List of the vascular plants of Britain and Ireland (Rosaceae)

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List of the vascular plants of Britain and Ireland #5 — this page's list covers the dicotyledon family Rosaceae.

Status key: * indicates an introduced species and e indicates an extirpated species.

Rosaceae species[]

English name Scientific name Status
False spiraea Sorbaria sorbifolia *
Himalayan sorbaria Sorbaria tomentosa *
Chinese sorbaria *
Ninebark Physocarpus opulifolius *
Bridewort *
Pale bridewort Spiraea alba *
Steeple-bush Spiraea douglasii *
Hardhack Spiraea tomentosa *
Japanese spiraea Spiraea japonica *
Himalayan spiraea *
Elm-leaved spiraea Spiraea chamaedryfolia *
Buck's-beard Aruncus dioicus *
Oceanspray Holodiscus discolor *
Dropwort Filipendula vulgaris
Meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria
Giant meadowsweet *
Kerria Kerria japonica *
Cloudberry Rubus chamaemorus
Chinese bramble Rubus tricolor *
Stone bramble Rubus saxatilis
Arctic bramble Rubus arcticus e
Purple-flowered raspberry Rubus odoratus *
Thimbleberry Rubus parviflorus *
Raspberry Rubus idaeus
Japanese wineberry Rubus phoenicolasius *
Salmonberry Rubus spectabilis *
Loganberry Rubus loganobaccus *
White-stemmed bramble Rubus cockburnianus *
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Allegheny blackberry Rubus allegheniensis *
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Smooth blackberry Rubus canadensis *
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A bramble Rubus nessensis
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A bramble Rubus plicatus
A bramble Rubus scissus
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A bramble Rubus calvatus
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A bramble Rubus durescens
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A bramble Rubus gratus
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Cutleaf evergreen blackberry Rubus laciniatus *
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Large-leaved bramble Rubus macrophyllus
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A bramble Rubus pyramidalis
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A bramble Rubus septentrionalis
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A bramble Rubus anglocandicans
Armenian blackberry Rubus armeniacus *
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Salmonberry Rubus spectabilis
Elmleaf blackberry Rubus ulmifolius
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Upland dewberry Rubus invisus
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A bramble Rubus dasyphyllus
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A bramble Rubus tuberculatus
A bramble
Dewberry Rubus caesius
Shrubby cinquefoil Potentilla fruticosa
Marsh cinquefoil Potentilla palustris
Silverweed Potentilla anserina
Rock cinquefoil Potentilla rupestris
Hoary cinquefoil Potentilla argentea
Grey cinquefoil Potentilla inclinata *
Sulphur cinquefoil Potentilla recta *
Russian cinquefoil Potentilla intermedia *
Ternate-leaved cinquefoil Potentilla norvegica *
Brook cinquefoil Potentilla rivalis *
Alpine cinquefoil Potentilla crantzii
Spring cinquefoil Potentilla neumanniana
Tormentil Potentilla erecta
Trailing tormentil
Creeping cinquefoil Potentilla reptans
Barren strawberry Potentilla sterilis
Sibbaldia Sibbaldia procumbens
Wild strawberry Fragaria vesca
Hautbois strawberry Fragaria moschata *
Garden strawberry Fragaria ananassa *
Yellow-flowered strawberry Duchesnea indica *
Water avens Geum rivale
Wood avens Geum urbanum
Large-leaved avens Geum macrophyllum *
Mountain avens Dryas octopetala
Agrimony Agrimonia eupatoria
Fragrant agrimony Agrimonia procera
Bastard agrimony Aremonia agrimonioides *
Great burnet Sanguisorba officinalis
White burnet Sanguisorba canadensis *
Salad burnet Sanguisorba minor
Pirri-pirri-bur Acaena novae-zelandiae *
Bronze pirri-pirri-bur *
Two-spined acaena Acaena ovalifolia *
Spineless acaena *
Alpine lady's-mantle Alchemilla alpina
Silver lady's-mantle *
A lady's-mantle Alchemilla glaucescens
A lady's-mantle Alchemilla monticola
A lady's-mantle *
A lady's-mantle Alchemilla subcrenata
A lady's-mantle
A lady's-mantle Alchemilla micans
A lady's-mantle Alchemilla xanthochlora
A lady's-mantle Alchemilla filicaulis
A lady's-mantle
A lady's-mantle Alchemilla glomerulans
