List of banned substances in baseball

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Major League Baseball's drug policy prohibits players from using, possessing, selling, facilitating the sale of, distributing, or facilitating the distribution of any Drug of Abuse and/or Steroid. Any and all drugs or substances listed under Schedule II of the Controlled Substances Act are considered drugs of abuse covered by the Program. Players who require prescription medication can still use it with a "Therapeutic Use Exemption" granted by the MLB.

List of banned substances (not exhaustive)[]

Drugs of abuse[]

  1. Synthetic THC and cannabimimetics (e.g., K2 and Spice)
  2. Cocaine
  3. LSD
  4. Opiates (e.g., fentanyl, oxycodone, heroin, codeine, and morphine)
  5. MDMA (Ecstasy)
  6. GHB
  7. Phencyclidine (PCP)


  1. Androstadienedione
  2. Androstanediol
  3. Androstanedione
  4. (ATD)
  5. Androstenediol
  6. Androstenedione
  7. Androstenetrione (6-OXO)
  8. Bolandiol
  9. Bolasterone
  10. Boldenone
  11. Boldione
  12. Calusterone
  13. Clenbuterol
  14. Clostebol
  15. Danazol
  16. Dehydrochloromethyltestosterone
  17. Desoxy-methyltestosterone
  18. Δ1-Dihydrotestosterone
  19. Drostanolone
  20. Epitestosterone
  21. Ethylestrenol
  22. Fluoxymesterone
  23. Formebolone
  24. Furazabol
  25. Gestrinone
  26. 4-Hydroxytestosterone
  27. 4-Hydroxy-19-nortestosterone
  28. Mestanolone
  29. Mesterolone
  30. Methandienone
  31. Methandriol
  32. Methasterone (Superdrol)
  33. Methenolone
  34. Methyldienolone
  35. Methylnortestosterone
  36. Methyltestosterone
  37. Methyltrienolone (Metribolone)
  38. Mibolerone
  39. Nandrolone
  40. Norandrostenediol
  41. Norandrostenedione
  42. Norbolethone
  43. Norclostebol
  44. Norethandrolone
  45. Oxabolone
  46. Oxandrolone
  47. Oxymesterone
  48. Oxymetholone
  49. Prostanozol
  50. Quinbolone
  51. Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs)
  52. Stanozolol
  53. Stenbolone
  54. Testosterone
  55. Tetrahydrogestrinone
  56. Tibolone
  57. Trenbolone
  58. Zeranol
  59. Zilpaterol
  60. Any salt, ester or ether of a drug or substance listed above
  61. Human growth hormone (hGH)
  62. Insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), including all isomers of IGF-1 (mechano growth factors)
  63. Gonadotrophins (including LH and hCG)
  64. Aromatase inhibitors, including anastrozole, letrozole, aminoglutethimide, exemestane, formestane, and testolactone
  65. Selective estrogen receptor modulators, including raloxifen, tamoxifen, and toremifen
  66. Other Anti-estrogens, including clomiphene, cyclofenil, and fulvestrant


  1. Adrafinil
  2. Amfepramone (diethylproprion)
  3. Amiphenazole
  4. Amphetamine
  5. Amphetaminil
  6. Armodafinil
  7. Benfluorex
  8. Benzphetamine
  9. Benzylpiperazine
  10. Bromantan
  11. Carphedon
  12. Cathine (norpseudoephedrine)
  13. Chloroamphetamine
  14. Clobenzorex
  15. Cropropamide
  16. Crotetamide
  17. Dimethylamphetamine
  18. Ephedrine
  19. Etamivan
  20. Ethylamphetamine
  21. Etilefrine
  22. Famprofazone
  23. Fenbutrazate
  24. Fencamfamine
  25. Fenethylline
  26. Fenfluramine
  27. Fenproporex
  28. Furfenorex
  29. Heptaminol
  30. Isometheptene
  31. Meclofenoxate
  32. Mefenorex
  33. Mesocarb
  34. Mephentermine
  35. Methamphetamine (methylamphetamine)
  36. Methylenedioxyamphetamine
  37. Methylephedrine
  38. Methylhexaneamine (dimethylamylamine, DMAA)
  39. Modafinil
  40. Nikethamide
  41. Norfenefrine
  42. Norfenfluramine
  43. Octopamine
  44. Oxilofrine
  45. Pemoline
  46. Pentetrazol
  47. Phentermine
  48. Phenpromethamine
  49. Prenylamine
  50. Prolintane
  51. Phendimetrazine (phenmetrazine)
  52. Propylhexedrine
  53. Pyrovalerone
  54. Sibutramine
  55. Tuaminoheptane

Prohibited Substances may be added to the list only by the unanimous vote of HPAC, provided that the addition by the federal government of a substance to Schedule I, II, or III will automatically result in that substance being added to the list.

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