Ahmad ibn Isa ibn Zayd

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Ahmad ibn Isa ibn Zayd
احمد بن عیسی بن زید
Abu Abdullah Ahmad ibn Isa ibn Zayd ibn Ali

774 AD or 775 AD or 776 AD or even onwards (157 AH or 158 AH or 159 AH or even onwards)[1][2][3]
Died854 AD or 861 AD (240 AH or 247 AH)[1][2][3]
Burial placeBasra
Other namesAl-Mokhtafi
  • Abulghasem Muhammad Akbar
  • Isa
  • Abu Jafar Muhammad
  • Abulhassan Ali
RelativesZayd ibn Ali

Ahmad ibn Isa ibn Zayd (born 774 or later - died 854 or 861) Islamic theologian, Hadith scholar and Faqih, was the grandson of Zayd ibn Ali, one of the famous Alids of the early Abbasid caliphate and one of the famous Zaidiyyah scholars who lived most of his life on the run. His kunya was "Abu Abdallah" and his nickname was "Mokhtafi".[4][5][6] Ahmad ibn Isa ibn Zayd 's sixty years of secret life is proof of the nickname given to him (Mokhtafi, the hidden).[7][8][9]

Narrated hadiths and jurisprudential theories of Ahmad ibn Isa ibn Zayd have been collected by Muhammad ibn Mansour Moradi[10] in the book of "Amaali Ahmad ibn Isa va Ulume Ale Muhammad" (Arabic: امالی احمد بن عیسی و علوم آل محمد(ص), The prospects of Ahmad ibn Isa and the sciences of the family of Muhammad) and have always been considered as a primary source by Zaidi scholars and narrators.

Life and lineage[]

Ahmad ibn Isa ibn Zayd 's birth has been reported 774 AD or 775 AD or 776 AD or even onwards (157 AH or 158 AH[1][2][3] or 159 AH or even onwards).[11][12][13] But according to some sources, in response to Muhammad ibn Mansour Moradi 's[10] question about his age, Ahmad ibn Isa ibn Zayd stated that he was born in 774 AD (157 AH).[14][15] His mother, Atekeh, was the daughter of Fadl ibn Abd al-Rahman ibn Abbas ibn Rabi'ah ibn Harith ibn Abd al-Muttalib.[16][3]

His father Isa, was one of the sons of Zayd ibn Ali, the son of Ali ibn Husayn, and great-grandson of Ali ibn Abi Talib.[17] Isa, along with Muhammad al-Nafs al-Zakiyya and his brother Ibrahim, took part in the anti-Abbasid uprisings and it was from this period that he was persecuted.[18] Ahmad ibn Isa ibn Zayd was apparently born in Kufa, when he was a child his father died, so he did not get the opportunity to hear hadiths from his father to narrate.[13] His father died when Ahmad ibn Isa ibn Zayd was eleven years old.[19]

After the death of the father[]

After the death of Ahmad 's father, a person named Sabbah Za'farani, took Ahmad and his brother Zayd to one of the Abbasid caliphs named Al-Mahdi in Baghdad. Al-Mahdi took them under his tutelage.[20] They both grew up in the government apparatus until Muhammad Amin was killed and the caliphate was disrupted in Baghdad. Zayd had already died of an illness, and Ahmad took the opportunity to flee.[21][22]

According to another narration, the person who took Ahmad and his brother Zayd to Al-Mahdi was called Ibn Alaq Seirafi, and Ahmad and Zayd went to Medina with the permission of Al-Mahdi, and Zayd died there, and Ahmad was there for a while. It was not until the early caliphate of Harun al-Rashid (the fifth Abbasid Caliph) that the caliph was informed that a group of Zaydis had gathered around Ahmad, so he ordered that Ahmad be arrested and imprisoned.[23][24][25]

Narratives of his escape[]

According to Ya'qubi, Harun al-Rashid imprisoned Ahmad in Rafaqa (a palace in Raqqa Governorate) in 804 AD (188 AH). After a while, Ahmad fled to Basra and corresponded with the Shiites and invited them to himself. Harun al-Rashid sent for him, but could not arrest him. Harun al-Rashid imprisoned Ahmad's agent, who his name was Hazer. Hazer swore not to show Ahmad's hideout, so he was crucified on Harun al-Rashid's order.[26]

