List of the Cenozoic life of Maryland

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This list of the Cenozoic life of Maryland contains the various prehistoric life-forms whose fossilized remains have been reported from within the US state of Maryland and are between 66 million and 10,000 years of age.


  • Abra – tentative report
  • Acanthodesia
  • Illustration of a living Acipenser sturgeon
    • – type locality for species
  • Acropora
    • Acropora palmata
  • Acteocina
    • Acteocina canaliculata
  • Acteon
    • – type locality for species
  • Acus
  • Adocus
  • Aepycamelus – tentative report
  • Aetobatus
    • – type locality for species
  • Fossilized skull of the Miocene baleen whale Aglaocetus
    • Aglaocetus patulus
  • Alca
    • Alca torda – or unidentified comparable form
  • Ambystoma
    • Ambystoma maculatum
    • Ambystoma tigrinum
  • Amia
  • Life restoration of the Miocene-Pliocene beardog Amphicyon
  • Amyda
  • Anachis
  • Anadara
  • Anas
    • Anas crecca
  • Ancilla – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature
  • Angulus
  • Anomia
  • Anticlimax – tentative report
    • – type locality for species
  • Aphelops – tentative report
  • Aporrhais
  • Aquila
    • Aquila chrysaetos
  • Araeodelphis – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Arca
  • Archaeohippus
  • Architectonica
    • informal
    • informal
  • Restoration of an Arctodus, or short-faced bear, with a human to scale
    • Arctodus pristinus
  • Argopecten
    • Argopecten irradians
  • Armatobalanus
  • Arossia
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • Asaphis
  • Shell of a modern Astarte bivalve
  • Asterias
  • Astrangia
    • Astrangia danae
  • Astroscopus
  • Astyris
    • Astyris lunata
  • Athleta
  • Atrina
  • Life restoration of the Miocene sperm whale Aulophyseter
    • – type locality for species


  • Portrait of a living Balaenoptera baleen whale
    • ���
    • – type locality for species
  • Balanus
  • Bankia
  • Barnea
  • Blarina
    • A living Blarina brevicauda, or northern short-tailed shrew
      Blarina brevicauda
    • Blarina carolinensis
  • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Bonasa
    • Bonasa umbellus
  • Boreotrophon
    • – type locality for species
  • Brachidontes
  • Brachyprotoma
    • Brachyprotoma obtusata
  • Brevoortia
    • A living Brevoortia tyrannus, or Atlantic menhaden
      Brevoortia tyrannus – or unidentified comparable form
  • Bufo
    • Bufo americanus
    • Bufo woodhousei
  • Busycon – type locality for genus
    • Busycon carica
  • Busycotypus
    • – type locality for species
    • Busycotypus canaliculatus


  • Cadulus
  • Caecum
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Callinectes
  • Calliostoma
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Callista
  • A living Calonectris shearwater
  • Calyptraea
    • – type locality for species
    • Calyptraea centralis
  • Cancellaria
  • Cancer
    • Cancer irroratus
  • Canis
    • Illustration in multiple views of a fossilized skull of the Pleistocene Canis armbrusteri, or Armbruster's wolf
      Canis armbrusteri – type locality for species
    • Canis latrans
    • Canis rufus – or unidentified comparable form
  • Cantharus
  • Carcharhinus
  • Carcharias
    • – type locality for species
  • Carcharodon
    • Fossilized tooth of the Miocene-Pliocene shark Cosmopolitodus hastalis, or broad-toothed mako
      Carcharodon hastalis
  • Cardita
  • Carphophis
    • Carphophis amoenus
  • Caryocorbula
  • Cassis
  • Castor
    • Castor canadensis
    • – type locality for species
  • Cephalotropis – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Cerastoderma
  • Cervus
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Cetorhinus
  • Life restoration of the Miocene-Pliocene whale Cetotherium
    • – type locality for species
  • Chama
  • Chelone
  • Chelydra
    • Chelydra serpentina
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Chesapecten
    • Shells of the Pliocene scallop Chesapecten jeffersonius
      Chesapecten jeffersonius
  • – type locality for genus
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Chlamys
  • Chrysemys
    • A living Chrysemys picta, or painted turtle
      Chrysemys picta
    • – type locality for species
  • Circulus – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature
    • informal
  • Cirsotrema
    • informal
    • informal
  • Clavus
  • Clementia
  • Clethrionomys
    • Clethrionomys gapperi – or unidentified comparable form
  • Cliona
    • Cliona sulphurea
  • Coluber
    • Coluber constrictor
  • Fossil of the Miocene-Pleistocene barnacle Concavus
  • Condylura
    • Condylura cristata
  • Conopeum
  • Conus
    • – type locality for species
  • Shell of a Corbula basket clam
    • – type locality for species
  • Crassatella
  • Crassostrea
    • Crassostrea virginica
  • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – type locality for species
  • Crepidula
  • Fossil of the Early Cretaceous-Eocene shark Cretolamna
    • Cretolamna appendiculata
  • Crotalus
    • Crotalus horridus
  • Crucibulum
  • A living Cryptobranchus alleganiensis, or hellbender salamander
    • – type locality for species
  • Cucullaea
    • Cucullaea gigantea
  • Cumingia
  • Cyclocardia
  • Cyclostremiscus
    • – type locality for species
  • Cylichna
    • – type locality for species
  • Cymatosyrinx
    • – type locality for species
  • Cynarctus
    • – type locality for species
    • Cynarctus wangi – type locality for species
  • – tentative report
  • Cypraea
  • Cyrtopleura
    • Shell in multiple views of a Cyrtopleura costata, or angel wing clam
      Cyrtopleura costata
  • Cythara
  • Cytheris


