Soling World Championship results (1985–1989)

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This article stated the results of the World Soling Championships from 1985 till 1989. Unfortunitely not all crew names are documented in the major sources: (USSA) bulletin "Leading Edge" and International Soling Association (ISA) magazine "Soling Sailing".

Soling insigna.png
Soling Line Drawing.svg

1985 Final results[]

Only the top 20 boats are documented.

World Champion Soling 1985.png
Event Title
Edition18 [1][2][3][4]
Event Details
VenueSarnia,  Canada
Dates5–17 September
Key people
Abbott Family
Opening ceremony10 September
Competing nations12
1st place, gold medalist(s) Gold United States
Dave Curtis

2nd place, silver medalist(s) Silver Brazil
Torben Grael
Daniel Adler
Ronaldo Senfft
3rd place, bronze medalist(s) Bronze United States
John Kostecki
William Baylis
Robert Billingham
← 1984
1986 →
Rank Country Helmsman Crew Sail No. Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Race 7 Total Total

Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts.
1st place, gold medalist(s)   Dave Curtis
US 777 16 22.0 4 8.0 2 3.0 1 0.0 8 14.0 6 11.7 4 8.0 66.7 44.7
2nd place, silver medalist(s)   Torben Grael Daniel Adler
Ronaldo Senfft
BL 45 8 14.0 10 16.0 7 13.0 3 5.7 5 10.0 3 5.7 1 0.0 64.4 48.4
3rd place, bronze medalist(s)   John Kostecki William Baylis
Robert Billingham
US 736 10 16.0 3 5.7 5 10.0 2 3.0 7 13.0 12 18.0 2 3.0 68.7 50.7
4   Kevin Mahaney Not documented US 772 2 3.0 12 18.0 10 16.0 16 22.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 34 40.0 99.0 59.0
5   Hans Fogh Not documented KC 176 6 11.7 1 0.0 6 11.7 14 20.0 2 3.0 9 15.0 14 20.0 81.4 61.4
6   Not documented S 124 1 0.0 9 15.0 1 0.0 8 14.0 14 20.0 23 29.0 12 18.0 96.0 67.0
7   Terry McLaughlin Not documented KC 178 RET 46.0 5 10.0 3 5.7 10 16.0 4 8.0 14 20.0 11 17.0 122.7 76.7
8   Bill Abbott, Jr.
KC 1 26 32.0 2 3.0 4 8.0 7 13.0 3 5.7 31 37.0 19 25.0 123.7 86.7
9   Not documented I 154 9 15.0 8 14.0 8 14.0 6 11.7 10 16.0 11 17.0 16 22.0 109.7 87.7
10   Peter Gilmour Not documented KA 157 5 10.0 18 24.0 11 17.0 5 10.0 16 22.0 4 8.0 17 23.0 114.0 90.0
11   Valdemar Bandolowski Not documented D 84 11 17.0 11 17.0 9 15.0 18 24.0 6 11.7 16 22.0 8 14.0 120.7 96.7
12   Paul Thomson Stuart Flinn
Philip Gow
KC 158 4 8.0 13 19.0 17 23.0 4 8.0 17 23.0 30 36.0 10 16.0 133.0 97.0
13   Peter Coleman
Paul Coleman
US 769 3 5.7 20 26.0 PMS 46.0 22 28.0 18 24.0 8 14.0 3 5.7 149.4 103.4
14   Not documented L 47 13 19.0 17 23.0 18 24.0 13 19.0 15 21.0 2 3.0 15 21.0 130.0 106.0
15   Not documented G 262 7 13.0 6 11.7 PMS 46.0 9 15.0 9 15.0 18 24.0 28 34.0 158.7 112.7
16   Not documented N 96 17 23.0 19 25.0 20 26.0 11 17.0 7 13.0 7 13.0 28 34.0 151.0 117.0
17   Not documented G 219 22 28.0 14 20.0 12 18.0 12 18.0 21 27.0 10 16.0 23 29.0 156.0 127.0
18   Not documented KC 169 12 18.0 7 13.0 21 27.0 19 25.0 13 19.0 DNF 46.0 32 38.0 186.0 140.0
19   Stuart H. Walker Not documented US 725 25 31.0 24 30.0 PMS 46.0 27 33.0 12 18.0 23 29.0 5 10.0 197.0 151.0
20   Not documented I 220 21 27.0 15 21.0 19 25.0 11 17.0 19 25.0 22 28.0 31 37.0 180.0 143.0

Legend: DNF – Did not finish; DNS – Did not start; DSQ – Disqualified; RET – Retired;
Discard is crossed out and does not count for the overall result.

  • 1985 Progress

Progress Worlds Soling 1985.png

1986 Final results[]

John Kostecki, Robert Billingham, William Bayliss.png
John Kostecki, Robert Billingham, William Baylis
Event Title
Edition19 [5][2][6][7]
Event Details
VenueLa Trinite-sur-Mer,  France
Dates4–14 September
Opening ceremony7 September
Competing nations17
1st place, gold medalist(s) Gold United States
John Kostecki
William Baylis
Bob Billingham
2nd place, silver medalist(s) Silver United States
Dave Curtis

3rd place, bronze medalist(s) Bronze East Germany
Jochen Schümann
Thomas Flach
Bernd Jäkel
← 1985
1987 →
Rank Country Helmsman Crew Sail No. Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Race 7 Total Total

Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts.
1   John Kostecki Robert Billingham
William Baylis
US 736 16 22.0 8 14.0 2 3.0 1 0.0 8 14.0 24 30.0 1 0.0 83.0 53.0
2   David Curtis
US 777 6 11.7 12 18.0 18 24.0 25 31.0 3 5.7 3 5.7 3 5.7 101.8 70.8
3   Jochen Schumann Thomas Flach
Bernd Jäkel
DDR 1 25 31.0 2 3.0 12 18.0 6 11.7 5 10.0 DSQ 85.0 2 3.0 161.7 76.7
4   Paul Thomson Stuart Flinn
Philip Gow
KC 158 21 27.0 5 10.0 44 50.0 17 23.0 1 0.0 2 3.0 14 20.0 133.0 83.0
5   Poul Richard Høj Jensen Not documented D 90 12 18.0 7 13.0 4 8.0 12 18.0 16 22.0 12 18.0 4 8.0 105.0 83.0
6   Hans Fogh Not documented KC 176 9 15.0 9 15.0 20 26.0 2 3.0 9 15.0 22 28.0 11 17.0 119.0 91.0
7   Not documented DDR 5 7 13.0 4 8.0 11 17.0 29 35.0 12 18.0 4 8.0 25 31.0 130.0 95.0
8   Lennart Persson Not documented S 124 10 16.0 3 5.7 30 36.0 10 16.0 2 3.0 27 33.0 16 22.0 131.7 95.7
9   Not documented S 131 8 14.0 59 65.0 3 5.7 3 5.7 29 35.0 14 20.0 29 35.0 180.4 115.4
10   Georgy Shayduko Not documented SR 28 35 41.0 28 34.0 24 30.0 4 8.0 14 20.0 7 13.0 7 13.0 159.0 118.0
DDR 4 14 20.0 1 0.0 8 14.0 54 60.0 6 11.7 RET 85.0 8 14.0 204.7 119.7
12   Not documented L 47 39 45.0 14 20.0 1 0.0 15 21.0 20 26.0 15 21.0 26 32.0 165.0 120.0
13   Not documented D 84 18 24.0 30 36.0 57 63.0 19 25.0 11 17.0 5 10.0 5 10.0 185.0 122.0
14   Not documented D 89 4 8.0 PMS 85.0 14 20.0 40 46.0 19 25.0 8 14.0 12 18.0 216.0 131.0
15   Bill Abbott, Jr.
KC 1 38 44.0 11 17.0 5 10.0 RET 85.0 4 8.0 21 27.0 22 28.0 219.0 134.0
16   Boris Budnikov Not documented SR 33 34 40.0 15 21.0 7 13.0 30 36.0 30 36.0 11 17.0 6 11.7 174.7 134.7
17   Not documented N 104 13 19.0 10 16.0 61 67.0 11 17.0 37 43.0 6 11.7 23 29.0 202.7 135.7
18   Not documented S 130 31 37.0 19 25.0 31 37.0 5 10.0 10 16.0 10 16.0 39 45.0 186.0 141.0
19   Jesper Bank Not documented D 83 27 33.0 13 19.0 22 28.0 21 27.0 13 19.0 33 39.0 10 16.0 181.0 142.0
20   Kevin Mahaney Not documented US 772 11 17.0 24 30.0 28 34.0 23 29.0 7 13.0 23 29.0 34 40.0 192.0 152.0
21   Jens-Peter Wrede Not documented G 261 67 73.0 17 23.0 34 40.0 8 14.0 25 31.0 18 24.0 15 21.0 226.0 153.0
22   Not documented L 48 15 21.0 36 42.0 23 29.0 7 13.0 31 37.0 28 34.0 20 26.0 202.0 160.0
23   Not documented S 137 37 43.0 6 11.7 33 39.0 20 26.0 45 51.0 13 19.0 24 30.0 219.7 168.7
24   Torben Grael Not documented BL 45 3 5.7 35 41.0 21 27.0 43 49.0 18 24.0 31 37.0 31 37.0 220.7 171.7
25   Not documented H 24 1 0.0 55 61.0 36 42.0 42 48.0 22 28.0 17 23.0 30 36.0 238.0 177.0
26   Not documented I 194 2 3.0 PMS 85.0 25 31.0 37 43.0 44 31.0 26 32.0 18 24.0 249.0 164.0
Not documented
G 266 47 53.0 22 28.0 13 19.0 9 15.0 52 58.0 40 46.0 17 23.0 242.0 184.0
28   Wolfgang Gerz Not documented G 260 49 55.0 33 39.0 15 21.0 22 28.0 17 33.0 25 31.0 43 49.0 256.0 201.0
29   Not documented I 223 30 36.0 DSQ 85.0 9 15.0 16 22.0 39 45.0 34 40.0 33 39.0 282.0 197.0
30   Not documented G 269 20 26.0 RET 85.0 PMS 85.0 46 52.0 15 21.0 1 0.0 13 19.0 288.0 203.0
31   Not documented KA 144 58 64.0 21 27.0 56 62.0 39 45.0 34 40.0 19 25.0 9 15.0 278.0 214.0
32   Not documented D 79 48 54.0 23 29.0 10 16.0 28 34.0 41 47.0 29 35.0 50 56.0 271.0 215.0
33   Not documented S 127 17 23.0 47 53.0 29 35.0 27 33.0 24 30.0 46 52.0 RET 85.0 311.0 226.0
34   Not documented Z 258 65 71.0 37 43.0 6 11.7 55 61.0 21 27.0 32 38.0 41 47.0 298.7 227.7
35   Not documented G 258 32 38.0 49 55.0 40 46.0 14 20.0 63 69.0 9 15.0 51 57.0 300.0 231.0
36   Patrick Haegeli Not documented F 142 19 25.0 42 48.0 27 33.0 DSQ 85.0 DSQ 85.0 16 22.0 21 27.0 325.0 240.0
37   Not documented N 102 22 28.0 34 40.0 54 60.0 33 39.0 27 33.0 51 57.0 38 44.0 301.0 241.0
38   Not documented I 220 RET 85.0 18 24.0 17 23.0 48 54.0 70 76.0 35 41.0 28 34.0 337.0 252.0
