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Peribunyavirus virion structure.gif
Peribunyavirus structure (left); transmission electron micrograph of California encephalitis virus (right)
Virus classification e
(unranked): Virus
Realm: Riboviria
Kingdom: Orthornavirae
Phylum: Negarnaviricota
Subphylum: Polyploviricotina
Classes and orders

Polyploviricotina is a subphylum of viruses in the phylum Negarnaviricota. It is one of only two virus subphyla, the other being Haploviricotina, which is also in Negarnaviricota. The name comes from πολύπλοκο polyplo, the Ancient Greek for 'complex', along with the suffix for a virus subphylum; 'viricotina'.[1]


  1. ^ Wolf, Yuri; Krupovic, Mart; Zhang, Yong Zhen; Maes, Piet; Dolja, Valerian; Koonin, Eugene V.; Kuhn, Jens H. "Megataxonomy of negative-sense RNA viruses" (docx). International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV). Retrieved 12 January 2019. Saved 13 Jan 2019 (Web Archive)

External links[]

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