List of the Cenozoic life of Oregon

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This list of the Cenozoic life of Oregon contains the various prehistoric life-forms whose fossilized remains have been reported from within the US state of Oregon and are between 66 million and 10,000 years of age.


  • Abies
  • Shell of an Acamptogenotia sea snail
  • Acanthocardia
  • Acer
  • Acericecis
    • – type locality for species
  • Achaenodon
    • – type locality for species
  • Acila
  • Acmaea
  • Mounted fossilized skeleton of the Miocene horse Acritohippus
    • Acritohippus isonesus
  • Acteon
  • Actinidia
    • Actinidia oregonensis
  • Admete
  • Aechmophorus
    • Aechmophorus occidentalis
  • Aesculus
  • Life restoration of the Oligocene baleen whale Aetiocetus
    Aetiocetus – type locality for genus
    • Aetiocetus cotylalveus – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • Aforia
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Agelaius – tentative report
  • Life restoration of the Eocene-Oligocene even-toed ungulate Agriochoerus
  • Aix
    • Aix sponsa
  • Alangium
  • Alnus
    • Alnus heterodonta
    • – or unidentified related form
  • Life restoration of the Miocene elephant relative Amebelodon. Margret Flinsch (1932).
  • Amelanchier
    • – type locality for species
  • Ammospermophilus
  • Ampelocissus
  • Life restoration of the Miocene-Pliocene beardog Amphicyon
    • Amphicyon frendens
    • Amphicyon galushai – or unidentified comparable form
  • Amphissa
  • Ampullina
  • Anabernicula
  • Anadara
  • Anamirta
  • Anas
    • Anas acuta
    • Anas americana
    • Anas boschas
    • Anas carolinensis
    • A living Spatula clypeata, or northern shoveler
      Anas clypeata
    • Anas cyanoptera
    • Anas discors
    • Anas platyrhynchos
  • Ancilla
    • – type locality for species
  • Anona
  • Anser
    • Anser albifrons
    • Anser condoni – type locality for species
  • Antillophos
  • Antilocapra
    • Antilocapra americana – or unidentified comparable form
  • Aphananthe
  • Aphelops
  • Aquila
    • Aquila chrysaetos
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • Arbacia
    • – type locality for species
  • Archaeocyon
  • Archaeohippus
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Archaeotherium
  • Architectonica
  • Archoplites[1]
    • – type locality for species[1]
  • Restoration of an Arctodus, or short-faced bear, with a human to scale
  • Ardea
    • Ardea herodias
    • – type locality for species
  • Argobuccinum
  • Ascosphaera
  • Astraea
  • Astreopora
    • – type locality for species
  • Astropecten
  • Fossilized shell of the Paleocene-Miocene nautiloid cephalopod Aturia
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Aucuba
  • Aythya
    • Aythya marila


  • Balaena
  • Balaenoptera
    • Illustration of a living Balaenoptera acutorostrata, or common minke whale
      Balaenoptera acutorostrata – or unidentified comparable form
  • Balanophyllia
  • Balanus
  • Bartramia
    • – type locality for species
  • Basirepomys
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – type locality for species
  • Shell of a Bathybembix sea snail
    • – type locality for species
  • Bathytoma
  • Bela
  • Betula
  • Bittium
  • Bonellitia
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • Boreotrophon
    • Boreotrophon stuarti
  • Restoration of two of the Miocene-Pliocene bone-crushing dog genus Borophagus preying on a camel. Jay Matternes (1964).
    • Borophagus pugnator
    • Borophagus secundus – or unidentified comparable form
  • Botaurus
    • Botaurus lentiginosus
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Brachidontes
  • Branta
    • Branta bernicla
    • Branta canadensis
    • – tentative report
    • – type locality for species
  • Bubo
    • A living Bubo virginianus, or great horned owl
      Bubo virginianus
  • Buccinum
    • Buccinum strigillatum
  • Bullia
  • Bumelia – tentative report


