Glossary of military abbreviations

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List of abbreviations, acronyms and initials related to military subjects such as modern armour, artillery, infantry, and weapons, along with their definitions.


  • AAanti-aircraft
  • AAAEGIS Ashore
  • AAAanti-aircraft artillery "Triple A"
  • AAAVAdvanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle
  • AAD – Armoured amphibious dozer
  • AADC – Area Air Defense Commander
  • AAGAnti-aircraft gun
  • AAKAppliqué armor kit (US)
  • AANArmy after next
  • AAP – Advance Authority to Procure
  • AAPC – Advanced Armoured Personnel Carrier (Turkey)
  • AARADCOM – Army Armament Research and Development Command
  • AARAfter Action Review
  • AAVAmphibious assault vehicle
  • AAVAssault Amphibious Vehicle
  • AAWAnti-Aircraft Warfare
  • AAWC – Anti-Aircraft Warfare Coordinator
  • ABAir burst
  • ABCAtomic, biological, chemical (replaced by chemical, biological, radiological (CBR), and Nuclear, Biological, Chemical (NBC))
  • ABC – Automatic brightness control
  • AB(C)Aviation battalion (combat)
  • ABIT – Advanced Built-In Test
  • ABMAir Bursting Munition
  • ABMAnti-Ballistic Missile
  • ABMDAEGIS Ballistic Missile Defense
  • ABMS
  • ABROArmy Base Repair Organisation
  • ABS
  • ABSanti-skid braking system
  • ABSP – AEGIS Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) Signal Processor
  • ABSV
  • A/Caircraft commander
  • ACalternating current
  • ACA
  • ACADA' – Automatic Chemical Agent Detector and Alarm
  • ACAVP – (UK)
  • ACB – Advanced Capability Build
  • ACB/TI – Advanced Capability Baseline/Technical Insertion
  • ACC – AEGIS Computer Center
  • ACCE
  • ACCV – (US)
  • ACD – Automated Common Diagrams
  • ACEArmored Combat Earthmover (US)
  • ACEGIO – Advanced Conversion Equipment Group Input Output
  • ACHAdvanced Combat Helmet (MICH TC-2000 Combat Helmet)
  • ACM – Acoustic Countermeasures
  • ACOGAdvanced Combat Optical Gunsight
  • ACOMMS – Acoustic Communications
  • ACPAutomatic Colt Pistol
  • ACP – Alignment control Panel
  • ACPU – Aft Central Processing Unit
  • ACRAdvanced Combat Rifle
  • ACR – Armored cavalry regiment
  • ACRV – Armoured command and reconnaissance vehicle
  • ACS – Artillery communications system
  • ACS – AEGIS Combat System
  • ACS – Air Control Supervisor
  • ACSC' – AEGIS Combat Systems Center
  • ACTS – AEGIS Combat Training System
  • ACU – Army combat uniform
  • ACU – Antenna Coupler Unit
  • ACV – Aardvark Cleaning Vehicle (US)
  • ACV – Armoured combat vehicle
  • ACVT – Armored Combat Vehicle Technology Program (US)
  • A/D – Analog to Digital
  • ADA – air defense artillery
  • ADAM – Area Denial Artillery Munition
  • ADAMS – Air Defense Advanced Mobile System (US)
  • ADAP – Advanced Digital Antenna Production
  • ADATSAir Defence Anti-Tank System
  • ADC-A – Assistant Division Commander – Fire and Maneuver
  • ADC-B – Assistant Division Commander – Combat Support
  • ADEA – Army Development and Employment Agency
  • ADFAustralian Defence Force
  • ADG' – Acoustic Display Generator
  • ADI – Australian Defence Industries
  • ADM – Advanced Development Model
  • ADM – Acquisition Decision Memorandum [US]
  • ADNS – Automated Digital Network System
  • ADS – Advanced Display System
  • AE – action express
  • AECU – Antenna Environmental Control Unit
  • AEF – Allied expeditionary force
  • AEP – Action Entry Panel
  • AER – Alteration Equivalent to Repair
  • AESAActive electronically scanned array
  • AEWC – Airborne Early Warning and Control
  • AEV – Armoured engineer vehicle
  • AF – Air force
  • AF – And Following (as "in DDG-113 AF ships will receive the AMDR Radar")
  • AFA/ARA – Aerial field artillery/aerial rocket artillery (US, Vietnam war era attack helicopter batteries employing 2.75 in. FFAR)
  • AFARV – Armored, Forward Area, Re-arm Vehicle (US)
  • AFAS – advanced Field Artillery System
  • AFATDS – Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System
  • AFCAustralian Flying Corps
  • AFCS – automatic fire-control systems
  • AFD – automatic feeding device
  • AFDL – Advanced Flight Deck Lighting
  • AFFF – Aqueous Fire Fighting Foam (smothers fire cutting off oxygen)
  • AFSC – air force specialty code
  • AFSV – armoured fire support vehicle
  • AFV – Armored Family of Vehicles (US)
  • AFVArmoured fighting vehicle
  • AGC – automatic gain control
  • AGF – Army ground forces
  • AGL – above ground level
  • AGL – automatic grenade launcher
  • AGLS – automatic gun laying system
  • AGS – Armored Gun System (US)
  • AGS – advanced gun system
  • AGV – assault gun vehicle
  • AGVT – Advanced Ground Vehicle Technology
  • Ah – Ampere hour
  • AHC – Attack Helicopter Company (USA)
  • AHE – Aircraft Handling Equipment
  • AI – Action Item
  • AIC – Air Intercept Controller (US Navy)
  • AICS – Accuracy International Chassis System
  • AICW – Advanced Individual Combat Weapon
  • AIFAustralian Imperial Force (Australia, WWI)
  • AIFS – Advanced Indirect Fire System
  • AIFV – Armoured infantry fighting vehicle
  • AIPS – Advanced Integrated Propulsion System (US)
  • AIS – Automatic Identification System (US NAVY)
  • AIT – Alteration Installation Team
  • AIT – Advanced Information Technology
  • AK – Acknowledgement
  • ALAAVS – Advanced Light Armored/Amphibious Vehicle System (US)
  • ALC – (US)
  • ALICE – All-purpose lightweight individual carrying equipment
  • ALO – AEGIS Light Off
  • ALS – Advanced laying system
  • ALS – Advanced Lighting System (flight deck)
  • ALSV – Armoured logistics support vehicle
  • ALT – Armoured launching turret
  • ALWT – Advanced Lightweight Torpedo
  • AM – Acquisition Manager
  • AMCUnited States Army Materiel Command
  • AMC – Advanced Mortar Carrier (Turkey)
  • AMCCOM – Armament Munitions and Chemical Command
  • AMDR – Air and Missile Defense Radar
  • AMDS – Anti-Missile Discarding Sabot
  • AMF – Amphibische Mehrzweck-Fahrzeuge (multipurpose amphibious vehicle)
  • AML – Automitrailleuse Légère (light armoured car)
  • AMLCD – Active-matrix liquid crystal display
  • AMN - Afghanistan Mission Network
  • AMOS – Advanced mortar system
  • AMPS – Afloat Master Planning System (US NAVY)
  • AMRAnti-materiel rifle
  • AMR – Automitrailleuse de Reconnaissance
  • AMRWS – Advanced multi-role weapon station
  • AMS – Armoured mortar system
  • AMS-H – Advanced Missile System – Heavy
  • AMX – Atelier de Construction d'Issy-les-Moulineaux
  • ANAD – Anniston Army Depot
  • ANZAC – Australia and New Zealand Army Corps
  • ANZUS – Australia New Zealand United States Treaty
  • AO – Area of operations
  • AOI – Arab Organisation for Industrialisation
  • AOS – Add-on stabilisation
  • AP – Anti-personnel
  • APArmour-piercing
  • APAM – Anti-personnel, anti-matériel
  • APBC – Armour-piercing ballistic cap
  • APC – Army Personnel Centre
  • APCArmoured personnel carrier
  • APC – Armour-piercing capped
  • APCBC – Armour-piercing capped ballistic cap
  • APC-T – Armour-piercing capped – tracer
  • APCT-BF – Armour-piercing capped tracer – base fuze
  • APCNR – Armour-piercing composite non-rigid
  • APCR – Armour-piercing composite rigid
  • APCRBC – Armour-piercing composite rigid ballistic cap
  • APDS – Armour-piercing discarding sabot
  • APDS-T – Armour-piercing discarding sabot – tracer
  • APE – Amphibisches Pionier-Erkundungsfahrzeug (amphibious front-line reconnaissance vehicle)
  • APEP – Armour-Piercing Enhancement Programme
  • APERS – Anti-personnel
  • APERS-T – Anti-personnel tracer
  • APFIDS – Armour-piercing fragmentation incendiary discarding sabot
  • APFSDS-T – Armour-piercing fin-stabilised discarding sabot – tracer
  • APFSDS(P) – Armour-piercing fin-stabilised discarding sabot (practice)
  • APFSDSDU – Armour-piercing fin-stabilised discarding sabot, depleted uranium
  • APG – Aberdeen Proving Grounds
  • APGMAutonomous precision-guided munition
  • APHC – Armour-piercing hard core
  • APHE – Armour-piercing high-explosive
  • API – Armour-piercing incendiary
  • APIT – Armour-piercing incendiary tracer
  • APM – Anti-personnel mine
  • APS – Advanced propulsion system
  • APS – Artillery pointing system
  • APSA – Armour-piercing secondary effect
  • APSE – Armour-piercing secondary effect
  • APSE-T – Armour-piercing secondary effect – tracer
  • APT – Armour-piercing tracer
  • APTE – Abrams Power Train Evolution (US)
  • APU – Auxiliary power unit
  • APV – Armoured patrol vehicle
  • AR
  • AR/AAV – Armored Reconnaissance/Airborne Assault Vehicle (US)
  • ARD
  • ARDECArmament Research, Development and Engineering Center
  • ARE
  • ARFORGEN – Army force generation
  • ARMSCOR – (South Africa)
  • ARMVAL – (US)
  • ARP
  • ARP
  • ARRV
  • ARSVArmored Reconnaissance Scout Vehicle (US)
  • ART
  • ARV – Armoured recovery vehicle or Armed Robotic Vehicle (XM1219)
  • ASA
  • ASAP – As soon as possible
  • ASM – Air-to-Surface Missile
  • ASP – Automatic, self-powered
  • ASTROS – (Brazil)
  • ASVArmored Security Vehicle (US)
  • ASV
  • ATAnti-tank
  • AT
  • ATACS – (US)
  • ATAS
  • ATD
  • ATD – (US)
  • ATD
  • ATDT
  • ATDU – (UK)
  • ATGAnti-tank gun
  • ATGL
  • ATGMAnti-tank guided missile
  • ATGWAnti-tank guided weapon
  • ATKAlliant Techsystems
  • ATLV
  • ATMAnti-tank mine
  • ATR – - EDS –
  • ATS
  • ATTC
  • ATTS
  • ATVAll-terrain vehicle
  • ATV – (Turkey)
  • AUGArmee Universal Gewehr
  • AVGPArmoured Vehicle General Purpose (Canada)
  • AVH
  • AVL
  • AVLBArmoured vehicle-launched bridge
  • AVM
  • AVR
  • AVREArmoured Vehicle Royal Engineers (UK)
  • AVT – (US)
  • AWE
  • AWOLAbsent without official leave
  • APC - Armored Personnel Carrier


