Order of battle at Dogger Bank (1915)

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This is the order of battle for the British and German fleets at the Battle of Dogger Bank, January 24, 1915.

British forces[]

HMS Lion

Battlecruiser Force[]

1st Battlecruiser Squadron: Vice-Admiral Sir David Beatty, K.C.B., M.V.O., D.S.O.

HMS Lion (flagship): Captain Alfred E. M. Chatfield, C.V.O.
HMS Tiger: Captain Henry B. Pelly, M.V.O.
HMS Princess Royal: Captain Osmond de B. Brock, A.d.C.

2nd Battlecruiser Squadron: RAdm Sir Archibald Moore, K.C.B., C.V.O.

HMS New Zealand (flagship): Captain Lionel Halsey, C.M.G., A.d.C.
HMS Indomitable: Captain Francis W. Kennedy

1st Light Cruiser Squadron: Commodore (2nd Class) William E. Goodenough, M.V.O.

HMS Southampton: Commodore Goodenough
HMS Nottingham: Captain Charles B. Miller
HMS Birmingham: Captain Arthur A. M. Duff
HMS Lowestoft: Captain Theobald W. B. Kennedy

Harwich Force[]

Commodore (T) Reginald Y. Tyrwhitt, C.B.

HMS Arethusa (light cruiser) Commodore Tyrwhitt

Attached Destroyers (soon to become the )

HMS Meteor: Captain the Hon. Herbert Meade
: Commander Barry E. Domvile [a]
HMS Mentor: Commander Rafe G. Rowley-Conwy
HMS Milne: Lieutenant-Commander Henry R. Clifton Mogg
: Lieutenant-Commander James L. Forbes
: Lieutenant-Commander Ernest H. B. Williams
HMS Morris: Commander Reginald Henniker-Heaton

: Captain Wilmot S. Nicholson

HMS Aurora (flotilla cruiser, Captain Nicholson)

1st Division/1st D.F.

HMS Acheron: Commander Brien M. Money
HMS Attack: Lieutenant-Commander Cyril Callaghan
HMS Hydra: Lieutenant-Commander Robert S. Buchanan
HMS Ariel: Lieutenant-Commander James V. Creagh

3rd Division/1st D.F.

HMS Ferret: Commander Geoffrey Mackworth
HMS Forester: Lieutenant-Commander Montague G. B. Legge
HMS Defender: Lieutenant-Commander Cecil H. H. Sams
HMS Druid: Lieutenant-Commander Roger V. Allison

4th Division/1st D.F.

HMS Hornet: Commander Cecil G. Chichester
HMS Tigress: Lieutenant-Commander Paul Whitfield
HMS Sandfly: Lieutenant-Commander Francis G. C. Coates
HMS Jackal: Lieutenant-Commander John C. Tovey

5th Division/1st D.F.

HMS Goshawk: Commander Dashwood F. Moir
HMS Phoenix: Lieutenant-Commander Michael K. H. Kennedy
HMS Lapwing: Lieutenant-Commander Alexander H. Gye

: Captain Francis G. St. John, M.V.O.

HMS Undaunted (flotilla cruiser, Captain St.John)

1st Division/3rd D.F.

: Commander Arthur B. S. Dutton
HMS Lysander: Lieutenant-Commander George W. Taylor
HMS Landrail: Lieutenant-Commander Bruce Lloyd Owen

2nd Division/3rd D.F.

HMS Laurel: Commander George P. England
HMS Liberty: Lieutenant-Commander Reginald B. C. Hutchinson D.S.C.
HMS Laertes: Commander Malcolm L. Goldsmith
: Lieutenant-Commander Ralph M. Mack

3rd Division/3rd D.F.

HMS Laforey: Commander Graham R. L. Edwards
HMS Lawford: Lieutenant-Commander Arthur A. Scott
HMS Lydiard: Lieutenant-Commander George H. Knowles
HMS Louis: Lieutenant-Commander Richard W. U. Bayly

4th Division/3rd D.F.

HMS Legion: Lieutenant-Commander Claud F. Allsup
HMS Lark: Lieutenant-Commander Charles E. Hughes-White

8th Submarine Flotilla: Commodore(S) Roger Keyes

HMS Firedrake: Lieutenant-Commander Alfred B. Watts
HMS Lurcher: Commander Wilfred Tomkinson

Deployed Submarines:

HMS E4: Lieutenant-Commander E. W. Leir
HMS E7: Lieutenant-Commander F. Fielmann
HMS E8: Lieutenant-Commander F. H. H. Goodhart
HMS E11: Lieutenant-Commander M. E. Nasmith

German forces[]

