Bollingen Foundation

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Bollingen Foundation
HeadquartersPrinceton, New Jersey, United States
Revenue (2015)
Expenses (2015)$68[1]

The Bollingen Foundation was an educational foundation set up along the lines of a university press in 1945. It was named after Bollingen Tower, Carl Jung's country home in Bollingen, Switzerland. Funding was provided by Paul Mellon and his wife . The Foundation became inactive in 1968, and its publications were later re-issued by Princeton University Press.


The foundation was named after Bollingen Tower (pictured), Switzerland.

Initially the foundation was dedicated to the dissemination of Jung's work, which was a particular interest of .[2][3] The Bollingen Series of books that it sponsored now includes more than 250 related volumes.[4] The Bollingen Foundation also awarded more than 300 fellowships.[5] These fellowships were an important, continuing source of funding for poets like Alexis Leger and Marianne Moore, scholars like Károly Kerényi and Mircea Eliade, artists like Isamu Noguchi, among many others.[2] The Foundation also sponsored the A. W. Mellon lectures at the National Gallery of Art.

In 1948, the foundation donated $10,000 to the Library of Congress to be used toward a $1,000 Bollingen Prize for the best poetry each year. The Library of Congress fellows, who in that year included T. S. Eliot, W. H. Auden and Conrad Aiken, gave the 1949 prize to Ezra Pound for his 1948 Pisan Cantos.[6] Their choice was highly controversial, in particular because of Pound's fascist and anti-Semitic politics. Following the publication of two highly negative articles by Robert Hillyer in the Saturday Review of Literature, the United States Congress passed a resolution that effectively discontinued the involvement of the Library of Congress with the prize. The remaining funds were returned to the Foundation.[7] In 1950, the Bollingen Prize was continued under the auspices of the Yale University Library, which awarded the 1950 prize to Wallace Stevens.

In 1968, the Foundation became inactive. It was largely subsumed into the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, which continued funding of the Bollingen Prize. The Bollingen Series was given to Princeton University Press to carry on and complete. Over its lifetime, the Bollingen Foundation had expended about $20 million. Thomas Bender has written,[3]

When Paul Mellon decided in 1963 to dissolve the Bollingen Foundation, he said that the founding generation was reaching the age of retirement, and it would be hard for others to maintain the original mission and standards. What he might have said was that the Bollingen Foundation was the work of a single generation. For two decades its concerns had been at the center of Western intellectual life, but the 1960s saw a shift in the cultural preoccupations and critical concerns of intellect in the United States and Europe.

Bollingen Series[]

A great many texts that were issued in the original Pantheon Books version of the Bollingen Series and in early editions by Princeton University Press are now out of print. The Princeton Press site does not provide a comprehensive list, and is missing some of the key texts in the series and some of the grandest in vision, e.g. The Egyptian Religious Texts series. A list of the works in the series, complete to 1982, appears as an appendix to William McGuire's book, pp. 295–309. The list below is based on McGuire's list and information appearing in the individual volumes, with help from the Princeton site and from The Library Congress Online Catalog.

Numbers 1 to 34[]

