National identity cards in the European Economic Area

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National identity card
New Finnish ID card (front side).jpg
Finnish version of a national identity card
Issued byEuropean Union Member states of the European Economic Area and Switzerland.

National identity cards are issued to their citizens by the governments of all European Economic Area (EEA) member states except Denmark, Iceland and Ireland. Ireland however issues a passport card which is a valid document in the EEA and Switzerland.[1] Denmark and Iceland issue simpler identity cards that are not valid as travel documents.[2][3] From 2 August 2021, new identity cards are harmonized as a common identity card model replaced the various formats already in use.[4]

Citizens holding a national identity card, which states citizenship of an EEA member state or Switzerland, can use it as an identity document within their home country, and as a travel document to exercise the right of free movement in the EEA and Switzerland.[5][6][7] However, identity cards that do not state citizenship of an EEA member state or Switzerland, including national identity cards issued to residents who are not citizens, are not valid as travel documents within the EEA and Switzerland.[8][9][10]


National identity cards issued to EEA or Swiss citizens can be used to exercise the right of free movement in the same countries:
  Member states of the EU
  EFTA members part of the EEA
  EFTA member Switzerland which is not part of the EEA

Travel document[]

As an alternative to presenting a passport, EEA and Swiss citizens are entitled to use a valid national identity card as a stand-alone travel document to exercise their right of free movement in the European Economic Area and Switzerland.[5][6][7] National identity card ownership in most EU countries and Switzerland is much more widespread than passport ownership.[11]

When travelling within the Nordic Passport Union, no identity documentation is legally required by Nordic citizens. When travelling within the Common Travel Area, other valid identity documentation (such as a driving licence) is often sufficient for Irish and British citizens.[12]

At present, Denmark and Iceland do not issue identity cards that are valid as travel documents in the EEA member states and Switzerland.[13] Strictly speaking, it is not necessary for an EEA or Swiss citizen to possess a valid national identity card or passport to enter the EEA and Switzerland. In theory, if an EEA or Swiss citizen can prove their nationality by any other means (e.g. by presenting an expired national identity card or passport, or a citizenship certificate), they must be permitted to enter the EEA and Switzerland. An EEA or Swiss citizen who is unable to demonstrate their nationality satisfactorily must, nonetheless, be given 'every reasonable opportunity' to obtain the necessary documents or to have them delivered within a reasonable period of time.[14][15][16]

Additionally, EEA and Swiss citizens can enter the following countries and territories outside the EEA and Switzerland on the strength of their national identity cards alone, without the need to present a passport to the border authorities:

Turkey allows citizens of Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, and Switzerland to enter for short-term visits using a national identity card.[35] Egypt allows citizens of Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, and Portugal to enter using a national identity card for short-term visits.[36][37] Tunisia allows nationals of Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland to enter using a national identity card if travelling on an organized tour. Anguilla, Dominica, and Saint Lucia allow nationals of France to enter using a national ID card, while Dominica de facto also allows nationals of (at least) Germany and Sweden to enter with a national ID card (as of March 2016).[citation needed] Gambia allows nationals of Belgium to enter using a national ID card.[38] The United Kingdom and the Crown Dependencies only allows EU (except Irish), EEA and Swiss citizens fulfilling specific requirements to use national identity cards, until at least 31 December 2025.[39][40][41][42][43]

Although, as a matter of European law, holders of a Swedish national identity card are entitled to use it as a travel document to any European Union member state (regardless of whether it belongs to the Schengen Area or not), Swedish national law did not recognise the card as a valid travel document outside the Schengen Area until July 2015[44] in direct violation of European law. What this meant in practice was that leaving Schengen directly from Sweden (i.e., without making a stopover in another Schengen country) with the card was not possible. This partially changed in July 2015, when travel to non-Schengen countries in the EU (but not outside, even if the destination country accepts the ID card) was permitted.[45]

Similarly, Finnish citizens cannot leave Finland directly for a non-EU/EFTA country with only their ID cards.[46]

