiro 20th
Rio Grande do Norte 3rd to 6th
Bahia 1st to 2nd
Pernambuco 18th to 20th
Minas Gerais 10th to 11th
Viscount of Jequitinhonha Bahia 8th to 14th
Viscount of São Lourenço Bahia 8th to 14th
Francisco José Furtado Maranhão 12th to 14th
Francisco de Lima e Silva Baron of Barra Grande Rio de Janeiro 3rd to 9th
Marquis of Jacarepaguá Goiás 1st to 3rd
Rio de Janeiro 13th to 20th
Pernambuco 4th to 14th
Viscount of Suaçuna Pernambuco 4th to 17th
Viscount of Niterói Rio de Janeiro 14th to 18th
Ceará 7th to 17th
Minas Gerais 14th to 20th
Francisco de Paula Sousa e Melo São Paulo 2nd to 8th
Count of Boa-Vista Pernambuco 8th to 14th
Pernambuco 14th to 20th
Francisco de Sales Torres Homem Viscount of Inhomirim Rio Grande do Norte 13th to 15th
Espírito Santo 1st to 3rd
Bahia 4th to 5th
Marquis of Paranaguá Rio de Janeiro 1st to 6th
Pernambuco 12th
Paraíba 10th to 17th
Rio Grande do Sul 17th to 20th
Minas Gerais 8th to 15th
Amazonas 9th to 13th
Marquis of Paraná Minas Gerais 5th to 9th
Viscount of Assis Martins Minas Gerais 18th to 20th
Imperial Princess of Brazil 14th to 20th
Minas Gerais 1st to 3rd
Alagoas 14th to 20th
Viscount of Cruzeiro Rio de Janeiro 15th to 20th
Maranhão 9th to 10th
Ceará 14th to 17th
Baron of Laguna Santa Catarina 15th to 20th
João Alfredo Correia de Oliveira Pernambuco 16th to 20th
Mato Grosso 9th to 11th
Marquis of Aracati Ceará 1st to 2nd
Ceará 18th to 20th
Minas Gerais 1st to 6th
Paraíba 17th to 20th
Baron of Maruim Sergipe 11th to 20th
Marquis of Sabará Minas Gerais 1st
Maranhão 1st to 3rd
Bahia 15th to 20th
João Lins Vieira Cansanção de Sinimbu Viscount of Sinimbu Alagoas 10th to 20th
Marquis of Paranaguá Piauí 12th to 20th
Rio de Janeiro 20th
João Maurício Wanderley (2º) Baron of Cotegipe Bahia 9th to 20th
Maranhão 11th to 14th
Marquis of Queluz Paraíba 1st to 2nd
São Paulo 17th to 20th
Baron of Antonina Paraná 9th to 15th
Marquis of Lajes Ceará 1st to 6th
Minas Gerais 14th to 20th
Minas Gerais 14th to 20th
Joaquim Floriano de Godói São Paulo 15th to 20th
Piauí 9th to 12th
Bahia 14th to 20th
Viscount of Itaboraí Rio de Janeiro 5th to 14th
Maranhão 7th to 8th
Viscount of Lamare Mato Grosso 18th to 20th
Maranhão 10th to 12th
Viscount of Rio Grande Rio Grande do Sul 7th to 17th
José Antônio Correia da Câmara Viscount of Pelotas Rio Grande do Sul 17th to 20th
José Antônio Pimenta Bueno Marquis of São Vicente São Paulo 9th to 16th
José Antônio Saraiva "Conselheiro Saraiva" (título não-nobiliárquico) Bahia 14th to 20th
Goiás 5th to 9th
Viscount of Bom Conselho Pernambuco 14th to 20th
Minas Gerais 3rd to 5th
(O Moço) São Paulo 17th to 20th
Rio de Janeiro 1st to 3rd
Bispo Capelão-Mór (título eclesiástico) São Paulo 1st to 2nd
José Carlos Mayrink da Silva Ferrão Pernambuco 1st to 6th
Viscount of Macaé Bahia 5th to 9th
Viscount of Uberaba São Paulo 5th to 9th
José Clemente Pereira Pará 8th to 9th
Minas Gerais 3rd to 4th
(2º) Marquis of Monte Alegre Sergipe 4th to 10th
Marquis of Santo Amaro Rio de Janeiro 1st to 2nd
Pernambuco 1st to 4th
Viscount of Jaguari Minas Gerais 9th to 18th
Goiás 9th to 20th
Viscount of São Leopoldo São Paulo 1st to 6th
Marquis of Caravelas Bahia 1st to 3rd
Minas Gerais 7th to 14th
Baron of Santa Helena Minas Gerais 20th
Baron of Itapuã Pará 1st to 4th
José Maria da Silva Paranhos Viscount of Rio Branco Mato Grosso 11th to 17th
José Martiniano de Alencar Ceará 2nd to 10th
Espírito Santo 8th to 17th
São Paulo 9th to 14th
Minas Gerais 10th to 17th
Baron of Leopoldina Minas Gerais 20th
Goiás 3rd to 4th
Viscount of Lima Duarte Minas Gerais 18th to 20th
Mato Grosso 1st to 8th
Viscount of Cairu Bahia 1st to 3rd
Santa Catarina 5th to 14th
Viscount of Caeté Minas Gerais 1st to 4th
Sergipe 1st to 4th
Espírito Santo 3rd to 8th
Bahia 10th to 16th
Lafayette Rodrigues Pereira "Conselheiro" (título não-nobiliárquico) Minas Gerais 17th to 20th
Ceará 18th to 20th
Santa Catarina 1st to 5th
Viscount of Congonhas do Campo São Paulo 1st to 8th
Rio de Janeiro 3rd to 4th
Luís Alves de Lima e Silva Duke of Caxias Rio Grande do Sul 6th to 17th
Baron of Pereira Franco Bahia 20th
Viscount of Vieira da Silva Maranhão 14th to 20th
Minas Gerais 15th to 20th
Pernambuco 17th to 20th
Bahia 1st to 3rd
Baron of Monte Santo Piauí 1st to 8th
Viscount of Bom Retiro Rio de Janeiro 13th to 20th
Viscount of Caravelas Bahia 3rd to 9th
Bahia 5th to 8th
Rio Grande do Norte 8th to 13th
Pernambuco 1st to 5th
Paraíba 2nd to 9th
Rio de Janeiro 7th to 12th
Minas Gerais 1st to 3rd
Paraná 16th to 20th
Marquis of Itanhaém Minas Gerais 5th to 13th
Baron of Pirapama Pernambuco 8th to 18th
Viscount of Rio Vermelho Bahia 1st to 8th
Barão do Pontal Minas Gerais 3rd to 10th
Marquis of Baependi Minas Gerais 1st to 6th
Pará 20th
Minas Gerais 20th
Manuel Luís Osório Marquis of Herval Rio Grande do Sul 16th to 17th
Ceará 4th to 6th
Manuel Pinto de Sousa Dantas Bahia 17th to 20th
Bahia 3rd to 11th
Minas Gerais 3rd to 11th
Baron of Camargos Minas Gerais 10th to 17th
Marquis of Muritiba Bahia 8th to 20th
Minas Gerais 1st to 8th
Marquis of Maricá Rio de Janeiro 1st to 7th
Martinho Álvares da Silva Campos Minas Gerais 18th to 20th
Marquis of Abrantes Ceará 4th to 12th
Ceará 11th
Minas Gerais 3rd to 11th
Nicolau Pereira de Campos Vergueiro Minas Gerais 1st to 10th
Alagoas 1st to 5th
Maranhão 1st to 6th
Paulino José Soares de Sousa Viscount of Uruguai Rio de Janeiro 7th to 12th
Rio de Janeiro 18th to 20th
Rio Grande do Norte 6th to 7th
Pedro de Araújo Lima Marquis of Olinda Pernambuco 3rd to 14th
Viscount of Camaragibe Pernambuco 14th to 15th
Ceará 1st to 4th
Bahia 17th to 20th
Baron of Quaraim Rio Grande do Sul 9th to 12th
Rodrigo Augusto da Silva São Paulo 20th
 [pt] Rio de Janeiro 6th to 7th
 [pt] Minas Gerais 1st to 4th
 [pt] Rio de Janeiro 20th
 [pt] Ceará 12th to 16th
 [pt] Minas Gerais 12th to 14th
 [pt] Ceará 18th to 20th
 [pt] Bahia 12th to 16th

Senators of the República Velha (1889-1930)[]

Senator Rui Barbosa addresses the plenary floor in a 1915 session.

