List of the Mesozoic life of Alaska

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This list of the Mesozoic life of Alaska contains the various prehistoric life-forms whose fossilized remains have been reported from within the US state of Alaska and are between 252.17 and 66 million years of age.


  • Acila
  • Actinoceramus
  • Life restoration of the Late Cretaceous dome-headed dinosaur Alaskacephale and inset diagram depicting it with an anachronistic human to scale
    Alaskacephale – type locality for genus
    • Alaskacephale gangloffi – type locality for species
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Amaltheus
  • Amblydactylus
  • Amoeboceras
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Amusium
  • Anagaudryceras
    • Anagaudryceras auranium
    • Anagaudryceras aurarium
    • Anagaudryceras inflatus
    • Anagaudryceras sacya – type locality for species
  • Fossilized shell of the Late Cretaceous ammonoid cephalopod Anapachydiscus
    • Anapachydiscus nelchinensis – type locality for species
  • Anatomites
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • Anomia
  • – tentative report
  • – tentative report
  • – tentative report
  • Arcestes
  • Archaeocidaris – tentative report
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • Arcthoplites
  • Arctica – tentative report
  • Fossilized shells of the Middle Jurassic ammonoid cephalopod Arcticoceras
  • Arctocephalites
    • Arctocephalites alticostus
    • Arctocephalites costidensus – type locality for species
    • Arctocephalites pompeckji
  • Arctoceras
    • – or unidentified related form
  • Arieticeras
    • – or unidentified related form
  • Fossilized shell of the Early Jurassic ammonoid cephalopod Arnioceras
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Arpadites – tentative report
  • Aspenites
  • Astarte
  • Asthenoceras
    • – or unidentified related form
  • – tentative report
  • Mold fossil of a shell of the Early Devonian-Late Triassic bivalve Aviculopecten


  • Fossilized shell of the Late Cretaceous ammonoid cephalopod Baculites
  • Belemnites
    • – or unidentified related form
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Bradfordia
    • – type locality for species
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – or unidentified related form
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – type locality for species


  • Fossilized shell of the Middle Jurassic ammonoid cephalopod Cadoceras
    • Cadoceras bathomphalum – type locality for species
    • Cadoceras catostoma
    • Cadoceras chinitnense – type locality for species
    • Cadoceras comma – type locality for species
    • Cadoceras crassicostatum – type locality for species
    • Cadoceras doroschini
    • Cadoceras glabrum – type locality for species
    • Cadoceras grewingki
    • Cadoceras kialagvikense – type locality for species
    • Cadoceras petelini
    • Cadoceras schmidti
    • Cadoceras tenuicostatum – type locality for species
    • Cadoceras wosnessenskii
  • Fossilized shell of the Early Jurassic-Early Cretaceous ammonoid cephalopod Calliphylloceras
    • Calliphylloceras aldersoni – or unidentified comparable form
    • Calliphylloceras freibrocki – type locality for species
    • Calliphylloceras nizinanum – type locality for species
  • Calycoceras
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Candonopsis – tentative report
  • – tentative report
    • – or unidentified related form
    • – or unidentified related form
    • – or unidentified related form
  • Shells of modern Capulus cap sea snails
    Capulus – tentative report
  • Cardita – tentative report
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • Life restoration of the Late Triassic-Middle Jurassic nautiloid cephalopod Cenoceras
    • – type locality for species
  • Ceratites
  • – tentative report
  • Cerithium – tentative report
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • Chlamys
  • Chondrites – tentative report
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Chonetes – tentative report
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • Shell and spines of a Cidaris sea urchin
    Cidaris – tentative report
  • Cimolodon
  • Cladophlebis
    • Cladophlebis hirta – tentative report
  • Claraia
    • Claraia stachei
  • Cleoniceras
    • – type locality for species
  • – tentative report
  • Cobbanites
  • Collonia
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Coniopteris
    • - or unidentified loosely related form
  • Cosmonautilus – tentative report
    • – or unidentified related form
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • – tentative report
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – type locality for species
  • Ctenis
  • Ctenophyllum
    • – tentative report
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Cylindroteuthis
  • – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature


