Timeline of geopolitical changes (before 1900)

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This is a timeline of geopolitical changes around the world prior to 1900. It includes dates of declarations of independence, changes in country name, changes of capital city or name, and changes in territorial ownership such as the annexation, occupation, cession, concession, or secession of land. Territorial conquests as a result of war are included on the timeline at the conclusion of major military campaigns, but changes in the course of specific battles and day-to-day operations are generally not included.

Before the Common Era (BCE)[]

Fourth Millennium BCE[]

Year Event
c. 3200 BCE The regional power centers of Thinis, Naqada, and Nekhen dominate Upper Egypt.
Beginning of the Indus Valley Civilisation in South Asia.
The city-states of Eridu, Bad-tibira, Larsa, Sippar, and Shuruppak rise to prominence in Sumer.
c. 3080 BCE Narmer (or Menes) unites Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt under the First Dynasty of Egypt. Memphis becomes the capital of all Egypt.
c. 3000 BCE Etana establishes the Sumerian First Dynasty of Kish. Kish is the capital.

Third Millennium BCE[]

Year Event
c. 2879 BCE Dương Vương establishes the Hồng Bàng dynasty in Vietnam.
c. 2860 BCE Hotepsekhemwy establishes the Second Dynasty of Egypt.
c. 2750 BCE Mesh-ki-ang-gasher establishes the First Dynasty of Uruk. Uruk becomes the capital.
c. 2727 BCE Djoser establishes the Third Dynasty of Egypt.
26th century BCE The Second dynasty of Kish takes control of Sumer from the Elamite Awan dynasty. The capital is Kish.
The Elamite Awan dynasty conquers the Sumerian First Dynasty of Ur
Mesannepada establishes the First Dynasty of Ur. Ur becomes the de facto capital of Sumer.
c. 2686 BCE The Old Kingdom of Egypt is established. This era sees the building of the Egyptian pyramids.
c. 2655 BCE Sneferu establishes the Fourth Dynasty of Egypt.
c. 2500 BCE The Dynasty of Hamazi supersedes the Second dynasty of Kish. The capital is moved from Kish to Hamazi.
24th century BCE The Fourth dynasty of Kish supersedes the Dynasty of Akshak. The capital is moved from Akshak to Kish.
The Dynasty of Akshak supersedes the Third dynasty of Kish. The capital is moved from Kish to Akshak.
The Third dynasty of Kish supersedes the Dynasty of Mari. The capital is moved from Mari to Kish.
The Dynasty of Mari regains control of Sumer. Mari is its capital.
The Dynasty of Adab splits after the death of Lugal-Anne-Mundu. Lagash, Akshak, and Umma appear to have regained independence.
The Dynasty of Adab supersedes the Second dynasty of Uruk. The capital is moved from Uruk to Adab.
The Second dynasty of Uruk supersedes the Dynasty of Hamazi in Sumer. The capital is moved from Hamazi to Uruk.
c. 2494 BCE Userkaf establishes the Fifth Dynasty of Egypt.
c. 2350 BCE The Elamite Awan dynasty is established.[1]
c. 2336 BCE Teti establishes the Sixth Dynasty of Egypt.
c. 2333 BCE Dangun Wanggeom establishes Gojoseon on the Korean Peninsula.
c. 2380 BCE Ur-Nanshe establishes the Sumerian First Dynasty of Lagash superseding the Fourth dynasty of Kish. Lagash is the capital.
c. 2270 BCE Sargon of Akkad establishes the Sumerian First Dynasty of Akkad after defeating Lugal-zage-si at the Battle of Uruk. Akkad is the capital.
c. 2193 BCE The Akkadian Empire collapses after an invasion by the Gutian people.
c. 2181 BCE The Old Kingdom of Egypt collapses, beginning the First Intermediate Period of Egypt.
c. 2175 BCE Netjerkare establishes the Seventh Dynasty of Egypt.
c. 2165 BCE Neferkare Pepiseneb establishes the Eighth Dynasty of Egypt.
c. 2160 BCE Meryibre Khety establishes the Ninth Dynasty of Egypt. Henen-nesut becomes the capital of Lower Egypt.
c. 2130 BCE Mentuhotep I establishes the Eleventh Dynasty of Egypt. Thebes becomes the capital of Upper Egypt.
Meryhathor establishes the Tenth Dynasty of Egypt. Henen-nesut remains the capital of Lower Egypt.
c. 2112 BCE Utu-hengal defeats the Gutians and establishes the Third Dynasty of Ur.
c. 2070 BCE Yu the Great establishes the Xia dynasty in China. Yangcheng and Zhenxun are the capitals.
c. 2055 BCE The Middle Kingdom of Egypt is established.
c. 2047 BCE Ur-Nammu establishes the Sumerian Third Dynasty of Ur. Ur is the capital.

Second Millennium BCE[]

Year Event
c. 1983 BCE Amenemhat I establishes the Twelfth Dynasty of Egypt and builds Amenemhat-itj-tawy to be the new capital.
c. 1940 BCE The Third Dynasty of Ur falls after an Elamite invasion
c. 1900 BCE Zulilu establishes the Old Assyrian Empire. Assur is the capital.
c. 1894 BCE Sumu-abum establishes the First Babylonian dynasty. Babylon is the capital.
c. 1810 BCE Sumu-Epuh first attested king of the empire of Yamhad. Aleppo is the capital.
c. 1778 BCE Wegaf Khutawyre establishes the Thirteenth Dynasty of Egypt.
c. 1763 BCE Hammurabi establishes the Babylonian Empire.
c. 1710 BCE Nehesy establishes the Fourteenth Dynasty of Egypt. Xois is the capital.
c. 1650 BCE The Middle Kingdom of Egypt collapses, beginning the Second Intermediate Period of Egypt
c. 1624 BCE Salitis establishes the Fifteenth Dynasty of Egypt. Avaris is the capital.
c. 1620 BCE Djehuti establishes the Sixteenth Dynasty of Egypt. Thebes is the capital.
c. 1619 BCE Rahotep Sekhenrewahkhaw establishes the Seventeenth Dynasty of Egypt.
c. 1600 BCE Tang establishes the Shang dynasty in China. Yin is the capital.
c. 1550 BCE The New Kingdom of Egypt is established
c. 1534 BCE Agum II establishes the rule of the Kassites in Mesopotamia. Babylon becomes the capital.
Pharaoh Ahmose I establishes the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt.
c. 1400 BCE Kurigalzu I a Kassite king in Mesopotamia moves the capital to Dur-Kurigalzu.
c. 1345 BCE Pharaoh Akhenaten of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt moves capital to Amarna (Akhetaton).
c. 1340 BCE Ashur-uballit I establishes the Middle Assyrian Empire. Assur is the capital.
c. 1332 BCE Collapse of the Indus Valley Civilisation.
Pharaoh Tutankhamun of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt moves the capital to Memphis.
c. 1295 BCE Pharaoh Muwatalli II of the Hittite empire moves capital to Tarhuntassa.
c. 1293 BCE Pharaoh Ramesses I establishes the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt.
c. 1272 BCE Mursili III of the Hittite empire moves capital back to Hattusa.
c. 1243 BCE Ashur-nadin-apli of the Middle Assyrian Empire moves capital back to Assur.
Tukulti-Ninurta I of the Middle Assyrian Empire moves capital to Kar-Tukulti-Ninurta.
c. 1230 BCE Pharaoh Ramesses II builds a new capital for the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt at the site of Avaris and names it Pi-Ramesses Aa-nakhtu.
c. 1188 BCE Pharaoh Setnakhte establishes the Twentieth Dynasty of Egypt.
c. 1184 BCE Greeks destroy the city-state of Troy.
c. 1100 BCE Jin is established in China.
c. 1077 BCE The New Kingdom of Egypt collapses, beginning the Third Intermediate Period of Egypt
c. 1070 BCE Pharaoh Nesbanebdjed I establishes the Twenty-first Dynasty of Egypt. Tanis becomes the capital.
c. 1047 BCE Shaul ben Qysh establishes the United Kingdom of Israel and Judah. Gibeah is the capital.
c. 1046 BCE Shangfu establishes Qi in China. Yingqiu is the capital.
Wu establishes Western Zhou dynasty in China. Fenghao is the capital.
c. 1043 BCE Bo Qin establishes Lu in China. Qufu is the capital.
c. 1004 BCE King David conquers the city of Jebus and makes the renamed City of David (now Jerusalem) the capital of the United Kingdom of Israel and Judah.

First Millennium BCE[]

Year Date Event
c. 945 BCE Pharaoh Shoshenq I establishes the Twenty-second Dynasty of Egypt.
c. 930 BCE The Kingdom of Israel under Jeroboam I separates from the Kingdom of Judah under Rehoboam. Samaria becomes the capital of Israel, while Jerusalem remains the capital of Judah.
911 BCE Adad-nirari II establishes the New Assyrian Empire.
c. 910 BCE Feizi establishes Qin in China.
Earliest city-states in Ancient Greece.
879 BCE Ashurnasirpal II moves the capital of the New Assyrian Empire to Kalhu.
c. 875 BCE Pharaoh Pedubast I establishes the Twenty-third Dynasty of Egypt. Thebes is the capital of Upper Egypt.
808 BCE Karanus establishes the Argead Dynasty of Macedon and builds Aigai to be the capital.
770 BCE Ping establishes the Eastern Zhou dynasty in China. Wangcheng is the capital.
753 BCE 21 April Romulus establishes the Kingdom of Rome. The new city of Rome becomes the capital.
745 BCE Tiglath-Pileser III founds the Neo-Assyrian Empire, annexing the city of Babylon
c. 740 BCE Nubian King Piye establishes the Twenty-fifth Dynasty of Egypt and rules Egypt from Napata in Nubia.
734–733 BCE The city of Syracuse, Sicily is founded by settlers from Corinth and Tenea.
732 BCE The Assyrians conquer Damascus, ending the kingdom of Aram-Damascus.
c. 728 BCE Pharaoh Tefnakhte establishes the Twenty-fourth Dynasty of Egypt. Sais becomes the capital.
720 BCE Traditional date for the destruction of the Kingdom of Israel at the hands of the Assyrians.
717 BCE The Neo-Hittite state of Carchemish falls to the Assyrians.
713 BCE The Neo-Hittite states of Tabal and Hilakku fall to the Assyrians.
706 BCE The capital of Assyria moves from Nimrud to Dur-Sharrukin.
705 BCE The capital of Assyria moves from Dur-Sharrukin to Nineveh.
c. 700 BCE Phoenicians establish a colony in Malta with Maleth as capital.
695 BCE Gordium, capital of Phrygia, is destroyed by the Cimmerians, resulting in Phrygia being ruled by the Lydians.
694 BCE Deioces is elected the first King of the Medes. Ecbatana (now Hamadan) is the capital.
671 BCE Esarhaddon captures Memphis and drives the Kushites out of Lower Egypt, and establishes local rulers in the delta region.
c. 664 BCE Pharaoh Necho I establishes the Twenty-sixth Dynasty of Egypt. Sais is the capital.
660 BCE 11 February Emperor Jimmu establishes the Empire of Japan.
657 BCE Byzantium is settled by colonists from Megara.
653 BCE After the Battle of Ulai, Elam is vassalized by the Assyrians.
650 BCE Ancient Carthage is established.
640 BCE The Assyrians conquer Elam.
626 BCE November The Neo-Babylonian Empire is established.[2]
620 BCE Uruk and Nippur are conquered by the Neo-Babylonian Empire.
615 BCE October or November The Medes conquer Arrapha from the Neo-Assyrian Empire.
612 BCE Nineveh falls to a coalition of the Medes and Babylonians
609 BCE Harran, the new capital of the Neo-Assyrian Empire, is destroyed by the Medes and Babylonians
605 BCE With the Battle of Carchemish, the Neo-Assyrian Empire is destroyed and replaced by a balance of power between Babylon, Media, Lydia and Egypt.
586 BCE Traditional date for the destruction of the Kingdom of Judah at the hands of the Babylonians.
550 BCE Cyrus the Great establishes the Achaemenid Empire and makes Pasargadae the new capital.
546 BCE Cyrus the Great conquers the Lydian Empire
543 BCE Prince Vijaya establishes the Sinhala Kingdom at Tambapanni and makes Tambapaṇṇī the new capital, in Sri Lanka.
539 BCE Cyrus the Great conquers the Neo-Babylonian Empire.
535 BCE Cyrus the Great conquers the Gandhara Kingdom.
Cyrus the Great conquers Phoenicia.
525 BCE May Cambyses II of Persia conquers Egypt and establishes the Persian Twenty-seventh Dynasty of Egypt as Pharaoh Cambyses II.
515 BCE Darius the Great moves the capital of the Achaemenid Empire to Persepolis.
509 BCE The Roman Republic supersedes the Kingdom of Rome.
492 BCE The Kingdom of Macedonia is conquered by the Achaemenid Empire.
479 BCE The Delian League is established.
The Kingdom of Macedonia becomes independent of the Achaemenid Empire.
409 BCE Selinus and Himera in Sicily are destroyed by Carthage.
406 BCE Akragas in Sicily is abandoned by the Greeks and sacked by Carthage.
405 BCE Gela and Camarina in Sicily are abandoned by the Greeks and sacked by Carthage.
404 BCE Amyrtaeus expels the Persians from Egypt and establishes the Twenty-eighth Dynasty of Egypt as Pharaoh Amyrtaeus. Sais is the capital.
Athens surrenders to Sparta and her allies, resulting in the dismemberment of the Delian League and a temporary Spartan hegemony.
403 BCE Zhao arises from the division of Jin.
Han arises from the division of Jin.
Wei arises from the division of Jin.
399 BCE Autumn Pharaoh Nefaarud I establishes the Twenty-ninth Dynasty of Egypt. Mendes becomes the capital.
387 BCE The Peace of Antalcidas imposes Persian rule on the Greek cities of Asia and Cyprus.
380 BCE November Pharaoh Nectanebo I establishes the Thirtieth Dynasty of Egypt. Sebennytos becomes the capital.
377 BCE The Anuradhapura Kingdom is established.
376 BCE Fall of Jin in China.
375 BCE Zheng annexed by Han.
343 BCE Artaxerxes III of Persia reconquers Egypt and establishes the Persian Thirty-first Dynasty of Egypt as Pharaoh Artaxerxes III.
338 BCE Phillip II of Macedon unites Greece.
332 BCE Alexander the Great of Macedon conquers Persian-occupied Egypt and establishes the Argead Dynasty of Egypt as Pharaoh Alexander III. Alexander builds a new capital at Alexandria.
331 BCE The Kingdom of Armenia is established. Dvin is the capital.
330 BCE Alexander the Great conquers the Achaemenid Empire and makes Babylon the capital.
329 BCE Alexander conquers Samarkand.
323 BCE Alexander the Great of Macedon dies and his empire splits.
322 BCE Chandragupta establishes the Maurya Empire of ancient India. Pataliputra (now Patna) is the capital.
316 BCE The states of Shu and Ba are conquered by King Huiwen of Qin.
312 BCE Macedonian general Seleucus establishes the Seleucid Empire. Babylon is the capital.
309 BCE Seleucus I Nicator forms the Seleucid Empire after conquering Babylonia, Media, and Elam from Antigonus I Monophthalmus in the Babylonian War, leaving him with one-third of his empire.
306 BCE Following the death of Alexander IV of Macedon, Antigonus I Monophthalmus declares himself an independent king, soon to by followed by his fellow Diadochi Ptolemy I Soter, Seleucus I Nicator, Lysimachus, and Cassander.
305 BCE Macedonian general Ptolemy establishes the Ptolemaic Dynasty of Egypt as King Ptolemy I Soter.
302 BCE Parnavaz I founds the Kingdom of Iberia in the Caucasus.
301 BCE The death of Antigonus I Monophthalmus at the Battle of Ipsus results in his kingdom being divided between the remaining Diadochi, namely Ptolemy I Soter, Seleucus I Nicator, Lysimachus, and Cassander.
c. 300 BCE The Chola dynasty is established.
294 BCE Demetrius I of Macedon kills Alexander V of Macedon, and in claiming the throne loses Thebes to a revolt.
291 BCE Demetrius Poliorcetes captures Thebes after a successful siege.
281 BCE Lysimachus dies at the Battle of Corupedium, his empire falling to the Seleucids.
266 BCE Ashoka unifies most of South Asia.
238 BCE Arsaces I of Parthia establishes the Arsacid Dynasty of Parthia. Hecatompylus becomes the capital.
Sardinia and Corsica become Roman provinces.
Sicily becomes the first Roman province.
230 BCE Han is conquered by Qin.
225 BCE Wei is conquered by Qin.
222 BCE Zhao is conquered by Qin.
Yan is conquered by Qin.
221 BCE Qin Shi Huang unifies ancient China and establishes the Qin dynasty in China. Xianyang is the capital.
Qi is conquered by Qin.
211 BCE The Romans capture Syracuse.
209 BCE The Romans conquer Cartagena from the Carthaginians, bringing Carthaginian Spain under Roman control.
206 BCE Fall of the Qin dynasty in China.
204 BCE Zhao Tuo establishes Nanyue in what is now Southern China. Panyu is the capital.
202 BCE 28 February Gaozu establishes the Western Han dynasty in China. Chang'an is the capital.
The Kingdom of Numidia is established. Cirta is the capital.
c. 200 BCE The Nabataean Empire is established. Petra is the capital.
194 BCE Wanggeom-seong becomes the capital of Wiman Joseon on the Korean Peninsula.
The Seleucids take control of Coele Syria and Judea from Ptolemaic Egypt.
The Romans force Philip of Macedon to abandon Greece in the Peace of Flamininus, while allowing him to maintain Macedon itself.
185 BCE The Shunga Empire is formed after the Mauryan Empire is destroyed.
180 BCE Demetrius I of Bactria invades India, forming the Indo-Greek Kingdom.
168 BCE The Romans dissolve the Kingdom of Macedon after the Battle of Pydna.
148 BCE Mithridates I of Parthia conquers Ecbatana.
146 BCE The Romans conquer Iberia.
Ancient Carthage is disestablished.
The Romans conquer Corinth and dissolve the Achaean League.
The Roman provinces of Macedon and Achaea are formed.
135 BCE The western half of Minyue is conquered by the Han dynasty.
133 BCE Upon the death of Attalus III, he wills his kingdom of Pergamon to the Roman Republic.
The Romans conquer Celtiberia following the Siege of Numantia.
111 BCE By this date, the Han dynasty under Wu had conquered much of what is today Southern China and Northern Vietnam from Nanyue. Start of the First Chinese domination of Vietnam.
75 BCE The Kanva dynasty is established.
63 BCE The Romans conquer Jerusalem.
The Romans annex western Pontus and create a client state out of the Eastern portion under Pharnaces II.
5850 BCE The Romans conquer Gaul.
57 BCE Hyeokgeose establishes Silla on the southeast Korean Peninsula. Gyeongju is the capital.
43 BCE The Romans begin their conquest of Great Britain.
37 BCE Dongmyeong establishes Goguryeo on the northern Korean Peninsula. Jolbon is the capital.
Romans annex the Kingdom of Numidia.
35 BCE The Romans conquer the city of Sirmium (present-day Sremska Mitrovica).
30 BCE 1 August Roman consul Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus conquers the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt. Octavianus organizes Egypt as a province under his personal control.
27 BCE 16 January The Roman Senate grants Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus the title Augustus. This effectively ends the Roman Republic and establishes the Roman Empire.
18 BCE Onjo establishes Baekje on the central Korean Peninsula. Wiryeseong is the capital.

Common Era (CE)[]

First Millennium CE[]

1st century[]

Year Date Event
3 The Goguryeo of Korea moves its capital from Jolbon to Gungnae.
5 The Romans conquer much of the Middle East.
9 Wang Mang establishes the Xin dynasty in China.
12 The Romans conquer the Artaxiad dynasty.
19 The Indo-Parthian Kingdom splits off from the Parthian Empire. Taxila is the capital.
25 Guangwu establishes the Eastern Han dynasty in China.
30 Kujula Kadphises establishes the Kushan Empire.
40 The Trưng Sisters rebel against Chinese rule in Vietnam, ending the First Chinese domination of Vietnam.
41 Beginning of the Second Chinese domination of Vietnam.
42 The Gaya confederacy is established in the south of the Korean peninsula.
44 The Romans conquer Mauretania.
71–84 The Romans conquer Wales and southern Scotland.
83 The Romans establish the provinces of Germania Inferior and Germania Superior.
93 Xianbei emerges as a tribal federation of nomadic tribes.

2nd century[]

Year Date Event
106 The Roman province of Roman Dacia is established.
The Romans conquer the Nabataean Empire and establish the province of Arabia Petraea.
114–116 A war with the Parthian Empire leads to parts of Mesopotamia being annexed to the Roman Empire.
136 After the Bar Kokhba revolt, the Romans dissolve the province of Judea and incorporate it into Syria Palaestina.
c. 180 Buyeo is established in Northeast Asia.
192 The first kingdom of the Champa is established.

3rd century[]

Year Date Event
220 Wen establishes Cao Wei in China. Xuchang and Luoyang are the capitals.
221 Zhaolie establishes Shu Han in China. Chengdu is the capital.
222 Da establishes Eastern Wu in China. Wuchang and Jianye are the capitals.
224 The Indo-Parthian Kingdom is dissolved.
The Sasanian Empire is established in Persia and follows the Parthian Empire.
234 Xianbei is dissolved.
240 The Gupta Empire is established in India.
260 Syrian Queen Zenobia breaks from the Roman Empire and establishes the Palmyrene Empire. Palmyra is the capital.
Postumus (Marcus Cassianius Latinius Postumus) breaks from the Roman Empire and establishes the Gallic Empire. Colonia Agrippina (now Cologne, Germany) is the capital.
266 Wu establishes the Western Jin dynasty in China. Luoyang and Chang'an are the capitals.
269 The Palmyrene Empire conquers the Roman Province of Egypt.
Roman Emperor Claudius II recovers Hispania from the Gallic Empire.
271 Roman Dacia is abandoned.
273 Roman Emperor Aurelian (Lucius Domitius Aurelianus) conquers the Gallic Empire, which is subsumed back into the Roman Empire.
274 Roman Emperor Aurelian conquers the Palmyrene Empire, which is subsumed back into the Roman Empire.
286 1 April Roman Emperor Diocletian (Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletianus) appoints Maximian (Marcus Aurelius Valerius Maximianus Herculius) as his co-emperor, splitting the Roman Empire into a dyarchy with capitals at Mediolanum (now Milan, Italy) and Augusta Treverorum (now Trier, Germany).
293 Roman co-emperors Diocletian and Maximian split the Roman Empire into a tetrarchy with capitals at Mediolanum (now Milan, Italy), Augusta Treverorum (now Trier, Germany), Nicomedia (now İzmit, Turkey), and Sirmium (now Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia).