Additional checks for some citizens[]

At the external border crossing points of the Schengen Area, if a traveller presents a travel document without a machine readable zone and the border guard has 'doubt about his/her identity', the traveller may be requested to undergo a more in-depth 'second line' check.[15] In practice, this means that Greek citizens who present a Greek identity card and Italian citizens who present an Italian paper identity card could be subject to additional checks and delay when entering/leaving the Schengen Area.[47]

With effect from 7 April 2017, it is mandatory for border guards in the Schengen Area to check on a systematic basis the travel documents of all EEA and Swiss citizens crossing external borders against relevant databases.[48] Until 7 April 2017, border guards in the Schengen Area were only obliged to perform a 'rapid' and 'straightforward' visual check for signs of falsification and tampering, and were not obliged to use technical devices – such as document scanners, UV light and magnifiers – when EEA and Swiss citizens presented their passports or national identity cards at external border checkpoints.[49] They were not legally obliged to check the passports/national identity cards of EEA and Swiss citizens against a database of lost/stolen/invalidated travel documents (and, if they did so, they could only perform a 'rapid' and 'straightforward' database check, and could only check to see if the traveller was on a database containing persons of interest on a strictly 'non-systematic' basis where such a threat was 'genuine', 'present' and 'sufficiently serious').[49]

According to statistics published by Frontex, in 2015 the top 6 EU member states whose national identity cards were falsified and detected at external border crossing points of the Schengen Area were Italy, Spain, Belgium, Greece, France and Romania.[50] These countries remained the top 6 in 2016.[51]

Identification document[]

Identity documentation requirements for citizens
  National identity card required
  Some form of identity documentation required
  Identity documentation optional
Usage in own country

There are varying rules on domestic usage of identity documents. Some countries demand the usage of the national identity card or a passport. Other countries allow usage of other documents like driver's licences.

In some countries, e.g. Austria, Finland and Sweden, national identity cards are fully voluntary and not needed by everyone, as identity documents like driving licences are accepted domestically. In these countries only a minority have a national identity card, since a majority have a passport and a driving licence and don't need more identity documents. This is also true for Ireland where those who have a passport and a driving licence have less need for the passport card.

Usage outside own country

EEA and Swiss citizens exercising their right of free movement in another EEA member state or Switzerland are entitled to use their national identity card as an identification document when dealing not just with government authorities, but also with private sector service providers. For example, where a supermarket in The Netherlands refuses to accept a German national identity card as proof of age when a German citizen attempts to purchase an age-restricted product and insists on the production of a Dutch-issued passport or driving licence or other identity document, the supermarket would, in effect, be discriminating against this individual on this basis of his/her nationality in the provision of a service, thereby contravening the prohibition in Art 20(2) of Directive 2006/123/EC of discriminatory treatment relating to the nationality of a service recipient in the conditions of access to a service which are made available to the public at large by a service provider.[52]

Usage in third countries

National identity cards are often accepted in other parts of the world for unofficial identification purposes (such as age verification in commercial establishments that serve or sell alcohol, or checking in at hotels) and sometimes for official purposes such as proof of identity/nationality to authorities (especially machine-readable cards).

As of 1 July 2021, EEA (except Irish) passports and identity cards are no longer accepted to prove the right to rent in the United Kingdom, so EEA citizens are required to provide evidence of lawful immigration status.[53]

Common design and security features[]

European Union standards from 2006[]

On 13 July 2005, the Justice and Home Affairs Council called on all European Union member states to adopt common designs and security features for national identity cards by December 2005, with detailed standards being laid out as soon as possible thereafter.[54]

On 4 December 2006, all European Union member states agreed to adopt the following common designs and minimum security standards for national identity cards that were in the draft resolution of 15 November 2006:[55][56]


The card can be made with paper core that is laminated on both sides or made entirely of a synthetic substrate.

Biographical data[]

The data on the card shall contain at least: name, birth date, nationality, a photo, signature, card number, and end date of validity.[57] Some cards contain more information such as height, eye colour, start date of validity, sex, issue place or province, and birthplace.