Elsewhere it is stated that Harun al-Rashid summoned Ahmad and Qasim ibn Ali ibn Umar ibn Ali ibn Hussein from Hijaz. And imprisoned them under the supervision of Al-Fadl ibn al-Rabi. After a while, they both escaped with the help of a group of Zaydis.[27][28]

Ahmad hid for a while in the house of a person named Muhammad ibn Ibrahim in Baghdad, and when Harun al-Rashid found out about him, Ahmad went to Basra and Harun al-Rashid could not capture him.[27]

Abu al-Faraj al-Isfahani narrated the story of Hazer but said that Hazer was killed not in the time of Harun al-Rashid but in the time of the Al-Mahdi because he did not show the hideout of Isa, father of Ahmad.[29][30][31]

However, Abu al-Faraj al-Isfahani mentioned a narration that indicates the connection between Ahmad and Hazer in Basra and the surrounding areas of Ahvaz. It is narrated that Harun al-Rashid ordered to capture them and taken to him.[32] Al-Dhahabi[33] quoted Al-Mada'ini as saying that Harun al-Rashid was informed in 801 AD (185 AH) that Ahmad began an uprising in Ibadan.[34]

Al-Qadi al-Nu'man has elaborated on the narration of Ahmad's departure in Ibadan, a narration that contradicts what has been said about Ahmad before. He narrated that in 801 AD (185 AH), Harun al-Rashid ordered the arrest of Ahmad, who was launching an uprising against the caliph in Ibadan, and at that time Ahmad was active in Basra and the surrounding areas of Ahvaz along with the son of Idris ibn Abdullah Mahaz. Harun al-Rashid's envoy, named Abu al-Saj, cunningly captured Ahmad and Idris' son, but the two fled and hid in Basra,[35][36][37][38] after which they went to Kufa.[39]

According to Al-Qadi al-Nu'man, Ahmad returned to Basra and lived there in hiding until his death.[39][40]

In a narration mentioned by Mahali, when Ahmad ibn Isa fled to Basra, Muhammad ibn Zakaria al-Ghallabi heard from him that when Harun al-Rashid was pursuing for the Alawites, Al-Qasim al-Rassi fled to Yemen, Abdullah ibn Musa ibn Abdullah ibn Hassan ibn Hassan fled to Levant and Ahmad himself fled to Ray. After the death of Harun al-Rashid (809 AD, 193 AH), these three persons came together during the Hajj pilgrimage and each of them told their own story. At this time, Ahmad explained that he had been living secretly for many years in the area of Varzanin in the Ray County, changing his name to Abu Hafas Jassaas and marrying a woman. Ahmad's son, Muhammad, also married a woman from Banu Abdul Qays tribe there and had a child named Ali.[41][42][43][44]

In 834 AD (219 AH), Ahmad ibn Isa ibn Zayd pledged allegiance to Al-Qasim al-Rassi at the house of Muhammad ibn Mansour Moradi[10] in Kufa. These two narrations, which have been reported by Zaidi sources, can remove some of the ambiguity in other narrations about Ahmad's life during the years of concealment. Based on these, it can be said that Ahmad spent a long time in Ray and other areas during the years when he was thought to be hiding in Basra.[41]

Last years[]

Ahmad ibn Isa ibn Zayd, who spent most of his life on the run, became blind in the last years of his life, and Al-Mutawakkil (tenth Abbasid caliph), who was pursuing him, found him in his son-in-law's house in Kufa, and when he saw Ahmad blind, left him alone.[11][45] Abu al-Faraj al-Isfahani has written Al-Mutawakkil's motivation in pursuing Ahmad ibn Isa ibn Zayd, was Zaidiyyah's support for him and the possibility of helping him in the event of Ahmad 's uprising.[46]

Scientific life[]

