Vietnamese cash

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Vietnamese cash
Hán-Việt: (Văn)
Chữ Nôm: (Đồng)
French: Sapèque
Thái Bình Hưng Bảo (太平興寶) 970–979 & Bảo Đại Thông Bảo (保大通寶) 1933–1945 01.jpg
First and last Vietnamese cash coins:
Thái Bình Hưng Bảo (太平興寶) issued during the Đinh dynasty (970–980).
Bảo Đại Thông Bảo (保大通寶) issued under Bảo Đại (1925–1945).
 10Phân (分)
 36–60Mạch (陌) / Tiền (錢)
 360–600Quán (貫) / Nguyên (元)[1][2][3]
 20Đồng (銅)
In the Democratic Republic of Vietnam between 1947 and 1948, making them equal to 5 xu (樞).
Date of introduction970
User(s)Long Tinh Kỳ (Dragon Star Flag) nhà Nguyễn, 1802-1885.png Vietnam,  French Indochina (until 1945),  North Vietnam (until 1948)
This infobox shows the latest status before this currency was rendered obsolete.

Vietnamese cash (Chinese: văn tiền; chữ Nôm: đồng tiền; French: sapèque)[a][b] is a cast round coin with a square hole that was an official currency of Vietnam from the Đinh dynasty in 970 until the Nguyễn dynasty in 1945, and remained in circulation in North Vietnam until 1948. The same type of currency circulated in China, Japan, Korea, and Ryūkyū for centuries. Though the majority of Vietnamese cash coins throughout history were copper coins, lead, iron (from 1528) and zinc (from 1740) coins also circulated alongside them often at fluctuating rates (with 1 copper cash being worth 10 zinc cash in 1882).[7] Coins made from metals of lower intrinsic value were introduced because of various superstitions involving Vietnamese people burying cash coins, as the problem of people burying cash coins became too much for the government. Almost all coins issued by government mints tended to be buried mere months after they had entered circulation. The Vietnamese government began issuing coins made from an alloy of zinc, lead, and tin. As these cash coins tended to be very fragile, they would decompose faster if buried, which caused the Vietnamese people to stop burying their coins.[8][9]



The French term for cash coins, sapèque, comes from the Malay terms sa pek or sa pe meaning 'one pe(k)' (pek, or pie, being a kind of currency), which in turn come from the Chinese word peku/pak (, Vietnamese reading: bách) meaning 'one-hundred'.[10][11] The origin of the term might have come from the fact that cash coins were typically strung together in strings of around a hundred pieces.[10]

The French adopted the term sapèque in Macau and initially used it to refer to Chinese cash coins but later also applied the term for Vietnamese cash coins.[10]

Slang names[]

In the late 19th century Điêm slang spoken by the lower-class people of Saigon the term tể was used to refer to cash coins; this term was an abbreviation of Tiền ().[12]

Currency units[]

Traditionally, the basic units of Vietnamese currency were quan (, quán), tiền, and đồng. One quan was 10 tiền, and one tiền was between 50 and 100 đồng, depending on the time period. From the reign of Emperor Trần Thái Tông onward, 1 tiền was 69 đồng in ordinary commercial transactions but 1 tiền was 70 đồng for official transactions. From the reign of Emperor Lê Lợi, 1 tiền was decreed to be 50 đồng. During the Southern and Northern Dynasties of Vietnam period, beginning in 1528, coins were reduced from 24 millimetres (0.94 in) to 23 millimetres (0.91 in) in diameter and diluted with zinc and iron. The smaller coinage was called tiền gián or sử tiền, in contrast to the larger tiền quý (literally, 'valuable cash') or cổ tiền. One quan tiền quý was equivalent to 600 đồng, while 1 quan tiền gián was only 360 đồng.[13] During the Later Lê Dynasty, 1 tiền was 60 đồng; therefore, 600 đồng was 1 quan. During the Yuan Dynasty, Vietnamese traders at the border with China used the rate 1 tiền to 67 đồng. Zinc coins began to appear in Dai Viet during the 18th century. One copper (đồng) coin was worth 3 zinc (kẽm) coins. Beginning with the reign of Emperor Gia Long, both copper and zinc coins were in use. Originally the two coins had equal value, but eventually a copper coin rose to double the worth of a zinc coin, then triple, then sixfold, until the reign of Emperor Thành Thái, it was worth ten times a zinc coin.


Various Lý dynasty cash coins on display at the National Museum of Vietnamese History, Hanoi.

Đinh and Early Lê dynasties[]

The first Vietnamese coins were cast under the rule of the Đinh Dynasty (968–981) with the introduction of the Thái Bình Hưng Bảo () under Đinh Bộ Lĩnh.[14] However, for the next two centuries coins would remain a rarity in the daily lives of the common people, as bartering would remain the dominant means of exchange under both the Đinh and Early Lê dynasties.[15]

Lý dynasty[]

The first cash coins of the Lý dynasty produced during the reign of Emperor Lý Thái Tổ were the Thuận Thiên Đại Bảo (順天大寶), these were among the largest early Vietnamese cash coins with a diameter of 25.5 millimeters.[16] All known variants of this cash coin feature the Chinese character Nguyệt () on the top of their reverse sides.[16]

Generally cast coins produced by the Vietnamese from the reign of Lý Thái Tông and onwards were of diminutive quality compared to the Chinese variants.[17] They were often produced with inferior metallic compositions and made to be thinner and lighter than the Chinese wén due to a severe lack of copper that existed during the Lý dynasty.[18] This inspired Chinese traders to recast Chinese coins for export to Vietnam, which caused an abundance of coinage to circulate in the country, prompting the Lý government to suspend the mintage of coins for five decades.[18]

Trần dynasty[]

The production of inferior coinage continued under the Trần dynasty.[19] The production of both government and private cash coins happened at a large scale during the Trần period.[10]

It was under the reign of Trần Dụ Tông that the most cash coins were cast of this period; this was because of several calamities such as failed crops that plagued the country during his reign, which caused the Trần government to issue more coins to the populace as compensation.[19] The internal political struggles of the Trần dynasty ensured the cessation of the production of coinage, and as such, no coins were produced during the entire reigns of the last seven monarchs of the Trần dynasty.[19]

Hồ dynasty[]

A Đại Trần Thông Bảo Hội Sao (大陳通寶會鈔) banknote of 1 mân (緡).