Title Volume Title Author(s) Translator(s) Editor(s) ISBN Year Bollingen Series No.
Where the Two Came to Their Father: A Navaho War Ceremonial Jeff King, Maud Oakes and Joseph Campbell 1943, 1969 1
The Devil's Share Denis de Rougemont Haakon Chevalier 1944, 1945 2
The Timæus and the Critias or Atlanticus Plato Thomas Taylor 1944 3
Max Raphael Norbert Guterman 1945 4
: A Ritual Drama of the American Indians Paul Radin 1945 5
Myths and Symbols of Indian Art and Civilization Heinrich Zimmer Joseph Campbell 0-691-09800-X 1946 6
: Its History and Significance in European Devotional Art Herbert Friedmann 1946 7
Max Raphael Norbert Guterman 1947 8
Rachel Bespaloff Mary McCarthy 0-691-09806-9 1947 9
Psychic Energy: Its Source and Goal[8] M. Esther Harding Foreword: C. G. Jung 1947, 1963 10
: Tales of the Soul's Conquest of Evil Heinrich Zimmer Joseph Campbell 0-691-09779-8 1948, 1956 11
: Poetry and Prose Chosen by Ancient and Modern Critics an anthology 1948 12
James H. Breasted Jr. 1948 13
Corpus of Ancient Near Eastern Seals in North American Collections The Collection of the Pierpont Morgan Library, in 2 parts Edith Porada, 1948 14:1
Corpus of Ancient Near Eastern Seals in North American Collections Stamp Seals and Finger Rings none[9] 14:2
St.-John Perse Denis Devlin 1949, 1953[10] 15
multiple Introduction: 1949 16
The Hero with a Thousand Faces Joseph Campbell 1949, 1968 17
: A Study of Symbolism Gladys A. Reichard 2nd ed. foreword: Oliver La Farge 0-691-09801-8 1950,[11] 1963 18
The I Ching, or Book of Changes Richard Wilhelm into German, Cary F. Baynes into English Foreword: C. G. Jung; 3rd edition preface: Hellmut Wilhelm 0-691-09750-X 1950,[12] 1961, 1967 19:1
: Constancy and Change Richard Wilhelm Irene Eber 1979 19:2
The Collected Works of C. G. Jung[13] Volume 1. Psychiatric Studies C. G. Jung R. F. C. Hull 0-691-09768-2 1957, 1970 20:1
The Collected Works of C. G. Jung Volume 2. Experimental Researches C. G. Jung , 0-691-09764-X 1973 20:2
The Collected Works of C. G. Jung Volume 3. The Psychogenesis of Mental Disease C. G. Jung R. F. C. Hull 0-691-09769-0 1960 20:3
The Collected Works of C. G. Jung Volume 4. Freud and Psychoanalysis C. G. Jung R. F. C. Hull 0-691-09765-8 1961 20:4
The Collected Works of C. G. Jung Volume 5. Symbols of Transformation C. G. Jung R. F. C. Hull 1956, 1967 20:5
The Collected Works of C. G. Jung Volume 6. Psychological Types C. G. Jung R. F. C. Hull, 0-691-09770-4 1971 20:6
The Collected Works of C. G. Jung Volume 7. Two Essays on Analytical Psychology C. G. Jung R. F. C. Hull 1953, 1966 20:7
The Collected Works of C. G. Jung Volume 8. The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche C. G. Jung R. F. C. Hull 0-691-09774-7 1960, 1969 20:8
The Collected Works of C. G. Jung Volume 9, Part 1 - The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious C. G. Jung R. F. C. Hull 0-691-01833-5 1959, 1968 20:9.1
The Collected Works of C. G. Jung Volume 9, Part 2 - Aion: Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self C. G. Jung R. F. C. Hull 0-691-09759-3 1959, 1968 20:9.2
The Collected Works of C. G. Jung Volume 10. Civilization in Transition C. G. Jung R. F. C. Hull 0-691-09762-3 1964, 1970 20:10
The Collected Works of C. G. Jung Volume 11. Psychology and Religion: West and East C. G. Jung R. F. C. Hull 0-691-09772-0 1958, 1969 20:11
The Collected Works of C. G. Jung Volume 12. Psychology and Alchemy C. G. Jung R. F. C. Hull 0-691-09771-2 1953, 1968 20:12
The Collected Works of C. G. Jung Volume 13. Alchemical Studies C. G. Jung R. F. C. Hull 1967 20:13
The Collected Works of C. G. Jung Volume 14. Mysterium Coniunctionis: An Inquiry Into the Separation and Synthesis of Psychic Opposites in Alchemy C. G. Jung R. F. C. Hull 0-691-09766-6 1963, 1970 20:14
The Collected Works of C. G. Jung Volume 15. The Spirit in Man, Art, and Literature C. G. Jung R. F. C. Hull 1966 20:15
The Collected Works of C. G. Jung Volume 16. The Practice of Psychotherapy C. G. Jung R. F. C. Hull 0-691-09767-4 1954, 1966 20:16
The Collected Works of C. G. Jung Volume 17. The Development of Personality C. G. Jung R. F. C. Hull 0-691-09763-1 1954 20:17
The Collected Works of C. G. Jung Volume 18. The Symbolic Life. Miscellaneous Writings C. G. Jung R. F. C. Hull 0-691-09890-1 1976 20:18
The Collected Works of C. G. Jung Volume 19. General Bibliography of C. G. Jung's Writings 0-691-09893-X 1979 20:19
The Collected Works of C. G. Jung Volume 20. General Index and 0-691-09867-0 1979 20:20
The Collected Works of C. G. Jung Supplementary Volume A - C. G. Jung Introduction: Marie-Louise von Franz 0-691-09899-9 1983 20:A
Religion and the Cure of Souls in Jung's Psychology R. F. C. Hull 1950 21
: The Myth of the Divine Child and the Mysteries of Eleusis C. G. Jung and Carl Kerényi R. F. C. Hull 0-691-09851-4 1949, 1959 22
George Boas 1950 23
[14] Museum Without Walls André Malraux Stuart Gilbert 1949 24:1
The Creative Act André Malraux Stuart Gilbert 1949 24:2
The Twilight of the Absolute André Malraux Stuart Gilbert 1950 24:3
Mary Hottinger Related and interpreted: Linda Fierz-David 1950 25
Heinrich Zimmer Joseph Campbell 1951 26
: Survivals of Mayan Religious Ritual Maud Oakes Introduction: Paul Radin 1951 27
Paracelsus: Selected Writings Paracelsus Norbert Guterman Jolande Jacobi, Foreword: C. G. Jung 1951, 1958 28
: Lu Chi's "Wen Fu," A. D. 302 Lu Chi Forenote: I. A. Richards 1951 29
Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks Spirit and Nature Joseph Campbell, Olga Froebe-Kapteyn Ralph Manheim 1954 30:1
Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks The Mysteries Joseph Campbell, Olga Froebe-Kapteyn Ralph Manheim 1955 30:2
Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks Man and Time Joseph Campbell, Olga Froebe-Kapteyn Ralph Manheim 1957 30:3
Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks Spiritual Disciplines Joseph Campbell, Olga Froebe-Kapteyn Ralph Manheim 1960 30:4
Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks Man and Transformation Joseph Campbell, Olga Froebe-Kapteyn Ralph Manheim 1964 30:5
Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks The Mystic Vision Joseph Campbell, Olga Froebe-Kapteyn Ralph Manheim 1968 30:6
. A New Anthology of His Writings, 1905-1961 C. G. Jung R.F.C. Hull Jolande Jacobi and R.F.C. Hull 0-691-09862-X 1953, 1970 31
African Folktales and Sculpture Paul Radin, , James Johnson Sweeney 1952, 1964 32
Selected Writings of Hugo von Hofmannsthal Selected Prose Hugo von Hofmannsthal Mary Hottinger, , James Stern Introduction: Hermann Broch 1952 33:1
Selected Writings of Hugo von Hofmannsthal Poems and Verse Plays Hugo von Hofmannsthal multiple Michael Hamburger, preface: T. S. Eliot 1961 33:2
Selected Writings of Hugo von Hofmannsthal Selected Plays and Libretti Hugo von Hofmannsthal multiple Michael Hamburger 1963 33:3
Winds St.-John Perse Hugh Chisholm 1953, 1961 34

Number 35: The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts[]

This is the only part of the Bollingen Series that continues to produce new volumes.