1st Scouting Group (I. Aufklärungsgruppe) battle cruisers: KAdm Franz Hipper

SMS Seydlitz (flagship): Kapt.z.S. (GE)
SMS Moltke: Kapt.z.S. (GE)
SMS Derfflinger: Kapt.z.S. Ludwig von Reuter
SMS Blücher: F.Kapt. Alexander Erdmann[1]

(II. Aufklärungsgruppe) light cruisers: KAdm Georg Hebbinghaus[2]

SMS Graudenz (flagship): F.Kapt. (GE)
SMS Stralsund: F.Kapt. Viktor Harder
SMS Rostock: Kapt.z.S. Johannes Hartog
SMS Kolberg: F.Kapt. (GE)

(V. Torpedoboots Flottille): K.Kapt. Bernd von dem Knesebeck

SMS G12: Kptlt. Hans Loening

9th Half-Flotilla (9. halbflottille)

SMS V1: Kptlt. Walter Hoffert
SMS V4: Kptlt. Kurt Heeseler
SMS V5: Kptlt. Wolf von Eichhorn

10th Half-Flotilla (10. halbflottille)

SMS G11: K.Kapt. Oskar Heinecke
SMS G9: Kptlt. Hans Anschütz
SMS G7: Kptlt. Johannes Weineck
SMS G8: Kptlt. Adolf Müller
SMS V2: Kptlt. Gerhard Hoefer

(VIII. Torpedoboots Flottille)

: K.Kapt. Paul Hundertmarck

15th Half-Flotilla (15. halbflottille)

: K.Kapt. Georg Weißenborn
: Kptlt. Hans Hufnagel
SMS V185: Kptlt. (GE)

18th Half-Flotilla (18. halbflottille)

SMS V30: K.Kapt. (GE)
SMS S33: Oblt.z.S. Hartmut Buddecke
SMS S34: Kptlt. Otto Andersen
SMS V29: Kptlt. Erich Steinbrinck
SMS S35:


Abbreviations for Officers’ Ranks
Royal Navy

VAdm: Vice-Admiral
RAdm: Rear-Admiral
Commodore: Commodore
Captain: Captainain
Commander: Commander
Lieutenant-Commander: Lieutenant-Commander

Imperial German Navy

VAdm: Vizeadmiral
KAdm: Konteradmiral (equivalent of Rear Admiral)
Kom: Kommodore (equivalent of Commodore)
KptzS: Kapitän zur See (equivalent of Captainain)
FKpt: Fregattenkapitän (equivalent of Captainain, junior to Kapitän zur See)
KKpt: Korvettenkapitän (equivalent of Commander)
KptLt: Kapitänleutnant (equivalent of Lieutenant Commander)
OLtzS: Oberleutnant zur See (equivalent of Lieutenant, junior to Kapitänleutnant)

Other Abbreviations

AdC.: Aide de Camp to The King
C.B.: Companion of The Most Honourable Order of the Bath
C.M.G.: Companion of The Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George
C.V.O.: Commander of The Royal Victorian Order
D.F: Destroyer Flotilla
D.S.C.:Distinguished Service Cross
D.S.O.:Distinguished Service Order
HMS: His Majesty's Ship
SMS: Seiner Majestät Schiff (German; translation: His Majesty's Ship)
K.C.B.: Knight Commander of The Most Honourable Order of the Bath
M.V.O.: Member of The Royal Victorian Order
the Hon.: The Honourable


  1. ^ Miranda sailed with 3rd D.F. but joined Commodore (T) before the action.



  • Beatty, David (2 March 1915). "Action in the North Sea on Sunday, the 24th of January, 1915". The London Gazette. London (29088). ISSN 0374-3721. Retrieved 26 January 2016.
  • Corbett, J. S. (1929) [1921]. Naval Operations. History of the Great War based on Official Documents. Vol. II (2nd ed.). London: Longmans, Green. OCLC 220474040. Retrieved 27 January 2016.
  • Home Waters: From November 1914 to the End of January 1915 (PDF). Naval Staff Monographs. Vol. III. Appendix C. The Naval Staff, Training and Staff Duties Division. 1921. OCLC 220734221. Retrieved 27 January 2016.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
  • The Navy List for January 1915. London: HMSO. 1915. OCLC 59612658. Retrieved 27 January 2016.
  • Groos, Otto (1925). Der Krieg in der Nordsee: Von Ende November bis Anfang Februar 1915 [The War in the North Sea: From the End of November until the Beginning of February, 1915]. Der Krieg zur See, 1914–18. Vol. III. Berlin: Verlag von E. S. Mittler & Sohn. OCLC 260121080.
  • Stoelzel, Albert (1930). Ehrenrangliste der Kaiserlich-Deutschen Marine 1914–18 [Honor Rank List of the Imperial German Navy 1914–18]. Berlin: Marine-Offizier-Verband. OCLC 62432982.
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