During the Hồ dynasty the usage of coins was banned by Hồ Quý Ly in 1396 in favour of the Thông Bảo Hội Sao () banknote series and ordered people to exchange their coinage for these banknotes (with an exchange rate of one Quân of copper coins for two Thông Bảo Hội Sao banknotes).[20] Those who refused to exchange or continued to pay with coins would be executed and have their possessions taken by the government. Despite these harsh laws, very few people actually preferred paper money and coins remained widespread in circulation, forcing the Hồ dynasty to retract their policies.[21][22][23] The Thông Bảo Hội Sao banknotes of the Hồ dynasty featured designs with auspicious clouds (one tiền), turtles (two tiền), Kỳ lân (three tiền), Phượng hoàng (five tiền), and dragons (one quán).[24][25]

Under the Hồ dynasty Thánh Nguyên Thông Bảo (聖元通寶), and Thiệu Nguyên Thông Bảo (紹元通寶)[clarification needed] but they would only be manufactured in small numbers, though the Later Lê dynasty would produce coins with the same inscriptions less than half a century later in larger quantities.[26][27]

Later Lê, Mạc, and Revival Lê dynasties[]

After Lê Thái Tổ came to power in 1428 by ousting out the Ming dynasty ending the Fourth Chinese domination of Vietnam, Lê Thái Tổ enacted new policies to improve the quality of the manufacturing of coinage leading to the production of coins with both excellent craftsmanship and metal compositions that rivaled that of the best contemporary Chinese coinage.[28][29]

The Mạc dynasty, which usurped power between the years 1528 to 1592, also minted its own coinage but they began to use zinc and iron, which were cheaper metals, and they further allowed private coinage to develop which decreased the quality of the coinage.[10] After the Lê dynasty returned to power they tried to combat these monetary practices, but the shortage of copper (as the mines where the copper came from were mostly in areas controlled by China) and the division of the country between the two rival lordships (or principalities) of the Trịnh and Nguyễn lords made these measures ineffective.[10]

Between 1633 and 1637 the Dutch East India Company sold 105,835 strings of 960 cash coins (or 101,600,640 văn) to the Nguyễn lords in Vĩnh Lạc Thông Bảo (), and Khoan Vĩnh Thông Bảo () coins. This was because the Japanese had restricted trade, forcing the Southern Vietnamese traders to purchase their copper coins from the Dutch Republic rather than from Japanese merchants as before. This trade lead to a surplus of copper in the territory of the Nguyễn lords, allowing them to use the metal (which at the time was scarce in the north) for more practical applications such as nails and door hinges.[30][31][32] After this, Nagasaki trade coins, which were specifically minted for the Vietnamese market, also started being traded and circulating in the northern parts of Vietnam where the smaller coins would often be melted down for utensils and only circulated in Hanoi, while larger Nagasaki trade coins circulated all over Vietnam.[30]

From the Dương Hòa era (1635–1643) under Lê Thần Tông until 1675 no coins were cast due to the political turmoil. At the turn of the 18th century Lê Dụ Tông opened a number of copper mines and renewed the production of high quality coinage.[29] During the Vĩnh Thịnh (永盛, 1706–1719) period of Lê Dụ Tông the first large-format cash coins were issued; they had a diameter of 50.5 mm and a weight of 33.13 grams.[10]

From 1719 the production of cast copper coins ceased for two decades and taxes were more heavily lifted on the Chinese population as Mandarins could receive a promotion in rank for every 600 strings of cash (or 600,000 coins).[29]

Under Lê Hiển Tông a large variety of Cảnh Hưng () coins were cast with varying descriptions on the obverse.[33][34] In fact it is thought that more variations of the Cảnh Hưng coin exist than of any other Oriental cash coin in history.[35] There were also new large Cảnh Hưng coins introduced with denominations of 50 and 100 văn[33] and from 1740, various provincial mint marks were added on the reverses of coins.[33] Currently there are around 80 known different kinds of Cảnh Hưng coins. This diversity exists because the Lê government was in dire need of coins to pay for its expenditures, while it needed to collect more taxes in coins, so it began to mint a lot of coins. Later to fulfill this need, the Lê legalised the previously detrimental workshops that were minting inferior coins in 1760 in order to meet the market's high demand for coinage; this backfired as the people found the huge variety in quality and quantity confusing.[36][33]

Tây Sơn dynasty[]

Under Nguyễn Nhạc the description of Thất Phân () was first added to the reverses of some coins indicating their weight; this continued under the Nguyễn dynasty.[37] Under the reign of Nguyễn Huệ, Quang Trung Thông Bảo (光中通寶) cash coins were produced made in two different types of metal, one series of copper and one series of tin, as well as alloys between the two or copper coins of red copper.[37]

Nguyễn dynasty[]

Pre-colonial era[]

Under Gia Long three kinds of cash coins were produced in smaller denominations made of copper, lead, and zinc.[38] From 1837 under the reign of Minh Mạng 1, Mạch () brass cash coins were issued; these cash coins feature Minh Mạng Thông Bảo (明命通寶) on their obverses but have eight characters on their reverses. One Mạch coins would be continued under subsequent rulers of the Nguyễn dynasty.[38]

Copper-alloy and zinc cash coins issued under the reign of the Gia Long Emperor.
"Tự Đức Thông Bảo" () coins of varying denominations, on display at the Museum of Vietnamese History, Ho Chi Minh City.

Since the reign of Gia Long, zinc cash coins (銅鐱, Đồng kẽm) had replaced the usage of copper and brass cash coins and formed the basis of the Vietnamese currency system.[38] Under Gia Long the standard 1 văn denomination coins weighed seven phần and under Minh Mạng six phần (approximately 2.28 grams) which would remain the standard for future rulers.[38] Zinc cash coins produced in Hanoi under Tự Đức had the mint mark Hà Nội () on them, with there being another mint in Sơn Tây (西).[39]

However, in 1871 the production of zinc cash coins stopped as many mines were being blocked by Chinese pirates and the continued production of these coins would be too expensive.[38] Other reasons for the discontinuation of zinc cash coins despite them being indispensable to the general populace were because they were heavy compared to their nominal value and the metal was quite brittle.[38] To the French, zinc coinage also presented a huge inconvenience since the colonisation of Cochinchina in 1859 as the exchange between French francs and zinc văn meant that a large number of zinc coins were exchanged for the French franc.[38] Zinc cash coins often broke during transportation as the strings that kept them together would often snap. The coins would fall on the ground and a great number of them would break into pieces; these coins were also less resistant to oxidation, causing them to corrode faster than other coinages.[38]

"Another serious disadvantage consisted in the total absence of token coinages other than the inconvenient sapèque one of zinc: one needed an artillery van to go exchange 1,000 francs in ligatures for the one sapèques, since it had the weight of a barrel and half.... and at the market, the chicken weighed some times less than its price in currency."

- J. Silvestre, Monnaies et de Médailles de l'Annam et de la Cochinchine Française (1883).

Prior to 1849 brass coins had become an extreme rarity and only circulated in the provinces surrounding the capital cities of Vietnam, but under Tự Đức new regulations and (uniform) standards for copper cash coins were created to help promote their usage.[38] Between 1868 and 1872 brass coins were only around 50% copper, and 50% zinc.[38] Due to the natural scarcity of copper in Vietnam the country always lacked the resources to produce sufficient copper coinage for circulation.[38]

Under Tự Đức large coins with the denomination of 60 văn were introduced. These coins were ordered to circulate at a value of 1 tiền, but their intrinsic value was significantly lower so they were badly received; the production of these coins was quickly discontinued in favour of 20, 30, 40, and 50 văn coins known as Đồng Sao. In 1870 Tự Đức Bảo Sao cash coins of 2, 3, 8, and 9 Mạch were issued.[38] Large denomination coins were mostly used for tax collection as their relatively low intrinsic value lowered their spending power on the market.[40][41]

List of large denomination cash coins issued under Emperor Tự Đức:[42][43]