Title Volume Title Author(s) Translator(s) Editor(s) ISBN Year Bollingen Series No.
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts[15] - 1952 Jacques Maritain 0-691-09789-5 1953 35:1
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts - 1953 Kenneth Clark 1956 35:2
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts - 1954 Herbert Read 1956, 1961 35:3
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts - 1955 Etienne Gilson 1957, 1968 35:4
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts Art and Illusion: A Study in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation - 1956 E. H. Gombrich 1960, 1961 35:5
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts The Eternal Present: - 1957 S. Giedion 1962 35:6.1
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts The Eternal Present: - 1957 S. Giedion 1964 35:6.2
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts Nicolas Poussin - 1958, 2 volumes, boxed Anthony Blunt 1967 35:7.1-2
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts - 1959 Naum Gabo 1962 35:8
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts Horace Walpole - 1960 Wilmarth Sheldon Lewis 1960 35:9
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts Christian Iconography: A Study of Its Origins - 1961 André Grabar 1968 35:10
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts - 1962, 2 volumes, boxed[16] Kathleen Raine 1968 35:11.1-2
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts - 1963 John Pope-Hennessy 1966 35:12
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts : Criteria of Excellence, Past and Present - 1964 Jakob Rosenberg 1967 35:13
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts The Origins of Romanticism - 1965[17] Isaiah Berlin see 35:45 [35:14]
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts , Two Poetic Painters: Samuel Palmer and Edward Burne-Jones - 1966 David Cecil 1969 35:15
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts Mnemosyne: The Parallel between Literature and the Visual Arts - 1967 Mario Praz 0-691-09857-3 1970 35:16
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts Imaginative Literature and Painting - 1968 Stephen Spender none[18] [35:17]
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts Art as a Mode of Knowledge - 1969 Jacob Bronowski MIT[19] [35:18]
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts - 1970 Nikolaus Pevsner 0-691-09904-9 1976 35:19
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts Giorgio Vasari: The Man and the Book - 1971 T. S. R. Boase 1979 35:20
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts - 1972 Ludwig H. Heydenreich none [35:21]
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts - 1973 Jacques Barzun 0-691-09903-0 1974 35:22
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts Nineteenth-Century Sculpture Reconsidered - 1974 H. W. Janson Tulane[20] [35:23]
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts Music in Europe in the Year 1776 - 1975 H. C. Robbins Landon none [35:24]
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts Reflections on Classical Greek Art - 1976 (a.k.a. Aspects of Classical Art) Peter von Blanckenhagen none [35:25]
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts , 1527 - 1977 André Chastel 0-691-09947-2 1982 35:26
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts : The History of Art Collecting and Its Linked Phenomena Wherever These Have Appeared - 1978 Joseph Alsop 0-06-010091-5 1982 35:27
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts : Dealers, Collectors, Artists and Critics, 1891-1921 - 1979 John Rewald, 0-691-09960-X 1989 35:28
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts Principles of Design in Ancient and Medieval Architecture - 1980 Peter Kidson none [35:29]
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts Palladian Architecture in England, 1615–1760 - 1981 John Harris none [35:30]
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts The Burden of Michelangelo's Painting - 1982 Leo Steinberg none [35:31]
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts The Shape of France - 1983 Vincent Scully St. Martin's[21] [35:32]
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts Painting as an Art - 1984 Richard Wollheim 0-691-09964-2 1987 35:33
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts The Villa: Form and Ideology of Country Houses, 1985 James S. Ackerman 1990 35:34
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts Confessions of a Twentieth‑Century Composer - 1986 Lukas Foss none [35:35]
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts - 1987 Jaroslav Pelikan 0-691-14125-1 paperback 1990, 2011 35:36
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts : Art and the Spectator in the Italian Renaissance - 1988 John Shearman 0-691-09972-3 1992 35:37
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts - 1989 Oleg Grabar 0-691-04099-0 1992 35:38
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts : Metal Sculpture of the Roman Baroque - 1990 Jennifer Montagu 0-691-02736-6 1996 35:39
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts Changing Faces: Art and Physiognomy through the Ages - 1991 Willibald Sauerländer none [35:40]
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts - 1992 Anthony Hecht 0-691-04363-9 1995 35:41
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts The Diffusion of Classical Art in Antiquity - 1993 John Boardman 0-691-03680-2 1994 35:42
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts : Collecting Art in Seventeenth-Century Europe - 1994 0-691-04497-X 1995 35:43
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts After the End of Art: Contemporary Art and the Pale of History - 1995 Arthur Danto 0-691-01173-7 1997 35:44
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts - 1965 Isaiah Berlin Henry Hardy 0-691-00713-6 1999 35:45
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts : Poussin, Watteau, Fragonard, David, and Ingres - 1996 Pierre Rosenberg 0-691-00918-X 2000 35:47
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts : Mondrian, Malevich, Kandinsky, Pollock, Newman, Rothko, and Still - 1997 0-691-04896-7 2000 35:48
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts - 1998 Lothar Ledderose 0-691-00669-5 2000 35:46
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts Transitions - 1999 none [35:49]
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts The Quarrel between the Ancients and the Moderns in the Arts, 1600–1715 - 2000 Marc Fumaroli none [35:50]
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts Giorgione and Caravaggio: Art as Revolution - 2001 Salvatore Settis none [35:?]
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts - 2002 Michael Fried 0-691-14701-9 2010, audio version available on line [22] 35:51
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts Pictures of Nothing: Abstract Art since Pollock - 2003 Kirk Varnedoe 0-691-12678-X 2006, audio version available on line 35:48?
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts More Than Meets the Eye - 2004 Irving Lavin none [35:52?]
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts "Great Work": Terms of Aesthetic Experience in Ancient Mesopotamia - 2005 Irene J. Winter none [35:53?]
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts Really Old Masters: Age, Infirmity, and Reinvention - 2006 Simon Schama none [35:54?]
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts Last Looks, Last Books: The Binocular Poetry of Death: Stevens, Plath, Lowell, Bishop, Merrill - 2007 Helen Vendler 0-691-14534-1 2010, audio version available on line 35:56
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts Bosch and Bruegel: Parallel Worlds - 2008 Joseph Leo Koerner none [35-57]
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts Picasso and Truth: From Cubism to Guernica - 2009 T. J. Clark 0-691-15741-2 2013, audio version available on line 35-58
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts - 2010 Mary Miller none, audio version available on line [35:59]
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts The Twelve Caesars: Images of Power from Ancient Rome to Salvador Dalí - 2011 Mary Beard none, video version available on line [35:60]
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts Chinese Painting and Its Audiences - 2012 Craig Clunas none [35:61]
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts Out of Site in Plain View: A History of Exhibiting Architecture since 1750 - 2013 Barry Bergdoll none, audio version available on line [35:62]
The A. W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts Past Belief: Visions of Early Christianity in Renaissance and Reformation Europe - 2014 Anthony Grafton none, audio and video version available on line [35:63]

