List of marine cnidarians of South Africa

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Map of the Southern African coastline showing some of the landmarks referred to in species range statements

The list of marine cnidarians of South Africa is a list of saltwater species that form a part of the cnidarian (Phylum Cnidaria) fauna of South Africa. This list does not include the freshwater cnidarians. The list follows the SANBI listing on iNaturalist, and does not always agree with WoRMS for distribution.

Cnidaria (/nɪˈdɛəriə, n-/) is a phylum under kingdom Animalia containing over 11,000 species of aquatic animals found both in freshwater and marine environments, predominantly the latter.

Their distinguishing feature is cnidocytes, specialized cells that they use mainly for capturing prey. Their bodies consist of mesoglea, a non-living jelly-like substance, sandwiched between two layers of epithelium that are mostly one cell thick.

Cnidarians mostly have two basic body forms: swimming medusae and sessile polyps, both of which are radially symmetrical with mouths surrounded by tentacles that bear cnidocytes. Both forms have a single orifice and body cavity that are used for digestion and respiration. Many cnidarian species produce colonies that are single organisms composed of medusa-like or polyp-like zooids, or both (hence they are trimorphic). Cnidarians' activities are coordinated by a decentralized nerve net and simple receptors. Several free-swimming species of Cubozoa and Scyphozoa possess balance-sensing statocysts, and some have simple eyes. Not all cnidarians reproduce sexually, with many species having complex life cycles of asexual polyp stages and sexual medusae. Some, however, omit either the polyp or the medusa stage, and the parasitic classes evolved to have neither form.

Cnidarians were formerly grouped with ctenophores in the phylum Coelenterata, but increasing awareness of their differences caused them to be placed in separate phyla. Cnidarians are classified into four main groups: the almost wholly sessile Anthozoa (sea anemones, corals, sea pens); swimming Scyphozoa (jellyfish); Cubozoa (box jellies); and Hydrozoa (a diverse group that includes all the freshwater cnidarians as well as many marine forms, and has both sessile members, such as Hydra, and colonial swimmers, such as the Portuguese Man o' War). Staurozoa have recently been recognised as a class in their own right rather than a sub-group of Scyphozoa, and the highly derived parasitic Myxozoa and Polypodiozoa were firmly recognized as cnidarians in 2007.

Most cnidarians prey on organisms ranging in size from plankton to animals several times larger than themselves, but many obtain much of their nutrition from dinoflagellates, and a few are parasites. Many are preyed on by other animals including starfish, sea slugs, fish, turtles, and even other cnidarians. Many scleractinian corals—which form the structural foundation for coral reefs—possess polyps that are filled with symbiotic photo-synthetic zooxanthellae. While reef-forming corals are almost entirely restricted to warm and shallow marine waters, other cnidarians can be found at great depths, in polar regions, and in freshwater.

Recent phylogenetic analyses support monophyly of cnidarians, as well as the position of cnidarians as the sister group of bilaterians. Fossil cnidarians have been found in rocks formed about 580 million years ago, and other fossils show that corals may have been present shortly before 490 million years ago and diversified a few million years later. However, molecular clock analysis of mitochondrial genes suggests a much older age for the crown group of cnidarians, estimated around 741 million years ago, almost 200 million years before the Cambrian period as well as any fossils. (Full article...)

Class Anthozoa, subclass Hexacorallia[]

Order Actiniaria, suborder Endocoelantheae[]

Family Halcuriidae[]

  • Carlgren, 1928

Suborder Nynantheae, infraorder Athenaria[]

Family Edwardsiidae[]

  • Carlgren, 1938

Family Halcampidae[]

  • Carlgren, 1938
  • Carlgren, 1938
  • Halianthella annularis Carlgren, 1938 – Brooding anemone [1]

Family Haloclavidae[]

  • (Verrill, 1865)[1]

Infraorder Thenaria[]

Superfamily Acontiaria, family Acontiophoridae[]

  • Carlgren, 1938

Family Aiptasiidae[]

