List of sovereign states in the 1880s

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Sovereign states by year
List of sovereign states in 1879 Events of 1880 List of sovereign states in 1881

Sovereign states[]



  •  Baguirmi – Kingdom of Baguirmi
  • Bali – Kingdom of Bali
  •  Baol – Kingdom of Baol
  •  Barotseland – Kingdom of Barotseland
  •  Belgium – Kingdom of Belgium
  •  Benin – Benin Empire
  •  Bhutan – Kingdom of Bhutan
  •  Bolivia – Republic of Bolivia
  • Bora Bora – Kingdom of Bora Bora
  • Bornu – Bornu Empire
  •  Brazil
  •  Brunei – Sultanate of Brunei
  • Buganda – Kingdom of Buganda
  • Bulgaria – Principality of Bulgaria
  • Bulungan (to 1880)
  • Bunyoro – Kingdom of Bunyoro-Kitara
  • Burma – Kingdom of Burma (to 1885)
  •  Burundi – Kingdom of Burundi (to November 8, 1884)



  •  Dagbon – Kindom of Dagbon
  • Dahomey – Kingdom of Dahomey
  • Dai Nam – Dai Nam Realm (to August 25, 1883)
  •  Denmark – Kingdom of Denmark
  •  Dhala
  •  Dominican Republic




  •  Garo – Kingdom of Garo (to 1883)
  •  Gaza – Gaza Empire
  •  Geledi – Geledi Sultanate
  •  Gera – Kingdom of Gera (to 1887)
  •  Germany – German Empire
  •  Gomma – Kingdom of Gomma (to 1886)
  • Gowa
  • Greece – Kingdom of Greece
  • Guatemala – Republic of Guatemala
  •  Gumma – Kingdom of Gumma (to 1885)
  •  Gyaaman – State of Gyaaman


  • Ha'il – Emirate of Ha'il
  •  Haiti – Republic of Haiti
  • Et harrar.png Harar – Emirate of Harar (to 1887)
  • Hawaii – Kingdom of Hawaii
  •  Honduras – Republic of Honduras
  • Huahine – Kingdom of Huahine
  • Hunza – State of Hunza


  • Isaaq – Isaaq Sultanate (to 1884)
  • Italy – Kingdom of Italy


  •  Janjero – Kingdom of Janjero
  •  Japan – Empire of Japan
  •  Jimma – Kingdom of Jimma (to 1884)
  • Johor – Sultanate of Johor (to December 11, 1885)
  •  Jolof – Jolof Kingdom (to 1889)


  •  Kaffa – Kingdom of Kaffa
  • Kakongo – Kingdom of Kakongo (to 1885)
  • Kano – Emirate of Kano
  •  Kathiri
  •  Kénédougou – Kénédougou Kingdom
  •  Khasso – Kingdom of Khasso (to 1880)
  •  Kong – Kong Empire
  • Kongo – Kingdom of Kongo
  • Korea – Kingdom of Great Joseon
  •  Koya Temne – Kingdom of Koya
  •  Kuba – Kingdom of Kuba (to 1884)


  •  Liberia – Republic of Liberia
  •  Liechtenstein – Principality of Liechtenstein
  •  Limmu-Ennarea – Kingdom of Limmu-Ennarea
  • Loango – Kingdom of Loango (to 1883)
  • Lower Yafa – Sultanate of Lower Yafa
  •  Luba – Luba Empire (to 1889)
  •  Lunda – Lunda Empire (to 1887)
  •  Luxembourg – Grand Duchy of Luxembourg


  •  Mahra
  • Maldives – Sultanate of Maldives (to 1887)
  •  Manipur – Kingdom of Manipur
  •  Maravi – Kingdom of Maravi
  •  Matabeleland – Matabele Kingdom
  •  Mbunda – Mbunda Kingdom
  • Merina – Kingdom of Imerina
  •  Mexico – United Mexican States
  •  Monaco – Principality of Monaco
  •  Montenegro – Principality of Montenegro
  • Moresnet – Neutral Moresnet
  •  Morocco – Sultanate of Morocco
  •  Mthwakazi – Kingdom of Mthwakazi
  • Muscat and Oman – Sultanate of Muscat and Oman


  • Negeri Sembilan – Negeri Sembilan
  • Nepal – Kingdom of Nepal
  •  Netherlands – Kingdom of The Netherlands
  • Nicaragua – Republic of Nicaragua
  • Norway – Kingdom of Norway (in personal union with Sweden)



  • Pahang – Sultanate of Pahang (to 1888)
  •  Paraguay – Republic of Paraguay
  • Persia – Sublime State of Persia
  •  Peru – Peruvian Republic
  • Portugal – Kingdom of Portugal


  • Qu'aiti – Qu'aiti Sultanate of Shihr and Mukalla (to 1888)



  •  Samoa – Kingdom of Samoa
  •  San Marino – Most Serene Republic of San Marino
  •  Sarawak – Kingdom of Sarawak
  • Selangor – Sultanate of Selangor
  • Serbia
  •  Siam – Kingdom of Siam
  • Sokoto – Sokoto Caliphate
  • Spain – Kingdom of Spain
  • Sulu – Sultanate of Sulu
  •  Sweden – Kingdom of Sweden (in personal union with Norway)
  •   Switzerland – Swiss Confederation


  • Tahiti – Kingdom of Tahiti (to June 29, 1880)
  •  Tonga – Kingdom of Tonga
  •  Toucouleur – Toucouleur Empire
  •  Trarza – Emirate of Trarza
  • Tunis – Beylik of Tunis



  •  Venezuela ��� United States of Venezuela



  •  Yeke – Yeke Kingdom


  •  Zabarma – Zabarma Emirate
  •  Zanzibar – Sultanate of Zanzibar (to February 17, 1885)
  • Zululand – Kingdom of Zulu (to 1887)

States claiming sovereignty[]

  • Aceh – Sultanate of Aceh
  • Counani – Republic of Independent Guiana
  • Cuba – Republic of Cuba
  • Franceville – Independent Commune of Franceville (from August 9, 1889)
  • Goshen – State of Goshen (from October 24, 1882 to August 6, 1883)
  •  Goust – Republic of Goust
  • Mindanao – Sultanate of Maguindanao
  • Stellaland – Republic of Stellaland (from July 26, 1882 to September 30, 1885)
  •  Transvaal – South African Republic (from August 3, 1881)
  • Upingtonia – Republic of Upingtonia (from October 20, 1885 to June 1887)
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