Numbers 36 to 100[]

Title Volume Title Author(s) Translator(s) Editor(s) ISBN Year Bollingen Series No.
European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages Ernst Robert Curtius 1953 36
[23] The Archaeological Evidence from Palestine Erwin R. Goodenough 1953 37:1
The Archaeological Evidence from the Diaspora Erwin R. Goodenough 1953 37:2
Illustrations. [Boxed with first two volumes.] Erwin R. Goodenough 1953 37:3
The Problem of Method. Symbols from Jewish Cult Erwin R. Goodenough 1954 37:4
Fish, Bread, and Wine - 1 Erwin R. Goodenough 1956 37:5
Fish, Bread, and Wine - 2 (boxed with 1) Erwin R. Goodenough 1956 37:6
Pagan Symbols in Judaism - 1 Erwin R. Goodenough 1958 37:7
Pagan Symbols in Judaism - 2 Erwin R. Goodenough 1958 37:8
Symbolism in the Dura Synagogue - Text, 1 Erwin R. Goodenough 1964 37:9
Symbolism in the Dura Synagogue - Text, 2 Erwin R. Goodenough 1964 37:10
Symbolism in the Dura Synagogue - Illustrations [boxed with 2 text volumes] Erwin R. Goodenough 1964 37:11
Summary and Conclusions Erwin R. Goodenough 1965 37:12
Indexes and Maps Erwin R. Goodenough ? 1968 37:13
: The Mythological Tradition and Its Place in Renaissance Humanism and Art Jean Seznec 1953 38
The Art of Indian Asia: Its Mythology and Transformations (2 volumes, text and plates, boxed) Heinrich Zimmer Joseph Campbell 1955 39:1-2
The Tomb of Ramesses VI (boxed text and portfolio of plates) Natacha Rambova, photographs 1954 40:1.1-2
The Shrines of Tut-Ankh-Amon (boxed) Natacha Rambova 1955 40:2
Mythological Papyri (boxed text and portfolio of plates) Natacha Rambova 1957 40:3.1-2
The Litany of Re 1964 40:4
The Pyramid of Unas 1968 40:5
The Wandering of the Soul 1974 40:6
The Iliad Homer George Chapman Allardyce Nicoll 1956 41:1
The Odyssey and the Lesser Homerica Homer George Chapman Allardyce Nicoll 1956 41:2
The Origins and History of Consciousness Erich Neumann R. F. C. Hull Foreword: C. G. Jung 1954 42
The Muqaddimah: An Introduction to History. 3 volumes, boxed[24] Ibn Khaldûn Franz Rosenthal N.J. Dawood 1958, 1967 43:1-3
Music and the External World Victor Zuckerkandl 1956 44:1
Man the Musician Victor Zuckerkandl Norbert Guterman 0-691-09925-1 1973 44:2
Collected Works of Paul Valéry Poems Paul Valéry , James R. Lawler 0-691-09859-X 1971 45:1
Collected Works of Paul Valéry Poems in the Rough Paul Valéry Hilary Corke 0-691-09845-X 1969 45:2
Collected Works of Paul Valéry Plays Paul Valéry , Robert Fitzgerald 1960 45:3
Collected Works of Paul Valéry Dialogues Paul Valéry 1956 45:4
Collected Works of Paul Valéry Idée Fixe Paul Valéry 1965 45:5
Collected Works of Paul Valéry Paul Valéry 0-691-09934-0 1973 45:6
Collected Works of Paul Valéry The Art of Poetry Paul Valéry 1958 45:7
Collected Works of Paul Valéry Paul Valéry Malcolm Cowley, James R. Lawler 0-691-09935-9 1972 45:8
Collected Works of Paul Valéry Paul Valéry 1968 45:9
Collected Works of Paul Valéry History and Politics Paul Valéry , 1962 45:10
Collected Works of Paul Valéry Occasions Paul Valéry Roger Shattuck, 0-691-09856-5 1970 45:11
Collected Works of Paul Valéry Paul Valéry 1960 45:12
Collected Works of Paul Valéry Aesthetics Paul Valéry Ralph Manheim 1964 45:13
Collected Works of Paul Valéry Analects Paul Valéry Stuart Gilbert 0-691-09837-9 1970 45:14
Collected Works of Paul Valéry Moi Paul Valéry , 0-691-09936-7 1975 45:15
The Myth of the Eternal Return: or, Cosmos and History Mircea Eliade 1954 46
The Great Mother: An Analysis of the Archetype Erich Neumann Ralph Manheim 1955, 1963 47
The Gothic Cathedral: Origins of Gothic Architecture and the Medieval Concept of Order. Appendix: Ernst Levy 1956, 1962 48
: A Study of the Ritual Disposition of Chinese Painting includes The Mustard Seed Garden Manual of Painting: A Facsimile of the 1887-1888 Shanghai Edition Mai-mai Sze Mai-mai Sze Mai-mai Sze 1956, 1963, 1977[25] 49
The Notebooks of Samuel Taylor Coleridge[26] 1794-1804 Samuel Taylor Coleridge Kathleen Coburn 1957 50:1
The Notebooks of Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1804-1808 Samuel Taylor Coleridge Kathleen Coburn 1961 50:2
The Notebooks of Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1808-1819 Samuel Taylor Coleridge Kathleen Coburn 0-691-09804-2 1973 50:3
The Notebooks of Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1819-1826 Samuel Taylor Coleridge Kathleen Coburn, 0-691-09906-5 1990 50:4
The Notebooks of Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1827-1834 Samuel Taylor Coleridge Kathleen Coburn, , 0-691-09907-1 2002 50:5
The Interpretation of Nature and the Psyche C. G. Jung, Wolfgang Pauli R. F. C. Hull, 1955 51
Pandora's Box: The Changing Aspects of a Mythical Symbol Dora Panofsky, Erwin Panofsky 0-691-09809-3 1956, 1962 52
: A Navaho Ceremonial. With Navaho text in pocket Berard Haile , Contributors: Maud Oakes, , 1957 53