  • A living Dasyatis stingray
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – type locality for species
  • Dentalium
  • Diadophis
    • Diadophis punctatus
  • Diodora
  • Underside of the reconstructed cranium of the Miocene baleen whale Diorocetus
    Diorocetus – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Diplodonta
  • Dipoides
  • Discinisca
  • Dolicholatirus
  • Fossil shell of the Cretaceous-modern marine venus clam Dosinia


    • – type locality for species
  • Echinocardium
    • – type locality for species
  • Echinophoria – type locality for genus
  • Ecphora
  • Ectoganus
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Ectopistes
    • Ectopistes migratorius
  • Elaphe
    • Elaphe vulpina
  • Electra
  • Elphidium
  • Ensis
    • Ensis directus
  • Entobia
  • Eontia
  • Eopleurotoma – or unidentified comparable form
  • Fossilized cranium in multiple views of the Paleocene-Eocene gavial relative Eosuchus
    • Eosuchus minor
  • Eosurcula – or unidentified comparable form
  • Epitonium
  • Eptesicus
    • Eptesicus fuscus – or unidentified comparable form
  • Equus
    • Equus giganteus
  • Erethizon
    • Erethizon dorsatum
  • Life restoration of the Pleistocene bovid Euceratherium, or the shrub ox. Robert Bruce Horsfall (1913).
    • Euceratherium collinum
  • Euclastes – tentative report
  • Eulima
    • – type locality for species
    • informal
  • Eumeces
    • Eumeces fasciatus – or unidentified comparable form
  • Eupleura
    • Eupleura caudata
  • Life restoration of the Miocene whale Eurhinodelphis (above)
    • Eurhinodelphis longirostris
  • Euspira


  • Felis
  • Ficopsis
  • Fissurella
    • – type locality for species
  • Living Fistulobalanus barnacles
  • Fulgar


  • A living Galeocerdo cuvier, or tiger shark
    • Galeocerdo aduncus
    • Galeocerdo contortus
  • Galeodea
  • Gari
  • Gastrochaena
  • Gavia
    • Gavia immer
  • Fossilized skull of the Miocene crocodile relative Gavialosuchus
  • Gemma
    • Gemma gemma
  • Genota – or unidentified comparable form
  • Geukensia
  • Gibbula – tentative report
  • ��
  • A living Glaucomys, or New World flying squirrel
  • Globigerina
  • Globigerinoides
  • Glossus
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Glycimeris
  • Glycymeris
  • Glyptemys
    • Glyptemys muhlenbergii
  • Mounted fossilized skeleton of the Miocene-Pleistocene elephant relative Gomphotherium
    • – type locality for species
  • Gulo
    • Gulo gulo
  • Gyrinophilus
    • Gyrinophilus porphyriticus – or unidentified comparable form