  • Carlgren, 1938 – Trumpet anemone[1]

Family Hormathiidae[]

  • Carlgren, 1928
  • Carlgren, 1928
  • Carlgren, 1938
  • Carlgren, 1938
  • Carlgren, 1938
  • Calliactis polypus (Forsskål, 1775) Symbiotic anemone[1]
  • Carlgren, 1928
  • Carlgren, 1938

Family Isophellidae[]

  • Carlgren, 1928
  • Carlgren, 1938
  • Carlgren, 1938

Family Nemanthidae[]

  • (Wassilieff, 1908)

Family Sagartiidae[]

Superfamily Endomyaria, family Actiniidae[]

Family Actinodendronidae[]

  • Carlgren, 1900

Family Aliciidae[]

Family Condylanthidae[]

  • Carlgren, 1899

Family Liponematidae[]

  • (Hertwig, 1882)

Family Stichodactylidae[]

Superfamily Mesomyaria, family Actinostolidae[]

  • Carlgren, 1938
  • (Carlgren, 1928)
  • Isanthus capensis Carlgren, 1938 – Ring tentacle anemone[1]

Suborder Ptychodacteae[]

Family Preactiidae[]

  • Preactis millardae England in England & Robson, 1984 – Walking anemone, hedgehog anemone, sock anemone[1]

Superfamily Actiniaria incertae sedis, family Metridiidae[]

  • Metridium senile (Linnaeus, 1761) – Feather-duster anemone[1]
  • Metridium senile subsp. dianthus – (Not on WORMS)
  • Metridium senile subsp. pallidus (Rawlinson, 1934)
  • Metridium senile subsp. senile – (Not on WORMS)

Order Antipatharia[]

Family Antipathidae[]

Order Ceriantharia, suborder Spirularia[]

Family Cerianthidae[]

  • Ceriantheopsis austroafricanus Molodtsova, Griffiths & Acuña, 2011 – Tube anemone[1]
  • Molodtsova, 2001 – White tube anemone[1]

Order Corallimorpharia[]

Family Corallimorphidae[]

Family Discosomatidae[]

  • Discosoma spp. – Elephant ear corals[1]

Order Scleractinia[]

Family Acroporidae[]

Family Agariciidae[]

  • Vaughan, 1918[3]
  • (Dana, 1846)[3]
  • Yabe & Sugiyama, 1941 – Porcelain coral[3]
  • Leptoseris spp. – Plate coral[1]
  • (Dana, 1846) – Disc coral[1]
  • (Dana, 1846)[1]
  • Pavona decussata (Dana, 1846) – Peacock coral[1]
  • (Lamarck, 1816)
  • Wells, 1954 – Leaf coral[3]
  • (Ehrenberg, 1834)

Family Caryophylliidae[]

Family Coscinaraeidae[]

  • Anomastraea irregularis von Marenzeller, 1901 – Irregular honeycomb coral[1]
  • (Dana, 1846) – [3]
  • (Dana, 1846)
  • Forskål, 1775[3]
  • spp. – Brain corals[1]
  • Horastrea indica Pichon, 1971[3]

Family Dendrophylliidae[]

  • Balanophyllia (Balanophyllia) bonaespei van der Horst, 1938 – Cup coral[1]
  • (Bourne, 1905) – Turret coral[1]
  • Tubastraea micranthus (Ehrenberg, 1834) – Green tree coral[1]
  • Turbinaria irregularis Bernard, 1896
  • Turbinaria mesenterina (Lamarck, 1816) – Turbinate coral[1]

Family Euphylliidae[]

  • Galaxea fascicularis (Linnaeus, 1767) – Spiky coral[1]
  • Galaxea astreata (Lamarck, 1816) – Spiky coral[1]
  • (Ehrenberg, 1834) – Brain corals[1]

Family Fungiidae[]