4th century[]

Year Date Event
301 3 September Saint Marinus establishes the Most Serene Republic of San Marino, declaring independence from the Roman Empire. The City of San Marino is the capital.
304 Guangwen establishes Han Zhao in China.
Wu establishes Cheng Han in China. Chengdu is the capital.
317 Yuan establishes the Eastern Jin dynasty in China. Jiankang is the capital.
319 Ming establishes Later Zhao in China.
320 Ming establishes Former Liang in China.
324 18 September Constantine the Great reunites the Roman Empire. Nicomedia (now İzmit, Turkey) becomes the capital.
330 11 May Roman Emperor Constantine the Great builds a new capital for the Roman Empire at Byzantium which he renames Constantinopolis (now Istanbul, Turkey).[3]
337 Wenming establishes Former Yan in China.
351 Jingming establishes Former Qin in China.
358 Franks are allowed to settle in Toxandria (present-day Belgium).
370 The Bosporan Kingdom is disestablished.
Huns appear north of the Black Sea.
375 Fall of the Kushan Empire in India.[4]
384 Chengwu establishes Later Yan in China.
Wuzhao establishes Later Qin in China. Chang'an is the capital.
Liewen establishes Western Yan in China.
385 Xuanlie establishes Western Qin in China.
386 Yiwu establishes Later Liang in China. Guzang is the capital.
Daowu establishes the Northern Wei dynasty in China.
395 17 January At his death, Roman emperor Theodosius I permanently splits the Roman Empire between his two sons: Arcadius rules the Eastern Roman Empire from Constantinopolis (now Istanbul, Turkey), and Honorius rules the Western Roman Empire from Mediolanum (now Milan, Italy).
397 Wu establishes Southern Liang in China.
Duan Ye establishes Northern Liang in China.
398 Xianwu establishes Southern Yan in China.

5th century[]

Year Date Event
400 Wuzhao establishes Western Liang in China.
402 The capital of the Western Roman Empire is moved to Ravenna.
405 A mixed group of barbarians including Vandals, Alans, and Suebi enter the Western Roman Empire in the Crossing of the Rhine.
407 Qujie establishes Xia in China.
Ziyu establishes Northern Yan in China.
411 The Burgundians establish a kingdom on the western bank of the Rhine.
418 The Visigoths establish a kingdom in southern Gaul.
420 Wu establishes the Liu Song dynasty in China. Jiankang is the capital.
426 The Alans leave Hispania.
427 The Goguryeo of Korea moves its capital from Gungnae City to Pyongyang.
428 The Kingdom of Armenia is annexed by the Sasanian Empire.
429 The Vandals enter Africa.
430 The Vandals conquer Corsica from the Western Roman Empire.
435 The Vandals establish the Vandal Kingdom in North Africa.
439 The Vandals take Carthage.
c. 440 Attila the Hun establishes the Hunnic Empire north of the Danube.
451–453 The Huns attack the Western Roman Empire.
c. 455 The Kingdom of Kent is founded. Canterbury is the capital.
457–461 Western Roman Emperor Majorian makes a concerted effort to try to restore the Empire, and reconquers most of Hispania and southern Gaul.
469 The Hunnic Empire is disestablished after Dengizich dies.
475 The Baekje of Korea moves its capital from Wirye to Ungjin by pressure from Goguryeo.
476 4 September The Germanic leader Odoacer forces Roman Emperor Romulus Augustus to abdicate, bringing the Western Roman Empire to an end.
479 Gao establishes the Southern Qi dynasty in China. Jiankang is the capital.
c. 477 The Kingdom of Sussex is established. Chichester is the capital.
480 A Roman rump state, Roman Dalmatia, is disestablished after Julius Nepos is murdered.
481 The Frankish Empire is established by Clovis I and includes large areas of the former Western Roman Empire. Tournai is the capital.[5]
486 The Kingdom of Soissons, a Roman rump state ruled by Syagrius, is conquered by the Franks.
490 Odoacer is defeated at the river Adda by the Goths and flees.
493 The Ostrogoths establish the Ostrogothic Kingdom in Italy.
494 Buyeo is conquered by Goguryeo.

6th century[]

Year Date Event
c. 500 The Ghana Empire is established.
502 Wu establishes the Liang dynasty in China.
508 Frankish King Clovis the Frank makes Paris the capital of the Frankish Kingdom.
519 The Kingdom of Wessex is established. Winchester is the capital.
522 The Byzantine Empire conquers Corsica from the Vandals.
527 Mercia is established in Anglo-Saxon England. Tamworth is the capital.
534 Wen establishes the Western Wei dynasty in China.
Xiaojing establishes the Eastern Wei dynasty in China.
538 The Baekje of Korea moves its capital from Ungjin to Sabi.
The Vandal Kingdom is conquered by the Byzantine Empire.
543 Fall of the Gupta Empire in India.
544 Lý Nam Đế establishes the Early Lý dynasty in Vietnam, ending the Second Chinese domination of Vietnam.
550 Wenxuan establishes the Northern Qi dynasty in China.
552 The First Turkic Khaganate is established.
553 The Ostrogothic Kingdom is conquered by the Byzantine Empire.
555 Xuan establishes the Western Liang dynasty in China.
Garibald I becomes the first documented duke of the Duchy of Bavaria.
557 Xiaomin establishes the Northern Zhou dynasty in China.
Wu establishes the Chen dynasty in China.
570 The Duchy of Spoleto is established. Spoleto is the capital.
571 The Duchy of Benevento is established.
580 The Sasanian Empire annexes the Kingdom of Iberia.
581 Wen establishes the Sui dynasty in China. Chang'an is the capital.
585 The Visigothic Kingdom conquers the Kingdom of the Suebi.

7th century[]

Year Date Event
c. 600 The Duchy of Croatia is established.
The Frisian Kingdom is established. Dorestad is the capital.
602 The Early Lý dynasty of Vietnam is conquered by the Sui dynasty of China, beginning the Third Chinese domination of Vietnam.
The Duchy of Aquitaine is established.
The Duchy of Gascony is established.
605 The Sui dynasty in China moves its capital from Chang'an to Luoyang.
618 18 June Gaozu establishes the Tang dynasty in China. Chang'an and Luoyang are the capitals.
Songtsen Gampo establishes the Tibetan Empire. Chengguan is the capital.
628 Hwicce becomes a client or sub-kingdom of Mercia.
630 11 January The Islamic prophet Muhammad (Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullāh) conquers Mecca and unites Arabia. Medina is the capital.
632 Abu Bakr establishes the Rashidun Caliphate, the first great Muslim empire. Medina is the capital.
634 The Anglian kingdoms of Bernicia and Deira unite to form Northumbria.
640 The Rashidun Caliphate conquers Egypt from the Byzantine Empire.
643 The Rashidun Caliphate conquers Tripolitania from the Byzantine Empire.
651 The Sasanian Empire collapses after the conquest of Persia by the Rashidun Caliphate.
650 The Srivijaya Empire is established.
654 Arminiya is established. Dvin is the capital.
656 The Rashidun Caliphate moves its capital from Medina to Kufa.
661 Muawiyah I establishes the Umayyad Caliphate, which follows the Rashidun Caliphate. Damascus is the capital.
The Duchy of Naples is established as a province of the Byzantine Empire and soon becomes a de facto independent state. Naples is the capital.
676 Silla unifies the Three Kingdoms of Korea. Gyeongju is the capital.
680 The Kingdom of Ceredigion changes its name to the Kingdom of Seisyllwg.
681 Khan Asparukh crosses the Danube Delta and settles in the Ongal area (Southern Bessarabia or northern Dobruja). Asparukh, with his Slav allies, defeats Byzantine Emperor Constantine IV and establishes the First Bulgarian Empire. Pliska is the capital.
682 The Second Turkic Khaganate becomes independent of the Tang dynasty.
690 King Go establishes Balhae in Manchuria and the northern Korean Peninsula.
Wu Zhao establishes Wu Zhou in China. Shendu is the capital.
Muslims conquer North Africa.[6]
697 The Republic of Venice is established. Eraclea is the capital.

8th century[]

Year Date Event
705 The Tang dynasty in China is restored under Zhongzong.
710 The Nara period begins in Japan.
711 A Berber force under the Berber general Tariq ibn Ziyad, loyal to the Emir of Damascus, enters the Iberian peninsula from North Africa, thus starting the foundation of Al-Andalus.
717 Córdoba becomes the capital of Muslim Al-Andalus.
718 The Kingdom of Asturias is established.
The second Arab siege of Constantinople ends with the destruction of a large part of the Umayyad Caliphate's fleet. This prevents the complete conquest of the Byzantine Empire by the Muslims.
722 The Kingdom of Asturias defeats the Muslim Al-Andalus in the Battle of Covadonga. This marks the beginning of the Reconquista, which lasted for over 700 years.
725 The Lombards conquer Corsica from the Byzantine Empire.
732 10 October By winning the Battle of Tours, the Franks defeat the Umayyad invasion of Gaul and halt further Muslim expansion into Christian Europe.
734 The Franks annex the Frisian lands between the Vlie and the Lauwers.
742 The Republic of Venice moves its capital from Eraclea to Malamocco.
744 The Uyghur Khaganate follows the Second Turkic Khaganate.
The Franks conquer Alemannia.
750 The Abbasid Caliphate follows the Umayyad Caliphate. Kufa is the capital.[7]
Gopala I establishes the Pala Dynasty in India.
751 The Exarchate of Ravenna, the center of Byzantine power in Italy, is disestablished after the Lombards invade.
The Abbasid Caliphate defeats the Tang dynasty in the Battle of Talas, thus conquering Transoxania and spreading Islam in Central Asia.[8]
The Imamate of Oman is established.
754 The Papal States are established. Rome is the capital.
756 Abd al-Rahman I establishes the Emirate of Córdoba as an Umayyad exile empire on the Iberian Peninsula. Córdoba is the capital.
759 The Franks conquer Septimania.
761 The Rustamid dynasty is established in North Africa.
762 Baghdad becomes the capital of the Abbasid Caliphate for the first time.
768–769 The Franks conquer Aquitania.
769 The Franks conquer Gascony.
774 The Franks conquer the Kingdom of the Lombards (Italy).
The Lombard Duchy of Benevento in the south of Italy effectively becomes independent and becomes the Principality of Benevento.
785 The Franks defeat Widukind, thereby conquering the remaining Frisian lands east of the Lauwers and vassalizing Saxony.
787 The Duchy of Benevento submits to Frankish overlordship but retains effective autonomy.
788 The Franks conquer Bavaria.[9]
The Franks annex Chieti from the Principality of Benevento to the Duchy of Spoleto.
794 Kyoto becomes the capital of Japan.
795 The Franks create the Marca Hispanica as a buffer against Muslim Al-Andalus.
796 The capital of the Abbasid Caliphate is moved to Raqqa.

9th century[]

Year Date Event
800 Charlemagne establishes the Carolingian Empire. While Rome is the official capital of the empire, Aix-la-Chapelle is the de facto capital.
Saxony is integrated into the Frankish Kingdom as the Duchy of Saxony.
801 The County of Barcelona is established. Barcelona is the capital.
802 Jayavarman II establishes the Khmer Empire.
807 The County of Aragon is established.
810 The Republic of Venice moves its capital from Malamocco to Venice.
814 Cornwall loses its independence to Wessex, possibly becoming a sub-kingdom.
820 The title Count of Aragon is usurped and Aragon ceases to be a vassal of the Franks.
821 The Tahirid dynasty is established in Persia. Merv is the capital.
824 The Kingdom of Pamplona (later Navarre) is established.
825 The Kingdom of Essex is ceded to Wessex.
The Kingdom of Sussex becomes subject to Wessex.
831 September Palermo, Sicily is captured by the Aghlabid Emirate of Ifriqiya, is renamed al-Madinah, and becomes the capital of Muslim Sicily.
833 Great Moravia is established.
836 The capital of the Abbasid Caliphate is moved to Samarra.
840 The Uyghur Khaganate is destroyed by the Kyrgyz.
842 The Tibetan Empire disintegrates into various small states.
843 Charles the Bald, grandson of Emperor Charlemagne, makes Paris the capital of the Kingdom of the West Franks, established as the result of the Treaty of Verdun.
The Kingdom of Scotland (Kingdom of Alba) is unified.
The Carolingian Empire (Francia) is partitioned into three by the Treaty of Verdun, forming West, Middle, and East Francia.
846 The March of Tuscany is established. Lucca is the capital.
850 The Chimú Empire is established in South America.
851 The Principality of Salerno is partitioned from the Principality of Benevento.
The Kingdom of Brittany is established.
853 The Vikings establish the Kingdom of Dublin.
855 Middle Francia is partitioned into the Kingdom of Italy, Lotharingia, and the Kingdom of Provence by the Treaty of Prüm.
858 Æthelberht is crowned king of Sussex and Kent.
860 Æthelberht succeeds his brother Æthelbald as king of Wessex, thus uniting it with Sussex and Kent.
861 The Saffarid dynasty is established in Persia. Zaranj is the capital.
862 The County of Flanders is established. Bruges is the capital.
865 Danish Vikings conquer parts of England and found Daneslaw.
867 The Danes conquer Northumbria.
868 The Turkic Tulunids under Ahmad ibn Tulun split off from the Abbasids and rule over Egypt.
The County of Portugal is established. Braga is the capital.
869 The Danes conquer East Anglia.
c. 870 The Principality of Bohemia is established. Prague is the capital.
870 As a result of the Treaty of Meerssen, Lotharingia is divided between East and West Francia, and Provence is divided between East Francia, West Francia, and the Kingdom of Italy.
872 The Kingdom of Norway is unified.
873 The Byzantine Empire re-conquers Otranto from the Saracens.
The Tahirid Dynasty is conquered in Persia by the Saffarid Dynasty.
876 The Byzantine Empire re-conquers Bari.
878 The Emirate of Sicily takes Syracuse, Sicily from the Byzantine Empire.
879 The Kievan Rus' is established by Vikings. Novgorod is the capital.
880s Byzantine control in southern Italy is extended over most of Apulia and Calabria.
880 The Kings of West Francia cede their portion of Lotharingia to East Francia by the Treaty of Ribemont.
884 Arminiya is dissolved.
891 The Byzantine Empire conquers Benevento and establishes the theme of Longobardia.
Harald Fairhair unifies the Petty kingdoms of Norway and establishes the Kingdom of Norway. Stavanger becomes the capital.
893 The First Bulgarian Empire moves its capital from Pliska to Preslav.
895 Grand Prince Árpád establishes the Principality of Hungary.
896 The Sultanate of Showa is established.
898 The Electorate of Trier is established.

10th century[]

Year Date Event
902 The Byzantine city of Taormina, Sicily falls to the Emirate of Ifriqiya.
903 Gaozu establishes Former Shu in China. Chengdu is the capital.
905 The Khúc clan establishes de facto rule over Vietnam.
906 The Duchy of Franconia is established.
907 Taizu establishes Min in China. Changle is the capital.
The Fatimids take Raqqada from the Aghlabid Emirate of Ifriqiya, establishing the Fatimid Caliphate.
Taizu establishes the Later Liang dynasty in China. Luoyang and Kaifeng are the capitals.
Liezu establishes Yang Wu in China.
Wumu establishes Ma Chu in China.
Taizu establishes Wuyue in China.
Collapse of the Tang dynasty in China.
909 Fall of the Rustamid dynasty in North Africa.
The Abbasid Caliphate reconquers Egypt from the Tulunids.
910 10 December The Kingdom of Asturias moves its capital to León and becomes the Kingdom of León.
911 The Duchy of Normandy is founded by the Vikings. Rouen is the capital.
916 Taizu establishes the Liao dynasty in China.
916–917 Mercia and Wessex reconquer the Five Boroughs of the Danelaw from the Danes.
917 Gaozu establishes Southern Han in China. Xingwang is the capital.
918 King Taejo establishes Goryeo Dynasty on the Korean Peninsula. Gaegyeong is the official capital.
The Duchy of Burgundy is established.
The Kingdom of East Anglia is conquered by Wessex.
The Kingdom of Mercia is absorbed into Wessex.
920 The Kingdom of Seisyllwg unites with the Kingdom of Dyfed to form the Kingdom of Deheubarth.
The County of Horne is established in the Holy Roman Empire.
922 The County of Aragon falls under the control of the Kingdom of Pamplona.
923 Zhuangzong establishes the Later Tang dynasty in China. Luoyang is the capital.
924 Wuxin establishes Jingnan in China. Jingzhou is the capital.
925 Tomislav establishes the Kingdom of Croatia out of the Duchy of Croatia.
927 12 July King Athelstan of Wessex conquers the Kingdom of Northumbria, thus uniting all of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms under one ruler and establishing what would come to be known as the Kingdom of England. Winchester is the capital.
929 The Caliphate of Córdoba follows the Emirate of Córdoba.
c. 930 Fall of the Aksumite Empire and beginning of the Zagwe dynasty in Ethiopia.
933 The Kingdom of Burgundy is established.
934 The Ikhshidid dynasty is established in Egypt. They rule as vassals of the Abbasid Caliphate. Fustat is the capital.
Gaozu establishes Later Shu in China. Chengdu is the capital.
The Buyid dynasty is established in Persia. Shiraz is the capital.
936 Gaozu establishes the Later Jin dynasty in China.
The Goryeo Dynasty unifies the Later Three Kingdoms of Korea.
937 Liezu establishes Southern Tang in China. Jinling is the capital.
Taizu establishes Dali in what is now Southwest China.
938 Vietnam declares independence from the Southern Han of China, ending the Third Chinese domination of Vietnam.
939 Ngô Quyền establishes the Ngô dynasty in Vietnam. Cổ Loa is the capital.
The Duchy of Brittany follows the Kingdom of Brittany.
941 Jórvík reoccupies the Five Boroughs of the Danelaw for the Danes.
942 England re-takes the Five Boroughs of the Danelaw.
947 Gaozu establishes the Later Han dynasty in China. Bianzhou is the capital.
948 The first Emirs of Sicily, the Kalbids, are appointed, establishing the Emirate of Sicily.
951 Taizu establishes the Later Zhou dynasty in China. Kaifeng is the capital.
Shizu establishes Northern Han in China. Taiyuan is the capital.
953 The Electorate of Cologne is established. Cologne is the capital.
954 The Viking Kingdom of Jórvík (the Viking-ruled portion of the former Kingdom of Northumbria) is conquered by England, thus ending the Danelaw.
958 The Republic of Genoa is established. Genoa is the capital.
959 Lower Lorraine is established.
960 3 January Taizu establishes the Northern Song dynasty in China. Kaifeng is the capital.
961 King Otto I of Germany invades the Kingdom of Italy (of which his wife Adelaide of Italy was already queen) and is crowned King.
The Kingdom of Nri is established in West Africa.
962 2 February King Otto I of Germany and Italy has himself crowned Holy Roman Emperor by the Pope, thereby forming the Holy Roman Empire. Rome is the official capital.
c. 965 The Byzantine Empire establishes the theme of Lucania.
The Byzantine Empire establishes the Catepanate of Italy.
The Kalbids take the last remaining Byzantine territory in Sicily.
965 The Ngô dynasty of Vietnam collapses.
968 Đinh Bộ Lĩnh establishes the Đinh dynasty in Vietnam. Hoa Lư is the capital.
969 The Fatimids conquer Egypt from the Ikhshidids and establish the city of Cairo.
971 The First Bulgarian Empire moves its capital from Preslav to Ohrid.
974 The Heian period begins in Japan. Kyoto is the capital.
975 Erik Segersäll becomes the first king of Sweden.
976 The Duchy of Carinthia is established.
977 The Ghaznavid dynasty is established in Persia. Ghazni is the capital.
980 Lê Hoàn establishes the Early Lê dynasty in Vietnam. Hoa Lư is the capital.
981 The County of Namur is established in the Holy Roman Empire.
985 The Prince-Bishopric of Liège is established in the Holy Roman Empire.
987 Hughe Capet confirms Paris as the capital of the Kingdom of the West Franks (soon to become the Kingdom of France).

