List of galaxy groups and clusters

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Abell 2744 galaxy cluster - Hubble Frontier Fields view (7 January 2014)[1]

This article lists some galaxy groups and galaxy clusters.

Defining the limits of galaxy clusters is imprecise as many clusters are still forming. In particular, clusters close to the Milky Way tend to be classified as galaxy clusters even when they are much smaller than more distant clusters.

Clusters exhibiting strong evidence of dark matter[]

Some clusters exhibiting strong evidence of dark matter.

Galaxy cluster Notes
Bullet Cluster In this collision between two clusters of galaxies, the stars pass between each other unhindered, while the hot, diffuse gas experiences friction and is left behind between the clusters. The gas dominates the visible mass budget of the clusters, being several times more massive than all the stars. Yet the regions with the stars show more gravitational lensing than the gas region, indicating that they are more massive than the gas. Some dark (since we don't see it), collision-less (or it would have been slowed, like the gas) matter is inferred to be present to account for the extra lensing around otherwise low-mass regions.[2]
Abell 520 This is actually a collision between two galaxy clusters. The galaxies and the dark matter seems to have separated out into separate dark and light cores.[3]
Abell 2142 A collision between two massive, X-ray luminous galaxy clusters.
Cl 0024+17
(, )
This is a recently coalesced merger of galaxy clusters, which has resulted in a ring of dark matter around the galaxies, yet to be redistributed.[4][5]

Named groups and clusters[]

This is a list of galaxy groups and clusters that are well known by something other than an entry in a catalog or list, or a set of coordinates, or a systematic designation.


Galaxy cluster Origin of name Notes
Bullet Cluster The cluster is named for the merger of two clusters colliding like a bullet. Also has a systematic designation of 1E 0657-56
El Gordo Named for its size, El Gordo ("the fat one") is the biggest cluster found in the distant universe (at its distance and beyond), at the time of discovery in 2011, with a mass of 3 quadrillion suns. The second most massive galaxy cluster next to El Gordo is RCS2 J2327, a galaxy cluster with the mass of 2 quadrillion suns. Also has a systematic designation of ACT-CL J0102-4915.[6][7][8]
Musket Ball Cluster Named in comparison to the Bullet Cluster, as this one is older and slower galaxy cluster merger than the Bullet Cluster. Also has a systematic designation of .[9]
Pandora's Cluster Named because the cluster resulted from a collision of clusters, which resulted in many different and strange phenomena. Also has a catalogue entry of Abell 2744.[10]


Galaxy group Origin of name Notes
Local Group The galaxy group that includes the Milky Way.
Bullet Group Named in comparison with the Bullet Cluster, being of similar formation, except smaller. Also has a systematic catalogue name . As of 2014, it was the lowest mass object that showed separation between the concentrations of dark matter and baryonic matter in the object.[11][12]
Copeland Septet Discovered by British astronomer Ralph Copeland in 1874.
Deer Lick Group Coined by (author of "1000+ The Amateur Astronomers' Field Guide to Deep Sky Observing") to honor Deer Lick Gap in the mountains of North Carolina, from which he had especially fine views of the galaxy group. Also referred to as the NGC 7331 Group, after the brightest member of the group.[13]
Leo Triplet Named for the fact it contains only three galaxies. This small group of galaxies lies in the constellation Leo.
Markarian's Chain This stretch of galaxies forms part of the Virgo Cluster.
Robert's Quartet It was named by Halton Arp and , who compiled in 1987. This compact group of galaxies lies 160 million light-years away in the Phoenix constellation.
Seyfert's Sextet Named after its discoverer, Carl Seyfert. At the time it appeared to contain six external nebulae. It is also called the , after its brightest member. There are actually only five galaxies in the sextet, and only four galaxies in the compact group. One of the galaxies is an ungravitationally bound background object. The other "galaxy" is instead an extension of the interacting system — a tidal stream caused by the merger. The group is, therefore, more properly called ; the name refers to the visual collection and not the group. HCG 79 lies 190 million light-years away in the Serpens Caput constellation.
Stephan's Quintet (Stephan's Quartet) Named after its discoverer, Édouard Stephan. There are actually only four galaxies in the compact group, the other galaxy is a foreground galaxy. The group is therefore more properly called , because the name refers to a visual collection and not a group. Thus, the real group is also called Stephan's Quartet.
Wild's Triplet Named after the British-born and Australia-based astronomer Paul Wild (1923–2008), who studied the trio in the early 1950s.[14]
Zwicky's Triplet

The major nearby groups and clusters are generally named after the constellation they lie in. Many groups are named after the leading galaxy in the group. This represents an ad hoc systematic naming system.