Abu al-Faraj al-Isfahani wrote about Ahmad ibn Isa ibn Zayd, he is considered a Zaidi scholar and Hadith narrator. He used to write hadith and some of Hadith scholars have written hadiths quoted from him.[47] Al-Dhahabi has mentioned him as Sheikh of Bani Hashim clan and their elder.[33][48][49] He has been considered as a great and ascetic jurist and scholar.[50] He has also been nicknamed "the jurist of Muhammad's clan".[51][52][53] In the book "Tarajem al-Rijal" (تراجم الرجال المذكورة فی شرح الازهار) by Jandari, quoted from Zaydi sources, it is written that Ahmad performed Hajj pilgrimage 30 times on foot.[13][54]

His masters[]

  • Hossein ibn Alwan
  • Muhammad ibn Bakr Arhabi

His disciples[]

  • Ali ibn Ahmad ibn Isa
  • Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Isa
  • Muhammad ibn Mansour Moradi,[10] the great Zaidi scholar of Kufa[47][55][56]

His legacy[]

The hadiths that transferred by Ahmad, have been narrated by Al-Hadi ila'l-Haqq Yahya in the books "Al-Nikah" (النکاح) and "Al-Amali" (الامالی), as well as by the five elders of Zaidiyyah, namely Muhammad ibn Mansour Moradi,[10] Abu al-Hassan Haruni, Abu Talib Haruni, Al-Movaffaq Bellah Jorjani and his son Murshid Bellah[57] in their writings.[13]

Ahmad believed that Abu Bakr and Umar were righteous.[58] He believed that Imamate is also permissible for non-descendants of Ali ibn Abi Talib, provided they have justice.[13]


  • Abu al-Ghasem Muhammad Akbar
  • Ahmad
  • Hossein
  • Ali
  • Abu Ja'far Muhammad[58]

Abu Ja'far Muhammad had a son named Ali, who a person called Saheb al-Zanj[59] claimed to be Ali himself.[41] This claim has been confirmed by some genealogists and rejected by many others. However, the narration mentioned by Mahali about Ahmad's disappearance in Ray may indicate that the Saheb al-Zanj 's claim is correct.[60][61][62][63][64]


Ahmad ibn Isa ibn Zayd 's works have been mentioned in the Islamic discussions of Sharia[65] and Fiqh.[66] His book "Al-Siyam" is also mentioned.[67]

Muhammad ibn Mansour Moradi[10] had collected the hadiths narrated by Ahmad ibn Isa ibn Zayd, which were in various chapters of Islamic jurisprudence, along with the hadiths of others in a book that has always been of great importance in the history of Zaidi jurisprudence. This book, which was called "Amaali Ahmad ibn Isa wa Ulume Ale Muhammad" (امالی احمد بن عیسی و علوم آل محمد(ص), The prospects of Ahmad ibn Isa and the sciences of the family of Muhammad), was also called "Badae'e al-Anwar fi Mahaasen al-Asaar" (بدائع الانوار فی محاسن الآثار), by the famous Zaidi Imam, Al-Mansur Abdallah.[68][69]

In addition to containing Ahmad ibn Isa ibn Zayd 's hadiths, the book also contains his jurisprudential views and opinions in many cases. And its content has always been prevalent among Zaidi scholars and hadith narrators. In the contemporary period, Badreddin al-Houthi, one of the prominent scholars of Zaidiyyah and the spiritual leader of Houthi movement, wrote a commentary on this book entitled "Sharh Amaali al-Imam Ahmad ibn Isa" (ﺷﺮﺡ اﻣﺎلی ﺍلإﻣﺎﻡ اﺣﻤﺪ ﺑﻦ ﻋﻴﺴﻰ, Description of the prospects of Ahmed ibn Isa).[70]

Fuat Sezgin mentions another book by Muhammad ibn Mansour Moradi[10] called "Masael Ahmad ibn Isa and Al-Qasim ibn Ibrahim" (مسائل احمد ابن عیسی و القاسم بن ابراهیم, The Issues of Ahmad ibn Isa and Al-Qasim ibn Ibrahim).[71]