The First Brazilian Republic or República Velha (Portuguese pronunciation: [ʁeˈpublikɐ ˈvɛʎɐ], "Old Republic") is the period of Brazilian history from 1889 to 1930. The República Velha ended with the Brazilian Revolution of 1930 that installed Getúlio Vargas as a dictator.

Name State Legislature
Piauí 30th to 33rd
Santa Catarina 29th
Paraíba 23rd to 25th
São Paulo 29th to 34th
Paraná 32nd to 34th
Distrito Federal 29th to 31st
Rio Grande do Sul 28th to 29th
Maranhão 28th
Amazonas 32nd to 35th
Amazonas 27th; 32nd
São Paulo 26th to 33rd
Rio Grande do Norte 23rd to 24th
São Paulo 31st to 32nd
Piauí 25th to 26th
Paraíba 24th to 29th
Rio Grande do Norte 21st to 23rd
Minas Gerais 21st to 22nd
Distrito Federal 30th to 35th
Piauí 27th
Piauí 31st to 33rd; 35th
Paraíba 26th to 27th
Goiás 21st to 23rd
Maranhão 34th to 35th
Minas Gerais 33rd
Piauí 22nd to 23rd
Amazonas 25th to 26th
Goiás 21st to 23rd
São Paulo 33rd to 35th
Pará 33rd to 35th
Bahia 32nd to 35th
Mato Grosso 24th to 35th
Minas Gerais 23rd to 25th
Minas Gerais 23rd to 25th
Pernambuco 24th to 29th
Amazonas 26th to 27th
Goiás 23rd to 24th
Rio Grande do Norte 27th to 31st
Santa Catarina 21st to 25th
Antônio Luís von Hoonholtz Amazonas 29th to 30th
Paraíba 31st to 35th
Bahia 31st to 34th
Pará 21st to 24th
Santa Catarina 33rd to 34th
Mato Grosso 21st to 22nd
Mato Grosso 21st to 24th
Distrito Federal 22nd to 23rd
Amazonas 33rd to 35th
São Paulo 34th to 35th
Bahia 24th to 27th
Artur da Silva Bernardes Minas Gerais 34th to 35th
Pará 28th to 30th
Paraná 23rd to 24th
Pará 27th to 33rd
Amazonas 30th to 35th
Augusto de Vasconcelos Distrito Federal 27th to 30th
Maranhão 23rd to 28th
Rio Grande do Norte 28th to 29th
Ceará 31st to 34th
Bernardino de Sousa Monteiro Espírito Santo 28th to 35th
Bernardino José de Campos Júnior São Paulo 23rd; 25th
Alagoas 24th to 26th
Minas Gerais 28th to 32nd
Goiás 27th to 29th
Rio de Janeiro 21st to 22nd
Goiás 32nd to 35th
Paraná 25th to 27th
Paraná 34th to 35th
Distrito Federal 25th to 28th
Paraná 27th to 29th
Paraná 32nd to 35th
Rio de Janeiro 23rd
Minas Gerais 26th
Alagoas 21st to 22nd
Santa Catarina 34th to 35th
Espírito Santo 24th to 27th
Minas Gerais 22nd to 23rd
Delfim Moreira da Costa Ribeiro Minas Gerais 31st
Pará 33rd to 35th
Espírito Santo 21st to 25th; 29th to 30th
Rio de Janeiro 21st to 22nd
Distrito Federal 21st to 25th
Piauí 21st to 23rd
Rio Grande do Norte 29th to 34th
Pernambuco 30th to 31st
Epitácio Lindolfo da Silva Pessoa Paraíba 29th to 31st; 33rd to 35th
Rio de Janeiro 27th to 31st
Alagoas 26th to 27th
Espírito Santo 23rd to 24th
Goiás 33rd
Pará 33rd to 35th
Piauí 33rd to 35th
Alagoas 31st to 34th
Minas Gerais 24th to 29th
Rio de Janeiro 34th to 35th
Minas Gerais 23rd to 24th
Maranhão 28th to 32nd
Santa Catarina 26th to 29th; 31st to 35th
Paraíba 21st to 23rd
Rio Grande do Sul 35th
Piauí 23rd to 32nd; 34th to 35th
Pará 31st to 32nd
Florentino Ávidos Espírito Santo 34th to 35th
Floriano Vieira Peixoto Alagoas 21st
Francisco Álvaro Bueno de Paiva Minas Gerais 28th to 34th
Minas Gerais 27th to 28th; 30th to 32nd
Maranhão 32nd to 35th
Francisco de Assis Rosa e Silva Pernambuco 23rd to 24th; 26th to 29th; 33rd to 34th
Alagoas 23rd to 25th
Francisco de Paula Rodrigues Alves São Paulo 22nd to 26th; 30th to 31st
Rio Grande do Norte 27th to 28th
São Paulo 25th to 30th
Rio Grande do Norte 25th
Goiás 25th to 26th; 28th
Maranhão 21st to 23rd
Maranhão 28th to 32nd
Francisco Portela Rio de Janeiro 29th
São Paulo 21st to 22nd
Rio de Janeiro 25th to 26th
Francisco Sá Ceará 27th to 29th; 32nd to 35th
Paraná 30th to 31st
Pernambuco 21st to 22nd
Amazonas 28th to 30th
Pernambuco 22nd to 23rd
Paraná 21st to 22nd; 28th to 33rd
Mato Grosso 23rd to 25th
Piauí 27th to 29th
Espírito Santo 21st to 24th
Sergipe 34th to 35th
Maranhão 32nd to 35th
Sergipe 31st to 33rd
Sergipe 28th to 30th
Santa Catarina 23rd to 27th
Minas Gerais 34th to 35th
Henrique da Silva Coutinho Espírito Santo 24th to 26th
Santa Catarina 25th to 32nd
Pernambuco 25th to 27th
Goiás 31st to 34th
Amazonas 35th
Distrito Federal 30th to 35th
Jerônimo de Sousa Monteiro Espírito Santo 31st to 34th
Alagoas 34th
Rio de Janeiro 21st to 23rd
Pernambuco 22nd to 23rd
Paraíba 26th to 28th
Ceará 22nd to 26th
Alagoas 23rd to 25th
Rio Grande do Norte 29th to 35th
São Paulo 23rd to 25th
Espírito Santo 28th to 31st
João Mangabeira Bahia 35th
Maranhão 21st to 24th