Machine readable data[]

The biographical data on the card is to be machine readable and follow the ICAO specification for machine-readable travel documents.

The EU Regulation revising the Schengen Borders Code (which entered into force on 7 April 2017 and introduced systematic checks of the travel documents of EU, EEA and Swiss citizens against relevant databases when entering and leaving the Schengen Area) states that all member states should phase out travel documents (including national identity cards) which are not machine-readable.[58]

However, as of 2021, Greece continues to issue solely non-machine readable identity cards, while Italy is in the process of phasing out the issuing of non-machine readable paper booklets in favour of biometric cards.

Electronic identity cards[]

All EEA electronic identity cards should comply with the ISO/IEC standard 14443. Effectively this means that all these cards should implement electromagnetic coupling between the card and the card reader and, if the specifications are followed, are only capable of being read from proximities of less than 0.1 metres.[59]

They are not the same as the RFID tags often seen in stores and attached to livestock. Neither will they work at the relatively large distances typically seen at US toll booths or automated border crossing channels.[60]

The same ICAO specifications adopted by nearly all European passport booklets (Basic Access Control - BAC) means that miscreants should not be able to read these cards[61] unless they also have physical access to the card.[62] BAC authentication keys derive from the three lines of data printed in the MRZ on the obverse of each TD1 format identity card that begins "I".

According to the ISO 14443 standard, wireless communication with the card reader can not start until the identity card's chip has transmitted a unique identifier. Theoretically an ingenious attacker who has managed to secrete multiple reading devices in a distributed array (eg in arrival hall furniture) could distinguish bearers of MROTDs without having access to the relevant chip files. In concert with other information, this attacker might then be able to produce profiles specific to a particular card and, consequently its bearer. Defence is a trivial task when most electronic cards make new and randomised UIDs during every session [NH08] to preserve a level of privacy more comparable with contact cards than commercial RFID tags.[63]

The electronic identity cards of Austria, Belgium, Estonia, Finland, Germany,[64] Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Portugal and Spain all have a digital signature application which, upon activation, enables the bearer to authenticate the card using their confidential PIN.[citation needed] Consequently they can, at least theoretically, authenticate documents to satisfy any third party that the document's not been altered after being digitally signed. This application uses a registered certificate in conjunction with public/private key pairs so these enhanced cards do not necessarily have to participate in online transactions.[65]

An unknown number of national European identity cards are issued with different functionalities for authentication while online. Some also have an additional contact chip containing their electronic signature functionality, such as the Swedish national identity card.[63]

Portugal's card had an EMV application but it was removed in newer versions from 16 January 2016.[66][67]

New European Union standards from 2019[]

Regulation 2019/1157
European Union regulation
Text with EEA relevance
TitleRegulation (EU) 2019/1157 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on strengthening the security of identity cards of Union citizens and of residence documents issued to Union citizens and their family members exercising their right of free movement
Made byEuropean Parliament and Council
Made underArt. 21(2) TFEU
Journal referenceL 188, pp. 67–78
Date made20 June 2019
Came into force10 July 2019
Applies from2 August 2021
Preparative texts
Commission proposal17 April 2018
Current legislation

A new common format of electronic identity document is intended to replace and harmonize the various identity card models currently in use across the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA).[a] In accordance with its own laws, any Member State of the Union shall issue an identity card complying with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2019/1157 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on strengthening the security of identity cards of Union citizens and of residence documents issued to Union citizens and their family members exercising their right of free movement, and articles 3/4/5 state that:[4]