  • Life restoration of the Early Jurassic ammonoid cephalopod Dactylioceras
    • Dactylioceras commune – or unidentified comparable form
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Daonella
  • Daxatina
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Dentalium
  • Desmoceras
  • Desmophyllites
    • – type locality for species
  • Restoration of several species of the Late Cretaceous ammonoid cephalopod Didymoceras
    • Didymoceras hornbyense – or unidentified related form
  • – tentative report
    • – type locality for species
    • – or unidentified related form
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • Docidoceras
    • Docidoceras camachoi – type locality for species
    • Docidoceras longalvum – or unidentified related form
    • Docidoceras paucinodosum – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • Fossilized shell of the Early-Late Cretaceous ammonoid cephalopod Douvilleiceras
  • Dromaeosaurus
    • Dromaeosaurus albertensis


  • Edmontonia
  • Restoration of the Late Cretaceous duck-billed dinosaur Edmontosaurus annectens
    Edmontosaurus – or unidentified related form
    • Edmontosaurus saskatchewanensis
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Ellisonia
  • – tentative report
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • – tentative report
  • Epigondolella
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Equisetites
  • Euaptetoceras
    • – or unidentified related form
  • Fossilized shell of the Late Cretaceous ammonoid cephalopod Eubostrychoceras
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Eudmetoceras
    • – or unidentified related form
    • – type locality for species
  • Euomphaloceras
  • Euomphalus
  • – tentative report


    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • – tentative report
    • – type locality for species
  • – tentative report
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Fresvillia
    • – or unidentified related form


  • Fossilized shell of the Cretaceous ammonoid cephalopod Gaudryceras
    • – or unidentified related form
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Germanonautilus
    • – type locality for species
  • Gervillia
  • Ginkgo
    • Restored foliage of the Late Cretaceous-Miocene ginkgo tree Ginkgo adiantoides
      Ginkgo adiantoides - or unidentified loosely related form
    • - or unidentified loosely related form
  • Gleichenia
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • – tentative report
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • – tentative report
  • – tentative report
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • Interior and exterior of a fossilized shell of the Late Triassic-Eocene marine bivalve Gryphaea
    • Gryphaea arcuataeformis
    • Gryphaea arcusta – or unidentified comparable form
    • Gryphaea cymbium – or unidentified comparable form
    • Gryphaea impressimarginata
    • Gryphaea keilhaui – or unidentified comparable form
    • Gryphaea rockymontana
    • – type locality for species
  • Guttulina
  • Gymnocodium
  • Gypsonictops – or unidentified comparable form


    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature
  • Halorella – tentative report
  • Halorites
  • Hamulus – tentative report
  • – tentative report
  • Hebetoxyites
    • – or unidentified related form
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Life restoration of the Late Cretaceous toothed bird Hesperornis
  • Heterastridium
  • Heteropora
    • – type locality for species
  • Hildaites – tentative report
  • – tentative report
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • – tentative report
    • – type locality for species
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Hypophylloceras
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – or unidentified comparable form


    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • Fossilized shell of the Early Jurassic-Late Cretaceous marine bivalve Inoceramus with a human indicating its size
    • Inoceramus comancheanus
    • Inoceramus cuvieri – or unidentified comparable form
    • Inoceramus elegans – or unidentified related form
    • Inoceramus eximius
    • Inoceramus hobetsensis – or unidentified related form
    • Inoceramus mamatensis – or unidentified related form
    • Inoceramus naumanni – or unidentified comparable form
    • Inoceramus porrectus – or unidentified comparable form
    • Inoceramus schmidti
    • Inoceramus subundatus – or unidentified comparable form
    • Inoceramus teshioensis – or unidentified related form
    • Inoceramus yokoyamai – or unidentified comparable form
  • Isastrea – tentative report
  • – tentative report
  • Fossilized shell of the Permian-modern marine bivalve Isognomon
    Isognomon – tentative report


  • Joannites
    • – or unidentified comparable form


    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • - or unidentified loosely related form
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • Kepplerites
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Kosmoceras
    • Fossilized shell of the Middle Jurassic ammonoid cephalopod Kosmoceras spinosum
      Kosmoceras spinosum – or unidentified comparable form
    • – type locality for species
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species


  • – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • – tentative report
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • Lima
    • – type locality for species
    • – or unidentified related form
    • – type locality for species
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Lobites
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Lucina
  • Fossilized shell of the Early Jurassic-Late Cretaceous ammonoid cephalopod Lytoceras


  • – tentative report
  • Shell in multiple views of a Margarites sea snail
    • – type locality for species
    • – tentative report
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Meekoceras
    • Meekoceras gracilitatis
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Metapolygnathus
  • – tentative report
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Mirella
    • – or unidentified related form
  • Fossilized shell of a Modiolus, or horsemussel
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • – tentative report
    • – type locality for species
    • – tentative report
    • – type locality for species
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Muramotoceras
    • – or unidentified related form
  • Murchisonia – tentative report
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Fossilized shell of the Jurassic-Cretaceous marine bivalve Myophorella
    • Myophorella alaskaensis – type locality for species
    • Myophorella argo
    • Myophorella dawsoni
    • Myophorella devexa
    • Myophorella orientalis
    • Myophorella packardi
    • Myophorella tipperi
    • Myophorella tuxedniensis – type locality for species
  • Myophoria
    • – type locality for species
  • – tentative report
  • Shells washed ashore of Mytilus mussels


  • Life restoration of the Late Cretaceous tyrannosaur Nanuqsaurus
    Nanuqsaurus – type locality for genus
    • Nanuqsaurus hoglundi – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • Natica
  • Neogondolella
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Neophylloceras
    • Neophylloceras hetonaiense
    • Neophylloceras ramosum
    • Neophylloceras seresitense
  • Neospathodus – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature
  • Shell in multiple views of a Nerita polita sea snail
    Nerita – tentative report
    • – type locality for species
  • Neritopsis
    • – type locality for species
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Interior of a fossilized shell of the Early Ordovician-modern marine bivalve Nucula
    • Nucula percrassa – or unidentified related form
  • Nuculana – tentative report


    • – type locality for species
    • – or unidentified related form
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Ophiceras
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – type locality for species
    • – or unidentified related form
  • – tentative report
    • – type locality for species
  • Ostrea
  • Otoscaphites
  • Otozamites
    • – tentative report
  • Owenites
    • Owenites koeneni – or unidentified comparable form
  • Fossilized shell in multiple views of the Middle Jurassic ammonoid cephalopod Oxycerites
    • – type locality for species
  • Oxytoma


  • Pachydiscus
    • Pachydiscus hazzardi – type locality for species
    • Pachydiscus kamishakensis – type locality for species
    • Pachydiscus obsoletiformis – type locality for species
    • Pachydiscus ootacodensis
  • Life restoration of two of the Late Cretaceous horned dinosaur Pachyrhinosaurus perotorum
    • Pachyrhinosaurus perotorum – type locality for species
  • Pagiophyllum
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – type locality for species
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Panopea
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – or unidentified related form
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • – tentative report
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Parkinsonia – tentative report
    • – or unidentified related form
    • – type locality for species
    • – or unidentified related form
    • – or unidentified related form
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature
    • – type locality for species
    • – or unidentified related form
    • – type locality for species
  • Patella – tentative report
  • Pecten
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Fossilized shell of the Cretaceous brachiopod Peregrinella
    • – type locality for species
  • – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature
    • – tentative report
  • – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature
    • - or unidentified loosely related form
  • Pholadomya
  • Life restoration of the Early Jurassic-Late Cretaceous ammonoid cephalopod Phylloceras
    • – type locality for species
  • Phyllopachyceras
    • Phyllopachyceras chitinanum – type locality for species
    • Phyllopachyceras forbesianum
    • Phyllopachyceras shastalense – or unidentified comparable form
  • – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature
    • – type locality for species
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Pinna
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • – tentative report
    • - or unidentified loosely related form
    • - or unidentified loosely related form
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • – tentative report
  • Plagiostoma
  • Planolites – tentative report
  • Leaves and fruit of a living Platanus, or plane tree
  • Platyceras
  • Pleuroacanthites
    • - or unidentified loosely related form
  • Pleuronautilus
    • – type locality for species
  • Pleurophorus – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature
    • – type locality for species
  • Pleurotomaria
  • Plicatula
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Podozamites
    • - or unidentified loosely related form
  • Posidonia
    • – type locality for species
    • – or unidentified related form
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • Procerites
    • – type locality for species
  • – tentative report
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Protocardia
    • – type locality for species
  • Fossilized shell of the Triassic ammonoid cephalopod Protrachyceras
    • – or unidentified related form
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Fossilized shell of a Pseudomelania sea snail
    Pseudomelania – tentative report
  • – tentative report
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Pseudotoites
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • – tentative report
  • Pteria
  • Pterophyllum
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature
    • – type locality for species
  • Fossilized shell of the Early-Late Cretaceous ammonoid cephalopod Puzosia
    • Puzosia alaskana – type locality for species
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – or unidentified comparable form