Second Millennium CE[]

11th century[]

Year Date Event
c. 1000 The Republic of Pisa is established. Pisa is the capital.
1000 King Stephen I establishes the Kingdom of Hungary. Esztergom and Székesfehérvár are royal seats.
1003 Leif Ericson discovers Newfoundland, off the Atlantic coast of North America, and establishes a short-lived colony at L'Anse aux Meadows.
Fall of the Saffarid dynasty in Persia.
The County of Savoy is established in the Holy Roman Empire.
1005 The Republic of Genoa is established. Genoa is the capital.
1008 The Kingdom of Georgia is established from the union of all of the Christian states of Georgia. Kutaisi is the capital.
1009 Thái Tổ establishes the Lý dynasty in Vietnam.
1012 The County of Zeeland is established in the Holy Roman Empire. Middelburg is the capital.
1016 The North Sea Empire, under King Cnut the Great, which included England, Denmark, Norway, and parts of Northern Germany, Scotland, and Sweden, is created by a personal union. Ribe is the capital.
1018 Northumbrian territory north of the River Tweed is ceded to Scotland.
The First Bulgarian Empire ends with the annexation of the last territories by the Byzantine Empire.[10]
1018–1054 At some point between 1018 and 1054, the Kingdom of Strathclyde is conquered by Scotland.
1024 The Prince-Bishopric of Utrecht is established in the Holy Roman Empire.
1025 Under Rajendra I, the Chola dynasty subjugates large parts of Southeast Asia.
Bolesław I establishes the Kingdom of Poland.
1030 Kievan Rus' conquers Ugandi County in southeastern Estonia.
1032 The Kingdom of Burgundy is inherited by Conrad II, Holy Roman Emperor, and incorporated into the Holy Roman Empire.
1035 The territory that would come to be the Kingdom of Aragon is united under Ramiro I of Aragon.
1037 Sultan Tughril establishes the Seljuk Empire as one of the early Turkish empires. Nishapur is the capital.
1038 Jingzong establishes the Western Xia dynasty in China. Xingqing is the capital.
1040 The Almoravid dynasty is founded in what is now Morocco. Aghmat is the capital.
1042 The Norman County of Apulia and Calabria is established.
End of the North Sea Empire.
1043 The Kingdom of Aragon becomes de facto independent from the Kingdom of Pamplona.
The Seljuk Empire moves its capital from Nishapur to Rey.
1055 Vijayabahu I moves the capital of the Sinhala Kingdom to Polonnaruwa, establishing the Kingdom of Polonnaruwa, in Sri Lanka.
1058 The Duchy of Schleswig is founded.
1059 23 August The County of Apulia and Calabria is raised to a duchy when Pope Nicholas II signs the Treaty of Melfi with the Norman princes Robert Guiscard and Richard I of Capua.
1061 Estonians reconquer Ugandi County from the Kievan Rus'.
Messina, Sicily, is captured from the Muslims by the Normans.
End of the Pala dynasty in India.
1062 The Buyid dynasty is dissolved.
The Almoravid dynasty moves its capital from Aghmat to Marrakesh.
1065 The kingdoms of Castile and Galicia are split from the Kingdom of León.
The Duchy of Limburg is established
1066 England is conquered by William, Duke of Normandy, thus bringing the Kingdom of England and the Duchy of Normandy into a personal union.
1071 Palermo, the capital of the Emirate of Sicily, is taken by the Normans. The Norman County of Sicily is established.
1076 Muslim Almoravids conquer Ghana.
The kingdoms of Pamplona and Aragon are reunited in a personal union under Sancho Ramírez, who styles himself "King of the Aragonians and Pamplonese". The two kingdoms are now de jure separate entities.
The Abbasid Caliphate conquers Syria.
1077 The Khwarazmian dynasty is established in Persia and Central Asia. Gurganj is the capital.
1080 The Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia is established. Tarsus is the capital.
1085 The Kingdom of Toledo is founded. Toledo is the capital.
The County Palatine of the Rhine is established. Heidelberg is the capital.
1088 The Principality of Taranto is established. Taranto is the capital.
Pope Urban II initiates the First Crusade in the Holy Land.
1091 Noto is conquered by the County of Sicily, completing the Norman conquest of Sicily and ending the Muslim Emirate of Sicily.
The County of Holland is founded. The Hague is the capital.
1092 William Rufus, son of William the Conqueror, invades Cumberland (then part of Scotland) and incorporates it into England.
The Seljuk Empire is split up.
Pope Urban II awards Corsica and Sardinia to the Republic of Pisa.
1096 The County of Guelders is established. Geldern is the capital.
1097 King William II moves the capital of the Kingdom of England to London.
The County of Portugal becomes part of the Kingdom of León.
1098 Crusaders conquer Edessa and found the County of Edessa.
Crusaders conquer Antioch and establish the Principality of Antioch.
1099 Crusaders conquer Jerusalem and establish the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

12th century[]

Year Date Event
1102 Start of the Union between the Kingdom of Croatia and the Kingdom of Hungary.
Crusaders conquer Tartus and found the County of Tripoli.
The Duchy of Westphalia is established. Arnsberg is the capital.
1108 The County of Nice is established. Nice is the capital.
1115 Taizu establishes the Jin dynasty in China.
The Republic of Florence is established. Florence is the capital.
1121 The Duchy of Pomerania is established.
1122 The Kingdom of Georgia moves its capital from Kutaisi to Tbilisi.
1124 Dezong establishes the Western Liao dynasty in what is now Northwest China and Central Asia. Balasagun is the capital.
1125 The Republic of Siena is established. Siena is the capital.
1126 Gaozong establishes the Southern Song dynasty in China. Lin'an is the capital.
The Jurchen conquer Kaifeng and end the Northern Song dynasty. Thus the Jin dynasty takes over in Northern China.[11]
1130 25 December The Norman Kingdom of Sicily is established; the Duchy of Apulia and Calabria is disestablished.
1136 The Novgorod Republic is established. Novgorod is the capital.
1137 The Duchy of Naples is annexed by the Kingdom of Sicily.
1138 The Duchy of Silesia is founded. Breslau is the capital.
1139 The Kingdom of Portugal gains independence from the Kingdom of León.
The County of Portugal declares independence from the Kingdom of León, as the Kingdom of Portugal.
1140 The County of Tyrol is established.
1144 The County of Edessa is conquered by the Seljuks.
1147 The Almohad Caliphate follows the Almoravid dynasty in al-Andalus and Northwest Africa. Tinmel is the capital.
1154 The Angevin Empire is created from a personal union between the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of France.
1156 17 September The Duchy of Austria is established. Vienna is the capital.
King Erik den helige of Sweden leads the first crusade to Finland and incorporates it with Sweden.
1157 The Margraviate of Brandenburg is established. Brandenburg an der Havel is the capital.
The Grand Duchy of Vladimir is established. Vladimir is the capital.
1160 The Republic of Lucca is founded. Lucca is the capital.
1162 The Viking Kingdom of Dublin is conquered by England.
Alfonso II/I ascends to the thrones of the Kingdom of Aragon and the County of Barcelona, establishing the Crown of Aragon.
The Principality of Catalonia follows the County of Barcelona.
1163 The Ghaznavid dynasty moves its capital from Ghazni to Lahore.
1171 Saladin establishes the Ayyubid dynasty in Egypt and Syria. Cairo is the capital.
Fall of the Fatimids in Egypt.
The Anglo-Norman Lordship of Ireland emerges and dominates most of the island of Ireland. The rest of the island remained under the control of various Gaelic-Irish kingdoms or chieftains, who were often at war with the Anglo-Normans.
1172 Jämtland is conquered by the Kingdom of Norway.
1174 The Ayyubid dynasty moves its capital from Cairo to Damascus.
1180 The Kingdom of Benin is created with the foundation of the capital Edo.
The Duchy of Styria is established. Graz is the capital.
1183 The Duchy of Brabant is established. Brussels is the capital.
1185 The Second Bulgarian Empire gains independence from the Byzantine Empire under Peter IV of Bulgaria.
In Japan, the Kamakura period begins with the assumption of power by the Kamakura shogunate.
1186 The Bishopric of Livonia establishes its first presence in modern Latvia.
The Ghaznawid dynasty is disestablished.
1190 The Principality of Arbanon is established.
1192 Crusaders establish the Kingdom of Cyprus.
The Duchy of Styria joins the Kingdom of Hungary.
1194 The Seljuk Empire is disestablished.
1197 The Kingdom of Deheubarth is disestablished.
1198 The Principality of Bohemia becomes the Kingdom of Bohemia. Prague remains the capital.
1199 The Principality of Galicia–Volhynia is established.

13th century[]

Year Date Event
1202 The Bishopric of Livonia is renamed the Bishopric of Riga.
1204 The Kingdom of France annexes the Duchy of Normandy.
The Empire of Nicaea is established as a successor state of the Byzantine Empire. Nicaea is the capital.
The Empire of Trebizond is established as a successor state of the Byzantine Empire. Trabizond is the capital.
Crusaders establish the Triarchy of Negroponte from areas of the Byzantine Empire. Chalcis is the capital.
Crusaders establish the Kingdom of Thessalonica from areas of the Byzantine Empire. Thessaloniki is the capital.
Crusaders establish the Principality of Achaia from areas of the Byzantine Empire. Andravida is the capital.
After the conquest of Constantinople, crusaders establish the Latin Empire, which follows the Byzantine Empire. Constantinople is the capital.
1205 The Despotate of Epirus is established as the successor state of the Byzantine Empire. Arta is the capital.
Crusaders establish the Duchy of Athens from areas of the Byzantine Empire. Athens is the capital.
1206 Qutb al-Din Aibak establishes the Delhi Sultanate. Lahore is the capital.
Genghis Khan establishes the Mongol Empire. Avarga is the capital.
1207 August The Bishopric of Riga cedes one-third of its lands to the Livonian Brothers of the Sword (established in 1202).
The Republic of Venice conquers the island of Crete.
Crusaders establish the Duchy of the Archipelago from areas of the Byzantine Empire. Naxos is the capital.
1210 The Mongol Empire captures much of the Western Liao dynasty.
The Delhi Sultanate moves its capital from Lahore to Badaun.
1212 The Principality of Anhalt is established. Weimar is the capital.
1214 The County of Luxembourg is established.
The Delhi Sultanate moves its capital from Badaun to Delhi.
The Angevin Empire ends.
1215 Fall of the Ghurid dynasty.
The Jaffna Kingdom is established, in Sri Lanka.
1216 The Principality of Wales is founded at the Council of Aberdyfi.
The Livonian Brothers of the Sword establish first presence in Southern Estonia.
1217 The Kingdom of Serbia is established.
The Papal States annex Corsica.
1218 The Principality of Wales is recognized in the Treaty of Worcester.
The Ayyubid dynasty moves its capital from Damascus back to Cairo.
1219 Denmark annexes the Northern Estonian counties of Revala, Harju County, Viru County, and Järva County as the Duchy of Estonia.
1220 King Vijayabahu III founds the Kingdom of Dambadeniya. The capital is Dambadeniya, in Sri Lanka.
1223 The Mongols defeat East Slavic warriors.
1224 21 July The Livonian Brothers of the Sword cede Southern Estonia to the Bishopric of Estonia (established in 1211). The bishopric returns some of the lands to the Sword Brothers.
24 July The Bishopric of Estonia cedes Wiek to the Bishopric of Riga.
August The Bishopric of Estonia is renamed the Bishopric of Dorpat.
The Kingdom of Thessalonica is conquered by the Despotate of Epirus.
1225 Thái Tông establishes the Trần dynasty in Vietnam.
The town of Riga gains independence from the Bishopric of Riga.
The Chagatai Khanate originates from parts of the Mongol Empire.
1226 The State of the Teutonic Order is founded. Marienburg is the capital.
1227 February The Bishopric of Riga and the Livonian Brothers of the Sword subjugate Saaremaa, the last independent Estonian county, and the Sword Brothers conquer Danish Estonia.
1228 August The Bishopric of Ösel-Wiek is established from the Western Estonian territory of the Bishopric of Riga. Some of its land is ceded to the Livonian Brothers of the Sword.
1230 The Emirate of Granada is established. Granada is the capital.
The Crown of Castile is formed by the union of the Kingdom of León with the Kingdom of Castile.
1231 Aragon completes the Conquest of Majorca and Menorca, establishing the Kingdom of Majorca as part of the Crown of Aragon.
Fall of the Khwarazmian dynasty in Persia.
1234 24 July The Bishopric of Courland is established from the Western Latvian territory of the Bishopric of Riga.
1235 September The Mali Empire is established.
Aragon conquers Ibiza, which becomes part of the Kingdom of Majorca.
Karakorum becomes the capital of the Mongol Empire.
The Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneburg is established. Brunswick and Lüneburg are the capitals.
1236 The Mongols invade Northern Korea.
Mindaugas establishes the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Voruta is the capital.
1237 12 May The Livonian Brothers of the Sword are incorporated into the Teutonic Order as the autonomous Livonian Order.
1238 7 June The Treaty of Stensby returns Danish Estonia from the Livonian Order back to Denmark, while the order retains Jerwen.
Sweden conquers central Finland.
The Mongols conquer Crimea.
The Bishopric of Ösel-Wiek cedes some area in and around Leal in Western Estonia to the autonomous Livonian Order of the Teutonic Order.
The Kingdom of Sukhothai is founded in Siam. Sukhothai is the capital.
1240 Fall of Kievan Rus' after the Mongol conquest.
The Mongols conquer Tibet.
The Mongols conquer Volga Bulgaria.
1242 The Mongol Golden Horde conquers Russia. Sarai is the capital.
Upon receiving the news of Ögedei Khan's death, the Mongols withdraw from Europe, though they have already subjugated significant parts of Central and Eastern Europe.[12]
1245 The Crown of Aragon completes the reconquest of what would become the Kingdom of Valencia up to the limits agreed upon in the Treaty of Almizra.
1250 The Ayyubid dynasty moves its capital from Cairo to Aleppo after the loss of Egypt.
Beginning of the rule of the Mamluk Sultanate over Egypt after the victory over the Mongols. Cairo is the capital.
1251 The Kingdom of Lithuania is established from the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Kernavė is the capital.
1253 The Bishopric of Courland cedes some of its land to the autonomous Livonian Order of the Teutonic Order.
The Principality of Galicia-Volhynia becomes the Kingdom of Galicia–Volhynia, a vassal state of the Golden Horde.
1254 The Mongols conquer the Dali Kingdom.
1255 20 January The Bishopric of Riga is elevated to the Archbishopric of Riga.
1256 King Béla IV moves the capital of the Kingdom of Hungary to Buda.
The Kingdom of Portugal moves its capital from Coimbra to Lisbon.
The Ilkhanate originates from parts of the Mongol Empire. Maragheh is the capital.
1258 11 May The Treaty of Corbeil formally ends French feudal overlordship of the counties in the Spanish March and Catalan counties in the March of Gothia.
The Mongols conquer Baghdad, precipitating the fall of the Abbasid Caliphate.
The Trần dynasty in Vietnam defeats and holds off Mongol invasions.
1259 11 August The death of Möngke Khan sets off a series of civil wars that eventually result in the political fragmentation of the Mongol Empire into four autonomous khanates.
1260 The Mongols conquer Aleppo. Fall of the Ayyubid dynasty.
1261 The Latin Empire is dissolved, and Constantinople falls again to the Byzantine Empire.
1263 After the death of Mindaugas, the Kingdom of Lithuania becomes again the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
1264 The Landgravate of Hessen is established.
The Duchy of Ferrara is established. Ferrara is the capital.
1266 2 July Caithness and the territory of the Kingdom of the Isles (the Hebrides and Mann) is ceded to the Kingdom of Scotland by the Treaty of Perth.
1268 The Mamluks conquer the Principality of Antioch.
1270 Goryeo becomes a vassal state of the Mongol Empire.
1271 Shizu establishes the Yuan dynasty in China.
1272 1 February The Kingdom of Albania is established.
10 August Yekuno Amlak overthrows the Zagwe dynasty, establishing the Solomonic dynasty of Ethiopia. Lalibela ceases to be the capital, and the Emperor of Ethiopia rules from a continually moving encampment around his domains for the following centuries.
The Yuan dynasty of China moves its capital from Shangdu to Dadu.
1273 The Kingdom of Dambadeniya moves its capital from Dambadeniya to Yapahuwa, in Sri Lanka.
1276 The Kingdom of Majorca is split from the Crown of Aragon, with each realm inherited by different sons of James I of Aragon.
1278 8 September Andorra is granted independence from the Crown of Aragon, whereupon the Paréage of Andorra is signed, establishing a condominium between the Count of Foix and the Bishop of Urgell in the territory.
1279 19 March The Song dynasty is conquered by the Yuan dynasty in China.
The Kingdom of Majorca becomes a vassal of the Crown of Aragon.
The Chola dynasty is disestablished.
1281 The second Mongol invasion of Japan fails.
1282 The Diet of Augsburg assigns the Duchy of Austria to the House of Habsburg, commencing the Habsburg Monarchy.
1283 The Principality of Moscow emerges as a vassal state of the Golden Horde. Moscow is the capital.
1284 The Republic of Genoa conquers Corsica from the Papal States.
1285 The Sultanate of Ifat is established.
1286 The Sultanate of Showa is annexed into the Sultanate of Ifat.
1287 Parakramabahu III moves the capital of the Sinhala Kingdom back to Polonnaruwa, in Sri Lanka.
1289 The Mamluks conquer the County of Tripoli.
1290 February The Archbishopric of Riga and the Livonian Brothers of the Sword conquer Semigallia, the last independent Latvian territory.
1291 The Old Swiss Confederacy is established through the merger of the cantons of Uri, Schwyz, and Unterwalden.
The Mamluks expel the last crusaders from Egypt.
The Mamluks conquer the Kingdom of Jerusalem.
1292 The Landgravate of Hesse becomes a principality.
1293 10 March Sweden conquers the southeastern parts of Finland.
The thalassocratic Majapahit Empire is established in Indonesia.
1295 Chambéry becomes the capital of the County of Savoy.
1296 The Duchy of Saxony is divided into the Duchy of Saxe-Lauenburg and the Duchy of Saxe-Wittenberg.
The Kingdom of Aragon conquers Corsica from the Republic of Genoa.
1297 The Kingdom of Dambadeniya moves its capital from Yapahuwa to Polonnaruwa, in Sri Lanka.
1299 The Ottoman Empire is established. Söğüt is the capital.
The Republic of Pisa sells parts of Sardinia to the Republic of Genoa.

14th century[]

Year Date Event
1301 France gains Barrois mouvant (the County of Bar, west of the Meuse River).
1302 The Kingdom of Naples is created by the division of the Kingdom of Sicily. Naples is the capital.
1303 Edward I of England invades Scotland again to subdue it.
The Kingdom of Dambadeniya moves its capital from Polonnaruwa to Kurunagala, in Sri Lanka.
1305 France gains the County of Vivarais.
1310 The Duchy of Mirandola is founded. Mirandola is the capital.
1315 King Charles I moves the capital of the Kingdom of Hungary to Temesvár.
1316 France gains the counties of Valentinois and Diois.
1319 Crusaders establish the Duchy of Neopatras. Neopatras is the capital.
1323 12 August The treaty of Nöteborg is signed between Sweden and Novgorod, resulting in the first true border regulation in Swedish Finland.
King Charles I moves the capital of the Kingdom of Hungary to Visegrád.
1325 13 March The Mexicas (Aztecs) establish Tenochtitlan, marking the foundation of México. It is the oldest continuous capital city in the Americas.
1326 The Crown of Aragon conquers Sardinia, creating the Kingdom of Sardinia.
1327 The Delhi Sultanate moves its capital from Delhi to Daulatabad.
1328 4 May By the Treaty of Edinburgh–Northampton, England recognizes the independence of Scotland following the expulsion of the English from Scotland by Robert the Bruce.
1330 March The autonomous Livonian Order of the Teutonic Order gains control over the nominally free town of Riga.
The Principality of Walachia gains independence from the Kingdom of Hungary.
1331 The Principality of Vladimir-Susdal is absorbed into the Principality of Moscow.
1333 In Japan, the Kenmu Restoration follows the Kamakura shogunate.
1334 The Delhi Sultanate moves its capital from Daulatabad to Delhi.
1335 The Ottoman Empire moves its capital from Söğüt to Bursa.
The Duchy of Silesia becomes part of the Kingdom of Bohemia.
The Madurai Sultanate secedes from the Delhi Sultanate. Ma'bar is the capital.
1336 The Vijayanagara Empire is established in India. Vijayanagar is the capital.
End of the Kenmu Restoration in Japan.
1337 The Tsardom of Vidin is founded. Vidin is the capital.
1338 The Ashikaga shogunate is founded in Japan. Kyoto is the capital.
1339 The County of Guelders becomes the Duchy of Guelders.
1340 The Principality of Moscow becomes the Grand Duchy of Moscow.
1341 King Magnus Eriksson of Sweden buys the county of Halland from Denmark.
The Kingdom of Gampola succeeds the Kingdom of Dambadeniya in Sri Lanka. Gampola is the new capital.
1343 The Republic of Senarica is established as an independent microstate in the village of Senarica, Italy.[13]
1346 1 November Denmark sells and hands the Duchy of Estonia over to the Teutonic Order.
The Principality of Moldova is established.
1347 7 June The Teutonic Order leases the former Danish Estonia to its autonomous Livonian Order.
England conquers Calais from France.
Moghulistan is established from parts of the Chagatai Khanate.
The Bahmani Sultanate is established as a secession of the Delhi Sultanate. Gulbarga is the capital.
1348 The Duchy of Mecklenburg is established.
The Pskov Republic is established. Pskov is the capital.
1349 Dauphiné sold to France.
The Kingdom of Galicia–Volhynia is incorporated into the Kingdom of Poland.
1350 With the foundation of the Ayutthaya Kingdom, its capital is created in Ayutthaya, instead of the former Sukhothai.
1352 The Bengal Sultanate is established. Pandua is the capital.
1353 The County of Luxembourg is raised to the status of duchy.
1354 Fa Ngum establishes Lan Xang in Laos. Luang Prabang is the capital.
1356 The Electorate of Saxony is established from Saxe-Wittenberg.
The Despotate of Dobruja is established. Karvuna is the capital.
The Duchy of Jülich originates from the County of Jülich.
The Margraviate of Brandenburg becomes the Electorate of Brandenburg. Brandenburg an der Havel remains the capital.
1358 Duke Rudolf IV of Austria has the Privilegium Maius forged, a set of documents which purports to elevate the Duchy of Austria to the status of "Archduchy". This status remains unrecognised.
The Republic of Ragusa is established as a tributary state of the Kingdom of Hungary. Ragusa is the capital.
1362 The Principality of Kiev becomes part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
1363 The Ottoman Empire moves its capital from Bursa to Adrianople.
The County of Tyrol becomes part of the Habsburg Monarchy.
1366 The Prince-Bishopric of Liège annexes the County of Loon.
1368 Hongwu establishes the Ming dynasty in China. Yingtian and Shuntian are the capitals.
Huizong establishes the Northern Yuan dynasty in what is now Northern China and Mongolia.
Muhammad Shah establishes the Bruneian Empire.
1370 Timur establishes the Timurid Empire. Samarkand is the capital.[14]
1373 First mention of the Luzon Empire.
The Madurai Sultanate is annexed by the Vijayanagara Empire.
1375 The Mamluks conquer the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia.
Kara Koyunlu is established as a tribal federation. Tabriz is the capital.
1377 26 September The Kingdom of Bosnia is established.
Fall of the Srivijaya Empire in Southeast Asia.
1378 Aq Qoyunlu is established as a tribal federation.
1380 The County of Berg is raised to the status of a duchy.
The Bornu Empire is established in north-central Africa.
1384 The Burgundian Netherlands are established.
1385 The Union of Krewo establishes the personal union between the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Kingdom of Poland.
1388 The County of Savoy receives the County of Nice.
1390 The Kingdom of Kongo is established.
The Triarchy of Negroponte becomes the Kingdom of Negroponte, a colony of the Republic of Venice.
The Duchy of Neopatras is conquered by the Duchy of Athens.
1392 The Joseon Dynasty succeed the Goryeo Dynasty of Korea. Hanseong is the capital.
1395 The Duchy of Milan is established. Milan is the capital.
1396 The Second Bulgarian Empire is disestablished after it is conquered by the Ottoman Empire.
The Tsardom of Vidin is disestablished after it is conquered by the Ottoman Empire.
1397 The Kalmar Union between the Kingdom of Denmark, Kingdom of Norway, and Kingdom of Sweden is established.
1398 The Timurid Empire conquers Delhi.
The Principality of Bayreuth and the Principality of Ansbach are established.
1399 The Principality of Piombino is established. The capital is Piombino.