  • Identity cards shall be produced in ID-1 format and shall contain a machine-readable zone (MRZ).
  • Security standards shall be based on ICAO Document 9303.
  • The document shall bear the title ‘Identity card’ in the official language and in at least one other official language of the institutions of the Union.
  • It shall contain the two-letter country code of the Member State issuing the card, printed in negative in a blue rectangle and encircled by 12 yellow stars on the front side.
  • It shall include a highly secure storage medium which shall contain a facial image of the holder of the card and two fingerprints in interoperable digital formats. The storage medium shall have sufficient capacity and capability to guarantee the integrity, the authenticity and the confidentiality of the data. The data stored shall be accessible in contactless form and secured as provided for in Implementing Decision (European Union) C(2018) 7767.[70]
  • Identity cards shall have a minimum period of validity of 5 years and a maximum period of validity of 10 years. But Member States may provide for a period of validity of less than 5 years for minors and more than 10 years for persons aged 70 and above.
  • Identity cards which do not meet the new requirements shall cease to be valid at their expiry or by 3 August 2031.
  • Identity cards which do not meet the minimum security standards or which do not include a functional MRZ shall cease to be valid at their expiry or by 3 August 2026.
  • Identity cards of persons aged 70 and above at 2 August 2021, which meet the minimum security standards and which have a functional MRZ shall cease to be valid at their expiry.

Article 16 states that this Regulation shall apply from 2 August 2021.

For several member countries the new requirements do not mean that the design or features of the existing cards change much, since they mostly fulfil the requirements already. For some this means a large redesign. A visible change for all countries is the country code inside the EU flag.

Identity cards not meeting the new requirements shall cease to be valid at their expiry or by 3 August 2031, whichever comes sooner. Identity cards which do not meet the minimum security standards or which do not include a functional machine-readable zone shall cease to be valid by 3 August 2026. Identity cards of persons aged 70 and above on 2 August 2021 which meet the minimum security standards and which have a functional MRZ shall cease to be valid at their expiry.[71]

In addition, the new EU Regulation cannot be applied to travel documents like the passport card issued by Ireland, as stated at point (14) of the introduction chapter.[72]

Implementation throughout the member states is ongoing with various timetables on a per-country basis. Cyprus began issuing identity cards conforming to the harmonised requirements as early as August 2020, becoming the first country to implement the new standard.[73] It was followed by Malta the same month.[74][1] France started pilot testing the new document in select departements in March 2021, with a wider, progressive rollout planned for the following months.[75]

Overview of national identity cards[]

Member states issue a variety of national identity cards with differing technical specifications and according to differing issuing procedures.[76]

Member state Front Reverse Compulsory/optional Cost Validity Issuing authority Latest version

EPassport logo.svg

Identity documentation is optional
  • €61.50 (applicants aged 16 or over)
  • €26.30 (children aged 2–15)
  • Free of charge (children under 2)
  • 10 years (applicants aged 12 or over)
  • 5 years (children aged 2–11)
  • 2 years (children under 2)
2 August 2021[77]
EPassport logo.svg
National identity card compulsory for Belgian citizens aged 12 or over
  • Differs per city
  • equivalent of €11 or €17 in local currency (citizens registered abroad)
  • 6 years (for applicants aged between 12 and 18)
  • 10 years (for old style ID cards issued by Belgian consulates, or for applicants aged 18 to 75)
  • 30 years (for applicants aged over 75)
  • Municipal administration (of place of residence)
  • Consulate (citizens registered abroad)
15 July 2021[78]
National identity card compulsory for Bulgarian citizens aged 14 or over
  • first card free (age 14-16)
  • €6.5 (age 14-18)
  • €9 (age 18-58)
  • €5.5 (age 58-70)
  • free (age >70)
  • Prices are for a 30-day issue, multiply by 2 for 3 day issue, by 5 for 8 hours.
  • No expiry (adults aged 58 or over)
  • 10 years (adults aged 18–57)
  • 4 years (children aged 14–17)
The police on behalf of the Ministry of the Interior. 29 March 2010
EPassport logo.svg
National identity card compulsory for Croatian citizens resident in Croatia aged 18 or over
  • First card free of charge (age 0-18)
  • HRK 100 (age 5-70)
  • HRK 70 (age > 70)[79]
  • Price for a 10-day issue is 195 HRK, and 500 HRK for a 3-day issue.
  • 5 years
  • 40 years (adults aged 70 or over)
2 August 2021
EPassport logo.svg
Link to image Link to image National identity card compulsory for Cypriot citizens aged 12 or over
  • €30 (applicants aged 18 or over)
  • €20 (children under 18)
  • 10 years
  • 5 years (applicants under 18)
12 August 2020
Czech Republic
Czech Republic
EPassport logo.svg
National identity card compulsory for Czech citizens over 15 years of age with permanent residency in the Czech Republic
  • The version without a chip is free for permanent residents over 15 years of age (first card, renewal or a reissue due to a change in permanent residency, name or marital status)
  • 100 CZK for reissue for all other reasons (no chip)
  • 50 CZK (children under 15 years of age, no chip)
  • 500 CZK for all ID cards with an electronic chip for all reasons
  • 100 CZK for a temporary ID without machine readable data with 1 or 3 months validity
  • 10 years (applicants aged 15 or over)
  • 5 years (children aged under 15)
2 August 2021
No national identity card. Danish identity cards (issued by the counties) and driver's licences do not state nationality and therefore are not usable as travel documentation outside of the Nordic countries. (See Identity document#Denmark). Identity documentation is optional (for Danish and Nordic citizens[81]) N/A N/A N/A N/A

