Ulmus pumila 'Harbin'

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Ulmus pumila 'Harbin'
SpeciesUlmus pumila
OriginManchuria, China

The Siberian Elm cultivar Ulmus pumila 'Harbin' is an older Manchurian selection[1] superseded in the United States by 'Dropmore'.


'Harbin' is a rounded or umbrella-headed tree growing to between 9 and 12 m in height, with fine branchlets bearing narrow leaves 5 cm long.[1]

Pests and diseases[]

See under Ulmus pumila.


'Harbin' is known to be hardy in the American prairies.[1]


  1. ^ a b c Andrews, Brian (1987). Northern Gardens. Lone Pine Publishing. p. 229. ISBN 9780919433359.

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