Ministerial broadcast

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A Ministerial Broadcast, also known as a Prime Ministerial Broadcast or Ministerial Statement is a televised address to the British public, usually given by the incumbent Prime Minister or other senior Cabinet Minister in times of national crisis. The BBC and other public service broadcasters must give the government air time if the circumstances are seen to be of sufficient importance, and requests from opposition leaders must also be considered.[1]



The first Ministerial Broadcast was made by Prime Minister Anthony Eden on 27 April 1956, and broadcast on the BBC. It came several months after Eden's Conservative Party won the 1955 general election, which was the first time an election had received significant coverage on television. The address was different to a Party Political Broadcast, as the opposition parties were not allocated air-time as well. This was acceptable for non-controversial topics – the broadcast in April addressed the visit of Soviet leaders Nikita Khrushchev and Nikolai Bulganin – but in October 1956 Eden made a second televised speech relating to the Suez Crisis, to which the Leader of the Opposition Hugh Gaitskell demanded a reply. The BBC's guidelines on Ministerial Broadcasts had been published in 1947, and stated that:

They should deal with facts, explain legislation approved by parliament, or appeal for public co-operation.[2]

If the opposition disagreed in any way with the government's broadcast (as Gaitskell did), they could ask permission to air a reply. In the case of the Suez Crisis, Eden refused to let Gaitskell give a reply, as he believed that the country should be united in times of conflict, and it would damage troops' morale if the government's efforts were put into question. The BBC Governors were then required to intervene, siding with Gaitskell, who was given permission to broadcast a reply. The Government were angry with the BBC's decision (especially as the BBC had earlier refused to let Australian Prime Minister Robert Menzies make a radio address in support of Eden due to fears of bias), and Eden threatened to cut the BBC's funding by £1 million, but after a protest from BBC's Director-General Ian Jacob and Chairman Alexander Cadogan, the threat was eventually dropped.[2][1]

Eden resigned as Prime Minister in January 1957 due to his poor handling of the Suez Crisis,[3] and was succeeded by fellow Conservative Harold Macmillan. On 31 August 1959, Macmillan was joined by US President Dwight D. Eisenhower for a live television debate, the first of its kind. Eisenhower was on a tour of Europe, and discussed the need for global peace, as well as the Anglo-US relationship. There were initial concerns from Labour that the broadcast would affect their chances at the next general election, but these were withdrawn and the broadcast went ahead as planned.[4]


After Labour defeated the Conservatives (then lead by Alec Douglas-Home) in the 1964 general election, the new Prime Minister Harold Wilson inherited a large deficit. Combined with a less-competitive economy, and a move away from using the pound as a reserve currency, the decision was taken in 1967 to reduce the exchange rate for the US dollar (which was at that time fixed) by 14% from $2.80 to $2.40 per pound. A statement was released on 18 November 1967 by Chancellor of the Exchequer James Callaghan explaining the reduction, as well as outlining a 2.5% rise in interest rates and cuts to the defence budget. The next day, Wilson made a televised broadcast to defend his decision, stating that:

From now on, the pound abroad is worth 14% or so less in terms of other currencies. That doesn't mean, of course, that the pound here in Britain, in your pocket or purse or in your bank, has been devalued.[5]

Wilson was widely mocked for his statement, and met fierce opposition by parliamentarians,[6] including members of his own cabinet, such as Callaghan (who resigned from his post soon after), and his deputy George Brown.[5][7]

Conservative leader Edward Heath later gave a reply, accusing the government of failing to safeguard the nation's money.[7]


Heath subsequently won the 1970 general election, but by 1973 he was facing constant industrial action by coal miners over pay. This led to measures to ration electricity, including implementing a three-day week. He was unable to resolve the mineworkers' dispute, and announced his intent to call a general election in a televised broadcast on 7 February 1974, stating:

This time the strife has got to stop. Only you can stop it. It is time for you to speak, with your vote.[8]