EPassport logo.svg

National identity card compulsory for all Estonian citizens, permanent residents and EU/EEA citizens[citation needed] temporarily residing in Estonia aged 15 or over EPassport logo.svg
  • €25 (applicants aged 15 or over) or €50 (in embassies)[82]
  • €7 (children under 15, retirees, persons with disabilities) or €10 (in embassies)
  • €45 (urgent)
5 years Police and Border Guard Board 23 August 2021
EPassport logo.svg
Identity documentation is optional
  • €49-55 (regular, for all citizens)[83]
  • €33-39 (children under 18, not valid as a travel document)

Fees are lower if application is made online and if a passport application is done at the same time.

5 years


2 August 2021
EPassport logo.svg
Identity documentation is legally optional[84] but the police have extensive powers to check a person's identity in many situations, up to 4-hour detention to make the necessary verification and take a photograph.[85]
  • Free of charge
  • €25 (if the previous one cannot be presented, e.g., it was lost or stolen)

10 years[86]

15 March 2021[86]
EPassport logo.svg
National identity card optional; however, a national identity card or passport is compulsory for German citizens aged 16 or over, and valid identity documentation is compulsory for other EEA citizens
  • €37.00 (applicants aged 24 or over)
  • €22.80 (applicants aged under 24)
  • 10 years (applicants aged 24 or over)
  • 6 years (applicants aged under 24)
  • City or town of residence
  • German embassy in country of residence (for German citizens living abroad)
2 August 2021
National identity card compulsory for Greek citizens aged 12 or over
  • Free of charge for first issue
  • €9 for reissue if lost or destroyed (free if reported stolen)
15 years Police 1 July 2010
EPassport logo.svg
National identity card optional; however, a national identity card, passport or driving licence is compulsory for Hungarian citizens aged 14 or over
  • Free of charge
  • 60 years (adults aged 65 or over)
  • 6 years (adults aged over 18)
  • 3 years (applicants aged 12-18)
2 August 2021
No national identity card. Icelandic state-issued identity cards and driver's licences do not state nationality and therefore are not usable as travel documentation outside of the Nordic countries. (See Identity document#Iceland). Identity documentation is optional (for Icelandic and Nordic citizens[81]) N/A N/A N/A N/A
Republic of Ireland
No national identity card. Ireland issues an optional passport card, only if the applicant already has a valid passport booklet. (See Irish passport card). Identity documentation is optional N/A N/A N/A N/A
EPassport logo.svg
National identity card optional, however, citizens should be able to prove their identity if stopped by territorial police
  • In Italy: usually €22.21 (price depends on municipality and may vary if previous card was lost, stolen or deteriorated)
  • Abroad: €21.95 or €27.11 (if previous card was lost or stolen)[74]
  • 3 years (children aged 0–3)
  • 5 years (minors aged 3–18)
  • 10 years (adults)[87]