  • Cadulus
  • Calliostoma
  • Callista
  • A living Callorhinus ursinus, or northern fur seal
    Callorhinus – tentative report
  • ] †Calocedrus
  • Calycocarpum
  • Calyptraea
  • Camelops
    • Camelops hesternus
  • Cancellaria
  • Canis
    • Skeletons look identical
      Modern mounted skeleton of Canis lupus, the grey wolf, to scale with a fossilized skeleton of the Pleistocene wolf Canis dirus, or dire wolf
      Canis dirus – or unidentified comparable form
    • Canis edwardii
    • Canis latrans
    • Canis lupus – or unidentified comparable form
    • – type locality for species
  • Carpocyon
  • A living Carya, or hickory tree
  • Caryophyllia
    • – type locality for species
  • Castanea
  • Castanopsis
  • Castor
  • Catalpa
  • Cedrela
  • Celleporina
  • Celtis
  • Centrocercus
    • Centrocercus urophasianus
  • Cercidiphyllum
  • Flowers of a living Cercis or redbud tree
  • Cerithiopsis
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Charitonetta
    • Charitonetta albeola
  • Chen
    • Chen rossii
  • Life restoration of the Pleistocene-Holocene Chendytes, or Law's diving-goose
  • Chione
  • Chlidonias
    • Chlidonias nigra
  • Chlorostoma
  • Choerodon
  • Chrysodomus
  • Circus
  • Cladrastis
  • Clangula
    • A living Clangula hyemalis, or long-tailed duck
      Clangula hyemalis
  • Cleyera
  • Clinocardium
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Cochliolepis – tentative report
  • Colaptes
  • Colodon
  • Columbella
  • Shells in differing orientations of Colus whelk sea snails
    Colus – tentative report
  • Colymbus
    • – type locality for species
  • Comitas
    • Comitas oregonensis
    • Comitas spencerensis
  • Comptonia
  • Conomitra
    • – type locality for species
  • Fossilized shell of a Conus cone snail
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • Cophocetus – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Corbula
  • Cormocyon
  • Cornus
    • Cornus clarnensis
  • Cornwallius
  • Corvus
    • – type locality for species
    • Corvus corax
  • Coryloides
    • Coryloides hancockii
  • Fossilized fruit of a Craigia plant
  • Crataegus
  • Crenella
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Crepidula
    • Crepidula adunca
    • Crepidula grandis – or unidentified comparable form
  • Cryptonatica
    • Cryptonatica affinis
  • A taxidermied Cryptotis , or small-eared shrew
  • Cunninghamia
  • Cyclocardia
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Cyclotella
    • – type locality for species
  • Cygnus
    • Cygnus paloregonus
  • Cymatium
  • Cynarctoides
    • Cynarctoides lemur
    • Cynarctoides luskensis – or unidentified comparable form
  • Fossilized cranium of the Miocene bear-dog Cynelos


  • Daeodon
    • Dafila acuta
  • Daphoenodon
  • Daphoenus
    • Daphoenus socialis
    • – type locality for species
  • Mounted fossilized skeleton of the Eocene pseudo-toothed bird Dasornis
    Dasornis – or unidentified related form
  • Decodon
  • Dendragapus – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Dentalium
  • Desmatippus
  • Desmatochoerus
  • Desmatophoca
    • Desmatophoca oregonensis
  • Desmocyon
    • Desmocyon thomsoni
  • Life restoration of the Oligocene-Miocene herbivorous marine mammal Desmostylus
    • Desmostylus hesperus – type locality for species
  • Diceratherium
  • Dilophodelphis – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Dinaelurus
  • Life restoration of the Eocene-Miocene false saber-toothed cat Dinictis. Robert Bruce Horsfall (1913).
    • Dinictis cyclops
    • – type locality for species
  • Diploclisia
  • – type locality for genus
  • Diplodonta
  • Diploporus
    • Diploporus torreyoides
  • Dipoides
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • Diprionomys
  • Dipteronia
  • Discinisca
  • Dosinia
  • Horns and other fossils attributed to Dromomeryx
    • Dromomeryx borealis
  • Dyticonastis – type locality for genus
    • Dyticonastis rensbergeri – type locality for species