  • (Ortmann, 1889)[3]
  • Cycloseris cyclolites (Lamarck, 1815)[3]
  • Cycloseris distorta (Michelin, 1842)[3]
  • Cycloseris spp. Mushroom corals[1]
  • (Linnaeus, 1758) – Helmet coral[1]
  • Herpolitha limax (Esper, 1797)[4]
  • Herpolitha spp. – Mushroom corals[1]
  • Lobactis scutaria (Lamarck, 1801) – Mushroom coral[1] syn. Fungia scutaria Lamarck, 1801
  • (Pallas, 1766)[3]

Family Lobophylliidae[]

  • Acanthastrea brevis Milne Edwards & Haime, 1849
  • Acanthastrea echinata (Dana, 1846) – Spiny honeycomb coral[1]
  • (Ehrenberg, 1834)
  • Acanthastrea ishigakiensis Veron, 1990
  • (Crossland, 1848)[3] (nomen dubium on WoRMS)
  • Veron, 2000
  • Echinophyllia aspera (Ellis & Solander, 1786)[3]
  • Lobophyllia spp. – False brain corals[2]
  • (Brüggemann, 1877)[3]
  • Milne Edwards & Haime – Brain corals[1]

Family Merulinidae[]

  • Milne Edwards & Haime, 1849 – false knob coral[3]
  • (Veron, 2000)
  • (Forskål, 1775)[3]
  • (Forskål, 1775)
  • (Milne Edwards, 1857)
  • (Forskål, 1775) – Knob coral[3]
  • (Klunzinger, 1879) – Knob coral[3]
  • (Vaughan, 1918) – Knob coral[3]
  • Dipsastraea pallida (Dana, 1846) – Knob coral[3]
  • (Gardiner, 1899) – Knob coral[3]
  • Dipsastraea speciosa (Dana, 1846) – Knob coral[3] 
  • (Veron, 2000)
  • (Milne Edwards & Haime, 1849)
  • (Lamarck, 1816)[3]
  • Milne Edwards & Haime, 1849 – Prickly pored coral[1]
  • Favites abdita (Ellis & Solander, 1786) – larger star coral[3]
  • (Ortmann, 1889)
  • (Verrill, 1866)
  • Favites complanata (Ehrenberg, 1834) – larger star coral[3]
  • Dana, 1846 – larger star coral[3]
  • Favites halicora (Ehrenberg, 1834) – larger star coral[3]
  • Favites pentagona (Esper, 1795) – larger star coral[3]
  • (Wells, 1954)
  • Favites spinosa (Klunzinger, 1879)
  • (Klunzinger, 1879)
  • Favites spp. – Honeycomb corals[1]
  • Chevalier, 1971[3]
  • (Ehrenberg, 1834)[3]
  • Goniastrea retiformis (Lamarck, 1816)[3]
  • Goniastrea stelligera (Dana, 1846)[3] Favia stelligera (Dana, 1846)
  • Goniastrea spp. – Honeycomb corals[1]
  • Hydnophora exesa (Pallas, 1766)[3]
  • (Lamarck, 1816) – Small-coned coral[1]
  • Veron, 1985
  • (Ellis & Solander, 1786) – Least valley coral[4]
  • Oulophyllia crispa (Lamarck, 1816) – Brain coral[1]
  • (Faure & Pichon, 1978) – larger star coral[3]
  • Veron, 2000
  • Platygyra daedalea (Ellis & Solander, 1786) – Labyrinthine brain coral[1]
  • (Milne Edwards & Haime, 1849)

Family Mussidae, subfamily Faviinae[]

  • Favia spp. – False honeycomb corals[1]

Family Plesiastreidae[]

  • Plesiastrea versipora (Lamarck, 1816) – Star-like coral[1]

Family Pocilloporidae[]

Family Poritidae[]

  • Vaughan, 1907 – Daisy coral[1]
  • (Ehrenberg, 1834)
  • Vaughan, 1907 – anemone coral[3]
  • Dana, 1846[3]
  • Porites lutea Quoy & Gaimard, 1833[3]
  • (Forskål, 1775)[3]
  • Porites spp. – Porous corals[1]

Family Psammocoridae[]