Note: validity must always expire on birthday[88]

Ministry of the Interior through:
  • Municipality of residence (for Italian citizens and legal aliens)[87]
  • Italian consular office (only for Italian citizens residing abroad)[74]
4 July 2016

Note: as of 2019, the old paper-based identity card could still be issued abroad or in emergency

EPassport logo.svg
National identity card optional; however, a national identity card or passport is compulsory for Latvian citizens aged 15 or over. Identity cards will be compulsory starting from 2023.[89]
  • €14.23
  • €7.11 (citizens under age of 20, retirees)
  • 2 years (applicants aged 0–5)
  • 5 years (applicants aged 5–20)
  • 10 years (applicants aged 20 or over)[90]
Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs 12 October 2021
Identity documentation is optional
  • CHF80 (adults aged 15 or over)
  • CHF30 (children under 15)
  • 10 years (adults aged 15 or over)
  • 3 years (children under 15)
Immigration and Passport Office, Vaduz 23 June 2008
EPassport logo.svg
National identity card optional; however, a national identity card or passport is compulsory for Lithuanian citizens aged 16 or over, and valid identity documentation is compulsory for other EEA citizens
  • €8.6
  • 10 years (adults aged 16 or over)
  • 5 years (children under 16)
Migration Department 17 August 2021
EPassport logo.svg
Link to image Link to image National identity card compulsory for Luxembourgian citizens resident in Luxembourg aged 15 or over
  • 14€ (people aged 15 or over)
  • 10€ (children aged 4-14)
  • 5€ (children under 4)
  • 10 years (applicants aged 15 or over)
  • 5 years (children aged 4–14)
  • 2 years (children under 4)
2 August 2021

EPassport logo.svg

National identity card compulsory for Maltese citizens aged 18 or over
  • First time issuance of Identity Card: Free
  • Renewal of expired Identity Card (or containing any data that is no longer correct) which are not declared to be lost, stolen or defaced: Free
  • Applications for a new Identity Card in replacement of one which has been lost, stolen or destroyed: €22
  • Applications for a new Identity Card in replacement of one which has been defaced: €16.50
  • 10 years

August 2020[92][93]

EPassport logo.svg
Link to image Link to image National identity card optional;, however, valid identity documentation is compulsory for all persons aged 14 or over
  • €32.91 (applicants aged 17 or younger[94])
  • €64.03 (applicants aged 18 or older[94])
  • €74.05 (applicants aged 17 or younger abroad[95])
  • €105.10 (applicants aged 18 or older abroad[95])
  • 5 years (applicants aged 17 or younger)[96]
  • 10 years (applicants aged 18 or older, From 2014 onwards)[97]
  • Town hall in town of residence (European part of the Netherlands)
  • Consular section of Embassy abroad (only in countries in which the Dutch ID card is a valid travel document)
  • Dutch nationals, residing on the Dutch Caribbean islands, although also EU citizens, can only apply for a specific ID card issued by the island's authorities. These cards are not valid for travel in the EU.
2 August 2021[98]
EPassport logo.svg
Identity documentation is optional
  • NOK 570 (adults and children aged 10 or older)
  • NOK 342 (children under 10)[99]
  • 5 years (adults and children aged 10 or older)
  • 3 years (children aged 5–9)
  • 2 years (children aged 0–4)[99]
Norwegian Police Service 29 July 2021[100][101]
EPassport logo.svg
Polish id card 2019.jpg
National identity card compulsory for Polish citizens resident in Poland aged 18 or over. Free of charge
  • 10 years (people over 5 years of age)
  • 5 years (minors under 5 years of age)
  • Municipality of residence in Poland
  • Municipality of last residence for applicants previously but not currently residing in Poland
  • Central District of Warsaw for applicants who have never resided in Poland
8 November 2021
National identity card (called "Citizen Card") compulsory for Portuguese citizens aged 6 or over
  • Normal delivered in Portugal: €15
  • Normal delivered outside Portugal: €20
  • Expedited delivered in Portugal: €30
  • Expedited delivered outside Portugal: €45
  • Same day delivery with pick-up at IRN desk in Lisbon: €35
  • 10 years (adults aged over 25)
  • 5 years (applicants under 25)
Governos Civis 1 June 2009

