List of translators into English

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Translators of Homer[]

  • Samuel Butler
  • George Chapman (Iliad, 1611; Odyssey, 1614–15)
  • Albert Spaulding Cook
  • William Cowper (complete, 1791)
  • Robert Fagles
  • Robert Fitzgerald
  • Martin Hammond
  • Judith Kazantzis
  • Andrew Lang and Samuel Henry Butcher (complete, in prose, 1879)
  • Richmond Lattimore
  • T. E. Lawrence
  • Stanley Lombardo
  • George Herbert Palmer
  • Alexander Pope (Iliad, 1715–1720; Odyssey, 1725-6)
  • E. V. Rieu
  • W.H.D. Rouse
  • Emily Wilson (Odyssey, 2017)

Translators of Herodotus' The Histories[]

Translators of Sophocles[]

Translators of Thucydides[]

  • Walter Blanco
  • Richard Crawley
  • Thomas Hobbes
  • Benjamin Jowett
  • William Smith
  • Rex Warner

Translators of Plutarch[]

  • Arthur Hugh Clough – revised Dryden's version in the nineteenth century
  • John Dryden and others – Lives of Noble Grecians and Romans
  • Philemon Holland – Plutarch's Moralia (1603)
  • Sir Thomas North – translated Plutarch's Parallel Lives via the French of Jacques Amyot. This was the version Shakespeare used as a source for his Roman plays.
  • Rex Warner

Translators of Lucretius[]

NB: His only work was De rerum natura.

  • Thomas Creech (complete version, 1682)
  • John Dryden (selected passages)
  • William Ellery Leonard (complete version, 1916)
  • Lucy Hutchinson

Translators of Virgil[]

Translators of the Sangam literature[]

Translators of Ovid's Metamorphoses[]

Translators of Lucan[]

  • Robert Graves (prose version)
  • Christopher Marlowe – translated Book One of Lucan's Bellum Civile
  • Nicholas Rowe – produced a complete translation (1718)

Translators of Juvenal[]

  • John Dryden (Satires 1,3,6,10 and 16)
  • Peter Green (The 16 Satires)
  • Robert Lowell (Satire 10)

Translators of Martial[]

  • Peter Porter

Translators of the Tirukkural[]

Translators of other famous Classical authors[]

  • Willis Barnstone
  • Robert Graves – translated Apuleius and Suetonius
  • Thomas Heath – translator of works of Euclid of Alexandria, Apollonius of Perga, Aristarchus of Samos, and Archimedes of Syracuse
  • Philemon Holland – translations of Livy (1600), Pliny the Elder (1601), Suetonius (1606), Ammianus Marcellinus (1613) and Xenophon's Cyropaedia (1632)
  • Stephen MacKenna – translator of Plotinus
  • Robert Potter – translator of Aeschylus and Euripides
  • Betty Radice
  • Ian Scott-Kilvert
  • Gerald Toomer – translator of the Almagest of Ptolemy
  • Phillip Vellacott
  • Rex Warner – translator of Thucydides
  • E. F. Watling

Translators of The Qur'an[]

Translators of Medieval and modern literature into English[]

Translators of Icelandic and other Scandinavian classics[]

  • George Borrow
  • Paul Edwards
  • Lee M. Hollander
  • George Johnston
  • Gwyn Jones – also Welsh
  • Magnus Magnusson
  • Aubertine Woodward Moore
  • Hermann Palsson

Translators of Anglo-Saxon[]

  • Kevin Crossley-Holland
  • Seamus Heaney
  • Albert Stanburrough Cook

Translators of The Arabian Nights or The Thousand and One Nights[]

  • Richard Francis Burton – also translated from other Oriental languages, including Sanskrit
  • Edward William Lane and Stanley Lane-Poole
  • Andrew Lang
  • Edward Powys Mathers
  • John Payne

Translators of Omar Khayyam[]

  • Edward FitzGerald
  • Robert Graves
  • John Heath-Stubbs

Translators of Dante's Divine Comedy[]

Translators of Montaigne's Essays[]

Translators of Rabelais[]

Translators of Cervantes' Don Quixote[]