  • Milne Edwards & Haime, 1851

Scleractinia incertae sedis[]

  • Blastomussa merleti (Wells, 1961)[3]

Scleractinia incertae sedis[]

  • (Dana, 1846) – Crust coral[3]

Order Zoantharia, suborder Brachycnemina[]

Family Sphenopidae[]

  • Carlgren, 1938 – Squat sandy zoanthid[1]
  • Pax, 1935 – Columnar sandy zoanthid[1]
  • (Esper, 1791) – Leathery zoanthid [1]

Family Zoanthidae[]

  • Gray, 1828 – Knobbly zoanthid[1]
  • Carlgren – Durban zoanthid[1]
  •  ? 2O
  • Carlgen – Green zoanthid[1]
  •  ?[1] – Not in WoRMS
  • Zoanthus sansibaricus Carlgren, 1900 – Violet zoanthid[1] check date

Suborder Macrocnemina[]

Family Parazoanthidae[]

  • Isozoanthus capensis Carlgren, 1938 – Cape zoanthid[1]
  • Parazoanthus sp. – Sponge zoanthid[1]

Subclass Octocorallia[]

Order Alcyonacea, suborder Alcyoniina[]

Family Alcyoniidae[]

  • Hickson, 1900[5]
  • Williams, 1988[5]
  • (Kükenthal, 1902)[5]
  • Alcyonium fauri Studer, 1910 – Purple soft coral[1]
  • J. S. Thomson, 1921[5]
  • Kükenthal, 1906[5]
  • (Tixier-Durivault, 1954)[5]
  • (J.S. Thomson, 1921)[5]
  • (Benayahu, 1993)[3]
  • Tixier-Durivault, 1954[5]
  • Bock, 1938[5]
  • Cladiella australis (Macfadyen, 1936)[1]
  • Benayahu & Schleyer, 1996 – Blanching soft coral[1]
  • Cladiella krempfi (Hickson, 1919)[1]
  • (Tixier-Durivault, 1944)[5]
  • (Williams, 1988)[5]
  • (J.S. Thomson, 1910)[5]
  • Eleutherobia variabile (Thomson, 1921) – Variable soft coral[1]
  • Williams & Little, 2001[1]
  • (Williams, 1986)[5]
  • Lobophytum crassum von Marenzeller, 1886 – Dimorphic soft coral[1]
  • Lobophytum crebliplicatum von Marenzeller, 1886[5]
  • Lobophytum depressum Tixier-Durivault, 1966[1]
  • Lobophytum latilobatum Verseveldt, 1971[1]
  • Lobophytum patulum Tixier-Durivault, 1956[1]
  • Lobophytum venustum Tixier-durivault, 1957 – Dimorphic soft coral[1]
  • Malacacanthus capensis (Hickson, 1900) – Sunburst soft coral[1]
  • spp.[5]
  • (v. Marenzeller, 1886)[3]
  • Tixier-Durivault, 1966[3]
  • Sarcophyton glaucum (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833)[3]
  • Tixier-Durivault, 1958[3]
  • von Marenzeller, 1886[5]
  • Sarcophyton spp. – Mushroom soft corals[1]
  • Tixier-Durivault, 1970 – Abrupt leather-coral[1]
  • May, 1898 – Cabbage leather-coral[1]
  • Tixier-Durivault, 1945[3]
  • Tixier-Durivault, 1970[3]
  • (Pratt, 1903)[3]
  • Tixier-Durivault, 1970 – Lobed leather-coral[1]
  • (Klunzinger, 1877)[3]
  • Verseveldt, 1970 – Spiky leather-coral[1]
  • (Pratt, 1903)[3]
  • (Ehrenberg, 1834) – Finger-branched leather-coral[1]
  • (May, 1899)[3]
  • Tixier-Durivault, 1966[3]
  • Sinularia polydactyla (Eherenberg, 1834)[5](Madagascar, seychelles)
  • (Pratt, 1903)[3]
  • Benayahu, 1993[3]
  • Tixier-Durivault, 1970[3]
  • Tixier-Durivault, 1945[3]
  • Williams, 1990[5]
  • (Hickson, 1900)[5]