EPassport logo.svg

National identity card compulsory for Romanian citizens aged 14 or over with permanent residence in Romania 12 RON to issue a new or a renewal card
  • No expiry (adults aged 55 or over)
  • 10 years (adults aged 25–54)
  • 7 years (adults aged 18–24)
  • 4 years (minors aged 14–17)
Ministry of Internal Affairs through the Directorate for Persons Record and Databases Management 2 August 2021
Slovak ID card 2015.jpg
Slovak ID card 2015.jpg
National identity card compulsory for Slovak citizens aged 15 or over [102]
  • Free of charge (first card, renewal after expiration)
  • €16.50 (reissue of lost or stolen card, free of change if card is stolen during a robbery)
  • €4.50 (reissue for all other reasons)
  • 10 years (citizens over 15 years)
  • 5 years (citizens under 15 years)
  • 2 years (citizens under 6 years)
Police 1 December 2013
Link to image Link to image National identity card optional; however, a form of ID with photo is compulsory for Slovenian citizens permanently resident in Slovenia aged 18 or over
  • €12.43 (children under the age of 3)
  • €14.25 (children aged 3–18)
  • €18.77 (applicants aged 18 and over)
  • 3 years (citizens under 3 years)
  • 5 years (citizens under 18 years)
  • 10 years (citizens over 18 years)
  • Administrative Unit
  • Ministry of Home Affairs
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
20 June 1998
EPassport logo.svg
National identity card compulsory for Spanish citizens aged 14 or over
  • €12 (first issued, expired, lost or damaged)
  • Free of charge (change of residency, "large family" status[103])
  • No expiry (adults over 70)
  • 10 years (adults aged 30–70)
  • 5 years (applicants under 30)

National Police Corps

2 August 2021
EPassport logo.svg
Identity documentation is optional SEK 400
  • 5 years (adults and children aged 12 or older)
  • 3 years (children under 12 years)
Swedish Police Authority 2 August 2021
1 January 2022[104]
Link to image Link to image Identity documentation is optional
  • CHF 70 (adults)
  • CHF 35 (children)
  • 10 years (adults)
  • 5 years (children)
Federal Office of Police through canton / municipality of residence 1 November 2005

See also[]


  1. ^ The legal acquis has been identified as EEA-relevant by the EU Commission, which makes it under scrutiny for incorporation into the EEA Agreement by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.[68] However, the legal basis rely on Article 21 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, an article which is not reflected in the EEA Agreement.[69]
  1. ^ The British Sovereign Base Areas of Akrotiri and Dhekelia has no border control to Cyprus and follows the visa policy of the Schengen Area, but requires permits for stays longer than 28 days per 12-month period.[17][18] These rules were not affected by Brexit.[19]
  2. ^ a b c d National ID cards only accepted for short-term visits, and passport are required to take up residency.
  3. ^ a b Open border with the Schengen Area due to open borders with the Nordic countries (Nordic Passport Union). Citizens of Schengen countries can use a national ID card, while Nordic citizens can use any acceptable identification.
  4. ^ Only for EU and Swiss citizens.[23][24]
  5. ^ On 31 December 2020, Spain and UK signed an agreement to begin negotiations for Gibraltar to join the Schengen Area.[25]
  6. ^ Only machine-readable ID cards.
  7. ^ a b c Monaco is de facto part of the Schengen Area under an arrangement with France, while San Marino and Vatican City are enclaves of Italy with open land borders. For further information, see: Schengen Area § Status of the European microstates.
  8. ^ Up to 14 days and only for passengers in transit to another destination. French citizens can visit Montserrat up to 6 months with their ID cards, if in possession of a return ticket to their origin country. (as stated at page 69, Section 17 of Chapter 13.01 Immigration Act)[31]
  9. ^ National ID cards only accepted for short-term visits, and passport are required to take up residency.
  10. ^ Except Liechtenstein citizens