39   Guillermo Altadill Not documented E 140 41 47.0 29 35.0 45 51.0 13 19.0 RET 85.0 42 48.0 48 54.0 339.0 254.0
40   Not documented I 193 44 50.0 43 49.0 19 25.0 26 32.0 49 55.0 45 51.0 RET 85.0 347.0 262.0
41   Stuart H. Walker Not documented US 725 24 30.0 51 57.0 16 22.0 57 63.0 36 42.0 63 69.0 45 51.0 334.0 265.0
42   Not documented S 136 53 59.0 DSQ 85.0 PMS 85.0 18 24.0 35 41.0 30 36.0 19 25.0 355.0 270.0
43   Not documented G 251 5 10.0 PMS 85.0 PMS 85.0 50 56.0 42 48.0 20 26.0 44 50.0 360.0 275.0
44   Not documented S 132 33 39.0 63 69.0 26 32.0 24 30.0 PMS 85.0 36 42.0 57 63.0 319.0 250.0
45   Not documented K 141 50 56.0 16 22.0 37 43.0 66 72.0 55 61.0 50 56.0 35 41.0 351.0 279.0
46   Not documented F 151 42 48.0 31 37.0 63 69.0 58 64.0 33 39.0 39 45.0 40 46.0 348.0 279.0
47   Not documented Z 250 29 35.0 39 45.0 53 59.0 60 66.0 28 34.0 RET 85.0 37 43.0 367.0 282.0
48   Not documented S 129 43 49.0 40 46.0 47 53.0 34 40.0 56 62.0 37 43.0 46 52.0 345.0 283.0
49   Not documented Z 259 DSQ 85.0 25 31.0 43 49.0 53 59.0 26 32.0 38 44.0 62 68.0 368.0 283.0
50   Not documented F 129 28 34.0 53 59.0 50 56.0 35 41.0 51 57.0 48 54.0 42 48.0 349.0 290.0
51   Not documented KA 167 62 68.0 26 32.0 32 38.0 63 69.0 43 49.0 59 65.0 36 42.0 363.0 294.0
52   Not documented KA158 23 29.0 52 58.0 58 64.0 47 53.0 54 60.0 60 66.0 27 33.0 363.0 297.0
53   Not documented Z 267 64 70.0 27 33.0 46 52.0 41 47.0 32 38.0 61 67.0 55 61.0 368.0 298.0
54   Not documented K 133 51 57.0 45 51.0 49 55.0 52 58.0 46 52.0 41 47.0 32 38.0 358.0 300.0
55   Not documented S 138 56 62.0 50 56.0 DSQ 85.0 51 57.0 23 29.0 YMP 51.0 YMP 51.0 391.0 306.0
56   Theo de Lange H 20 26 32.0 41 47.0 42 48.0 44 50.0 60 66.0 64 70.0 RET 85.0 398.0 313.0
57   Not documented H 21 40 46.0 32 38.0 52 58.0 67 73.0 38 44.0 49 55.0 DSQ 85.0 399.0 314.0
58   Not documented G 207 52 58.0 20 26.0 RET 85.0 36 42.0 48 54.0 43 49.0 DNS 85.0 399.0 314.0
59   Not documented F 149 45 51.0 46 52.0 51 57.0 31 37.0 58 64.0 57 63.0 63 69.0 393.0 324.0
60   Not documented S 128 59 65.0 48 54.0 41 47.0 62 68.0 40 46.0 52 58.0 52 58.0 396.0 328.0
61   Not documented S 118 46 52.0 54 60.0 35 41.0 61 67.0 53 59.0 47 53.0 60 66.0 398.0 331.0
62   Not documented K 127 36 42.0 61 67.0 62 68.0 49 55.0 64 70.0 44 50.0 59 65.0 417.0 347.0
63   Rudy den Outer H 22 66 72.0 38 44.0 39 45.0 71 77.0 47 53.0 65 71.0 61 67.0 429.0 352.0
64   Not documented Z 235 55 61.0 66 72.0 48 54.0 45 51.0 PMS 85.0 58 64.0 56 62.0 449.0 364.0
65   Not documented F 145 75 81.0 57 63.0 55 61.0 32 38.0 68 74.0 66 72.0 54 60.0 449.0 368.0
66   Jimmy Pahun Not documented F 126 60 66.0 44 50.0 DSQ 85.0 56 62.0 65 71.0 62 68.0 47 53.0 455.0 370.0
67   Not documented KC 175 57 63.0 60 66.0 38 44.0 59 65.0 59 65.0 67 73.0 65 71.0 447.0 374.0
68   Not documented G 216 72 78.0 68 74.0 67 73.0 38 44.0 50 56.0 54 60.0 DNS 85.0 470.0 385.0
69   Not documented KA 166 54 60.0 56 62.0 65 71.0 72 78.0 66 72.0 68 74.0 49 55.0 472.0 394.0
70   Not documented F 139 68 74.0 67 73.0 59 65.0 65 71.0 57 63.0 56 62.0 58 64.0 472.0 398.0
71   Not documented F 136 63 69.0 58 64.0 68 74.0 64 70.0 61 67.0 53 59.0 68 74.0 477.0 403.0
72   Not documented Z 262 61 67.0 71 77.0 60 66.0 73 79.0 62 68.0 55 61.0 67 73.0 491.0 412.0
73   Not documented Z 264 71 77.0 70 76.0 66 72.0 70 76.0 67 73.0 RET 85.0 53 59.0 518.0 433.0
74   Not documented F 148 76 82.0 69 75.0 64 70.0 68 74.0 69 75.0 69 75.0 66 72.0 523.0 441.0
75   Not documented F 138 73 79.0 64 70.0 70 76.0 74 80.0 72 78.0 DSQ 85.0 64 70.0 538.0 453.0
76   Not documented F 125 69 75.0 65 71.0 69 75.0 69 75.0 71 77.0 RET 85.0 DNS 85.0 543.0 458.0
77   Not documented G 254 70 76.0 62 68.0 PMS 85.0 RET 85.0 DNS 85.0 DNS 85.0 DNS 85.0 569.0 484.0
78   Not documented F 134 74 80.0 DNS 85.0 DNS 85.0 DNS 85.0 DNS 85.0 DNS 85.0 RET 85.0 590.0 505.0