  • Hadrodelphis – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Haminoea
  • Shells in differing orientations of Hastula augur sea snails
  • Haustator
    • informal
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • Heliadornis – type locality for genus
    • Heliadornis ashbyi – type locality for species
  • Hemipristis
    • – type locality for species
  • Heterodon
    • Heterodon platyrhinos – or unidentified comparable form
  • Hiatella
    • Hiatella arctica
  • Hippoporidra
  • Mounted fossilized skeleton of the Miocene-Pliocene horse Hippotherium
  • Hyla
    • Hyla crucifer
  • Hyotissa
  • Hysteroconcha


  • Ictalurus
  • Ilyanassa
  • Ischadium
    • Ischadium recurvum
  • Fossilized skeleton of the Middle Jurassic-Miocene Chimaera relative Ischyodus
    • – type locality for species
  • Isognomon
  • Isurus
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species


    • – type locality for species


  • Life restoration of the Oligocene-Miocene dolphin Kentriodon
    Kentriodon – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Kuphus – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature
  • Kurtziella
    • Kurtziella cerina


    • – type locality for species
  • Lacuna
    • – type locality for species
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Lagodon
  • A modern Lamna mackerel shark
  • Lampropeltis
    • Lampropeltis triangulum
  • Lasiopodomys
  • Lepisosteus
  • Leptophoca – type locality for genus
    • Leptophoca lenis – type locality for species
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Lepus
    • A living Lepus americanus, or snowshoe hare
      Lepus americanus
  • Libinia
    • Libinia dubia
  • Lingulodinium
  • Lirophora
    • Lirophora latilirata
  • Lithophaga – or unidentified comparable form
  • Littoraria
    • Littoraria irrorata
  • Lontra
    • Pair of living Lontra canadensis, or North American river otter
      Lontra canadensis
  • Lophocetus
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • – tentative report
  • Lopholatilus
  • Lucina – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature
  • Lucina
  • Lucinoma
  • Lunatia
  • Lyonsia


  • Macoma
    • Shell of a Limecola balthica, or Baltic clam
      Macoma balthica
  • Macrocallista
  • Macrokentriodon – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Mammut
    • Mammut americanum
  • Mammuthus
    • Mammuthus columbi
    • Life restorations of a Mammut americanum, or American mastodon (right), and a Mammuthus primigenius, or wooly mammoth (left)
      Mammuthus primigenius
  • Marginella
    • Marginella minuta
  • – type locality for genus
  • – type locality for genus
  • – type locality for genus
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • – type locality for genus
  • – type locality for genus
  • Marmota
    • A living Marmota monax, or groundhog
      Marmota monax
  • Martesia
  • Mathilda
    • – type locality for species
    • informal
    • informal
    • informal
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • Mounted fossilized skeleton of the Miocene-Pleistocene ground sloth Megalonyx
  • Megaptera
    • – type locality for species
  • Melampus
  • Melanitta
    • Melanitta deglandi
  • Meleagris
    • Meleagris gallopavo
  • Membranipora
  • Menestho
    • informal
  • Mephitis
    • Mephitis mephitis
  • Mercenaria
    • Mercenaria campechiensis
    • – type locality for species
    • – tentative report
    • Collection of Mercenaria mercenaria, also known as hard clams or quahogs
      Mercenaria mercenaria
  • Meretrix
  • Merychippus
  • Mesocetus
  • – tentative report
  • Messapicetus
  • Mounted fossilized skeleton of the Miocene-Pleistocene manatee relative Metaxytherium
    • – type locality for species
  • Microtus
    • Microtus chrotorrhinus – or unidentified comparable form
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • Microtus pennsylvanicus
    • – type locality for species
  • Restoration of the Pliocene-Pleistocene Miracinonyx, or American cheetah
    • Miracinonyx inexpectatus
  • Mitra
  • Modiolus
    • Modiolus modiolus
    • – type locality for species
  • – tentative report
  • Monotherium
  • Morus
    • – type locality for species
  • Mulinia
  • Mustela
    • A living Neovison vison, or American mink
      Mustela vison – or unidentified comparable form
  • Mya
    • Mya arenaria
  • Myliobatis
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Fossilized skeleton of the Pliocene-Holocene peccary Mylohyus
    • Mylohyus fossilis – type locality for species
  • Myodes
  • Myotis
    • Myotis grisescens – or unidentified comparable form
  • – tentative report
  • Mytilus


