List of the prehistoric life of Tennessee

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This list of the prehistoric life of Tennessee contains the various prehistoric life-forms whose fossilized remains have been reported from within the US state of Tennessee.


The Paleobiology Database records no known occurrences of Precambrian fossils in Alabama.


Selected Paleozoic taxa of Tennessee[]


Selected Mesozoic taxa of Tennessee[]


  • Aegolius
    • Aegolius acadicus
    • Aegolius funereus
  • Alligator
  • Alnus
  • Ambystoma
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • Athleta
  • Life restoration of the Eocene whale Basilosaurus
    • Basilosaurus cetoides – or unidentified comparable form
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Betula
    • – type locality for species
  • Bonasa
    • Bonasa umbellus
  • Brachidontes – or unidentified comparable form
  • Caesalpinia
    • – type locality for species
  • Canis
    • Skeletons look identical
      Modern mounted skeleton of Canis lupus, the grey wolf, to scale with a fossilized skeleton of the Pleistocene wolf Canis dirus, or dire wolf
      Canis dirus – tentative report
  • Capella
    • Capella gallinago
  • Carduelis
    • Carduelis pinus
  • Carpodacus
    • Carpodacus purpureus
  • Carya
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Castor
    • Castor canadensis
  • Mounted fossilized skeleton of the Pliocene-Pleistocene giant beaver Castoroides
  • Celtis
  • Cervus
    • Cervus elaphus
  • Chaetura
    • Chaetura pelagica
  • Chrysemys
  • Clethrionomys
    • Clethrionomys gapperi
  • Colaptes
    • Colaptes auratus
  • Coluber
  • Corbula
  • Fossilized skeleton preserved in situ (upper left, 2) of the Miocene-Pliocene horse Cormohipparion
    Cormohipparion – or unidentified comparable form
  • Coturnicops
    • Coturnicops noveboracensis
  • Crotalus
  • Cucullaea
  • Cyanocitta
    • Cyanocitta cristata
  • Desmognathus
  • Didelphis
    • Didelphis virginiana
  • Diplotropis
    • – type locality for species
  • Ectopistes
    • Taxidermied male Ectopistes migratorius, or passenger pigeon
      Ectopistes migratorius
  • Elater
    • – type locality for species
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Eptesicus
    • Eptesicus fuscus
  • Equus
  • Eremophila
    • Eremophila alpestris
  • Erethizon
    • Erethizon dorsatum
  • Falco
    • A living Falco sparverius, or American kestrel
      Falco sparverius
  • Formicium – type locality for genus
    • Formicium berryi – type locality for species
  • Fraxinus
  • Geomys
  • Glaucomys
    • Glaucomys sabrinus
  • Glycymeris
  • Glyptemys
    • Glyptemys insculpta
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Hyla
    • Hyla femoralis
  • Lepus
    • Lepus americanus
  • Lontra
    • Lontra canadensis
  • Lynx
    • Lynx rufus – or unidentified comparable form
  • Machairodus – or unidentified comparable form
  • Mammut
    • Mammut americanum
  • Mammuthus
    • Life restorations of a Mammut americanum, or American mastodon (right), and a Mammuthus primigenius, or wooly mammoth (left)
      Mammuthus primigenius
  • Marmota
    • Marmota monax
  • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Megatylopus – or unidentified comparable form
  • Melanerpes
    • Melanerpes carolinus
    • – type locality for species
  • Mephitis
    • A living Mephitis mephitis, or striped skunk
      Mephitis mephitis
  • Mesalia
  • Microtus
    • Microtus pennsylvanicus
    • Microtus xanthognathus
  • Mylohyus
    • Mylohyus fossilis
  • Natica – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature
  • Neotoma
    • Neotoma floridana
  • Notophthalmus
  • Nuculana
  • Odocoileus
    • A living Odocoileus virginianus, or white-tailed deer
      Odocoileus virginianus
  • Ondatra
    • Ondatra zibethicus
  • Ostrea
  • Ovibovini
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Panthera
    • Panthera onca
  • Fossilized skeleton of the Pliocene-Pleistocene ground sloth Paramylodon
  • Pedioecetes
    • Pedioecetes phasianellus
  • Perisoreus
    • Perisoreus canadensis
  • Phenacomys
    • Phenacomys intermedius
  • Pholadomya
  • Picoides
    • Picoides villosus
  • Pinicola
    • Pinicola enucleator
  • Pinus
  • Pipilo
    • Pipilo erythrophthalmus
  • Pitar – tentative report
  • Pituophis
  • Plethodon
  • Plionarctos
  • Life restoration of the Miocene-Pliocene red panda Pristinailurus, or Bristol's panda
    Pristinailurus – type locality for genus
    • Pristinailurus bristoli – type locality for species
  • Procyon
    • Procyon lotor
  • Quercus
  • Regina – or unidentified comparable form
  • Salix
  • Sayornis
    • Sayornis phoebe
  • Sciurus
    • Sciurus carolinensis
  • Scolopax
    • Scolopax minor
  • Sistrurus – or unidentified comparable form
  • Sitta
    • Sitta canadensis
  • Life restoration of the Pleistocene-Holocene saber-tooth cat Smilodon
    • Smilodon fatalis
  • Sorex
    • Sorex arcticus
    • Sorex hoyi
    • Sorex palustris
  • Spermophilus
    • Spermophilus tridecemlineatus
  • Sternotherus
  • Strix
    • Strix varia
  • A living Sturnella magna, or eastern meadowlark
  • Surnia
    • Surnia ulula
  • Sylvilagus
    • Sylvilagus aquaticus – or unidentified comparable form
    • Sylvilagus floridanus
  • Tamias
    • Tamias striatus
  • Tamiasciurus
    • Tamiasciurus hudsonicus
  • Tapirus
  • Restoration of the Miocene-Pliocene rhinoceros Teleoceras
    • – type locality for species[2]
  • Tellina
  • Trachemys
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Tsuga
  • Turdus
    • Turdus migratorius
  • Turritella
  • Tympanuchus
    • Tympanuchus cupido
  • Ulmus
  • Ursus
    • A living Ursus americanus, or American black bear
      Ursus americanus
  • Venericardia
  • Zonotrichia
    • Zonotrichia albicollis


  1. ^ Rachel A. Short; Steven C. Wallace; Laura G. Emmert (2019). "A new species of Teleoceras (Mammalia, Rhinocerotidae) from the late Hemphillian of Tennessee" (PDF). Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History. 56 (5): 183–260.
  2. ^ Rachel A. Short; Steven C. Wallace; Laura G. Emmert (2019). "A new species of Teleoceras (Mammalia, Rhinocerotidae) from the late Hemphillian of Tennessee" (PDF). Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History. 56 (5): 183–260.
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