Denomination Hán tự
(reverse inscription)
Years of mintage Weight Toda image Image
10 văn 準十文
(Chuẩn thập văn)
1861 5.66 g. None Tự Đức Bảo Sao (嗣德寶鈔) - Chuẩn Thập Văn (準十文) - Albert Schröder - Obverse & Reverse.jpg
10 văn 準一十文
(Chuẩn nhất thập văn)
1870 5.66 g. None Tự Đức Bảo Sao (嗣德寶鈔) - Chuẩn Văn Nhất Thập (準文一十) - Albert Schröder.jpg
20 văn 準二十文
(Chuẩn nhị thập văn)
1861–1870 11.33 g. None Tự Đức Bảo Sao (嗣德寶鈔) - Chuẩn Văn Nhị Thập (準文二十) - Albert Schröder.jpg
30 văn 準三十文
(Chuẩn tam thập văn)
1861–1870 None Tự Đức Bảo Sao (嗣德寶鈔) - Chuẩn Văn Tam Thập (準文三十) - Albert Schröder.jpg
40 văn 準四十文
(Chuẩn tứ thập văn)
1870 12.20 g. None Tự Đức Bảo Sao (嗣德寶鈔) - Chuẩn Văn Tứ Thập (準文四十) - Albert Schröder.jpg
50 văn 準五十文
(Chuẩn ngũ thập văn)
1861 23.40 g. Toda No. 239 嗣德寶鈔.png Tự Đức Bảo Sao (嗣德寶鈔) - Chuẩn Văn Ngũ Thập (準文五十) - Albert Schröder.jpg
50 văn 準五十文
(Chuẩn ngũ thập văn)
1870 12.75 g. Toda No. 239 嗣德寶鈔.png Tự Đức Bảo Sao (嗣德寶鈔) - Art-Hanoi 02.jpg
60 văn 準六十文
(Chuẩn lục thập văn)
1870 12.20 g. Toda No. 236 嗣德寶鈔.png Annam TuDuc monnaiebillet 60van 1ar85 (8544615381).jpg
2 mạch
(120 văn)
(Chuẩn đang nhị mạch)
1870 20.52 g. None Tự Đức Bảo Sao (嗣德寶鈔) - Chuẩn đang nhị mạch (準當二陌) - Craig Greenbaum - Reverse.jpg
3 mạch
(180 văn)
(Chuẩn đang tam mạch)
1870 None
8 mạch
(480 văn)
(Chuẩn đang bát mạch)
1870 35.4 g. None Tự Đức Bảo Sao (嗣德寶鈔) - Chuẩn đang bát mạch (準當八陌) - Craig Greenbaum - Reverse.jpg
9 mạch
(540 văn)
(Chuẩn đang cửu mạch)
1870 28.03 g. None
1 quán 準當一貫
(Chuẩn đang nhất quán)
1870 32.96 g. None Tự Đức Bảo Sao (嗣德寶鈔) - Chuẩn đang nhất quán (準當一貫) - Craig Greenbaum - Reverse.jpg

In 1882, at the time when Toda's Annam and its minor currency was published, only two government mints remained in operation: one in Hanoi, and one in Huế.[7] However, private mints were allowed to cast cash coins with the permission of the government, and a large number of cash coins were also imported from abroad as at that time the Portuguese colony of Macau had six mints with twelve furnaces producing 600,000 cash coins for Vietnam on a daily basis.[7]

Cash coins circulated in the 19th century along with silver and gold bars, as well as silver and gold coins known as tiền.[38] Denominations up to ten tiền were minted, with the seven tiền coins in gold and silver being similar in size and weight to the Spanish eight real and eight escudo pieces.[38] These coins continued to be minted into the 20th century, albeit increasingly supplanted by French colonial coinage.[38]

Under French rule[]

After the introduction of modern coinage by the French in 1878, cash coins remained in general circulation in French Cochinchina.[44] Despite the later introduction of the French Indochinese piastre, zinc and copper-alloy cash coins would continue to circulate among the Vietnamese populace throughout the country as the primary form of coinage, as the majority of the population lived in extreme poverty until 1945 (and 1948 in some areas). They were valued at the rates of about 500–600 cash coins for one piastre.[45] The need for coins was only a minor part in the lives of most Vietnamese people at the time, as bartering remained more common since all coins were bartered on the market according to their current intrinsic values.[45]

Initially the French attempted to supplement cash coins in circulation by punching round holes into French 1 centime coins and shipping a large amount of them to French Cochinchina, but these coins did not see much circulation and the Cochinchinese people largely rejected them.[46]

On 7 April and 22 April 1879, the governor of French Cochinchina had decreed that the new designs for coins with Cochinchine Française on them would be accepted with the denominations 2 sapèques (cash coins), 1 cent, 10 cents, 20 cents, 50 cents, and the piastre.[47] All coins except for the piastre were allowed to be issued, which allowed for Spanish dollars and Mexican reals to continue circulating.[47] The Paris Mint produced the new machine-struck 2 sapèques Cochinchine Française cash coins.[47] These French-produced bronze cash coins weighed 2 grams and were valued at 1500 piastre. They saw considerably more circulation than the previous French attempt at creating cash coins, but were still largely disliked by the Cochinchinese people.[47] The local population still preferred their own Tự Đức Thông Bảo (嗣德通寶) cash coins despite only being valued at 11000 piastre.[47]

In the year 1884 the Patenôtre Treaty was signed following the French conquest of Đại Nam, which established the French protectorates of Annam and Tonkin. These protectorates were still nominally ruled by the Nguyễn Empire and the old currency system continued to be used and produced by the government of the Nguyễn dynasty. Following the establishment of French Indochina, a new version of the French 2 sapèques was produced from 1887 to 1902, which was also valued at 1500 piastre and was likely forced on the Vietnamese when they were paid for their goods and services by the French, as the preference still was for indigenous cash coins.[47]

Under French administration the Nguyễn government issued the Kiến Phúc Thông Bảo (建福通寶), Hàm Nghi Thông Bảo (咸宜通寶), Đồng Khánh Thông Bảo (同慶通寶), Thành Thái Thông Bảo (成泰通寶), Duy Tân Thông Bảo (維新通寶) cash coins of different metal compositions and weights.[48] Each of these cash coins had their own value against the French Indochinese piastre.[48] Because the exchange values between the native cash coins and silver piasters were confusing, the local Vietnamese people were often cheated by the money changers during this period.[48]

On 1 August 1898 it was reported in the Bulletin Economique De L’Indo-Chine article; Le Monnaie De L’Annam that the Huế Mint was closed in 1887, and in 1894 the casting of cash coins had started at the Thanh Hóa Mint.[48] Between the years 1889 and 1890 the Huế Mint produced 1321 strings of 600 small brass Thành Thái Thông Bảo cash coins.[49] These small brass cash coins were valued at six zinc cash coins.[49] In the year 1893, large brass Thành Thái Thông Bảo cash coins with a denomination of ten văn (十文, thập văn), or ten zinc cash coins, started being produced by the Huế Mint.[49] The production of Thành Thái Thông Bảo cash coins were resumed at the Thanh Hóa Mint between the years 1894 and 1899.[49] Under Emperor Thành Thái gold and silver coinages were also produced.[49]

In the year 1902 the French ceased production of machine-struck cash coins at the Paris Mint and completely deferred the production of cash coins back to the government of the Nguyễn dynasty.[48] There were people in Hanoi and Saigon that still preferred the French machine-struck cash coins, so a committee was set up in Hanoi that created a machine-struck zinc cash coin valued at 1600 piastre dated 1905 but issued in 1906.[48] However, this series of cash coins was not well-received by either the local or the French population as the coins were brittle, prone to corrosion, and easily broken, so their production was quickly halted.[48]

In order to try to standardise the exchange rate between the French Indochinese piastre and cash coins, the Resident-Superior of the French protectorate of Tonkin fixed the local Tonkinese exchange rates every month. This was done to prevent rampant speculation by Chinese merchants and Nguyễn dynasty mandarins.[50] Money changers generally tended to value the piastre based on its weight in silver, but also according to the perfection of its strike, and even according to the purity of its silver.[50] The official exchange rates were not rigorously applied and the money changers often estimated their own values to individual piastre coins.[50]

The last monarch whose name was cast on cash coins, Emperor Bảo Đại, died in 1997.