Paraíba 27th to 29th
Minas Gerais 26th to 27th
Pernambuco 29th to 32nd
Distrito Federal 21st to 22nd
Paraíba 21st to 24th
Ceará 32nd to 35th
Rio Grande do Sul 33rd to 35th
Piauí 22nd to 25th
Rio Grande do Sul 29th to 30th
Pernambuco 23rd; 25th
Ceará 21st to 27th
Mato Grosso 21st to 23rd; 26th to 28th
Minas Gerais 21st to 23rd
Rio Grande do Norte 25th to 29th; 31st to 35th
Rio de Janeiro 33rd to 34th
Amazonas 21st to 26th
Amazonas 21st to 22nd
São Paulo 26th to 28th
Piauí 24th to 27th
Alagoas 26th to 29th
Paraná 24th
Piauí 28th to 32nd
Distrito Federal 21st to 23rd
Espírito Santo 34th to 35th
Amazonas 24th to 29th
Amazonas 28th
Rio Grande do Sul 35th
Mato Grosso 29th to 35th
José Antônio Saraiva Bahia 21st to 22nd
Rio Grande do Norte 34th to 35th
Rio Grande do Norte 21st to 27th
José Cesário de Faria Alvim Minas Gerais 21st; 24th
Espírito Santo 22nd to 23rd
Amazonas 23rd to 24th; 26th
Paraíba 21st to 26th
José de Melo Carvalho Muniz Freire Espírito Santo 26th to 29th
Maranhão 28th to 33rd
Piauí 29th to 32nd
Alagoas 33rd to 35th
Ceará 24th to 26th; 28th
Paraíba 35th
José Gomes Pinheiro Machado Rio Grande do Sul 21st to 30th
Pernambuco 32nd to 34th
Pernambuco 21st to 22nd
Pernambuco 22nd to 25th
Goiás 21st to 28th
Ceará 28th
Sergipe 29th to 35th
Bahia 30th to 31st
Goiás 23rd to 25th; 28th to 31st
Distrito Federal 23rd to 25th
Sergipe 21st to 29th
Pernambuco 24th to 26th
Bahia 28th to 30th
Pernambuco 35th
Maranhão 33rd
Mato Grosso 25th to 30th
Distrito Federal 31st to 32nd
Distrito Federal 32nd to 34th
Distrito Federal 33rd to 35th
Pará 21st to 22nd; 26th to 29th
Rio Grande do Norte 21st to 23rd
Paraná 21st to 23rd
Piauí 32nd to 35th
Ceará 32nd to 33rd
Pernambuco 31st
Maranhão 22nd to 23rd
Pernambuco 21st to 22nd
Sergipe 29th to 32nd
Rio de Janeiro 24th to 25th
Rio Grande do Sul 21st to 28th
Minas Gerais 24th to 27th; 33rd to 35th
Rio de Janeiro 35th
Pará 23rd to 28th; 32nd to 33rd
Rio Grande do Norte 34th
Pará 24th to 25th; 29th to 30th; 32nd to 35th
Distrito Federal 26th to 29th
Lauro Müller Santa Catarina 25th; 27th to 28th; 30th to 33rd
Sergipe 23rd to 26th
Rio de Janeiro 26th to 32nd
Mato Grosso 32nd to 33rd
Pernambuco 34th to 35th
Paraná 34th
Santa Catarina 21st to 22nd
Goiás 28th to 32nd
Espírito Santo 25th to 28th
Rio Grande do Sul 30th to 34th
Luís Viana Bahia 22nd to 23rd; 29th to 31st
Alagoas 33rd
Alagoas 26th to 27th
Pernambuco 31st to 34th
Maranhão 29th to 35th
Ceará 21st to 22nd
Alagoas 35th
Sergipe 21st to 25th
Manuel de Alencar Guimarães Paraná 27th to 31st
Rio de Janeiro 34th
Pará 21st to 27th
São Paulo 23rd to 25th
Rio de Janeiro 23rd to 26th
Manuel Ferraz de Campos Sales São Paulo 22nd to 23rd; 28th to 29th
Amazonas 21st to 25th
Alagoas 25th to 26th; 28th to 31st
Maranhão 24th to 28th
Alagoas 32nd to 35th
Alagoas 27th to 33rd
Alagoas 25th to 28th
Rio de Janeiro 25th to 26th
Alagoas 22nd to 24th
São Paulo 35th
Sergipe 27th to 29th; 31st to 32nd
Espírito Santo 33rd to 35th
Bahia 22nd to 23rd
Espírito Santo 31st to 32nd
Paraná 34th to 35th
Sergipe 25th to 28th
Sergipe 32nd to 35th
Distrito Federal 28th to 30th
Goiás 33rd to 35th
Rio de Janeiro 30th to 35th
Nestor Gomes Espírito Santo 28th to 35th
Nilo Procópio Peçanha Rio de Janeiro 26th; 29th; 32nd to 33rd
Minas Gerais 35th
Goiás 32nd to 35th
Sergipe 26th to 27th
Paraíba 32nd to 33rd
Distrito Federal 31st
Ceará 26th to 31st
Mato Grosso 31st to 32nd; 34th to 35th
Alagoas 35th
Paraíba 29th to 32nd
Bahia 32nd to 35th
Alagoas 21st to 22nd
Rio Grande do Norte 24th to 27th
Prudente José de Morais e Barros São Paulo 21st to 23rd
Quintino Bocaiúva Rio de Janeiro 21st to 25th
Piauí 26th to 27th
Alagoas 29th to 32nd
Rio Grande do Sul 25th to 27th
Minas Gerais 32nd
Santa Catarina 21st to 24th
Pará 22nd to 23rd
Rio Grande do Sul 30th to 31st
Rui Barbosa de Oliveira Bahia 21st to 32nd
Sergipe 29th
Bahia 23rd to 24th; 27th to 29th
Pernambuco 25th to 29th
Amazonas 25th to 35th
Piauí 21st to 22nd
Ceará 21st to 22nd
Rio Grande do Norte 32nd
Ceará 33rd to 35th
Distrito Federal 23rd to 27th
Ceará 28th to 31st
Sergipe 21st to 22nd
Paraná 22nd to 23rd
Goiás 26th to 28th
Urbano Santos da Costa Araújo Maranhão 27th to 29th
Paraíba 26th to 30th
Paraíba 31st to 35th
Paraná 23rd to 27th
Vidal Ramos Santa Catarina 30th to 34th
Virgílio Clímaco Damásio Bahia 21st to 28th
Rio Grande do Sul 27th to 31st
Washington Luís Pereira de Sousa São Paulo 33rd