15th century[]

Year Date Event
1400 Hồ Quý Ly establishes the Hồ dynasty in Vietnam. Tây Đô is the capital.
1401 The Timurid Empire conquers Damascus.
The County of Savoy gains the County of Geneva.
1403 The Ming dynasty makes Beijing the second capital after Nanjing.
1404 Owain Glyndŵr is crowned Prince of Wales, holding his Parliament at the capital, Machynlleth.
The Principality of Smolensk becomes part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
1405 After the death of Timur, the Timurid Empire is split into two parts. The capital is moved from Samarkand to Herat.
1406 The Republic of Pisa is disestablished and annexed into the Republic of Florence.
1407 The Ming dynasty of China conquers the Hồ dynasty of Vietnam, beginning the Fourth Chinese domination of Vietnam.
Giản Định establishes the Later Trần dynasty in Vietnam.
The Gujarat Sultanate is established. Ahmedabad is the capital.
1408 King Zsigmond of Luxemburg moves the capital of the Hungarian Kingdom back to Buda.
1409 Owain Glyndŵr loses Harlech Castle and his ally Edmund Mortimer dies.
1410 15 June The defeat of the State of the Teutonic Order against the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Kingdom of Poland at the Battle of Tannenberg ends its eastern expansion.
1411 The Ottoman Empire annexes the Despotat of Dobruja.
1412 English rule spreads and Machynlleth ceases to assert any claim to be the capital of Wales.
Parakramabahu VI moves the capital of the Sinhala Kingdom to Kotte, in Sri Lanka.
1413 7 June The autonomous Livonian Order becomes de facto independent from its parent Teutonic Order.
The Ming dynasty of China defeats the Later Trần dynasty of Vietnam.
1415 21 August The Conquest of Ceuta marks the beginning of the Portuguese Empire.
The Adal Sultanate is established.
1416 Amadeus VIII establishes the Duchy of Savoy from the County of Savoy. Chambéry remains the capital.
1417 The County of Cleves is raised to the status of a duchy. Cleves is the capital.
The Principality of Wallachia becomes a vassal state of the Ottoman Empire.
The Electorate of Brandenburg moves its capital from Brandenburg an der Havel to Berlin.
1422 Start of the second personal union between the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of France.
1426 The Kingdom of Cyprus becomes a vassal state of the Mamluks.
1427 End of the Fourth Chinese domination of Vietnam.
1428 Thái Tổ establishes the Later Lê dynasty in Vietnam. Đông Kinh is the capital.
Abu'l-Khayr Khan establishes the Uzbek Khanate. Chimgi-Tura is the capital.
The Aztec Empire in Mexico is established from the union of three city-states.
1429 The Ryukyu Kingdom is established. Shuri is the capital.
c. 1430 The Songhai Empire becomes independent from the Mali Empire. Gao is the capital.
1431 The Khmer Empire is dissolved after the invasion of the Ayutthaya Kingdom.
1432 March Burgundy acquires the County of Hainaut.
The Principality of Achaea is annexed by the Byzantine Empire.
1434 March The Archbishopric of Riga sells its Dondangen Parish to the Bishopric of Courland.
The Republic of Genoa reconquers Corsica from the Kingdom of Aragon.
1435 1 September The Archbishopric of Riga, the bishoprics of Courland, Dorpat and Ösel-Wiek, the autonomous Livonian Order of the Teutonic Order, and the town of Riga form the Livonian Confederation.
1438 The Khanate of Kazan splits from the Golden Horde. Kazan is the capital.
The Inca Empire is established. Cusco is the capital.
The Sukhothai Kingdom is annexed by the Ayutthaya Kingdom in Siam.
1441 The Khanate of Crimea splits from the Golden Horde.
1444 March The Albanian Principalities are unified to form the Albanian League of Lezhë.
1452 The Archbishopric of Riga and the autonomous Livonian Order of the Teutonic Order agree with a condominium over the nominally free town of Riga, until then under the de facto control of the Livonian Order.
1453 6 January The Duchy of Austria becomes the Archduchy of Austria. Vienna remains the capital.
29 May The Byzantine Empire falls to the Ottoman Empire. The capital of the Ottoman Empire is moved to Constantinople (now Istanbul, Turkey). The political situation leads to the closure of the Silk Road to trade, forcing European merchants to seek sea routes to Asian markets and thereby initiating the "Age of Discovery".
14 October End of the second personal union between the Kingdom of France and the Kingdom of England after the end of the Hundred Years' War.
France annexes the Duchy of Aquitaine.
1454 The State of the Teutonic Order moves its capital from Marienburg to Königsberg.
1455 The Kingdom of Imereti becomes independent from the Kingdom of Georgia. Kutaisi is the capital.
1456 The Duchy of Bouillon is founded. Bouillon is the capital.
1458 The Republic of Ragusa becomes a vassal state of the Ottoman Empire.
The Duchy of Athens is annexed by the Ottoman Empire.
1459 The Teutonic Order cedes its already leased-out former Danish Estonia over to its autonomous Livonian Order.
1461 The Empire of Trebizond is conquered by the Ottoman Empire as the last successor state of the Byzantine Empire.
1462 Moghulistan splits into two parts.
The uninhabited Cape Verde Islands become a colony of Portugal.
1463 The Ottoman Empire annexes the Kingdom of Bosnia.
1464 The County of East Frisia is established.
The Songhai Empire conquers Timbuktu from the Mali Empire.
1465 The Kazakh Khanate is established. Sozak is the capital.
The Kingdom of Kakheti is established. Gremi is the capital.
1468 The Khanate of Sibir splits from the Golden Horde.
The tribal empire of Kara Koyunlu is disestablished.
1469 The crowns of the Iberian Christian kingdoms of Castile and Aragon were united by the marriage of Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon, as the Kingdom of Spain.
1470 The Triarchy of Negroponte is annexed by the Ottoman Empire.
The Chimú Empire is conquered by the Inca Empire.
1471 João de Santarém discovers São Tomé and takes possession of it for the Kingdom of Portugal.
The Kingdom of Portugal conquers Tangier.
1472 Ludlow becomes the administrative capital of Wales, as the site of the Council of Wales and the Marches.
The Kingdom of Scotland annexes Orkney and Shetland.
Beginning of the rule of the Wattasid dynasty over Morocco. Fez is the capital.
1473 Mechelen becomes the capital of the Burgundian Netherlands.
1474 The Duchy of Holstein is created from the County of Holstein-Rendsburg.
1477 The Sengoku period begins in Japan. The Ashikaga shogunat ends and Japan falls apart into small principalities.
1478 The Canary Islands are conquered by the Catholic Monarchs of Spain.
The Grand Duchy of Moscow annexes the Novgorod Republic.
The Kingdom of Kartli is established. Tbilisi is the capital.
1479 The Albanian League of Lezhë is annexed by the Ottoman Empire.
The Republic of Venice loses parts of the Adriatic coast to the Ottoman Empire.
1480 28 November After the Great Stand on the Ugra River, the Grand Duchy of Moscow ceases to be a vassal state of the Golden Horde.
According to temple records, a cyclone destroys the land bridge (Adam's Bridge) connecting the Kingdom of Kandy (in present-day Sri Lanka) and Mainland India.
1481 France gains the County of Provence.
1482 The Burgundian Netherlands are disestablished and become the Austrian Netherlands as part of the Habsburg Monarchy.
France gains the Duchy of Burgundy.
1485 King Matthias I moves the capital of the Hungarian Kingdom to Bécs.
The Astrakhan Khanate splits from the Golden Horde.
1488 Bartolomeu Dias rounds the Cape of Good Hope.
1489 The Kingdom of Cyprus falls to the Republic of Venice.
1490 2 January The combined forces of Castile and Aragon capture the Emirate of Granada, completing Spain's Reconquista.
20 May Vasco da Gama discovers a sea route to India.
King Vladislaus II moves the capital of the Hungarian Kingdom back to Buda.
The Kingdom of Georgia is divided into different parts.
1492 3 May Christopher Columbus arrives at Xamayca.
12 October While seeking a route to the East Indies, Genoese navigator Cristoforo Colombo (Christopher Columbus) lands on the island of Guanahani in the Lucayan Archipelago,[15] which he mistakes for the Japanese Archipelago. Columbus claims the archipelago for his patrons the Crowns of Castile and Aragon (Spain), and subsequently explores and claims Cuba and Hispaniola.
1493 4 May Spanish Pope Alexander VI issues the papal bull Inter caetera granting to the Crowns of Castile and Aragon (Spain) all newly discovered lands west of the meridian 100 leagues west of any of the islands of the Azores (approximately 38°11' west of Greenwich.)
1494 7 June Representatives of the Kingdom of Spain and the Kingdom of Portugal sign the Treaty of Tordesillas, settling the countries' boundary of conquest in the Americas (and Africa and Asia) at a meridian 46°0' west of Greenwich.
1495 21 July The Duchy of Württemberg is established out of the County of Württemberg. Stuttgart remains the capital.
1498 Vasco da Gama reaches Mozambique and takes possession of it for Portugal.
1499–1501 The Safavids conquer Persia. Tabriz is the capital.

16th century[]

Year Date Event
1500 22 April Portuguese navigator Pedro Álvares Cabral arrives at the coast of Brazil and claims all land in South America east of the Tordesillas Meridian for the Kingdom of Portugal, thus establishing the Portuguese Colony of Brazil.
The Kingdom of Portugal conquers Mombasa.
1501 João da Nova discovers Ascension Island.
The Wadai Sultanate is established.
The Uzbek Khanate is disestablished.
1502 The Golden Horde is disestablished following the death of Shaykh Ahmad.
1503 The Aceh Sultanate is established. Kutaraja is the capital.
1504 The Kingdom of Naples is ceded to the Crown of Aragon.
1505 The colony of Portuguese India is established. Kochi is the capital.
1506 Fall of the Timurid Empire. The Khanate of Bukhara is created from areas of the former empire. Samarkand is the capital.
The Delhi Sultanate moves its capital from Delhi to Agra.
1507 The Kingdom of Portugal conquers Muscat.
1510 The Kingdom of Portugal conquers Goa.
The Grand Duchy of Moscow annexes the Pskov Republic.
1511 The Khanate of Khiva is established in Central Asia. Old Urgench is the capital.
The Kingdom of Portugal conquers Malacca.
1513 Juan Ponce de León claims Florida for Spain.
1514 The Principality of Moldova becomes a vassal state of the Ottoman Empire.
1515 Algeria becomes a vassal state of the Ottoman Empire as the Regency of Algiers.
1517 The Ottoman Empire conquers Egypt from the Mamluks.
Fall of the Majapahit Empire in Indonesia.
1520 The Sultanate of Maguindanao is established.
1521 13 August The combined forces of Hernán Cortés conquer Tenochtitlan, capital of the Aztec Empire. The Kingdom of Spain subsequently renames the region Viceroyalty of New Spain. The destroyed capital is rebuilt and renamed México.
Mayadunne establishes the Kingdom of Sitawaka in Sri Lanka from the Sinhala Kingdom at Kotte. Sitawaka is the capital.
The Kingdom of Portugal conquers Bahrain.
1522 Ferdinand Magellan circumnavigates the Earth.
1523 The Kalmar Union is dissolved.
1525 14 January The Teutonic Order relinquishes its rights over its autonomous Livonian Order.
10 April The Duchy of Prussia emerges from the State of the Teutonic Order. Königsberg is the capital.
1526 Babur defeats the sultan of Delhi, establishing the Mughal Empire. Agra is the capital.
Archduke Ferdinand of Austria is elected the next King of Bohemia and Hungary following the death of Louis II of Hungary and Bohemia, ruling the lands which would come to be known as the Habsburg Monarchy.
After the Battle of Mohács, large parts of Hungary and Croatia fall to the Ottoman Empire.
1527 Thái Tổ establishes the Mạc dynasty in Vietnam.
The Kingdom of Croatia is established as part of the Habsburg Monarchy. Zagreb is the capital.
The Bahmani Sultanate is dissolved.
1528 The County of Lippe is founded. Detmold is the capital.
1529 22 April Representatives of the Kingdom of Portugal and the Kingdom of Spain sign the Treaty of Zaragoza, settling each nation's legal boundary of conquest in Asia and Oceania at a meridian c. 144°40' west of Greenwich.
14 October The First Siege of Vienna by the Ottoman Empire fails.
1530 26 October The Order of Saint John annexes Malta and moves the capital from Mdina to Birgu.
The Duchy of Mantua is established in northern Italy. Mantua is the capital.
1532 The Kingdom of France annexes the Duchy of Brittany.
The Duchy of Florence replaces the Republic of Florence. Florence remains the capital.
1533 15 November Francisco Pizarro leads an army into Cuzco, completing the Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire.
The Later Lê dynasty in Vietnam is restored under Trang Tông.
1534 The Kingdom of Portugal divides its Colony of Brazil into 15 independent captaincies.
The colony of New France is established in North America.
The Ottoman Empire conquers Baghdad from the Safavids.
1537 Denmark-Norway emerges as a dual monarchy after the withdrawal of the Kingdom of Sweden from the Kalmar Union.
1536 King Ferdinand I moves the capital of the Hungarian Kingdom to Pozsony.
1540 Sher Shah Suri establishes the Sur Empire, which dominates northern India and follows the Mughal Empire. Sasaram is the capital.
1542 The Kingdom of Ireland supersedes the feudal Lordship of Ireland.
The Kingdom of England annexes the Principality of Wales.
The Viceroyalty of Peru is established as a colony of Spain.
1545 The Trịnh lords establish de facto control over northern Vietnam.
The Duchy of Parma is established from parts of the Duchy of Milan.
1547 Ivan the Terrible proclaims the Tsardom of Russia, which follows the Grand Duchy of Moscow. Moscow is the capital.
1549 The Kingdom of Portugal establishes a central government for its Colony of Brazil, with Salvador as the capital.
The Saadi dynasty is established in Morocco. Taroudant is the capital.
1550 The Kingdom of Loango is established.
1552 The Ottoman Empire conquers Muscat from Portugal.
The Tsardom of Russia annexes the Khanate of Kazan.
1554 Fall of the Wattasid dynasty in Morocco.
1555 The Republic of Siena is conquered by the Kingdom of Spain and most of it is granted to the Duchy of Florence. The Stato dei Presidi remain with Spain.
The Safavids in Persia move their capital from Tabriz to Qazvin.
1556 The Sur Empire is annexed by the restored Mughal Empire.
1557 Portugal establishes a settlement in Macau.
1558 18 July Russia conquers the Bishopric of Dorpat in Estonia.
France reconquers Calais from England.
The Nguyễn lords establish de facto control over central and southern Vietnam.
1559 November The Bishopric of Ösel-Wiek in Western Estonia is sold to Denmark.
The Mali Empire moves its capital from Niani to Kangaba.
The Kingdom of Gorkha is founded. Gorkha is the capital.
1560 20 May The Bishopric of Courland in Western Latvia is sold to Denmark.
Lan Xang in Laos moves its capital from Luang Prabang to Vientiane.
1561 4 June The northern Livonian Order regions of Harrien-Wierland (without Reval) and Jerwen pledge allegiance to Sweden.
6 June The northern Livonian Order town Reval pledges allegiance to Sweden.
28 November The Treaty of Vilnius dissolves the Livonian Order, which is in part organized as the Principality of Livonia in personal union with Lithuania, and in part organized as the Lithuanian vassal state Duchy of Courland and Semigallia, taking effect on 5 March 1562. The Archbishopric of Riga also becomes a vassal state of Lithuania and the former condominium town of Riga becomes a free imperial city.
1562 Turin replaces Chambéry as capital of the Duchy of Savoy.
1563 Sweden conquers from Denmark the former areas of the Bishopric of Ösel-Wiek in Wiek and Dagö, leaving Denmark only with its possessions in Ösel.
1564 The Bailiff of Soneburg of the former Livonian Order, now the Principality of Livonia, sells its bailiwick in the West Estonian archipelago to the Danish-controlled former Bishopric of Ösel-Wiek. In return, Denmark cedes its nominal rights over Swedish-controlled Wiek to the Lithuanian Principality of Livonia.
1565 The Kingdom of Spain establishes a colony in the Philippines with its administrative centre in Cebu.
1566 25 December The Union of Grodno turns the personal union between the Principality of Livonia and Grand Duchy of Lithuania into a real union and the former is reorganized as the Duchy of Livonia. The Lithuanian vassal state Archbishopric of Riga is annexed to the Duchy of Livonia.
1569 1 July The Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania unite to form the Commonwealth of the Crown of the Polish Kingdom and Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Vilnius yields to Kraków as the capital.
27 August The Grand Duchy of Tuscany is established from the Duchy of Florence. Florence remains the capital.
1570 10 June The Kingdom of Livonia is established as a vassal state of Russia in some of its conquered lands in Livonia.
13 December Denmark cedes its nominal rights over Dagö and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth cedes its nominal rights over Harrien-Wierland (including Reval), Jerwen and Wiek to Sweden.
1571 18 March The Order of Saint John moves the capital of Malta from Birgu to Valletta.
The Mughal Empire moves its capital from Agra to Fatehpur Sikri.
The Kingdom of Spain conquers the Luzon Empire.
1572 9 May The Danish-controlled former Bishopric of Ösel-Wiek is annexed as Danish Ösel.
1573 The Kingdom of Portugal divides the Colony of Brazil into North Brazil (capital at Salvador) and South Brazil (capital at Rio de Janeiro).
The Gujarat Sultanate is annexed by the Mughal Empire.
In Japan, the Azuchi-Momoyama period follows the Sengoku period.
The Ottoman Empire conquers the island of Cyprus from the Republic of Venice.
1575 The Kingdom of Portugal establishes colonies on the coast of Angola.
The capital of Chile is moved from Concepción to Santiago.
1576 The Bengal Sultanate is annexed by the Mughal Empire.
1577 The Russian vassal state Kingdom of Livonia is disestablished.
The Adal Sultanate is disestablished.
1578 The Kingdom of Portugal reunites North Brazil and South Brazil into the Colony of Brazil. The capital is Salvador.
The Danish-controlled Bishopric of Courland becomes a vassal state of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
1579 The Duchy of the Archipelago is annexed by the Ottoman Empire.
1580 July Yermak Timofeyevich invades the territory of the Voguls, beginning the Russian conquest of Siberia.
A personal union of the Monarchy of Spain and the Kingdom of Portugal results in the Iberian Union.
1581 14 January The Treaty of Drohiczyn cedes the free imperial city of Riga to the Polish-Lithuanian Duchy of Livonia.
26 July The Republic of the Seven United Netherlands declares its independence from the Monarchy of Spain.
1582 15 January The Truce of Yam-Zapolsky cedes the Russian-controlled areas in former central and southern Livonia to the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth.
1583 10 August The Treaty of Plussa cedes all the remaining Russian-controlled areas in former Livonia to Sweden.
1584 20 March Areas under Swedish control in Northern Estonia are annexed as the Duchy of Estonia.
1585 The formally cedes the nominally Danish but Polish-Lithuanian-controlled former Bishopric of Courland to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
The Kingdom of Luba is established in central Africa.
1586 The Mughal Empire moves its capital from Fatehpur Sikri to Lahore. In the same year the capital is moved again to Agra.
Portugal establishes the colony of Portuguese Timor.
1590 Through its victory in the Ottoman-Safavid War, the Ottoman Empire expands eastwards.
1591 Fall of the Songhai Empire in West Africa.[16]
1592 Japan invades the Korean Peninsula under Toyotomi Hideyoshi with the aim of attacking the Ming dynasty of China.
1594 Vimaladharmasuriya I moves the capital of the Sinhala Kingdom to Kandy, Sri Lanka.
1596 Willem Barentsz makes the first indisputable discovery of the Svalbard archipelago.
1597 The Duchy of Ferrara becomes part of the Papal States.
1598 Kuchum, Khan of Sibir, is killed in battle with Russian forces, thus completing the Russian conquest of Siberia.
Japan withdraws from the Korean Peninsula after being pushed back by Chinese and Korean troops.
The Safavids move their capital from Qazvin to Isfahan.