  • BAeBritish Aerospace
  • BAI – Battlefield Air interdiction
  • BARM1918 Browning Automatic Rifle
  • BARCAP – Barrier Combat Air Patrol
  • BARVBeach Armoured Recovery Vehicle
  • BASE
  • BAT
  • BBBase bleed
  • BBSPBlowback shifted pulse
  • BCBattery commander
  • BCC
  • BCP
  • BCTBrigade combat team (US)
  • BCTBasic combat training
  • BCV – Battle command vehicle
  • BD – base detonating
  • BDA – Browning double action or bomb damage assessment
  • BDM
  • BDUBattle dress uniform
  • BE – Base ejection
  • BFABlank-firing adaptor or blank-firing attachment
  • BFV – Bradley Fighting Vehicle
  • BCT – Brigade combat team
  • bhp – Brake horsepower
  • BIFF – Battlefield identification friend or foe
  • BILL – Bofors, infantry, light and lethal
  • BITE – Built-in test equipment
  • BL – Blank
  • BL-T – Black tracer
  • BLITS – Beta lighted infantry telescope system
  • BLT – Battalion landing team
  • BLR – Blindado Ligero de Ruedas
  • BM-Brigade Major
  • BMF – Belgian Mechanical Fabrication
  • BMNT – Begin morning nautical twilight
  • BMP – Pronounced "bimp". A Former Warsaw Pact IFV
  • BMR – Blindado Medio de Ruedas
  • BMS – Battalion mortar system
  • BMS – Battlefield management system
  • BNCC (USAF) – Base network control center
  • BNS – Bill night sight
  • BOCV – Battery operations centre vehicle
  • BOG-Dwell – Boots on the ground – dwell (down time)
  • BOL – Bearing-only launch
  • BOLTS – Bolt-on loading tray system
  • BOSS – Ballistic optimizing shooting system
  • BPS – Battery power source
  • BSP – Bright source protection
  • BSSG – Brigade service support group
  • BST – Basic skills trainer
  • BT – Boat tail
  • BT – Bullet trap
  • BTA – Best technical approach
  • BTRY – Battery
  • BTU – Bullet trap universal
  • BUA – or built-up area
  • BWBacteriological warfare
  • BXBionix AFV


  • C3I – Command, control, communications, and intelligence
  • CAB – Combat aviation battalion
  • CAB - Combat Action Badge
  • CAD – Computer-assisted design
  • CAG – Commander of the Air Group
  • CAL – Canadian Arsenals Limited
  • CAP – Civil air patrol (USAF civilian auxiliary)
  • CAP – Combat air patrol
  • CAP – Combustible augmented plasma
  • CAP – Covering Agent Program
  • CARRV – Challenger armoured repair and recovery vehicle
  • CAS – Close air support
  • CASEVAC – Casualty evacuation
  • CAT/FCS – Command adjusted trajectory/fire-control system (US)
  • CAT/LCV – Combined arms team/lightweight combat vehicle (US)
  • CATT – Combined arms tactical trainer (UK)
  • CATT-B – Component Advanced Technology TestBed (US)
  • CAV – Composite armored vehicle (US)
  • CAWS – Cannon Artillery Weapons Systems (US)
  • CAX – Combined arms exercise
  • CBR – Chemical, biological, radiological
  • CBRN – Chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear
  • CCC – Combustible cartridge case
  • CCDCharge-coupled device
  • CCIP – Continuously computed impact point
  • CCO – Close combat optic
  • CCP - Casualty Collection Point
  • CCP – Computer control panel
  • CCR – Crown copyright reserved
  • CCTV – Closed-circuit television
  • CCU – Central control unit
  • CCV – Close combat vehicle
  • CCV – Command and control vehicle (US)
  • CCV-L – Close combat vehicle – light
  • cd – candela
  • CDA – Combat defensive action
  • CDM – Coastal defence missile
  • CDU – Command display unit
  • CDU – Computer display unit
  • CE – Chemical energy
  • C/E – Crew/enlisted (enlisted aircrew member)
  • CECOM – Communications-electronics command
  • CEFO – Combat equipment fighting order (webbing contents)
  • CENTCOM – Central command
  • CENTO – Central Treaty Organisation or Baghdad Pact
  • CEOI – Communications electronics operating instruction
  • CEP – Circular error of probability
  • CESEngineer Services Regiment (Sri Lanka)
  • CEPP – Controlled effect police projectile
  • CET – Combat engineer tractor
  • CEU – Computer electronics unit
  • CEV – Combat engineer vehicle
  • CF – Canadian Forces
  • CF – Controlled fragmentation
  • CFE – Conventional forces Europe
  • CFV – Cavalry fighting vehicle (US)
  • CG – Commanding general
  • CGS – Crew gunnery simulator
  • CHA – Cast homogeneous armour
  • CHARM – Challenger chieftain armament
  • CHIP – Challenger improvement programme
  • CIFV – Composite infantry fighting vehicle
  • CILAS – Compagnie Industrielle des Lasers
  • CINC – Commander In-Chief
  • CIS – Chartered Industries of Singapore
  • CIS – Commonwealth of Independent States
  • CITV – Commander's independent thermal viewer (US)
  • CIWS – Close-in weapons system
  • CLAMS – Clear lane marking system (US)
  • CLASS – Computerised Laser Sight System
  • CLAWS – Close combat light armor weapon system (US)
  • CLGP – Cannon-launched guided projectile (US)
  • CLOS – Command to line of sight
  • CLU – Command launch unit
  • CM – Colour-marking or "continue mission"
  • CMS – Common missile system
  • CMS – Compact modular sight
  • CMT – Cadmium–mercury telluride
  • CMV – Combat mobility vehicle (US)
  • CNVD – Clip-on night vision device
  • COA – Course Of Action
  • COBClose of Business
  • CO – Commanding officer
  • COG – Course over ground
  • Comp – B Composition B
  • COMVAT – Combat vehicles armament technology (US)
  • COMZ – Communications zone
  • COP – Combat out post
  • COS – Chief of section
  • COSCOM – Corps support command (US Army)
  • CofS – Chief of staff
  • COTAC – Conduite de Tir Automatique pour Char (tank automatic fire)
  • COTS – Commercial-off-the-shelf
  • COV – Counter obstacle vehicle (US)
  • CP - Command Post
  • CP – Concrete-piercing
  • CPR – Common practice round
  • CPS – Cardinal points specification (UK)
  • CPV – Command post vehicle
  • CQB – Close quarters battle
  • CQBW – Close-quarters battle weapon
  • CR – Capability requirement
  • CRSri Lanka Army Commando Regiment
  • CRISAT – Collaborative research into small arms technology
  • CRM – Composite risk management (US)
  • CROWSCommon Remotely Operated Weapon Station
  • CRR – Carro de Reconhecimento Sobre Rodas (reconnaissance tracking scout car)
  • CRTCathode ray tube
  • CRU – Cable reel unit
  • CS – Communications subsystem
  • CS – Confined space
  • CS (USAF) – Communications squadron
  • CSBCombat Support Boat
  • CSF – Combined service forces
  • CSI – computer-synthesised image
  • CSS – Computer sighting system
  • CSSD – Combat service support detachment
  • CTA – Case telescoped ammunition
  • CTD – Concept technology demonstrator
  • CTI – Central tyre inflation
  • CTIS – Central tyre inflation system
  • CTO – Central Treaty Organisation or Baghdad Pact
  • CTR – Close Target Recce
  • CTRA – Carro de Transporte Sobre Rodas Anfibo (amphibious tracking scout car)
  • CTT – Challenger training tank
  • CUOPS - Current Operations
  • CV90 – Combat Vehicle 90
  • CVAST – Combat vehicle armament system technology (US)
  • CVR(T) – Combat vehicle reconnaissance (tracked) (UK)
  • CVR(W) – Combat vehicle reconnaissance (wheeled) (UK)
  • CVRDE – Combat vehicle research and development establishment (India)
  • CVT – Controlled variable time
  • CVTTS – Combat vehicle targeting system
  • CWChemical warfare
  • CWR – Continuous wave radar
  • CWS – Cupola weapon station


  • DAdouble action
  • DAHA – dual-axis head assembly
  • DAO – double action only
  • DARCOM – US Army Matériel Development and Readiness Command
  • DAREOD – damaged airfield reconnaissance explosive ordnance disposal
  • DARPA – Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (US)
  • DAS – deep air support
  • DAS – defensive aid system/suite
  • DASP – demountable artillery surveillance pod
  • DBMS – dead bodies make sense
  • DC – direct current
  • DCA – défense contre avions (anti-aircraft)
  • DCCT – dismounted close combat trainer
  • DD – Detroit diesel
  • DDA – Detroit Diesel Allison
  • DDS – Department of Defense Support
  • DDU – digital display unit
  • DEAD – Destruction of Enemy Air Defense
  • DECA – digital electronic control assembly
  • DEFA – direction des études et fabrications d'armement
  • DERADefence Evaluation and Research Agency (UK)
  • DESO – Defence Export Sales Organisation (UK)
  • DFAC – Dining Facility (US)
  • DFCS – digital fire-control system
  • DFSV – direct fire support vehicle
  • DFV – desert fighting vehicle
  • DHSS – data handling subsystem
  • DIADefense Intelligence Agency (US)
  • DICON – Defence Industries Corporation of Nigeria
  • DIP – driver instrument panel
  • DISADefense Information Systems Agency
  • DISCOM – division support command
  • DIVARTY – division artillery
  • DMC – digital magnetic compass
  • DMR – dedicated marksman rifle
  • DMU – distance measurement unit
  • DNRS – day/night range sight
  • DoD – Department of Defense (US)
  • DOIM (US Army) – Directorate of Information Management
  • DOP – Department of Productivity
  • DP – demonstration purpose
  • DP – dual purpose
  • DPADefence Procurement Agency (UK)
  • DPICM – dual-purpose improved conventional munition (US)
  • DPTR – diopter
  • DRADefence Research Agency (UK)
  • DROPS – demountable rack offloading and pick-up system
  • DROS – Date of Return Overseas (US)
  • DS/T – practice discarding sabot/tracer
  • DSACS – direct support armored cannon system (US)
  • DSETS – direct support electrical test system
  • DSO – Defence Sales Organisation
  • DSRV – Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle (US)
  • DSWS – Division Support Weapon System
  • DTAT – Direction Technique des Armements Terrestres
  • DTT – driver training tank
  • DU – depleted uranium
  • DV – demining vehicle
  • DVE – driver's vision enhancer
  • DWFK – deep water fording kit
  • DZ – drop zone