  • Reineckeites
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – type locality for species
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Fossilized shell of the Silurian-Eocene articulate brachiopod Rhynchonella
    • – type locality for species


  • – tentative report
  • Sagenopteris – tentative report
  • Saurexallopus
  • Life restoration of the Late Cretaceous dromaeosaurid Saurornitholestes preying upon a multituberculate mammal
    • Saurornitholestes langstoni
  • Saxoceras – tentative report
    • - or unidentified loosely related form
  • Scaphites
  • Schizodus – tentative report
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Scurria – tentative report
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Serpula
    • – type locality for species
  • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Sirenites
    • – type locality for species
  • Fossilized shells of the marine bivalve Solecurtus
    Solecurtus – tentative report
    • – type locality for species
  • Solemya – tentative report
  • Solenopora
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
    • – or unidentified related form
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • – tentative report
  • Fossilized leaf of the Late Cretaceous ginkgo relative Sphenobaiera
    • Sphenobaiera biloba - or unidentified loosely related form
    • Sphenobaiera czekanowskiana - or unidentified loosely related form
    • Sphenobaiera longifolia - or unidentified loosely related form
  • Spiriferina
    • Spiriferina borealis – tentative report
    • Spiriferina yukonensis – type locality for species
  • Spirocyclina – tentative report
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Shell of a Spondylus, or spiny oyster
    Spondylus – tentative report
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • – tentative report


  • – tentative report
    • – type locality for species
  • Terebratula
  • Fossils of the ichnogenus Teredolites, produced by bivalves boring into wood.
    • – or unidentified related form
    • - or unidentified loosely related form
  • Thamnasteria
  • – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature
  • Thracia
  • – tentative report
  • – tentative report
  • Trichites – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature
  • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Trigonia
  • – tentative report
    • – or unidentified related form
  • Trochocyathus – tentative report
  • Trochus
  • Fossilized skeleton found in Alaska of the Late Cretaceous troodontid Troodon
    • Troodon formosus
    • – type locality for species
  • – tentative report
  • – tentative report
    • – type locality for species
  • Turbo – tentative report
  • Turritella – tentative report
  • Tutcheria


  • Fossilized skeleton found in Alaska of the Late Cretaceous duck-billed dinosaur Ugrunaaluk
    Ugrunaaluk – type locality for genus
    • Ugrunaaluk kuukpikensis – type locality for species
  • Unnuakomys – type locality for genus[1]
    • – type locality for species[2]


  • – tentative report
    • – type locality for species
  • – tentative report
    • – type locality for species
  • Vermiceras
    • – or unidentified comparable form


    • – type locality for species
  • Worthenia
  • Wyomingites


  • Xenoceltites
    • Xenoceltites cordilleranus
  • Xenocephalites
    • Xenocephalites hartsocki – type locality for species
    • Xenocephalites vicarius – type locality for species




  1. ^ Jaelyn J. Eberle; William A. Clemens; Paul J. McCarthy; Anthony R. Fiorillo; Gregory M. Erickson; Patrick S. Druckenmiller (2019). "Northern-most record of the Metatheria: a new Late Cretaceous pediomyid from the North Slope of Alaska". Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. Online edition: 1–20. doi:10.1080/14772019.2018.1560369.
  2. ^ Jaelyn J. Eberle; William A. Clemens; Paul J. McCarthy; Anthony R. Fiorillo; Gregory M. Erickson; Patrick S. Druckenmiller (2019). "Northern-most record of the Metatheria: a new Late Cretaceous pediomyid from the North Slope of Alaska". Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. Online edition: 1–20. doi:10.1080/14772019.2018.1560369.
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