List of the Mesozoic life of Alabama

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This list of the Mesozoic life of Alabama contains the various prehistoric life-forms whose fossilized remains have been reported from within the US state of Alabama and are between 252.17 and 66 million years of age.


  • Acirsa
    • – or unidentified related form
  • Acmaea
  • A living Acteon barrel bubble sea snail
  • Agerostrea
  • Albertosaurus
  • Illustration of a living Albula bonefish
    • – type locality for species
  • Ampullina
  • Ancilla
    • – or unidentified related form
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Interior and exterior of a shell of an Anomia, or jingle shell
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Anomoeodus
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • Antropora – tentative report
  • Fossilized skull and skeleton of the Late Cretaceous primitive tyrannosaur Appalachiosaurus
    Appalachiosaurus – type locality for genus
    • Appalachiosaurus montgomeriensis – type locality for species
  • Arca
  • Architectonica
    • – type locality for species
  • Arrhoges
  • Astarte
  • Avellana
  • Fossil of the Late Cretaceous crab Avitelmessus
    • Avitelmessus grapsoideus


  • Fossilized shell of the Late Cretaceous ammonoid cephalopod Baculites
    • Baculites arculus
    • Baculites asper – or unidentified comparable form
    • Baculites capensis
    • Baculites tippahensis
  • Bananogmius
    • Bananogmius crieleyi – type locality for species
    • Bananogmius zitteli – or unidentified comparable form
  • Banis
  • Barbatia
  • Fossilized guard of the Late Cretaceous belemnoid cephalopod Belemnitella
    • Belemnitella americana
  • Belemnitida
  • Belonostomus
  • Bothremys
  • Botula
    • Botula carolinensis
    • Botula conchafodentis
    • Botula ripleyana
  • Brachidontes – tentative report
    • – type locality for species
  • – tentative report
  • Bulla – tentative report


  • Cadulus
  • Caestocorbula
    • Caestocorbula crassaplica
    • Caestocorbula crassiplica
    • Caestocorbula percompressa
    • Caestocorbula suffalciata
    • Caestocorbula terramaria
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Callianassa
    • Callianassa mortoni
  • Calliomphalus
    • Calliomphalus americanus
    • Calliomphalus nudus
  • Calyptraea
  • Shells of modern Capulus cap sea snails
  • Caryocorbula – tentative report
  • Caveola
  • Cerithiella
    • Cerithiella nodoliratum – or unidentified related form
    • Cerithiella semirugatum
  • Cerithiopsis
  • Cerithium
    • – or unidentified related form
  • Charonia
  • Chedighaii
  • Illustration of a fossilized skull found in Alabama; the type specimen of the Late Cretaceous sea turtle Chelosphargis
    • Chelosphargis advena – or unidentified comparable form
  • Chlamys
  • Chondrites
  • Cidaris
  • Cimolichthys
    • Cimolichthys nepaholica
  • Clavagella
  • Life restoration of the Late Cretaceous mosasaurid Clidastes
    • Clidastes liodontus
    • Clidastes propython – type locality for species
  • Cliona
  • Corbula
  • Corsochelys – type locality for genus
    • Corsochelys haliniches – type locality for species
  • Crassatella
  • Fossilized shell of the Cretaceous-modern oyster Crassostrea
  • Crenella
    • Crenella elegantula
    • Crenella senica
    • Crenella serica
  • Cretodus
  • Cretolamna
    • Cretolamna appendiculata
  • Restoration of the Late Cretaceous shark Cretoxyrhina, or the Ginsu shark
    • Cretoxyrhina mantelli
  • Crucibulum
  • Ctena
  • Ctenochelys – type locality for genus
    • Ctenochelys acris – type locality for species
    • Ctenochelys tenuitesta – type locality for species
  • Shell of a Cucullaea, or false ark shell
    • Cucullaea capax
    • Cucullaea littlei
    • Cucullaea powersi – or unidentified comparable form
  • Cuspidaria
    • Cuspidaria ampulla
    • Cuspidaria grandis
    • Cuspidaria grovensis
    • Cuspidaria jerseyensis – or unidentified comparable form
  • Cylichna
    • Cylichna diversilirata
    • Cylichna incisa
  • Cylichnella
  • Cymella
  • Multiple views of a shell of a Cypraea cowrie sea snail
    Cypraea – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature
  • Cytherella


