Trans Jogja

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Trans Jogja
Trans Jogja bus at Malioboro 2 bus shelter
LocaleSpecial Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Transit typeBus rapid transit
Number of lines17
Number of stations267[1]
Daily ridership1,402 (2020)[2]
Began operationFebruary 2008
Operator(s)PT Jogja Tugu Trans
PT Anindya Mitra International
Number of vehicles128

Trans Jogja is a bus rapid transit (BRT) system operates in Yogyakarta and surrounding areas as shelters, with 17 different routes. Trans Jogja operates from 5:30 AM until 9:30 PM.[3]

Trans Jogja is currently operated by PT Jogja Tugu Trans, a consortium of Perum DAMRI and public transport cooperatives in Special Region of Yogyakarta (Koperasi Pemuda Sleman, Kopata, Aspada, Kobutri, and Puskopkar), and PT Anindya Mitra Internasional, a province-owned company.[4] Their operations are under auspices of Office of Transportation of the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

In April 2020, the system had a daily ridership of 1,402, lower than normal amounts of 20,000-22,000 because of the COVID-19 pandemic.[2]


Ticket costs on Trans Jogja are trip based. Passengers pay for one trip and can go any distance along the bus route. Changing buses is free as long as it is done within one hour from the start of the first trip.

Ticket Types[]

  • Single-Trip Ticket: Can be purchased at any stop for Rp.3,500 per trip.
  • Regular Ticket: Can only be purchased at POS locations. Each trip using a Regular Ticket costs Rp.2,000. The Regular Ticket, unlike the Single-Trip Ticket, can be reloaded with Rp.15,000, Rp.25,000, Rp.50,000, or Rp.100,000 at a time.
  • Regular Ticket (Student): Each trip using this student version of the Regular Ticket costs Rp.1,800. These can only be obtained through an educational institution.

Regular tickets can only be purchased from the point-of-sale (POS) at the following locations:

  • Halte Bandara Adisucipto
  • Halte Terminal Jombor
  • Halte Laksda Adisucipto (Ambarrukmo Plaza)
  • Halte Terminal Giwangan
  • Halte Senopati Taman Pintar Yogyakarta
  • Halte Tentara Pelajar SAMSAT
  • Halte Sudirman Bethesda


The route map as of 2017

Line 1A[]

Terminal Prambanan – S5. Kalasan – Bandara Adisucipto – S3. Maguwoharjo – Janti (bawah) – S3. UIN Kalijaga – S4. Demangan – S4. Gramedia – S4. Tugu – Stasiun TuguMalioboro – S4. Kantor Pos Besar – S4. Gondomanan – S4. Pasar Sentul – S4. SGM – Gembira Loka – S4. Babadan Gedongkuning – JEC – S4. Blok O – Janti (atas) – S3. Maguwoharjo – Bandara Adisucipto – S5. Kalasan – Terminal Prambanan.

Line 1B[]

Bandara Adisucipto – S3. Maguwoharjo – S3.Babarsari – Janti (lewat bawah) – S4. Blok O – JEC - S4. Babadan -Gedongkuning – Gembira Loka – S4. SGM – S4. Pasar Sentul - S4. Gondomanan – S4. Kantor Pos Besar - S3. RS.PKU Muhammadiyah – S3. Pasar Kembang - S4. Badran – Bundaran SAMSAT – S4. Pingit – S4. Tugu – S4. Gramedia – Bundaran UGM – S3. Colombo – S4. Demangan – Terminal Condongcatur – S3. UIN Sunan Kalijaga – Janti – S3. Maguwoharjo – Bandra Adisucipto.

Line 2A[]

Terminal Jombor – S4. Monjali – S4. Tugu – Stasiun Tugu – Malioboro – S4. Kantor Pos Besar – S4. Gondomanan – S4. Jokteng Wetan – S4. Tungkak – S4. Gambiran – S3 . Basen – S4. Rejowinangun – S4. Babadan Gedongkuning – Gembira Loka – S4. SGM – S3. Cendana – S4. Mandala Krida – S4. Gayam – Flyover Lempuyangan – Kridosono – S4. Duta Wacana – S4. Galeria – S4. Gramedia – Bundaran UGM – S3. Colombo – Terminal Condongcatur – S4. Kentungan – S4. Monjali – Terminal Jombor.