Legend: DNF – Did not finish; DNS – Did not start; DSQ – Disqualified;
Discard is crossed out and does not count for the overall result.

  • 1986 Progress

Progress Worlds Soling 1986.png

1987 Final results[]

Soling Worlds 1987, Kiel.png
Event Title
Edition20 [8][2]
HostKieler Yacht-Club
Event Details
VenueSchilksee, Kiel,  West Germany
Dates14–20 June
Opening ceremony14 June
Competing nations24
1st place, gold medalist(s) Gold East Germany

2nd place, silver medalist(s) Silver United States
John Kostecki
William Baylis
Robert Billingham
3rd place, bronze medalist(s) Bronze Soviet Union
Georgy Shayduko
Nikolay Polyakov
← 1986
1988 →
Picture of the Kiel Worlds 1987 enamel plaque
Rank Country Helmsman Crew Sail No. Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Race 7 Total Total

Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts.
1st place, gold medalist(s)  
DDR 4 18 24.0 13 19.0 13 19.0 10 16.0 5 10.0 2 3.0 14 20.0 111.0 87.0
2nd place, silver medalist(s)   John Kostecki Robert Billingham
William Baylis
US 736 15 21.0 27 33.0 4 8.0 2 3.0 13 19.0 14 20.0 12 18.0 122.0 89.0
3rd place, bronze medalist(s)   Georgy Shayduko
Nikolay Polyakov
SR 41 20 26.0 4 8.0 24 30.0 7 13.0 12 18.0 20 26.0 1 0.0 121.0 91.0
4   Dave Curtis
US 777 8 14.0 10 16.0 27 33.0 8 14.0 10 16.0 21 27.0 5 10.0 130.0 97.0
5   Valdemar Bandolowski Leroy
D 84 27 33.0 21 27.0 11 17.0 9 15.0 3 5.7 10 16.0 21 27.0 140.7 107.7
6   Jörg Diesch Eckart Diesch
G 259 35 41.0 49 55.0 5 10.0 36 42.0 7 13.0 1 0.0 4 8.0 169.0 114.0
7   Lennart Persson Eje Öberg
Tony Wallin
S 124 10 16.0 5 10.0 52 58.0 6 11.7 42 48.0 7 13.0 13 19.0 175.7 117.7
8   Twist
US 716 25 31.0 24 30.0 40 46.0 21 27.0 2 3.0 18 24.0 2 3.0 164.0 118.0
9   Hans Fogh
Hank Lammens
KC 181 21 27.0 11 17.0 18 24.0 18 24.0 9 15.0 12 18.0 48 54.0 179.0 125.0
10   Gianluca Lamaro Aurelio Dalla Vecchia
Valerio Romano
I 209 22 28.0 6 11.7 14 20.0 24 30.0 16 22.0 4 8.0 30 36.0 155.7 119.7
T. Kroger
G 269 37 43.0 19 25.0 7 13.0 DNF 93.0 8 14.0 13 19.0 8 14.0 221.0 128.0
I 223 16 22.0 22 28.0 30 36.0 11 17.0 21 27.0 9 15.0 18 24.0 169.0 133.0
13   Kevin Mahaney Nelson
US 772 7 13.0 7 13.0 25 31.0 12 18.0 34 40.0 46 52.0 19 25.0 192.0 140.0
14   Torben Grael Daniel Adler
BL 45 13 19.0 DNF 93.0 8 14.0 19 25.0 1 0.0 25 31.0 46 52.0 234.0 141.0
15   Malmgren
S 130 2 3.0 12 18.0 32 38.0 32 38.0 33 39.0 11 17.0 43 49.0 202.0 153.0
16   Jesper Bank Jan Mathiasen
Steen Secher
D 92 1 0.0 8 14.0 31 37.0 38 44.0 19 25.0 41 47.0 28 34.0 201.0 154.0
17   Lundberg Borenius
L 50 14 20.0 20 26.0 3 5.7 54 60.0 27 33.0 28 34.0 31 37.0 215.7 155.7
18   Bill Abbott, Jr.
KC 1 12 18.0 48 54.0 2 3.0 25 31.0 23 29.0 24 30.0 41 47.0 212.0 158.0
19   Patrick Haegeli Vanier
F 142 9 15.0 42 48.0 28 34.0 16 22.0 6 11.7 PMS 93.0 26 32.0 255.7 162.7
20   Mannstroem
L 47 51 57.0 DSQ 93.0 16 22.0 35 41.0 15 21.0 6 11.7 6 11.7 257.4 164.4
21   Cobb Hupkins
Not documented
US 779 5 10.0 16 22.0 26 32.0 31 37.0 20 26.0 35 41.0 DNS 93.0 261.0 168.0
22   Serhiy Pichuhin Oleg Miron
SR 33 11 17.0 23 29.0 19 25.0 64 70.0 49 55.0 17 23.0 17 23.0 242.0 172.0
Juha Valtanen
L 48 38 44.0 53 59.0 9 15.0 3 5.7 25 31.0 15 21.0 55 61.0 236.7 175.7
24   Bergamaschi
de Martino
I 194 65 71.0 2 3.0 6 11.7 DSQ 93.0 54 60.0 5 10.0 16 22.0 270.7 177.7
25   Don Cohan
US 751 46 52.0 32 38.0 22 28.0 YMP 33.0 47 53.0 8 14.0 10 16.0 234.0 181.0
26   Petterson
N 104 4 8.0 18 24.0 23 29.0 55 61.0 DSQ 31.0 43 49.0 7 13.0 215.0 154.0
27   Dag Usterud Johansen
Børre Skui
N 111 36 42.0 63 69.0 1 0.0 29 35.0 24 30.0 50 56.0 20 26.0 258.0 189.0
28   Jochen Schümann Thomas Flach
Bernd Jäkel
DDR 1 40 46.0 51 57.0 44 50.0 1 0.0 30 33.0 3 5.7 PMS 93.0 284.7 191.7
29   Paul Thomson
Stuart Flinn
KC 158 3 5.7 DNF 93.0 10 16.0 17 23.0 22 28.0 56 62.0 58 64.0 291.7 198.7
30   Jens-Peter Wrede Stefan Knabe
Matthias Adamczewski
G 261 34 40.0 3 5.7 48 54.0 4 8.0 58 64.0 PMS 93.0 24 30.0 294.7 201.7
31   Robinson
KZ 20 48 54.0 33 39.0 20 26.0 43 49.0 17 23.0 34 40.0 23 29.0 260.0 206.0
32   Grahl Cordes
G 244 49 55.0 38 44.0 35 41.0 61 67.0 28 34.0 16 22.0 9 15.0 278.0 211.0
33   Collings Collings
KA 163 43 49.0 45 51.0 33 39.0 37 43.0 18 24.0 52 58.0 3 5.7 269.7 211.7
34   Petersson
Björn Alm
S 118 19 25.0 34 40.0 12 18.0 47 53.0 37 43.0 40 46.0 35 41.0 266.0 213.0
35   Peter Holmberg Holmqvist
S 135 26 32.0 26 32.0 34 40.0 45 51.0 31 37.0 22 28.0 53 59.0 279.0 220.0
36   Wilmot Wilmot
KA 168 58 64.0 1 0.0 46 52.0 PMS 93.0 14 20.0 49 55.0 33 39.0 323.0 230.0
37   Wickman
S 137 17 23.0 74 80.0 41 47.0 20 26.0 53 59.0 30 36.0 36 42.0 313.0 233.0
38   Tassos Boudouris Dimitrios Deligiannis
GR 69 30 36.0 52 58.0 39 45.0 5 10.0 DNF 93.0 31 37.0 42 48.0 327.0 234.0
