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The Kabaria, sometimes pronounced as Kabariya are a Muslim community found in the state of Uttar Pradesh in India, mainly in the Awadh region. A small number of Kabaria are also found in the Terai region of Nepal. They now have Other Backward Class status in Uttar Pradesh.[1][2][3]


The community gets its name from the Urdu word kabariya which literally means someone who sells scrap, and they are said to have originally belonged to the Ansari caste.

Present circumstances[]

The Kabaria are strictly endogamous, and practice both parallel cousin and cross cousin marriages. They speak the Awadhi dialect, although most Lucknow Kabaria speak reasonable Urdu, and belong to the Sunni sect. Like other Indian Muslim castes, they have informal caste council, referred to as a panchayat. The panchayat acts as an instrument of social control, resolving intra community disputes, and punishing community members who transcend cultural norms. Each Kabaria settlement contains its own panchayat, but unlike other communities, they have not set a formal caste association.<ref>Muslim caste in Uttar Pradesh : (a study of culture contact) by Ansari, G, (Ghaus) Ethnographic and Folklore Society 1960 pages 46 and 47</re


  1. ^ People of India Uttar Pradesh Volume XLII Part One edited by A Hasan & J C Das page 452 Manohar Publications
  2. ^ Tribes and Castes of the North-western Provinces and Oudh Volume III by William Crook page 345
  3. ^ Muslim caste in Uttar Pradesh : (a study of culture contact) by Ansari, G, (Ghaus) Ethnographic and Folklore Society 1960 pages 46 and 47
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