  • Echinophoria
  • Ekgmowechashala
  • Emmenopterys
  • Life restoration of the Oligocene-Miocene Enaliarctos and the toothed whale Macrodelphinus (background)
    • Enaliarctos barnesi – type locality for species
    • Enaliarctos emlongi – type locality for species
    • Enaliarctos mitchelli
    • Enaliarctos tedfordi – type locality for species
  • Engelhardtia
  • Enhydra
  • Enhydrocyon
  • Ennucula
  • Ensete
    • – type locality for species
  • Eopleurotoma
    • – or unidentified related form
  • – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature
  • Mounted fossilized skeleton of the Miocene bone-crushing dog Epicyon
    • Epicyon haydeni
  • Epihippus
  • Epilucina
  • Epitonium
    • – type locality for species
  • Fossilized skull of the Oligocene-Miocene oreodont mammal Eporeodon
  • Equisetum
  • Equus
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
    • Erismatura jamaicensis
  • Erolia
  • Ervilia – tentative report
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Eucastor
  • Fossilized skeleton of the Miocene-Pliocene coyote-like canine Eucyon
    • Eucyon davisi
  • Euoplocyon
  • Euphagus
    • Euphagus cyanocephalus
  • Eurytellina
  • Euspira
  • Eutrephoceras
  • Exbucklandia
  • Exilia
    • – type locality for species


  • Fagus
  • Falco
    • – type locality for species
  • Felaniella
  • A living Ficus, or fig tree
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Fimbria
  • Flabellum
    • – type locality for species
  • Floridaceras
  • Flower of the Eocene-Oligocene cocoa relative Florissantia
    • Florissantia ashwillii – type locality for species
    • Florissantia speirii
  • Fothergilla
  • Fraxinus
  • Fulgoraria
  • Fulgurofusus
    • – type locality for species
  • Fulica
    • A living Fulica americana, or American coot
      Fulica americana
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
    • �� type locality for species
  • Fusinus


    • – type locality for species
  • A living Gaillardia, or blanket flower
  • Gari – tentative report
    • – or unidentified related form
  • Gemmula
  • Gentilicamelus
    • – type locality for species
  • Glycymeris
  • Goedertius – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Mounted fossilized skeleton of the Miocene-Pleistocene elephant relative Gomphotherium
    • – type locality for species
  • Granula
    • – type locality for species
  • Gyrineum – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature


  • Hadrianus
  • Halesia
  • Haliaeetus
    • Haliaeetus leucocephalus
  • Fossilized mandible of the Eocene horse Haplohippus
  • Hemiauchenia – tentative report
  • Hemipsalodon
  • Hemithiris
  • Heptranchias
    • Heptranchias howelli
  • Life restoration of the Eocene-Miocene mammal Herpetotherium
  • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • – tentative report
  • Heteropora
  • Hiatella
  • Himantopus
    • Himantopus mexicanus
  • Hippotherium
  • Life restoration of the Eocene-Oligocene false saber-toothed cat Hoplophoneus. Robert Bruce Horsfall (1913).
  • Hovenia
  • Hydrangea
  • Hypertragulus
    • Hypertragulus hesperius
  • Life restoration of the Miocene horse Hypohippus. Heinrich Harder (1920).
  • Hypolagus
    • – type locality for species
    • – tentative report
  • Hypsidoris
    • – type locality for species
  • Hypsiops
  • Hyrachyus


  • Fossilized skull of the Miocene bear Indarctos
    • – type locality for species
  • Iodes
  • Isurus


  • A living Juglans, or walnut tree


  • Restoration of the Oligocene-Miocene horse Kalobatippus
  • Kardiasperma
    • Kardiasperma parvum
    • – type locality for species
  • Kellia
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • Keteleeria
    • – type locality for species
  • Kolponomos
    • Kolponomos newportensis – type locality for species


  • Lacuna
    • Illustration of shells in multiple views of Lacuna vincta, or northern lacuna sea snails
      Lacuna vincta
  • Lamelliconcha
  • Larus
    • Larus argentatus
    • A living Larus californicus, or California gull
      Larus californicus
    • – type locality for species
    • Larus philadelphia
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • Lepeta
  • Illustration of a fossilized skull of the Oligocene-Miocene dog Leptocyon
    • Leptocyon vulpinus
    • – type locality for species
  • Lepus
  • Leukoma
    • – type locality for species
  • Limnodromus
    • A living Limnodromus griseus, or short-billed dowitcher
      Limnodromus griseus – tentative report
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Lindera
  • The autumn foliage of a living Liquidambar, or sweetgum tree
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Lithocarpus
  • Littorina
    • Lobipes lobatus
  • Lophodytes
    • A living Lophodytes cucullatus, or hooded merganser
      Lophodytes cucullatus
    • – type locality for species
  • Lophortyx
    • – type locality for species
  • Lucinoma
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Lynx
  • A living Lytechinus sea urchin
    • – type locality for species