  • Nanosiren – tentative report
  • Napaeozapus
    • Napaeozapus insignis
  • Narona
  • Nassa
  • A living Nassarius, or nassa mud snail
    • Nassarius vibex
  • Nemocardium
  • Neofiber
  • Neotoma – type locality for genus
    • Neotoma floridana
    • – type locality for species
  • Nerodia
    • A living Nerodia sipedon, or northern water snake
      Nerodia sipedon
  • Neverita
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • – type locality for genus
  • Notophthalmus
    • Notophthalmus viridescens – or unidentified comparable form
  • Notorynchus
    • Close-up portrait of a living Notorynchus cepedianus, or broadnose sevengill shark
      Notorynchus cepedianus – type locality for species
  • Novocrania
  • Nucula
    • Nucula proxima
  • Nuculana


  • Ochotona
    • Ochotona princeps – or unidentified comparable form
  • Odocoileus
    • Odocoileus virginianus
  • A living Odontaspis sand shark
  • Odostomia
  • Ondatra
    • Ondatra zibethicus
  • Opheodrys
    • Opheodrys vernalis
  • Ophiura
  • Life restoration of the Miocene sperm whale Orycterocetus
  • Osteopygis
  • Ostrea
    • – type locality for species
  • Otodus
    • Otodus angustidens – tentative report
    • At the top of the picture is a line representing twenty meters. Below this is a gray megalodon silhouette that measures twenty meters, below is a red megalodon silhouette that measures fifteen meters, below is a violet whale shark silhouette that measures ten meters, below is a green great white shark that measures five meters. Standing next to this shark is a black human silhouette that stands two meters.
      Diagram illustrating the largest (grey) and most conservative (red) size estimates of the Miocene-Pliocene shark Carcharocles megalodon (sometimes Carcharodon or Otodus megalodon) with a whale shark (violet), great white shark (green), and anachronistic human (black) to scale
      Otodus megalodon
  • Otus
    • – type locality for species
  • Oxyrhina
    • Oxyrhina desorii


  • Pagurus
    • Pagurus pollicaris
  • Palaeocarcharodon
  • Restoration of the Cretaceous-Eocene sea snake Palaeophis
  • Pandora
  • Panopea
  • Panopeus
    • Panopeus herbstii
  • Panthera
    • A living Panthera leo, or lion
      Panthera leo
    • Panthera onca
  • Parascalops
    • Parascalops breweri
  • Parietobalaena – type locality for genus
    • Parietobalaena palmeri – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • Pecten
  • Pekania
    • – type locality for species
  • Pelocetus – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Periploma – tentative report
  • Perisoreus
    • A living Perisoreus canadensis, or grey jay
      Perisoreus canadensis
  • Peromyscus
    • Peromyscus leucopus – or unidentified comparable form
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Petricola
    • Petricola pholadiformis
  • Phacoides
  • Life restoration of the Paleocene-Eocene ungulate Phenacodus. Charles R. Knight (1898).
    Phenacodus – tentative report
  • Phenacomys
  • Phocageneus
  • Pholadomya
  • Physeterula
  • Pinna
  • Pipistrellus
  • Shell of a Pitar venus clam
  • Pitymys
  • Placopecten
  • Platidia
    • – type locality for species
  • Restoration of a herd of alarmed Miocene-Pleistocene peccaries of the genus Platygonus. Charles R. Knight (1922).
    • – type locality for species
  • Plecotus
    • – type locality for species
  • Plethodon
  • Pleurotomella
    • Pleurotomella bellistriata – type locality for species
  • Pogonias
    • A living Pogonias cromis, or black drum
      Pogonias cromis – or unidentified comparable form
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Polydora
  • Polystira
  • Life restoration of the Paleocene-Eocene waterfowl Presbyornis
    • – type locality for species
  • Prionodon
  • Prionotus
    • Prionotus evolans – or unidentified related form
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • Propebela
    • – type locality for species
  • Prophaethon – tentative report
  • Protocardia
  • Pseudacris
    • A living Pseudacris triseriata, or western chorus frog
      Pseudacris triseriata
    • – type locality for species
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Pseudoliva
    • – type locality for species
  • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – type locality for species
  • Pteria
  • Ptychosalpinx
    • – type locality for species
  • A living Puffinus shearwater
    • – type locality for species
  • Pycnodonte
  • – tentative report