Abu Abdullah Alavi, the famous Zaidi scholar of Kufa, says in the introduction of his book "Al-Jame 'al-Kafi"[72] (الجامع الکافی), which is one of the important sources of Zaidi jurisprudence, since the Zaydis in Kufa rely on the religion of Ahmad ibn Isa and Qasim ibn Ibrahim Rassi and Hassan ibn Yahya ibn Hussein ibn Zayd ibn Ali ibn Hussein and Muhammad ibn Mansour Moradi[10] in the jurisprudential matters, has collected their sayings in this book and in quoting Ahmad's sayings, has relied on Muhammad ibn Mansour Moradi 's books, which contain Ahmad's hadiths, sayings and jurisprudential opinions.[73] Abu Abdullah Alavi also mentioned the book "Masael Ahmad ibn Isa and Al-Qasim ibn Ibrahim" and shows his continuity in method to its author.[74]


Ahmad ibn Isa ibn Zayd 's death is mentioned in 854 AD (240 AH)[11] or 861 AD (247 AH)[1][2][3] one week before the murder of Al-Mutawakkil (died 861 AD, 247 AH).[75][46][1] His son Ali ibn Ahmad has mentioned the time of Ahmad ibn Isa ibn Zayd 's death as Ramadan of 247 AH (November 861 AD).[14][15] Ahmad ibn Isa ibn Zayd was buried in Basra.[58] Ibn Tabataba[76] thought that Ahmad ibn Isa ibn Zayd had been killed by Al-Mutawakkil.[77]

See also[]