  • EAAK – Enhanced Appliqué Armor Kit (US)
  • EAOS – Enhanced Artillery Observation System
  • EBG – Engin Blindé Génie (armoured combat vehicle)
  • EBR – Engin Blindé de Reconnaissance (armoured reconnaissance vehicle)
  • EBRC – Engine Blindé à roues de Contact
  • EC – Enhanced Carbine
  • ECB – Engineering and Construction Bulletins
  • ECM – Electronic countermeasures
  • ECOS – Enhanced Combat Optical Sight
  • ECS – Environmental Control Subsystem
  • ECV – Enhanced Capacity Vehicle
  • EDD – Explosive Detonation Disruption
  • EDS – Electric Drive System
  • EFAB – Etablissement d'Etudes et de Fabrications d'Armement de Bourges
  • EFC – equivalent full charge
  • EFCR – equivalent full charge rounds
  • EFM – Explosives Factory Maribyrnong
  • EFP – Expanded Feasibility Phase
  • EFP – Explosively Formed Penetrator
  • EFV – Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle (New name for AAAV)
  • EFVS – Electronic Fighting Vehicle System (US)
  • EG – External Gun
  • EGLM – Enhanced Grenade Launcher Module
  • EIEngineering and Installation
  • EISEngineering and Installation Squadron
  • EI SITEngineering and Installation Site Implementation Team
  • ELB – Extended Life Barrel
  • ELEC – Electrical, Electric
  • ELEK - Electronic
  • ELEX – Electronics
  • ELKE – Elevated Kinetic Energy Weapon (US)
  • ELS – Electromagnetic Launcher System
  • ELSAP – Elektronische Schiessanlage für Panzer (electronic fire system for tanks)
  • EM – electromagnetic
  • EMC – Executive Management Committee
  • EMD – Engineering and Manufacturing Development
  • EMDGEuromissile Dynamics Group
  • EMEW – Electromagnetically-Augmented High Explosive Warhead
  • EMG – externally mounted gun
  • EMP – electromagnetic pulse
  • EMPG – Electromagnetic Pulse Grenade
  • ENGESA – Engesa Engenheiros Especializados (Brazil)
  • EOC – Essential Operational Capability
  • EOD – explosive ordnance disposal
  • EOR – Explosive Ordnance Reconnaissance
  • EOTS – Electro-Optical Tracking System
  • EOW - End Of Watch
  • EPC – Electronic plane conversion
  • EPC – Engin Principal de Combat (future main battle tank)
  • EPG – Enhanced Performance Grenade
  • EPG – European Production Group
  • EPG – European Programme Group
  • EPS – Electrical Power Subsystem
  • EPU – Electronics Processing Unit
  • ERenhanced radiation
  • ER – extended range
  • ERAexplosive reactive armour
  • ERA – extended range ammunition
  • ERC – Engin de Reconnaissance Canon
  • ERFB – extended range full-bore
  • ERFB-BB – extended range full-bore – base bleed
  • ERGFCDS – Extended Range Gunnery Fire-Control Demonstration System
  • ERGP – extended range guided projectile
  • ERMIS – Extended Range Modification Integration System
  • ERP – Extended Range Projectile
  • ERSC – extended range subcalibre
  • ERV – emergency rescue vehicle
  • ERV – Engineer Reconnaissance Vehicle
  • ES – Extreme Spread
  • ESAF – Electronic Safety and Arm Function
  • ESD – Electronique Serge Dassault
  • ESLDE – Eyesafe Laser Daylight Elbow
  • ESPAWS – Enhanced Self-Propelled Artillery Weapon System (US)
  • ESRSelectro-slag refined steel
  • ETA – Estimated Time of Arrival
  • ETC – ElectroThermal Cannon
  • ETD – Estimated Time of Departure
  • ETE – Estimated Time of Endurance
  • ETM – Electronic Technical Manuals
  • ETS – Elevated TOW System
  • ETS – Engineer Tank System
  • ETS – End of Term of Service (discharge date) (US)
  • EWelectronic warfare
  • EWK – Eisenwerke Kaiserslautern Gцppner
  • EWS – external weapon station


  • FAAD – Forward Area Air Defense
  • FAAR – Forward Area Alerting Radar (US)
  • FAARP – Forward Area Arming & Refueling Point
  • FAASV – Field Artillery Ammunition Support Vehicle (US)
  • FAC – Forward Air Control(er)
  • FAC-A – Forward Air Control(er)-Airborne
  • FACE
  • FAL – Fusil Automatique Légère
  • FAPDS – Frangible Armour-Piercing Discarding Sabot
  • FARP – Forward Area Refueling Point
  • FARS – field artillery rocket system
  • FARV-A – Future Armored Resupply Vehicle – Artillery (US)
  • FAST – Forward Area Support Team
  • FAV – Fast Attack Vehicle (US)
  • FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation
  • FBM – Fleet Ballistic Missile
  • FBRV – Future Beach Recovery Vehicle (UK)
  • FCC – Fire Command Centre
  • FCC – Fire-Control Computer
  • FCCVS – Future Close-Combat Vehicle System (US)
  • FCE – fire-control equipment
  • FCLV – Future Command and Liaison Vehicle (UK)
  • FCS – fire-control system/subsystem
  • FCS – Future Combat System
  • FCU – Fire Control Unit
  • FDC – fire direction centre
  • FDCV – fire direction centre vehicle
  • FDSWS – Future Direct Support Weapon System
  • FEBAForward Edge of the Battle Area
  • FEP – Firepower Enhancement Programme
  • FETFuture Engineer Tank
  • FFARFolding-Fin Aerial Rocket
  • FFE – Fire for Effect
  • FFRFitted For Radio
  • FFSS – Future Fighting Soldier System
  • FFWFitted For Wireless
  • FGfield gun
  • FHfield howitzer
  • FIBUAFighting In Built-Up Areas
  • FID – Foreign Internal Defenses
  • FIFV – Future Infantry Fighting Vehicle (US)
  • FIRM – Floating Integrated Rail Mount
  • FIS – Fuze Interface System
  • FISH – Fighting In Someone's House (UK) (Colloquial. Slang term for FIBUA)
  • FISTFuture Integrated Soldier Technology (UK), Fire Support Team (US)
  • FISTVFire Support Team Vehicle (US)
  • FITOW – Further Improved TOW (US)
  • FLEA – Frangible Low-Energy Ammunition (i.e. a fragmentation grenade or a low-yield IED)
  • FLIRforward-looking infra-red
  • FLOTforward line of own troops
  • FLSW – Future Light Support Weapon
  • FMU.S. Army Field Manuals
  • FMTitanium tetrachloride (code designation)
  • FMBS – Family of Muzzle Brake/Suppressors
  • FMCFood Machinery Corporation
  • FMF – Fleet Marine Force
  • FMJFull Metal Jacket
  • FMJBT – Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail
  • FMJLF – Full Metal Jacket Lead Free
  • FMN - Federated Mission Networking
  • FMPDS – Frangible Missile Piercing Discarding Sabot
  • FMS – Foreign Military Sales
  • FMTVFamily of Medium Tactical Vehicles
  • FNFabrique Nationale (Manufacturer)
  • FO – Forward Observer
  • FOB – Forward Operating Base
  • FOC – Full Operational Capability
  • FOD – Foreign Object Damage (i.e., damage not caused by enemy fire. Includes bugs, dirt, etc.) (Aviation)
  • FOGFibre Optic Gyro
  • FOM – Fibre Optic Missile
  • FOO – forward observation officer
  • FORTIS – Forward Observation and Reconnaissance Thermal Imaging System
  • FOTT – Follow On To TOW
  • FOVfield of view
  • FPA – Focal Plane Array
  • FRAGfragmentation
  • FRAGO – FRAGmentary Order. (see OPORD)
  • FRESFuture Rapid Effect System
  • FROG – free rocket over ground
  • FSCLfire support coordination line
  • FSCMfire support coordination measure
  • FSCV – fire support combat vehicle
  • FSfire support element
  • FSED – full-scale engineering development (US)
  • FSSG – Force Service Support Group
  • FST – Future Soviet Tank/Follow-on Soviet Tank
  • FSVfire support vehicle
  • FSV – Future Scout Vehicle (US)
  • FTA – Frangible Training Ammunition
  • FTMA – Future Tank Main Armament
  • FTS – Future Tank Study
  • FTT – Field Tactical Trainer
  • FUBAR – Fouled/###### Up Beyond All Reason/Recognition/Repair
  • FUE – First Unit Equipped
  • FUG – Felderitц Usу Gépkosci
  • FV – fighting vehicle
  • FV/GCE – fighting vehicle gun control equipment
  • FVDD – Fighting Vehicle Development Division
  • FVRDE – Fighting Vehicle Research and Development Establishment (UK)
  • FVS – Fighting Vehicle System (US)
  • FVSC – Fighting Vehicle Systems Carrier (US)
  • FYfiscal year