Senators in the Vargas era (1930-1945)[]

Getúlio Vargas in the Catete Palace on 31 October 1930, a few days after the Revolution of 1930.

The Brazilian Revolution of 1930 marked the end of the Old Republic. President Washington Luís was deposed; the swearing-in of President-elect Julio Prestes was blocked, on the grounds that the election had been rigged by his supporters; the 1891 Constitution was abrogated, the National Congress was dissolved and the provisional military junta ceded power to Vargas. Federal intervention in State governments increased and the political landscape was altered by suppressing the traditional oligarchies of São Paulo and Minas Gerais states.

Name Legislature State
37th Pará
37th Pará
37th Rio de Janeiro
37th Amazonas
37th Paraná
37th Bahia
37th Santa Catarina
37th Sergipe
37th Rio Grande do Sul
37th Maranhão
37th Ceará
37th Rio Grande do Norte
37th Paraná
37th Rio Grande do Sul
37th Espírito Santo
37th Maranhão
37th Espírito Santo
37th Distrito Federal
37th Bahia
37th Mato Grosso
37th Rio Grande do Norte
37th São Paulo
José Américo de Almeida 37th Paraíba
37th Rio de Janeiro
37th Minas Gerais
37th Piauí
37th Pernambuco
37th Distrito Federal
37th Sergipe
37th Amazonas
37th Piauí
37th Goiás
37th Alagoas
37th Paraíba
37th Goiás
37th São Paulo
37th Alagoas
37th Pernambuco
37th Ceará
37th Minas Gerais
37th Mato Grosso
Vidal José de Oliveira Ramos Júnior 37th Santa Catarina

Senators of the Second Brazilian Republic (1945-1963)[]

The Second Brazilian Republic was marked by political instability and military's pressure on civilian politicians which ended with the 1964 Brazilian coup d'état and establishment of Brazilian military government. In 1945, President Getúlio Vargas was deposed by a bloodless military coup, but his influence in Brazilian politics remained until the end of the Second Republic. During this period, three parties dominated national politics. Two of them were pro-Vargas — the Brazilian Labour Party (Partido Trabalhista Brasileiro, PTB) to the left and the Social Democratic Party (Partido social Democrático, PSD) in the center — and another anti-Vargas, the rightist National Democratic Union (União Democrática Nacional, UDN).

Name State Legislature(s)
Paraíba 39th to 40th
Paraná 40th to 41st
Pará 40th
Paraíba 38th to 39th
Afonso Arinos de Melo Franco Guanabara 41st
Alagoas 41st
Santa Catarina 39th
Distrito Federal 39th to 41st
Rio Grande do Sul 39th to 40th
Sergipe 41st
São Paulo 38th to 39th
Pará 40th to 41st
Rio de Janeiro 38th to 39th
Goiás 38th to 39th
Maranhão 40th to 41st
Paraná 40th to 41st
Rio de Janeiro 39th
Maranhão 39th
Bahia 38th to 39th; 41st
Pará 38th to 40th
Amazonas 38th to 39th
Amazonas 39th
Rio Grande do Sul 40th
Maranhão 39th
Pernambuco 41st
Maranhão 39th
Antônio de Barros Carvalho Pernambuco 40th to 41st
Alagoas 39th to 41st
Pernambuco 38th to 41st
São Paulo 40th to 41st
Pará 41st
Bahia 38th to 39th
Alagoas 40th
Amazonas 39th to 41st
Pernambuco 38th to 40th
Paraíba 39th to 41st
Arlindo Rodrigues Rio de Janeiro 40th to 41st
Alagoas 40th to 41st
Rio Grande do Sul 39th to 40th
Minas Gerais 38th to 40th
Paraná 38th to 39th
Espírito Santo 40th to 41st
Espírito Santo 38th to 41st
Sergipe 38th to 40th
Auro Soares de Moura Andrade São Paulo 40th to 41st
São Paulo 40th to 41st
Minas Gerais 39th to 41st
Santa Catarina 41st
Minas Gerais 41st
Rio Grande do Sul 39th
Minas Gerais 39th to 40th
Rio Grande do Sul 39th
Espírito Santo 41st
Santa Catarina 39th to 40th
Ceará 38th to 41st
São Paulo 39th to 40th
Alagoas 38th to 39th
Maranhão 38th to 39th
Rio Grande do Sul 40th to 41st
Goiás 38th to 39th
Rio Grande do Norte 39th to 40th
Pernambuco 39th
Goiás 39th to 40th
Paraíba 39th
Bahia 39th to 40th
Sergipe 38th to 39th
Espírito Santo 40th
Pará 38th to 38th
Paraíba 38th to 39th
Rio Grande do Sul 38th to 39th
Alagoas 39th
Pernambuco 38th to 39th
Euclides Vieira São Paulo 38th to 39th
Maranhão 40th to 41st
Maranhão 38th to 38th
Alagoas 39th to 40th
Ceará 40th to 41st
Mato Grosso 40th to 41st
Fernando de Melo Viana Minas Gerais 38th to 39th
Filinto Müller Mato Grosso 38th to 41st
Paraná 38th to 39th
Santa Catarina 38th to 41st
Francisco de Assis Chateaubriand Bandeira de Melo Paraíba 39th
Maranhão 40th
Ceará 40th to 41st
Paraíba 39th
Rio de Janeiro 38th to 40th
Maranhão 39th
Goiás 40th to 41st
Paraná 40th to 41st
Rio Grande do Sul 41st
Getúlio Dorneles Vargas Rio Grande do Sul 38th to 39th
Distrito Federal 40th to 41st
Rio Grande do Sul 40th to 41st
Distrito Federal 39th to 40th
Distrito Federal 38th to 39th
Mato Grosso 40th
Espírito Santo 38th
Sergipe 40th to 41st
Santa Catarina 40th to 41st
Alagoas 38th to 39th
Santa Catarina 38th to 39th
Pernambuco 39th to 41st
Espírito Santo 41st to 42nd
Rio Grande do Norte 40th to 42nd
Goiás 40th to 41st
Paraíba 40th to 41st
Bahia 40th to 41st
Pará 40th to 41st
Minas Gerais 40th to 41st
Piauí 39th to 41st
Pará 39th to 40th
Rio Grande do Norte 38th
Mato Grosso 38th to 41st
Piauí 38th to 39th
Joaquim de Magalhães Cardoso Barata Pará 38th to 40th
Pará 41st
Joaquim Pedro Salgado Filho Rio Grande do Sul 38th
Piauí 40th to 42nd
Espírito Santo 38th to 39th
Rio Grande do Sul 38th to 39th
Sergipe 40th to 41st
José Américo de Almeida Paraíba 38th to 39th
Pará 38th to 39th
Rio de Janeiro 38th to 39th
Goiás 39th to 40th
Goiás 39th to 41st
Piauí 40th
Goiás 41st
Rio Grande do Norte 38th to 39th
Espírito Santo 39th
Rio Grande do Norte 38th to 41st
Goiás 38th
Paraíba 40th
Rio de Janeiro 40th
Maranhão 38th to 39th
Ceará 39th to 41st
Piauí 41st
Sergipe 39th to 40th
Bahia 39th to 41st
Juscelino Kubitschek Goiás 41st
São Paulo 39th to 41st
Rio Grande do Norte 38th to 40th
Bahia 38th to 39th
Sergipe 40th
Piauí 40th to 41st
Amazonas 39th to 41st
Minas Gerais 38th to 39th
São Paulo 40th
Lourival Fontes Sergipe 39th to 41st
Santa Catarina 38th to 39th
Luís Carlos Prestes Distrito Federal 38th
Rio Grande do Norte 39th
Pernambuco 41st to 42nd
Pernambuco 40th
Espírito Santo 38th to 39th
Piauí 38th to 39th
São Paulo 38th to 39th
Amazonas 39th
Ceará 38th to 41st
Rio de Janeiro 40th to 41st
Amazonas 38th to 39th
Distrito Federal 38th to 39th
Mario Motta Mato Grosso 39th to 40th
Pernambuco 39th
Piauí 38th to 41st
Rio Grande do Sul 40th to 41st
Rio de Janeiro 40th to 41st
Minas Gerais 40th to 41st
Sergipe 40th
Paraná 39th to 40th
Distrito Federal 39th
Distrito Federal 39th to 40th
Pernambuco 40th to 41st
Paraná 41st
Alagoas 41st
Nereu de Oliveira Ramos Santa Catarina 38th to 40th
Minas Gerais 39th
Ceará 38th to 39th
Ceará 39th to 40th
Distrito Federal 40th
Paraíba 40th
Otávio Mangabeira Bahia 40th to 41st
Paraná 38th to 40th
Bahia 40th
Mato Grosso 41st
Paulo Abreu São Paulo 40th to 41st
Rio de Janeiro 39th to 41st
Pará 41st
Amazonas 41st
Alagoas 38th
Sergipe 39th
Goiás 38th to 41st
Minas Gerais 39th to 40th
Ceará 38th to 39th
Rio de Janeiro 41st
Piauí 39th to 40th
Maranhão 41st
Paraíba 41st
Rio Grande do Norte 40th to 41st
Maranhão 40th to 41st
Bahia 38th to 39th
São Paulo 38th
Paraná 38th to 39th
Santa Catarina 40th
Alagoas 39th to 41st
Paraíba 39th to 42nd
Paraíba 41st to 42nd
Santa Catarina 39th to 41st
Maranhão 40th to 41st
Rio Grande do Norte 40th to 41st
Espírito Santo 41st
Alagoas 40th to 42nd
Mato Grosso 39th to 40th
Pará 38th to 38th
Goiás 40th to 41st
Rio de Janeiro 39th to 40th
Mato Grosso 39th
Amazonas 38th to 39th
Sergipe 38th to 39th
Distrito Federal 41st
Mato Grosso 38th to 39th
Vitorino de Brito Freire Maranhão 38th to 41st
Paraíba 39th
Amazonas 39th to 41st
Piauí 40th
Pará 40th
Paraíba 38th to 38th