17th century[]

Year Date Event
c. 1600 The Kingdom of Dahomey is established.
1600 31 December The British East India Company is established.
1601 17 January France gains Bresse, Bugey, and Gex from Savoy, and cedes Saluzzo to Savoy in exchange.
1602 20 March The Dutch East India Company is established.
1603 Tokugawa Ieyasu establishes the Tokugawa shogunate in Japan, which follows the Azuchi-Momoyama period. Edo is the capital.
1607 The Virginia Colony is founded in North America.
1608 14 May The Protestant Union is founded in the Holy Roman Empire.
3 July Quebec City is founded as the capital of New France.
The Kingdom of Portugal divides the Colony of Brazil into North Brazil (capital at Salvador) and South Brazil (capital at Rio de Janeiro) for the second time.
1609 10 July The Catholic League is founded in the Holy Roman Empire.
The Ryukyu Kingdom becomes a vassal state of the Tokugawa shogunate.
1610 Henry Hudson discovers Hudson Bay.
England establishes the Newfoundland Colony in North America.
1612 The Kingdom of Portugal reunites North Brazil and South Brazil into the Colony of Brazil. The capital is Salvador.
1614 The Kingdom of Portugal establishes the colony of Cacheu in what is now Guinea-Bissau.
1616 30 October Taizu establishes the Later Jin dynasty in China.
1617 27 February In the Treaty of Stolbovo, Sweden gains the Russian province and fortress of Kexholm (now Priozersk) and the province of Ingria including the fortress of Nöteborg (now Shlisselburg, Russia).
9 May The Polish-Lithuanian vassal state Bishopric of Courland comes into personal union with Poland-Lithuania.
1618 23 May The Second Defenestration of Prague marks the beginning of the Thirty Years' War between the Catholic League and the Protestant Union in the Holy Roman Empire, which soon grips the whole of Europe.
27 August The personal union of the Electorate of Brandenburg with the Duchy of Prussia creates Brandenburg-Prussia. Berlin and Königsberg are the respective capitals.
1620 Plymouth Colony is founded.
The Kasanje Kingdom is founded in central Africa.
The Danish East India Company establishes the colony of Danish India.
1621 29 September Nova Scotia is founded as a colony of the Kingdom of Scotland.
The Kingdom of Portugal divides the Colony of Brazil into the State of Brazil and the State of Maranhão. The capitals are Salvador and São Luis, respectively.
The Dutch West India Company is founded.
1623 The Electorate of Bavaria emerged from the Duchy of Bavaria. Munich remains the capital.
1624 The colony of New Netherland is established in North America.
The colony of Dutch Formosa is established on Taiwan.
1626 The Dutch purchase the island of Manhattan and found New Amsterdam, which later becomes New York City.[17]
1627 17 February The Kingdom of England colonizes Barbados, with its capital at Saint James Town.
1629 26 September The Truce of Altmark cedes most of the Duchy of Livonia in real union with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth to Sweden as Swedish Livonia. The eastern part of the duchy is retained by Poland-Lithuania and is annexed as the Inflanty Voivodeship.
The Massachusetts Bay Colony is founded in North America.
The New Hampshire Colony is founded in North America.
The Carolina Colony is founded in North America.
1630 The Dutch establish the colony of Dutch Brazil. The capital is Mauritsstad (now Recife).
Sweden occupies the Duchy of Pomerania.
1631 The Kingdom of Matamba is established in southwest Africa.
1632 The Maryland Colony is founded. St. Mary's City is the capital.
The Kingdom of England colonizes Antigua.[18]
1635 Fasilides makes Gondar the first permanent capital of Ethiopia since the fall of the Zagwe Dynasty.
The Saybrook Colony is founded in what is now the U.S. state of Connecticut. Old Saybrook is the capital.
The Kingdom of France colonizes Guadeloupe, Martinique, and some islands of the Lesser Antilles.
1636 3 March The Connecticut Colony is founded in North America. Hartford is the capital.
The Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations is founded in North America.
Taizong establishes the Qing dynasty in China.
1637 Joseon becomes a vassal state of the Qing dynasty after the invasion of Korea.
1638 The colony of New Sweden is established in North America.
The New Haven Colony is founded in what is now the U.S. state of Connecticut. New Haven is the capital.
The Dutch East India Company takes possession of Mauritius.
1640 1 December The Kingdom of Portugal separates from personal union with the Monarchy of Spain.
The Emirate of Trarza is established in North Africa.
1641 The Kingdom of Portugal loses Malacca, Annobón, and Angola to the Republic of the Seven United Provinces.
1644 30 October The Qing dynasty supersedes the Ming dynasty as the legitimate dynasty of China. Beijing is the capital.
Hongguang establishes the Southern Ming dynasty in China.
The Saybrook Colony is sold to the Connecticut Colony.
1645 13 August The Kingdom of Denmark and Norway, the Wends and the Goths cedes Jämtland, Härjedalen, Idre & Särna, Gotland, Ösel, and Halland, the latter for a period of 30 years, to the Kingdom of Sweden as part of the Treaty of Brömsebro.
1646 The Vijayanagara Empire is dissolved.
1648 The Kingdom of England colonizes the Bahamas.[19]
The Thirty Years' War ends with the Peace of Westphalia.
The Netherlands, Switzerland, and many Italian city-states are made independent of the Holy Roman Empire (Peace of Westphalia).
The Duchy of Pomerania is divided between Sweden (Swedish Pomerania) and Brandenburg-Prussia (Farther Pomerania), although the precise borders would not be determined until 1653 (Peace of Westphalia).
France receives the cities of the Décapole in Alsace (except Strasbourg, the Diocese of Strasbourg, and Mulhouse) and the city of Pignerol from the Spanish Duchy of Milan (Peace of Westphalia).
The Mughal Empire moves its capital from Agra to Delhi.
The Kingdom of Portugal takes back Angola from the Republic of the Seven United Provinces.
1649 19 May The republican Commonwealth of England supersedes the Kingdom of England after the English Civil War.
Grenada is acquired by the Kingdom of France.
1650 The Commonwealth of England colonizes Anguilla with settlers from Saint Kitts.[20][21]
1652 The Dutch East India Company establishes the Dutch Cape Colony.
1653 4 May The precise borders between Swedish Pomerania and Farther Pomerania (Brandenburg-Prussia) are determined by the Treaty of Stettin.
1654 During the Dutch-Portuguese War, the Kingdom of Portugal conquers the colony of Dutch Brazil from the Republic of the Seven United Provinces.
1655 The colony of New Sweden falls to the Dutch.
1656 The former Bishopric of Courland, until then in personal union with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, is sold to the Polish-Lithuanian vassal state Duchy of Courland and Semigallia and becomes its vassal state instead.
1657 The Treaty of Bromberg gives the Duchy of Prussia its sovereignty.
1658 26 February Denmark-Norway cedes Skåne, Blekinge, Halland, Bornholm, Båhus, and Trøndelag to the Kingdom of Sweden as part of the Treaty of Roskilde.
16 December The Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland supersedes the Commonwealth of England, the Kingdom of Scotland, and the Kingdom of Ireland. Edinburgh and Dublin yield to London as the capital.
During the Dutch-Portuguese War, the Dutch gain control of Portuguese-held possessions in Sri Lanka from the Kingdom of Portugal.
1659 The Kingdom of France establishes the colony of Saint-Louis as the first French settlement in Africa.
The British East India Company takes possession of Saint Helena.
Fall of the Saadi dynasty in Morocco.
1660 4 April The restored Kingdom of England, Kingdom of Scotland, and Kingdom of Ireland supersede the republican Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland. London, Edinburgh, and Dublin are the respective capitals.
3 May The Treaty of Oliva cedes Runö Island in Estonia from the Polish-Lithuanian vassal state Duchy of Courland and Semigallia to Sweden.
27 May The Kingdom of Sweden cedes Trøndelag and Bornholm to Denmark-Norway as part of the Treaty of Copenhagen.
1661 25 February The former Bishopric of Courland, a vassal state of the Duchy of Courland and Semigallia (itself a vassal state of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth), comes into personal union with Courland and Semigallia.
14 June The Kingdom of Tungning is proclaimed in Taiwan.
Aurangzeb of the Mughal Empire cedes the port of Bombay to the British.
The Kingdom of Portugal hands Tangier over to the Kingdom of England as a dowry.
1662 The Southern Ming dynasty ends with the conquest by the Qing dynasty.
Dutch Formosa is conquered by the Southern Ming dynasty.
1663 The Duchy of Massa and Carrara is established. Massa is the capital.
1664 The Dutch Republic signs the Treaty of Breda, which cedes New Netherland to the Kingdom of England.
The Delaware Colony is founded in North America. New Castle is the capital.
The New Jersey Colony is founded in North America.
The New York Colony is founded in North America. New York City is the capital.
The New Haven Colony is merged into the Connecticut Colony.
The French East India Company is founded.
The Alaouite dynasty is established in Morocco.
1665 The Kingdom of Lunda is established in central Africa.
The Kingdom of England establishes the Colony of Jamaica. Spanish Town is the capital.
1666 The Khanate of Kalat is established.
The Kingdom of France conquers Anguilla from the Kingdom of England.[22]
1667 The Kingdom of France returns Anguilla to the Kingdom of England according to the Treaty of Breda.[21]
1673 The Kingdom of France acquires Puducherry.
1674 Shivaji establishes the Maratha Empire in Maharashtra.
1677 The Mạc dynasty of Vietnam collapses.
1680 The Kingdom of Burundi is established.
1681 The Pennsylvania Colony is founded in North America. Philadelphia is the capital.
1682 French explorer Robert de La Salle sails down the Mississippi River and claims all the lands along the river for France under the name Louisiana.[23]
1683 12 September The Second Siege of Vienna by the Ottoman Empire fails.
The Tungning Kingdom is conquered by the Qing dynasty. The island of Taiwan falls back under the control of the Qing.
1684 The English Crown Colony of Bermuda supersedes the Somers Isles Company. Hamilton is the capital.
The Kingdom of England hands Tangier over to the Alaouite dynasty.
1685 The Kingdom of England colonizes Barbuda.
1689 Wales ceases to have an official or administrative capital when Ludlow ceases to be the administrative capital following the end of the Council of Wales and the Marches.
1692 The Massachusetts Bay Colony and Plymouth Colony are reorganized as the Province of Massachusetts Bay.
The Electorate of Hanover is established. Hanover is the capital.
1695 The capital of Maryland Colony is moved from St. Mary's City to Annapolis.
1697 The western half of the colony of Santo Domingo (Kingdom of Spain) on the island of Hispaniola is recognised as the colony of Saint-Domingue of the Kingdom of France (Peace of Ryswijk).
The Kingdom of France hands over territories to the Holy Roman Empire (Peace of Ryswijk).
The Kingdom of France recognizes the Kingdom of England (Peace of Ryswijk).
A personal union is established between the Electorate of Saxony and Poland-Lithuania.
1699 26 January The Ottoman Empire cedes the Eğri Eyalet, the Varat Eyalet, northern parts of the Temeşvar Eyalet, most of the Budin Eyalet, and parts of the Bosnia Eyalet to the Habsburg Monarchy. This territory plus the Principality of Transylvania corresponds to most of the territory of mediaeval Hungary previously lost to the Ottomans (Ottoman Hungary). (Treaty of Karlowitz)
The Principality of Transylvania, while nominally independent, becomes de facto under Habsburg rule. (Treaty of Karlowitz)
The Ottoman Empire returns Podolia to Poland-Lithuania. (Treaty of Karlowitz)
The Ottoman Empire cedes Morea and most of Dalmatia to the Republic of Venice. (Treaty of Karlowitz)

18th century[]

Year Date Event
1700 1 November With the beginning of Philip V's reign over the Kingdom of Spain, Spain and its territories cease to be part of the Habsburg Monarchy.
The Ottoman Empire cedes Azov to the Tsardom of Russia by the Treaty of Constantinople.
1701 18 January Brandenburg-Prussia becomes the Kingdom of Prussia. Berlin is the capital.
The Duchy of Mecklenburg is divided into Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Mecklenburg-Strelitz.
The Ashanti Empire is established in West Africa. Kumasi is the capital.
1704 October The Kingdom of France and Spanish Empire take control of Nassau from the English, but soon abandon the city, returning control to the English.[24][25]
The Mamluk dynasty in Iraq is established. Baghdad is the capital.
1705 The Electorate of Hanover receives the Principality of Lüneburg and the Duchy of Saxe-Lauenburg.
1706 End of the personal union between the Electorate of Saxony and Poland-Lithuania.
1707 25 April The Crown of Castile integrates the Kingdom of Valencia part of the Crown of Aragon through invasion (Battle of Almansa).
1 May The Acts of Union 1707 unite the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Scotland to form the Kingdom of Great Britain.[26] Edinburgh yields to London as the capital for all but judicial functions.
29 June The Nueva Planta decrees abolish the Crown of Castile and make it part of the centralized Kingdom of Spain.
Lan Xang in Laos disintegrates into three parts: the Kingdom of Luang Phrabang in the north, the Kingdom of Vientiane in the middle, and the Kingdom of Champasak in the south.
1709 21 April Mirwais Hotak establishes the Hotak dynasty. Isfahan and Kandahar are the capitals.
Second personal union between the Electorate of Saxony and Poland-Lithuania.
The Khanate of Kokand is established in Central Asia as a spin-off of the Khanate of Bukhara. Kokand is the capital.
Year Date Event
1710 The Kong Empire is established in West Africa.
1711 21 July The Tsardom of Russia returns Azov to the Ottoman Empire by the Treaty of the Pruth.
The Principality of Transylvania is integrated de jure into the Habsburg Monarchy as a crown land.
Cap-François becomes the capital of the French colony of Saint-Domingue.
The Duchy of Mirandola becomes part of the Duchy of Modena and Reggio.
1712 The Carolina Colony is split into the North Carolina Colony and the South Carolina Colony.
The Tsardom of Russia moves its capital from Moscow to Saint Petersburg.
1713 March–April The Treaty of Utrecht is signed. The Kingdom of Great Britain takes sovereignty over Gibraltar and Menorca from the Kingdom of Spain. Spain also cedes Sicily and parts of the Duchy of Milan to Savoy; the Spanish Netherlands, the Kingdom of Naples, Sardinia, and the bulk of the Duchy of Milan to Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor; and lands in South America between the Amazon River and the Oiapoque River to the Kingdom of Portugal.
July The Kingdom of France conquers Kaiserslautern, Landau, and Breisgau.
1714 7 March The Austrian Netherlands follow the Spanish Netherlands. Brussels is the capital.
The Duchy of Milan, the Kingdom of Sardinia, the Kingdom of Naples, and the Spanish Netherlands are ceded by the Kingdom of Spain to the Habsburg Monarchy.
The Habsburg Monarchy receives Freiburg im Breisgau and several other small territories on its eastern borders from France, but France keeps Landau.
11 September Fall of the Crown of Aragon, invaded by the Crown of Castile, marked by the Siege of Barcelona and the annexation of the Principality of Catalonia. A unified Kingdom of Spain is created through the Nueva Planta decrees.
The Electorate of Hanover enters into a personal union with the Kingdom of Great Britain.
1715 28 November Spain integrates the Kingdom of Majorca, the last part of the Crown of Aragon, through invasion.
The Kingdom of Spain returns Colonia del Sacramento to the Kingdom of Portugal.
The Kingdom of France annexes Mauritius after the Dutch abandon it.
The Nueva Planta decrees abolish the Crown of Castile and make it part of the centralized Kingdom of Spain.
1717 27 May The Viceroyalty of New Granada is established from parts of the Viceroyalty of Peru as a colony of the Kingdom of Spain.
The former Bishopric of Courland, until then in personal union with the Duchy of Courland and Semigallia (itself a vassal state of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth), comes into personal union directly with Poland-Lithuania.
1718 21 July The Ottoman Empire cedes to the Habsburg Monarchy the Banat, southeastern Syrmia, central Serbia, part of northern Bosnia, and part of Wallachia (an Ottoman vassal) known as the Lesser Wallachia (Treaty of Passarowitz).
The Kingdom of Serbia is established as a Habsburg crown land (Treaty of Passarowitz).
The Banat of Temeswar is established as a Habsburg crown land (Treaty of Passarowitz).
Venice returns Morea (gained by the Treaty of Karlowitz) and its Cretan holdings to the Ottomans.
The Ottoman Empire cede parts of Dalmatia (Imotski, Sinj, and Vrgorac).
1719 9 November Sweden cedes Bremen-Verden to the Electorate of Hanover.
Year Date Event
1720 21 January Sweden cedes the portion of Swedish Pomerania south of the Peene and east of the Peenestrom to Prussia.
The Duchy of Savoy receives the Kingdom of Sardinia from the Habsburg Monarchy in exchange for Sicily.
The Electorate of the Palatinate moves its capital from Düsseldorf to Mannheim.
1721 30 August Swedish Estonia, Ingria, Livonia, and most of Karelia is ceded by Sweden to the Tsardom of Russia according to the terms of the Treaty of Nystad.
22 October Peter the Great proclaims the Russian Empire from the Tsardom of Russia.
1723 The Viceroyalty of New Granada again becomes part of the Viceroyalty of Peru.
1728 On Greenland (then part of Denmark-Norway), Hans Egede founds the colony of Godthåb.
Year Date Event
1732 The Georgia Colony is founded in British North America. Savannah is the capital.
1736 The Afsharid dynasty is established in Persia and follows the Safavid dynasty. Mashhad is the capital.
1737 The Kingdom of Portugal moves the capital of its colonial State of Maranhão from São Luís to Belém.
1738 The Hotak dynasty is disestablished.
1739 1 January Jean-Baptiste Charles Bouvet de Lozier discovers Bouvet Island in the South Atlantic Ocean.
18 September The Habsburg Monarchy cedes the Kingdom of Serbia, the southern part of the Banat of Temeswar, and northern Bosnia to the Ottoman Empire (Treaty of Belgrade).
The Habsburg Monarchy returns Lesser Walachia (Oltenia) to Wallachia (Treaty of Belgrade).
The Viceroyalty of New Granada is again separated from the Viceroyalty of Peru.
Year Date Event
1740 The Oyo Empire is established in West Africa.
1742 Prussia annexes Silesia from the Habsburg Monarchy.
1744 The Kingdom of Matamba is annexed to Portuguese Angola.
1745 The kingdoms of Croatia and Slavonia are unified into the Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia within the Habsburg Monarchy. Zagreb is the capital.
The Kingdom of Swaziland is established in southern Africa.
1747 October The Durrani Empire is founded near Kandahar on a Loya jirga, when Ahmad Shah Abdali is chosen as the king of the newly independent empire. He is later regarded as the founder of modern Afghanistan.
The Safavid Empire collapses.[27]
Year Date Event
1750 13 January The Kingdom of Spain and the Kingdom of Portugal sign the Treaty of Madrid. Based on the uti possidetis concept, Portugal gains lands on the actual south, central, and north regions of Brazil. The treaty also stipulates that Spain receive the Colonia del Sacramento and Portugal the Misiones Orientales.
1751 21 September Through the , the border between Sweden and Norway is finally settled, from the beginning of the land border in Iddefjord until Norway's border on Russia at Varanger (since Finland was part of Sweden at this time, the border between the two countries continued beyond the present end point of the border between Norway and Sweden).
The Kingdom of Portugal changes the name of its colonial State of Maranhão to State of Great-Pará and Maranhão.
Karim Khan establishes the Zand dynasty in Persia. Shiraz is the capital.
1752 Establishment of the Konbaung dynasty in Burma. Shwebo is the capital.
The Sheikdom of Kuwait is established. Kuwait City is the capital.
1753 During the Seven Years' War, France occupies the island of Menorca.
1757 The British East India Company gains control of Bengal from the Mughal Empire, initiating the British Raj in India.
1758 The Dzungar Khanate is annexed by the Qing dynasty of China.
The Kingdom of Great Britain conquers Senegambia from the Kingdom of France.
The Sultanate of Sulu becomes independent from the Bruneian Empire.
Year Date Event
1761 12 February The Kingdom of Spain and the Kingdom of Portugal sign the Treaty of El Pardo, nullifying the Treaty of Madrid.
1762 13 November Following the end of the French and Indian War in North America, the Louisiana Territory is transferred from France to Spain in the secret Treaty of Fontainebleau.
The Kingdom of Kartli and the Kingdom of Kakheti unite to form the Kingdom of Kartli-Kakheti. Tbilisi is the capital.
1763 10 February The Seven Years' War ends with the Treaty of Paris, which formalizes a number of territorial transfers between Great Britain, France, and Spain; among these is the transfer of the northernmost parts of New France (present-day Canada) to the British.
12 February The Kingdom of Portugal moves the capital of its colony of the State of Brazil from Salvador to Rio de Janeiro.
End of the second personal union between the Electorate of Saxony and Poland-Lithuania.
1765 The Grand Duchy of Transylvania follows the Principality of Transylvania.
1766 France annexes the Duchy of Lorraine.
1767 Ayutthaya, capital of the Ayutthaya Kingdom, is destroyed during the Burmese–Siamese War. The Thonburi Kingdom follows the Ayutthaya Kingdom in Siam.
1768 15 May Genoa sells to France its rights to Corsica.
21 December Prithvi Narayan Shah unifies the Kingdom of Nepal. Kathmandu is the capital.
Year Date Event
1770 28 April James Cook reaches Australia and takes possession of the land for the Kingdom of Great Britain.
The capital of the French colony of Saint-Domingue is moved from Cap-François to Port-au-Prince.
1772 5 August The Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria is founded as the crown land of the Habsburg Monarchy. Lemberg is the capital.
First partition of Poland.
The Kingdom of Portugal divides its colony of the State of Great-Pará and Maranhão into the State of Great-Pará (capital at Belém) and the State of Maranhão (capital at São Luis).
Following Ayutthaya's destruction in 1767, the new capital of Siam is created in Thonburi.
1774 The County of Oldenburg is made the Duchy of Oldenburg.
1775 The Kingdom of Portugal reunites its South American colonies of the State of Brazil, the State of Great-Pará, and the State of Maranhão into the Colony of Brazil. Rio de Janeiro is the capital.
The Habsburg Monarchy annexes the northwestern part of Moldavia (later known as Bukovina).
1776 4 March The American colonies occupy Nassau from the British during the American Revolutionary War.
17 March The American colonies abandon Nassau, returning control to the British during the American Revolutionary War.
4 May The Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations declares its independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain. Providence is the capital.
4 July Thirteen British colonies in North America, including the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, collectively declare their independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain, as the United States of America. Philadelphia is the first of eight cities that will serve as a temporary capital until 1800.
20 December The United States of America moves its temporary capital from Philadelphia to Baltimore.
The Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata is separated from the Viceroyalty of Peru. Buenos Aires is the capital.
The Durrani Empire moves its capital from Kandahar to Kabul. The winter capital is Peshawar.
1777 15 January The Republic of New Connecticut declares its independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain. Westminster is the temporary capital.
4 March The United States of America moves its temporary capital back from Baltimore to Philadelphia.
4 June The Republic of New Connecticut moves its capital from Westminster to Windsor.
8 July The Republic of New Connecticut changes its name to the Vermont Republic.
27 September The United States of America moves its temporary capital from Philadelphia to Lancaster for one day, following the capture of Philadelphia by British forces.
30 September The United States of America moves its temporary capital from Lancaster to York.
1 October The Kingdom of Spain and the Kingdom of Portugal sign the First Treaty of San Ildefonso, confirming almost all the borders defined by the Treaty of Madrid, with the exception that Spain will rule both Colonia del Sacramento and the Misiones Orientales.
1778 11 June The Vermont Republic claims the "East Union", consisting of some towns in New Hampshire which had petitioned earlier in the year to join with Vermont. Vermont never gains full control over the area.[28][29][30]
27 July The United States of America moves its temporary capital from York back to Philadelphia.
21 October The Vermont Republic rescinds its claim to the "East Union", consisting of some towns in New Hampshire.[29][30][31]
Thái Đức establishes the Tây Sơn dynasty in Vietnam.
The Kingdom of Portugal cedes Annobón and Bioko to the Kingdom of Spain.
The Kingdom of Champasak becomes a vassal state of Siam.
Year Date Event
1781 4 April The Vermont Republic once again claims the "East Union", consisting of some towns in New Hampshire that wish to join with Vermont, though the exact extent of the borders is unknown. Vermont never gains full control over the area.[32][33][34][30]
June–July The Vermont Republic claims the "West Union", consisting of some towns in New York.[32][30][35][36] The specific date this occurs is unclear; sources suggest 16 June, 26 June, and 18 July.
1782 22 February The Vermont Republic abandons its claims of the East Union from New Hampshire and the West Union from New York.[32][31][36][37]
21 April Siam moves its capital from Thonburi to Bangkok.
6 May The Spanish Empire captures The Bahamas from the Kingdom of Great Britain.[38]
1783 20 January Great Britain surrenders East Florida and West Florida to Spain.
18 April The Kingdom of Great Britain recaptures The Bahamas from the Spanish Empire.
19 April The Crimean Khanate is annexed by the Russian Empire and incorporated as the Taurida Governorate.
3 September The Kingdom of Great Britain signs the Treaty of Paris, formally recognizing the independence of the United States of America.
Rule over Senegambia is redistributed between the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Kingdom of France. The French get most of Senegambia (present-day Senegal) and the British get the Gambia Valley (present-day Gambia).
26 November The United States of America moves its temporary capital from Philadelphia to Princeton, and then to Annapolis.
The Province of Trinidad moves its capital from San José de Oruña to Puerto de España.
1784 1 July King Gustav III of Sweden acquires the island of Saint Barthélemy in the Caribbean from France. It becomes a Swedish colony for nearly a century.
1 November The United States of America moves its temporary capital from Annapolis to Trenton.
King Joseph II moves the capital of the Hungarian Kingdom back to Buda.
Russian seafarer and merchant Grigory Ivanovich Shelikhov arrives in Three Saints Bay in Alaska.
The Khanate of Kalat hands over Gwadar to Oman.
1785 11 January The United States of America moves its temporary capital from Trenton to New York City.
The Emirate of Bukhara follows the Khanate of Bukhara.
1787 Andrianampoinimerina establishes the Kingdom of Madagascar. Antananarivo is the capital.
1788 26 January The British colony of New South Wales is established in Australia.
1789 The Later Lê dynasty of Vietnam collapses.
The Principality of Lippe is formed from the County of Lippe.
Year Date Event
1790 11 January The United States of Belgium declares its independence from the House of Habsburg. Brussels is the capital.
6 December The United States of America moves its temporary capital from New York City to Philadelphia pending the construction of the new capital permitted by the new United States Constitution.
7 December The United States of Belgium capitulates to the House of Habsburg.
1791 4 March The Vermont Republic joins the United States of America as the State of Vermont. Windsor yields to Philadelphia as the federal capital.
1792 28 January The Principality of Ansbach and the Principality of Bayreuth become part of the Kingdom of Prussia.
21 September The first French Republic supersedes the Kingdom of France.
17 December Most of the Prince-Bishopric of Basel becomes the Rauracian Republic, retaining only Schliengen.
The Dutch West India Company is dissolved.
1793 23 January Second partition of Poland.
2 March France annexes the Principality of Salm-Salm.
23 March The Rauracian Republic is annexed by France to form the département of Mont-Terrible.
25 June Avignon is transferred from the Papal States to the French First Republic.
1794 Aga Mohammed Khan establishes the Qajar dynasty in Persia after the collapse of the Zand dynasty. Tehran is the capital.
The Republic of Senarica is annexed by the Kingdom of Naples.
1795 19 January The Batavian Republic supersedes the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands. Amsterdam is the capital.
24 October The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth is partitioned. Its vassal state Duchy of Courland and Semigallia and the former Bishopric of Courland, until then in personal union with Poland-Lithuania, are annexed to the Russian Empire together as its Courland Governorate.
France annexes Southern Netherlands and the Duchy of Bouillon.
The Dutch lose its territories held in Malacca and Sri Lanka to the British.
1796 25 April Spain cedes the northern half of West Florida to the United States of America.[39][40]
10 May The Napoleonic Cispadane Republic is created in northern Italy from the Duchy of Modena and Reggio, the Duchy of Massa and Carrara and the Papal States. Modena is the capital.
1797 17 April The Habsburg Monarchy annexes the Republic of Venice.
14 July The Republic of Genoa becomes the Napoleonic Ligurian Republic. Genoa is the capital.
18 October The Austrian Netherlands and various Mediterranean islands, including Corfu, are ceded to France. (Treaty of Campo Formio)
The Republic of Venice is dissolved. Venetia (the eastern portion of Domini di Terraferma, roughly modern Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia), Istria, and Dalmatia are annexed by Austria. (Treaty of Campo Formio)
Austria recognizes the Cisalpine Republic and Ligurian Republic. (Treaty of Campo Formio)
The Kingdom of Italy is recognized as defunct and all subordinate territories are formally released from the Holy Roman Empire. (Treaty of Campo Formio)
The Cispadane Republic becomes the Cisalpine Republic. Milan is the capital.
1798 4 January France annexes Mulhouse.
12 April The Napoleonic Helvetic Republic is declared. Aarau is the capital.
11 June The Order of Saint John capitulates to French forces and Malta is under French occupation with Valletta remaining the capital.
21 July France conquers Egypt from the Ottoman Empire.
28 October The Gozitan Nation gains de facto independence from Malta with Rabat as its capital.
1799 7 July Establishment of the Sikh Empire after capture of Lahore by Maharaja Ranjit Singh and unification of the Sikh Confederacy under him.
The Principality of Lippe follows the County of Lippe.
The Dutch East India Company is dissolved.

