List of steroids

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List of steroids may refer to:

  • List of androgens/anabolic steroids – steroidal androgens/anabolic steroids
  • List of androgens/anabolic steroids (alternate) – steroidal androgens/anabolic steroids
  • List of steroidal antiandrogenssteroidal antiandrogens
  • List of estrogensestrogens
  • List of progestogensprogestogens
  • List of corticosteroidscorticosteroids, including both glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids
  • List of neurosteroidsexcitatory, inhibitory, mixed, neurotrophic, antineurotrophic, and other neurosteroids, as well as pheromones and pherines
  • List of steroidogenesis inhibitorssteroidogenesis inhibitors, or inhibitors of steroid biosynthesis and metabolism

As well as lists of steroid esters, including:

See also[]


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