Groups and clusters visible to the unaided eye[]

The Local Group contains the largest number of visible galaxies with the naked eye. However, its galaxies are not visually grouped together in the sky, except for the two Magellanic Clouds. The IC342/Maffei Group, the nearest galaxy group, would be visible by the naked eye if it were not obscured by the stars and dust clouds in the Milky Way's spiral arms.

Galaxy group Visible galaxies Notes
Local Group 5 Apart from the Milky Way, only 4 galaxies are visible to the naked eye.[15]
Centaurus A/M83 Group 2 The Centaurus A galaxy has been spotted with the naked eye by Stephen James O'Meara [16][17] and M83 has also reportedly been seen with the naked eye.[18]
M81 Group 1 Only Bode's Galaxy (M81, NGC 3031) is visible to the naked eye.[15][19]
  • No galaxy cluster is visible to the unaided eye.[20]


First discovered Name Date Notes
Galaxy cluster Virgo Cluster 1784 Discovered by Charles Messier.[21]
Galaxy group
Compact group The four brightest members of Stephan's Quintet 1877 Discovered by Edouard Stephan.
Double galaxy Magellanic Clouds antiquity


Title Name Data Notes
Most distant galaxy cluster CL J1001+0220 redshift z=2.506 Announced August 2016. [22]
Nearest galaxy cluster Virgo Cluster The Virgo Cluster is at the core of the Virgo Supercluster. The Local Group is a member of the supercluster, but not the cluster.
Most distant galaxy group
Nearest galaxy group Local Group 0 distance This is the galaxy group that our galaxy belongs to.
Nearest neighbouring galaxy group IC 342/Maffei Group
Most distant proto-cluster z~=8 [23]
Nearest proto-cluster
Most distant massive proto-cluster z=6.585 At time of discovery in 2019, the object had 12 members, including Himiko. [24][25][26]
Least massive galaxy group
Most massive galaxy cluster RX J1347.5-1145 mass= 2.0 ± 0.4 × 1015 MSun
  • distance: z= 0.451
  • LX-ray = 6.0 ± 0.1 × 1045 erg/s in the [2-10] keV energy band
  • temperature: kT = 10.0 ± 0.3 keV


Closest groups[]

Galaxy groups closer than the Virgo Cluster
Galaxy group Distance Redshift (z) Recession velocity (km/s) Notes
Local Group - - - Our Galaxy, the Milky Way, belongs to the Local Group.
LGG 104 (IC 342/Maffei Group, , ) 0.000868 260 The IC 342/Maffei Group contains two subgroups, the () and the (, Maffei 1 Group, Maffei Group).
M81 Group (NGC 3031 Group) 3.5 Mpc (11.4 Mly) 0.001115 334 [29]
Centaurus A/M83 Group (Centarus A Group, M83 Group) 3.66 Mpc (11.9 Mly) 0.000999 299 The Centaurus A/M83 Group contains two subgroups, the (Centaurus A Group, NGC 5128 Group, ) and the (M83 Group, , ).
Sculptor Group (South Polar Group) 3.9 Mpc (12.7 Mly)
Canes Venatici Group (Canes Venatici I Group, Canes I Group, M94 Group, NGC 4736 Group, LGG 291) Mpc (13.0 Mly) 0.001612 483
NGC 1023 Group (LGG 70) 6.12 Mpc (20.0 Mly) 0.002926 877
M101 Group (NGC 5457 Group, LGG 371) 7.33 Mpc (23.9 Mly) 0.001288 386
NGC 2997 Group (LGG 180) 7.66 Mpc (25.0 Mly) 0.002615 784
Canes Venatici II Group (Canes II Group) Mpc (26.1 Mly)
M51 Group (NGC 5194 Group, LGG 347) 9.5 Mpc (31.0 Mly) 0.001850 555 [29]
Leo Triplet (M66 Group, NGC 3627 Group, LGG 231) 10.75 Mpc (35.1 Mly) 0.002207 662
Leo Group (Leo I Group, M96 Group, NGC 3379 Group, LGG 217) 11.66 Mpc (38.0 Mly) 0.002267 680
12.25 Mpc (40.0 Mly)
LGG 396 (NGC 5866 Group, NGC 5907 Group) 0.003020 905
(, M109 Group, NGC 3992 Group, , ) 16.88 Mpc (55.1 Mly) 0.003388 1016 [29]
  • Mly represents millions of light-years, a measure of distance.
  • Mpc represents millions of parsecs, a measure of distance (1 Mpc = 3.26 Mly).
  • z represents redshift, a measure of recessional velocity and inferred distance due to cosmological expansion.
    In this very nearby context, however, the observed redshift and recessional velocity are due to the Doppler shifting of the light.
  • Distances are measured from Earth, with Earth being at zero.