Democratic Republic of Vietnam[]

After the Democratic Republic of Vietnam declared their independence in 1945 they began issuing their own money, but cash coins continued to circulate in the remote areas of Bắc Bộ and Trung Bộ where there was a lack of xu, hào, and đồng coins for the population. The Democratic Republic of Viet Nam Decree 51/SL of 6 January 1947 officially set the exchange rate at twenty Vietnamese cash coins for one North Vietnamese đồng making them equal to five xu each. Vietnamese cash coins continued to officially circulate in the Democratic Republic of Vietnam until 13 April 1948.[46]


During the Vietnam War a large number of Vietnamese numismatic charms with both authentic as well as fantasy coin inscriptions were produced in South Vietnam to be sold to foreigners interested in collecting Vietnamese antiques.[51] These fantasy inscriptions included legends like Quang Trung Trọng Bảo (光中重寶),[52] Hàm Nghi Trọng Bảo (咸宜重寶),[53] and Khải Định Trọng Bảo (啓定重寶),[54] the latter of which was based on the Khải Định Thông Bảo (啓定通寶).

List of Vietnamese cash coins[]

Official and semi-official cash coins[]

Most Vietnamese cash coins tend to be read top-botton-right-left, but variants exist where the characters are read clockwise.
The various cash coins of the Nguyễn dynasty (1802–1945).

During the almost 1000 years that Vietnamese copper cash coins were produced, they often significantly changed quality, alloy, size, and workmanship. In general, the coins bear the era name(s) of the monarch (Niên hiệu/年號) but may also be inscribed with mint marks, denominations, miscellaneous characters, and decorations.

Unlike Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Ryūkyūan cash coins that always have the inscription in only one typeface, Vietnamese cash coins tend to be more idiosyncratic, bearing sometimes Regular script, Seal script, and even Running script on the same coins for different characters, and it is not uncommon for one coin to be cast almost entirely in one typeface but with an odd character in another. Though early Vietnamese coins often bore the calligraphic style of the Chinese Khai Nguyên Thông Bảo (開元通寶) coin, especially those from the Đinh until the Trần dynasties.[55]

The following coins were produced to circulate in Vietnam:

Orange text indicates that the cash coin has been mentioned by historical sources but that no modern authentic specimen has ever been recovered.

Green text indicates that this cash coin has been recovered in modern times but is not mentioned in any historical chronicles.

Blue text indicates that the cash coin has its own article on Wikipedia.[c]

(中) indicates that there exists a Chinese, Khitan, Tangut, Jurchen, Mongol, and/or Manchu cash coin (including rebel coinages) with the same legend as the Vietnamese cash coin.
Further reading: List of Chinese cash coins by inscription.

Fuchsia text = Indicates that this is a misattributed cash coin (these cash coins were noted by historical sources or standard catalogues but later turned out to be misattributed).

Gold text Indicates that this is a fake or fantasy referenced by Eduardo Toda y Güell in his Annam and its Minor Currency (pdf), the possible existence of these cash coins have not been verified by any later works.