Family Nephtheidae[]

  • Williams, 1988[5]
  • (Verrill, 1865) – Cauliflower soft coral[1]
  • Verseveldt, 1960 – Thistle soft corals[5]
  • Tixier-Durivault & Prevor, 1962 – Thistle soft corals[5]
  • Dendronephthya spp. – Thistle soft corals[1]
  • McFadden & van Ofwegen, 2012
  • McFadden & van Ofwegen, 2012[6]
  • McFadden & van Ofwegen, 2012
  • McFadden & van Ofwegen, 2012
  • Eunephthya thyrsoidea Verrill, 1869
  • Verseveldt & Williams, 1988[5]
  • Nephthea sp.[5]
  • Scleronephthya spp.[1]
  • spp.[1]

Family Nidaliidae[]

  • Williams, 2000
  • (Williams, 1988)[5]
  • Williams, 2000
  • Williams, 2000
  • (J.S. Thomson, 1921)[5]
  • Siphonogorgia sp.[5]

Family Parasphaerascleridae[]

  • (Benayahu & Schleyer, 1995) – Golden soft coral[1]
  • (Tixier-Durivault, 1954)[5]
  • (Thomson, 1910)[5]
  • Parasphaerasclera valdiviae (Kukenthal, 1906) – Valdivian soft coral[1]

Family Xeniidae[]

  • Anthelia glauca Lamarck, 1816[1]
  • May, 1898[5]
  • Kölliker, 1874[5]
  • Heteroxenia fuscescens (Ehrenberg, 1834) – Pulsating soft coral[1]
  • Schenk, 1896[5]
  • (May, 1899)[5]
  • (May, 1899) – Blue soft coral[1]
  • Ehrenberg, 1834[3]
  • Schenk, 1896 – Stalked soft coral[1]
  • Tixier-Durivault, 1959[5]
  • (Lesson, 1826)[5]
  • Roxas, 1933[3]
  • Lamarck, 1816[5]
  • Schenk, 1896[5]

Order Calcaxonia[]

Family Chrysogorgiidae[]

Family Ellisellidae[]

Family Isididae[]

Family Primnoidae[]

Subrder Holaxonia[]

Family Acanthogorgiidae[]

Family Gorgoniidae[]

  • Eunicella albicans (Kölliker, 1865) – Flagellar sea fan[1]
  • Eunicella papillosa (Esper, 1797) – Nippled sea fan[1]
  • Eunicella tricoronata Velimirov, 1971 – Sinuous sea fan[1]
  • Stiasny, 1940[7]
  • Leptogorgia capensis (Hickson, 1900)[7]
  • (Hickson, 1904)[7]
  • Kükenthal, 1919[7]
  • (Wright & Studer, 1889)[7]
  • Leptogorgia palma (Pallas, 1766) – Palmate sea fan[1]
  • Kükenthal, 1919[7]
  • Verrill, 1864[7]
  • Kükenthal, 1919[7]

Family Keroeididae[]

  • (Simpson, 1910)[7]

Family Plexauridae[]

Suborder Scleraxonia[]

Family Anthothelidae[]

  • Thomson, 1917[7]
  • (Thomson, 1911)[7]
  • Homophyton verrucosum (Möbius, 1861) – Warty sea fan, Gorgonian twig coral[1]

Subfamily Melithaeinae[]

  • (Studer, 1878)[7]
  • (Ellis & Solander, 1786)[7]
  • (Thomson, 1916)[7]
  • (Esper, 1789) – Multicolour sea fan[1]
  • (Thomson, 1916)[7]
  • (Thomson, 1917)[7]
  • (Kükenthal, 1908)[7]
  • Reijnen, McFadden, Hermanlimianto & van Ofwegen, 2014[7]

Suborder Stolonifera[]

Family Clavulariidae[]