19th century[]

Year Date Event
1800 5 September French forces in Malta surrender to the British. The island becomes the British protectorate of Malta with Valletta as capital.
1 October After a secretly negotiated treaty between France and Spain, Spain returns the North American colony of Louisiana to France.
17 November The United States of America moves its capital from Philadelphia to its permanent location at Washington in the District of Columbia.
1 February The Dutch East Indies are established by the Batavian Republic after the dissolution of the Dutch East India Company. Batavia is the capital.
17 February The French département of Mont-Terrible is merged into the département of Haut-Rhin.
1801 1 January The Kingdom of Great Britain and the Kingdom of Ireland unite to form the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Dublin yields to London as the capital.
6 June The Kingdom of Spain and the Kingdom of Portugal sign the Treaty of Badajoz, by which Spain cedes the South American Misiones Orientales to Portugal, and Portugal cedes Olivenza to Spain.
20 August The Gozitan Nation is annexed by the British protectorate of Malta.
12 September The Kingdom of Kartli-Kakheti is annexed by the Russian Empire.
Egypt again falls under the control of the Ottoman Empire.
1802 26 January The Cisalpine Republic is renamed the Italian Republic.
25 March The United Kingdom establishes the Crown Colony of British Ceylon in Sri Lanka.
Napoleon separates the Canton of Valais from the Helvetic Republic to form the Rhodanic Republic.
Gia Long establishes the Nguyễn dynasty in Vietnam. Huế is the capital.
Trinidad becomes a British colony.
1803 19 February The Act of Mediation converts the Helvetic Republic into the Swiss Confederation.
27 April The Reichsdeputationshauptschluss results in the following geopolitical changes:
  • All but three ecclesiastical states of the Holy Roman Empire are either secularized or annexed by other states (the exceptions are the Archbishopric of Regensburg and the lands of the Teutonic Knights and Knights of Saint John).
  • The Duchy of Salzburg (formerly the Archbishopric of Salzburg) is raised to an electorate.
  • The Electorate of Baden emerges from the Margraviate of Baden. Karlsruhe is the capital.
  • The Electorate of Baden receives the Electorate of Palatinate.
  • The Electorate of Hesse emerges from the Landgravate of Hesse-Kassel. Kassel is the capital.
  • The Principality of Regensburg is established. Regensburg is the capital.
The Ottoman Empire reconquers Iraq from the Mamluk dynasty.
1804 1 January The French colony of Saint-Domingue on Hispaniola declares its independence from the French Republic as Haiti. Port-au-Prince remains the capital.
4 March The French Republic sells La Louisiane to the United States of America in the Louisiana Purchase. New Orleans (Nouvelle-Orléans) is the capital of the unorganized territory.
18 May The first French Empire supersedes the first French Republic.
11 August Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor, establishes the Austrian Empire. Vienna is the capital.
22 September Jean-Jacques Dessalines establishes the Empire of Haiti.
The Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria becomes part of the Austrian Empire.
The Sokoto Caliphate is established.
1805 July France annexes the Principality of Piombino and the Republic of Lucca and reconstitutes them as the Principality of Lucca and Piombino.
4 July France annexes the Ligurian Republic.
26 December The Electorate of Bavaria is raised to the Kingdom of Bavaria. Munich is the capital.
1806 8 January The United Kingdom establishes the Cape Colony. Cape Town is the capital.
5 June The Kingdom of Holland (Netherlands) supersedes the Batavian Republic.
25 July Napoleon I of France establishes the Confederation of the Rhine. Frankfurt is the capital.
6 August Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor, dissolves the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation.
13 August The Grand Duchy of Hesse follows the Landgraviate of Hesse-Darmstadt. Darmstadt is the capital.
30 August The Duchy of Nassau is established as a state of the Confederation of the Rhine. Weilburg and Wiesbaden are the capitals.
17 October The Empire of Haiti collapses upon the assassination of Emperor Jacques I. Haiti splits in two, with the State of Haiti in the north and the Republic of Haiti in the south. The capitals are Milot and Port-au-Prince, respectively.
24 October The Grand Duchy of Baden follows the Electorate of Baden. Karlsruhe is the capital.
20 December The Electorate of Saxony is raised to the Kingdom of Saxony. Dresden is the capital.
1807 July Napoleon Bonaparte creates the Duchy of Warsaw from land ceded by the Kingdom of Prussia by the Treaties of Tilsit.
9 September The Free City of Danzig is established as a client state of France.
7 December The Kingdom of Westphalia is established as a client state of France.
10 December France annexes the Kingdom of Etruria.
1808 1 January Sierra Leone is established as a colony of the United Kingdom. Freetown is the capital.
31 January The Kingdom of Italy annexes the Republic of Ragusa.
7 March The Kingdom of Portugal and the Algarves removes the capital from Lisbon to exile in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Spain becomes a client state of the First French Empire after the country is partially occupied by French forces and Joseph I is set as king by Napoleon.
1809 29 March The Russian Tsar is declared Grand-duke of Finland, effectively separating Finland from Sweden and turning it into a Russian autonomous duchy.
17 September Sweden officially cedes Finland to Russia through the Peace of Hamina.
14 October The Treaty of Schönbrunn results in the following geopolitical changes:
  • Salzburg is ceded to the Kingdom of Bavaria.
  • West Galicia is ceded to the Duchy of Warsaw.
  • Tarnopol is ceded to the Russian Empire.
  • Trieste and Croatia south of the Sava are ceded to France; these become the Illyrian provinces.
Napoleon Bonaparte dissolves the Teutonic Knights; their lands are redistributed between neighboring states of the Holy Roman Empire, mostly to Württemberg.
The United Kingdom occupies the Ionian Islands.
Year Date Event
1810 20 February The Russian Empire annexes the Kingdom of Imereti.
April Kamehameha I unifies the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi.
19 April The First Republic of Venezuela is established, starting the Venezuelan War of Independence from Spain.
22 May By the terms of the Treaty of Paris, the Principality of Regensburg is formally incorporated into the Kingdom of Bavaria.
25 May During the May Revolution, the Spanish viceroy in the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata (Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Uruguay) is replaced by the Primera Junta, and the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata is established. Buenos Aires remains the capital.
13 July The Kingdom of Holland (Netherlands) is annexed by the First French Empire.
20 July Colombia declares its independence from the Monarchy of Spain.
16 September México declares its independence from the Monarchy of Spain.
18 September Chile declares independence from the Monarchy of Spain. Santiago is the capital.
26 September The Republic of West Florida declares independence from the Monarchy of Spain.[41]
10 December The United States of America takes control of the Republic of West Florida.[41]
13 December France annexes northern Germany (Hamburg, Bremen, Lübeck, Salm, Arenberg, Oldenburg, parts of Westphalia, and Berg).
The Principality of Bayreuth is sold to the Kingdom of Bavaria by France.
The Rhodanic Republic is annexed by France and becomes the département of Simplon.
1811 28 March The Kingdom of Haiti supersedes the State of Haiti. Cap-Haïtien is the capital.
14 May Paraguay gains independence from the Monarchy of Spain. Asunción is the capital.
5 July Venezuela declares independence from the Monarchy of Spain.
27 November The United Provinces of New Granada (modern Colombia) are established.
The United Kingdom annexes the island of Java.
1812 14 May France annexes Catalonia from Spain, creating the départements of Bouches-de-l'Èbre, Montserrat, Sègre, and Ter. Andorra is also annexed and incorporated into the département of Sègre.
28 May The eastern portion of the Principality of Moldavia (Bessarabia) is ceded to the Russian Empire by the Ottoman Empire in the Treaty of Bucharest.
28 July The First Republic of Venezuela is crushed by the Spanish Empire.
1813 23 July The British Malta Colony supersedes the Malta Protectorate.
7 August The Second Republic of Venezuela is declared.
12 October Paraguay becomes the Republic of Paraguay.
19 October The Confederation of the Rhine is dissolved.
26 October The Kingdom of Westphalia is dissolved.
2 December The Sovereign Principality of the United Netherlands is created from the ruins of the first French Empire. Amsterdam is the capital.
11 December The Treaty of Valençay formally ends the Peninsular War, restoring Ferdinand VII of Spain and releasing the country from being a client state of the Napoleonic French Empire.
1814 14 January The Kingdom of Norway secedes from Denmark–Norway. Christiania is the capital.
29 March The Netherlands are reestablished from France as the Sovereign Principality of the United Netherlands.
6 April The restored Kingdom of France supersedes the First French Empire.
11 April Napoleon Bonaparte abdicates from the Italian throne, effectively dissolving the Kingdom.
17 May The Kingdom of Sardinia reclaims its mainland territory and annexes the land of the former Republic of Genoa, a move which is ratified by the Congress of Vienna the following year.
Denmark cedes Norway to Sweden through the Peace of Kiel.
The Kingdom of Norway declares full independence, electing its own king and adopting its own constitution.
2 October The Monarchy of Spain reconquers Chile.
4 November The Kingdom of Norway joins a personal union with the Kingdom of Sweden. Stockholm and Christiania are the capitals.
Various Italian states are reinstated, including the Duchy of Modena and Reggio and the Papal States.
The Principality of Andorra declares independence from the First French Empire. Andorra la Vella is the capital.
Java is returned from the United Kingdom to the Netherlands.
1815 2 March The Kandyan Convention disestablishes the Kingdom of Kandy and establishes British Ceylon in Sri Lanka. Colombo is the capital.
16 March The United Kingdom of the Netherlands supersedes the Sovereign Principality of the United Netherlands. Amsterdam and Brussels are the joint capitals.
20 March The first French Empire supersedes the Kingdom of France.
9 June The Congress of Vienna results in the following geopolitical changes:
  • The Kingdom of Lombardy–Venetia is formed from the Milanese and Venetian portions of the Kingdom of Italy and becomes a crown land of the Austrian Empire.
  • Austria gains the territory of the former Republic of Ragusa.
  • The Grand Duchy of Tuscany is re-established and given Piombino.
  • The Duchy of Lucca is created in place of the former Republic of Lucca.
  • The Duchy of Warsaw is partitioned into the Grand Duchy of Posen (Prussia), Congress Poland (Russia), and the Free City of Kraków (jointly controlled by Prussia, Russia, and Austria).
  • The Kingdom of Prussia is awarded Danzig, much of the Kingdom of Saxony, Westphalia, and the Rhineland.
  • The United Kingdom of the Netherlands is created from the former Dutch Republic and Austrian Netherlands, with Luxembourg in a personal union.
  • Swedish Pomerania is ceded to Prussia.
  • Hanover becomes the Kingdom of Hanover and annexes the former territories of the Bishop of Münster and East Frisia.
  • The Duchy of Lauenburg is ceded by Hanover to Denmark.
  • The Kingdom of Bavaria gains the Palatinate and parts of the Duchy of Würzburg and Grand Duchy of Frankfurt.
  • Hesse-Darmstadt gains Rhenish Hesse.
  • British control of various colonies, including the Cape Colony, Tobago, and Sri Lanka, is recognized.
  • The United States of the Ionian Islands is formed as a British protectorate.
  • The German Confederation is established. Frankfurt is the capital.
29 June The Federal League, an alliance of several Argentine Provinces and what is now Uruguay, is established.
8 July The restored Kingdom of France supersedes the first French Empire.
21 November Miloš Obrenović establishes the Principality of Serbia. Kragujevac is the capital.
16 December The United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves supersedes the Kingdom of Portugal and the Algarves. Rio de Janeiro remains the capital-in-exile.
The capital of Bermuda is moved from St George to Hamilton.
1816 9 July The United Provinces in South America (Argentina, Bolivia, and Uruguay) declares its independence from the Monarchy of Spain. Buenos Aires remains the capital.
6 May The Spanish reconquest of New Granada ends the early Colombian independent governments.
Shaka establishes the Zulu Kingdom in southern Africa.
The Kingdom of the Two Sicilies is established from the merger of the Kingdom of Sicily with the Kingdom of Naples. Palermo is the capital.
1817 20 January The United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves occupies the Banda Oriental (Uruguay) as Cisplatina.
12 February The State of Chile again declares its independence from the Monarchy of Spain. Santiago is the capital.
5 April The Battle of Maipú secures the independence of Chile from Spain.
The capital of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies is moved from Palermo to Naples.
1819 30 January The Treaty of 1818 sets the 49th parallel north, west of the Lake of the Woods, as the international border between the United States of America and British North America, and also establishes the Oregon Country as a shared region.[42][43][44]
7 August The United Provinces of New Granada gains independence from the Monarchy of Spain. Bogotá is the capital.
17 December Gran Colombia is established from the previous Second Republic of Venezuela, United Provinces of New Granada, and the Presidency of Quito.
Year Date Event
1820 1 February The Federal League defeats the central government of the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata in the Battle of Cepeda. The Federal League is dissolved and the Argentine Provinces resume their individual sovereignties, delegating their representation in foreign affairs to the Province of Buenos Aires.
8 October The Kingdom of Haiti collapses upon the suicide of King Henri I. Haiti is unified under the Republic of Haiti with its capital at Port-au-Prince.
The Kingdom of Hawaiʻi establishes its capital at Lāhainā.
The Trucial States emerge as a British protectorate.
The Sultanate of Muscat and Oman is established from the merger of the Sultanate of Muscat and the Imamate of Oman.
1821 19 February In the Adams–Onís Treaty, the United States of America and the Kingdom of Spain define a border between their North American possessions, leading to some land being swapped.
25 March Greece declares its independence from the Ottoman Empire. Nafplion is the capital.
3 July The United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves returns the capital from exile in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to Lisbon.
10 July Spain formally cedes East Florida to the United States of America under the Adams–Onís Treaty.[45]
17 July Spain formally cedes West Florida to the United States of America under the Adams–Onís Treaty.[45]
18 July Cisplatina formally declares itself part of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves.
28 July Peru declares its independence from the Kingdom of Spain. Lima is the capital.
3 August Peru becomes the State of Peru.
24 August The Monarchy of Spain recognizes the independence of the Mexican Empire.
15 September The Republic of Guatemala, the Republic of Honduras, the Republic of Nicaragua, and the Republic of El Salvador become independent from the Monarchy of Spain. Guatemala City, Comayagua, Managua, and San Salvador are the respective capitals.
21 September The Republic of Costa Rica gains independence from the Monarchy of Spain. Cartago is the capital.
28 November Panama gains independence from the Monarchy of Spain.
December Panama unites with Gran Colombia.
1 December The Republic of Spanish Haiti gains independence from the Monarchy of Spain. Santo Domingo is the capital.
The Alaska Boundary Dispute between the Russian Empire and the United Kingdom begins.
The Gold Coast is established as a British colony.
1822 9 February Haiti annexes the Republic of Spanish Haiti. Santo Domingo yields to Port-au-Prince as the capital.
7 September The Independent Kingdom of Brazil declares its independence from the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves. Rio de Janeiro is the capital.
12 October The Empire of Brazil supersedes the Independent Kingdom of Brazil.
19 December The Peruvian Republic supersedes the State of Peru.
1823 16 May The Republic of Costa Rica moves its capital from Cartago to San José.
July The Republic of Guatemala, the Republic of El Salvador, the Republic of Nicaragua, the Republic of Honduras, and the Republic of Costa Rica unite to form the Federal Republic of Central America. Guatemala City is the capital.
4 October The United Mexican States supersedes the Mexican Empire upon the execution of Emperor Maximilian I.
The Emirate of Afghanistan follows the Durrani Empire. Kabul is the capital.
1824 2 July The Confederation of the Equator declares independence from the Empire of Brazil. Recife is the capital, but the Confederation capitulates and is reabsorbed later in the year.
6 August Bolivia declares independence from the Monarchy of Spain and refuses to join either Peru or the United Provinces of South America.
9 December The Battle of Ayacucho ends the Spanish American wars of independence in South America.
1825 16 July The border of the British colony of New South Wales is extended from 133°E to 129°E.
6 August The Bolivian Republic gains independence from the Monarchy of Spain at the conclusion of the Bolivian War of Independence. Chuquisaca (later Sucre) is the capital.
25 August Cisplatina declares its independence from the Empire of Brazil and reunites with the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata.
29 August The United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves recognizes the independence of the Empire of Brazil.
15 November The United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves changes its name back to the Kingdom of Portugal and the Algarves.
3 December Van Diemen's Land is declared a separate British colony to New South Wales.
The Netherlands administratively combines its three colonies of Suriname, Curaçao and Dependencies (the ABC islands), and Sint Eustatius and Dependencies (the SSS islands). The capital is Paramaribo.
1826 8 February The United Provinces of the Río de la Plata is proclaimed as a centralist and unitary state.
9 July The Republic of Chile supersedes the State of Chile.
The Straits Settlements is established and managed by the British East India Company. It consists of Penang, Dinding, Malacca, and Singapore.
British Malaya is established and managed by the British East India Company.
Following the First Anglo-Burmese War, Burma is forced to cede Assam, Manipur, Arakan, and Tenasserim to the British East India Company.
The Duchy of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha is created from the merger of the Duchies of Saxe-Coburg and Saxe-Gotha. Coburg and Gotha are the respective capitals.
1827 14 June The United Kingdom claims the Bonin Islands.[46]
18 August The centralist and unitary state of the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata is dissolved. The Argentine Provinces resume their individual sovereignties, delegating their representation in foreign affairs to the Province of Buenos Aires.
1828 27 August The Banda Oriental gains independence from the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata as the Government and Provisional General Captaincy of the Oriental State of Uruguay. Montevideo is the capital.
The Misiones Orientales are awarded to the Empire of Brazil.
The Kingdom of Vientiane is annexed by Siam.
1829 The British Swan River Colony is established in western Australia.
Year Date Event
1830 3 February The Ottoman Empire recognizes the independence of the First Hellenic Republic. Nafplio is the capital.
13 May The Republic of Ecuador and the Republic of Venezuela declare independence from Gran Colombia. Quito and Caracas are the respective capitals.
28 June The Oriental State of Uruguay is created from the Government and Provisional General Captaincy of the Oriental State of Uruguay.
5 July The Unitarian League is created among the Argentine provinces of San Luis, La Rioja, Catamarca, Mendoza, San Juan, Tucumán, Córdoba, Salta, and Santiago del Estero.
4 October Belgium declares its independence from the United Kingdom of the Netherlands. Brussels is the capital.
France conquers the Regency of Algiers from the Ottoman Empire.
1831 4 January The United Kingdom combines Essequibo-Demerara and Berbice as the Crown Colony of British Guiana. Georgetown is the capital.
The Federal Pact is signed by the Province of Buenos Aires, the Province of Entre Ríos, and the Province of Santa Fe, beginning the Argentine Confederation.
21 July Belgium becomes the Kingdom of Belgium.
9 August The Province of Mendoza joins the Federal Pact.
19 August The Province of Corrientes joins the Federal Pact.
20 August The Province of Córdoba and the Province of Santiago del Estero join the Federal Pact.
12 October The Province of La Rioja joins the Federal Pact.
20 October The Republic of New Granada supersedes Gran Colombia.
1832 13 April The Province of San Luis joins the Federal Pact.
May The Kingdom of Greece supersedes the First Hellenic Republic.
The Province of San Juan joins the Federal Pact.
4 July The Province of Salta joins the Federal Pact.
8 July The Province of Tucumán joins the Federal Pact.
9 July The Republic of Indian Stream declares independence from both the United States of America and the United Kingdom, as it was disputed territory.[47]
3 September The Province of Catamarca joins the Federal Pact. End of the Unitarian League.
The colony of Western Australia supersedes the British Swan River Colony in Australia.
1833 3 January The United Kingdom removes a garrison installed by the United Provinces of the Rio de la Plata in October 1832, thereby reasserting its claim to sovereignty over the Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas). Port Louis becomes the capital.
The Falkland Islands become a colony of the United Kingdom. Port Louis is the capital.
1834 The Republic of Maryland is established. Harper is the capital.
The Federal Republic of Central America moves its capital from Guatemala City to San Salvador.
The Kingdom of Greece moves its capital from Nafplio to Athens.
1835 5 August The Republic of Indian Stream is annexed by the United States of America.[48][a]
23 October The Mexican Republic supersedes the United Mexican States.
1836 2 March The Republic of Texas declares its independence from Mexico. Washington-on-the-Brazos is the first of six cities that will serve as the temporary capital until 1839.
17 March The Republic of South Peru secedes from the Peruvian Republic. Cusco is the capital.
11 August The Republic of North Peru supersedes the Peruvian Republic.
6 September The Riograndense Republic declares independence from Brazil. Piratini is the first of five provisional capitals.
28 October The Republic of North Peru, the Republic of South Peru, and the Bolivian Republic unite to form the Peru-Bolivian Confederation. Tacna is the capital.
28 December The colony of South Australia is separated from the British colony of New South Wales.
1838 5 November The Republic of Costa Rica, the Republic of Nicaragua, and the Republic of Honduras secede from the Federal Republic of Central America. San José, Managua, and Comayagua are the respective capitals.
30 November The United Kingdom annexes Pitcairn Island.
1839 19 April The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg becomes independent, but remains in personal union with the Netherlands as a result of the Treaty of London.
24 July The Juliana Republic declares independence from Brazil. Laguna is the capital. The Republic capitulates and is reabsorbed later in the year.
25 August The Peruvian Republic and the Bolivian Republic are formed from the dissolution of the Peru-Bolivian Confederation. Lima and Sucre (previously Chuquisaca) are the respective capitals.
17 October The Republic of Texas establishes its permanent capital at Austin.
17 November The Republic of Guatemala secedes from the Federal Republic of Central America. Guatemala City is the capital.
The Principality of Serbia moves its capital from Kragujevac to Belgrade.
Year Date Event
1840 16 November The colony of New Zealand is separated from the British colony of New South Wales.
1841 26 January The United Kingdom conquers Hong Kong from the Qing dynasty.
2 February The sole remnant of the Federal Republic of Central America changes its name back to the Republic of El Salvador.
10 February The United Kingdom unites Upper Canada and Lower Canada as the Crown Colony of the United Province of Canada. Kingston is the capital.
24 September James Brooke establishes the Kingdom of Sarawak. Kuching is the capital.
20 October The Republic of Yucatán declares itself independent from Mexico. Mérida is the capital.
1842 10 November The Webster–Ashburton Treaty comes into effect, ending several border disputes between the United States of America and the United Kingdom.[49]
1844 27 February The Dominican Republic gains independence from Haiti. Santo Domingo is the capital.
The United Kingdom moves the capital of the Crown Colony of the United Province of Canada from Kingston to Montréal.
1845 1 March The Riograndense Republic is reabsorbed by the Brazilian Empire as the province of Rio Grande do Sul again.
29 December The Republic of Texas joins the United States of America as the State of Texas. Austin yields to Washington as federal capital while remaining capital of the state.
The Netherlands splits its colonial possessions in the Americas into two parts: Suriname and Curaçao and Dependencies. Paramaribo remains the capital of Suriname, while Willemstad on Curaçao becomes the capital of the six Caribbean islands.
The Kingdom of Hawaiʻi moves its capital from Lāhainā to Honolulu.
The United Kingdom moves the capital of the Falkland Islands from Port Louis to Stanley.
1846 17 February The colony of North Australia is separated from the British colony of New South Wales.
18 June The Oregon Treaty establishes the 49th parallel north, from west of the Lake of the Woods, as the continental border between the Province of Canada and the United States of America.
22 August The United Mexican States supersedes the Mexican Republic.
16 November After the Kraków Uprising, the Free City of Cracow is annexed by the Austrian Empire.
28 November The British colony of North Australia is reincorporated back into the colony of New South Wales.
The princely state of Kashmir and Jammu, ruled by the Dogra Dynasty, is created after the First Anglo-Sikh War, as per the Treaty of Amritsar.[50]
1847 26 July The African-American colony of Liberia declares its independence as the Republic of Liberia. Monrovia is the capital.
1848 2 February The Mexican–American War ends with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, by which the United Mexican States cedes all of its northernmost territories to the United States of America.
24 February The Second French Republic supersedes the Kingdom of France.
French Algeria is made an integral part of France.
The Kazakh Khanate loses its sovereignty to the Russian Empire.
1849 9 February Rebels under Giuseppe Garibaldi take over the area of the Papal States and create the Roman Republic.
29 March Following the Sikh defeat in the Second Anglo-Sikh War, the Sikh Empire falls and is merged with British India.
14 April The Hungarian State declares its independence from the Habsburg Monarchy. Debrecen is the temporary capital.
2 July The Papal States are restored as Rome falls.
13 August The Hungarian State capitulates to the Austrian Empire and the former status quo is restored.
The United Kingdom moves the capital of the Crown Colony of the United Province of Canada from Montréal to Toronto.