(chữ Quốc ngữ)
(Hán tự)
Years of mintage Dynasty Monarch(s) Toda image Image
Thái Bình Hưng Bảo[d] 太平興寶 970–979 Đinh () Đinh Tiên Hoàng (丁先皇)
Đinh Phế Đế (丁廢帝)
Toda No. 1 太平興寶.gif An36 Dinh Bo Linh Thai Binh (12537160424).jpg
Thiên Phúc Trấn Bảo 天福鎮寶 986 Early Lê (前黎) Lê Hoàn (黎桓) Toda No. 3 天福鎮寶.gif An42 Tien Le Thien Phuc 1ar (13332606673).jpg
986 Early Lê (前黎) Lê Hoàn (黎桓) Toda No. 4 黎.gif None
Thuận Thiên Đại Bảo 順天大寶 1010–1028 () Lý Thái Tổ (李太祖) Toda No. 5 順天大寶.gif Thuận Thiên Đại Bảo (順天大寶) - Rubbings - Dr. R. Allan Barker 01.png
Càn Phù Nguyên Bảo 乾符元寶 1039–1041 Lý () Lý Thái Tông (李太宗) Toda No. 6 乾符元寶.gif CÀN PHÙ NGUYÊN BẢO 乾符元寶, Coins of Lý dynasty(1009-1225) at room 4 Ly Dynasty (11th - 13th c.) of the Museum of Vietnamese History.jpg
Minh Đạo Nguyên Bảo () 明道元寶 1042–1043 Lý () Lý Thái Tông (李太宗) None 明道元寶, MINH ĐẠO NGUYÊN BẢO, Coins of Lý dynasty(1009-1225) at room 4 Ly Dynasty (11th - 13th c.) of the Museum of Vietnamese History.jpg
Thiên Phù Thông Bảo[e] 天符通寶 1120–1127 Lý () Lý Nhân Tông (李仁宗) None 天符通寶, Thiên Phù thông bảo, Coins of Lý dynasty(1009-1225) at room 4 Ly Dynasty (11th - 13th c.) of the Museum of Vietnamese History.jpg
Thiên Phù Nguyên Bảo[f] 天符元寶 1120–1127 Lý () Lý Nhân Tông (李仁宗) Toda No. 7 天符元寶.gif None
Đại Định Thông Bảo () 大定通寶 1140–1162 Lý () Lý Anh Tông (李英宗) Toda No. 8 大定通寶.gif An50 Dai Dinh thong bao (15553890021).jpg
Thiên Cảm Thông Bảo 天感通寶 1044–1048 Lý () Lý Anh Tông (李英宗) Toda No. 11 天感通寶.gif None
Thiên Cảm Nguyên Bảo 天感元寶 1174–1175 Lý () Lý Anh Tông (李英宗) None Thiên Cảm Nguyên Bảo (天感元寶) - Rubbings - Dr. R. Allan Barker 01.png
Chính Long Nguyên Bảo 正隆元寶 1174–1175 Lý () Lý Anh Tông (李英宗) None Chính Long Nguyên Bảo 正元隆寶, Coins of Lý dynasty(1009-1225) at room 4 Ly Dynasty (11th - 13th c.) of the Museum of Vietnamese History1.jpg
Thiên Tư Thông Bảo 天資通寶 1202–1204 Lý () Lý Cao Tông (李高宗) Toda No. 12 天資通寶.gif None
Thiên Tư Nguyên Bảo 天資元寶 1202–1204 Lý () Lý Cao Tông (李高宗) None Thiên Tư Nguyên Bảo (天資元寶) - Rubbings - Dr. R. Allan Barker 04.png
Trị Bình Thông Bảo ()[g] 治平通寶 1205–1210 Lý () Lý Cao Tông (李高宗) Toda No. 13 治平通寶.gif None
Trị Bình Nguyên Bảo 治平元寶 1205–1210 Lý () Lý Cao Tông (李高宗) Toda No. 14 治平元寶.gif Trị Bình Nguyên Báo 治平元寶, (Coins of Lý dynasty(1009-1225) at room 4 Ly Dynasty (11th - 13th c.) of the Museum of Vietnamese History3.jpg
Hàm Bình Nguyên Bảo[56] ()[h] 咸平元寶 1205–1210 Lý () Lý Cao Tông (李高宗) None Hàm Bình Nguyên Bảo - Dr. Luke Roberts 01.jpg
Kiến Trung Thông Bảo () 建中通寶 1225–1237 Trần () Trần Thái Tông (陳太宗) None Kiến Trung Thông Bảo (建中通寶) - Rubbings - Dr. R. Allan Barker 01.png
Trần Nguyên Thông Bảo 陳元通寶 1225–1237 Trần () Trần Thái Tông (陳太宗) None
Chính Bình Thông Bảo 政平通寶 1238–1350 Trần () Trần Thái Tông (陳太宗) None
Nguyên Phong Thông Bảo () 元豐通寶 1251–1258 Trần () Trần Thái Tông (陳太宗) Toda No. 16 元豐通寶.png An1 YuanFeng 1ar85 (9159514780).jpg
Thiệu Long Thông Bảo 紹隆通寶 1258–1272 Trần () Trần Thánh Tông (陳聖宗) None
Hoàng Trần Thông Bảo 皇陳通寶 1258–1278 Trần () Trần Thánh Tông (陳聖宗) None
Hoàng Trần Nguyên Bảo 皇陳元寶 1258–1278 Trần () Trần Thánh Tông (陳聖宗) None
Khai Thái Nguyên Bảo 開太元寶 1324–1329 Trần () Trần Minh Tông (陳明宗) None
Thiệu Phong Thông Bảo 紹豐通寶 1341–1357 Trần () Trần Dụ Tông (陳裕宗) None Thiệu Phong Thông Bảo (紹豐通寶) - Museum of Vietnamese History in Hồ Chí Minh City - Professor Gary Lee Todd.png
Thiệu Phong Bình Bảo 紹豐平寶 1341–1357 Trần () Trần Dụ Tông (陳裕宗) Toda No. 18 紹豐平寶.png
Thiệu Phong Nguyên Bảo 紹豐元寶 1341–1357 Trần () Trần Dụ Tông (陳裕宗) Toda No. 20 紹豐元寶.png
Đại Trị Thông Bảo 大治通寶 1358–1369 Trần (陳) Trần Dụ Tông (陳裕宗) Toda No. 21 大治通寶.png Đại Trị Thông Bảo - Scott Semans.jpg
Đại Trị Nguyên Bảo 大治元寶 1358–1369 Trần (陳) Trần Dụ Tông (陳裕宗) Toda No. 23 大治元寶.png Coins of Tran Du Tong, 1341-1369 (9980584144) crop 2.jpg
Đại Trị Nguyên Bảo 大治元寶 1358–1369 Trần (陳) Trần Dụ Tông (陳裕宗) None Coins of Tran Du Tong, 1341-1369 (9980584144) crop 1.jpg
Cảm Thiệu Nguyên Bảo 感紹元寶 1368–1370 Trần (陳) Hôn Đức Công (昏德公) Toda No. 24 感紹元寶.gif
Cảm Thiệu Nguyên Bảo 感紹元宝 1368–1370 Trần (陳) Hôn Đức Công (昏德公) Toda No. 25 感紹元宝.gif
Đại Định Thông Bảo (中) 大定通寶 1368–1370 Trần (陳) Hôn Đức Công (昏德公) None
Thiệu Khánh Thông Bảo 紹慶通寶 1370–1372 Trần (陳) Trần Nghệ Tông (陳藝宗) None Thiệu Khánh Thông Bảo (紹慶通寶) - Rubbings - Dr. R. Allan Barker 01.png
Xương Phù Thông Bảo 昌符通寶 1377–1388 Trần (陳) Trần Phế Đế (陳廢帝) None
Hi Nguyên Thông Bảo[i] 熙元通寶 1381–1382 None Nguyễn Hi Nguyên (阮熙元) Toda No. 26 熙元通寶.gif An48 rebelle Hi Nguyen (15030167319).jpg