Amor and Psyche: The Psychic Development of the Feminine, a Commentary on the Tale of Apuleius Erich Neumann Ralph Manheim 1956 54
Éloges and Other Poems St.-John Perse Louise Varèse 1956 55
Mircea Eliade 1958, 1969 56
Jolande Jacobi Ralph Manheim 1959 57
Mudrā: A Study of Symbolic Gestures in Japanese Buddhist Sculpture E. Dale Saunders 1960 58
Plato An Introduction Paul Friedländer 0-691-09812-3 1958, 1969 59:1
Plato The Dialogues: First Period Paul Friedländer 1964 59:2
Plato The Dialogues: Second and Third Periods Paul Friedländer 0-691-09814-X 1969 59:3
Samothrace: Excavations Conducted by the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University The Ancient Literary Sources Naphtali Lewis Karl Lehmann 1958 60:1
Samothrace: Excavations Conducted by the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University The Inscriptions on Stone Karl Lehmann 1960 60:2.1
Samothrace: Excavations Conducted by the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University The Inscriptions on Ceramics and Minor Objects Karl Lehmann Karl Lehmann 1960 60:2.2
Samothrace: Excavations Conducted by the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University The Hieron: Text 1 Phyllis Williams Lehmann Karl Lehmann, Phyllis Williams Lehmann 1969 60:3.1
Samothrace: Excavations Conducted by the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University The Hieron: Text 2 Phyllis Williams Lehmann Karl Lehmann, Phyllis Williams Lehmann 1969 60:3.2
Samothrace: Excavations Conducted by the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University The Hieron: Plates Phyllis Williams Lehmann Karl Lehmann, Phyllis Williams Lehmann 1969 60:3.3
Samothrace: Excavations Conducted by the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University The Hall of Votive Gifts Karl Lehmann Karl Lehmann, Phyllis Williams Lehmann 1962 60:4.1
Samothrace: Excavations Conducted by the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University The Altar Court Karl Lehmann, Denys Spittle Karl Lehmann, Phyllis Williams Lehmann 1964 60:4.2
Samothrace: Excavations Conducted by the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University The Temenos: Text Phyllis Williams Lehmann, Denys Spittle Karl Lehmann, Phyllis Williams Lehmann 0-691-09917-0 1982 60:5.1
Samothrace: Excavations Conducted by the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University The Temenos: Plates Phyllis Williams Lehmann, Denys Spittle Karl Lehmann, Phyllis Williams Lehmann 1982 60:5.2
Samothrace: Excavations Conducted by the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University The Anaktoron, the Sacristy, and the Early Strata Beneath the Arsinoeion and the Anaktoron Karl Lehmann, Phyllis Williams Lehmann No record of publication 60:6
Samothrace: Excavations Conducted by the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University The Rotunda of Arsinoe: Text Karl Lehmann, Phyllis Williams Lehmann 1992 60:7.1
Samothrace: Excavations Conducted by the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University The Rotunda of Arsinoe: Plates Karl Lehmann, Phyllis Williams Lehmann 1992 60:7.2
Samothrace: Excavations Conducted by the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University The Buildings of the Western Hill Karl Lehmann, Phyllis Williams Lehmann No record of publication 60:8
Samothrace: Excavations Conducted by the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University The Structures of the Eastern Hill Karl Lehmann, Phyllis Williams Lehmann No record of publication 60:9
Samothrace: Excavations Conducted by the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University The Propylon of Ptolemy II: Text Karl Lehmann, Phyllis Williams Lehmann 0-691-09922-7 1990 60:10.1
Samothrace: Excavations Conducted by the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University The Propylon of Ptolemy II: Plates Karl Lehmann, Phyllis Williams Lehmann 0-691-09922-7 1990 60:10.2
Samothrace: Excavations Conducted by the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University The Nekropoleis Karl Lehmann, Phyllis Williams Lehmann 0-691-03679-3 1998 60:11
Samothrace: Excavations Conducted by the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University The History and Religion of the Sanctuary of the Great Gods Karl Lehmann, Phyllis Williams Lehmann No record of publication 60:12
Essays of Erich Neumann Art and the Creative Unconscious Erich Neumann Ralph Manheim 1959 61:1
Essays of Erich Neumann Creative Man Erich Neumann 0-691-09944-8 1979 61:2
Essays of Erich Neumann The Place of Creation Erich Neumann multiple 0-691-09965-0 1989 61:3
Essays of Erich Neumann : And Other Essays on Feminine Psychology Erich Neumann multiple 0-691-03474-5 1994 61:4
Hellmut Wilhelm Cary F. Baynes 0-691-09714-3 1960 62:1
William L. MacDonald, Tsuyoshi Hasegawa Introduction: 0-691-09939-1 1979 62:2