Year Date Event
1850 9 December The United Kingdom cedes less than one acre of underwater rock known as Horseshoe Reef in Lake Erie to the United States of America.[51]
1851 11 January Hong Xiuquan establishes the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in China.
1 May The Argentine Provinces of Entre Ríos and Corrientes secede from the Argentine Confederation.
1 July The colony of Victoria is split off from the British colony of New South Wales.
The Sultanate of Sulu becomes a protectorate of the Kingdom of Spain.
1852 17 January The South African Republic (Republic of Transvaal) is established. Pretoria is the capital.
3 February The Battle of Caseros ends the Argentine Civil War. Entre Ríos and Corrientes rejoin the Argentine Confederation. The capital is moved to Paraná.
11 September The Province of Buenos Aires secedes from the Argentine Confederation as the State of Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires remains the capital, and the Confederation is without a capital until 1854.
2 December The Second French Empire supersedes the second Second French Republic.
The United Kingdom moves the capital of the Crown Colony of the United Province of Canada from Toronto to the city of Québec.
1853 March The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom establishes its capital at Tianjing.
1 May The Argentine Confederation becomes a federal republic renamed the Argentine Nation.
24 June The United States of America makes the Gadsden Purchase, buying a tract of land from Mexico which later becomes the extreme southern parts of the U.S. states of Arizona and New Mexico.
1854 23 February The Orange Free State is established in southern Africa. Bloemfontein is the capital.
24 March The Argentine Confederation moves its capital to Paraná.
1855 7 February Russians in north of Sakhalin Island, Japanese in south, with no defined border between. (Treaty of Shimoda)
The Russian Empire recognizes Japanese sovereignty over the Kuril Islands from Iturup southwards (Treaty of Shimoda).
1856 1 January The British colony of Van Diemen's Land changes its name to Tasmania.
30 March Southern Bessarabia (part of the territory annexed by the Russian Empire in 1812) returns to Moldavia by the Treaty of Paris (1856).
28 October The United States of America claims Baker Island and Jarvis Island under the Guano Islands Act.[52]
The United Kingdom moves the capital of the Crown Colony of the United Province of Canada from the city of Québec back to Toronto.
The Sultanate of Zanzibar is established in East Africa.
1857 The Kingdom of Kongo becomes a vassal of the Kingdom of Portugal.
The Republic of Maryland is annexed by Liberia.
1858 22 May The Republic of New Granada becomes the Granadine Confederation.
28 May The Qing dynasty of China cedes Outer Manchuria to the Russian Empire by the Treaty of Aigun.
2 August The continental portion of Canada's part of Oregon Country is organized as the Colony of British Columbia.
Following the Indian Rebellion of 1857, the Mughal Empire is dissolved, and the United Kingdom establishes British India by converting the former possessions of the British East India Company into a Crown Colony. Calcutta is the capital.
13 August The United States of America claims Navassa Island under the Guano Islands Act.[52]
3 December The United States of America claims Howland Island under the Guano Islands Act.[52]
The United Kingdom moves the capital of the Crown Colony of the United Province of Canada from Toronto back to the city of Québec.
1859 24 January Moldavia unites with Wallachia to form the Romanian United Principalities.
6 June Queen Victoria signs a proclamation separating the colony of Queensland from British New South Wales.
6 September The United States of America claims Johnston Atoll under the Guano Islands Act, disputing a claim by the Kingdom of Hawaii.[52]
10 November By the Treaty of Zürich, the Austrian Empire cedes Lombardy from Lombardy-Venetia to France.
France immediately cedes Lombardy to Sardinia-Piedmont. (Treaty of Zürich)
11 November Following the Battle of Cepeda, the State of Buenos Aires rejoins the Argentine Confederation.
8 December The Duchy of Parma, the Duchy of Modena and Reggio, the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, and the Papal Legations combine to form the Sardinian client state of the United Provinces of Central Italy.
27 December The United States of America claims Enderbury Island, McKean Island, Phoenix Island, and Starbuck Island.[52]
29 December The United States of America claims Christmas Island and Malden Island under the Guano Islands Act.[52]
The United Kingdom moves the capital of the Crown Colony of the United Province of Canada from Québec back to Toronto.
Year Date Event
1860 8 February The United States of America claims Atafu, Birnie Island, Butaritari, Caroline Island, Fanning Island, Flint Island, Gardner Island, Canton Island, Kingman Reef, Manihiki, Marakei, Nukunono, Palmyra Atoll, Penrhyn, Pukapuka, Rakahanga, Swains Island, Sydney Island, Vostok Island, and Washington Island under the Guano Islands Act.[52]
22 March The United Provinces of Central Italy are annexed by Sardinia-Piedmont.
14 May The United States of America claims Alto Velo Island under the Guano Islands Act.
12 June By the Treaty of Turin, the Second French Empire annexes the County of Nice from Sardinia-Piedmont.
14 June By the Treaty of Turin, the Second French Empire annexes Savoy from Sardinia-Piedmont.
8 October The Argentine Nation becomes the Argentine Republic.
21 October The Kingdom of Two Sicilies is annexed to Sardinia-Piedmont, except for the Fortress of Gaeta.
4 November Sardinia-Piedmont annexes the Papal States of Umbria and The Marches.
20 December The State of South Carolina secedes from the United States of America, declaring itself the Republic of South Carolina.
The British colony of South Australia's western border is changed from 132°E to 129°E.
Kashmir and Jammu annexes Gilgit.[53]
1861 9 January The State of Mississippi secedes from the United States of America, declaring itself the Republic of Mississippi.
10 January The State of Florida secedes from the United States of America, declaring itself the Republic of Florida.
11 January The State of Alabama secedes from the United States of America, declaring itself the Alabama Republic.
19 January The State of Georgia secedes from the United States of America, as the independent State of Georgia.
26 January The State of Louisiana secedes from the United States of America, declaring itself the Republic of Louisiana.
1 February The State of Texas secedes from the United States of America, declaring itself the Republic of Texas.
4 February The Confederate States of America, formed from the seven seceding states, declare their independence from the United States of America. Montgomery, Alabama, is the capital for three months.
13 February Gaeta surrenders to Sardinia-Piedmont.
17 March The Kingdom of Italy is proclaimed in place of the Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont.
28 March The Arizona Territory secedes from the United States of America.
17 April The Commonwealth of Virginia secedes from the United States of America and joins the Confederate States of America.
6 May The State of Arkansas secedes from the United States of America and joins the Confederate States of America.
7 May The State of Tennessee secedes from the United States of America and joins the Confederate States of America.
20 May The State of North Carolina secedes from the United States of America and joins the Confederate States of America.
29 May The Confederate States of America moves its capital from Montgomery, Alabama, to Richmond, Virginia.
31 May The Kingdom of Bahrain becomes a protectorate of the United Kingdom.
17 September Following the Battle of Pavón, the capital city of the Argentine Confederation is moved to Buenos Aires.
31 October A splinter government of the State of Missouri declares the state's secession from the United States of America.
20 November A splinter government of the State of Kentucky declares the state's secession from the United States of America.
28 November The splinter government of Missouri is admitted to the Confederate States of America.
2 December Paraná ceases to be the capital of the Argentine Confederation.
10 December The splinter government of Kentucky is admitted to the Confederate States of America.
The Arizona Territory is annexed by the Confederate States of America as Confederate Arizona.
12 December The Argentine Republic supersedes the Argentine Confederation.
The Dominican Republic returns to Spanish rule.
The Principality of Monaco declares independence from the Second French Empire. Monaco itself is the capital.
1862 January The Tokugawa shogunate of Japan claims the Bonin Islands, disputing a claim from the United Kingdom.[54]
12 April The British colony of Queensland's western border is shifted from 141°E to 138°E.
15 April The Kingdom of Hawaii claims Palmyra Atoll, disputing a claim by the United States of America.[55]
8 October Buenos Aires is declared the provisional capital of the Argentine Republic.
12 October The State of Buenos Aires reunites with the Argentine Republic.
30 December The United States of America claims the Swan Islands under the Guano Islands Act.[52]
The United Kingdom creates the Crown Colony of British Honduras at the Settlement of Belize in the Bay of Honduras. The capital is Belize City.
Cochinchina becomes a colony of France.
1863 8 May The Granadine Confederation becomes the United States of Colombia.
20 June The Union-occupied northwestern counties of the Commonwealth of Virginia (which considers itself a part of the Confederate States of America) secede from the state and are admitted to the United States of America as the State of West Virginia.
6 July The British colony of South Australia annexes the Northern Territory from the colony of New South Wales.
Summer The Tokugawa shogunate of Japan rescinds its claim of the Bonin Islands, ending a dispute with the United Kingdom.[54]
Cambodia becomes a protectorate of France.
1864 10 April The Mexican Empire supersedes the United Mexican States.
21 May The United Kingdom transfers the Ionian Islands to Greece.
July The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom is conquered by Qing China.
15 October The United Kingdom claims Malden Island, disputing a claim by the United States of America.[56]
1865 3 March The Dominican Republic regains its independence from the Monarchy of Spain. Santo Domingo is the capital.
3 April The Confederate States of America moves its capital from Richmond to Danville, Virginia.
11 April The Confederate States of America capitulates and is reabsorbed by the United States of America, ending the American Civil War. The United States gradually readmits the eleven former Confederate states to full statehood between 24 July 1866 and 15 July 1870.
14 August Following the German-Danish War, the Kingdom of Prussia receives sole administration of the Duchy of Schleswig, while the Austrian Empire receives sole administration of Holstein. Prussia also acquires the Duchy of Saxe-Lauenburg from Austria.
The Kingdom of Italy moves its capital from Turin to Florence.
1866 6 August The United Kingdom unites the colonies of British Columbia and the Island of Vancouver and its Dependencies as the Crown Colony of British Columbia. New Westminster yields to Victoria as the capital.
20 September The Kingdom of Prussia annexes the Kingdom of Hanover.
22 October The Kingdom of Italy annexes the Kingdom of Lombardy–Venetia. Venice yields to Florence as the capital.
26 December The United Kingdom claims Starbuck Island, disputing a claim by the United States of America.[56]
The United Kingdom moves the capital of the Crown Colony of the United Province of Canada from the city of Québec to Ottawa.
The Kingdom of Prussia annexes the Duchy of Holstein.
1867 17 January The United States of America relinquishes claims on Alto Velo Island.
March Congress Poland is incorporated into the Russian Empire as Vistula Land.
1 April The Straits Settlements become a Crown Colony of the United Kingdom.
8 June Austria-Hungary is established by a compromise of the Austrian Empire and the Kingdom of Hungary. The Grand Duchy of Transylvania becomes part of the Kingdom of Hungary by the same compromise.
18 October The Russian Empire sells Alaska to the United States of America.
19 June The United Mexican States supersedes the Second Mexican Empire.
1 July The United Kingdom unites its colonies of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and the Crown Colony of the United Province of Canada as Canada. Ottawa is the capital.
The North German Confederation supersedes the German Confederation. Berlin remains the capital.
8 July The partially autonomous Khedivate of Egypt under Ismail Pasha replaces the Ottoman Egypt Eyalet.
11 July The Russian Empire establishes Russian Turkestan for the territories it has conquered in Central Asia.
28 August The United States of America claims Midway Atoll under the Guano Islands Act.[52]
11 November After its defeat in the Bhutan War, Bhutan cedes parts of its territory to British India.
1868 3 January Japan becomes the Empire of Greater Japan. The capital is moved from Kyoto to Edo, which is renamed Tokyo.
9 July The United Kingdom claims Caroline Island, disputing a claim by the United States of America.[56]
1 October The Bolivian Republic changes its name to the Republic of Bolivia.
11 December The United States of America claims Serrana Bank under the Guano Islands Act.[52]
1869 22 November The United States of America claims Bajo Nuevo Bank, Pedro Cays, Quita Sueño Bank, and Roncador Bank under the Guano Islands Act.[52][57]
Year Date Event
1870 15 July The Hudson's Bay Company transfers the North-Western Territory to Canada.
20 July The Crown Colony of British Columbia joins the Dominion of Canada.
4 September The French Third Republic supersedes the French Second Empire.
20 September Italy annexes the area around Rome, ending the Papal States, which are succeeded by the States of the Church.
1871 1 January In the unification of Germany, the German Empire supersedes the North German Confederation after the accession of Bavaria, Württemberg, Baden, and Hesse. Berlin remains the capital.
10 May Germany annexes Moselle and most of Alsace from France following the Franco-Prussian War, which becomes the Imperial Territory of Alsace-Lorraine.
20 July British Columbia joins Canada.
Rome replaces Florence as the capital of Italy.
1872 9 January Limits between Paraguay and the Brazilian Empire are established following the Paraguayan War. Brazil enlarges its Mato Grosso region.
21 October Canada rescinds its disputed claim with the United States of America over the San Juan Islands.[58]
1873 11 February The First Spanish Republic supersedes the Monarchy of Spain.
1 July Prince Edward Island joins Canada.
12 August The Emirate of Bukhara becomes a protectorate of the Russian Empire.
The Khanate of Khiva becomes a protectorate of the Russian Empire.
17 November With the unification of Buda, Óbuda, and Pest, Budapest becomes the capital of the Kingdom of Hungary.
1874 29 December The restored Monarchy of Spain supersedes the first First Spanish Republic.
1 January The British East India Company is dissolved.
1875 7 May By the Treaty of Saint Petersburg, the Empire of Japan cedes southern Sakhalin Island to Russia in exchange for the Kuril Islands north of Iturup.
The Empire of Japan reclaims the Bonin Islands.[59]
1876 3 February Limits between Paraguay and Argentina are established following the Paraguayan War. Argentina is awarded the Central Chaco (current Formosa Province) and some territories in Misiones. The territories between the Pilcomayo River and Verde River are pending arbitration.
The Russian Empire annexes the Khanate of Kokand.
1877 12 April The United Kingdom annexes the South African Republic (Republic of Transvaal) as the Transvaal Colony.
13 August The United Kingdom creates the British Western Pacific Territories. This creates two new disputes with the United States of America, over the islands of Atafu and Nukunono.
1878 3 March The Treaty of San Stefano results in the following territorial changes:
  • The Principality of Bulgaria is established. Plovdiv is the capital.
  • The Ottoman Empire recognizes Montenegro and cedes it territory, including Nikšić, Podgorica, and Antivari.
  • Serbia gains independence and annexes Niš and Leskovac.
  • The Ottoman Empire recognizes the independence of Romania.
  • Russia cedes Northern Dobruja to Romania (which had been ceded to Russia by the Ottoman Empire).
  • Romania cedes Southern Bessarabia to Russia.
  • The Ottoman Empire cedes Armenian and Georgian territories in the Caucasus to Russia, including Ardahan, Artvin, Batum, Kars, Olti, Beyazit, and Alashkert.
  • The Vilayet of Bosnia becomes an autonomous province.
  • Crete, Epirus, and Thessaly are awarded limited self-government.
21 May The Principality of Romania gains independence from the Ottoman Empire. Bucharest is the capital.
12 July The Ottoman Empire leases Cyprus as a protectorate to the United Kingdom.
13 July The Treaty of Berlin results in the following territorial changes:
  • The Principality of Bulgaria moves its capital from Plovdiv to Sofia.
  • The Principality of Bulgaria is shrunk significantly.
  • Eastern Rumelia is created as an autonomous province of the Ottoman Empire.
  • The Austro-Hungarian occupation of the Vilayet of Bosnia (Bosnia and Herzegovina) is recognized; the territory is de facto under Austro-Hungarian rule.
  • The Ottoman Empire cedes Thessaly and small parts of Epirus to Greece.
  • Alashkerd and Bayazid are returned to the Ottoman Empire.
8 September The United States of America claims , claimed by Mexico; the Morant Cays; and Serranilla Bank, claimed by Colombia, under the Guano Islands Act.[52]
12 November The territories between the Pilcomayo River and Verde River, claimed by Argentina and Paraguay, are awarded to Paraguay in an arbitration by U.S. President Rutherford B. Hayes.
Argentina begins its campaign to take control of Patagonic territories. By the end of 1879, Argentina's control extends as far as the Río Negro (modern provinces of Río Negro and La Pampa, as well as southern Mendoza, San Luis, Córdoba, and Buenos Aires Provinces).
1879 27 March The Ryukyu Kingdom is annexed by the Japanese Empire.
26 July The United States of America claims , already claimed by Mexico, under the Guano Islands Act.[52]
Portugal establishes the colony of Portuguese Guinea from the union of the territories Bissau and Cacheu.
Year Date Event
1880 30 October The Republic of Honduras moves its capital from Comayagua to Tegucigalpa, ending a century of indecision as to the country's capital.
6 December Buenos Aires is declared the official capital of the Argentine Republic.
The French Republic establishes the protectorate of French Congo. Brazzaville is the capital.
1881 14 March The Kingdom of Romania is proclaimed. Bucharest is the capital.
23 July The border between the Republic of Chile and the Argentine Republic is defined.
3 August The South African Republic (Republic of Transvaal) regains independence under British suzerainty.
Tunisia becomes a French protectorate.
The United Kingdom claims Flint Island, disputing a claim by the United States of America.[60]
1882 6 March The Kingdom of Serbia supersedes the Principality of Serbia.
1 June The United Kingdom annexes Morant Cays and Pedro Cays as part of Jamaica.[61]
1883 20 October Chile gains Tarapacá, Arica, and Tacna (Treaty of Ancón).
Argentina incorporates the Patagonian lands of modern Neuquén Province to the Limay River.
The Kingdom of Loango is annexed to French Congo.
Cabinda becomes a protectorate of the Kingdom of Portugal.
1884 4 April Chile gains Antofagasta as part of the truce ending the War of the Pacific (made permanent in 1904).
21 June The United States of America claims Alacrans Islands, already claimed by Mexico, under the Guano Islands Act.[52]
3 August The British suzerainty in the South African Republic (Republic of Transvaal) ends.
18 October Argentina ends the conquest campaign of Eastern Patagonia, subduing the remaining Amerindian resistance in the modern Provinces of Chubut and Santa Cruz.
15 November The Congo Conference in Berlin forms the basis for the division of Africa into colonies in the subsequent Scramble for Africa.
The Greenwich prime meridian becomes the international standard reference for the determination of longitude by cartographers.
German South-West Africa is created.[62]
German East Africa is created.
Togoland is created.
Kamerun is created.
German New Guinea is created and administered by the German New Guinea Company.
The United Kingdom establishes the Crown Colony of the Territory of Basutoland. Maseru is the capital.
The United Kingdom establishes the British Somaliland Protectorate. Hargeisa is the capital.
Annam and Tonkin become protectorates of France.
1885 2 May King Leopold II of Belgium establishes the Congo Free State, a private government run by the International African Association.
1 September The United Kingdom establishes the Crown Colony of British Bechuanaland. Vryburg is the capital.
6 September The Principality of Bulgaria annexes Eastern Rumelia.
29 November The Third Anglo-Burmese War ends with the fall of the Konbaung dynasty in Burma.
1886 1 January Burma becomes part of British India.
1 May King Leopold II of Belgium selects Boma as the capital of his Congo Free State.
The United States of Colombia becomes the Republic of Colombia.
1887 17 October The colony of French Indochina is established. Saigon is the capital.
16 December The Sultanate of Maldives becomes a British Protectorate.
The Kingdom of Lunda is disestablished.
Macau officially becomes a colony of Portugal.
1888 15 March The United Kingdom annexes Fanning Island, which was previously claimed by the United States of America.[63]
17 March The United Kingdom claims Christmas Island, disputing a claim by the United States of America.[56]
26 October The United Kingdom makes the Cook Islands a protectorate. This also creates a dispute with the United States of America on the atolls of Pukapuka, Manihiki, Penrhyn, and Rakahanga.[56]
The Sultanate of Maguindanao falls after Mindanao is conquered by the Kingdom of Spain.
The Bruneian Empire becomes a protectorate of the United Kingdom.
The Kingdom of Sarawak becomes a protectorate of the United Kingdom.
The United States of America claims Minami-Tori-shima using the Guano Islands Act.
1889 9 March Emperor Menelik II of Ethiopia moves his capital to Addis Ababa.
29 May The United Kingdom annexes Washington Island, which was previously claimed by the United States of America.[63]
3 June The United Kingdom claims Jarvis Island, disputing a claim by the United States of America.[56]
19 June Anglo-Egyptian Sudan is established as a colony of the United Kingdom.
26 June The United Kingdom claims Sydney Island, disputing a claim by the United States of America.[56]
29 June The United Kingdom claims Phoenix Island, disputing a claim by the United States of America.[56]
10 July The United Kingdom claims Birnie Island, disputing a claim by the United States of America.[56]
15 November The Republic of the United States of Brazil supersedes the Empire of Brazil.
The Kingdom of Luba is annexed to the Congo Free State.
The United Kingdom establishes the Crown Colony of Trinidad and Tobago from the colonies of Trinidad and Tobago.
Year Date Event
1890 1 July Heligoland is ceded by the United Kingdom to the German Empire.
29 November End of the personal union between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
Zanzibar becomes a protectorate of the United Kingdom.
1891 Pratap Singh defeats the ruler of Chitral and forces Hunza and Nagar to accept the suzerainty of Kashmir and Jammu state.
1892 8 March The United Kingdom annexes the Gilbert Islands as a protectorate. This takes the islands of Butaritari and Marakei from the existing United States of America claim.[56]
28 May The United Kingdom claims Gardner Island, disputing a claim by the United States of America.[56]
The Sultanate of Muscat and Oman becomes a protectorate of the United Kingdom.
1893 6 July Nyasaland becomes a protectorate of the United Kingdom. Zomba is the capital.
3 October France conquers the Kingdom of Luang Phrabang from Siam and makes it part of French Indochina.
1894 4 July The Republic of Hawaii supersedes the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi.
17 November The United States of America rescinds its claims to the Alacrans Islands, , and , which were disputed with Mexico.[52]
Uganda becomes a protectorate of the United Kingdom. Entebbe is the capital.
1895 5 February The border between the Republic of the United States of Brazil and the Argentine Republic is arbitrated by U.S. President Grover Cleveland.
17 April The Qing dynasty of China cedes Taiwan to the Empire of Japan by the Treaty of Shimonoseki.
23 May The Republic of Formosa declares independence upon its annexation by the Empire of Japan. Taipei is the capital.
June The Republic of Formosa moves its capital from Taipei to Tainan.
15 June The United Kingdom establishes the East Africa Protectorate. Mombasa is the capital.
23 October The Empire of Japan conquers the Republic of Formosa. Taiwan becomes a Japanese colony under the name Takasago Koku. Taihoku is the capital.
27 October France creates French West Africa. Saint-Louis is the capital.
16 November The United Kingdom annexes the Crown Colony of British Bechuanaland to the Cape Colony. Vryburg yields to Cape Town as the capital.
The United Kingdom establishes the Federated Malay States as a protectorate from a number of British-dominated Sultanates on the Malay Peninsula. Kuala Lumpur is the capital.
1897 The Kingdom of Madagascar becomes a protectorate of France.
The Zulu Kingdom becomes part of the British Colony of Natal.
The Joseon Dynasty becomes the Korean Empire.
The Kingdom of Benin is annexed by the United Kingdom.
1898 29 May After occupying the territory on April 22, France forces Qing China to lease it Guangzhouwan for a period of 99 years.
9 June Through the Convention for the Extension of Hong Kong Territory, Qing China lends Hong Kong to the United Kingdom for a period of 99 years.
12 June The Philippine Republic declares independence from the Kingdom of Spain. Malolos is the capital.
24 July The Empire of Japan annexes Minami-Tori-shima, disputing a prior claim by the United States of America.[64]
25 July The United States of America seizes control of Puerto Rico from the Spanish Empire during the Spanish–American War.
12 August The United States of America annexes the Republic of Hawaii as the Territory of Hawaii.
2 November The Puna de Atacama dispute is resolved by arbitration: of the 75,000 square kilometres (29,000 sq mi) in dispute, 64,000 square kilometres (25,000 sq mi), 85%, is awarded to the Argentine Republic and 11,000 square kilometres (4,200 sq mi), 15%, to the Republic of Chile.
10 December The Spanish–American War concludes with the Treaty of Paris, by which the Monarchy of Spain cedes four of its dependencies to the United States of America:
  • The Captaincy General of Cuba. Havana is the capital.
  • The Captaincy General of Puerto Rico. San Juan is the capital.
  • The Captaincy General of the Philippines. Manila is the Spanish capital. (The Philippine Republic maintains its sovereignty with Malolos as its capital.)
  • The Island of Guam.
The Republic of Bolivia moves its administrative capital from Sucre to La Paz. Sucre remains the constitutional and judicial capital.
1899 17 January The United States of America claims Wake Island.[65]
14 July The first Republic of Acre declares independence from Bolivia. The capital is .
2 December Following the Tripartite Convention:
  • The Kingdom of Samoa is partitioned between German Samoa and American Samoa.
  • The islands east and southeast of Bougainville belonging to German New Guinea are ceded to the British Solomon Islands.
  • The neutral zone in West Africa is split between British Gold Coast and German Togoland.
The German Empire takes over the administration of German New Guinea from the German New Guinea Company.
The Sheikhdom of Kuwait becomes a protectorate of the United Kingdom.
The United States of America claims Fox Island, disputing Canada's claim.[66][67]