Senators of the Military Regime (1964-1987)[]

The Brazilian military government began with the 1964 coup d'état led by the Armed Forces against the administration of President João Goulart—who, having been vice-president, had assumed the office of president upon the resignation of the democratically elected president Jânio Quadros—and ended when José Sarney took office on March 15, 1985 as President.

Name State Legislature(s)
Rio de Janeiro 42nd to 43rd
Acre 42nd to 46th
Pernambuco 46th to 47th
Paraná 42nd to 44th
Afonso Arinos de Melo Franco Guanabara 42nd
Paraná 46th to 47th
Rio Grande do Norte 45th to 46th
Rio de Janeiro 46th
Sergipe 47th
Rio de Janeiro 46th to 47th
Piauí 46th to 47th
Rondônia 47th
Maranhão 44th to 47th
Pará 40th to 42nd
Minas Gerais 47th
Ceará 46th to 47th
Paraná 42nd
Pará 46th to 47th
Bahia 42nd to 43rd
Acre 45th to 47th
Amazonas 43rd
Alvaro Dias Paraná 47th
Santa Catarina 43rd
Paraná 42nd
André Franco Montoro São Paulo 44th to 46th
Bahia 42nd to 44th
Antônio Carlos Konder Reis Santa Catarina 42nd to 45th
Bahia 43rd to 45th
Antônio de Barros Carvalho Pernambuco 42nd
São Paulo 42nd
Ceará 42nd
Antônio Lomanto Júnior Bahia 46th to 47th
Mato Grosso 45th to 46th
São Paulo 46th to 47th
Pará 41st to 42nd
Paraíba 43rd
Amazonas 42nd
Maranhão 43rd
Paraíba 42nd to 44th
Goiás 42nd to 43rd
Alagoas 43rd
Alagoas 42nd to 47th
Santa Catarina 46th to 47th
Bahia 42nd
Amazonas 42nd to 43rd
Espírito Santo 42nd
Santa Catarina 42nd to 44th
Sergipe 44th to 46th
Guanabara 42nd to 44th
Auro Soares de Moura Andrade São Paulo 42nd to 43rd
São Paulo 40th to 42nd
Minas Gerais 42nd to 44th
Goiás 44th to 47th
Piauí 46th
Minas Gerais 42nd to 44th
São Paulo 42nd to 45th
Rio Grande do Norte 47th
Rio Grande do Sul 47th
Alagoas 47th
Espírito Santo 42nd to 45th
Ceará 42nd
Ceará 45th to 46th
Santa Catarina 42nd to 45th
Ceará 46th to 47th
Pernambuco 47th
Rondônia 47th
Maranhão 42nd to 45th
Acre 43rd
Rio Grande do Sul 42nd to 45th
Guanabara 44th to 45th
Amazonas 42nd to 43rd
Rio Grande do Norte 42nd to 47th
Espírito Santo 45th to 46th
Piauí 46th
Paraíba 42nd to 45th
São Paulo 46th
Sergipe 42nd to 43rd
Amazonas 42nd to 44th
Acre 42nd
Bahia 42nd to 43rd
Pará 42nd to 45th
Goiás 44th
Paraná 47th
Rio de Janeiro 44th to 47th
Maranhão 40th to 42nd
Amazonas 46th to 47th
Espírito Santo 42nd to 45th
Amazonas 45th to 46th
Santa Catarina 45th to 46th
Piauí 44th to 46th
Mato Grosso 42nd to 45th
Fernando Henrique Cardoso São Paulo 47th
Filinto Müller Mato Grosso 42nd to 44th
Amazonas 43rd to 45th
Francisco Accioly Rodrigues da Costa Filho Paraná 44th to 46th
Ceará 40th to 44th
Rio Grande do Norte 43rd to 44th
Paraná 45th to 46th
Sergipe 42nd
Pernambuco 42nd to 44th
Pará 46th to 47th
Mato Grosso 42nd; 46th to 47th
Acre 44th to 45th
Guanabara 42nd to 43rd
Acre 42nd
Rio Grande do Sul 40th to 45th
Alagoas 47th
Minas Gerais 44th to 46th
Bahia 44th to 46th
Hélio Mota Gueiros Pará 47th
Piauí 44th to 47th
Goiás 46th to 47th
Maranhão 45th to 46th
Sergipe 47th
Sergipe 40th to 42nd
Alagoas 42nd
Paraíba 46th to 47th
Mato Grosso 42nd
Santa Catarina 40th to 42nd
Acre 47th
Mato Grosso 44th to 46th
Itamar Augusto Cautiero Franco Minas Gerais 45th to 47th
Santa Catarina 47th a
Paraíba 45th to 46th
Santa Catarina 46th to 47th
Rio de Janeiro 47th
Jarbas Gonçalves Passarinho Pará 43rd to 46th
Espírito Santo 42nd
Rio Grande do Norte 42nd
Rio Grande do Norte 44th to 46th
Goiás 42nd to 43rd
Paraíba 42nd
Maranhão 47th
Rio de Janeiro 42nd to 45th
Amazonas 46th
Piauí 47th
Maranhão 47th
Pernambuco 42nd to 45th
Paraná 44th to 45th
Espírito Santo 44th to 47th
Amazonas 45th to 46th
Sergipe 45th to 46th
Alagoas 47th
Rio de Janeiro 42nd to 43rd
Pará 44th to 46th
Pará 42nd to 44th
Piauí 40th to 42nd
Jorge Kalume Acre 46th to 47th
Jorge Konder Bornhausen Santa Catarina 47th
Bahia 42nd to 44th
Minas Gerais 44th to 45th
Mato Grosso 46th to 47th
Amazonas 44th to 46th
Rio Grande do Norte 42nd
Piauí 42nd to 44th
Rio Grande do Norte 42nd
Minas Gerais 42nd to 43rd
José de Magalhães Pinto Minas Gerais 44th to 45th
Rio Grande do Norte 46th to 47th
Ceará 47th
Goiás 46th to 47th
Goiás 42nd
Pernambuco 42nd to 44th
Goiás 41st to 44th
Acre 42nd to 47th
Espírito Santo 47th
Ceará 46th to 47th
José Manuel Fontanillas Fragelli Mato Grosso do Sul 46th to 47th
Sergipe 46th to 47th
Amazonas 44th to 45th
Paraná 46th to 47th
Sergipe 42nd to 43rd
José Sarney Maranhão 44th to 47th
Pernambuco 47th
Ceará 43rd to 44th
Amazonas 42nd
Sergipe 42nd to 44th
Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira Goiás 41st to 42nd
Bahia 46th to 47th
São Paulo 42nd to 44th
Acre 42nd
Acre 46th
Goiás 45th to 46th
Sergipe 42nd to 45th
Santa Catarina 44th to 47th
Goiás 44th to 45th
São Paulo 42nd
Sergipe 44th to 47th
Maranhão 47th
Maranhão 46th
Luís Viana Filho Bahia 45th to 47th
Rio Grande do Norte 44th to 45th
Alagoas 44th to 47th
Pernambuco 41st to 42nd
Rio Grande do Norte 42nd to 44th
Piauí 42nd
São Paulo 46th
Guanabara 43rd
Mato Grosso do Sul 47th
Marco Antônio de Oliveira Maciel Pernambuco 47th
Paraíba 47th
Pernambuco 45th to 46th
Santa Catarina 46th
Guanabara 43rd
Acre 47th
Paraíba 47th
Goiás 47th
Rio Grande do Sul 42nd to 44th
Rio de Janeiro 40th to 42nd
Maranhão 42nd
Paraíba 44th to 47th
Pará 43rd to 45th
Paraná 42nd to 43rd
Minas Gerais 40th to 44th
Espírito Santo 46th to 47th
Rio Grande do Norte 46th to 47th
Minas Gerais 47th
Pernambuco 45th to 46th
Minas Gerais 46th to 47th
Paraná 43rd to 45th
Guanabara 44th to 45th
Rio de Janeiro 46th to 47th
Paraná 41st to 42nd
Pernambuco 46th to 47th
Pernambuco 47th
Paraná 43rd to 44th
Rio Grande do Sul 46th to 47th
Rondônia 47th
Orestes Quércia São Paulo 45th to 46th
São Paulo 44th to 45th
Acre 42nd to 44th
Ceará 46th
Goiás 44th to 46th
Santa Catarina 45th to 46th
São Paulo 45th to 46th
Mato Grosso 42nd
Espírito Santo 42nd
Paulo Brossard de Sousa Pinto Rio Grande do Sul 45th to 46th
Rio de Janeiro 42nd to 45th
Pernambuco 44th to 45th
Ceará 42nd to 43rd
Pará 42nd to 43rd
Pará 42nd to 43rd
Rio Grande do Sul 46th to 47th
Goiás 42nd to 43rd
Pedro Pedrossian Mato Grosso do Sul 46th
Goiás 42nd to 43rd
Piauí 43rd to 46th
Mato Grosso do Sul 44th to 47th
Amazonas 46th to 47th
Espírito Santo 42nd to 44th
Rondônia 47th
Santa Catarina 42nd to 43rd
Roberto de Oliveira Campos Mato Grosso 47th
Rio de Janeiro 45th to 47th
Paraná 47th
Bahia 47th
Paraná 42nd to 44th
Pernambuco 47th
Paraíba 41st to 45th
Bahia 44th to 46th
Alagoas 42nd to 43rd
Paraíba 41st to 42nd
Maranhão 42nd to 44th
São Paulo 47th
Sigefredo Pacheco Piauí 42nd to 44th
Alagoas 40th to 42nd
Tancredo de Almeida Neves Minas Gerais 46th
Rio Grande do Sul 44th to 47th
Alagoas 43rd to 46th
Mato Grosso 46th
Rio Grande do Norte 42nd
Mato Grosso 42nd to 44th
Mato Grosso 46th
Ceará 42nd
Vitorino de Brito Freire Maranhão 42nd to 44th
Ceará 44th to 47th
Amazonas 40th to 42nd
Pernambuco 43rd to 45th
Ceará 42nd to 45th