The living symbol; a case study in the process of individuation Gerhard Adler 1961 63
Daisetz T. Suzuki 1959 64
Ralph Manheim 1963 65:1
Ralph Manheim 0-691-09863-8 1976 65:2
Asklepios: Archetypal Image of the Physician's Existence Ralph Manheim 1959 65:3
Ralph Manheim 1959 65:4
Zeus and Hera: Archetypal Image of Father, Husband, and Wife 0-691-09864-6 1975 65:5
Avicenna and the Visionary Recital Henry Corbin 1960 66
Seamarks St.-John Perse Wallace Fowlie 1958 67
The Archetypal World of Henry Moore Erich Neumann R. F. C. Hull 1959 68
Chronique St.-John Perse Robert Fitzgerald 1961 69:1
Song for an Equinox St.-John Perse Richard Howard 0-691-09938-3 1977 69:2
[First 3 volumes boxed] Historical Introduction and Description of the Mosaics and Frescoes 1966 70:1
The Mosaics/ Plates 1-334 1966 70:2
The Frescoes/ Plates 335-553 1966 70:3
Studies in the Art of the Kariye Djami et al. 1975 70:4
Plato multiple Edith Hamilton, 0-691-09718-6 1961 71:1
, The Revised Oxford Translation Volume 1 Aristotle multiple Jonathan Barnes 0-691-09950-2 1984 71:2.1
, The Revised Oxford Translation Volume 2 Aristotle multiple Jonathan Barnes 0-691-09950-2 1984 71:2.2
Eugene Onegin: A Novel in Verse Introduction, Translation, Lexicon Aleksander Pushkin Vladimir Nabokov 0-691-09744-5 1964, 1975 72:1
Eugene Onegin: A Novel in Verse Commentary on Preliminaries and Chapters One to Five Aleksander Pushkin Vladimir Nabokov 0-691-09744-5 1964, 1975 72:2
Eugene Onegin: A Novel in Verse Commentary on Chapters Six to "Ten", Appendixes Aleksander Pushkin Vladimir Nabokov 0-691-09744-5 1964, 1975 72:3
Eugene Onegin: A Novel in Verse Index, Reproduction of 1837 Russian Text Aleksander Pushkin Vladimir Nabokov 0-691-09744-5 1964, 1975 72:4
Hindu Polytheism Alain Daniélou 1964 73
Literary Language and Its Public in Late Latin Antiquity and in the Middle Ages Erich Auerbach Ralph Manheim 1965 74
Lectures 1795 On Politics and Religion Samuel Taylor Coleridge , Peter Mann 1971 75:1
The Watchman Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1970 75:2
Essays on His Times in The Morning Post and The Courier [3 volumes] Samuel Taylor Coleridge David V. Erdman 0-691-09871-9 1978 75:3.1-3
The Friend [2 volumes] Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1969 75:4.1-2
Lectures 1808-1819: On Literature [2 volumes] Samuel Taylor Coleridge Reginald A. Foakes 0-691-09872-7 1987 75:5.1-2
Lay Sermons Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1972 75:6
Biographia literaria, or, Biographical sketches of my literary life and opinions [2 volumes] Samuel Taylor Coleridge , W. Jackson Bate 0-691-09874-3 1983 75:7.1-2
Lectures 1818-1819: On the History of Philosophy [2 volumes] Samuel Taylor Coleridge 0-691-09875-1 2000 75:8.1-2
Aids to Reflection Samuel Taylor Coleridge John B. Beer 0-691-09876-X 1993 75:9
On the Constitution of the Church and State Samuel Taylor Coleridge 0-691-09877-8 1976 75:10
Shorter works and fragments [2 volumes] Samuel Taylor Coleridge , 0-691-09878-6 1995 75:11.1-2
Marginalia: Part 1. Abbt to Byfield Samuel Taylor Coleridge George Whalley 0-691-09879-4 1980 75:12.1
Marginalia: Part 2. Camden to Hutton Samuel Taylor Coleridge George Whalley 0-691-09889-1 1985 75:12.2
Marginalia: Part 3. Irving to Oxlee Samuel Taylor Coleridge George Whalley 0-691-09954-5 1992 75:12.3
Marginalia: Part 4. Pamphlets to Shakespeare Samuel Taylor Coleridge George Whalley 0-691-09957-X 1999 75:12.4
Marginalia: Part 5. Sherlock to Unidentified. Samuel Taylor Coleridge , George Whalley 0-691-09958-8 1999 75:12.5
Marginalia: Part 6. Valckenaer to Zwick Samuel Taylor Coleridge , George Whalley 0-691-00495-1 2001 75:12.6
Logic Samuel Taylor Coleridge 0-691-09880-8 1981 75:13
Table Talk [2 volumes] Samuel Taylor Coleridge , recorded by Henry Nelson Coleridge, John Taylor Coleridge 0-691-09881-6 1990 75:14.1-2
Opus Maximum Samuel Taylor Coleridge Thomas McFarland 0-691-09882-1 2002 75:15
Poetical Works: Poems (reading text), in 2 parts Samuel Taylor Coleridge 0-691-00483-8 2001 75:16.1(1-2)
Poetical Works: Poems (Variorum text), in 2 parts Samuel Taylor Coleridge 0-691-00484-6 2001 75:16.2(1-2)
Poetical Works: Plays, in 2 parts Samuel Taylor Coleridge 0-691-09883-2 2001 75:16.3(1-2)
Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy Mircea Eliade 0-691-09827-1 1964 76
Aurora Consurgens: Attributed to Thomas Aquinas R. F. C. Hull, Marie-Louise von Franz 1966 77
Max Raphael Norbert Guterman 1968 78
: A Study in the Development of Consciousness M. Esther Harding 1965 79
The Divine Comedy Inferno. Italian Text and Translation Dante Alighieri Charles S. Singleton 0-691-09855-7 1970 80:1.1
The Divine Comedy Inferno. Commentary Dante Alighieri Charles S. Singleton 0-691-09855-7 1970 80:1.2
The Divine Comedy Purgatorio. Italian Text and Translation Dante Alighieri Charles S. Singleton 0-691-09887-5 1973 80:2.1