  1. ^ a b c d e بخاری, سهل بن عبدالله. سر السلسلة العلویة. قم: منشورات الرضی. p. ۶۶. تعلیق: سید محمد صادق بحر العلوم، اول، ۱۴۱۳ق
  2. ^ a b c d صفدی, خلیل بن ایبک. کتاب الوافی بالوفیات. Vol. ۷. بیروت: دار إحیاء التراث العربی. p. ۱۷۸. تحقیق: احمد ارناؤوط - ترکی مصطفی، ۱۴۲۰ق
  3. ^ a b c d e علوی عمری, علی بن محمد. المجدی فی أنساب الطالبیین. قم: کتابخانه آیت الله مرعشی نجفی. p. ۱۸۸. تحقیق: احمد مهدوی دامغانی، اول، ۱۴۰۹ق
  4. ^ اصفهانی, ابوالفرج. مقاتل الطالبیین. قاهره. p. ۴۰۸. به کوشش احمد صفر، ۱۳۶۸ق/۱۹۴۹م.
  5. ^ زرکلی, خیرالدین. الأعلام. Vol. ۱. بیروت: دار العلم للملایین. p. ۱۹۱. پنجم، ۱۹۸۰م
  6. ^ حسینى زبيدى واسطى, سيد مرتضى. تاج العروس من جواهر القاموس. Vol. ۱۹. بیروت: دار الفکر. p. ۳۸۵. تحقیق: علی شیری، اول، ۱۴۱۴ق
  7. ^ ابن حمدون, محمد بن حسن. التذکرة الحمدونیة. Vol. ۲. بیروت: دار صادر. p. ۱۹۵. تحقیق: احسان عباس - بکر عباس، اول، ۱۴۱۷ق
  8. ^ نمازی شاهرودی, علی بن محمد. مستدرکات علم رجال الحدیث. Vol. ۱. تهران: شفق - حیدری. p. ۳۹۳. اول، ۱۴۱۲ق
  9. ^ سبحانی, جعفر بن محمد حسین. موسوعة طبقات الفقهاء. Vol. ۳. قم: تحقیق و نشر: مؤسسة الإمام الصادق. p. ۸۳. اول، ۱۴۱۸ق؛
  10. ^ a b c d e f g h "مرادی، محمد بن منصور - ویکی‌نور، دانشنامۀ تخصصی" (in Persian). Retrieved 8 December 2021.
  11. ^ a b c بخاری, ابونصر سهل. سر السلسلة العلویة. نجف. p. ۶۶. به کوشش محمد صادق بحرالعلوم، ۱۳۸۱ق/۱۹۶۲م.
  12. ^ اصفهانی, ابوالفرج. مقاتل الطالبیین. قاهره. p. ۶۲۷. به کوشش احمد صفر، ۱۳۶۸ق/۱۹۴۹م.
  13. ^ a b c d e جنداری, احمد. تراجم الرجال. صنعا. p. ۵. در مقدمۀ جلد اول شرح الازهار، ۱۳۴۱ق.
  14. ^ a b ابوالفرج اصفهانی, علی بن حسین. مقاتل الطالبیین. نجف: المکتبة الحیدریة. p. ۴۱۴. به کوشش: کاظم مظفر، دوم، ۱۳۸۵ق
  15. ^ a b معروف به زمخشری, محمود بن عمر. ربیع الأبرار و نصوص الأخبار. Vol. ۳. بیروت: مؤسسة الأعلمی. p. ۳۱. تحقیق: عبدالامیر مهنا، اول، ۱۴۱۲ق؛
  16. ^ بخاری, ابونصر سهل. سر السلسلة العلویة. نجف. p. ۶۵. به کوشش محمد صادق بحرالعلوم، ۱۳۸۱ق/۱۹۶۲م.
  17. ^ Esposito, John L., ed. (2003). "Zayd ibn Ali". The Oxford Dictionary of Islam. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-1998-9120-7.
  18. ^ اصفهانی, ابوالفرج. مقاتل الطالبیین. قاهره. p. ۴۰۵. به کوشش احمد صفر، ۱۳۶۸ق/۱۹۴۹م.
  19. ^ حسينى جلالى, محمدحسين. فهرس التراث (in Persian). Vol. ۱. قم: دلیل ما. p. ۲۶۲. تحقیق: محمد جواد حسینی جلالی، اول، ۱۴۲۲ق
  20. ^ اصفهانی, ابوالفرج. مقاتل الطالبیین. قاهره. p. ۴۲۰-۴۲۳. به کوشش احمد صفر، ۱۳۶۸ق/۱۹۴۹م.
  21. ^ اصفهانی, ابوالفرج. مقاتل الطالبیین. قاهره. p. ۴۲۳. به کوشش احمد صفر، ۱۳۶۸ق/۱۹۴۹م.
  22. ^ ابوالفرج اصفهانی, علی بن حسین. مقاتل الطالبیین. نجف: المکتبة الحیدریة. p. ۲۷۹-۲۸۱. به کوشش: کاظم مظفر، دوم، ۱۳۸۵ق
  23. ^ اصفهانی, ابوالفرج. مقاتل الطالبیین. قاهره. p. ۴۲۳-۴۲۵. به کوشش احمد صفر، ۱۳۶۸ق/۱۹۴۹م.
  24. ^ ابوالفرج اصفهانی, علی بن حسین. مقاتل الطالبیین. نجف: المکتبة الحیدریة. p. ۴۰۸-۴۱۰. به کوشش: کاظم مظفر، دوم، ۱۳۸۵ق