Senators of the New Republic (1987-present)[]

Name State Legislature(s)
Abdias do Nascimento Rio de Janeiro 49th to 50th
Acir Marcos Gurgacz Rondônia 54th to present
Pará 50th to 51st
Aécio Neves da Cunha Mato Grosso 54th to 55th
Minas Gerais 51st to 52nd
Paraná 48th to 49th
Afonso Arinos de Melo Franco Rio de Janeiro 48th
Amapá 49th
Sergipe 47th to 50th
Rio Grande do Sul 48th
Piauí 51st to 52nd
Goiás 50th to 51st
Rio Grande do Sul 46th to 47th
Alagoas 50th
Rondônia 47th to 48th
Alessandro Vieira Sergipe 56th to present
Maranhão 50th to 51st
Minas Gerais 48th to 49th
Amazonas 53rd to 54th
Pará 48th to 49th
São Paulo 52nd to 53rd
São Paulo 54th to 55th
Acre 48th to 49th
Piauí 48th to 49th
Alvaro Dias Paraná 48th; 51st to present
Amazonino Armando Mendes Amazonas 49th to 50th
Rondônia 48th to 52nd
Ana Amélia Lemos Rio Grande do Sul 54th to 55th
Ana Júlia de Vasconcelos Carepa Pará 52nd
Ana Rita Esgário Espírito Santo 54th
Ângela Maria Gomes Portela Roraima 54th to 55th
Bahia 56th to present
Aníbal Diniz Acre 54th
Mato Grosso 51st to 52nd
Goiás 48th to 49th
Minas Gerais 55th to present
Mato Grosso 54th
Antônio Carlos Magalhães Neto Bahia 53rd
Antônio Carlos Peixoto de Magalhães Bahia 50th to 53rd
Antônio Carlos Valadares Sergipe 50th to 55th
Piauí 50th to 51st
Antônio Lomanto Júnior Bahia 46th to 48th
Tocantins 48th
Paraíba 49th to 50th
Antônio Mecias Pereira de Jesus Roraima 56th to present
Mato Grosso do Sul 48th
Distrito Federal 49th to 50th
Paraíba 54th
Minas Gerais 50th to 51st
Pernambuco 55th
Pernambuco 54th
Arolde de Oliveira Rio de Janeiro 56th to present
Amazonas 53rd
Artur da Távola Rio de Janeiro 50th to 51st
Amazonas 52nd
Tocantins 54th to 55th
Roraima 52nd to 53rd
Amazonas 48th to 49th
Rio de Janeiro 50th to 51st
Ceará 49th to 50th
Benedito de Lira Alagoas 54th to 55th
Blairo Borges Maggi Mato Grosso 50th to 51st; 54th to 55th
Amazonas 48th to 50th
Rio Grande do Norte 47th to 48th
Minas Gerais 56th to present
Rio Grande do Sul 47th to 48th
Alagoas 48th
Tocantins 48th to 51st
Carlos Eduardo de Sousa Braga Amazonas 54th to present
Tocantins 56th to present
Mato Grosso 50th to 51st
Maranhão 49th
Ceará 48th to 49th
Pernambuco 50th to 51st
Santa Catarina 50th to 51st; 54th
Cássio Cunha Lima Paraíba 54th
Paraíba 55th
Roraima 49th to 50th
Bahia 52nd; 53rd
Paraíba 53rd to 54th
Cid Ferreira Gomes Ceará 56th to present
Ceará 48th to 49th
Ciro Nogueira Lima Filho Piauí 54th to present
Clésio Soares de Andrade Minas Gerais 54th
Rondônia 56th to present
Cristovam Ricardo Cavalcanti Buarque Distrito Federal 52nd to 55th
Goiás 54th
Dalírio José Beber Santa Catarina 55th
Daniella Velloso Borges Ribeiro Paraíba 56th to present
Darcy Ribeiro Rio de Janeiro 49th to 50th
Dário Elias Berger Santa Catarina 55th to present
Rio Grande do Norte 49th to 50th
David Samuel Alcolumbre Tobelem Amapá 55th to present
Delcídio do Amaral Gómez Mato Grosso do Sul 52nd; 53rd to 55th
Goiás 52nd to 53rd
Santa Catarina 48th to 49th
Divaldo Suruagy Alagoas 48th to 49th
Bahia 50th to 51st
Alagoas 50th to 51st
Rio Grande do Norte 56th to present
Edison Lobão Maranhão 48th; 50th to 54th
Edison Lobão Filho Maranhão 52nd; 54th to 55th
Eduardo Alves do Amorim Sergipe 54th to 55th
Rio de Janeiro 55th
Minas Gerais 52nd to 53rd
Eduardo Matarazzo Suplicy São Paulo 49th to 54th
Paraíba 52nd to 53rd
Élcio Álvares Espírito Santo 49th to 50th
Minas Gerais 53rd
Eliziane Pereira Gama Melo Maranhão 56th to present
Elmano Férrer de Almeida Piauí 55th to present
Rio Grande do Sul 50th to 51st
Paraná 8th to 49th
Maranhão 49th to 50th; 53rd to 54th
Rondônia 50th to 51st
Esperidião Amin Helou Filho Santa Catarina 49th to 50th; 56th to present
Ceará 54th to 55th
Rondônia 53rd
Espírito Santo 56th to present
Amazonas 48th
Rondônia 52nd to 53rd
Fernando Affonso Collor de Mello Alagoas 53rd to 55th
Fernando Bezerra de Sousa Coelho Pernambuco 55th to present
Fernando Collor Alagoas 56th
Pará 49th to 50th
Pará 52nd to 55th
Fernando Henrique Cardoso São Paulo 47th to 49th
Rio Grande do Norte 49th to 52nd
Acre 49th to 50th
Flávio José Arns Paraná 52nd to 53rd; 56th
Flávio Nantes Bolsonaro Rio de Janeiro 56th to present
Minas Gerais 50th to 51st
Bahia 49th to 50th
Piauí 48th to 49th
Piauí 52nd to 53rd
Roraima 56th to present
Sergipe 48th to 49th
Paraná 48th to 49th
Roraima 51st to 54th
Francisco Oswaldo Neves Dornelles Rio de Janeiro 53rd to 54th
Garibaldi Alves Filho Rio Grande do Norte 49th to 53rd; 55th
Amapá 52nd
Rio de Janeiro 50th to 51st
Santa Catarina 50th to 51st
Acre 52nd to 53rd
Rio Grande do Norte 50th to 51st