The Divine Comedy Purgatorio. Commentary Dante Alighieri Charles S. Singleton 0-691-09887-5 1973 80:2.2
The Divine Comedy Paradiso. Italian Text and Translation Dante Alighieri Charles S. Singleton 0-691-09888-3 1975 80:3.1
The Divine Comedy Paradiso. Commentary Dante Alighieri Charles S. Singleton 0-691-09888-3 1975 80:3.2
Illuminated Manuscripts of the Divine Comedy boxed set of text and plates Peter Brieger, Millard Meiss, Charles S. Singleton 1969 81
Birds. [boxed] St.-John Perse Robert Fitzgerald color etchings: Georges Braque 1966 82
The Inward Turn of Narrative Erich Kahler Richard Winston, Clara Winston Foreword: Joseph Frank 0-691-09891-3 1973 83
Johann Jakob Bachofen Ralph Manheim Preface: George Boas; Introduction: Joseph Campbell 1967 84
Peace in War Miguel de Unamuno , , Introduction: 0-691-09926-X 1983 85:1
The Private World: Selections from the Diario Íntimo and Selected Letters 1890-1936 Miguel de Unamuno , , Introduction: 0-691-09927-8 1984 85:2
Our Lord Don Quixote Miguel de Unamuno Introduction: Walter Starkie 1967 85:3
The Tragic Sense of Life in Men and Nations Miguel de Unamuno Introduction: Salvador de Madariaga; Afterword: William Barrett 0-691-09860-3 1972 85:4
The Agony of Christianity and Essays on Faith Miguel de Unamuno 0-691-09933-2 1974 85:5
Novela/Nivola Miguel de Unamuno Foreword: Jean Cassou 0-691-09929-4 1976 85:6
Ficciones: Four Stories and a Play Miguel de Unamuno Introduction and Notes: 0-691-09930-8 1976 85:7
Two Addresses St.-John Perse W. H. Auden, Robert Fitzgerald 1966 86
Collected Poems St.-John Perse multiple 0-691-09858-1 1971 87:1
Letters St.-John Perse 0-691-09868-9 1978 87:2
Thomas Taylor the Platonist: Selected Writings Thomas Taylor Kathleen Raine, George Mills Harper 1969 88
Coomaraswamy: Selected Papers[27] Traditional Art and Symbolism Ananda Coomaraswamy 0-691-09885-9 1977 89:1
Coomaraswamy: Selected Papers Metaphysics Ananda Coomaraswamy 0-691-09932-4 1977 89:2
Coomaraswamy: His Life and Work 0-691-00931-6 1977 89:3
Studies in Religious Iconography Religious Art in France, The Twelfth Century Emile Mâle Harry Bober 0-691-09912-5 1978 90:1
Studies in Religious Iconography Religious Art in France, The Thirteenth Century Emile Mâle Harry Bober 0-691-09913-2 1985 90:2
Studies in Religious Iconography Religious Art in France, The Late Middle Ages Emile Mâle Harry Bober 0-691-09914-9 1987 90:3
Studies in Religious Iconography Religious Art after the Council of Trent Emile Mâle Harry Bober Possibly never published 90:4
Creative Imagination in the Ṣūfism of Ibn ʿArabī Henri Corbin Ralph Manheim 0-691-09852-2 1969, 1977, 1998[28] 91:1
: From Mazdean Iran to Shīʿite Iran Henri Corbin 0-691-09937-3 1977 91:2
Samothracian Reflections: Aspects of the Revival of the Antique Phyllis Williams Lehmann, Karl Lehmann 0-691-09909-X 1971 92
Sabbatai Sevi: , 1626-1676 Gershom Gerhard Scholem R. J. Zwi Werblowsky 0-691-09916-2 1973 93
The Freud/Jung Letters: The Correspondence between Sigmund Freud and C. G. Jung Sigmund Freud and C. G. Jung R. F. C. Hull and Ralph Manheim 0-691-09890-5 1974 94
C. G. Jung Letters 1906-1950 C. G. Jung R. F. C. Hull Gerhard Adler and Aniela Jaffé 1973 95:1
C. G. Jung Letters 1951-1961 C. G. Jung R. F. C. Hull Gerhard Adler and Aniela Jaffé 0-691-09724-0 1975 95:2
Franz Babinger Ralph Manheim 0-691-09900-2 1978 96
: Interviews and Encounters C. G. Jung , R. F. C. Hull 1977 97:1
C. G. Jung: Word and Image C. G. Jung Aniela Jaffé 0-691-09942-1 1979 97:2
: Mystic and Martyr of Islam The life of al-Hallāj Louis Massignon Herbert Mason 0-691-09910-3 1982 98:1
: Mystic and Martyr of Islam The survival of al-Hallāj Louis Massignon Herbert Mason 0-691-09910-3 1982 98:2
: Mystic and Martyr of Islam The doctrine of al-Hallāj Louis Massignon Herbert Mason 0-691-09910-3 1982 98:3
: Mystic and Martyr of Islam Bibliography and index Louis Massignon Herbert Mason 0-691-09910-3 1982 98:4
Seminar Notes Analytical psychology : notes of the seminar given in 1925 C. G. Jung , 2nd edition: Sonu Shamdasani 0-691-09897-2 1989, 2012 99
Seminar Notes Dream analysis : notes of the seminar given in 1928-1930 C. G. Jung 0-691-09896-4 1984 99
Seminar Notes Visions: notes of the seminar given in 1930-1934 C. G. Jung 0-691-09971-5 1997 99
Seminar Notes The psychology of Kundalini yoga : notes of the seminar given in 1932 C. G. Jung Sonu Shamdasani 0-691-02127-9 1996 99
Seminar Notes Nietzsche's Zarathustra : notes of the seminar given in 1934-1939, 2 volumes C. G. Jung originally in English 0-691-09953-7 1988 99
Seminar Notes Dream interpretation ancient and modern : notes from the seminar given in 1936-1941 : reports by seminar members with discussions of dream series C. G. Jung , , 0-691-15945-4 2008, 2014 [99]
The Mythic Image Joseph Campbell, 0-691-09869-7 1974 100
0-691-09951-0 1982 out-of-series