  • ggramme(s)
  • G – gendarmerie
  • GAMA – Gun Automatic Multiple Ammunition
  • GAO – General Accounting Office
  • GAP – Gun Aiming Post
  • GBAD – Ground Based Air Defence
  • GCE – gun control equipment
  • GCT – Grande Cadence de Tir (high rate of fire)
  • GCU – Gun Control Unit
  • GCW – Gross Combined Weight (not "Gross Combat Weight"). Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) plus Gross Trailer Weight (GTW).
  • GD – General Dynamics
  • GDLS – General Dynamics Land Systems
  • GDU – Gun Display Unit
  • GFEGovernment Furnished Equipment
  • GH – gun-howitzer
  • GIGN-Groupe d'intervention de la Gendarmerie nationale ("National Gendarmerie Intervention Group")
  • GIAT – Groupement Industriel des Armements Terrestres
  • GLGrenade Launcher
  • GLATGM – Gun Launched Anti-Tank Guided Missile
  • GLCgun lay computer
  • GLDNSM – Grenade Launcher Day-Night Sight Mount
  • GLH-H – Ground-Launched Hellfire-Heavy (US)
  • GLLD – Ground Laser Locator Designator (US)
  • GLS – Gesellschaft für Logistischen Service
  • GM, MVO – General Motors, Military Vehicle Operations
  • GMC – General Motors Corporation
  • GMG – Grenade Machine Gun
  • GMLRS – Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System
  • GMS – Gun Management System
  • GND – Ground (electrical)
  • GOCO – government-owned, contractor-operated (US)
  • GOP – General Out Post
  • GP – General Purpose
  • GP – guided projectile
  • GPMGGeneral Purpose Machine Gun
  • GPO – gun position officer
  • GPSGlobal Positioning System
  • GPS – gunner's primary sight
  • GPSS – Gunner's Primary Sight Subsystem
  • GRGajaba Regiment (Sri Lanka)
  • GREM – Grenade Rifle Entry Munition
  • GRIT – Group, Range, Indication, Type of fire
  • GRUGlavnoe Razvedyvatel'noe Upravlenie, meaning Main Intelligence Directorate
  • GSR – General Staff Requirement (US)
  • GSRS – General Support Rocket System
  • GSG9- Grenzschutzgruppe 9 der Bundespolizei (Border Protection Group 9 of the Federal Police)
  • GSOFGeorgian Special Operations Forces
  • GST – General Staff Target
  • GST – Gesellschaft fьr System-Technik
  • GTCS – Gun Test and Control System
  • GTG – Good To Go
  • GTI – German Tank Improvement
  • GTW – Gross Trailer Weight
  • GVW – Gross Vehicle Weight. Curb weight plus max payload weight.
  • GWGemunu Watch (Sri Lanka)
  • GW – guided weapon


  • hhour(s)
  • H&KHeckler and Koch
  • HAB – Heavy Assault Bridge (US)
  • HAB – Heavy Artillery Brigade (UK)
  • HAG – Heavy Artillery Gun
  • HALO – High Altitude Low Opening, High Activity/Low Observable
  • HAMS – Headquarters and Maintenance Squadron – Marine Aircraft Group (USMC)
  • HAWK – Homing-All-the-Way-Killer (US)
  • HB – heavy barrel
  • HBAR – Heavy Barrel Assault Rifle
  • HC – Hexachloroethane/zinc
  • HC – high-capacity
  • HC – Hollow Charge
  • HCER – high-capacity extended range
  • HCHE – high-capacity high-explosive
  • HCT – HOT Compact Turret
  • HDSHOLOgraphic Diffraction Sight
  • HE – high-explosive
  • HE-APERS – high-explosive anti-personnel
  • HE-FRAG – high-explosive fragmentation
  • HE-FRAG-FS – high-explosive fragmentation – fin-stabilised
  • HE-FS – high-explosive – fin-stabilised
  • HE-S – high-explosive spotting
  • HE-T – high-explosive tracer
  • HE/PR – high-explosive practice
  • HEAA – High-Explosive Anti-Armour
  • HEAB – High-Explosive Air Burst
  • HEAP – High-Explosive Armor-Piercing
  • HEAP-T – high-explosive anti-personnel – tracer
  • HEAThigh-explosive anti-tank
  • HEAT-FS – high-explosive anti-tank fin-stabilised
  • HEAT-MP – high-explosive anti-tank multipurpose
  • HEAT-MP(P) – high-explosive anti-tank multipurpose (practice)
  • HEAT-T – high-explosive anti-tank – tracer
  • HEAT-T-HVY – high-explosive anti-tank – tracer – heavy
  • HEAT-T-MP – high-explosive anti-tank – tracer – multipurpose
  • HEAT-TP-T – high-explosive anti-tank – target practice – tracer
  • HED-D – Hybrid Electric Drive – Demonstrator
  • HEDP – high-explosive dual-purpose
  • HEER – High-Explosive Extended Range (US)
  • HEF – High-Explosive Fragmentation
  • HEFT – High-Explosive Follow Through
  • HEI – high-explosive incendiary
  • HEIT – high-explosive incendiary tracer
  • HEL – High-Energy Laser (US)
  • HEL – Human Engineering Laboratory (US)
  • HELP – Howitzer Extended Life Program (US)
  • HEMAT – Heavy Expanded Mobility Ammunition Trailer (US)
  • HEMP – High-Explosive Multi-Purpose
  • HEMTT – Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck (US)
  • HEP – high-explosive plastic
  • HEP-T – high-explosive practice – tracer
  • HEPD – high-explosive point detonating
  • HERA – high-explosive rocket-assisted
  • HESH – high-explosive squash head
  • HESH-T – high-explosive squash head – tracer
  • HET-PF – high-explosive tracer – percussion fuze
  • HETF – High Explosive Time Fuzed
  • HETSHeavy Equipment Transport System
  • HFCC – Howitzer Fire-Control Computer (US)
  • HFHTB – Human Factors Howitzer TestBed (US)
  • HFM – Heavy Force Modernisation (US)
  • HIFV – Heavy Infantry Fighting Vehicle
  • HIMAG – High-Mobility Agility Test Vehicle (US)
  • HIMARS – High-Mobility Artillery Rocket System (US)
  • HIPHowitzer Improvement Program (US)
  • HIRE – Hughes Infrared Equipment
  • HITP – High-Ignition Temperature Propellant
  • HIU – Heading Indicator Unit
  • HMC – Howitzer Motor Carriage
  • HMD – Helmet-Mounted Display
  • HMGHeavy Machine Gun
  • HMH – Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron
  • HMLC – High-Mobility Load Carrier
  • HML/A – Marine Light/Attack Helicopter Squadron
  • HMM – Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron
  • HMMWVHigh Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle
  • HMX – Marine Special Mission Helicopter Squadron
  • HOEHolographic Optical Element
  • HOT – Haute subsonique Optiquement Téléguidé
  • HowHowitzer
  • HP – High Power; Hollow Point
  • hpHorsepower
  • HPFP – High-Performance Fragmentation Projectile
  • HPS – Helmet Pointing System (or Sight)
  • HPT – high-pressure test
  • HRU – Heading Reference Unit
  • HS – Headquarters Squadron – Marine Wing Support Group (USMC)
  • HSS – Hunter Sensor Suite
  • HSTV(L) – High-Survivability Test Vehicle (Lightweight) (US)
  • HTTB – High-Technology TestBed (US)
  • HVAP – high-velocity armour-piercing
  • HVAP-T – high-velocity armour-piercing tracer
  • HVAPDS – high-velocity armour-piercing discarding sabot
  • HVAPDS-T – high-velocity armour-piercing discarding sabot – tracer
  • HVAPFSDS – high-velocity armour-piercing fin-stabilised discarding sabot
  • HVCC – High Velocity Canister Cartridge
  • HVM – Hypervelocity Missile
  • HVSS – horizontal volute spring suspension
  • HVSW – Hypervelocity Support Weapon
  • HVTP-T – high-velocity target practice – tracer
  • HWSTD – High Water Speed Technology Demonstrator
  • HYPAK – Hydraulic Power Assist Kit


  • IIncendiary
  • IAF - Indian Air Force
  • IAFV – infantry armoured fighting vehicle
  • IAIIsrael Aircraft Industries
  • IAL – Infra-red Aiming Light
  • IASD – Instant Ammunition Selection Device
  • IBAS – Improved Bradley Acquisition System
  • ICBM - Intercontinental ballistic missile
  • ICC – information co-ordination centre
  • ICM – improved conventional munition
  • ICM – BB improved conventional munition base bleed
  • ICV – Infantry Combat Vehicle
  • IDF – Israel Defense Forces
  • IDFIndirect fire
  • IDWIndividual Defence Weapon
  • IEDImprovised Explosive Device
  • IEPG – Independent European Program Group
  • IFCS – Improved/Integrated Fire-Control System
  • IFF – Identification Friend or Foe
  • IFV – infantry fighting vehicle
  • IFVwCM – Infantry Fighting Vehicle with Integrated Countermeasures (US)
  • IGLS – Individual Grenade Launcher System
  • II – image intensification/intensifier
  • IIR – Imaging Infra-Red
  • ILL – illuminating
  • ILMS – Improved Launcher Mechanical System
  • ILSIntegrated Logistic Support
  • IM – Insensitive Munition(s)
  • IMMLC – Improved Medium Mobility Load Carrier
  • IMSC - International Maritime Security Construct
  • IMU – Inertial Measurement Unit
  • INSAS – Indian Small Arms System
  • InSb – Indium-antimonide
  • INS -Indian Naval ship
  • IOC – initial operational capability
  • IOF – Indian Ordnance Factory
  • IPB – Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield
  • IPF – Initial Production Facility
  • IPO – International Programme Office
  • IPPD – Integrated Product Process Development
  • IRInfra-Red
  • IRBMIntermediate-range ballistic missile
  • IRU – Inertial Reference Unit
  • IS – internal security
  • ISD – In Service Date
  • ISGU – Integrated Sight and Guidance Unit
  • ISR – Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance
  • ISU – Integrated Sight Unit
  • ISV – Internal Security Vehicle
  • ITAS – Improved Target Acquisition System
  • ITOW – Improved TOW
  • ITPIAL – Infra-red Target Pointer/Illuminator/Aiming Laser
  • ITT – Invitation To Tender
  • ITV – Improved TOW Vehicle (US)
  • IVPDL – Inter-Vehicle Positioning and Data Link (US)
  • IW – Individual Weapon
  • IWS – Improved Weapon System


  • JBMoU – Joint Ballistic Memorandum of Understanding
  • JDAM – Joint Defense Air Munition
  • JERRV – Joint Engineer Rapid Response Vehicle
  • JGSDF – Japanese Ground Self-Defence Force
  • JHPJacketed hollow point
  • Shiniqwa – Javelin Composite Launch Tube
  • JMAC – Joint Medium-calibre Automatic Cannon
  • JOIR - Joint Operations Information Range
  • JPO – Joint Project Office
  • JSC – Joint Steering Committee
  • JSCS – Joint Service Combat Shotgun
  • JSDFA – Japanese Self-Defence Force Agency
  • JSP – Jacketed Soft Point
  • JSSAMP – Joint Services Small Arms Master Plan
  • JSSAP – Joint Services Small Arms Programme