Heath encouraged the mineworkers to pause the strike for the three-week campaign period, but he was not able to persuade them and they continued the strike as planned. Harold Wilson was re-elected at the February election, and agreed a 'National Plan for Coal' to invest more in coalfields, stopping further industrial action.[8] Former Chancellor James Callaghan succeeded Wilson as Prime Minister in 1976, but lost the government's majority on his first day in office.[9] Amid rising inflation and unemployment, Callaghan made a televised broadcast on 7 September 1978. It was widely expected that he would call an early general election,[10] but in reality he chose to stay on for the full five-year term. He said that:

The government must and will continue to carry out policies that are consistent, determined, that don't chop or change and that brought about the present recovery in our fortunes.[11]

His speech was strongly criticised by opposition leaders, with Liberal leader David Steel and Conservative leader Margaret Thatcher accusing Callaghan of "running scared".[11]

Callaghan was eventually forced to call an election on 28 March 1979, after he lost a vote of no confidence in the House of Commons by a margin of one vote. This came after a series of strikes and economic unrest dubbed the Winter of Discontent, which severely damaged the government's popularity. The next day, he made a second statement defending the government's record, and officially announcing the general election.[9][12] Opposition leader Margaret Thatcher made a response on 2 April (rescheduled from 31 March after the death of Airey Neave), ridiculing Callaghan's speech and encouraging the public to vote for her party at the election, which she went on to win.[13][14]


Margaret Thatcher did not give any further Ministerial Broadcasts in her time as Prime Minister, even in times of national crisis such as the Falklands War. In 1987 she was encouraged to give a broadcast about the spread of HIV/AIDS by Health Secretary Norman Fowler, but refused on the grounds of "bad taste".[15][16]


On 17 January 1991, John Major (who had succeeded Thatcher as Prime Minister the previous year) gave a broadcast about the decision to send British troops to fight in the Gulf War as part of Operation Desert Storm.[17][18]

Major also gave a broadcast after signing the Downing Street Declaration on 15 December 1993, which affirmed the right of self-determination for the island of Ireland. In his statement, he said that Northern Ireland needed to:

Put the poison of history behind us. We cannot go on spilling blood in the name of the past. We must all have the courage to look to the future. The time to choose peace is long overdue. But only the men of violence can decide whether they will talk instead of bomb, discuss instead of murder.[19]

Recent Broadcasts[]

There have been three ministerial broadcasts since the turn of the century. After Labour's landslide victory in the 1997 general election, Tony Blair became Prime Minister. Blair made his first and only televised broadcast at 10.00pm on 20 March 2003. In his address, he announced that British troops had been sent to fight in the Iraq War:[20]

On Tuesday night I gave the order for British forces to take part in military action in Iraq.

Tonight British servicemen and women are engaged from air, land and sea.

Their mission: to remove Saddam Hussein from power and disarm Iraq of its weapons of mass destruction.

I know that this course of action has produced deep divisions of opinion in our country but I know also the British people will now be united in sending our armed forces our thoughts and prayers - they are the finest in the world and their families and all of Britain can have great pride in them.[21]

The next broadcast was made 17 years later by Boris Johnson, on 23 March 2020.[a] In his speech, Johnson announced a nationwide lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with the public ordered to stay at home and only leave for essential purposes:[22]

From this evening I must give the British people a very simple instruction - you must stay at home.

Because the critical thing we must do is stop the disease spreading between households...

...The people of this country will rise to that challenge.

And we will come through it stronger than ever.

We will beat the coronavirus and we will beat it together.

And therefore I urge you at this moment of national emergency to stay at home, protect our NHS and save lives.[23]

His broadcast was shown at 8.30pm on BBC One, ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5, Sky News and the BBC News Channel, as well as on streaming service Amazon Prime, and attained overnight viewing figures of over 27 million, making one of the most most watched programmes in the history of British television.[24]

Johnson made a second broadcast on 10 May 2020 to announce the easing of lockdown measures in England, but this was criticised as being "divisive, confusing and vague".[25]

List of Ministerial Broadcasts[]