  • J. M. Cohen – also a translator of French
  • Alexander J. Duffield
  • Edith Grossman (2003)
  • John D. Rutherford (also a translator of Galician)
  • Charles Jervas
  • Pierre Antoine Motteux
  • John Ormsby (later revised by Joseph R. Jones and Kenneth Douglas)
  • Samuel Putnam
  • Burton Raffel (1995) – also a translator of Old English, French, Indonesian, Vietnamese
  • Thomas Shelton
  • Tobias Smollett
  • Walter Starkie
  • Henry Edward Watts

Translators of Goethe[]

Translators of Dostoyevsky[]

Translators of Tolstoy[]

  • Peter Constantine
  • Ann Dunnigan
  • Rosemary Edmonds
  • Constance Garnett
  • David Magarshack
  • Louise Maude and Aylmer Maude
  • Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky

Translators of Prus[]

  • Jeremiah Curtin
  • Christopher Kasparek
  • David Welsh

Translators of Mann[]

  • Peter Constantine
  • H. T. Lowe-Porter
  • Herman George Scheffauer
  • John E. Woods

Translators of Kafka[]

Translators of Musil[]

Translators of Proust[]

Translators of Flaubert[]

  • Lydia Davis
  • Francis Steegmuller

Translators of Borges[]

Other French to English translators[]

Other German to English translators[]

  • Thomas Carlyle – translated Jean Paul
  • Michael Hamburger – translated Hölderlin, Celan
  • Mary E. Ireland – translated Bertha Clement, Elise von Fernhain, Nikolaus Fries, Elizabeth Halden, John J. Messmer, Karl Gustav Nieritz, Otto Nietschmann, Emma Von Rhoden, Richard Roth, Emma Seifert
  • Ralph Manheim – translated Günter Grass, Bertolt Brecht and many others
  • Stephen Mitchell – translated Rilke and others
  • Natias Neutert – translated Gottfried Benn, Eichendorff, Ringelnatz and others
  • Daniele Pantano – translator of Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Georg Trakl, Robert Walser
  • Herman George Scheffauer- translated Rosa Mayreder, Georg Kaiser and others
  • Edward Snow – translated Rilke
  • Jean Starr Untermeyer – translated Broch
  • Leila Vennewitz – translated Boll, Jurek Becker and others
  • C. V. Wedgwood – translated Canetti
  • Shaun Whiteside – translated Freud, Marlen Haushofer, and Bernhard Schlink

Other Italian to English translators[]

Other Spanish to English translators[]

Other Russian to English translators[]

Other Polish to English translators[]

Irish to English translators[]

  • Seamus HeaneySweeney Astray is a version of the Medieval poem Buile Suibhne
  • Kenneth Jackson – translated A Celtic Miscellany
  • Thomas Kinsella – translated the epic Táin Bó Cúailnge
  • Frank O'Connor – translated Brian Merriman's Midnight Court

Nepali to English translators[]

Welsh to English translators[]

  • Charlotte Guest – produced the first retelling of the Mabinogion
  • Kenneth Jackson – translated A Celtic Miscellany
  • Gwyn Jones – translated the Mabinogion

Other Korean to English translators[]

Other Japanese to English translators[]

Other Chinese to English translators[]

  • Jane English
  • Howard Goldblatt — translator of contemporary Chinese fiction
  • Nicky Harman
  • David Hawkes — translator of the Chinese classic Story of the Stone or Dream of the Red Chamber, by Cao Xueqin
  • Arthur Waley
  • Helen Wang — translator of contemporary Chinese literature, especially fiction for children

Serbian to English translators[]

Other Yiddish to English translators[]

  • Curt Leviant – translator of Sholom Aleichem, Chaim Grade, and Isaac Bashevis Singer

Other Persian to English translators[]