Thiên Thánh Nguyên Bảo 天聖元寶 1391–1392 None Sử Thiên Thánh (使天聖) Toda No. 28 天聖元寶.gif An2 PhamSuOn 1ar85 (10331064866).jpg
Thánh Nguyên Thông Bảo 聖元通寶 1400 Hồ (胡) Hồ Quý Ly (胡季犛) Toda No. 30 聖元通寶.gif An49 dynastie Ho, Ho Quy Ly (15022224569).jpg
Thiệu Nguyên Thông Bảo[j] 紹元通寶 1401–1402 Hồ (胡) Hồ Hán Thương (胡漢蒼) Toda No. 271 紹元通寶.png Thiệu Nguyên Thông Bảo (紹元通寶) - Rubbings - Dr. R. Allan Barker - Obverse & Reverse.jpg
Hán Nguyên Thông Bảo (中)[k] 漢元通寶 1401–1407 Hồ (胡) Hồ Hán Thương (胡漢蒼) Toda No. 34 漢元通寶.gif An47 rebelle Ho Han Thuong (15216463182).jpg
Hán Nguyên Thánh Bảo 漢元聖寶 1401–1407 Hồ (胡) Hồ Hán Thương (胡漢蒼) Toda No. 36 漢元聖寶.gif
Thiên Bình Thông Bảo[l] 天平通寶 1405–1406 None Thiên Bình (天平) Toda No. 37 天平通寶.gif
Vĩnh Ninh Thông Bảo 永寧通寶 1420 None Lộc Bình Vương (羅平王) Toda No. 38 永寧通寶.gif
Giao Chỉ Thông Bảo[m] 交趾通寶 1419 Minh (明) Vĩnh Lạc Emperor (永樂帝) Toda No. 39 交趾通寶.gif None
Vĩnh Thiên Thông Bảo 永天通寶 1420 None Lê Ngạ (黎餓) None Vĩnh Thiên Thông Bảo (永天通寶) - Rubbings - Dr. R. Allan Barker 01.png
Thiên Khánh Thông Bảo (中) 天慶通寶 1426–1428 Later Trần (後陳) Thiên Khánh Đế (天慶帝) None Thiên Khánh Thông Bảo (天慶通寶) - Rubbings - Dr. R. Allan Barker 04.png
An Pháp Nguyên Bảo 安法元寶 Rebellion[n] Later Lê (後黎) Lê Lợi (黎利) Toda No. 41 安法元寶.gif An5 AnPhap 1ar (10358117106).jpg
Chánh Pháp Nguyên Bảo[o] 正法元寶 Rebellion Later Lê (後黎) Lê Lợi (黎利) Toda No. 44 正法元寶.gif
Trị Thánh Nguyên Bảo[p] 治聖元寶 Rebellion Later Lê (後黎) Lê Lợi (黎利) Toda No. 45 治聖元寶.gif
Trị Thánh Bình Bảo[q] 治聖平寶 Rebellion Later Lê (後黎) Lê Lợi (黎利) Toda No. 46 治聖平寶.gif Trị Thánh Bình Bảo - Dr. Luke Roberts 01.png
Thái Pháp Bình Bảo 太法平寶 Rebellion Later Lê (後黎) Lê Lợi (黎利) Toda No. 49 太法平寶.gif None
Thánh Quan Thông Bảo[r] 聖宮通寶 Rebellion Later Lê (後黎) Lê Lợi (黎利) Toda No. 50 聖宮通寶.gif
Thuận Thiên Thông Bảo 順天通寶 1428–1433 Later Lê (後黎) Lê Thái Tổ (黎太祖) None
Thuận Thiên Nguyên Bảo (中) 順天元寶 1428–1433 Later Lê (後黎) Lê Thái Tổ (黎太祖) Toda No. 51 順天元寶.gif An45 LeLoi ThaiTo ThuanThien (15154198832).jpg
Thiệu Bình Thông Bảo 紹平通寶 1434–1440 Later Lê (後黎) Lê Thái Tông (黎太宗) Toda No. 52 紹平通寶.gif Thiệu Bình Thông Bảo (紹平通寶) - Scott Semans 02.jpg
Đại Bảo Thông Bảo 大寶通寶 1440–1442 Later Lê (後黎) Lê Thái Tông (黎太宗) Toda No. 53 大寶通寶.gif Đại Bảo Thông Bảo (大寶通寶) - Scott Semans 03.jpg
Thái Hòa Thông Bảo[s] 太和通寶 1443–1453 Later Lê (後黎) Lê Nhân Tông (黎仁宗) Toda No. 54 太和通寶.gif An10 Le Nhan Tong Dai Hoa 1ar (12031969476).jpg
Diên Ninh Thông Bảo 延寧通寶 1454–1459 Later Lê (後黎) Lê Nhân Tông (黎仁宗) Toda No. 56 延寧通寶.gif An9 Le Nhan Tong Dien Ninh 1ar (12030823993).jpg
Thiên Hưng Thông Bảo 天興通寶 1459–1460 Later Lê (後黎) Lê Nghi Dân (黎宜民) Toda No. 163 天興通寶.gif Thiên Hưng Thông Bảo - Dr. Luke Roberts 01.jpg
Quang Thuận Thông Bảo 光順通寶 1460–1469 Later Lê (後黎) Lê Thánh Tông (黎聖宗) Toda No. 57 光順通寶.gif An11 Le Thanh Tong Quang Thuan 1ar (12053280435).jpg
Hồng Đức Thông Bảo 洪德通寶 1470–1497 Later Lê (後黎) Lê Thánh Tông (黎聖宗) Toda No. 58 洪德通寶.gif An12 Le Thanh Tong Hong Duc 1ar (12105001446).jpg
Cảnh Thống Thông Bảo 景統通寶 1497–1504 Later Lê (後黎) Lê Hiến Tông (黎憲宗) Toda No. 59 景統通寶.gif An13 Le Hien Tong Canh Thong 1ar (12120561545).jpg
Đoan Khánh Thông Bảo 端慶通寶 1505–1509 Later Lê (後黎) Lê Uy Mục (黎威穆) Toda No. 60 端慶通寶.gif Đoan Khánh Thông Bảo - Dr. Luke Roberts 01.jpg
Giao Trị Thông Bảo 交治通寶 1509 None Cẩm Giang Vương (錦江王) Toda No. 164 交治通寶.gif
Thái Bình Thông Bảo 太平通寶 1509 None Cẩm Giang Vương (錦江王) Toda No. 165 太平通寶.gif
Thái Bình Thánh Bảo 太平聖寶 1509 None Cẩm Giang Vương (錦江王) Toda No. 166 太平聖寶.gif
Hồng Thuận Thông Bảo 洪順通寶 1510–1516 Later Lê (後黎) Lê Tương Dực (黎襄翼) Toda No. 61 洪順通寶.gif An15 Le Tuong Duc De 1ar (12136352264).jpg
Trần Công Tân Bảo 陳公新寶 1511–1512 None Trần Tuân (陳珣) or Trần Công Ninh (陳公寧) Toda No. 167 陳新公寶.gif Trần Công Tân Bảo (陳公新寶) - Rubbings - Dr. R. Allan Barker 04.png
Quang Thiệu Thông Bảo 光紹通寶 1516–1522 Later Lê (後黎) Lê Chiêu Tông (黎昭宗) Toda No. 62 光紹通寶.gif An53 Chieu Tong Quang Thieu (15979672256).jpg
Thiên Ứng Thông Bảo 天應通寶 1516–1521 None Trần Cao (陳暠) Toda No. 168 天應通寶.gif An44 TranCao ThienKhanh 1ar (14111075570).jpg
Phật Pháp Tăng Bảo 佛法僧寶 1516–1521 None Trần Cao (陳暠) None
Tuyên Hựu Hòa Bảo 宣祐和寶 1516–1521 None Trần Cao (陳暠) None
Thống Nguyên Thông Bảo 統元通寶 1522–1527 Later Lê (後黎) Lê Cung Hoàng (黎恭皇) Toda No. 63 統元通寶.gif
Minh Đức Thông Bảo 明德通寶 1527–1530 Mạc (莫) Mạc Thái Tổ (莫太祖) Toda No. 171 明德通寶.gif Minh Đức Thông Bảo (明德通寶) - Rubbings - Dr. R. Allan Barker 01.png