Prime Minister Date Subject
Boris Johnson Dec. 12, 2021 On the coronavirus vaccination booster program
April 9, 2021 On the death of HRH, Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh
Jan. 4, 2021 Announcing a national lockdown over a new coronavirus strain
Sep. 22, 2020 Announcing a new coronavirus strategy for the upcoming winter season
May 10, 2020 Announcing a national lockdown exit strategy for the coronavirus pandemic
April 27, 2020 On returning from hospital following a coronavirus infection
March 23, 2020 On the coronavirus pandemic
Jan. 31, 2020 On the withdrawal of Britain from the European Union
Dec. 13, 2019 On the results of the general election
Nov. 6, 2019 Announcing a general election on the 12th of December
Sep. 2, 2019 On the Suspension of Parliament
July 24, 2019 On the goals of the premiership
Theresa May July 24, 2019 Farewell address
May 24, 2019 Announcing the resignation of the Premiership
April 2, 2019 Announcing an extension of the Brexit deadline
March 20, 2019 On the Brexit negotiations
Jan. 16, 2019 On the results of the vote of no confidence
Dec. 12, 2018 On the results of the vote of no confidence
Dec. 11, 2018 Announcing a vote of no confidence
Nov. 14, 2018 Announcing a Brexit Deal
Sep. 21, 2018 On the Brexit Negotiations (Chequers Agreement)
April 14, 2018 Allied Airstrikes on Damascus and Homs
June 19, 2017 On the Finsbury Park terrorist attack
June 9, 2017 On the results of the general election
June 4, 2017 On the London Bridge terrorist attack
May 24, 2017 Announcing the raising of the UK terror threat level to critical
May 23, 2017 On the Manchester Arena terrorist attack
April 18, 2017 Announcing a general election to be held on the 8th of June
March 22, 2017 On the Westminster terrorist attack
July 13, 2016 On the goals of the premiership
David Cameron July 13, 2016 Farewell address
June 24, 2016 Announcing the resignation of the premiership over the results of the Brexit referendum
Feb. 20, 2016 Announcing a referendum on whether or no to leave the European Union
Nov. 13, 2015 On the killing of Jihadi John
May 8, 2015 On the results of the general election
Sep. 19, 2014 On the results of the Scottish independence referendum
April 8, 2013 On the death of Margaret Thatcher
August 22, 2011 On the situation in Libya
August 9, 2011 On the riots and general unrest
May 11, 2010 On the goals of the premiership
Gordon Brown May 11, 2010 Announcing the resignation of the Premiership
May 7, 2010 On the results of the general election
June 27, 2007 On the goals of the premiership
Tony Blair July 7, 2005 On the London Underground bombings
March 20, 2003 On the war in Iraq
Oct. 7, 2001 Beginning of military operations in Afghanistan
Sep. 11, 2001 On the terrorist attacks in the United States
March 26, 1999 On the war in Kosovo
Dec. 16, 1998 Start of a US and British Bombing Campaign against Iraq
May 2, 1997 On the goals of the Premiership
John Major May 2, 1997 Farewell address
April 29, 1997 On the eve of the general election
April 25, 1997 On the upcoming general election
Feb. 12, 1996 On the situation in Northern Ireland
Jan. 17, 1991 On the war in the Gulf
Margaret Thatcher June 8, 1983 On the eve of the general election
James Callaghan March 29, 1979 Announcing a snap election
Sep. 7, 1978 On the Winter of Discontent
Harold Wilson Oct. 14, 1974 On the Labour Party manifesto
Edward Heath Feb. 7, 1974 On the eve of the general election
Dec. 13, 1973 On the three-day week
Dec. 31, 1972 On the entering of the UK into the European Common Market (European Union)
Feb. 27, 1972 On Inflation and the Miners strike
Harold Wilson Nov. 19, 1967 On the devaluing of the UK Pound Sterling
Feb. 14, 1967 On the war in Vietnam
Dec. 6, 1966 On the situation in Rhodesia
Alec Douglas-Home Nov. 22, 1963 On the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Oct. 19, 1963 On the goals of the premiership
Harold Macmillan Jan. 10, 1957 On the goals of the premiership
Anthony Eden Oct. 31, 1956 On the Suez Crisis
April 27, 1956 On leaving for a trip to France
Winston Churchill Feb. 7, 1952 On the death of King George VI
Clement Attlee July 28, 1948 Observance of the Opening of the Games of the XIV Olympiad
July 4, 1948 Announcing the establishment of the National Health Service
August 15, 1945 On the surrender of Japan
Winston Churchill May 8, 1945 On the surrender of Germany
March 26, 1944 Report on the war
August 31, 1943 On the First Quebec Conference
May 14, 1943 On the Home Guard
March 21, 1943 On the state of the Union
Nov. 29, 1942 On recent victories at Stalingrad and El Alemein
May 10, 1942 On the Progress of the War
Feb. 2, 1942 On the Atlantic Charter
Dec. 8, 1941 On the Japanese declaration of war against the United States and Great Britain
August 24, 1941 On meeting with United States President Franklin Delano Roosevelt
June 22, 1941 On the German invasion of Russia
April 27, 1941 Report on the war
Feb. 9, 1941 On the Progress of the War
Dec. 23, 1940 Message to the people of Italy
Oct. 21, 1940 Message to the people of France
Sep. 11, 1940 On the Blitz
July 14, 1940 On the Battle of Britain
May 19, 1940 On the Fall of France
Neville Chamberlain May 10, 1940 Announcing the resignation of the Premiership
Nov. 26, 1939 On the Progress of the War
Sep. 3, 1939 On the declaration of war against Germany
Sep. 27, 1938 On the Munich Agreement