Line 2B[]

Terminal Jombor – S4. Monjali – S4. Kentungan – Terminal Condong Catur – S3. Colombo – Bundaran UGM – S4. Gramedia – Kridosono – S4. Duta Wacana – Fly-over Lempuyangan – S4. Gayam – S4. Mandala Krida – S3. Cendana – S4. SGM – Gembiraloka– S4. Babadan Gedongkuning – S4. Rejowinangun – S3. Basen – S4.Tungkak – S4. Joktengwetan – S4. Gondomanan – S4. Kantor Pos Besar – S3. RS PKU Muhammadiyah – S4. Ngabean – S4. Wirobrajan – S3. BPK – S4. Badran – Bundaran SAMSAT – S4. Pingit – S4. Tugu – S4. Monjali – Terminal Jombor.

Line 3A[]

Terminal Giwangan – S4. Tegalgendu – S3. HS-Silver – Jl. Nyi Pembayun – S3. Pegadaian Kotagede – S3. Basen – S4. Rejowinangun – S4. Babadan Gedongkuning – JEC – S4. Blok O – Janti (lewat atas) – S3. Janti – S3. Maguwoharjo – Bandara ADISUCIPTO – S3. Maguwoharjo – Ringroad Utara – Terminal Condongcatur – S4. Kentungan – S4. MM UGM – S4. MirotaKampus – S3. Gondolayu – S4. Tugu – S4. Pingit – Bundaran SAMSAT – S4. Badran – S3. PasarKembang – Stasiun TUGU – Malioboro – S4. Kantor Pos Besar – S3. RS PKU Muhammadiyah – S4. Ngabean – S4. Jokteng Kulon – S4. Plengkung Gading – S4. Jokteng Wetan – S4. Tungkak – S4.Wirosaban – S4. Tegalgendu – Terminal Giwangan.

Line 3B[]

Terminal Giwangan – S4. Tegalgendu – S4. Wirosaban – S4. Tungkak – S4.Jokteng Wetan – S4. Plengkung Gading – S4. JoktengKulon – S4. Ngabean – S3. RS PKU Muhammadiyah – S3. Pasar Kembang – S4. Badran – Bundaran SAMSAT – S4. Pingit – S4. Tugu – S3. Gondolayu – S4. Mirota Kampus – S4. MM UGM – S4. Kentungan – Terminal Condong Catur – Ringroad Utara – S3. Maguwoharjo – Bandara Adisucipto – S3. Maguwoharjo – JANTI (langsung fly over) – S4. Blok O – JEC – S4. Babadan Gedongkuning – S4. Rejowinangun – S3. Basen – S3. Pegadaian Kotagede – Jl.Nyi Pembayun – S3. HS-Silver – S4. Tegalgendu – Terminal Giwangan

Line 4A[]

Terminal Giwangan - Jl. Imogiri Timur - Jl. Pramuka - Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan - Jl. Menteri Supeno - Jl. Taman Siswa - Jl. Sultan Agung - Jl. Gadjah Mada - Jl. Hayam Wuruk - Stadion Kridosono - Jl. Hayam Wuruk - Jl. Gadjah Mada - Jl. Sultan Agung - Jl. Taman Siswa - Jl. Menteri Supeno - Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan - Jl. Pramuka - Jl. Imogiri Timur - Terminal Giwangan

Line 4B[]