Gerson Camata Espírito Santo 48th to 51st; 53rd
Mato Grosso 53rd
Gilberto Mestrinho de Medeiros Raposo Amazonas 51st to 52nd
Amazonas 49th to 50th
Gilvam Pinheiro Borges Amapá 50th to 51st; 53rd
Gladson de Lima Cameli Acre 55th
Gleisi Helena Hoffmann Paraná 54th to 55th
Guaracy Silveira Tocantins 55th
Alagoas 48th to 50th
Minas Gerais 53rd
Roraima 49th to 50th
Hélio José da Silva Lima Distrito Federal 55th
Heloísa Helena Alagoas 51st to 52nd
Henrique do Rego Almeida Amapá 49th
Piauí 52nd to 53rd
Piauí 48th to 51st
Paraíba 48th to 51st
Humberto Sérgio Costa Lima Pernambuco 54th to present
Ideli Salvatti Santa Catarina 52nd to 53rd
Distrito Federal 50th
Ceará 53rd to 54th
Irajá Silvestre Abreu Filho Tocantins 56th to present
Goiás 48th to 49th
Goiás 48th to 49th
Goiás 50th to 51st
Itamar Augusto Cautiero Franco Minas Gerais 47th to 48th; 55th
Santa Catarina 47th to 48th
Ivo Narciso Cassol Rondônia 54th to 55th
Ivonete Dantas Silva Rio Grande do Norte 54th
Distrito Federal 56th to present
Goiás 49th
Jader Barbalho Pará 50th to 51st
Pará 54th to present
Rio de Janeiro 47th to 48th
Jaques Wagner Bahia 56th to present
Pernambuco 53rd to 54th; 56th
Jarbas Gonçalves Passarinho Pará 48th to 49th
Mato Grosso 53rd to 54th; 56th
Rio Grande do Norte 55th to present
Amazonas 53rd
João Alberto de Souza Maranhão 51st to 52nd; 54th to 55th
João Alberto Rodrigues Capiberibe Amapá 54th to 55th
Distrito Federal 48th to 49th
Tocantins 52nd; 53rd; 55th
Espírito Santo 51st to 52nd
Amapá 52nd to 53rd
Piauí 47th to 48th
Maranhão 47th to 48th
João da Rocha Ribeiro Dias Tocantins 49th to 50th
Espírito Santo 48th to 49th
Pará 48th
Alagoas 48th
Bahia 53rd to 54th
Alagoas 53rd
Roraima 49th to 50th
Alagoas 48th
Santa Catarina 53rd
Piauí 53rd to 54th
Espírito Santo 49th
Bahia 48th to 49th
Pernambuco 49th to 50th
Amapá 49th to 51st
Mato Grosso 52nd
Espírito Santo 49th to 50th
Distrito Federal 53rd to 54th
Jorge Konder Bornhausen Santa Catarina 51st to 52nd
Acre 54th to 55th
Goiás 56th to present
Santa Catarina 56th to present
Bahia 49th to 50th
Ceará 48th
José Agripino Maia Rio Grande do Norte 48th to 55th
José Alberto Fogaça de Medeiros Rio Grande do Sul 48th to 51st
José Alencar Gomes da Silva Minas Gerais 51st to 52nd
Sergipe 52nd to 53rd
Sergipe 49th to 50th
Piauí 55th
José Antônio Machado Reguffe Distrito Federal 55th to present
José Antonio Medeiros Mato Grosso 55th
Tocantins 50th
José Barroso Pimentel Ceará 54th to 55th
Amazonas 50th to 51st
Tocantins 50th
José Carlos da Silva Júnior Paraíba 50th to 50th
Paraná 48th
José da Cruz Marinho Pará 56th to present
Rondônia 50th to 51st
Goiás 46th to 48th
Paraná 49th to 50th
José Eduardo de Barros Dutra Sergipe 50th to 51st
Tocantins 51st to 52nd
Alagoas 55th
Santa Catarina 50th to 51st
Espírito Santo 47th to 51st
Amazonas 50th to 52nd
Pernambuco 51st to 53rd
Mato Grosso 48th to 49th
Pará 53rd
José Paulo Bisol Rio Grande do Sul 48th to 49th
Mato Grosso do Sul 54th to 55th
Mato Grosso 49th
José Perrella de Oliveira Costa Mato Grosso 54th to 55th
Ceará 50th to 50th
Alagoas 50th to present
José Renato Casagrande Espírito Santo 53rd
Piauí 55th
Paraná 46th to 49th
Distrito Federal 50th to 51st
Rondônia 48th to 49th
Goiás 50th
José Sarney de Araújo Costa Amapá 49th to present
Ceará 50th to 51st
José Serra São Paulo 50th to 51st; 55th to present
José Targino Maranhão Paraíba 55th to present
José Wellington Barroso de Araújo Dias Piauí 54th to 55th
Paraíba 50th to 51st
Acre 50th to 51st
Mato Grosso 49th to 50th
Minas Gerais 49th to 50th
Bahia 48th to 49th
Pará 50th
Mato Grosso do Sul 51st to 52nd
Kátia Regina de Abreu Tocantins 52nd to present
Rio Grande do Sul 55th to present
Distrito Federal 50th to 51st
Lavoisier Maia Sobrinho Rio Grande do Norte 48th to 49th
Leila Gomes de Barros Distrito Federal 56th to present
Tocantins 50th to 52nd
Santa Catarina 52nd
Amazonas 48th
Mato Grosso do Sul 49th to 50th
Lídice da Mata e Sousa Bahia 54th to 55th
Mato Grosso 48th to 50th
Sergipe 48th to 49th
Lúcia Vânia Abrão Costa Goiás 52nd to 55th
Lucídio Portela Nunes Piauí 49th to 50th
Ceará 50th to 51st
Mato Grosso do Sul 50th to 51st
Goiás 51st to 52nd
Paraná 49th to 50th
Maranhão 49th to 51st
Luis Carlos Heinze Rio Grande do Sul 56th to present
Ceará 56th to present
Distrito Federal 51st to 52nd
Espírito Santo 50th to 51st
Pernambuco 48th
Luís Viana Filho Bahia 47th to 48th
Luís Viana Neto Bahia 48th
Ceará 51st to 52nd
Amapá 56th to present
Goiás 55th to present
Luiz Henrique da Silveira Santa Catarina 54th to 55th
Luiz Lindbergh Farias Filho Rio de Janeiro 54th to 55th
Pará 51st to 52nd