Other Broadcasts[]

In addition to those listed above, other ministerial broadcasts were given by Cabinet ministers concerning matters such as civil defence and employment rights. Details of broadcasts are taken from the BBC's Genome Project.

Subject Date Minister Ref
The Unquiet World 6 March 1958 Duncan Sandys, Minister of Defence [26]
Under Way 22 January 1959 Duncan Sandys, Minister of Defence [27]
Civil Defence in the Sixties 20 September 1961 Henry Brooke, Home Secretary [28]
Civil Defence 1962 19 September 1962 R. A. Butler, Home Secretary [29]
Civil Defence Today 16 September 1963 Henry Brooke, Home Secretary [30]
One Million Babies 2 June 1964 Anthony Barber, Minister of Health [31]
The Parliamentary Commissioner 6 April 1967 Richard Crossman, Leader of the House of Commons [32]
Resettlement of Indian Refugees from Uganda 31 August 1972 Alec Douglas-Home, Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary [33]
Implementation of the Equal Pay Act 29 December 1975 Michael Foot, Secretary of State for Employment [34]
The New Pension Scheme 30 March 1978 David Ennals, Secretary of State for Social Services [35]
Brexit Referendum 24 June 2016 Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England [36]

Budget Broadcasts[]

The Chancellor of the Exchequer gave a broadcast each year from 1953 to explain the budget, an economic plan that sets out the government's spending and taxation plans for the year. A representative of the main opposition party (usually the Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer) would air a reply the next day, and from 1984 a spokesperson from the third-largest party in Parliament also made a response.

The broadcasts were scrapped by the BBC Trust in 2012, in favour of additional Party Political Broadcasts. The BBC defended its decision, saying that they originated from a time where filming the Budget Statement from inside the House of Commons was not possible, and the public would be able to access the information from various other outlets.[37]

List of Budget Broadcasts[]