A lady's-mantle
A lady's-mantle Alchemilla glabra
A lady's-mantle Alchemilla mollis *
Parsley-piert Aphanes arvensis
Slender parsley-piert
Many-flowered rose Rosa multiflora *
Prairie rose Rosa setigera *
Memorial rose Rosa luciae *
Field-rose Rosa arvensis
Burnet rose Rosa pimpinellifolia
Japanese rose Rosa rugosa *
Dutch rose *
Red-leaved rose *
Virginian rose Rosa virginiana *
Red rose Rosa gallica *
Short-styled field-rose
Dog-rose Rosa canina
Hairy dog-rose Rosa caesia
Round-leaved dog-rose
Harsh downy-rose Rosa tomentosa
Sherard's downy-rose
Soft downy-rose Rosa mollis
Sweet-briar Rosa rubiginosa
Small-flowered sweet-briar
Small-leaved sweet-briar Rosa agrestis
Peach Prunus persica *
Almond Prunus dulcis *
Cherry plum Prunus cerasifera *
Blackthorn Prunus spinosa
Wild plum Prunus domestica *
Wild cherry Prunus avium
Dwarf cherry Prunus cerasus *
St Lucie cherry Prunus mahaleb *
Pin cherry Prunus pensylvanica *
Fuji cherry Prunus incisa *
Bird cherry Prunus padus
Rum cherry Prunus serotina *
Portugal laurel Prunus lusitanica *
Cherry laurel Prunus laurocerasus *
Osoberry Oemleria cerasiformis *
Quince Cydonia oblonga *
Chinese quince Chaenomeles speciosa *
Plymouth pear Pyrus cordata
Wild pear Pyrus pyraster *
Pear Pyrus communis *
Crab apple Malus sylvestris
Apple Malus domestica *
Rowan Sorbus aucuparia
Arran service tree Sorbus pseudofennica
Finnish whitebeam Sorbus hybrida *
Arran whitebeam Sorbus arranensis
Ley's whitebeam Sorbus leyana
Lesser whitebeam Sorbus minima
Swedish whitebeam Sorbus × intermedia *
English whitebeam Sorbus anglica
Whitebeam Sorbus aria
Thin-leaved whitebeam Sorbus leptophylla
Willmott's whitebeam Sorbus wilmottiana
Round-leaved whitebeam Sorbus eminens
Irish whitebeam Sorbus hibernica
A common whitebeam Sorbus porrigentiformis
Lancastrian whitebeam Sorbus lancastriensis
Rock whitebeam Sorbus rupicola
Bloody whitebeam Sorbus vexans
Sharp-toothed whitebeam Sorbus decipiens *
Somerset whitebeam Sorbus subcuneata
Devon whitebeam (otmast) Sorbus devoniensis
A broad-leaved whitebeam *
Bristol whitebeam Sorbus bristoliensis
Service tree of Fontainebleau Sorbus latifolia *
Wild service-tree Sorbus torminalis
Red chokeberry Aronia arbutifolia *
Black chokeberry Aronia melanocarpa *
Juneberry Amelanchier lamarckii *
Stranvaesia Photinia davidiana *
One-stoned cotoneaster *
Lindley's cotoneaster *
Circular-leaved cotoneaster *
Black-grape cotoneaster *
Purpleberry cotoneaster *
Dartford cotoneaster *
Open-fruited cotoneaster *
Godalming cotoneaster *
Tree cotoneaster Cotoneaster frigidus *
Willow-leaved cotoneaster Cotoneaster salicifolius *
Bearberry cotoneaster Cotoneaster dammeri *
Silverleaf cotoneaster Cotoneaster pannosus *
Late cotoneaster Cotoneaster lacteus *
Procumbent cotoneaster *
Congested cotoneaster *
Entire-leaved cotoneaster Cotoneaster integrifolius *
Thyme-leaved cotoneaster *
Tibetan cotoneaster Cotoneaster conspicuus *
Kashmir cotoneaster Cotoneaster cashmiriensis *
Distichous cotoneaster Cotoneaster nitidus *
Wall cotoneaster Cotoneaster horizontalis *
Hjelmqvist's cotoneaster *
Purple-flowered cotoneaster Cotoneaster atropurpureus *
Creeping cotoneaster Cotoneaster adpressus *
Dwarf cotoneaster *
Spreading cotoneaster *
Few-flowered cotoneaster *
Shiny cotoneaster Cotoneaster lucidus *
Lleyn cotoneaster *
Ampfield cotoneaster *
Wild cotoneaster Cotoneaster cambricus
Mucronate cotoneaster *
Himalayan cotoneaster *
Hollyberry cotoneaster Cotoneaster bullatus *
Bullate cotoneaster *
Moupin cotoneaster *
Diel's cotoneaster *
Showy cotoneaster *
Franchet's cotoneaster Cotoneaster franchetii *
Stern's cotoneaster Cotoneaster sternianus *
Engraved cotoneaster *
Beautiful cotoneaster *
Cherryred cotoneaster *
Firethorn Pyracantha coccinea *
Asian firethorn Pyracantha rogersiana *
Medlar Mespilus germanica *
Hairy cockspurthorn Crataegus submollis *
Large-flowered cockspurthorn Crataegus coccinioides *
Pear-fruited cockspurthorn Crataegus pedicellata *
Cockspurthorn Crataegus crus-galli *
Broad-leaved cockspurthorn Crataegus persimilis *
Round-fruited cockspurthorn Crataegus succulenta *
Single-seeded hawthorn Crataegus monogyna
Midland hawthorn Crataegus laevigata
Various-leaved hawthorn Crataegus heterophylla *
Oriental hawthorn Crataegus orientalis *


External links[]

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