  • Fossilized cranium of the Miocene-Pleistocene saber-toothed cat Machairodus
  • Machilus
  • Macoma
  • Macrocallista
  • Close-up view of a Magnolia flower
  • Mahonia
  • Malus – or unidentified comparable form
  • Mammut
    • Mammut furlongi – type locality for species
  • Mammuthus
    • Painting of a family of mammoths walking
      Life restoration of a herd of Mammuthus columbi, or Columbian mammoths. The extent of the fur depicted is hypothetical. Charles R. Knight (1909).
      Mammuthus columbi – tentative report
  • Margarites
  • Martes
    • – type locality for species
  • Martesia
  • Mastixia
  • Megachasma
  • Mounted fossilized skeleton of the Miocene-Pleistocene ground sloth Megalonyx
  • Megapaloelodus
    • – type locality for species
  • Megatylopus
  • Melanitta
    • Melanitta deglandi
    • Melanitta perspicillata
  • Meliosma
    • Meliosma beusekomii
  • Menispermum – or unidentified comparable form
  • Mergus
    • Mergus merganser
    • Mergus serrator
  • Life restoration of the Miocene three-toed horse Merychippus
  • Merychyus
    • Merychyus arenarum
  • Merycochoerus
  • Merycoides
  • Merycoidodon
  • Skull fossils of the Oligocene-Miocene dog Mesocyon
  • Mesohippus
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Metalopex
  • Metasequoia
  • Microphallus
  • Microtus
    • Microtus montanus
  • Fossilized skull of the Eocene-Oligocene three-toed horse Miohippus
  • Miotapirus
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Modiolus
    • Modiolus modiolus
  • Molothrus
    • Molothrus ater – tentative report
  • Monosaulax
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • Life restoration of the Miocene chalicothere mammal Moropus threatening a pair of the bear-dog Daphoenodon. Jay Matternes (1964).
  • Mulinia
  • Mustela
  • Mya
    • Mya truncata
  • Myotis – or unidentified comparable form
  • – type locality for genus[1]
    • – type locality for species[1]
  • Mytilus
    • Mytilus californianus
    • Mytilus edulis


  • Nanotragulus – or unidentified comparable form
  • A living Nassarius, or nassa mud snail
    • Nassarius perpinguis
  • Natica
  • Nautilus
    • – type locality for species
  • Nectandra
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Nemocardium
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Neohipparion
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Mounted fossilized skeleton of the Miocene Neophrontops
  • Neotamias
  • Neurotrichus – tentative report
  • Neverita
  • Nexuotapirus
  • Nucella
    • Nucella lamellosa
  • Interior of a fossilized shell of the Early Ordovician-modern marine bivalve Nucula
  • Nuculana
  • Numenius
    • Numenius americanus – tentative report
  • Nuphar
    • – tentative report
  • Nyssa
    • Nyssa spatulata


  • A living Ochotona, or pika
  • Ocotea
    • – type locality for species
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Olar
  • Oligobunis
  • Olivella
    • Three living Olivella biplicata, or purple dwarf olive sea snail
      Olivella biplicata
    • Olivella pedroana
  • Ondatra
    • – type locality for species
  • Opalia
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – type locality for species
  • Oreodontoides
    • – type locality for species
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Osbornodon
  • Living Osmunda ferns
  • Ostrea
    • Ostrea lurida – or unidentified comparable form
  • Ostrya