  • Rana
    • A living Lithobates clamitans (sometimes Rana clamitans), or green frog
      Rana clamitans
    • Rana pipiens
    • Rana sylvatica
  • Rangia
  • Ranzania
  • Retusa
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Rhinoptera
  • Rhynchobatus
    • A living Morone saxatilis (formerly Roccus saxatilis), or striped bass
      Roccus saxatilis


  • Salamandra
  • Fossilized teeth of the Neogene sperm whale Scaldicetus
  • Scapanorhynchus
    • – tentative report
  • Scaphander
    • – type locality for species
  • Scaphella – type locality for genus
  • Sceloporus
    • Sceloporus undulatus – or unidentified comparable form
  • Fossilized skull of the Miocene toothed whale Schizodelphis
  • Schizoporella
  • Sciaenops
  • Sciurus
    • Sciurus carolinensis
  • Scutella
  • Sediliopsis – type locality for genus
    • Sediliopsis gracilis
  • Seila
  • Semele – tentative report
  • Semele
  • Serpulorbis
    • – type locality for species
  • Siphonalia
    • – type locality for species
  • Life restoration of the Pleistocene-Holocene saber-tooth cat Smilodon
    • Smilodon fatalis
    • informal
    • – type locality for species
  • Solen
  • Sorex
    • A living Sorex cinereus, or cinereus shrew
      Sorex cinereus
    • Sorex fumeus
  • Spermophilus
    • Spermophilus tridecemlineatus
  • – tentative report
  • Sphyraenodus
  • A living Sphyrna hammerhead shark
    • – type locality for species
  • Spilogale
    • Spilogale putorius – type locality for species
  • Spisula
  • Life restoration of the Oligocene-Miocene shark-toothed dolphin Squalodon
    • Squalodon calvertensis – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • Squatina
    • – type locality for species
  • Squilla
  • Stenasodelphis – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Stewartia
  • Stramonita
  • Strioterebrum
  • Stylopoma
  • Syllomus
    • Syllomus aegyptiacus – type locality for species
  • Sylvilagus
    • Sylvilagus floridanus
  • Synaptomys
    • A living Synaptomys cooperi, or southern bog lemming
      Synaptomys cooperi
  • Synechodus
  • Syrnola
    • – type locality for species


  • Tagelus
  • Tamias
    • Tamias striatus
  • Tamiasciurus
    • Tamiasciurus hudsonicus
  • Taphrosphys
    • – type locality for species
  • Tapiravus
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • A living Tapirus, or tapir
    • Tapirus haysii – or unidentified comparable form
  • Tasbacka
    • – type locality for species
  • Taxidea
    • Taxidea taxus – type locality for species
  • Teinostoma
  • Tellina
  • Terebra
  • Terebratula
    • – type locality for species
  • Teredo
  • Terrapene
    • Terrapene carolina
  • Testudo
    • – type locality for species
  • Textularia
  • Thamnophis
  • Fossilized skeleton of the Oligocene-Miocene gavial relative Thecachampsa
    • Thecachampsa antiqua
    • – type locality for species
  • Thomomys – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Thracia
  • Torcula
    • – type locality for species
  • A living Tremarctos, or spectacled bear
    • Tremarctos floridanus
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • Triloculina
  • Trionyx – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature
  • Triphora
  • Tritonium
    • – type locality for species
  • Trochita
  • Trygon
  • Tuba – tentative report
  • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Turricula – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Turris – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature
  • Fossilized shells of the Late Jurassic-modern tower snail Turritella
  • A living Tursiops, or bottlenose dolphin
  • Typhis


  • Umbraculum – tentative report
  • Urosalpinx
    • Urosalpinx cinerea
  • Ursus
    • A living Ursus americanus, or American black bear
      Ursus americanus


  • Venericardia
  • A living Vespertilio bat
  • Vitrinella
    • – type locality for species
  • Volutifusus
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • Volvulella
  • Vulpes


  • Fossilized skeleton of the Miocene whale Xiphiacetus
    • Xiphiacetus bossi – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • Xiphias
    • – tentative report



  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species


  • Various Contributors to the Paleobiology Database. "Fossilworks: Gateway to the Paleobiology Database". Retrieved 17 December 2021. {{cite web}}: |author= has generic name (help)
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