Closest clusters[]

Closest clusters
Galaxy cluster Distance Redshift (z) Recession velocity (km/s) Notes
Virgo Cluster 18 Mpc (59 Mly) 0.0038 1139 The Virgo Cluster is at the core of the Virgo Supercluster. The Local Group is a member of the supercluster, but not the cluster.[30]
Fornax Cluster (, , ) 19 Mpc (62 Mly) 0.0046 1379 [30]
Antlia Cluster () 40.7 Mpc (133 Mly) 0.0087 2608 Also called the .
Centaurus Cluster (Abell 3526, ) 52.4 Mpc 0.0110 3298 [30]
Hydra Cluster (, Abell 1060, ) 58.3 Mpc 0.0114 3418 [30]
  • Mly represents millions of light-years, a measure of distance.
  • Mpc represents millions of parsecs, a measure of distance.
  • z represents redshift, a measure of recessional velocity and inferred distance due to cosmological expansion.
  • Distances are measured from Earth, with Earth being at zero.

Farthest clusters[]

Farthest clusters
Galaxy cluster Distance Notes
No entries yet
  • Mly represents millions of light-years, a measure of distance.
  • Mpc represents millions of parsecs, a measure of distance.
  • z represents redshift, a measure of recessional velocity and inferred distance due to cosmological expansion.
  • Distances are measured from Earth, with Earth being at zero.
Most remote cluster titleholder
Galaxy cluster Date Redshift (z) Recession Velocity
CL J1001+0220 2016 −  2.506 [22]

2011–2016 2.07 [31][32][33]
JKCS 041 2009–2011 1.9
XMMXCS 2215-1738 (XMMXCS 2215.9-1738) 2006–2009 1.45 XMM-XCS 2215-1738 was also the most massive early cluster so far discovered.[34][35]
2005–2006 1.41 [36][37]
2005 1.393 [38][39][40][41]
( , , ) 1997– 1.276 ClG 0848+4453 forms a double-cluster supercluster with [42][43][44][45][46]
galaxy cluster around () 1984– 1.206 At the time, the BCG, was the most distant non-quasar galaxy.[47]
1960–1975 0.461 The measurement of 3C295's redshift in 1960 also defined its cluster's position. 3C 295 was also the most distant galaxy of the time.[48][49]
(fainter Hydra Cluster ) 1951–1960 0.2 61 000  Attempts at measuring the redshift of the brightest cluster galaxy of this Hydra Cluster had been attempted for years before it had been successfully achieved. The BCG was also the most distant galaxy of the time.[48][50][51][52]
() 1936–1951 0.13 39 000  The BCG of this cluster was also the most distant galaxy of the time.[51][53]
() 1932 − 1936 0.075 23 000  The BCG of this cluster was the most distant galaxy at the time.[53][54]
1931–1932 19 700  The BCG of this cluster was the most distant galaxy known at the time.[51][54][55][56][57]
1930–1931 11 700  The BCG of this cluster was the highest redshift galaxy of the time.[57][58]
Coma Cluster 1929–1930 0.026 7 800  This cluster's distance was determined by one of the NGC objects lying in it, .[58][59]
(, ) 1929 0.012 3 779  The BCG for this group was used to measure its redshift. Shortly after this was publicized, it was accepted that redshifts were an acceptable measure of inferred distance.[60]
(, ) 1921–1929 0.006 1 800  NGC 584 (Dreyer 584) was measured for the redshift to this galaxy group.[60][61][62][63]
Virgo Cluster 1784–1921 59 Mly (18 Mpc)
1 200  This was the first noted cluster of "nebulae" that would become galaxies. The first redshifts to galaxies in the cluster were measured in the 1910s. Galaxies were not identified as such until the 1920s. The distance to the Virgo Cluster would have to wait until the 1930s.[21]
  • Mly represents millions of light-years, a measure of distance.
  • Mpc represents millions of parsecs, a measure of distance.
  • z represents redshift, a measure of recessional velocity and inferred distance due to cosmological expansion.
  • Distances are measured from Earth, with Earth being at zero.
  • In 2003 () at z=1.237, was found to be the most distant rich cluster, which lasted until 2005.[38][40][42]
  • In 2000, a cluster was announced in the field of quasar at z=1.31 (the quasar lies at z=2.69) [64]
  • In 1999, cluster (, ) was found at z=1.261 [43][46]
  • In 1995 and 2001, the cluster around was announced, at z=1.786 [65]
  • In 1992, observations of the field of cluster found what appears to be a background cluster near a quasar, also in the background. The quasar was measured at z=2.055 and it was assumed that the cluster would be as well.[66][67][68][69]
  • In 1975, and its galaxy cluster was incorrectly determined to lie at z=0.637 (actually z=0.218) [70][71]
  • In 1958, cluster and were estimated to have redshifts of z=0.29 and z=0.35 respectively. However, they were not spectroscopically determined.[48]

