Ulmus minor 'Pendula'

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Ulmus minor 'Pendula'
Ulmus minor Pendula (enkhuizen snouck van loosenpark) 110706a.jpg
Ulmus minor 'Pendula', Snouck van Loosenpark, Enkhuizen (2006)
SpeciesUlmus minor

The Field Elm cultivar Ulmus minor 'Pendula' was said to have been raised in Belgium in 1863.[1] It was listed as Ulmus sativa pendula by in 1887,[2] and by Boom in 1959 as a cultivar.[3]

Herbarium specimens confirm that more than one field elm clone has been distributed as 'Pendula'. Henry (1913) distinguished "the true var. pendula", with its "dense crown of foliage", from a cultivar Kew called U. glabra Mill. pendula nova, "a common form of [field elm] with drooping branches".[4][5] The van Houtte nursery of Ghent distributed an U. campestris pendula from the 1880s,[6] as did various English nurseries,[7][8] while Späth's of Berlin marketed a small-leaved U. campestris suberosa pendula Hort. from the 1890s.[9]

Krüssman (1984) equated U. minor 'Pendula' with an U. campestris wentworthii, confusing it with the hybrid Wentworth Weeping Elm.[10]


The tree has slender pendulous branches,[1] with leaves "smooth and glossy above and strongly glandular beneath, with orange-brown sessile glands".[11] Bean described 'Pendula' as "very vigorous and large-leaved".[12] Green reported that the young twigs are prone to dieback in hard winters.[1]

Henry noted a peculiar feature on outer lower branches of the Kew and Cambridge Botanics specimens – "one or two small supernumerary leaflets at the base of leaves" – a feature visible on Cambridge[13] and Maastricht[14] herbarium specimens. "Other leaves," he added, "are large and broad, as if composed of two ordinary leaves" and "often cleft from apex to base".[4]

Pests and diseases[]

'Pendula' is susceptible to Dutch elm disease.


'Pendula' was included in many European botanical collections in the late 19th and early 20th C. It is present in Australasia, its leaves matching old European herbarium specimens labelled U. campestris pendula.[15] U. campestris pendula was introduced to North America, where it featured in the 1902 catalogue of the Bobbink and Atkins nursery, Rutherford, New Jersey, as 'Small-leaved English weeping elm'.[16] The tree listed and illustrated in Bobbink and Atkins' 1909 catalogue as U. campestris microphylla pendula, 'English Weeping Elm'[17] is not the European 'Microphylla Pendula', which has much smaller leaves, but was probably the same cultivar as the nursery's 1902 U. campestris pendula. An U. foliacea pendula was present in the New York Botanical Garden in the early 20th century.[18] A 'Pendula', much trimmed, is present in Brighton, UK.[19]

Notable trees[]

A tree in the Cambridge University Botanic Garden from the late 19th to mid 20th C,[20] grafted high on English Elm stock and originally listed as U. nitens, was identified as 'Pendula' by Stearn in 1932.[21] It survived the first DED epidemic, its crown removed after dieback in the late 1940s,[22] and had attained a trunk diameter of 3 ft. by 1962, when it was confirmed as U. carpinifolia Gled. var. 'Pendula' by P. F. Yeo.[11] A notable specimen, planted in 1898,[23] stood in the Snouck van Loosenpark, Enkhuizen, the Netherlands, until it was blown down in 2015.[24] Eight old 'Pendula' line Mulwaree Street, Goulburn, New South Wales, Australia,[25][26] their leaves matching the commonest 20th-century European 'Pendula' clone.[15][27] The form of the sucker-trees growing around them confirms that the original trees were propagated vegetatively.


  • U. nitens var. pendula Rehder[28][4]
  • U. glabra Mill. pendula[4][29]
  • U. carpinifolia Gled. var. 'Pendula'[12][30]



  • Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, UK. Acc. no. 1973-11710 (as U. carpinifolia var. pendula).
  • Grange Farm Arboretum, Lincolnshire, UK. Acc. no. 1136.


  • Eastwoodhill Arboretum [1], Gisborne, New Zealand, 4 trees, acc. details not known.