39   Hemmingsen
D 89 DSQ 93.0 9 15.0 50 56.0 46 52.0 38 44.0 23 29.0 34 40.0 329.0 236.0
40   Völker
DDR 3 56 62.0 25 31.0 29 35.0 15 21.0 39 45.0 45 51.0 PMS 93.0 338.0 245.0
41   Kazunori Komatsu Kazuo Hanaoka
Tadashi Ikeda
J 33 6 11.7 44 50.0 51 57.0 22 28.0 45 51.0 42 48.0 56 62.0 307.7 245.7
42   Willy Kuhweide Karsten Meyer
Axel May
G 267 52 58.0 58 64.0 43 49.0 26 32.0 40 46.0 38 44.0 15 21.0 314.0 250.0
43   Chourgnoz Herpin
F 150 66 72.0 17 23.0 17 23.0 41 47.0 66 72.0 63 69.0 11 17.0 323.0 251.0
44   Hansen Hansen
D 79 22 28.0 37 43.0 67 73.0 28 34.0 32 44.0 53 59.0 45 51.0 332.0 259.0
45   Allsep Gash
KA 166 24 30.0 15 21.0 49 55.0 33 39.0 51 57.0 48 54.0 52 58.0 314.0 256.0
46   Gidfors Pettersson
S 133 39 45.0 35 41.0 74 80.0 34 40.0 61 67.0 26 32.0 49 55.0 360.0 280.0
47   Hansson Hansson
S 138 60 66.0 36 42.0 15 21.0 30 36.0 64 70.0 47 53.0 PMS 93.0 381.0 288.0
48   Doersch
G 260 44 50.0 29 35.0 60 66.0 50 56.0 41 47.0 62 68.0 32 38.0 360.0 292.0
49   Uli Strohschneider
Georg Stadler
OE 73 47 53.0 61 67.0 56 62.0 27 33.0 50 56.0 51 57.0 27 33.0 361.0 294.0
50   Carl Auteried, Jr. Neifing
OE 97 29 35.0 14 20.0 38 44.0 52 58.0 73 79.0 58 64.0 DNF 93.0 393.0 300.0
51   Rycmcik Szymczak
PZ 7 68 74.0 60 66.0 57 63.0 13 19.0 43 49.0 36 42.0 57 63.0 376.0 302.0
52   Rujak Recz
M 77 64 70.0 39 45.0 DSQ 93.0 53 59.0 59 65.0 32 38.0 22 28.0 398.0 305.0
53   Mongia Verghese
IND 1 23 29.0 70 76.0 58 64.0 14 20.0 84 90.0 77 83.0 29 35.0 397.0 307.0
54   S. Nikolaus
G 258 45 51.0 59 65.0 55 61.0 48 54.0 26 32.0 44 50.0 54 60.0 373.0 308.0
55   Wallenberg
S 122 31 37.0 56 62.0 47 53.0 40 46.0 44 50.0 57 63.0 DNS 93.0 404.0 311.0
H 26 54 60.0 28 34.0 PMS 93.0 23 29.0 29 35.0 55 61.0 PMS 93.0 405.0 312.0
57   Spaengs Osterberg
S 131 28 34.0 DNF 93.0 21 27.0 PMS 93.0 11 17.0 37 43.0 DNS 93.0 400.0 307.0
58   Hedlund Schildt
S 132 63 69.0 69 75.0 42 48.0 62 68.0 4 8.0 54 60.0 DNS 93.0 421.0 328.0
59   McMiIIan
Andy Beadsworth
K 146 74 80.0 47 53.0 75 81.0 39 45.0 68 74.0 27 33.0 38 44.0 410.0 329.0
60   Schlitter
G 271 72 78.0 43 49.0 PMS 93.0 57 63.0 36 42.0 29 35.0 50 56.0 416.0 323.0
61   Pflueger Peuker
G 233 76 82.0 50 56.0 61 67.0 67 73.0 67 73.0 33 39.0 25 31.0 421.0 339.0
62   Stuart H. Walker Philips
US 725 57 63.0 46 52.0 70 76.0 56 62.0 35 41.0 DNF 93.0 40 46.0 433.0 340.0
63   le Guiliou
F 145 55 61.0 66 72.0 63 69.0 59 65.0 55 61.0 39 45.0 39 45.0 418.0 346.0
64   Turro Valades
E 140 59 65.0 64 70.0 64 70.0 PMS 93.0 62 68.0 19 25.0 44 50.0 441.0 348.0
65   Rudy den Outer Theo de Lange
H 22 62 68.0 31 37.0 PMS 93.0 49 55.0 60 66.0 74 80.0 37 43.0 442.0 349.0
66   Jos Schrier
H 25 50 56.0 75 81.0 37 43.0 42 48.0 48 54.0 PMS 93.0 62 68.0 443.0 350.0
G 266 33 39.0 54 60.0 45 51.0 51 57.0 70 76.0 72 78.0 DNS 93.0 454.0 361.0
68   Seemann
von Liechtenstein
FL 2 42 48.0 68 74.0 59 65.0 69 75.0 52 58.0 65 71.0 50 56.0 447.0 372.0
69   Achim Kadelbach Baumeyer
G 255 53 59.0 65 71.0 62 68.0 60 66.0 56 62.0 59 65.0 DNS 93.0 484.0 391.0
70   Stache Buhtz
G 230 73 79.0 41 47.0 36 42.0 63 69.0 74 80.0 69 75.0 DNF 93.0 485.0 392.0
71   Ciferri Ravarotto
I 201 67 73.0 30 36.0 72 78.0 65 71.0 65 71.0 60 66.0 DNF 93.0 488.0 395.0
72   Schoeyen Danialsen
N 102 69 75.0 40 46.0 PMS 93.0 44 50.0 57 63.0 64 70.0 PMS 93.0 490.0 397.0
73   Lie Faeste
N 87 82 88.0 72 78.0 76 82.0 71 77.0 46 52.0 66 72.0 59 65.0 514.0 426.0
74   Rosengren Svensson
S 136 41 47.0 55 61.0 PMS 93.0 YMP 71.0 72 78.0 71 77.0 DNF 93.0 520.0 427.0
75   Baumueller Schorr
G 252 83 89.0 57 63.0 69 75.0 73 79.0 79 85.0 75 81.0 51 57.0 529.0 440.0
76   Papazoglou Niforos
GR 26 61 67.0 80 86.0 65 71.0 76 82.0 80 86.0 78 84.0 47 53.0 529.0 443.0
77   Fumasoli
Z 250 DSQ 93.0 62 68.0 54 60.0 58 64.0 63 69.0 DNS 93.0 DNS 93.0 540.0 447.0
78   de Pimodan Maravai
F 139 75 81.0 71 77.0 66 72.0 70 76.0 69 75.0 73 79.0 PMS 93.0 553.0 460.0
79   Ross Bogun
G 212 77 83.0 79 85.0 68 74.0 68 74.0 71 77.0 67 73.0 DNF 93.0 559.0 466.0
G 215 80 86.0 77 83.0 71 77.0 66 72.0 81 87.0 61 67.0 DNS 93.0 565.0 472.0
81   Lederer
G 187 71 77.0 76 82.0 73 79.0 74 80.0 75 81.0 68 74.0 DNS 93.0 566.0 473.0
82   Antonio Tanger Heimann
P 9 78 84.0 73 79.0 53 59.0 DNS 93.0 78 84.0 70 76.0 DNS 93.0 568.0 475.0
83   Jean-Marie le Guillou le Signeu
le Guillou
F 153 79 85.0 67 73.0 79 85.0 72 78.0 77 83.0 76 82.0 DNF 93.0 579.0 486.0
84   Steff Baudu
F 81 81 87.0 DNF 93.0 78 84.0 77 83.0 76 82.0 79 85.0 61 67.0 581.0 488.0
85   Herzer Herzer
G 228 84 90.0 78 84.0 80 86.0 75 81.0 83 89.0 80 86.0 DNS 93.0 609.0 516.0
86   Hiss Seamann
G 256 70 76.0 YMP 86.6 77 83.0 DNS 93.0 82 88.0 PMS 93.0 DNS 93.0 612.6 519.6