Espírito Santo 50th to 51st
Espírito Santo 52nd to 55th
Mailza Assis da Silva Acre 55th to present
Mato Grosso 55th
Mara Cristina Gabrilli São Paulo 56th to present
Marcelo Bezerra Crivella Rio de Janeiro 52nd to 55th
Piauí 56th to present
Mato Grosso do Sul 47th to 48th
Santa Catarina 48th
Acre 56th to present
Marco Antônio de Oliveira Maciel Pernambuco 47th to 50th; 52nd to 53rd
Mato Grosso 50th to 51st
Paraíba 47th to 48th
Marconi Ferreira Perillo Júnior Goiás 53rd
Pernambuco 50th to 51st
Espírito Santo 52nd
São Paulo 48th
Espírito Santo 56th to present
Marcos Rogério da Silva Brito Rondônia 56th to present
Ceará 48th
Amapá 50th to 51st
Maria do Carmo do Nascimento Alves Sergipe 51st to present
Maria de Fátima Bezerra Rio Grande do Norte 53rd
Roraima 49th to 51st
Acre 50th to 51st; 53rd
Maria Regina Sousa Piauí 55th
Pará 53rd to 54th
Mário Covas Júnior São Paulo 48th to 49th
Acre 47th to 48th
Mato Grosso do Sul 53rd
Marta Teresa Smith de Vasconcelos Suplicy São Paulo 54th to 55th
Rondônia 50th to 51st
Paraíba 47th to 48th
Distrito Federal 48th to 49th
Goiás 47th to 48th
Maranhão 53rd
Maranhão 52nd
Goiás 50th to 51st
Goiás 48th
Tocantins 48th to 49th
Acre 48th to 51st
Rio de Janeiro 48th to 49th
Mato Grosso do Sul 56th to present
Santa Catarina 48th to 49th
Santa Catarina 53rd
Pernambuco 48th to 49th
Paraíba 49th to 52nd
Pernambuco 47th to 48th
Rondônia 47th to 50th
Rondônia 48th
Omar José Abdel Aziz Amazonas 55th to present
Goiás 49th to 50th
Oriovisto Guimarães Paraná 56th to present
Paraná 50th to 53rd
Goiás 50th
Otto Roberto Mendonça de Alencar Bahia 55th to present
Pará 48th to 49th
Ceará 52nd to 53rd
Paulo César Hartung Gomes Espírito Santo 51st to 52nd
Amapá 50th to 50th
Bahia 51st to 52nd
Distrito Federal 52nd to 53rd
Rio Grande do Sul 52nd to present
Paulo Roberto Bauer Santa Catarina 54th to 55th
Rio Grande do Norte 54th
Pará 55th to present
Pedro Chaves dos Santos Filho Mato Grosso do Sul 55th
São Paulo 50th to 51st
Distrito Federal 49th to 50th
Rio Grande do Sul 49th to 54th
Pernambuco 48th to 49th
Mato Grosso do Sul 50th to 51st
Amazonas 56th to present
Mato Grosso do Sul 48th to 49th
Raimundo Lira Paraíba 48th to 49th; 55th
Ramez Tebet Mato Grosso do Sul 50th to 52nd
Amapá 54th to present
Minas Gerais 50th to 50th
Rio de Janeiro 53rd
Renato Casagrande Espírito Santo 53rd
Renilde Silva Bulhões Barros Alagoas 56th to present
Ricardo de Rezende Ferraço Espírito Santo 54th to 55th
Espírito Santo 50th to 51st
Paraíba 52nd to 53rd
Maranhão 55th to present
Roberto de Oliveira Campos Mato Grosso 47th to 48th
Bahia 55th
Pernambuco 50th to 51st
Distrito Federal 48th to 49th
Paraná 50th to 51st; 54th to 55th
Rio de Janeiro 51st to 52nd
Bahia 51st to 52nd
Minas Gerais 56th to present
Alagoas 56th to present
Distrito Federal 54th to 55th
Rogério Carvalho Santos Sergipe 56th to present
Romário de Souza Faria Rio de Janeiro 55th to present
Romero Jucá Filho Roraima 50th to 55th
Romeu Tuma São Paulo 50th to 53rd
Paraíba 50th to 51st
Minas Gerais 48th to 49th
Rosalba Ciarlini Rosado Rio Grande do Norte 53rd
Roseana Sarney Murad Maranhão 52nd
Rosilda de Freitas Espírito Santo 55th to present
Minas Gerais 54th
Rondônia 50th to 51st
Alagoas 48th to 48th
Santa Catarina 50th
Sebastião Afonso Viana Macedo Neves Acre 51st to 53rd
Amapá 50th to 51st
Acre 52nd
Mato Grosso 56th to present
Sérgio de Oliveira Cabral Santos Filho Rio de Janeiro 52nd
Acre 54th to present
Sérgio Olímpio Gomes São Paulo 56th
Rio Grande do Sul 52nd to 53rd
Mato Grosso 52nd to 53rd
Pernambuco 52nd to 53rd
São Paulo 47th to 48th
Paraná 48th
Simone Nassar Tebet Mato Grosso do Sul 55th to present
Soraya Vieira Thronicke Mato Grosso do Sul 56th to present
Tasso Ribeiro Jereissati Ceará 52nd to 53rd; 55th to present
Roraima 55th to present
Acre 49th
Teotônio Brandão Vilela Filho Alagoas 48th to 52nd
Rondônia 52nd to 55th
Distrito Federal 51st to 52nd
Mato Grosso do Sul 53rd
Goiás 56th to present
Vanessa Grazziotin Amazonas 54th to 55th
Paraíba 56th to present
Vicente Alves de Oliveira Tocantins 53rd to 55th
Vilson Pedro Kleinübing Santa Catarina 50th to 51st
Ceará 47th to 48th
Vital do Rêgo Filho Paraíba 55th
Bahia 50th to 51st
Minas Gerais 54th to 55th
Bahia 54th to 55th
Wellington Antônio Fagundes Mato Grosso 55th to present
Minas Gerais 52nd
Maranhão 56th to present
Wilder Pedro de Morais Goiás 54th to 55th
Mato Grosso do Sul 48th to 49th
Mato Grosso 49th to 50th
Zenaide Maia Calado Pereira dos Santos Rio Grande do Norte 56th to present

External links[]

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