Vehicle registration plates of Mongolia

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Since 2001, the appearance of plates has changed - these must now contain the national symbol (the "Soyombo") in red, to the left of the numbers, and - between the digits and letters - the Mongolian oval (MNG).[1]

The first two letters of the three-letter suffix indicate the province (or aimag in Mongolian) where the vehicle was registered:

Plak Moğolistan 2001.png

Plak-15x30 Moğolistan 2001.png

Suffix Aimag
АР Arkhangai
БХ Bayankhongor
БН Baganuur
БӨ Bayan-Ölgii
БУ Bulgan
ГС Govisumber
ДА Darkhan (city)
ДО Dornod
ДГ Dornogovi
ДУ Dundgovi
OP Orkhon
ГА Govi-Altay
ХЭ Khentii
ХО Khovd
ХӨ Khövsgöl
НА Nalaikh district
ӨМ Ömnögovi
ӨВ Övörkhangai
СЭ Selenge
СУ Sükhbaatar
СБ Sükhbaatar (city)
ТӨ Töv
УБ, УН, УА Ulaanbaatar
УВ Uvs
ЗА Zavkhan


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