List of sovereign states in 1495

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The notion of a sovereign state arises in the mid-16th century with the development of modern diplomacy. For earlier times, the term "sovereign state" is an anachronism. What corresponded to sovereign states in the medieval and ancient period were monarchs ruling By the Grace of God, de facto feudal or imperial autocrats, or de facto independent nations or tribal confederations.

Sovereign states[]

(under construction)


  • Aach - Lordship of Aach
  •  Aachen - Free Imperial City of Aachen
  • Aalen - Free Imperial City of Aalen
  •  Adal – Adal Sultanate
  •   – Sultanate of Algiersh
  •  Alodia – Kingdom of Alodia
  •  Alsace - Duchy of Alsace
  • Andorra – Principality of Andorra
  • Anhalt - Principality of Anhalt
  •  Annam - Kingdom of Annam
  • Ansbach - Margraviate of Ansbach
  •  Aq Qoyunlu – Aq Qoyunlu Federation
  • Aragon - Kingdom of Aragon
  •  Arakan – Sultanate of Arakan
  • Armagnac - County of Armagnac
  •  Ashanti – Empire of Ashanti
  •  Assam – Kingdom of Assam
  • Astrakhan – Khanate of Astrakhan
  • Austria - Archduchy of Austria
  • Auvergne - County of Auvergne
  • Ayutthaya – Ayutthaya Kingdom
  • Aztec Empire – Aztec Empire


  • Baden - Margraviate of Baden
  •  Bali - Sultanate of Bali
  • Bavaria - Duchy of Bavaria
  • Béarn – Viscountcy of Béarn
  •  Bengal - Sultanate of Bengal
  • Benin – Benin Empire
  •  Bhadgaon – Kingdom of Bhadgaon
  • Bohemia - Kingdom of Bohemia
  • Bosnian Kingdom
  • Bourbonnais - Duchy of Bourbonnais
  • Brandenburg - March/Margraviate of Brandenburg
  • Bremen - Prince-Archbishopric of Bremen
  • Brittany - Duchy of Brittany
  •  Brunei - Sultanate of Brunei
  • Brunswick-Lüneburg - Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneburg


  • Castille - Crown of Castille
  • Catalonia - Principality of Catalonia
  •  Chagatai Khanate - Chagatai Khanate
  •  Champa - Kingdom of Champa
  •  Cherokee – Cherokee Tribe
  •  China – Empire of the Great Ming
  • Cleves - Duchy of Cleves
  • Cologne - Electorate of Cologne
  •  Connaught – Kingdom of Connaught
  • Cospaia – Republic of Cospaia
  •  Creek – Creek Tribe
  • Crimea – Crimean Khanate


  •  Deccan – Sultanate of Deccan
  •  Delhi – Sultanate of Delhi


  •  England – Kingdom of England
  •  Ethiopia – Empire of Ethiopia


  • Ferrara – Duchy of Ferrara, Modena and Reggio
  •  Fez – Kingdom of Fez
  • Florence – Republic of Florence
  •  France – Kingdom of France
  •  Funj – Funj Tribe








  •  Majapahit – Majapahit Empire
  •  Malacca – Sultanate of Malacca
  • Maldives – Sultanate of Maldives
  •  Mali – Mali Empire
  •  Malwa – Sultanate of Malwa
  • Mamluk Sultanate – Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt
  •  Mandara – Kingdom of Mandara
  •  Manipur – Kingdom of Manipur
  •  Maya – Maya Empire
  • Modena – Duchy of Modena
  • Moldavia Moldavia – Principality of Moldavia
  •  Mong Mao – Mong Mao
  •  Morocco – Sultanate of Morocco
  •  Mrauk U – Kingdom of Mrauk U
  •  Mughalistan – Khanate of Mughalistan
  •  Munster – Kingdom of Munster
  •  Mutapa – Kingdom of Mutapa
  • Muscovy – Grand Duchy of Moscow
  • Mysore – Kingdom of Mysore
  •  Mahiya Rajput – Kingdom of Wakaner


  •  Najd – Kingdom of Najd
  • Naples – Kingdom of Naples
  • Navarre – Kingdom of Navarre
  •  Nepal – Kingdom of Nepal


  •  Oman – Sultanate of Oman
  •  Orissa – Kingdom of Orissa
  •  Ottoman Empire – Ottoman Empire, with vassals:
  •  Oyo – Oyo Empire


  • Papal States – States of the Church
  •  Patan – Kingdom of Patan
  •  Pegu – Kingdom of Pegu
  • Poland – Kingdom of Poland
  • Portugal – Kingdom of Portugal
  • Pskov – Pskov Feudal Republic


  •  Qara Koyunlu – Federation of Qara Koyunlu
  • Qasim – Qasim Khanate


  • Ragusa – Republic of Ragusa
  •  Rajputna – Kingdom of Rajputna
  • Ryazan – Principality of Ryazan
  • Ryūkyū – Ryūkyū Kingdom


  •  Saaremaa – Bishopric of Saaremaa-Wiek
  • Saluzzo – Marquisate of Saluzzo
  •  Samtskhe – Principality of Samtskhe
  •  San Marino – Most Serene Republic of San Marino
  • County of Santa Fiora
  •  Savoy – Duchy of Savoy
  •  Scotland – Kingdom of Scotland
  •  Shan – Kingdom of Shan
  •  Shawnee – Tribe of Shawnee
  •  Siberia – Khanate of Sibir
  • Siena – Republic of Siena
  •  Sind – Sultanate of Sind
  •  Songhai – Songhai Empire
  • Spain – Spain, a loose union between:
  • Sri Lanka – Kotte Kingdom
  •  Sukhothai – Kingdom of Sukhothai
  •  Sulu – Sulu Sultanate
  •  Swahili – Swahili Tribe
  • Sweden - Kingdom of Sweden
  • Switzerland - Swiss Confederacy


  •  Tartu – Bishopric of Tartu
  •  Taungu – Kingdom of Taungu
  • Teutonic Knights – Monastic State of the Teutonic Knights
  •  Texcoco – Kingdom of Texcoco
  •  Tibet – Tibet
  • Timurid Empire
  •  Travancore – Kingdom of Travancore
  •  Tripoli – Kingdom of Tripoli
  • Tunisia - Kingdom of Tunisia
  •  Tuscany - Republic of Tuscany
  • Tyrone - Kingdom of Tyrone


  • – Earldom of Ulster




  •  Yemen – Kingdom of Yemen


  •  Zapotec – Zapotec tribe
  • Zeta – Principality of Zeta


  1. ^ King Constantine II still claimed to be the King of Georgia, although by this time the kingdom had fragmented into Kartli, Kakheti, and Imereti
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