  • Dasmosmilia
    • Dasmosmilia kochii
    • Dasmosmilia reesidi
  • Shell of a Dentalium tusk shell
    • Dentalium leve
    • Dentalium pauperculum
    • Dentalium ripleyana
  • Discosaurus
    • Discosaurus vetustus
  • Fossilized shell of the Late Cretaceous ammonoid cephalopod Discoscaphites
    • Discoscaphites conradi
    • Discoscaphites iris
  • Dolicholatirus
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • – tentative report


  • Ecphora
  • Edaphodon
  • Restoration of the Early Cretaceous-Eocene bony fish Enchodus, or the "saber-toothed herring"
    • Enchodus petrosus
    • Enchodus saevus – or unidentified comparable form
    • – type locality for species
    • – type locality for species
  • Restoration of the Late Cretaceous duck-billed dinosaur Eotrachodon
    Eotrachodon – type locality for genus
    • Eotrachodon orientalis – type locality for species
  • Epitonium
    • Epitonium sillimani
  • Eulima
    • Eulima gracilistylis
    • Eulima monmouthensis
  • Euspira
  • Eutrephoceras
  • Interior of a fossilized shell of the Jurassic-Cretaceous foam oyster Exogyra
    • Exogyra costata
    • Exogyra ponderosa
    • Exogyra upatoiensis


    • – or unidentified related form
  • Fossilized shell of the Cretaceous-modern spindle sea snail Fusinus
    • – or unidentified related form


  • Gegania
  • Gemmula
  • Gervillia
  • Life restoration of the Late Cretaceous mosasaur Globidens
    Globidens – type locality for genus
    • Globidens alabamensis – type locality for species
  • Glossus
  • Glycymeris
    • Glycymeris hamula
    • Glycymeris rotundata
    • Glycymeris subaustralis
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – or unidentified related form


  • Halimornis – type locality for genus
    • Halimornis thompsoni – type locality for species
  • Life restoration of the Late Cretaceous mosasaur Halisaurus
    • Halisaurus sternbergi
  • Hamulus
    • – tentative report
    • – type locality for species
  • Haustator
  • Helicoceras
    • – type locality for species
  • – tentative report
  • Hoplopteryx – tentative report
  • – tentative report
  • Restoration of two of the Permian-Late Cretaceous cartilaginous fish Hybodus
  • – tentative report
  • Hypolophus


  • – tentative report
  • Ichthyodectes
    • Ichthyodectes ctenodon – or unidentified comparable form
  • Restoration of the Late Cretaceous toothed bird Ichthyornis
    Ichthyornis – type locality for genus
    • Ichthyornis dispar – type locality for species
  • Inoceramus
    • – informal
    • – informal
  • Ischyrhiza
    • Ischyrhiza mira
  • Isognomon




  • Laternula
    • – or unidentified related form
  • Lima
  • Limatula
  • Limopsis
  • Linearis
  • Linthia
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Lithophaga
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – tentative report
  • Lopha
    • Lopha falcata
    • Lopha mesenterica
    • Lopha ucheensis
    • – type locality for species
  • Illustration of a fossilized skull of the Late Cretaceous duck-billed dinosaur Lophorhothon
    Lophorhothon – type locality for genus
    • Lophorhothon atopus – type locality for species
  • Loxotoma
  • Lucina


  • Martesia
  • Mathilda
    • – or unidentified comparable form
    • – or unidentified related form
  • Fossilized skull of the Late Cretceous coelacanth fish Megalocoelacanthus
    Megalocoelacanthus – type locality for genus
    • Megalocoelacanthus dobiei – type locality for species
  • Menippe
  • Mesostoma
  • Modiolus
    • Modiolus sedesclaris
    • Modiolus sedesclarus
    • Modiolus trigonus
  • Moorevillia – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Morea
    • – or unidentified comparable form


  • Neithea
    • Neithea bexarensis
    • Neithea quinquecostata
    • Neithea quinquecostatus
  • Nemocardium
  • Nozeba
  • Interior of a fossilized shell of the Early Ordovician-modern marine bivalve Nucula
    • Nucula camia
    • Nucula cuneifrons
    • Nucula percrassa
    • Nucula severnensis
  • Nuculana