Legend: DNF – Did not finish; DNS – Did not start; DSQ – Disqualified; PMS – Premature start; RET – Retired;
Discard is crossed out and does not count for the overall result.

  • 1987 Progres

Progress Worlds Soling 1987.png

1988 Final results[]

Kostecki, Billingham and Bayliss World Champion Soling 1988.png
Kostecki, Billingham and Bayliss World Champion Soling 1988
Event Title
Edition21 [9][2][10][11]
HostRoyal Melbourne Yacht Squadron
Event Details
VenueMelbourne,  Australia
Dates6–12 January
Opening ceremony6 January
Competing nations15
1st place, gold medalist(s) Gold United States
John Kostecki
William Baylis
Bob Billingham
2nd place, silver medalist(s) Silver United States
Dave Curtis

3rd place, bronze medalist(s) Bronze Australia
Gary Sheard
Crew not documented
← 1987
1989 →
Rank Country Helmsman Crew Sail No. Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Race 7 Total Total

Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts.
1st place, gold medalist(s)  United States John Kostecki Robert Billingham
William Baylis
US 736 2 3.0 5 10.0 6 11.7 1 0.0 10 16.0 1 0.0 3 5.7 46.4 30.4
2nd place, silver medalist(s)  United States Dave Curtis
US 777 1 0.0 2 3.0 3 5.7 3 5.7 13 19.0 5 10.0 5 10.0 53.4 34.4
3rd place, bronze medalist(s)  Australia Gary Sheard Tim Dorning
Dean Gordon
KA 165 12 18.0 15 21.0 19 25.0 2 3.0 2 3.0 9 15.0 10 16.0 101.0 76.0
4  Sweden Not documented S 140 11 17.0 13 19.0 5 10.0 7 13.0 31 37.0 2 3.0 9 15.0 114.0 77.0
5  New Zealand Russell Coutts Not documented KZ 20 15 21.0 21 27.0 4 8.0 10 16.0 16 22.0 8 14.0 2 3.0 111.0 84.0
6  Denmark Jesper Bank Jan Mathiasen
Steen Secher
D 92 5 10.0 6 11.7 1 0.0 21 27.0 19 25.0 7 13.0 PMS 53.0 139.7 86.7
7  United States Kevin Mahaney Not documented US 787 6 11.7 12 18.0 7 13.0 8 14.0 18 24.0 13 19.0 6 11.7 111.4 87.4
8  Canada Hans Fogh Not documented KC 181 20 26.0 1 0.0 17 23.0 6 11.7 20 26.0 4 8.0 24 30.0 124.7 94.7
9  Italy
I 223 10 16.0 4 8.0 11 17.0 9 15.0 9 15.0 23 29.0 26 32.0 132.0 100.0
10  Italy Not documented I 215 33 39.0 18 24.0 16 22.0 DSQ 53.0 4 8.0 16 22.0 1 0.0 168.0 115.0
11  New Zealand Tom Dodson Simon Daubney
Aran Hansen
KZ 16 9 15.0 24 30.0 DSQ 53.0 4 8.0 11 17.0 3 5.7 37 43.0 171.7 118.7
12  West Germany Jörg Diesch Eckart Diesch
G 259 24 30.0 19 25.0 22 28.0 DNF 53.0 5 10.0 10 16.0 7 13.0 175.0 122.0
13  Australia Not documented KA 166 16 22.0 16 22.0 33 39.0 30 36.0 1 0.0 22 28.0 8 14.0 161.0 122.0
14  Finland Not documented L 47 4 8.0 7 13.0 DSQ 53.0 26 32.0 14 20.0 26 32.0 12 18.0 176.0 123.0
15  Australia Not documented KA 168 3 5.7 10 16.0 24 30.0 DSQ 53.0 7 13.0 6 11.7 PMS 53.0 182.4 129.4
16  Finland Not documented L 50 7 13.0 17 23.0 13 19.0 12 18.0 30 36.0 18 24.0 27 33.0 166.0 130.0
17  Great Britain Chris Law Not documented K 143 22 28.0 11 17.0 12 18.0 15 21.0 21 27.0 DSQ 53.0 15 21.0 185.0 132.0
18  Australia Not documented KA 170 34 40.0 20 26.0 10 16.0 5 10.0 25 31.0 12 18.0 25 31.0 172.0 132.0
19  Sweden Not documented S 130 13 19.0 23 29.0 2 3.0 20 26.0 PMS 53.0 24 30.0 20 26.0 186.0 133.0
20  Finland
Juha Valtanen
L 48 8 14.0 DNF 53.0 21 27.0 19 25.0 17 23.0 20 26.0 13 19.0 187.0 134.0
21  Japan Kazunori Komatsu Kazuo Hanaoka
Tadashi Ikeda
J 33 26 32.0 22 28.0 15 21.0 24 30.0 3 5.7 14 20.0 35 41.0 177.7 136.7
22  Canada Bill Abbott, Jr.
KC 1 14 20.0 26 32.0 29 35.0 13 19.0 6 11.7 15 21.0 32 38.0 176.7 138.7
23  West Germany
G 269 DNF 53.0 3 5.7 8 14.0 18 24.0 27 33.0 11 17.0 PMS 53.0 199.7 146.7
24  United States Not documented US 716 25 31.0 14 20.0 25 31.0 17 23.0 22 28.0 21 27.0 22 28.0 188.0 157.0
25  Norway Not documented N 107 32 38.0 DNF 53.0 27 33.0 16 22.0 12 18.0 19 25.0 16 22.0 211.0 158.0
26  Great Britain Not documented K 146 18 24.0 8 14.0 30 36.0 DSQ 53.0 23 29.0 29 35.0 18 24.0 215.0 162.0
27  Denmark Not documented D 94 23 29.0 DNF 53.0 26 32.0 23 29.0 PMS 53.0 17 23.0 4 8.0 227.0 174.0
28  Australia Jamie Wilmot Not documented KA 45 31 37.0 DNF 53.0 9 15.0 25 31.0 15 21.0 DNF 53.0 14 20.0 230.0 177.0
29  Netherlands Fred Imhoff
H 25 30 36.0 36 42.0 23 29.0 11 17.0 29 35.0 25 31.0 33 39.0 229.0 187.0
30  Italy Francesco de Angelis Not documented I 232 39 45.0 9 15.0 35 41.0 32 38.0 32 38.0 34 40.0 11 17.0 234.0 189.0
31  Canada Paul Thomson Philip Gow
Stuart Flinn
KC 182 17 23.0 DNF 53.0 20 26.0 22 28.0 34 40.0 28 34.0 34 40.0 244.0 191.0
32  Sweden Not documented S 141 27 33.0 27 33.0 32 38.0 37 43.0 8 14.0 31 37.0 30 36.0 234.0 191.0
33  France Patrick Haegeli Not documented F 142 19 25.0 32 38.0 DSQ 53.0 28 34.0 33 39.0 27 33.0 17 23.0 245.0 192.0
34  Spain Antonio Gorostegui Not documented E 140 35 41.0 25 31.0 18 24.0 29 35.0 DNF 53.0 30 36.0 29 35.0 255.0 202.0
35  Australia Peter Gilmour Not documented KA 157 21 27.0 31 37.0 28 34.0 31 37.0 24 30.0 DSQ 53.0 31 37.0 255.0 202.0
36  New Zealand Not documented KZ 28 28 34.0 28 34.0 DSQ 53.0 27 33.0 28 34.0 DNF 53.0 23 29.0 270.0 217.0
37  Italy Not documented I 194 29 35.0 DNF 53.0 DSQ 53.0 14 20.0 26 32.0 DNF 53.0 19 25.0 271.0 218.0
38  Australia Jim Hardy Not documented KA 169 37 43.0 29 35.0 31 37.0 33 39.0 38 44.0 36 42.0 21 27.0 267.0 223.0
39  United States Peter Coleman
Paul Coleman
US 769 36 42.0 30 36.0 14 20.0 35 41.0 PMS 53.0 33 39.0 PMS 53.0 284.0 231.0
40  Australia Not documented KA 154 38 44.0 34 40.0 DNF 53.0 34 40.0 35 41.0 32 38.0 36 42.0 298.0 245.0
41  Australia Not documented KA 122 40 46.0 35 41.0 39 45.0 39 45.0 37 43.0 35 41.0 28 34.0 295.0 249.0
42  Australia Not documented KA 156 42 48.0 38 44.0 38 44.0 41 47.0 39 45.0 38 44.0 38 44.0 316.0 268.0
43  Australia Not documented KA 159 43 49.0 DNF 53.0 34 40.0 36 42.0 36 42.0 37 43.0 DNF 53.0 322.0 269.0
44  West Germany Not documented G 271 44 50.0 37 43.0 36 42.0 38 44.0 40 46.0 DNC 53.0 DNC 53.0 331.0 278.0
45  Australia David James Not documented KA 142 41 47.0 33 39.0 37 43.0 40 46.0 DNF 53.0 DNF 53.0 DNC 53.0 334.0 281.0
46  Australia Not documented KA 141 45 51.0 39 45.0 40 46.0 42 48.0 41 47.0 DNC 53.0 39 45.0 335.0 282.0

Legend: DNF – Did not finish; DNS – Did not start; DSQ – Disqualified; PMS – Premature start; RET – Retired;
Discard is crossed out and does not count for the overall result.