Minh Đức Nguyên Bảo 明德元寶 1527–1530 Mạc (莫) Mạc Thái Tổ (莫太祖) Toda No. 170 明德元寶.gif
Đại Chính Thông Bảo 大正通寶 1530–1540 Mạc (莫) Mạc Thái Tông (莫太宗) Toda No. 172 大正通寶.gif Đại Chính Thông Bảo - Dr. Luke Roberts 01.jpg
Quang Thiệu Thông Bảo 光紹通寶 1531–1532 None Quang Thiệu Emperor (光紹帝) Toda No. 169 光紹通寶.gif
Nguyên Hòa Thông Bảo 元和通寶 1533–1548 Revival Lê (黎中興) Lê Trang Tông (黎莊宗) Toda No. 64 元和通寶.gif Nguyên Hòa Thông Bảo - Dr. Luke Roberts 01.jpg
Quảng Hòa Thông Bảo 廣和通寶 1541–1546 Mạc (莫) Mạc Hiến Tông (莫憲宗) Toda No. 173 廣和通寶.gif Quảng Hòa Thông Bảo (廣和通寶) - Scott Semans.jpg
Vĩnh Định Thông Bảo 永定通寶 1547 Mạc (莫) Mạc Tuyên Tông (莫宣宗) Toda No. 175 永定通寶.gif
Vĩnh Định Chí Bảo 永定之寶 1547 Mạc (莫) Mạc Tuyên Tông (莫宣宗) Toda No. 176 永定之寶.gif
Quang Bảo Thông Bảo 光寶通寶 1554–1561 Mạc (莫) Mạc Tuyên Tông (莫宣宗) None Quang Bảo Thông Bảo (光寶通寶) - Rubbings - Dr. R. Allan Barker 01.png
Thái Bình Thông Bảo (中) 太平通寶 1558–1613 Nguyễn lords (阮主) Nguyễn Hoàng (阮潢) None Thái Bình Thông Bảo (太平通寶) - Nguyễn lords issue - Scott Semans 03.jpg
Thái Bình Phong Bảo 太平豐寶 1558–1613 Nguyễn lords (阮主) Nguyễn Hoàng (阮潢) None
Bình An Thông Bảo 平安通寶 1572–1623 Trịnh lords (鄭主) Trịnh Tùng (鄭松) None
Gia Thái Thông Bảo (中)[57] 嘉泰通寶 1573–1599 Revival Lê (黎中興) Lê Thế Tông (黎世宗) None Gia Thái Thông Bảo (嘉泰通寶) - Rubbings - Dr. R. Allan Barker 01.png
Càn Thống Nguyên Bảo 乾統元寶 1593–1625 Mạc (莫)[t] Mạc Kính Cung (莫敬恭) None
An Pháp Nguyên Bảo 安法元寶 1593–1625 Mạc (莫) Mạc Kính Cung (莫敬恭) None An Pháp Nguyên Bảo - Scott Semans (cropped brass version).png
Thái Bình Thông Bảo (中) 太平通寶 1593–1625 Mạc (莫) Mạc Kính Cung (莫敬恭) None An19 Thai Binh thong bao 1ar (12152893076).jpg
Thái Bình Thánh Bảo 太平聖寶 1593–1625 Mạc (莫) Mạc Kính Cung (莫敬恭) None An18 Thai Binh thanh bao 1ar (12152211033).jpg
Thái Bình Pháp Bảo 太平法寶 1593–1625 Mạc (莫) Mạc Kính Cung (莫敬恭)[58][59] None
Khai Kiến Thông Bảo 開建通寶 1593–1625 Mạc (莫) Mạc Kính Cung (莫敬恭) Toda No. 259 開建通寶.png
Sùng Minh Thông Bảo 崇明通寶 1593–1625 Mạc (莫) Mạc Kính Cung (莫敬恭) Toda No. 260 崇明通寶.png
Chính Nguyên Thông Bảo 正元通寶 1593–1625 Mạc (莫) Mạc Kính Cung (莫敬恭) None Chính Nguyên Thông Bảo - Scott Semans.jpg
Vĩnh Thọ Thông Bảo 永壽通寶 1658–1661 Revival Lê (黎中興) Lê Thần Tông (黎神宗) Toda No. 66 永壽通寶.gif An20 Le Than Tong Vinh Tho 1ar (12174677043).jpg
Tường Phù Nguyên Bảo[u] (中) 祥符元寶 1659–1685 Đức Xuyên (徳川) Đức Xuyên Gia Cương (徳川 家綱) None Nagasaki-shohugenpo-reisho.jpg
Trị Bình Thông Bảo (中) 治平通寶 1659–1685 Đức Xuyên (徳川) Đức Xuyên Gia Cương (徳川 家綱) None None
Trị Bình Nguyên Bảo (中)[62] 治平元寶 1659–1685 Đức Xuyên (徳川) Đức Xuyên Gia Cương (徳川 家綱) None
Nguyên Phong Thông Bảo (中) 元豊通寳 1659–1685 Đức Xuyên (徳川) Đức Xuyên Gia Cương (徳川 家綱) None Nagasaki-genpotsuho-reisho.jpg
Hi Ninh Nguyên Bảo (中) 熈寧元寳 1659–1685 Đức Xuyên (徳川) Đức Xuyên Gia Cương (徳川 家綱) None Nagasaki-kineigenpo-tensho.jpg
Thiệu Thánh Nguyên Bảo (中) 紹聖元寳 1659–1685 Đức Xuyên (徳川) Đức Xuyên Gia Cương (徳川 家綱) None Nagasaki-shoseigenpo-tensho.jpg
Gia Hựu Thông Bảo (中) 嘉祐通寳 1659–1685 Đức Xuyên (徳川) Đức Xuyên Gia Cương (徳川 家綱) None Nagasaki-kayutsuho-reisho.jpg
Vĩnh Trị Thông Bảo 永治通寶 1678–1680 Revival Lê (黎中興) Lê Hi Tông (黎熙宗) Toda No. 69 永治通寶.gif
Vĩnh Trị Nguyên Bảo 永治元寶 1678–1680 Revival Lê (黎中興) Lê Hi Tông (黎熙宗) None
Vĩnh Trị Chí Bảo 永治至寶 1678–1680 Revival Lê (黎中興) Lê Hi Tông (黎熙宗) None
Chính Hòa Thông Bảo 正和通寶 1680–1705 Revival Lê (黎中興) Lê Hi Tông (黎熙宗) Toda No. 70 正和通寶.gif Chính Hòa Thông Bảo - Scott Semans 02.png
Chính Hòa Nguyên Bảo 正和元寶 1680–1705 Revival Lê (黎中興) Lê Hi Tông (黎熙宗) None
Vĩnh Thịnh Thông Bảo 永聖通寶 1706–1719 Revival Lê (黎中興) Lê Dụ Tông (黎裕宗) Toda No. 73 永聖通寶.gif An21 Le Du Tong Vinh Thinh 1ar (12174865245).jpg
Bảo Thái Thông Bảo 保泰通寶 1720–1729 Revival Lê (黎中興) Lê Dụ Tông (黎裕宗) Toda No. 74 保泰通寶.gif An46 TienLe DuTong (15131656996).jpg
Thiên Minh Thông Bảo 天明通寶 1738–1765 Nguyễn lords (阮主) Nguyễn Phúc Khoát (阮福濶) Toda No. 285 天明通寶.png Thiên Minh Thông Bảo (天明通寶) - Scott Semans 02.jpg
Ninh Dân Thông Bảo[63][64][65][66] 寧民通宝[v] 1739–1741 None Nguyễn Tuyển (阮選),
Nguyễn Cừ (阮蘧), and
Nguyễn Diên (阮筵)[w]
Toda No. 246 寧民通宝.png
Cảnh Hưng Thông Bảo 景興通寶 1740–1786 Revival Lê (黎中興) Lê Hiển Tông (黎顯宗) Toda No. 142 景興通寶.gif An43 Le Hien Tong Canh Hung dragon 1ar (13360406495).jpg
Cảnh Hưng Thông Bảo[67] 景興通宝 1740–1786 Revival Lê (黎中興) Lê Hiển Tông (黎顯宗) Toda No. 100 景興通宝.gif An25 Le Hien Tong Canh Hung 1ar (12266059635).jpg