  1. ^ a b Affairs, Department of Foreign. "New Passport Card - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade".
  2. ^ "ID card | Þjóðskrá Íslands". Retrieved 30 November 2020.
  3. ^ "Legitimationskort". Retrieved 30 November 2020.
  4. ^ a b "EUR-Lex - 32019R1157 - EN - EUR-Lex". Retrieved 13 September 2019.
  5. ^ a b Articles 4 and 5 of the Citizens' Rights Directive 2004/38/EC (L 158, pp. 77–123)
  6. ^ a b "APPENDIX 1 Movement of persons (Art. 20)" (PDF). ARTICLE 1.
  7. ^ a b "EUR-Lex - 22002A0430(01) - EN". Official Journal L 114 , 30/04/2002, p. 0006–0072. Retrieved 19 December 2020.
  8. ^ "How to use the identity card". Police. Retrieved 15 March 2021.
  9. ^ "Om pass og ID-kort". Politiet (in Norwegian Bokmål). Retrieved 15 March 2021.
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  48. ^ Regulation (EU) 2017/458 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 March 2017 amending Regulation (EU) 2016/399 as regards the reinforcement of checks against relevant databases at external borders (OJ L 74, 18 March 2017, p.1)
  49. ^ a b Article 7(2) of the Schengen Borders Code in force until 6 April 2017(OJ L 105, 13 April 2006, p. 1). The amended Schengen Borders Code entered into effect on 7 April 2017: see Regulation (EU) 2017/458 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 March 2017 amending Regulation (EU) 2016/399 as regards the reinforcement of checks against relevant databases at external borders (OJ L 74, 18 March 2017, p.1)
  50. ^ See Risk Analysis for 2016 (table of statistics of fraudulent document detected, by main countries of issuance, 2015 on p. 24) by Frontex
  51. ^ See Risk Analysis for 2017 (table of statistics of fraudulent document detected, by main countries of issuance, 2016 on p. 22) by Frontex
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  62. ^ Privacy Features of European eID Card Specifications Authors: Ingo Naumann, Giles Hogben of the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA), Technical Department P.O. Box 1309, 71001 Heraklion, Greece. This article originally appeared in the Elsevier Network Security Newsletter, August 2008, ISSN 1353-4858, pp. 9-13
  63. ^ a b Helmbrecht, Udo; Naumann, Ingo (2011). "8: Overview of European Electronic Identity Cards". In Fumy, Walter; Paeschke, Manfred (eds.). Handbook of eID Security: Concepts, Practical Experiences, Technologies. II. John Wiley & Sons. p. 109. ISBN 978-3-89578-379-1.
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  66. ^ Sniffing with the Portuguese Identify (sic) Card for fun and Profit by Paul Crocker (Institute of Telecommunications, Covilhã, Portugal), Vasco Nicolau & Simão Melo de Sousa of the Universidade da Beira Interior. Conference paper presented at ECIW'2010 describes "a case study of the re-engineering process used to discover the low-level application protocol data units (APDUs) and their associated significance when used in communications with the Portuguese e-id smart card... primarily done simply to learn the processes involved given the low level of documentation available from the Portuguese government concerning the inner workings of the Citizens Card... also done in order to produce a generic platform for accessing and auditing the Portuguese Citizen Card and for using Match-on-Card biometrics for use in different scenarios... The Portuguese government rolled out a new electronic identity card ... called the "Cartão de Cidadão Português" produced by the "Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda" (INCM The initial concept of the card was to merge various identification documents into a single electronic smart card and permit the maximum of interoperability between the various entities whilst following Portuguese law."
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