  25. ^ تنوخی, محسن بن علی. الفرج بعد الشدة. Vol. ۱. قم: منشورات الرضی. p. ۱۴۰-۱۴۱. ۱۳۶۴ق
  26. ^ یعقوبی, احمد بن واضح. تاریخ. Vol. ۲. بیروت: دار صادر. p. ۴۲۳. ۱۳۷۹ق/۱۹۶۰م.
  27. ^ a b اصفهانی, ابوالفرج. مقاتل الطالبیین. قاهره. p. ۶۲۰-۶۲۱. به کوشش احمد صفر، ۱۳۶۸ق/۱۹۴۹م.
  28. ^ تنوخی, محسن. الفرج بعد الشدة. قم: منشورات رضی. p. ۱۴۰.
  29. ^ اصفهانی, ابوالفرج. مقاتل الطالبیین. قاهره. p. ۶۲۵ و ۶۲۷-۶۲۸. به کوشش احمد صفر، ۱۳۶۸ق/۱۹۴۹م.
  30. ^ قمی, شیخ عباس. منتهي الآمال (in Persian). Vol. ۲. قم: نشر جمال. p. ۹۴-۹۶. مترجم/مصحح: كاظم عابدينی مطلق، 1382، چاپ اول
  31. ^ ابوالفرج اصفهانی, علی بن حسین. مقاتل الطالبیین. نجف: المکتبة الحیدریة. p. ۲۸۳-۲۸۴. به کوشش: کاظم مظفر، دوم، ۱۳۸۵ق
  32. ^ اصفهانی, ابوالفرج. مقاتل الطالبیین. قاهره. p. ۶۲۵. به کوشش احمد صفر، ۱۳۶۸ق/۱۹۴۹م.
  33. ^ a b ذهبی, شمس‌الدین. سیر اعلام النبلاء. Vol. ۱۲. بیروت. p. ۷۲. به کوشش شعیب ارنؤوط و صالح سمر، ۱۴۰۴ق/۱۹۸۴م.
  34. ^ صفدی, خلیل. الوافی بالوفیات (in Persian). Vol. ۷. بیروت. p. ۲۷۱. به کوشش احسان عباس، ۱۴۰۱ق/۱۹۸۱م.
  35. ^ مغربی معروف به قاضی نعمان, نعمان بن محمد. شرح الأخبار فی فضائل الأئمة الأطهار. Vol. ۳. قم: مؤسسة النشر الإسلامی. p. ۳۳۱-۳۳۴. تحقیق: محمد حسینی جلالی، دوم، ۱۴۱۴ق؛
  36. ^ ذهبی, شمس‌الدین. تاریخ الإسلام و وفیات المشاهیر و الأعلام. Vol. ۱۲. بیروت: دار الکتاب العربی. p. ۱۸. تحقیق: عمر عبد السلام تدمری، اول، ۱۴۰۷ق
  37. ^ صفدی, خلیل بن ایبک. کتاب الوافی بالوفیات. Vol. ۷. بیروت: دار إحیاء التراث العربی. p. ۱۷۷-۱۷۸. تحقیق: احمد ارناؤوط - ترکی مصطفی، ۱۴۲۰ق
  38. ^ ابوالفرج اصفهانی, علی بن حسین. مقاتل الطالبیین. نجف: المکتبة الحیدریة. p. ۴۱۲-۴۱۳. به کوشش: کاظم مظفر، دوم، ۱۳۸۵ق
  39. ^ a b قاضی نعمان, ابوحنیفه محمد بن نعمان. شرح الاخبار. Vol. ۱. قم. p. ۳۳۱-۳۳۳. به کوشش محمد حسین جلالی، ۱۴۱۲ق.
  40. ^ معروف به یعقوبی, احمد بن اسحاق. تاریخ الیعقوبی. Vol. ۲. بیروت: دار صادر. p. ۴۲۳.
  41. ^ a b c محلی, حميد بن احمد بن محمد. الحدائق الوردیة. Vol. ۲. دمشق. p. ۵. به کوشش یوسف بن محمد مؤید حسنی، ۱۴۰۵ق/۱۹۸۵م.
  42. ^ جشمی, محسن بن محمد. تنبیه الغافلین عن فضائل الطالبیین. یمن: مرکز الغدیر للدراسات الإسلامیة. p. ۱۵۱-۱۵۲. تحقیق: تحسین ��ل شبیب موسوی، ۱۴۲۰ق؛
  43. ^ حمید بن احمد, محلی. الحدائق الوردیة فی مناقب أئمة الزیدیة. Vol. ۲. صنعا: مکتبة مرکز بدر. p. ۸-۹. تحقیق: مرتضی محطوری حسنی، اول، ۱۴۲۳ق
  44. ^ ناطق بالحق, سید یحیی بن حسین. تیسیر المطالب فی أمالی أبی طالب. صنعا: مؤسسة الإمام زیاد بن علی الثقافیة. p. ۱۹۰. تحقیق: عبد الله عزی،
  45. ^ شریفی, مرضیه. "مقاله «احمد بن عیسی بن زید»". دانشنامه امام رضا (in Persian): ۷۱۲.
  46. ^ a b اصفهانی, ابوالفرج. مقاتل الطالبیین. قاهره. p. ۶۳۲. به کوشش احمد صفر، ۱۳۶۸ق/۱۹۴۹م.
  47. ^ a b اصفهانی, ابوالفرج. مقاتل الطالبیین. قاهره. p. ۶۱۹. به کوشش احمد صفر، ۱۳۶۸ق/۱۹۴۹م.
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