Terminal Giwangan - XT Square - SGM - Balaikota - UIN - Kridosono - Balai Yasa - UIN - Terminal Giwangan - Jl. Imogiri Timur - Jl. Pramuka - Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan - Jl. Veteran - Jl. Pandean - Jl. Glagahsari - Jl. Kusumanegara - Jl. Sidobali - Jl. Ipda Tut Harsono - Jl. Urip Sumoharjo - Jl. Sudirman - Jl. Suroto - Jl. Wardani - Jl. Kusbini - Jl. Langensari - Jl. Urip Sumoharjo - Jl. Ipda Tut Harsono - Jl. Sidobali - Jl. Kusumanegara - Jl. Glagahsari - Jl. Pandean - Jl. Veteran - Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan - Jl. Pramuka - Jl. Imogiri Timur - Terminal Giwangan

Line 5A[]

Terminal Jombor - S4 Jombor - Jl Magelang - S3 Borobudur Plaza - Jl Sardjito - S4 Mirota Kampus - Bundaran UGM - S3 Colombo - Jl Gejayan - S4 Demangan - Laksda Adisutjipto - Kledokan - Seturan - Ringroad Utara

Line 5B[]

Terminal Jombor - Kampus Magister Manajemen UGM - Bundaran UGM - Terban - Jalan Magelang - Terminal Jombor

Line 6A[]

Terminal Ngabean - Simpang empat Patang Puluhan - Simpang Empat Madukismo - Ring Road Selatan - UMY -Gamping - Jalan Wates - PGRI - Terminal Ngabean

Line 6B[]

Terminal Ngabean - PGRI - Jalan Wates - Gamping - UMY - Ring Road Selatan - Simpang Empat Madukismo - Simpang empat Patang Puluhan - Terminal Ngabean

Line 7[]

Terminal Giwangan - Jl. Imogiri Timur - Jl. Pramuka - S3. Pramuka - Jl. Veteran - Jl. Ki Penjawi - Jl. Rejowinangun - S4. Ketandan - Ringroad Selatan - Jalan Janti - S3. Janti - Jl. Laksda Adisutjipto - S3. Babarsari - Jl. Babarsari - S3. Citrouli - Jl. Kledokan - S3. PU Pengairan - Jl. Laksda Adisutjipto - S3. Janti - Jalan Janti - Ringroad Selatan - S4. Ketandan - Jl. Rejowinangun - Jl. Ki Penjawi – Jl. Veteran – S3. Pramuka – Jl. Pramuka – Jl. Imogiri Timur – Terminal Giwangan

Line 8[]

Terminal Jombor - S4. Jombor - Ringroad Utara - S4. Demak Ijo - Jl. Godean - S3. Jati Kencana - Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto - Jl. Pembela Tanah Air - S4. Badran - Jl. Jlagran Lor - Jl. Pasar Kembang - Jl. Abubakar Ali - S3. Jembatan Kewek - Jl Abubakar Ali - S3. Hotel Garuda - Jl. Malioboro - Jl. Margo Mulyo - S4. Titik 0 Km - Jl. KH Ahmad Dahlan - S4. Ngabean - Jl. KH Wahid Hasyim - Terminal Ngabean - Jl. KH Wahid Hasyim - Jl. Bantul (PASTHY) - S4. Dongkelan - Ringroad Selatan - S4. Druwo - Jl. Parangtritis - S4. Jokteng Wetan - Jl. Mayjend Sutoyo - Jl. MT Haryono - S4. Jokteng Kulon - Jl. KH Wahid Hasyim - Terminal Ngabean - S4. Ngabean - Jl. KH Ahmad Dahlan - S4. RS PKU Muhammadiyah - Jl. Bhayangkara - Jl. Gandekan - S3. Pasar Kembang - Jl. Jlagran Lor - S4. Badran - Jl. Pembela Tanah Air - Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto - S3. Jati Kencana - Jl Godean - S4. Demak Ijo – Ringroad Utara – S4. Jombor – Terminal Jombor

Line 9[]