Farthest protoclusters[]

5 Farthest protoclusters
Galaxy protocluster Distance Notes
No entries yet
  • Mly represents millions of light-years, a measure of distance.
  • Mpc represents millions of parsecs, a measure of distance.
  • z represents redshift, a measure of recessional velocity and inferred distance due to cosmological expansion.
  • Distances are measured from Earth, with Earth being at zero.
Most remote protocluster titleholder
Galaxy protocluster Date Redshift (z) Notes
2012 ~ 8 [23]
2011– 5.3 Located in Sextans, the cluster appears to contain 11 young small galaxies.[72][73]
Protocluster around radio-galaxy 2002– 4.11 It was described as the most distant cluster.[74][75][76][77]
Protocluster around 1982– 1.13 [78]
  • z represents redshift, a measure of recessional velocity and inferred distance due to cosmological expansion.
  • Distances are measured from Earth, with Earth being at zero.
  • In 2002, a very large, very rich protocluster, or the most distant protosupercluster was found in the field of galaxy cluster , around the gravitationally lensed galaxy MS 1512-cB58, at z=2.724 [77][79]

False clusters[]

Sometimes clusters are put forward that are not genuine clusters or superclusters. Through the researching of member positions, distances, peculiar velocities, and binding mass, former clusters are sometimes found to be the product of a chance line-of-sight superposition.

Former cluster Notes
The Cancer Cluster was found to be a random assortment of galaxy groups, and not a true cluster.[21]
The early identification of the Coma-Virgo Cloud of Nebulae was actually a mistaken identification due to the superposition of the Virgo Supercluster and Coma Supercluster, and not a

See also[]

Lists of groups and clusters[]


  1. ^ Clavin, Whitney; Jenkins, Ann; Villard, Ray (7 January 2014). "NASA's Hubble and Spitzer Team up to Probe Faraway Galaxies". NASA. Retrieved 8 January 2014.
  2. ^ "Galaxy Collision Separates Out the Dark Matter". Universe Today. 2006-08-21.
  3. ^ "Galaxy Cluster Collision Creates a Dark Matter Core". Universe Today. 2007-08-16.
  4. ^ "Ring of Dark Matter Discovered Around a Galaxy Cluster". Universe Today. 2007-05-15.
  5. ^ SIMBAD, "ClG 0024+17"
  6. ^ Schilling, Govert (12 January 2012). "When Galaxies Crash". ScienceNOW. Archived from the original on 2012-01-29.
  7. ^ "Humongous 'El Gordo' galaxy cluster packs mass of 2 quadrillion stars". Christian Science Monitor. 2012-01-11.
  8. ^ NASA, "El Gordo Galaxy Cluster", 10 January 2012 (accessed 7 July 2012)
  9. ^ "Discovery of the Musket Ball Cluster, a system of colliding galaxy clusters". Science Daily.
  10. ^ ESO, "A Galactic Crash Investigation", 22 June 2011 (accessed 7 July 2012)
  11. ^ XMM-Newton (6 June 2014). "Cosmic collision in the Bullet Group". European Space Agency.
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  15. ^ Jump up to: a b Stephen Uitti (27 May 2005). "Farthest Naked Eye Object". Retrieved 2008-11-01.
  16. ^ "Aintno Catalog".
  17. ^ Inglis, Mike (2007). "Galaxies". Patrick Moore's Practical Astronomy Series: 157–189. doi:10.1007/978-1-84628-736-7_4. ISBN 978-1-85233-890-9.
  18. ^ Inglis, Mike (2007). "Galaxies". Patrick Moore's Practical Astronomy Series: 157–189. doi:10.1007/978-1-84628-736-7_4. ISBN 978-1-85233-890-9.
  19. ^ SEDS, Messier 81
  20. ^ A. Schwope (2013). "Galaxy Clusters". Arches Project.
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  24. ^ National Institutes of Natural Sciences (27 September 2019). "Oldest galaxy protocluster forms 'queen's court'". ScienceDaily.
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  29. ^ Jump up to: a b c Hayden Planetarium, Galaxy Clusters and Superclusters Archived 2008-08-19 at the Wayback Machine
  30. ^ Jump up to: a b c d Hayden Planetarium, The 2MASS Galaxies Archived 2008-08-28 at the Wayback Machine
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  35. ^ University of Portsmith - Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation; ICG in team that detects the most distant galaxy cluster Archived 2007-08-12 at the Wayback Machine, 15 June 2006
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  39. ^ The Most Distant X-ray Massive Galaxy Cluster XMMU J2235.3-2557 z=1.4 Archived 2008-02-09 at the Wayback Machine
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