  • 1988 Progress

Progress Worlds Soling 1988.png

1989 Final results[]

The Soling World's that Wasn't in 1989.png
The 1989 Soling World's that Wasn't
Event Title
Edition22 [2][12][13][14]
HostBalatonfüredi Yacht Club
Event Details
VenueBalatonfüred,  Hungary
Dates9 - 19 May
Key people
Organization and sponsoring György Wossala
Opened byKároly Grósz
Opening ceremony12 May
Competing nations21
← 1988

Championship not completed (lack of wind). However four races were completed. The final results of this series is stated below. The first race was sailed in a storm. During the race winds were reported over 70 km/h. During the start sequens there was even more. Out of 79 boats only 43 made it to the first mark and only 29 to the finish line! The rest of the week was characterize by light air. Since 5 races need to be completed for a valid championship, the team of Denmark won the series but not the World Championship.

Rank Country Helmsman Crew Sail No. Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Total
Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts. Pos. Pts.
1   Jesper Bank Jesper Seier
Steen Secher
D 92 5 10.0 2 3.0 1 0.0 4 8.0 21.0
Juha Valtanen
L 48 1 0.0 4 8.0 3 5.7 10 16.0 29.7
3   Jochen Schümann Thomas Flach
Bernd Jäkel
DDR 1 11 17.0 9 15.0 4 8.0 2 3.0 43.0
DDR 4 2 3.0 11 17.0 33 39.0 1 0.0 59.0
5   Magnus Holmberg Johan Barne
Björn Alm
S 135 6 11.7 12 18.0 9 15.0 17 23.0 67.7
6   Antonio Gorostegui Domingo Manrique
Manuel Doreste
E 221 21 27.0 5 10.0 8 14.0 13 19.0 70.0
7   Michael Luschan Georg Stadler
OE 73 15 21.0 3 5.7 16 22.0 20 26.0 74.7
I 234 8 14.0 10 16.0 25 31.0 8 14.0 75.0
9   A. Sczesny
DDR 5 4 8.0 1 0.0 44 50.0 12 18.0 76.0
DDR 3 3 5.7 7 13.0 50 56.0 14 20.0 94.7
S 126 14 20.0 46 52.0 13 19.0 3 5.7 96.7
12   Mario Celon Claudio Celon
S. Bonetti
I 232 18 24.0 43 49.0 5 10.0 9 15.0 98.0
13   T. Stevens
K 147 9 15.0 36 42.0 14 20.0 22 28.0 105.0
D. Link
G 266 27 33.0 45 51.0 7 13.0 5 10.0 107.0
15   Thierry Peponnet Daniel Ferre
E. Hubert
F 188 19 25.0 18 24.0 20 26.0 34 40.0 115.0
16   Don Cohan
R. Williams
US 801 10 16.0 13 19.0 67 73.0 11 17.0 125.0
17   Lennart Persson L. Tornsten
P. Eriksson
S 124 7 13.0 14 20.0 41 47.0 43 49.0 129.0
18   Serhiy Pichuhin
SR 41 DNF 86.0 6 11.7 6 11.7 16 22.0 131.4
19   Gyorgy Finaczy Z. Nagy
G. Galantha
M 25 25 31.0 15 21.0 39 45.0 31 37.0 134.0
20   A. Korcsog T. Orszag
V. Hatyka
M 8 22 28.0 26 32.0 40 46.0 27 33.0 139.0
D. Stenberg
S 131 17 23.0 28 34.0 46 52.0 38 44.0 153.0
22   Sergey Borodinov Oleg Miron
Nikolay Polyakov
SR 28 DNF 86.0 34 40.0 12 18.0 6 11.7 155.7
23   Szabolcs Detre Zsolt Detre
M 63 23 29.0 DSQ 86.0 2 3.0 36 42.0 160.0
24   E. Kosk
A. Kruusmagi
SR 30 13 19.0 52 58.0 23 29.0 49 55.0 161.0
25   William Hodder J. Collings
C. Rose
KA 172 DNF 86.0 33 39.0 18 24.0 7 33.0 162.0
Jan Andersen
D 96 DNF 86.0 17 23.0 10 16.0 32 38.0 163.0
27   T. Stefan Z. Sabjan
L. Paal
M 6 DNF 86.0 16 22.0 11 17.0 33 39.0 164.0
28   Miklós Tuss K. Sardu
S. David
M 81 16 22.0 38 44.0 57 63.0 30 36.0 165.0
29   H. Gerth M. Butzke
M. Meier
G 232 DNF 86.0 29 35.0 17 23.0 23 29.0 173.0
30   A. Abruzov N. Korostelev
D. Shabanov
SR 1 DNF 86.0 8 14.0 42 48.0 21 27.0 175.0
31   Fernando León Boissier A. Vasquez
J. Vallejo
E 183 12 18.0 RET 86.0 34 40.0 29 35.0 179.0
32   Jim Hardy
G. Cassidy
KA 169 24 30.0 48 54.0 30 36.0 54 60.0 180.0
33   Tõnu Tõniste
SR 29 DNF 86.0 22 28.0 27 33.0 28 34.0 181.0
34   I. Rujak T. Ory
B. Bankuty
M 18 DNF 86.0 35 41.0 28 34.0 15 21.0 182.0
35   V. lgnatenko Aleksandr Budnikov
Volodymyr Korotkov
SR 3 DNC 86.0 32 38.0 32 38.0 18 24.0 186.0
36   T. Tusnai J. Agost
P. Steer
M 71 DNF 86.0 19 25.0 31 37.0 47 53.0 201.0
37   Charlie Kamps
US 715 DNF 86.0 31 37.0 45 51.0 24 30.0 204.0
K. Stryi
G 269 28 34.0 41 47.0 37 43.0 PMS 86.0 210.0
39   W. Oehler C. Oehler
D. Heitmann
G 244 29 35.0 70 76.0 52 58.0 39 45.0 214.0
40   B. Blombach A. Merleved
L. Lange
G 241 26 32.0 39 45.0 78 84.0 48 54.0 215.0
41   A. Bonas P. Bisios
I. Agropoulos
GR 31 DNC 86.0 51 57.0 24 30.0 42 48.0 221.0
42   Rudy den_Outer
H 22 PMS 86.0 57 63.0 43 49.0 19 25.0 223.0
43   György Wossala László Kovácsi
R. Kovacs
M 77 DNF 86.0 21 27.0 74 80.0 25 31.0 224.0
44   B. Gyenes B. Balogh
M 13 DNF 86.0 37 43.0 49 55.0 37 43.0 227.0
45   S. Kanaris D. Pourantzis
E. Glaridis
GR 30 DNF 86.0 59 65.0 21 27.0 44 50.0 228.0
46   A. Szekely M. Csermendy
T. Pomucz
M 7 DNF 86.0 62 68.0 29 35.0 35 41.0 230.0
47   Jens-Peter Wrede Stefan Knabe
Matthias Adamczewski
G 277 DNF 86.0 25 31.0 22 28.0 DNC 86.0 231.0
48   P. Majoross T. lzsak
T. Farkas
M 24 DNS 86.0 60 66.0 15 21.0 53 59.0 232.0
49   I. Munch P. Haberl
P. Gonzy
M 111 DNS 86.0 60 66.0 15 21.0 53 59.0 232.0
50   J. Minarek M. Romberg
T. Romberg
G 272 DNF 86.0 63 69.0 26 32.0 45 51.0 238.0
51   F. Stopani D. Bonsignore
A. Ribolli
I 223 DNF 86.0 23 29.0 68 74.0 46 52.0 241.0
52   Vincent Hösch D. Stadler
R. Stark
G 259 DNF 86.0 40 46.0 19 25.0 DNC 86.0 243.0
H. Jasli
Z 271 20 26.0 68 74.0 54 60.0 DNC 86.0 246.0
54   F. Bartha L. Szilasi
C. Erenyi
M 23 DNC 86.0 53 59.0 36 42.0 55 61.0 248.0
55   Antonio Tanger T. Otton
T. Tarsczy
P 9 DNS 86.0 49 55.0 56 62.0 41 47.0 250.0
H 20 DNF 86.0 47 53.0 58 64.0 50 56.0 259.0
57   I. Petro A. Boza
I. Frank
M 12 DNF 86.0 44 50.0 64 70.0 51 57.0 263.0
58   C. Grimm F. Grimm
M. Vauthey
Z 258 DNC 86.0 20 26.0 61 67.0 DNC 86.0 265.0
59   R. Stussel
N. Brinkmann
G 223 DNF 86.0 50 56.0 55 61.0 57 63.0 266.0
60   P. Dorsch
E. Meier
G 280 DNF 86.0 27 33.0 60 66.0 DNC 86.0 271.0
61   Carl Auteried, Jr. F. Neufing
T. Beclin
OE 97 DNF 86.0 24 30.0 66 72.0 DNC 86.0 274.0
62   Rune Jacobsen
N 104 DNF 86.0 58 64.0 38 44.0 DNC 86.0 280.0
63   P. Menzel E. Hufnagel
M. Rubelmann
OE 51 DNF 86.0 55 61.0 76 82.0 52 58.0 287.0
64   P. Nilsson L. Persson
F. Franssen
S 121 DNF 86.0 54 60.0 53 59.0 DNC 86.0 291.0
65   F. Wageneder R. Fodinger
L. Raudaschl
OE 36 DNF 86.0 75 81.0 73 79.0 40 46.0 292.0
66   C. Seemann J. Hartenstein
FL 2 DNF 86.0 42 48.0 69 75.0 DNC 86.0 295.0
67   G. Baumuller A. Schorr
. Louis
G 252 DNF 86.0 66 72.0 46 52.0 DNC 86.0 296.0
C. Haake
G 271 DNF 86.0 PMS 86.0 35 41.0 DNC 86.0 299.0
69   F. D'Adda G. D'Adda
G. Chiandussi
I 210 DNF 86.0 67 73.0 72 78.0 56 62.0 299.0
70   T. Linoriner
P. Burian
OE 78 DNF 86.0 69 75.0 48 54.0 DNC 86.0 301.0
71   T. Beck H. Meier
G. Berz
G 212 DNF 86.0 56 62.0 65 71.0 DNC 86.0 305.0
72   U. Fernholz M. Leukel
G 226 DNF 86.0 71 77.0 51 57.0 DNC 86.0 306.0
A. Schulz
G 276 PMS 86.0 65 71.0 59 65.0 DNC 86.0 308.0
74   G. Beneditti S. Marass
G. Fras
I 163 DNF 86.0 64 70.0 62 68.0 DNC 71.0 310.0
75   G. Veronesi V. Gianluca
A. Aloisi
I 187 DNF 86.0 73 79.0 63 69.0 DNC 86.0 320.0
76   O. Orel
Y 1 DNF 86.0 61 67.0 77 83.0 DNC 86.0 322.0
77   A. Forschner C. Moosman
R. Teufel
G 234 DNF 86.0 72 78.0 70 76.0 DNC 86.0 326.0
78   M. Schulze A. Fine
M. Bonness
G 245 DNS 86.0 74 80.0 79 85.0 DNC 86.0 337.0
79   A. Burlinna L. Primosi
P. Simoniti
I 225 DNF 86.0 DSQ 86.0 75 81.0 DNC 86.0 339.0

