List of place names in Poland of German origin

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The following is a list of place names in Poland of German origin, sorted by Polish voivodeship.

Many current and historical regions of Poland have throughout history been substantially, or primarily, under a strong German influence or population. The Kingdom of Prussia, and the subsequent German Empire, were made from several areas that today are part of the modern nation state of Poland. Several areas with a primarily Polish population belonging to Germany were lost after the First World War, and several areas of primarily German population were lost after the Second World War. Some of these areas had been under continuing, or intermittent, German control for several centuries, with some having traditionally been inhabited by German (or Germanic) peoples.

In the wake of the Potsdam Conference, and the annexation, transfer and ethnic cleansing of the former eastern territories of Germany, the Commission for the Determination of Place Names was charged with determining names in the newly acquired territories, often either by means of polonizing or renaming.

As a result of the areas' rich history, several place names in what is Poland today have a German origin.

List of place names by voivodeships[]

Lesser Poland[]

Polish name German origin Polonisation First mention (German) Meaning (German) Notes References
Frywałd Freiwald Transliteration
Lanckorona Landskron Transliteration
Nowy Targ Neumarkt Translation
Szynwałd Schönwalde Transliteration
Tymbark Tannenberg Transliteration
Waksmund Wachsmund Transliteration

Lower Silesia[]

Polish name German origin Polonisation First mention (German) Meaning (German) Notes References
Bogatynia Reichenau Calque
Rychbach Reichenbach "Rich stream" (Piława River) Renamed Dzierżoniów after Jan Dzierżon in 1946
Nowa Ruda Neurode
Wałbrzych Walbrich "Forest castle" Late medieval German version of Wallenberg or Walmberg


Polish name German origin Polonisation First mention (German) Meaning (German) Notes References
Brójce Brätz
Cybinka Ziebingen
Janiszowice Jähnsdorf
Kunowice Kunersdorf
Nowa Sól Neusalz [an der Oder] Translation "New salt" Founded as Zum Neuen Saltze in 1563.[1] Documented as Neusalzburg ("New Salzburg") in 1585 and later as Neusalz ("New Salt").[2]
Nowe Biskupice Neu Bischofsee Translation
Nowe Miasteczko Neustädtel Translation
Skwierzyna Schwerin [an der Warthe]
Stare Biskupice Alt Bischofsee
Stary Dwór Altenhof


Polish name German origin Polonisation First mention (German) Meaning (German) Notes References
Czarna Dąbrówka Schwarz Damerkow Translation
Podkomorzyce Puttkamerhof Translation Also known in German as Niemietzke
Czarna Woda Schwarzwasser Translation "Black water"
Szembruk Schönbrück Transliteration
Oksywie Oxhöft Archaic; today known as Gdynia
Nowy Staw Neuteich Translation "New Pond"
Ryjewo Rehhof Transliteration
Stare Pole Altfelde Translation "Old field"
Stary Targ Altmark Translation "Old Market"
Sztutowo Stutthof

Podkarpackie Voivodeship[]

Polish name German origin Polonisation First mention (German) Meaning (German) Notes References
Frysztak Freistadt Transliteration
Łańcut Landshut Transliteration

Upper Silesia[]

Polish name German origin Polonisation First mention (German) Meaning (German) Notes References
Kluczbork Kreuzburg



Polish name German origin Polonisation First mention (German) Meaning (German) Notes References
Bartoszyce Bartenstein Transliteration 1332 "Bartians' rock" Originally known as Rosenthal
Działdowo Soldau Transliteration
Gołdap Goldap Transliteration
Rastembork Rastenburg Transliteration Current name Kętrzyn
Ostróda Osterode Transliteration 1270 Named after the town in Saxony
Jańsbork Johannisburg Transliteration Current name Pisz
Ryn Rhein Transliteration 1405 Named after the Rhine
Zalewo Saalfeld Transliteration 1299 Named after the town in Thuringia
Wartembork[nb 1] Wartenburg Transliteration 1466 Named after Wartenburg on the Elbe; today known as Barczewo, after Polish national activist Walenty Barczewski (1865–1928); named given in December 1946 after the area was transferred to Poland.[3] REF
Biskupiec Bischofsburg Transliteration 1389 "Bishop's castle" Name changed after annexation to Poland, 1946
Braniewo Braunsberg (originally Brunsberg) "Bruno's rock" Named after Bruno von Schauenburg (1205–1281), according to Johann Friedrich Goldbeck (1748–1812)
Dobre Miasto Guttstadt Translation "Good city"
Frombork Frauenburg Transliteration "Our Lady's fortress" Allegedly named after the widow of the stronghold owner, who gave it to the bishop
Olsztyn Allenstein Transliteration 1348 "Castle on [the] Alle" The river Alle is today known as Łyna
Melzak Mehlsack Transliteration "Flour sack" Linguistic corruption of Old Prussian Malcekuke, "Woods of the Subterraneous" or "Devil's ground". Today known as Pieniężno after (1852–1894)


Polish name German origin Polonisation First mention (German) Meaning (German) Notes References
Brąswałd Braunswalde Transliteration 1337 Originally Brunswalde
Bukwałd Gross Buchwalde
Gietrzwałd Dietrichswalde 1352
Kierzbuń Kirschbaum
Kronowo Kronau
Nikielkowo Nickelsdorf Translation 1366
Stary Olsztyn Alt Allenstein
Sząbruk Schönbrück Transliteration
Tomaszkowo Thomsdorf
Wysogotówek Weißkotten Weiß = white, high or upper; kotten = cottage or Goths

West Pomerania[]

Polish name German origin Polonisation First mention (German) Meaning (German) Notes References
Barlinek Berlinchen Founded as Nova Berlyn by Brandenburgian margraves.
Biały Bór Baldenburg
Dębno Neudamm
Gozdowice Güstebiese
Gryfice Greifenberg
Karlino Körlin [an der Persante]
Koszalin Köslin
Krosino Grössin
Krosino Groß Krössin
Barwice Bärwalde Transliteration Today Mieszkowice [4]
Dębogóra Eichberg Translation "Oak mountain"
Zielenica Grünwalde Translation "Green forest"
Lipka Linden Translation
Fredlądczyk Märkisch Friedland Transliteration Today Mirosławiec
Horzewo Horst Transliteration Today Niechorze
Nowe Warpno Neuwarp Translation
Stary Kostrzynek Altcüstrinchen Translation

See also[]

  • List of German exonyms for places in Poland


  1. ^ also spelled Wartenberg, Wartenbergk, Wathberg, Bartenburg, Warperc, Wasperc, Wartbór, Wartbórz


  1. ^ Weczerka, p. 351
  2. ^ Weczerka, p. 352
  3. ^ Archived April 26, 2012, at the Wayback Machine (in Polish)
  4. ^ Owczarek (2008), p. 90
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