  • KAAV – Korean Armoured Amphibious Vehicle
  • KAC – Knight's Armament Company
  • KEKinetic energy
  • KEC – Kaman Electromagnetics Corporation
  • KEM – Kinetic Energy Missile (US)
  • kgkilogramme(s)
  • KHA – Killed Hostile Action (US Vietnam War)
  • KIAKilled in Action
  • KIFV – Korean Infantry Fighting Vehicle
  • KNHA – Killed Non-Hostile Action (US Vietnam War)
  • KPAKorean People's Army


  • LAAG – light anti-aircraft gun
  • LAAM – Light Anti-Aircraft Missile
  • LAAW – Light Anti-Tank Assault Weapon
  • LCAC – Landing Craft Air Cushion
  • LAD – light aid detachment
  • LADS – light air defense system (US)
  • LAG – Light Artillery Gun
  • LALO – Low Altitude Low Opening
  • LAM – Laser Aiming Module
  • LAPES – Low-Altitude Parachute Extraction System
  • LAR – Light Automatic Rifle
  • LASER – Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
  • LASIP – Light Artillery System Improvement Plan
  • LATS – Light Armoured Turret System
  • LAU – Light Armoured Unit
  • LAVLight Armored Vehicle (US)
  • LAV – Light Assault Vehicle (US)
  • LAV-AD – Light Armored Vehicle – Air Defense
  • LAW – light anti-tank weapon
  • LB – Long Barrel
  • LC – Laser Collimator
  • LCD – Liquid crystal display
  • LCS – Loader Control System
  • LCU – Landing Craft Utility
  • LCV – Light Contingency Vehicle (LCV) (US)
  • LD – Low drag, Line of Departure
  • LE – Law Enforcement
  • LED – light emitting diode
  • LEP – Life Extension Programme
  • LEU – Launcher Erector Unit
  • LF – ATGW Light Forces' Anti-Tank Guided Weapon
  • LF – Linked Feed
  • LFHG – Lightweight Fragmentation Hand Grenade
  • LFL – Light Fighter Lethality
  • LIA – Linear Induction Accelerator
  • LICLow Intensity Conflict
  • LIMAWS – Lightweight Mobile Artillery Weapon System
  • LION – Lightweight Infra-red Observation Night sight
  • LIW – Lyttleton Engineering Works
  • LKP – Loader Keyboard Panel
  • LLAD – low-level air defence
  • LLLTV – low light level television
  • LLM – Launcher Loader Module
  • LMAW – Light Multi-purpose Assault Weapon
  • LMGLight Machine Gun
  • LNS – Land Navigation System
  • LNS – Laying and Navigation System
  • L/O – Liaison Officer
  • LOAL – Lock-On After Launch
  • LOBL – Lock-On Before Launch
  • LOC – Line Of Communication
  • LOS – Line Of Sight
  • LOSAT – Line Of Sight Anti-Tank
  • LP – Liquid Propellant
  • LP – Listening Post
  • LPC – Launch Pod Container
  • LPC – Launcher Pod Carrier
  • LPG – Liquid Propellant Gun
  • LPO – Leading Petty Officer
  • LPT – Low-Profile Turret
  • LPTS – Lightweight Protected Turret System
  • LRLong Rifle
  • LR – Long-Range
  • LRAR – Long Range Artillery Rocket
  • LRASS – Long-Range Advanced Scout System
  • LRAT – long-range anti-tank
  • LRBB – long-range base bleed
  • LRD – Long Range Deflagrator
  • LRFlaser rangefinder
  • LRF – Low Recoil Force
  • LRHB – long-range hollow base
  • LRIP – Low-Rate Initial Production
  • LRM – Laser Rangefinder Module
  • LRN – Lead Round Nose
  • LRN – Low Recoil NORICUM
  • LRRP – Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol
  • LRSA – Long Range Sniper Ammunition
  • LRSU – Long Range Surveillance Unit
  • LRU – Launcher Replenishment Unit
  • LRU – Line Replacement Unit
  • LRU – Line-Replaceable Unit
  • LSAT- Lightweight Small Arms Technologies
  • LSB – Landing Support Battalion
  • LSS – Lightweight Shotgun System
  • LSVW – Light Support Vehicle, Wheeled (Canada)
  • LSW – Light Support Weapon
  • LTA – Launch Tube Assembly
  • LTD – Laser Target Designator
  • LTFCS – Laser Tank Fire-Control System
  • LTP – Laser Target Pointer, Luminesant Training Projectile
  • LUTE – Lightweight Uncooled Thermal Imager Equipment
  • LVA – landing vehicle assault (US)
  • LVS – Lightweight Video Sight
  • LVT – Landing Vehicle Tracked (US)
  • LVTC – Landing Vehicle Tracked Command (US)
  • LVTE – Landing Vehicle Tracked Engineer (US)
  • LVTH – Landing Vehicle Tracked Howitzer (US)
  • LVTP – Landing Vehicle Tracked Personnel (US)
  • LVTR – Landing Vehicle Tracked Recovery (US)
  • LWC – Lead Wad Cutter
  • LWIR – Long Wave Infrared
  • LWL – LightWeight Launcher
  • LWML – LightWeight Multiple Launcher
  • LWMS – LightWeight Modular Sight
  • LWS – laser warning system
  • LWT – light weapon turret
  • LZ – landing zone
  • LRW – Light Repair Works (Indian Army)


  • mmetre(s)
  • m/s – metres per second
  • MAB – Marine Amphibious Brigade
  • MABS – Marine Air Base Squadron
  • MAC – Medium Armored Car (US)
  • MACMilitary Airlift Command
  • MACS – Modular Artillery Charge System
  • MACS – Marine Air Control Squadron
  • MADLS – Mobile Air Defence Launching System
  • MAF – Marine Amphibious Force
  • MAG – Marine Aircraft Group
  • MAGTEC – Marine Air/Ground Training & Education Command
  • MAGTF – Marine Air/Ground Task Force
  • MAHEM – Magnetohydrodynamic Explosive Munition
  • MALOS – Miniature Laser Optical Sight
  • MALS – Marine Air Logistics Squadron
  • MAMBA – Mobile Artillery Monitoring Battlefield Radar
  • MANPADS – Man Portable Air Defense System
  • MAOV – Mobile Artillery Observation Vehicle
  • MAP – Military Aid Programme
  • MAPS – Modular Azimuth Position System
  • MAR – Micro Assault Rifle
  • MARDI – Mobile Advanced Robotics Defence Initiative (UK)
  • MARDIV – Marine Division (US)
  • MARS – Military Amateur Radio Station
  • MARS – Mini Assault Rifle System
  • MARS – Multi-purpose Aiming Reflex Sight
  • MARS – Multiple Artillery Rocket System
  • MASS – Marine Air Support Squadron
  • MATCS – Marine Air Traffic Control Squadron
  • MATSG – Marine Air Training Support Group
  • MAU(SOC) – Marine Amphibious Unit (Special Operations Capable)
  • MAV – maintenance assist vehicle
  • MAVD – MLRS Aim Verification Device
  • MAW – Marine Air Wing (US)
  • MBA – main battle area
  • MBB – Messerschmitt-Bцlkow-Blohm
  • MBC – Mortar Ballistic Computer
  • MBTmain battle tank
  • MCISRE – Marine Corps Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Enterprise
  • MCLOS – Manual Command to Line Of Sight
  • MCRV – Mechanised Combat Repair Vehicle
  • MCS – Microclimate Conditioning System
  • MCS – modular charge system
  • MCSK – Mine Clearance System Kit (US)
  • MCT – Medium Combat Tractor (US)
  • MCT – Mercury Cadmium Telluride
  • MCV – Mechanised Combat Vehicle
  • MCWL – Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory
  • MCWS – Minor Calibre Weapons Station (US)
  • MDB – Multi Domain Battle
  • MDMP – Military Decision Making Process
  • MDU – Map Display Unit
  • MEB – Marine Expeditionary Brigade
  • MEDEVAC – Medical Evacuation
  • MEF – Marine Expeditionary Force
  • MENS – Mission Element Need Statement (US)
  • MEP – Modular Explosive Penetrator
  • MEPS – Military Entrance Processing Station
  • METO – Middle East Treaty Organisation; CENTO or Baghdad Pact
  • METL – Mission Essential Task List
  • METT-TC – Mission, Enemy, Terrain and weather, Troops and support available—Time available, Civilians
  • METT-TSL – Mission, Enemy, Terrain and weather, Troops and fire support available - Time available, Space, Logistics
  • MEU(SOC) – Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable)
  • MEV – medical evacuation vehicle (US)
  • MEWS – Mobile Electronic Warfare System
  • MEWSS – Mobile Electronic Warfare Support System
  • MF – multifunction
  • MFC – Mortar Fire Control(ler)
  • MFCS – Multi-Fire Control System/Mortar Fore Control System
  • MFCV – Missile Fire-Control Vehicle
  • MFF – munition filling factory
  • MGmachine gun
  • MGBMedium Girder Bridge
  • MGL – Multiple Grenade Launcher
  • MGS – Mobile Gun System
  • MGTS – MultiGun Turret System
  • MGU – Mid-course Guidance Unit
  • MI – Military Intelligence
  • MIA – Missing In Action
  • MICOMMissile Command (US)
  • MICV – mechanised infantry combat vehicle
  • MILAN – Missile d'Infantrie Léger Antichar (light infantry anti-tank missile)
  • MILES – Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (US)
  • MILSPEC – Military Specification
  • MILSTAN – MILitary STANdard
  • MILSTAR – MILitary Strategic and Tactical Relay (US)
  • MIPS – Medium Integrated Propulsion System (US)
  • MIR - Mechanized Infantry Regiment (Sri Lanka)
  • MIRV - Multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle
  • MLA – Manufacturing Licence Agreement
  • MLC – Military Load Class
  • MLC – Modular Load Carrier
  • MLF – Marine Logistics Force
  • MLR – Marine Logistics Regiment
  • MLI – Mid-Life Improvement
  • MLO – Muzzle Loaded Ordnance
  • MLRS – Multiple Launch Rocket System (US)
  • mmmillimetre(s)
  • MMBF – mean miles between failures
  • MMGMedium Machine Gun
  • MMS – mast-mounted sight
  • MMS – Modular Mounting System
  • MNVDMonocular Night Vision Device
  • MoA – Memorandum of Agreement
  • MOA – Minute Of Angle
  • MoDMinistry of defence
  • MODA – Ministry of Defence and Aviation
  • MOLF – Modular Laser Fire Control (Germany)
  • MOLLE – MOdular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment
  • MOPP – Mission Oriented Protective Posture (US)
  • MOS – Military Occupational Specialty (US)
  • MoU – Memorandum of Understanding
  • MOUT – Military Operations in Urban Terrain (urban warfare) (US)
  • MP – Machine Pistol
  • MP - Military police
  • MPBAV – MultiPurpose Base Armoured Vehicle
  • MPC – MultiPurpose Carrier (Netherlands)
  • MPDS – Missile Piercing Discarding Sabot
  • MPGS – Mobile Protected Gun System (US)
  • MPI – Mean Point of Impact
  • MPIM – MultiPurpose Individual Munition
  • MPM – MultiPurpose Munition
  • MPS – Maritime Prepositioning Ships (US)
  • MPV – Multi-Purpose Vehicle
  • MPWS – Mobile Protected Weapon System (US)
  • MR – Medium Range
  • MRAP – Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (Vehicle)
  • MRAR – MultiRole Assault Round
  • MRAV – MultiRole Armoured Vehicle
  • MRBF – mean rounds before failure
  • MRBS – mean rounds between stoppages
  • MRE – Meal Ready to Eat
  • MRS – multiple rocket system
  • MRS – muzzle reference system
  • MRSI – Multiple Round Simultaneous Impact
  • MRV(R) – Mechanised Recovery Vehicle (Repair)
  • MRVR – Mechanised Repair and Recovery Vehicle (US)
  • MSSG – MAU/MEU Service Support Group (USMC)
  • MSL – Missile
  • MSR – Missile Simulation Round
  • MSR – Main Supply Route
  • MSTAR – Man-portable Surveillance and Target Acquisition Radar
  • MSV – Modular Support Vehicle
  • MT – mechanical time
  • MTB – Mobility TestBed
  • MTBF – Mean Time Between Failure
  • MTImoving target indication
  • MTL – Materials Technology Laboratory (US)
  • MTR – Mobile Test Rig (US)
  • MTSQ – mechanical time and super-quick
  • MTSQ – Mechanical Time Semi-Quick
  • MTU – Motoren- und Turbinen-Union
  • MTVL – mobile tactical vehicle light
  • MUGS – Multipurpose Universal Gunner Sight
  • MULE – Modular Universal Laser Equipment (US)
  • MUSS – Multifunctional Selfprotection System
  • MV – muzzle velocity
  • MVEEMilitary Vehicles and Engineering Establishment (UK)
  • MVRS – Muzzle Velocity Radar System
  • MWCS – Marine Wing Communications Squadron
  • MWHS – Marine Wing Headquarters Squadron
  • MWS – Manned Weapon Station (US)
  • MWS – Modular Weapon System
  • MWSG – Marine Wing Support Group
  • MWSS – Marine Wing Support Squadron


  • NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organisation
  • NAVSEANaval Sea Systems Command
  • NBCNuclear, Biological, Chemical
  • NBMR – NATO Basic Military Requirement
  • NCIS – Naval Criminal Investigative Service (US)
  • NCO – Non-Commissioned Officer (US, E-4 – E-9)
  • NCOIC – Non-Commissioned Officer In Charge
  • NDI – Non-Developmental Item
  • NDU – Navigation Display Unit
  • NFOV – Narrow Field Of View
  • NG – New/Next Generation
  • Ni/Cd – Nickel Cadmium
  • NLAW – Next Light (weight) Anti-armour Weapon
  • NLOS-C – Non-Line Of Sight-Cannon
  • NLOS-M – Non-Line Of Sight-Mortar
  • NOD(s) – Night Optical Device(s)
  • NOTAMNotice to Airmen
  • NRFNATO Response Force
  • NS – Network Services
  • NTCNational Training Center (USA)
  • NUGP – nominal unit ground pressure
  • NV – Night Vision
  • NVDNight Vision Device
  • NVE – Night Vision Equipment
  • NVESD – Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate
  • NVGNight Vision Goggle
  • NVS – Night Vision System
  • NZDF – New Zealand Defence Force
  • NZEF – New Zealand Expeditionary Force (in WWI & WWII)
  • NZSAS - New Zealand Special Air Service


  • OBR – Optical Beam-Riding
  • OCC – Obus à Charge Creusé (shaped-charge shell)
  • OCOKA – Observation and fields of fire, Cover and concealment, Obstacles, Key terrain, and Avenues of Approach.
  • OCSW – Objective Crew-Served Weapon
  • OCU – Operational Centre Unit
  • ODE – Ordnance Development and Engineering (Singapore)
  • OEG – Occluded Eye Gunsight (a type of Collimator sight)
  • OEO – optical and electro-optical
  • OFSA – Objective Family of Small Arms
  • OFSA – One Size Fits All
  • OFW – Objective Force Warrior
  • OHWS – Offensive Hand Weapon System
  • OIC – Officer In Charge
  • OICW – Objective Individual Combat Weapon
  • OOTW – Operations Other Than War
  • OPObservation post
  • OP – Operators Panel
  • OPCON – OPerational CONtrol
  • OPDW – Objective Personal Defense Weapon
  • OPORDOPerations Order
  • OPSEC – OPerational SECurity
  • OPV – Observation Post Vehicle
  • OSW – Objective Sniper Weapon
  • OSC – Operation Strategy Command
  • OSS (USAF) – Operational Support Squadron
  • OSW (USAF) – Operational Support, Weather
  • OT – operational test
  • OTA – overflight top attack
  • OTEA – Operational Test and Evaluation Agency (US)


  • P – How pack howitzer
  • P-38P-38 can opener (US)
  • P3I – Pre-Planned Product Improvements
  • PAR – pulse acquisition radar
  • PAT – power-assisted traverse
  • PAWPERSO – Protection, Ammunition, Weapon, Personal Equipment, Radio, Specialist Equipment, Orders
  • PC – Personal Computer
  • PCB – printed circuit board
  • PCC – Police Compact Carbine
  • PCI – Pre-combat inspection
  • PD – Point Defense
  • PD – point detonating
  • PD – Point of Departure
  • PDNA – Positioning Determining/Navigation Unit
  • PDRR – Program Definition and Risk Reduction
  • PDW – Personal Defence Weapon
  • PEMoD Procurement Executive (UK)
  • PE – Peace Enforcement (US DoD)
  • PEC – Printed Electronic Circuits
  • PFD – proximity fuze disconnector
  • PFHE – prefragmented high-explosive
  • PLF – protective line of fire
  • PFPX – prefragmented proximity fuzed
  • PGMMPrecision Guided Mortar Munition
  • PH – Probability of Hit
  • Pi – Probability of incapacitation
  • PIAT – Projector, Infantry, Anti Tank
  • PIBD – Point Initiating Base Detonated
  • PID – Positive Identification
  • PIE – pyrotechnically initiated explosive
  • PIP – Product Improvement Programme
  • PL – Phase Line
  • PLA – People's Liberation Army
  • PLARS – Position Location And Reporting System (US)
  • PLC – Programmable Logic Control
  • PLO – Palestinian Liberation Army
  • PLOS – Predicted Line Of Sight
  • PLS – Palletised Load System (US)
  • PM – porte mortier (mortar carrier)
  • PM – Product Manager
  • PMCS – Preventative Maintenance Checks and Services
  • PMEE – U.S. Air Force abbreviation for Prime Mission Electronic Equipment
  • PMO – Program Management Office (US)
  • PMO – Provost Marshall's Office
  • PMOD – Platform Modifications
  • PMS – Pedestal-Mounted Stinger
  • PNU – Position Navigation Unit
  • POA&M – Plan Of Action & Milestones
  • POF – Pakistan Ordnance Factory
  • POS – Postes Optiques de Surveillance
  • POW – Prisoner(s) of War
  • PPG – PT Parade Games (Bangladesh Cadet Colleges)
  • PPI – plan position indicator
  • PPS – Precise Positioning Service
  • PPV – Protected Patrol Vehicle
  • PRAC – practice
  • PRAC-T – practice tracer
  • PRESAR – Preparation, React to enemy fire, Establish enemy position, Suppress the enemy, Assault, Reorg
  • PRI – projector reticle image
  • PRP – Personnel Reliability Program (screening and monitoring of individuals with access to "special" weapons)
  • PSBC – Platoon Sergeant's Battle Course
  • PSD – Propulsion System Demonstrator
  • PSO – Peace Support Operations
  • PSS – Primary Sight System
  • PTO – power take-off
  • PVP – Petit Véhicule Protégé
  • PW – Prisoner of War
  • PWI-SR(GR) – Panser Wagen Infanterie-Standaard (Groep)
  • PWP – Plasticised White Phosphorus
  • PWR – Power


  • QCB – Quick Change Barrel
  • QE – Quadrant Elevation
  • QRF – Quick Reaction Force