Budget Date Chancellor Party Date Shadow Chancellor Party Ref
16 April R. A. Butler Conservative 17 April Hugh Gaitskell Labour [38][39]
8 April 9 April [40][41]
21 April 22 April [42][43]
18 April Harold Macmillan 19 April Harold Wilson [44][45]
9 April Peter Thorneycroft 10 April [46][47]
15 April Derick Heathcoat-Amory 16 April [48][49]
7 April 8 April [50][51]
Budget Date Chancellor Party Date Shadow Chancellor Party Ref
4 April Derick Heathcoat-Amory Conservative 5 April Harold Wilson Labour [52][53]
17 April Selwyn Lloyd 18 April [54][55]
9 April 10 April James Callaghan [56][57]
3 April Reginald Maudling 4 April [58][59]
14 April 15 April [60][61]
6 April James Callaghan Labour 7 April Edward Heath Conservative [62][63]
3 May 4 May Ian Macleod [64][65]
11 April 12 April [66][67]
19 March Roy Jenkins 20 March [68][69]
15 April 16 April [70][71]
Budget Date Chancellor Party Date Shadow Chancellor Party Ref
14 April Roy Jenkins Labour 15 April Ian Macleod Conservative [72][73]
30 March Anthony Barber Conservative 31 March Roy Jenkins Labour [74][75]
21 March 22 March [76][77]
6 March 7 March Denis Healey [78][79]
26 March Denis Healey Labour 27 March Robert Carr Conservative [80][81]
12 November 13 November [82][83]
15 April 16 April Geoffrey Howe [84][85]
6 April 7 April [86][87]
29 March 30 March [88][89]
11 April 12 April [90][91]
3 April 4 April [92][93]
12 June Geoffrey Howe Conservative 13 June Denis Healey Labour [94][95]
Budget Date Chancellor Party Date Shadow Chancellor Party Ref
26 March Geoffrey Howe Conservative 27 March Denis Healey Labour [96][97]
1981 10 March 11 March Peter Shore [98][99]
9 March 10 March [100][101]
15 March 16 March [102][103]
Budget Date Chancellor Party Date Shadow Chancellor Party Date Spokesperson Party Ref
13 March Nigel Lawson Conservative 14 March Roy Hattersley Labour 15 March Roy Jenkins SDP-Liberal Alliance [104][105][106]
19 March 20 March 21 March David Steel [107][108][109]
18 March 19 March 20 March Roy Jenkins [110][111][112]
17 March 18 March 19 March [113][114][115]
15 March 16 March John Smith 17 March Alan Beith [116][117][118]
14 March 15 March 16 March Social and Liberal Democrats [119][120][121]
Budget Date Chancellor Party Date Shadow Chancellor Party Date Spokesperson Party Ref
20 March John Major Conservative 21 March John Smith Labour 22 March Alan Beith Liberal Democrats [122][123][124]
19 March Norman Lamont 20 March 21 March [125][126][127]
10 March 11 March 12 March [128][129][130]
16 March 17 March Gordon Brown 18 March [131][132][133]
30 November Kenneth Clarke 1 December 2 December [134][135][136]
29 November 30 November 1 December Malcolm Bruce [137][138][139]
28 November 29 November 30 November [140][141][142]
26 November 27 November 28 November [143][144][145]
2 July Gordon Brown Labour 3 July Michael Heseltine Conservative 4 July [146][147][148]
17 March 18 March Peter Lilley 19 March [149][150][151]
1999 9 March 10 March Francis Maude 11 March [152][153][154]
Budget Date Chancellor Party Date Shadow Chancellor Party Date Spokesperson Party Ref
2000 21 March Gordon Brown Labour 22 March Michael Portillo Conservative 23 March Matthew Taylor Liberal Democrats [155][156][157]
2001 7 March 8 March 9 March [158][159][160]
2002 17 April 18 April Michael Howard 19 April [161][162][163]
2003 9 April 10 April 11 April [164][165][166]
2004 17 March 18 March Oliver Letwin 19 March Vince Cable [167][168][169]
2005 16 March 17 March 18 March [170][171][172]
2006 22 March 23 March George Osborne 24 March [173][174][175]
2007 21 March 22 March 23 March [176][177][178]
2008 12 March Alistair Darling 13 March 14 March [179][180][181]
2009 22 April 23 April 24 April [182][183][184]
Budget Date Chancellor Party Date Shadow Chancellor Party Date Spokesperson Party Ref
March 2010 24 March Alastair Darling Labour 25 March George Osborne Conservative 26 March Vince Cable Liberal Democrats [185][186][187]
June 2010 22 June George Osborne Conservative 23 June Alastair Darling Labour The Liberal Democrats served in the coalition government,
and did not broadcast a response to the budget during
their time in office.
2011 23 March 23 March Ed Balls [190][191]

In popular culture[]

An episode of the BBC satirical comedy Yes, Prime Minister ("The Ministerial Broadcast") features the main character Jim Hacker preparing for his first ministerial broadcast as Prime Minister.[192]

See also[]


  1. ^ Johnson's predecessors, Theresa May, David Cameron and Gordon Brown did not give any ministerial broadcasts during their periods in office.


