List of colonial governors and administrators of Nevis

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This is a list of viceroys in Nevis from the island's settlement by English in 1628 until its union with Saint Kitts and Anguilla to form Saint Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla in 1883.

Governors of Nevis (1628–1685)[]

  • , 1628–1629
  • , 1629–1630
  • , 1630–1631, second time
  • , 1631–1634
  • Luke Stokes, 1634–1635, first time
  • , 1635–1637
  • Henry Huncks, 1637–1638
  • , 1639
  • , 1640
  • , 1640–1641
  • , 1641
  • , 1641–1649
  • Luke Stokes, 1649–1657, second time
  • , 1657–1671
  • Sir William Stapleton, 1672–1685

Deputy Governors of Nevis (1672–1737)[]

  • , 1672–1676
  • , 1685
  • , 1685–1687
  • , 1687–1691
  • , 1692–1699
  • , 1699–1702
  • , 1703–1706
  • , 1706–1712
  • , 1712–1722
  • Charles Sibourg, 1722–1732
  • , 1733–1737

Presidents of Nevis (1737–1882)[]

  • , 1731–1744
  • , 1745–1756
  • , 1756–1761
  • James Johnston, 1761–1771
  • , 1771–1782
  • François Claude Amour, Marquis de Bouille, 1782–1783 Governor (French occupation)
  • , 1784–1793, restored
  • , 1807–1841
  • , 1841–1842
  • , 1842–1844
  • Willoughby J. Shortland, 1845–1854
  • Frederick Seymour, 1854–1857
  • Sir , 1857–1860
  • , 1860–1864
  • , 1864–1866
  • , 1872–1873
  • Alexander Augustus Melfort Campbell, 1873–1876
  • Roger Tuckfield Goldsworthy, 1876–1877
  • Arthur Elibank Havelock, 1877–1878
  • , 1879–1882

In 1883 Nevis formed part of Saint Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla, with a president on Saint Christopher (Saint Kitts). For a list of viceroys in Nevis following this, see List of colonial heads of Saint Christopher.

See also[]


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