Terminal Giwangan - Ringroad Selatan - S4. Dongkelan - Jl. Bantul - Jl. KH Wahid Hasyim - Terminal Ngabean - Jl. Letjen Suprapto - Bundaran Samsat - Jl. Tentara Pelajar - S4. Pingit - Jl Magelang - S4. Jombor - Terminal Jombor - S4. Jombor - Jalan Magelang - S4. Pingit - Jl. Tentara Pelajar - Bundaran Samsat - Jl. Letjen Suprapto - S4. Ngabean - Terminal Ngabean - Jl. KH Wahid Hasyim - S4. Jokteng Kulon - Jl. MT Haryono - Jl. Mayjen Sutoyo - S4. Jokteng Wetan - Jl. Parangtritis - S4. Druwo - Ringroad Selatan - Terminal Giwangan

Line 10[]

Park and Ride Gamping - Jl. Wates - UMY – Sonosewu - UPY - Terminal Ngabean - Jl. KH Ahmad Dahlan - Jl. Panembahan Senopati - S4. Gondomanan - Jl. Mayor Suryotomo - Jl. Mataram - Jl. Abubakar Ali - S3 Gardu PLN - Jl. Yos Sudarso (Bundaran Kridosono) - Jl. Lempuyangan - S4. Flyover Lempuyangan - Jl. Kompol Bambang Suprapto - Jl. Melati Wetan - S4 APMD - Jl. Ipda Tut Harsono - S4. Balai Kota - Jl. Kenari - S4. SGM - Jl. Mayor Suryotomo - S4. Gondomanan - Jl. Panembahan Senopati - Jl. KH Ahmad Dahlan - Terminal Ngabean - UPY - Sonosewu - UMY - Jl. Wates - Park and Ride Gamping

Line 11[]

Terminal Giwangan - Ringroad Selatan - S4 Wojo - Jl. Imogiri Barat - S4 Pasar Telo - Jl. Menukan - S4 Menukan - Jl. Parangtritis - S3 Mangkuyudan - Jl. Mangkuyudan - Jl. Jend Panjaitan - S4 Plengkung Gading - Jl. MT Haryono - S4 Jokteng Kulon - Jl Wahid Hasyim - Terminal Ngabean - Jl. Suprapto - Bundaran Samsat - Jl. Tentara Pelajar - S4 Pingit - Jl. Diponegoro - S4 Tugu - Jl. Am Sangaji - S4 Borobudur Plaza - Jl RW Monginsidi - Jl. Sarjito - S4 Mirota Ugm - Jl Terban - Jl. Colombo - S4 Colombo - Jl. Affandi - S4 Condongcatur - Terminal Condongcatur - S4 Condongcatur - Jl Affandi - S4 Colombo - Jl. Colombo - Bundaran UGM - Jl. Cik Di Tiro - Jl. Suroto - Kridosono (Jl. Yos Sudarso) - Jl. Faridan Muridan Noto - S3 Jembatan Gondolayu - Jl. Jend Sudirman - Jl. Diponegoro - S4 Pingit - Jl. Tentara Pelajar - Bundaran Samsat - Jl. Suprapto - Terminal Ngabean - Jl. Wahid Hasyim - S4 Jokteng Kulon - Jl. MT Haryono - S4 Plengkung Gading - Jl. Jend Panjaitan - Jl. Mangkuyudan - S3 Mangkuyudan - Jl. Parangtritis - S4 Menukan - Jl. Menukan - S4 Pasar Telo - Jl. Imogiri Barat - S4 Wojo - Ringroad Selatan - Terminal Giwangan


  1. ^ Data Trans Jogja. Office of Transportation, Government of Special Region of Yogyakarta. Retrieved 14 December 2020.
  2. ^ a b Husna, Maruti Asmaul (1 May 2020). "Penumpang Trans Jogja Menurun 93 Persen Lebih, Mulai 1 Mei 2020 Jumlah Armada Dikurangi 30 Persen". (in Indonesian). Retrieved 24 January 2022.
  3. ^ Website of Trans Jogja
  4. ^ "Pemprov Tetap Akan Tambah 13 Trayek Bus Trans Jogja". Harian Jogja. 14 November 2013. Retrieved 10 August 2017.
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