  1. ^ a b "First Television Ministerial broadcast - Prime Minister Anthony Eden". History of the BBC. Retrieved 14 May 2020.
  2. ^ a b "Suez Splits a Nation". BBC World Service. Retrieved 14 May 2020.
  3. ^ "History of Sir Anthony Eden". UK Government. Retrieved 15 May 2020.
  4. ^ "1959: Anglo-US TV debate makes history". BBC News. Retrieved 15 May 2020.
  5. ^ a b Harari, Daniel (17 November 2017). ""Pound in your pocket" devaluation: 50 years on". House of Commons Library. Retrieved 15 May 2020.
  6. ^ "£(Exchange Rate) House of Commons Debate". Hansard. 20 November 1967. Retrieved 15 May 2020.
  7. ^ a b "1967: Wilson defends 'pound in your pocket". BBC News. Retrieved 15 May 2020.
  8. ^ a b "1974: Heath calls snap election over miners". BBC News. Retrieved 16 May 2020.
  9. ^ a b "History of James Callaghan". UK Government. Retrieved 16 May 2020.
  10. ^ Bright, Martin (19 July 2007). "Sunny Jim's big mistake". New Statesman. Retrieved 16 May 2020.
  11. ^ a b "1978: Callaghan accused of running scared". Retrieved 16 May 2020.
  12. ^ "Prime Minister's Broadcast, 1979: The Night the Government Fell". BBC Parliament. Retrieved 16 May 2020.
  13. ^ "TV Broadcast in reply to the Prime Minister". Margaret Thatcher Foundation. Retrieved 16 May 2020.
  14. ^ "Margaret Thatcher". Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved 16 May 2020.
  15. ^ Bowcott, Owen (30 December 2015). "Thatcher tried to block 'bad taste' public health warnings about AIDS". The Guardian. London, UK. Retrieved 5 June 2020.
  16. ^ McPhee, Rod (8 July 2017). "Margaret Thatcher vetoed TV broadcast battling spread of HIV and branded Health Secretary who suggested it the 'Minister for AIDS'". Daily Mirror. Retrieved 5 June 2020.
  17. ^ "Biography". John Major Archive. Retrieved 17 August 2020.
  18. ^ "1991: 'Mother of all Battles' begins". BBC News. Retrieved 16 April 2020.
  19. ^ "1993: Anglo-Irish pact paves way for peace". BBC News. Retrieved 17 August 2020.
  20. ^ "2003: US launches missiles against Saddam". BBC News. Retrieved 22 August 2020.
  21. ^ "Full transcript of Blair's speech". BBC News. Retrieved 22 August 2020.
  22. ^ "Boris Johnson orders UK lockdown to be enforced by police". The Guardian. London, UK. 23 March 2020. Retrieved 22 March 2020.
  23. ^ "Prime Minister's statement on coronavirus (COVID-19): 23 March 2020". UK Government. Retrieved 22 August 2020.
  24. ^ Waterson, Jim (24 March 2020). "Boris Johnson's Covid-19 address is one of most-watched TV programmes ever". The Guardian. Retrieved 22 August 2020.
  25. ^ Mason, Rowena (10 May 2020). "Boris Johnson's lockdown release condemned as divisive, confusing and vague". The Guardian. London, UK. Retrieved 22 August 2020.
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  30. ^ "Civil Defence Today". BBC Genome Project. Retrieved 22 August 2020.
  31. ^ "One Million Babies". BBC Genome Project. Retrieved 22 August 2020.
  32. ^ "The Parliamentary Commissioner". BBC Genome Project. Retrieved 22 August 2020.
  34. ^ "Ministerial Broadcast". BBC Genome Project. Retrieved 22 August 2020.
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  36. ^ The EU Referendum - FULL Results - BBC.
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  43. ^ "The Budget, 22 April 1955". BBC Genome Project. Retrieved 17 May 2020.
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External links[]

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