See also[]


  1. ^ Jump up to: a b "Bollingen Foundation" (PDF). Foundation Center. 25 May 2016. Retrieved 26 June 2017.
  2. ^ Jump up to: a b McGuire, William (1982). Bollingen: An Adventure in Collecting the Past (Princeton University Press:Bollingen Series, New Jersey).
  3. ^ Jump up to: a b Bender, Thomas (1982). "With Love and Money," review of Bollingen: An Adventure in Collecting the Past in The New York Times November 14, 1982. Online version retrieved November 10, 2007.
  4. ^ "Bollingen Series (General)," Archived November 19, 2007, at the Wayback Machine webpage maintained by Princeton University Press. Retrieved November 10, 2007.
  5. ^ McGuire, pp. 311-328. McGuire gives a complete, alphabetical list of the Fellows including the year of the Fellowship and a condensed description of the project.
  6. ^ "The Bollingen Prize for Poetry at Yale," Archived 2011-05-19 at the Wayback Machine webpage maintained by Yale University. Retrieved Nov. 9, 2007.
  7. ^ McGuire, William (1988). "Ezra Pound and Bollingen Prize controversy," in Poetry's Catbird Seat (the consultantship in poetry in the English language at the Library of Congress, 1937-1987) (Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.). ISBN 0-8444-0586-8 . Online version retrieved November 10, 2007.
  8. ^ Sub-title renamed Its Source and Its Transformation for the 2nd edition
  9. ^ There is no evidence that the second volume was ever published, nor that any work was done to produce a planned further three volumes. According to McGuire (1982), "Through the rigors of time, no more volumes of the Corpus were published, though the second volume is still in preparation."
  10. ^ The second edition was in a reduced size format
  11. ^ originally in two volumes
  12. ^ in two volumes
  13. ^ has produced two selections from these works under the titles The Basic Writings of C.G. Jung" and Psyche and Symbol: A Selection from the Writings of C.G. Jung, both in 1991.
  14. ^ Abridged as The Voices of Silence: Man and His Art
  15. ^ The only part of the Bollingen Series that continues to produce new volumes|
  16. ^ abridged in 1977 as Blake and Antiquity"
  17. ^ Not published with this title and number, but later as 35:45
  18. ^ There is no evidence that works with the date "none" were ever published
  19. ^ According to this was published by MIT Press in 1978 as The Visionary Eye: Essays in the Arts, Literature, and Science
  20. ^ According to Published by Tulane University in 1976 as The Rise and Fall of the Public Monument.
  21. ^ According to Published by St. Martin's Press in 1991 as Architecture: The Natural and the Manmade
  22. ^ for audio and video versions see
  23. ^ An abridgement by Jacob Neusner was published in 1988
  24. ^ An edition abridged by N. J. Dawood appeared in 1969
  25. ^ This work was originally in two boxed volumes, of which The Mustard Seed Garden Manual of Painting was the second volume. Both volumes were combined in a single boxed volume in 1963. The Manual was published as a separate work in 1977.
  26. ^ The five boxed volumes of the notebooks were each in two parts, text and notes.
  27. ^ An abridgement in one volume The Door in the Sky: Coomaraswamy on Myth and Meaning, edited by Rama P. Coomaraswamy was published in 1998
  28. ^ The 1998 re-issue was under the title Alone with the Alone

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