Cảnh Hưng Trung Bảo 景興中寶 1740–1786 Revival Lê (黎中興) Lê Hiển Tông (黎顯宗) Toda No. 125 景興中寶.gif
Cảnh Hưng Trung Bảo[68] 景興中宝 1740–1786 Revival Lê (黎中興) Lê Hiển Tông (黎顯宗) Toda No. 126 景興中宝.gif
Cảnh Hưng Chí Bảo[69] 景興至寶 1740–1786 Revival Lê (黎中興) Lê Hiển Tông (黎顯宗) Toda No. 129 景興至寶.gif Cảnh Hưng Chí Bảo - Dr. Luke Roberts 01.png
Cảnh Hưng Vĩnh Bảo 景興永寶 1740–1786 Revival Lê (黎中興) Lê Hiển Tông (黎顯宗) Toda No. 116 景興永寶.gif Cảnh Hưng Vĩnh Bảo - Dr. Luke Roberts 01.png
Cảnh Hưng Đại Bảo 景興大寶 1740–1786 Revival Lê (黎中興) Lê Hiển Tông (黎顯宗) Toda No. 118 景興大寶.gif An29 Le Hien Tong Canh Hung dai bao 1ar (12268140945).jpg
Cảnh Hưng Thái Bảo 景興太寶 1740–1786 Revival Lê (黎中興) Lê Hiển Tông (黎顯宗) Toda No. 120 景興太寶.gif Cảnh Hưng Thái Bảo - Dr. Luke Roberts 01.png
Cảnh Hưng Cự Bảo[70] 景興巨寶 1740–1786 Revival Lê (黎中興) Lê Hiển Tông (黎顯宗) Toda No. 115 景興巨寶.gif An22 Le Hien Tong Canh Hung Cubao 1ar (12253524053).jpg
Cảnh Hưng Cự Bảo 景興巨宝 1740–1786 Revival Lê (黎中興) Lê Hiển Tông (黎顯宗) Toda No. 112 景興巨宝.gif
Cảnh Hưng Trọng Bảo 景興重寶 1740–1786 Revival Lê (黎中興) Lê Hiển Tông (黎顯宗) Toda No. 121 景興重寶.gif Cảnh Hưng Trọng Bảo - Dr. Luke Roberts 01.png
Cảnh Hưng Tuyền Bảo 景興泉寶 1740–1786 Revival Lê (黎中興) Lê Hiển Tông (黎顯宗) Toda No. 123 景興泉寶.gif Cảnh Hưng Tuyền Bảo - Dr. Luke Roberts 03.png
Cảnh Hưng Thuận Bảo 景興順寶 1740–1786 Revival Lê (黎中興) Lê Hiển Tông (黎顯宗) Toda No. 122 景興順寶.gif An24 Le Hien Tong Canh Hung Thuan Hoa 1ar (12265854823).jpg
Cảnh Hưng Nội Bảo 景興內寶 1740–1786 Revival Lê (黎中興) Lê Hiển Tông (黎顯宗) Toda No. 127 景興內寶.gif
Cảnh Hưng Nội Bảo 景興內宝 1740–1786 Revival Lê (黎中興) Lê Hiển Tông (黎顯宗) Toda No. 128 景興內宝.gif Cảnh Hưng Nội Bảo - Dr. Luke Roberts 01.png
Cảnh Hưng Dụng Bảo 景興用寶 1740–1786 Revival Lê (黎中興) Lê Hiển Tông (黎顯宗) Toda No. 119 景興用寶.gif
Cảnh Hưng Dụng Bảo[71] 景興踊寶 1740–1786 Revival Lê (黎中興) Lê Hiển Tông (黎顯宗) None
Cảnh Hưng Lai Bảo 景興來寶 1740–1786 Revival Lê (黎中興) Lê Hiển Tông (黎顯宗) None
Cảnh Hưng Thận Bảo 景興慎寶 1740–1786 Revival Lê (黎中興) Lê Hiển Tông (黎顯宗) None
Cảnh Hưng Thọ Trường 景興壽長 1740–1786 Revival Lê (黎中興) Lê Hiển Tông (黎顯宗) None
Cảnh Hưng Chính Bảo[72] 景興正寶 1740–1786 Revival Lê (黎中興) Lê Hiển Tông (黎顯宗) Toda No. 117 景興正寶.gif Cảnh Hưng Chính Bảo - Dr. Luke Roberts 01.png
Cảnh Hưng Anh Bảo 景興英寶 1740–1786 Revival Lê (黎中興) Lê Hiển Tông (黎顯宗) None
Cảnh Hưng Tống Bảo 景興宋寶 1740–1786 Revival Lê (黎中興) Lê Hiển Tông (黎顯宗) Toda No. 124 景興宋寶.gif
Cảnh Hưng Thông Dụng 景興通用 1740–1786 Revival Lê (黎中興) Lê Hiển Tông (黎顯宗) Toda No. 135 景興通寶.gif
Cảnh Hưng Lợi Bảo[73] 景興利寶 1740–1786 Revival Lê (黎中興) Lê Hiển Tông (黎顯宗) None
Thái Đức Thông Bảo[74] 泰德通寶 1778–1788 Tây Sơn (西山) Thái Đức (泰德) Toda No. 180 泰德通寶.png An33 Tay Son Tay Duc Van Thue 1ar (12388573404).jpg
Nam Vương Thông Bảo 南王通寶 1782–1786 Trịnh lords (鄭主) Trịnh Khải (鄭楷) None
Nam Vương Cự Bảo 南王巨寶 1782–1786 Trịnh lords (鄭主) Trịnh Khải (鄭楷) None Nam Vương Cự Bảo (南王巨寶) - Trịnh Lords (主鄭) - 2,36 grams - Dr. R. Allan Barker - Obverse & Reverse.png
Minh Đức Thông Bảo[75] 明德通寶 1787 Tây Sơn (西山) Thái Đức (泰德) None
Chiêu Thống Thông Bảo 昭統通寶 1787–1789 Revival Lê (黎中興) Lê Mẫn Đế (黎愍帝) Toda No. 162 昭統通寶.gif Chieu Thong Thong Bao.JPG
Quang Trung Thông Bảo[76] 光中通寶 1788–1792 Tây Sơn (西山) Quang Trung (光中) Toda No. 194 光中通寶.png Quang Trung Thong Bao.png
Quang Trung Thông Bảo[76] 光中通宝 1788–1792 Tây Sơn (西山) Quang Trung (光中) Toda No. 186 光中通宝.png
Quang Trung Đại Bảo[77] 光中大宝 1788–1792 Tây Sơn (西山) Quang Trung (光中) Toda No. 188 光中大宝.png Quang Trung dai bao.png
Càn Long Thông Bảo
An Nam[x] (中)[78][79]
1788–1789 Thanh (清) Càn Long Emperor (乾隆帝) Toda No. 212 乾隆通寶 - 安南.gif Qianlong Tongbao. Annan.jpg
Gia Hưng Thông Bảo 嘉興通寶 1790–1802 Nguyễn lords (阮主) Nguyễn Phúc Ánh (阮福暎) None
Cảnh Thịnh Thông Bảo[80] 景盛通寶 1793–1801 Tây Sơn (西山) Cảnh Thịnh (景盛) Toda No. 205 景盛通寶.png Canh Thinh thong bao.png
Cảnh Thịnh Đại Bảo[81] 景盛大寶 1793–1801 Tây Sơn (西山) Cảnh Thịnh (景盛) None An39 Tay Son Quang Toan Canh Thinh 1ar (12698446333).jpg
Bảo Hưng Thông Bảo[81] 寶興通寶 1801–1802 Tây Sơn (西山) Cảnh Thịnh (景盛) Toda No. 211 寶興通寶.png Bảo Hưng Thông Bảo (寶興通寶) - Scott Semans 03.jpg
Gia Long Thông Bảo[82] 嘉隆通寶 1802–1820 Nguyễn (阮) Gia Long (嘉隆) Toda No. 224 嘉隆通寶.png 7van GiaLong 2tien 38ar85 (8563825101).jpg
Gia Long Cự Bảo[83] 嘉隆巨寶 1802–1820 Nguyễn (阮) Gia Long (嘉隆) None
Minh Mạng Thông Bảo[83] 明命通寶 1820–1841 Nguyễn (阮) Minh Mạng (明命) Toda No. 227 明命通寶.png 6van MinhMang zinc 32ar85 (8565985992).jpg
Trị Nguyên Thông Bảo[84] 治元通寶 1831–1834 None Lê Văn Khôi (黎文