  • RARoyal Artillery
  • RAARoyal Australian Artillery
  • RAAM – Rifle-launched Anti-Armour Munition
  • RAAMS – Remote Anti-Armor Mine System (US)
  • PABD – Pay Entry Base Date
  • RACRoyal Armoured Corps
  • RADIRS – Rapid Deployment Multiple Rocket System (US)
  • RAAFRoyal Australian Air Force
  • RAERoyal Aircraft Establishment, Royal Aircraft Establishment (Farnborough)
  • RAERoyal Australian Engineers, Australian Combat Engineers
  • RAFRoyal Air Force
  • RAM-D – reliability, availability, maintainability and durability
  • RANRoyal Australian Navy
  • RAO – Rear Area Operations
  • RAP – Regimental Aid Post [1]
  • RAP – rocket-assisted projectile
  • RAPI – Reactive Armour Protection
  • RARDERoyal Armament Research and Development Establishment (UK)
  • RATAC – Radar de Tir pour L'Artillerie de Campagne (radar for field artillery fire)
  • RATELO – Radio Telephone Operator
  • RAWRifleman's Assault Weapon
  • RBL – Range and Bearing Launch
  • RBOC – Rapid Bloom Offboard Chaff
  • RC/MAS – Reserve Component/Modified Armament System
  • RCAAS – Remote-Controlled Anti-Armor System (US)
  • RCAFRoyal Canadian Air Force
  • RCC – ROLAND Coordination Center (US)
  • RCDU – Remote-Controlled Defence Unit
  • RCLRecoilless rifle
  • RCNRoyal Canadian Navy
  • RCS – Radar Cross Section
  • RCT – Regimental Combat Team
  • RCTRoyal Corps of Transport
  • RCV – Robotic Command Vehicle
  • RDF – Rapid Deployment Forces
  • RDF/LT – Rapid Deployment Force Light Tank (US)
  • RDJTF – Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force (US)
  • RDT&E – Research Development Test and Evaluation
  • REME – Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
  • REMF – Rear Echelon Mother F*cker
  • RF – Rimfire
  • RFARoyal Field Artillery or Royal Fleet Auxiliary
  • RFAS – Russian Federation and Associated States
  • RFCRoyal Flying Corps
  • RFI – request for information
  • RFP – request for proposals
  • RFPI – Rapid Force Projection Initiative
  • RFQ – Request For Quotations
  • RGGSRifle Grenade General Service
  • RHArolled homogeneous armour
  • RHARoyal Horse Artillery
  • RIN – the former Royal Indian Navy
  • RIS – Rail Interface System
  • RISE – Reliability Improved Selected Equipment
  • RLC – Royal Logistic Corps
  • RLEM – Rifle-Launched Entry Munition
  • RLG – Ring Laser Gyro
  • RLT – Regimental Landing Team
  • RMG – ranging machine gun
  • RNRoyal Navy
  • RNZAF – Royal New Zealand Air Force
  • RNZN – Royal New Zealand Navy
  • RORoyal Ordnance
  • ROBAT – Robotic Counter-Obstacle Vehicle (US)
  • RoC – Republic of China
  • ROC – required operational characteristics
  • ROE – Rules Of Engagement
  • ROFRoyal Ordnance Factory (UK)
  • ROFRate of fire
  • RoKRepublic of Korea
  • RoKMCRepublic of Korea Marine Corps
  • RoKIT
  • ROR – range only radar
  • ROTA – Royal Ordnance Training Ammunition
  • RPRed phosphorus
  • RP – rocket-propelled
  • RP - Regimental police
  • RPC – Rocket Pod Container
  • RPGRocket-propelled grenade
  • RPGRuchnoy Protivotankovy Granatomyot
  • RPVRemotely piloted vehicle
  • RRRecoilless rifle
  • RRPR
  • RRT – Radio Recon Team
  • RRTR
  • RSAFRoyal Small Arms Factory (UK) (now closed)
  • RSN – (US & NATO)
  • RSS
  • RTE
  • RTO
  • RTT
  • RUCRoyal Ulster Constabulary
  • RWSRemote weapon system (or station)


  • s – second(s)
  • S&W – Smith & Wesson
  • SASituation Awareness
  • SABCASociété Anonyme Belge de Constructions Aéronautiques
  • SABRSelectable Assault Battle Rifle
  • SABS – Stabilizing Automatic Bomb Sight
  • SAC – Small Arms Collimator
  • SACLOS – Semi-Automatic Command to Line Of Sight
  • SADA – Standard Advanced Dewar Assembly
  • SADARMSense And Destroy Armor (US)
  • SADFSouth African Defence Force
  • SAESociety of Automotive Engineers
  • SAF – Small Arms Fire
  • SAFCS – Small Arms Fire Control System
  • SAFIRE – Surface-to-Air Fire
  • SAL – semi-active laser
  • SAL – search and locate
  • SAMsurface-to-air missile
  • SAMM – Société d'Applications des Machines Motrices
  • SANDFSouth African National Defence Force
  • SANGSaudi Arabian National Guard
  • SAP – Semi-Armour-Piercing
  • SAPHEI – Semi-Armour-Piercing High Explosive Incendiary
  • SAPI – semi-armour-piercing incendiary
  • SAR – Search and Rescue
  • SASSpecial Air Service
  • SASRSpecial Air Service Regiment
  • SAS-EAS – Sealed Authenticator System – Emergency Action Procedures (Nuclear Weapons Release Control)
  • SASR – Special Application Sniper Rifle
  • SAT – Small Arms Trainer
  • SATCP – Systиme Anti-aérien à Trиs Courte Portée (very short-range anti-aircraft system)
  • SAVA – Standard Army Vectronics Architecture
  • SAWSquad Automatic Weapon
  • SAWS – Squad Automatic Weapon System
  • SB – Short Barrel
  • SCORE – Stratified Charge Omnivorous Rotary Engine
  • SCC,-Sea Cadet corps
  • SDself-destruct(ion)
  • SEAD – Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses
  • SEAL – Sea/Air/Land
  • SEATO – Southeast Asia Treaty Organisation
  • SEME – School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
  • SEN – shell extended range NORICUM
  • SEP – Soldier Enhancement Programme
  • SFSpecial Forces (US/UK)
  • SFCS – Simplified Fire-Control System
  • SFIM – Société de Fabrication d'Instrument de Mesure
  • SFIRR – solid fuel integral rocket/ramjet
  • SFM – Sensor Fuzed Munitions
  • SFMG – Sustained Fire Machine Gun
  • SFSW – Special Forces Support Weapon
  • SFW – Special Forces Weapon
  • SGTS – Second-Generation Tank Sight
  • SH/PRAC – squash head practice
  • SHORAD – Short-Range Air Defence System
  • shp – shaft horsepower
  • SIC – Second in Command
  • SICPS – Standard Integrated Command Post Systems
  • SINCGARS – Single Channel Ground/Air Radio System
  • SIP – System Improvement Plan/Programme
  • SIPS – Small Integrated Propulsion System
  • SITREP – Situation Report
  • SJFN – Semi-Jacketed Flat Nose
  • SJHP – Semi-Jacketed Hollow Point
  • SKOT – Sredni Kolowy Opancerzny Transporter (armoured personnel carrier)
  • SLA - Sri Lanka Army
  • SLAC - Sri Lanka Armoured Corps
  • SLAF - Sri Lanka Air Force
  • SLAGSE - Sri Lanka Army General Service Corps
  • SLAOC - Sri Lanka Army Ordnance Corps
  • SLAPC - Sri Lanka Army Pioneer Corps
  • SLASC - Sri Lanka Army Service Corps
  • SLAWC - Sri Lanka Army Women's Corps
  • SLCG - Sri Lanka Coast Guard
  • SLCMP - Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police
  • SLE - Sri Lanka Engineers
  • SLEME - Sri Lanka Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
  • SLLI - Sri Lanka Light Infantry
  • SLMC - Sri Lanka Army Medical Corps
  • SLNG - Sri Lanka National Guard
  • SLN - Sri Lanka Navy
  • SLRC - Sri Lanka Rifle Corps
  • SLSR - Sri Lanka Sinha Regiment
  • SLAP – saboted light armor penetrator
  • SLAW – Shoulder-Launched Assault Weapon
  • SLEP – Service Life Extension Program (US)
  • SLR – Self-Loading Rifle
  • SLR – Super Low Recoil
  • SLWAGL – Super Light Weight Automatic Grenade Launcher
  • SM – smoke
  • SMAW – Shoulder-launched Multi-purpose Assault Weapon
  • SMGsub-machine gun
  • SMK – Smoke
  • Smoke – BE smoke base ejection
  • Smoke – WP smoke white phosphorus
  • SMP – Surface Mine Plough
  • SMUSpecial Mission Unit
  • SNAFU – Situation Normal, All Fouled Up
  • SNCO – Staff Non-Commissioned Officer (USMC, E-6 – E-9)
  • SNCOIC – Staff Non-Commissioned Officer In Charge (USMC)
  • SOCOM – Special Operations Command
  • SOFSpecial Operations Forces
  • SOG – Speed Over Ground
  • SOP – Standing/Standard Operational Procedure(s)
  • SOS – Struck Off Strength
  • SP – Shore Patrol
  • SP – self-propelled
  • SP – Soft Point
  • SPAAG – self-propelled anti-aircraft gun
  • SPAAM – self-propelled anti-aircraft missile
  • SPAG – self-propelled assault gun
  • SPARK – solid propellant advanced ramjet kinetic energy missile
  • SPAS – Special Purpose Automatic Shotgun
  • SPATG – self-propelled anti-tank gun
  • SPAW – self-propelled artillery weapon
  • SPG – self-propelled gun
  • SPH – self-propelled howitzer
  • SPL – self-propelled launcher
  • SPLL – Self-propelled Loader Launcher
  • SPLY – Supply
  • SPM – self-propelled mortar
  • SPP – Special Purpose Pistol
  • SPRSpecial Purpose Rifle
  • SPS – Standard Positioning Service
  • SPSM – Sensorgezundete Panzerabwehr SubMunition
  • SPW – Special Purpose Weapon
  • SR – Short Rifle
  • SR – Staff Requirement
  • SRSpecial Reconnaissance
  • SRRSpecial Reconnaissance Regiment
  • SRAW – Short Range Assault Weapon
  • SRC – Space Research Corporation
  • SRG – shell replenishment gear
  • SRI – Short Range Insert
  • SRTS – Short Range Thermal Sight
  • SRU – Shop Replaceable Unit
  • SRU – Slip Ring Unit
  • SRV – Surrogate Research Vehicle (US)
  • SSA – Special Spaced Armour
  • SSG – Single Shot Gun
  • SSK – Single Shot Kill
  • SSR – Sniper Support Rifle
  • SSRSpecial Support and Reconnaissance Company (DNK)
  • SSW – Squad Support Weapon
  • ST6 -
  • ST – Staff Target
  • STA – shell transfer arm
  • STAB – Steered Agile Beams
  • STAFF – Small Target Activated Fire-and-Forget (US)
  • STANAGSTANdardisation Agreement
  • STARTLE – Surveillance and Target Acquisition Radar for Tank Location and Engagement (US)
  • STE/ICE – Simplified Test Equipment/Internal Combustion Engine (US)
  • STF - Special Task Force
  • STOVL – Short Take Off and Vertical Landing
  • STUP – spinning tubular projectile
  • SUB
  • SUC – Square Ultra Compact
  • SUIT – Sight Unit Infantry Trilux
  • SUSAT – Sight Unit Small Arms Trilux
  • SWARM – Stabilised Weapon and Reconnaissance Mount
  • SWAT – Special Weapons And Tactics
  • SWC – Semi WadCutter
  • SWS – Sniper Weapon System