  • A. J. Arberry
  • Dick Davis, translator of Attar and Ferdowsi (collaborating with Afkham Darband)
  • Edward FitzGerald, translator of Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam and Attar
  • Sir William Jones
  • Rebecca Gould and Kayvan Tahmasebian, translator of Bijan Elahi, Hasan Alizadeh, and various other works
  • Wheeler Thackston, translator of Saadi Shirazi, and others
  • Sara Khalili, translator of Shahriar Mandanipour, Goli Taraghi, Shahrnush Parsipur, Parinoush Saniee and others
  • Niloufar Talebi, translator of Ahmad Shamlou, and several contemporary Iranian poets and writers
  • M.R. Ghanoonparvar, translator of Moniro Ravanipour, and classical works
  • Elizabeth T. Gray Jr., translator of Hafez, Forugh Farrokhzad, and Simin Behbahani
  • Kaveh Bassiri, translator of Roya Zarrin (for which he won a National Endowment for the Arts Literature Translation Fellowship), and various other poets
  • Desmond Patrick Costello, translator of Sadegh Hedayat's The Blind Owl
  • Naveed Noori (pen name), translator of Sadegh Hedayat's The Blind Owl
  • Ahmad Nadalizadeh and Idra Novey, translators of Garous Abdolmalekian
  • Sholeh Wolpe, translator of Forugh Farrokhzad, Attar, and various 20th and 21st century poets

Translators of multiple languages into English[]

  • Anthea Bell – French, German, Danish, Polish
  • Edward Dundas Butler - Hungarian, Finnish, Romanian
  • Peter Constantine – Russian, German, French, Italian, Dutch, Modern Greek, Ancient Greek, Albanian
  • Will Firth – Russian, Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian
  • Michael Henry Heim – Russian, Czech, German, Serbo-Croatian, Hungarian
  • Ralph Manheim – German, French
  • W. S. Merwin – Ancient Greek, Spanish, Italian, Old English
  • Joachim Neugroschel – French, Spanish, German, Hebrew, Russian, Yiddish
  • Ewald Osers – translator of Czech, German
  • Burton Raffel – Old English, Indonesian, German, Ancient Greek, Spanish, French, Old French, Middle High German, Latin
  • Abraham Regelson – award winning poet and translator of Hebrew and Yiddish
  • Douglas Robinson – Finnish, Russian
  • C. J. Stevens – Dutch, Flemish
  • John Sturrock – French, Spanish
  • Wangui wa Goro – Gikuyu, French
  • Adolf Zytogorski – German, French, Russian

Other translators into English[]

  • Geoffrey Chaucer
  • Musharraf Ali Farooqi – translated the Indo-Islamic classic Hamzanama and Urdu poet Afzal Ahmed Syed into English
  • Jerzy Ficowski – translator of Polish, especially Bruno Schulz
  • Alamgir Hashmi
  • Victor G. Kiernan
  • Charles Muller
  • Reynold A. Nicholson
  • Cecil Parrott – translator of The Good Soldier Svejk
  • Taufiq Rafat – translated classical Punjabi poetry into English
  • David H. Rosenthal – translator of Tirant Lo Blanc from Catalan
  • Nina Salaman – translator of medieval Hebrew poetry
  • Frederik L. Schodt
  • Lazarre Seymour Simckes – translator from Hebrew to English
  • Rabindranath Tagore
  • Thomas Wyatt – translator of Petrarch


Translators of Ancient Chinese classics[]

Translators of Ancient Indian classics[]

  • Annie Besant
  • Musharraf Ali Farooqi
  • Juan Mascaro: Sanskrit and Pali
  • Barbara Stoler Miller
  • Monier Monier-Williams
  • Max Mueller
  • Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
  • Arthur W. Ryder
  • Andrew Schelling

Translators of Hellenistic and Roman philosophers[]

Translators of Augustine[]

  • Henry Chadwick
  • Edward Bouverie Pusey

Translators of Aquinas[]

  • Ralph McInerny

Translators of Descartes[]

Translators of Spinoza[]

Translators of Leibniz[]

Translators of Vico[]

  • Thomas Goddard Bergin and

Translators of Kant[]

Translators of Schopenhauer[]

  • R. B. Haldane

Translators of Kierkegaard[]

Translators of Nietzsche[]

Translators of Heidegger's Being and Time[]

Translators of Derrida[]

  • Geoffrey Bennington
  • Peggy Kamuf
  • Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak

Other translators[]

  • Elizabeth AnscombeLudwig Wittgenstein
  • Andrew BowieFriedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling, Friedrich Schleiermacher
  • Michael DummettGottlob Frege
  • J. N. FindlayEdmund Husserl
  • Maurice Merleau-Ponty



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