List of scholastic philosophers

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This is a list of philosophers and scholars working in the Christian tradition in Western Europe during the medieval period, including the early Middle Ages. See also scholasticism.


  • Abélard, Pierre, (1079–1142)
  • Adam de Wodeham
  • Adam de Buckfield
  • Adam Parvipontanus
  • Adam Pulchrae Mulieris/Adam de Puteorumvilla
  • Adelard of Bath
  • Adrian of Canterbury, (or Hadrian, died 710)
  • Æthelbert of York, (sometimes Æthelberht, Albert, Ælberht, Aethelberht, or Ælbert; died 780)
  • Alain, bishop of Auxerre
  • Alain de Lille / Alanus de Insulis / Montepessulano, (c. 1128–1202)
  • Albert of Saxony
  • Albric of London
  • Alberich of Reims
  • Albert of Saxony, (1316–1390)
  • Albertus Magnus
  • Alcuin of York, (c. 735–804)
  • Aldhelm of Malmesbury, (c. 639–709)
  • Alexander of Hales, (died 1245)
  • Alexander Nequam/Neckam/of St Alban's
  • Alfred of Sareshel/Alfredus Anglicus
  • Alphonsus Maria de Liguori
  • Amalric of Bena/Bène, (died c. 1204–1207)
  • Anselm of Laon, (died 1117)
  • Anselm of Canterbury, (1034–1109)
  • Ardengus
  • Arnaldus de Villanova


  • Bartholomaeus Arnoldi von Usingen
  • Bartholomew of Bologna
  • Bede, (672/673–735)
  • Benedict of Nursia
  • Bernard of Chartres
  • Bernard of Clairvaux, (1090–1153)
  • Bernard Silvestris
  • Berthold of Moosburg
  • Boetius of Dacia
  • Bonaventure
  • Burgundio of Pisa


  • Cesare Cremonini, (1550–1631); alias Caesar Cremoninus
  • Clarembald of Arras
  • Cuthbert Tunstall


  • Daniel of Morley
  • Dante Alighieri, (1265–1321)
  • David Cranston
  • David of Dinant
  • Denys the Carthusian
  • Dietrich of Freiberg
  • Domingo Bañez
  • Domingo de Soto
  • Dominicus Gundissalinus
  • (John) Duns Scotus, (c. 1266–1308)
  • Durand of St Pourçain




  • Gabriel Biel
  • Gaetano of Thiene
  • Garlandus Compotista
  • Gaunilo(n) of Montmoutiers
  • Gerard of Abbeville
  • Gerard of Cremona
  • Gerho of Reichersberg
  • Gersonides, (1288–1344)
  • Gilbert of Poitiers
  • Giles of Rome
  • Giovanni Girolamo Saccheri
  • Girolamo Savonarola
  • Gonsalvo of Spain
  • Guerric of Saint-Quentin
  • Godfrey of Fontaines
  • Pope Gregory I
  • Gregory of Rimini
  • Guido Terrena


  • Heinrich Totting von Oytha
  • Henry Aristippus
  • Henry Bate
  • Henry of Ghent
  • Henry of Harclay
  • Henry of Langenstein
  • Hermann of Carinthia
  • Hervaeus Natalis
  • Heymeric of Camp
  • Honorius Augustodunensis/*Honoré d'Autun (1080–1154)
  • Hugh of St. Cher
  • Hugh of St. Victor


  • Ivo of Chartres


  • James of Metz
  • James of Venice
  • James of Viterbo
  • Jacques de Vitry
  • Jan Standonck
  • Jean Buridan, (c. 1295–1363)
  • Jean de la Rochelle
  • Jerome of Prague
  • Joachim of Flora
  • Jocelin, Bishop of Soissons
  • Jodocus Trutfetter
  • Johann Eck
  • Johann von Goch
  • Johann Ruchrat von Wesel
  • John Baconthorpe
  • John Blund
  • John Cantius
  • John Capreolus
  • John Dumbleton
  • John Fisher
  • John Gerson, (1363–1429)
  • John Halgren of Abbeville
  • John of Jandun
  • John Mair
  • John of Mirecourt
  • John Pagus
  • John of Paris
  • John Peckham
  • John Poinsot
  • John Punch
  • John of Reading
  • John of Salisbury, (c. 1115–1180)
  • Johannes Scotus Eriugena
  • John of Seville
  • John Wyclif, (born 1324)
  • Juan Caramuel y Lobkowitz
  • Juan de Mariana