  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Life restoration of the Oligocene-Miocene beaver Palaeocastor
  • Palaeolagus
  • Paleopanax
    • Paleopanax oregonensis
  • – tentative report
  • Flowers and foliage of a living Paliurus
  • Pandora
  • Panopea
  • Panthera
    • A living Panthera onca, or jaguar
      Panthera onca – or unidentified comparable form
  • Paracosoryx
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Paradaphoenus
    • – type locality for species
  • Paraenhydrocyon
    • Paraenhydrocyon josephi
  • Parahippus
    • Parahippus leonensis – or unidentified related form
  • Fossilized skeleton of the Pliocene-Pleistocene ground sloth Paramylodon
    • Paramylodon harlani
  • Paratomarctus
  • Life restoration the Eocene-Oligocene camel Paratylopus (upper right)
  • Paronychomys
    • – type locality for species
  • Paroreodon
  • Parrotia
  • Parthenocissus
  • Parvicardium
  • Passalus
    • – type locality for species
  • Patinopecten
  • Patriofelis
    • Patriofelis ferox
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • Pekania
    • – type locality for species
  • Life restoration of the Oligocene-Pleistocene false-toothed bird Pelagornis
  • Pelecanus
    • Pelecanus erythrorhynchos
    • Pelecanus erythrorhynchus – tentative report
  • Perchoerus
  • Periploma
  • Perognathus
    • – type locality for species
  • A living Peromyscus, or deer mouse
  • Perse
  • Phalacrocorax
    • Phalacrocorax auritus – tentative report
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • Phalaropus
    • Phalaropus lobatus
  • Phalium
  • Phanerolepida
  • Philotrox
    • Philotrox condoni
  • Phlaocyon
    • Phlaocyon latidens
  • Phoca
    • Phoca vitulina – or unidentified comparable form
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Two Phoenicopterus, or flamingos
    • Phoenicopterus copei – type locality for species
  • Pinckneya
    • – type locality for species
  • A living Pinus, or pine tree
  • Pitar
  • Plagiolophus
  • Platanus
    • ���
  • Restoration of a herd of alarmed Miocene-Pleistocene peccaries of the genus Platygonus. Charles R. Knight (1922).
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Pleiolama
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Plesiocolopirus
  • Plesiogulo
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Pliocyon – or unidentified comparable form
  • Fossilized skull of the Miocene horse Pliohippus
  • Plionarctos
  • Podiceps
    • Podiceps auritus – tentative report
  • Podilymbus
    • Podilymbus podiceps
  • Pododesmus
  • Life restoration of the Oligocene false saber-toothed cat Pogonodon in a tree
    • – type locality for species
  • Polinices
  • Fronds of living Polypodium ferns
    Polypodium – or unidentified comparable form
  • Pontolis – type locality for genus
    • Pontolis magnus – type locality for species
  • Potamogeton
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Pristichampsus
  • – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature
  • Procamelus
    • Procamelus grandis – or unidentified comparable form
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Promartes – or unidentified comparable form
  • Promerycochoerus
  • Proneotherium – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Propeamussium
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – type locality for species
    • – tentative report
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Life restoration of the Eocene brontothere mammal Protitanops
  • Protolabis – or unidentified comparable form
  • – type locality for genus[2]
  • Protothaca
  • Prunus
  • Psephophorus – tentative report
    • – type locality for species
  • Restoration of the Miocene cat Pseudaelurus
  • Pseudotsuga
  • Pteris
  • Pterocarya
  • Pteronarctos – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • Pteronepelys
    • Pteronepelys wehrii
  • Puncturella
  • – tentative report
  • Purpura
  • Pyramidella – tentative report
  • Pyrenacantha
  • Fruit of a living Pyrus, or pear tree


  • A living Quercus, or oak tree
  • Querquedula
    • – type locality for species


  • Raja
  • Rallus
    • Rallus limicola
  • Recurvirostra
    • A living Recurvirostra americana, or American avocet
      Recurvirostra americana
  • Retusa
  • Rhabdus
  • Rhizocyon
  • Rhus
    • Rhus rooseae
  • Ribes
  • Rimella
  • Rosa
  • A living member of Rubus, the genus including blackberries (pictured) and raspberries
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species