Legend: DNF – Did not finish; DNS – Did not start; DSQ – Disqualified; PMS – Premature start; RET – Retired;
Discard is crossed out and does not count for the overall result.

  • 1989 Progress

Progress Worlds Soling 1989.png

Further results[]

For further results see:


  1. ^ "1985 Soling World Championship" (ASCII). World Sailing. 5 September 1985 [1985]. Retrieved 29 January 2020.
  2. ^ a b c d e (ed.). "Soling Champions/World Events/World Champions". The International Soling Association GUIDE 1996 - 2000. Vol. 1996–2000, no. 1. International Soling Association. p. 8.
  3. ^ "Dave Curtis - New World Champion" (PDF). International Soling Association. September 1985 [1985]. Retrieved 26 March 2020.
  4. ^ "Helmar Nauck's Kiel Worlds" (PDF). International Soling Association. September 1987 [1987]. Retrieved 27 March 2020.
  5. ^ "1986 Soling World Championship" (ASCII). World Sailing. 4 September 1986 [1986]. Retrieved 29 January 2020.
  6. ^ "Kostecki wins at La Trinite" (PDF). International Soling Association. September 1986 [1986]. Retrieved 27 March 2020.
  7. ^ "Zeilen WK Soling" (PDF). (in Dutch). NRC Handelsblad. 15 September 1986 [1986]. Retrieved 27 March 2020.
  8. ^ "1987 Soling World Championship" (ASCII). World Sailing. 14 June 1987 [1987]. Retrieved 29 January 2020.
  9. ^ "1988 Soling World Championship" (ASCII). World Sailing. 6 January 1988 [1988]. Retrieved 29 January 2020.
  10. ^ "Kostecki Wins Another World's" (PDF). International Soling Association. January 1988 [1988]. Retrieved 28 March 2020.
  11. ^ "Zeilen" (PDF). (in Dutch). Trouw. 13 January 1988 [1988]. Retrieved 28 March 2020.
  12. ^ "Segeln - Welt- und Europameisterschaften Herren (Olympische Bootsklassen - Soling) Resultate" (ASCII). (in German). Retrieved 29 January 2020.
  13. ^ "Zeilen" (PDF). (in Dutch). Trouw. 10 May 1989 [1989]. Retrieved 29 March 2020.
  14. ^ "THE WORLD'S THAT WASN'T" (PDF). International Soling Association. June 1989 [1989]. Retrieved 29 March 2020.
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