  • Pachydiscus
  • Pachymelania – tentative report
  • Fossilized skeletons of the Late Cretaceous bony fish Pachyrhizodus
    • Pachyrhizodus caninus
    • Pachyrhizodus kingi
    • Pachyrhizodus minimus
  • Pagurus
    • Pagurus convexus �� type locality for species
  • – tentative report
  • Panopea
  • Paranomia
  • Pecten
  • Phacoides
    • – tentative report
  • Pholadomya
    • Pholadomya occidentalis
    • Pholadomya tippana
  • Pinna
  • Placenticeras
    • Placenticeras benningi
  • Plagiostoma
    • – tentative report
  • Restoration of the Late Cretaceous mosasaur Platecarpus
  • Plicatula
  • Polinices
  • Life restoration of the Late Cretaceous polycotylid plesiosaur Polycotylus giving birth
    • Polycotylus latipinnis
    • – type locality for species
  • Prognathodon
    • – or unidentified comparable form
  • Protocardia
  • Protosphyraena
    • Protosphyraena nitida – tentative report
  • Mounted fossilized skeleton of the Late Cretaceous sea turtle Protostega
    • Protostega dixie – type locality for species
    • Protostega gigas
  • Pseudocorax
    • Pseudocorax affinis
    • Pseudocorax laevis
  • – tentative report
  • Pteria
  • Pterotrigonia
    • Pterotrigonia angulicostata
    • Pterotrigonia cerulea
    • Pterotrigonia eufalensis
    • Pterotrigonia eufaulensis
    • Pterotrigonia thoracica
  • Ptychodus
  • Ptychotrygon
  • Pycnodonte
    • Pycnodonte belli
    • Pycnodonte mutabilis
    • Pycnodonte vesicularis
    • Pycnodonte wratheri




  • Sargana
  • Saurocephalus
    • Saurocephalus lanciformis – or unidentified comparable form
  • Saurodon
    • Saurodon leanus
  • Life restoration of the Late Cretaceous dromaeosaurid Saurornitholestes preying upon a multituberculate mammal
    Saurornitholestes – or unidentified comparable form
  • Scapanorhynchus
    • Scapanorhynchus rapax
    • Scapanorhynchus rhaphiodon
  • Scaphites
  • Schizobasis
  • Mounted fossilized skull and neck of the Late Cretaceous mosasaur Selmasaurus
    Selmasaurus – type locality for genus
    • Selmasaurus russelli – type locality for species
  • Serpula
    • – tentative report
  • Solemya
  • Solyma
    • – or unidentified related form
    • – tentative report
  • Sphenodiscus
    • Sphenodiscus lobatus
    • Sphenodiscus pleurisepta
  • Spirorbula
  • Spondylus
  • Life restoration of the Late Cretaceous shark Squalicorax
    • Squalicorax falcatus
    • Squalicorax pristodontus
    • – type locality for species
  • – type locality for genus
    • – type locality for species
  • Life restoration of the Cretaceous bony fish Stratodus
  • Striarca


  • Teinostoma
  • Tellina
  • Tenea
  • Terebratulina
  • Teredo
  • Thalassinoides
    • – type locality for species
  • Mounted fossilized skeleton of the Late Cretaceous sea turtle Toxochelys
    • – type locality for species
  • Trachycardium
    • Trachycardium efaulense
    • Trachycardium eufaulense
    • Trachycardium eufaulensis
  • Trochocyathus – tentative report
  • Turritella
    • Turritella bilira
    • Turritella chalybeatensis
    • Turritella forgemoli – or unidentified comparable form
    • Turritella hilgardi
    • Turritella paravertebroides
    • Turritella tippana
    • Turritella trilira
    • Turritella vertebroides
  • Mounted fossilized skeleton of the Late Cretaceous mosasaur Tylosaurus
    Restoration of the Late Cretaceous mosasaur Tylosaurus
    • Tylosaurus zangerli



    • – or unidentified related form




  • Various Contributors to the Paleobiology Database. "Fossilworks: Gateway to the Paleobiology Database". Retrieved 7 August 2017. {{cite web}}: |author= has generic name (help)
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