  • Living Sabal, or palmettos
  • Sabia
    • ��� – type locality for species
  • Sanguinolaria
  • Sargentodoxa[3]
    • †* [3] – type locality for species
  • Sassia
  • Saxidomus
    • – or unidentified related form
  • Scapanus
    • Scapanus latimanus
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Shells in multiple views of a Scaphander canoe bubble sea snail
    • – type locality for species
  • Schisandra
  • Schizaster
  • A living Sciurus squirrel
    • – type locality for species
  • Scutella
  • – tentative report
  • Semele
  • Sequoia
    • – type locality for species
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Sideroxylon
    • – type locality for species
  • Siliqua
    • Siliqua patula
  • Simocetus – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Reconstruction of a fossilized skull and restorative portrait of the Miocene-Pliocene red panda relative Simocyon
  • Sinum
  • Solariella
    • – type locality for species
  • Solemya
  • Solen
  • A living Somatochlora dragonfly
    • – type locality for species
  • Spermophilus
  • Spirotropis
  • Spisula
  • Spizaetus
  • Fossilized partial skulls of the rodent Oligocene-Miocene Steneofiber
    • – type locality for species
  • Stercorarius
    • – type locality for species
  • Sterna
    • Sterna elegans – tentative report
    • Sterna forsteri
    • – tentative report
  • Fossilized skeleton of the Miocene weasel Sthenictis
    • – type locality for species
  • – tentative report
    • – type locality for species
  • Strongylocentrotus
  • Sturnella
  • Suavodrillia
  • Life restoration of the Eocene-Oligocene cow-sized rhinoceros Subhyracodon. Charles R. Knight (1890s).
  • Sveltella
    • – type locality for species
  • Symplocos


  • A living Tapirus, or tapir
    • Tapirus californicus – or unidentified comparable form
  • Tapiscia
  • Taranis
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Taxidea
  • Taxus
    • Taxus masonii
  • Tegula
  • Restoration of the Miocene-Pliocene rhinoceros Teleoceras
    • – type locality for species
  • Shell of a Tellina, or tellin
    • – or unidentified related form
  • Temnocyon
    • – type locality for species
  • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Tephrocyon
  • Terebratalia
  • Terebratulina
  • Terminalia
  • Foliage and cones of a living Tetraclinis, or arar tree
  • Thais
    • – or unidentified related form
  • Thesbia – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature
    • : synonym of † (F. Anderson & B. Martin, 1914)
  • Thomomys
    • Thomomys townsendii
  • Thracia
    • – type locality for species
  • Fossilized skull of the Miocene oreodont mammal Ticholeptus
  • Tilia
  • Tinospora
  • Foliage of a living Torreya, or nutmeg yew
    • Torreya clarnensis
  • Totanus
  • Toxicodendron
  • Trema
  • Tresus
  • Shell of a Trichotropis cap sea snail
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Trochita
  • Shell of a Trophon murex snail
    • – type locality for species
  • – type locality for genus[2]
  • Tsuga
  • Turricula
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Turris
  • Fossilized shells of the Late Jurassic-modern tower snail Turritella
    • – type locality for species
  • Tylocephalonyx
  • Tympanuchus
    • Tympanuchus pallidicinctus


  • A living Ulmus, or elm
  • Unknown
  • Ursavus
    • – or unidentified comparable form


  • Venericardia
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Leaves and fruit of a living Viburnum.
  • Leaves and fruit of a living Vitis, or grapevine
  • Vulpes



  • A living Xema sabini, or Sabine's gull
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species


  • – type locality for genus[4]
    • – type locality for species[4]
  • Yoldia


  • Zalophus
    • A living Zalophus californianus, or California sea lion
      Zalophus californianus
    • – type locality for species
  • Zelkova


  1. ^ a b c d Gerald R. Smith; Jay Van Tassell (2019). "Fishes of the Mio-Pliocene Western Snake River Plain and vicinity. V. Keating, Always Welcome Inn, and Imbler Fish paleofaunas, NE Oregon: Tests of Miocene-Pliocene drainage connections". Miscellaneous Publications. Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan. 204 (5): 1–33. hdl:2027.42/150494.
  2. ^ a b c Robert A. Martin; Richard J. Zakrzewski (2019). "On the ancestry of woodrats". Journal of Mammalogy. 100 (5): 1564–1582. doi:10.1093/jmammal/gyz105.
  3. ^ a b Manchester, S. R. (1999). "Biogeographical relationships of North American tertiary floras". Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. 86: 472–522. doi:10.2307/2666183. JSTOR 2666183.
  4. ^ a b Olivier Lambert; Stephen J. Godfrey; Erich M. G. Fitzgerald (2019). "Yaquinacetus meadi, a new latest Oligocene–early Miocene dolphin (Cetacea, Odontoceti, Squaloziphiidae, fam. nov.) from the Nye Mudstone (Oregon, U.S.A.)". Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 38 (6): e1559174. doi:10.1080/02724634.2018.1559174. S2CID 108903672.
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