  • Luis de Molina
  • Lupus Servatus (also known as Servatus Lupus) (c. 805–c. 862)


  • Manegold of Lautenbach
  • Marsilius of Inghen
  • Marsilius of Padua
  • Martin of Dacia
  • Matthew of Aquasparta
  • Mechthild of Magdeburg (c. 1207–c. 1282/1294)
  • Melchior Cano
  • Michael of Massa




  • Paul of Pergula
  • Paul of Venice
  • Peter Abelard, (1079–1142)
  • Peter Alfonsi
  • Peter Auriol
  • Peter of Auvergne
  • Peter le Bar
  • Peter of Candia
  • Peter of Capua[disambiguation needed]
  • Peter Ceffons
  • Peter of Corbeil
  • Peter Damian
  • Peter Helias
  • Peter Lombard
  • Peter Olivi
  • Peter of Pisa
  • Peter of Poitiers (Chancellor)
  • Peter de Rivo
  • Peter of Spain (usually identified with Pope John XXI)
  • Peter the Venerable
  • Pierre d'Ailly
  • Pierre de Maricourt
  • Philip the Chancellor
  • Plato of Tivoli
  • Prévostin of Cremona


  • Radbertus
  • Radulphus Brito
  • Radulphus de Longo Campo
  • Ralph of Beauvais
  • Ralph Strode
  • Ramon Lull
  • Raoul Ardens
  • Ratramnus
  • Raymond Féraud
  • Raymond Gaufredi
  • Reginald Pecock
  • Remigius of Auxerre (c. 841–908)
  • Richard Brinkley
  • Richard of Campsall
  • Richard l'Evêque
  • Richard Fishacre
  • Richard Ferrybridge
  • Richard Fitzralph
  • Richard de Fournival
  • Richard Kilvington
  • Richard of Middleton
  • Richard Rufus of Cornwall
  • Richard of Saint-Laurent
  • Richard of St. Victor, (died 1173)
  • Richard Swineshead
  • Robert Blund
  • Robert of Courson
  • Robert Grosseteste, (c. 1175–1253)
  • Robert Holcot
  • Robert Kilwardby, (died 1279)
  • Robert of Melun
  • Robert Pullus
  • Robert de Sorbon, (1201–1274)
  • Roger Bacon, (1214–1294)
  • Roger Marston
  • Roland of Cremona
  • Roscelin of Compiègne


  • Servatus Lupus (see Lupus Servatus)
  • Siger of Brabant, (1240–1284)
  • Simon of Faversham
  • Simon of Tournai
  • Stephen Langton, (c. 1150–1228)
  • Francisco Suárez, (1548–1617)


  • Theodore of Tarsus, (602–690)
  • Theodulf of Orléans, (c. 750/60–821)
  • Thierry of Chartres/Theodoricus Carnotensis
  • Thomas Aquinas, (1225–1274)
  • Thomas Bradwardine, (c. 1290–1349)
  • Thomas of Chobham
  • Thomas of Erfurt
  • Thomas Gallus
  • Thomas à Kempis, (1380–1471)
  • Thomas Netter of Walden
  • Thomas of Sutton
  • Thomas Wilton


  • Ulrich of Strassburg
  • Urso of Salerno


  • Vital du Four


  • Walter Burley
  • Walter Chatton
  • Walter of Château-Thierry
  • Walter of Mortagne
  • William of Alnwick
  • William of Auvergne
  • William of Auxerre
  • William of Champeaux
  • William of Conches
  • William of Durham
  • William of Falagar
  • William Heytesbury
  • William of Lucca
  • William de la Mare
  • William of Moerbeke
  • William of Ockham, (c. 1285–1349)
  • William of Saint-Amour
  • William of Sherwood
  • William of Ware
  • Witelo
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