  • T – Tracer
  • TAAR – Tactical Air to Air Refueling
  • TACMS – Army Tactical Missile System (US)
  • TACOMTank-automotive and Armaments Command (US)
  • TACP - Tactical Air Control Party
  • TAD – Temporary Additional Duty (Naval Services term)Temporary Duty
  • TADDS – Target Alert Display Data Set (US)
  • TADS – Target Acquisition and Designation System (US)
  • TAM – Tanque Argentino Mediano
  • TAS – Target Acquisition Subsystem
  • TAS – tracking adjunct system
  • TAS – Turret Attitude Sensor
  • TBAT – TOW/Bushmaster Armored Turret (US)
  • TC – Tank Commander, also Truck Commander (US Army)
  • TCO – Tactical Combat Operations
  • TCTO – Time-Compliance Technical Order
  • TCU – tactical control unit
  • TDTank Destroyer
  • TDCS – Tank Driver Command System
  • TDD – Target Detection Device
  • TDR – Target Data Receiver
  • TDYTemporary Duty
  • TE – Tangent Elevation
  • TEL – Transporter-Erector-Launcher
  • TELAR – Transporter-Erector-Launcher And Radar
  • TES – Tactical Environment Simulation
  • TES – target engagement system
  • TGMTS – Tank Gunnery Missile Tracking System
  • TGP – Terminally Guided Projectile
  • TGP – Targeting pod
  • TGS – Tank Gun Sight
  • TGSM – terminally guided submunition
  • TGTS – tank gunnery training simulator
  • TIthermal imaging/imager
  • TIC – Troops In Contact
  • TICM – thermal imaging common modules
  • TIIPS – Thermal Imaging and Integrated Position System
  • TIM – Thermal Imaging Module
  • TIPU – Thermal Image Processing Units
  • TIRE – Tank Infra-Red Elbow
  • TIS – thermal imaging system
  • TLC – Transport Launching Container
  • TLD – Top Level Demonstrations
  • TLE – Treaty Limited Equipment
  • TLP – Troop Leading Procedures (US)
  • TLR – Tank Laser Rangefinder
  • TLS – Tank Laser Sight
  • TM&LS – Textron Marine & Land Systems
  • TMBC – Turret Management Ballistic Computer
  • TMP – Tactical Machine Pistol
  • TMS – Turret Modernisation System
  • TMUAS – Turreted Mortar Under Armor System (US)
  • TNI - Tentara Nasional Indonesia
  • TNTTrinitrotoluene
  • TO – Technical Order
  • TOE – table of organisation and equipment
  • TOGS – Thermal Observation and Gunnery System (UK)
  • TOP – Total Obscuring Power
  • TOPAS – Transporter Obrneny Pasovy
  • TOTE – Tracker, Optical Thermally Enhanced
  • TOW – Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire command link guided (US)
  • TP – Target Practice
  • TP-FL – target practice flash
  • TP-S – or TPS Target Practice-Spotting/Signature
  • TP-SM – target practice – smoke
  • TP-SP – target practice – spotting
  • TP-T – target practice – tracer
  • TPCM – Target Practice Colour-Marking
  • TPDS – Target Practice Discarding Sabot
  • TPFSDS-T – target practice fin-stabilised discarding sabot – tracer
  • TPTF – Target Practice Time Fuzed
  • TR – Triple Rail
  • TRACER – Tactical Reconnaissance Armoured Combat Equipment Requirement (UK)
  • TRACKSTAR – Tracked Search and Target Acquisition Radar System (US)
  • TRADOC – Training and Doctrine Command (US)
  • TSFCS – Tank Simplified Fire-Control System
  • TSQ – time and super-quick
  • TSR – Tavor Sporting Rifle
  • TT – transport de troupes (troop transporter)
  • TTB – Tank TestBed (US)
  • TTD – Transformation Technology Demonstrator
  • TTG – Time To Go
  • TTS – Tank Thermal Sight
  • TU – Terminal Unit
  • TU – Traversing Unit
  • TUA – TOW Under Armor (US)
  • TUR – Tiefflieger-Ьberwachungs-Radar (low-level surveillance radar)
  • TVTelevision
  • TWD – Thermal Warning Device
  • TWMP – Track Width Mine Plough
  • TWS – Thermal Weapon Sight
  • TYDP – Ten Year Defence Programme (Australia)


  • UAVUnmanned Aerial Vehicle
  • UBLE – Universal Bridge Launching Equipment
  • UCVP – Universal Combat Vehicle Platform
  • UDRUlster Defence Regiment
  • UET – Universal Engineer Tractor (US)
  • UGVUnmanned Ground Vehicle
  • ULC – Unit Load Container
  • UMA – Universal Mounting Adapter
  • UMP – Universal Machine Pistol
  • USA – United States of America/United States Army
  • USAADS – U.S. Army Air Defense School
  • USAARMS – U.S. Army Armor School
  • USAAVNS – U.S. Army Aviation School
  • USAAFUnited States Army Air Forces
  • USAFUnited States Air Force
  • USCGUnited States Coast Guard
  • USMCUnited States Marine Corps
  • USNUnited States Navy
  • USP – Universal Self-loading Pistol
  • UTL – Universal Tactical Light
  • UTMUniversal Transverse Mercator
  • UTS – Universal Turret System
  • UVUltraviolet
  • UWUrban warfare


  • VVolt(s)
  • VABVéhicule de l'Avant Blindé (front armoured car)
  • VAB – Vickers Armoured Bridgelayer
  • VADSVulcan Air Defense System (US)
  • VAE – Vehiculo Armado Exploracion
  • VAK – Vehicle Adaptor Kit
  • VAPE – Vehiculo Apoyo y Exploracion
  • VARRV – Vickers Armoured Repair and Recovery Vehicle
  • VARV – Vickers Armoured Recovery Vehicle
  • VBC – Véhicule Blindé de Combat (armoured combat vehicle)
  • VBCIVéhicule Blindé de Combat d'Infanterie
  • VBL – Véhicule Blindé Léger (light armoured vehicle)
  • VBM – Véhicules Blindés Modulaires
  • VC – Vehicle Commander
  • VCA – Véhicule Chenillé d'Accompagnement (tracked support vehicle)
  • VCC – Veicolo Corazzato de Combattimento
  • VCG – Véhicule de Combat du Genie (armoured engineer vehicle)
  • VCI – Véhicule de Combat d'Infanterie; Vehiculo combate infanteria (infantry combat vehicle)
  • VCP – Vehicle Check Point
  • VCR – variable compression ratio
  • VCR – Véhicule de Combat à Roues (wheeled combat vehicle)
  • VCR/AT – Véhicule de Combat à Roues/Atelier Technique (salvage)
  • VCR/IS – Véhicule de Combat à Roues/Intervention Sanitaire (stretchers)
  • VCR/PC – Véhicule de Combat à Roues/Poste de Commandement (HQ)
  • VCR/TH – Véhicule de Combat à Roues/Tourelle HOT (turret with four HOT ATGW)
  • VCR/TT – Véhicule de Combat à Roues/Transport de Troupes (troop carrier)
  • VCTIS – Vehicle Command and Tactical Information System
  • VCTM – Vehiculo de Combate Transporte de Mortero (armoured mortar carrier)
  • VCTP – Vehiculo de Combate Transporte de Personal (armoured personnel carrier)
  • VDA – Véhicule de Défense Anti-aérienne (anti-aircraft defence vehicle)
  • VDAA – Véhicule d'Auto-Défense Anti-aérienne
  • VDC – Voltage Direct Current
  • VDM – viscous damped mount
  • VDSL – Vickers Defence Systems Ltd
  • VDU – visual display unit
  • VEC – Vehiculo de Exploraciòn de Caballerie
  • VEDES – Vehicle Exhaust Dust Ejection System (US)
  • VERDI – Vehicle Electronics Research Defence Initiative (UK)
  • VHIS – visual hit indicator system
  • VIB – Véhicule d'Intervention du Base
  • VIDS – Vehicle Integrated Defence System
  • VINACS – Vehicle Integrated Navigation and Command System
  • VIRSS – Visual and InfraRed Smoke Screening System
  • VITS – Video Image Tracking Systems
  • VLAP – Velocity-enhanced Long-range Artillery Projectile
  • VLC – Véhicule Léger de Combat (light armoured car)
  • VLI – Visible Light Illuminator
  • VLSMS – Vehicle-Launched Scatterable Mine System
  • VMA – Marine Light Attack Squadron
  • VMA(AW) – Marine All-Weather Attack Squadron
  • VMBT – Vickers Main Battle Tank
  • VMF – Marine Fighter Squadron
  • VMFA – Marine Fighter Attack Squadron
  • VMFA(AW) – Marine All-Weather Fighter Attack Squadron
  • VMGR – Marine Aerial Refueler/Transport Squadron
  • VMFP – Marine Aerial Reconnaissance Squadron
  • VMM – Marine Tilt-rotor (MV-22B) Squadron
  • VMU – Marine Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Squadron
  • VMR – Marine Transport Squadron
  • VMAQ – Marine Electronic Warfare Attack Squadron
  • VMS – Vehicle Motion Sensor
  • VNAS – Vehicle Navigation Air System
  • VRL – Véhicule Reconnaissance Léger (light reconnaissance vehicle)
  • VSELVickers Shipbuilding and Engineering Ltd
  • VT – variable time (fuse)
  • VTOL – Vertical Take-Off and Landing aircraft
  • VTP – véhicule transport de personnel (personnel carrier)
  • VTT – véhicule transport de troupe (troop transporter)
  • VVSS – vertical volute spring suspension
  • VXB – Véhicule Blindé à Vocations Multiples (multipurpose armoured car)


  • WAAC – Women's Auxiliary Army Corps and individual members of; obsolete
  • WAC – Women's Army Corps and individual members of; obsolete
  • WAF – Women (in the) Air Force and individual members of; obsolete
  • WAM – Wide Area Mines (US)
  • WAMI – Wide Area Motion Imagery (US)
  • WAPC – Wheeled Armoured Personnel Carrier (Canada)
  • WASAD – Wide Angle Surveillance and Automatic Detection Device
  • WAV – Wide Angle Viewing
  • WAVES – Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service (USN); obsolete
  • WES – Wing Engineer Squadron (USMC)
  • WFOV – Wide Field Of View
  • WFSV – Wheeled Fire Support Vehicle (Canada)
  • WHA – Wounded Hostile Action (US Vietnam War)
  • WHA – Weapons Head Assembly
  • WHSA – Weapons Head Support Assembly
  • WLR – Weapon Locating Radar
  • WM – Woman/Women Marine(s)
  • WMDWeapon(s) of Mass Destruction
  • WMRV – Wheeled Maintenance and Recovery Vehicle (Canada)
  • WNHA – Wounded Non-Hostile Action (US Vietnam War)
  • WPwhite phosphorus
  • WP-Twhite phosphorus – tracer
  • WSMWinchester Short Magnum
  • WTS – Wing Transportation Squadron (USMC)


  • XO – Executive Officer


  • YMRS – Yugoslav multiple rocket system


  • ZULUZulu time (timezone equivalent to UTC)

See also[]


  1. ^ Australian War Memorial. "Glossary". p. R. Retrieved 21 June 2013.
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