See also[]


  1. ^ Other sources note a resolution passed by the citizens of Indian Stream on April 2, 1836.[47]


  1. ^ Middleton, John (2015). World Monarchies and Dynasties. Routledge. p. 79. ISBN 9781317451587.
  2. ^ Lipschits, Oled (2005). The Fall and Rise of Jerusalem: Judah under Babylonian Rule. Eisenbrauns. p. 14. ISBN 978-1575060958.
  3. ^ Gill, N.S. "Roman Empire Dominate Timeline". About.com Education. Archived from the original on 13 October 2012. Retrieved 21 October 2017.
  4. ^ "The Kushan Empire | Boundless World History". courses.lumenlearning.com. Retrieved 20 August 2020.
  5. ^ "Founding of the Frankish Empire". study.com. Retrieved 20 August 2020.
  6. ^ "Chronology of Byzantine Empire (330–1453 A.D.)". thelatinlibrary.com. Archived from the original on 22 October 2017. Retrieved 21 October 2017.
  7. ^ "Abbasid caliphate | Achievements, Capital, & Facts". Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 20 August 2020.
  8. ^ Putz, Catherine. "The Battle That Kept the Chinese Out of Central Asia". thediplomat.com. Retrieved 20 August 2020.
  9. ^ Atlas of World History. Harper Collins. 2001. p. 106
  10. ^ "Bulgaria | History, Language, & Points of Interest". Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 20 August 2020.
  11. ^ "World History Timeline: 12th Century (1101 to 1200)". www.fsmitha.com. Retrieved 20 August 2020.
  12. ^ Rodgers, Paul. "Why The Mongol Horde Retreated From Europe". Forbes. Retrieved 21 August 2020.
  13. ^ "Republic of Senarica (Italy)".
  14. ^ "Timurid Empire".
  15. ^ Christopher Columbus Archived 16 December 2014 at the Wayback Machine Encyclopædia Britannica. 2010. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 8 June 2010.
  16. ^ Beck, Roger et al.(2008). World History: Patterns of Interaction. p. 417
  17. ^ Schaghen, P. (5 November 1626). "Document: The Purchase of Manhattan Island, 1626 – Dutch New York". Dutch New York. Archived from the original on 24 October 2017. Retrieved 21 October 2017.
  18. ^ "A Plan of the Estate Called Jonas's Situated in the Division of North Sound in the Island of Antigua, the Property of Peter Langford Brooke, Esquire". World Digital Library. Retrieved 19 April 2013.
  19. ^ "Diocesan History". Anglican Communications Department. 2009. Archived from the original on 5 May 2009. Retrieved 7 May 2009.
  20. ^ Charles Prestwood Lucas (2009). A Historical Geography of the British Colonies: The West Indies. General Books LLC. p. 143. ISBN 978-1-4590-0868-7.
  21. ^ Jump up to: a b "Encyclopedia Britannica – Anguilla". Retrieved 12 July 2019.
  22. ^ "The Anguilla House of Assembly Elections". Government of Anguilla. 2007. Archived from the original on 13 August 2007. Retrieved 9 June 2015.
  23. ^ Beck, Roger et al.(2008). World History: Patterns of Interaction. p. 555
  24. ^ Marley (2005), p. 7.
  25. ^ Marley (1998), p. 226.
  26. ^ Welcome Archived 15 October 2008 at the Wayback Machine parliament.uk, accessed 30 July 2009
  27. ^ Beck, Roger et al.(2008). World History: Patterns of Interaction. p. 513
  28. ^ Court, New Hampshire (Colony) Probate (1877). Provincial and State Papers relating to New Hampshire. pp. 242–246. Retrieved 16 January 2017.
  29. ^ Jump up to: a b Vermont State Papers, pp. 89–103
  30. ^ Jump up to: a b c d "The Historical Geography of Vermont". Archived from the original on 12 January 2016. Retrieved 24 January 2016.
  31. ^ Jump up to: a b "East Union". The Vermont Encyclopedia. University Press of New England. 2003. p. 111. ISBN 978-1-58465-086-7. 1584650869.
  32. ^ Jump up to: a b c Van Zandt, pp. 64–65
  33. ^ Stat. 191
  34. ^ Vermont State Papers, pp. 136–137: "Agreeably to the recommendation of the committees, the Legislature of Vermont was adjourned to the first Wednesday of April [1781]; at which time, it met at Windsor, and the union of the grants, east and west of Connecticut river, was consummated"
  35. ^ Vermont State Papers, pp. 138–141
  36. ^ Jump up to: a b "West Union". The Vermont Encyclopedia. University Press of New England. 2003. p. 319. ISBN 978-1-58465-086-7. 1584650869.
  37. ^ Vermont v. New Hampshire, 289 U.S. 593 (1933)
  38. ^ Chavez p.208
  39. ^ "Treaty of Friendship, Limits, and Navigation Between Spain and The United States; October 27, 1795". The Avalon Project at Yale Law School. Archived from the original on 12 November 2015. Retrieved 30 October 2015.
  40. ^ Van Zandt, p. 22
  41. ^ Jump up to: a b Higgs, Robert. ""Not Merely Perfidious but Ungrateful": The U.S. Takeover of West Florida". Independent Institute. Archived from the original on 23 May 2016. Retrieved 14 June 2016.
  42. ^ Van Zandt, pp. 14–15
  43. ^ Stat. 248
  44. ^ "Treaties in Force" (PDF). United States Department of State. Retrieved 14 July 2015.
  45. ^ Jump up to: a b "The United States Formally Takes Control of Florida (July 17, 1821)". State Library and Archives of Florida. Archived from the original on 8 September 2015. Retrieved 14 July 2015.
  46. ^ Chapman, David (2016). The Bonin Islanders, 1830 to the Present: Narrating Japanese Nationality. London: Routledge. p. 27. ISBN 978-2015049366.
  47. ^ Jump up to: a b Keedy, Edwin R. (January 1953). "The Constitutions of the State of Franklin, the Indian Stream Republic and the State of Deseret". University of Pennsylvania Law Review. 101 (4): 521–525. doi:10.2307/3309935. JSTOR 3309935.
  48. ^ Foreign Office, Great Britain (1852). British and Foreign State Papers. p. 444. Retrieved 28 June 2016.
  49. ^ "Text of "The Webster–Ashburton Treaty"". The Avalon Project at Yale Law School. Archived from the original on 25 August 2006. Retrieved 4 August 2006.
  50. ^ Chohan, Amar Singh (1 January 1997). Gilgit Agency 1877-1935Second Reprint. Atlantic Publishers & Dist. ISBN 9788171561469.
  51. ^ Treaty between the United States of America and the United Kingdom Concerning the Boundary between the United States and the Dominion of Canada from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, signed April 11, 1908; accessed June 30, 2015
  52. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Moore, John Bassett (1906). "A Digest of International Law as Embodied in Diplomatic Discussions, Treaties and Other International Agreements, International Awards, the Decisions of Municipal Courts, and the Writings of Jurists and Especially in Documents, Published and Unpublished, Issued by Presidents and Secretaries of State of the United States, the Opinions of the Attorneys-General, and the Decisions of Courts, Federal and State". Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. pp. 566–580. Archived from the original on 1 May 2016.
  53. ^ "Imperial Gazetteer2 of India, Volume 15, page 93 – Imperial Gazetteer of India – Digital South Asia Library". dsal.uchicago.edu. Archived from the original on 3 March 2016. Retrieved 11 June 2016.
  54. ^ Jump up to: a b Rüegg, Jonas (2017). "Mapping the Forgotten Colony: The Ogasawara Islands and the Tokugawa Pivot to the Pacific". Cross-Currents, vol. 6(2). pp. 440–490. Retrieved 24 November 2018.
  55. ^ "Palmyra Atoll". Office of Insular Affairs. Archived from the original on 10 September 2015. Retrieved 8 July 2015.
  56. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h i j k "Chronology". Historical Dictionary of the British Empire. London: Rowman & Littlefield. 2015. pp. xix–xxxviii. ISBN 978-0-8108-7524-1. Archived from the original on 8 April 2016. Retrieved 4 July 2015.
  57. ^ "Acquisition Process of Insular Areas". United States Department of the Interior Office of Insular Affairs. Archived from the original on 15 August 2016. Retrieved 15 July 2016.
  58. ^ Van Zandt, p. 18
  59. ^ [1] Language and Citizenship in Japan, edited by Nanette Gottlieb, Chapter 10, p. 176
  60. ^ "Flint Island". Historical Dictionary of the British Empire. London: Rowman & Littlefield. 2015. p. 191. ISBN 978-0-8108-7524-1. Archived from the original on 12 May 2016. Retrieved 2 July 2015.
  61. ^ Letters Patent ... for the Annexation of Morant and Pedro Cays to the Island of Jamaica Archived April 17, 2016, at the Wayback Machine
  62. ^ Evans, Alistair. "What Caused the Scramble for Africa". About Education. About.com. Archived from the original on 7 April 2016. Retrieved 28 April 2016.
  63. ^ Jump up to: a b "Unknown title". United Empire. Royal Colonial Institute. 4: 266. 1914. Retrieved 22 June 2015.
  64. ^ Kuroda (1954) p. 87
  65. ^ "Wake Island Occupation" (PDF). The New York Times. 21 March 1899. Retrieved 14 May 2015.[dead link]
  66. ^ "Guano is Back...". McGill University, March 20, 2017
  67. ^ Haiti's claim over Navassa Island: a case study. World Maritime University, 2014
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