War Jabi

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War-Dyabe ibn Rabis (Arabic: وار ذياب بن ربيس) or War Jabi (Arabic: وار جابي) , also known as: War Jaabi or War-Dyabe or War-Ndyay, was the first Muslim king of Tekrur in the 1030s. He converted to Islam, and soon thereafter his court accepted Islam. His people: the Tukulor people followed him in accepting Islam.

He was the first sovereign to officially pronounce the Sharia in the Sudan, establishing Islam in the region for centuries to come, today Islam in the largest religion in the Sudan. In 1035 War Jabi introduced Sharia in the kingdom. This adoption of Islam and Islamic Sharia greatly benefited the state economically and created greater political ties between the Muslim states of North Africa that would also affect them in the coming conflicts between the animist state of Ghana and its northern neighbours.[1] The domains of Tekrur as a result of his reign expanded into the South as his State Sharia.[2][3]

He died in 431 Hijri, 1040/1 gregorian, succeeded by his son Labi.[4]

See also[]


  • Barry, Boubacar. Senegambia and the Atlantic slave trade, (Cambridge: University Press, 1998) p. 6
  • Clark, Andrew F. and Lucie Colvin Phillips. Historical Dictionary of Senegal: Second Edition, (Metuchen, New Jersey: Scrarecrow Press, 1994) p. 265


  1. ^ Robinson, David (12 January 2004). Muslim Societies in African History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-53366-9. Retrieved 14 October 2015.
  2. ^ http://www.accessgambia.com/information/futa-toro.html Accessing Gambia - Futa Toro
  3. ^ http://www.africankingdoms.com African Kingdoms
  4. ^ Levtzion, Nehemia (1973). Ancient Ghana and Mali. New York: Methuen & Co Ltd. p. 44,183. ISBN 0841904316.

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