  1. ^ a b c Green, Peter Shaw (1964). "Registration of cultivar names in Ulmus". Arnoldia. Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University. 24 (6–8): 41–80. Retrieved 16 February 2017.
  2. ^ de Vos, Cornelius (1887). Handboek tot de praktische kennis der voornaamste boomen, heesters en conifeeren voor den vrijen grond geschikt. 1. Amsterdam: M. M. Oliver. p. 206.
  3. ^ Boom, B.K. (1959). Nederlandse dendrologie. 1. p. 157.
  4. ^ a b c d Elwes, Henry John; Henry, Augustine (1913). The Trees of Great Britain & Ireland. 7. p. 1893.
  5. ^ Herbarium specimen 295076, herbariaunited.org, U. campestris glabra pendula nova, Kew Gardens specimen, A. Ley (1911)
  6. ^ Cultures de Louis van Houtte: Plantes Vivaces de Pleine Terre [Catalogue de Louis van Houtte, 1881-2] p.303
  7. ^ 'Standard Ornamental Trees' in Forest, hardy ornamental trees, conifers, etc., Richard Smith & Co., Worcester, 1887–88, p.27
  8. ^ Clibrans Ltd. (1921). Ornamental Trees Shribs & Climbers. Season: 1921-22. Altrincham, Cheshire, UK: Clibrans. p. 15.
  9. ^ Katalog (PDF). 108. Berlin, Germany: L. Späth Baumschulenweg. 1902–1903. pp. 132–133.
  10. ^ Krüssman, Gerd, Manual of Cultivated Broad-Leaved Trees & Shrubs (1984 vol. 3)
  11. ^ a b Ulmaceae Collection V10, Cambridge University Botanic Garden, determined by P. F. Yeo, 1 September 1965; herbarium specimen in University Herbarium, Botany School, Downing St, Cambridge
  12. ^ a b Bean, W. J., Trees and Shrubs hardy in Great Britain (London, 1988)
  13. ^ medialib.naturalis.nl/file/id/WAG.1847107/format/large
  14. ^ bioportal.naturalis.nl WAG.1846619
  15. ^ a b Botanic Garden Meise, Herbarium specimen BR0000010841044, U. campestris pendula (1904 specimen)
  16. ^ Bobbink and Atkins, Rutherford. N.J. 1902. p. 51.
  17. ^ Bobbink and Atkins, Rutherford. N.J. 1909. p. 54.
  18. ^ sweetgum.nybg.org, U. foliacea pendula
  19. ^ Brighton & Hove City Council elm collection, NCCPG (as U. minor var. pendula): street trees in Stanford Avenue, Shaftesbury Road and Denmark Villas
  20. ^ a b Lynch, Richard Irwin (1915). "Trees of the Cambridge botanic garden". Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society of London. 41: fig.11, 16.
  21. ^ Journ. Bot. 1932, Schedae ad Sertum Cantabrigiense Exsiccatum Decades I—II, p.22
  22. ^ Peace, T. R. (1960). "The Status and Development of Elm Disease in Britain" (PDF). Forestry Commission Bulletin. 33: 41.
  23. ^ Label, Ulmus minor 'Pendula', Snouck van Loosenpark, Enkhuizen
  24. ^ "118-jaar oude treuriep omgevallen in Enkhuizen" [118-year-old weeping elm fell over in Enkhuizen]. NH Nieuws (in Dutch). Retrieved 2018-03-09.
  25. ^ "Ulmus minor 'Pendula', Mulwaree St, Goulburn, New South Wales". Google Maps. November 2009. Retrieved 2018-08-22.
  26. ^ "Ulmus minor 'Pendula', Mulwaree St, Goulburn, New South Wales". Google Maps. November 2009. Retrieved 2018-08-22.
  27. ^ bioportal.naturalis.nl, specimen WAG.1853095
  28. ^ Bailey, Cycl. Amer. Hort., 1882 (1902)
  29. ^ bioportal.naturalis.nl, specimen WAG.1853100
  30. ^ bioportal.naturalis.nl, specimen WAG.1853083

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