  • Williams, 1989[7]
  • Wright & Studer, 1889[7]
  • Broch, 1939[7]
  • Wright & Studer, 1889[7] (dubious)
  • Tixier-Durivault, 1964[7]
  • Clavularia sp.[1]
  • (Madsen, 1944)[7]
  • sp.[7]
  • Williams, 1987[7]
  • Wright & Studer, 1889 – Cave-dwelling soft coral[1]
  • sp.[7]

Family Tubiporidae[]

  • Tubipora musica Linnaeus, 1758 – Organ-pipe coral[1]

Order Pennatulacea[]

Family Chunellidae[]

  • (Kükenthal, 1902)[8]
  • Chunella gracillima Kükenthal, 1902[8]

Family Echinoptilidae[]

  • Actinoptilum molle (Kükenthal, 1902) – Purple sea pen, Cylindrical sea pen[1]
  • (Kükenthal, 1910)[8]
  • Hubrecht, 1885[8]

Family Scleroptilidae[]

Suborder Sessiliflorae[]

Family Anthoptilidae[]

  • (Verrill, 1879)[8]

Family Funiculinidae[]

  • Funiculina quadrangularis (Pallas, 1766)[8]

Family Kophobelemnidae[]

Family Protoptilidae[]

  • Verrill, 1882[8]

Family Umbellulidae[]

  • Kölliker, 1875[8]
  • Kölliker, 1874[8]

Family Veretillidae[]

suborder Subsessiliflorae[]

Family Halipteridae[]

Family Pennatulidae[]

  • Kükenthal, 1910[8]
  • J.S. Thomson, 1915 – Rotund sea pen[1]
  • spp.[8]

Family Virgulariidae[]

  • Gravier, 1906[8]
  • (Herklots, 1863) – Elegant sea pen[1]
  • Virgularia mirabilis (Müller, 1776)[8]
  • Virgularia schultzei Kükenthal, 1910 – Feathery sea pen[1]

Class Cubozoa[]

Order Carybdeida[]

Family Carybdeidae[]

Family Tamoyidae[]

  • F. Müller, 1859

Order Chirodropida[]

Family Chirodropidae[]

  • Haeckel, 1880
  • Haeckel, 1880

Family Chiropsalmidae[]

Class Hydrozoa, subclass Hydroidolina[]

Order Anthoathecata, suborder Aplanulata[]

Family Candelabridae[]

  • Candelabrum capensis (Manton, 1940)
  • Candelabrum tentaculatum (Millard, 1966)
  • Millard, 1966[9] – Agulhas bank

Family Corymorphidae[]

  • (Allman, 1888)[9]
  • (Kramp, 1962)
  • (Maas, 1905)
  • (Mayer, 1894)
  • (Kramp, 1948)
  • (Brooks, 1883)
  • Forbes, 1848[10]
  • (Uchida, 1947)
  • Bigelow, 1904
  • Kramp, 1955
  • Kramp, 1942

Family Tubulariidae[]

  • (Warren, 1908)
  • Ectopleura crocea (Agassiz, 1862)
  • (Van Beneden, 1844)
  • Ectopleura larynx (Ellis & Solander, 1786)
  • (Browne, 1902)
  • Zyzzyzus warreni Calder, 1988

Suborder Capitata[]

Family Asyncorynidae[]

  • Warren, 1908[9]

Family Cladocorynidae[]

  • Rotch, 1871

Family Family Cladonematidae[]

  • (Browne, 1902)

Family Corynidae[]

  • Millard, 1966
  • (Forbes, 1848)
  • Coryne eximia Allman, 1859
  • (Browne, 1902)
  • Not found anywhere
  • Allman, 1872 – (taxon inquirendum)
  • Cannot identify this one
  • Gaertner, 1774
  • Forbes, 1846
  • (Pagès, Gili & Bouillon, 1992)syn. Dipurena baukalion
  • (Haeckel, 1879)syn. Dipurena ophiogaster
  • (M. Sars, 1835)

Family Halimedusidae[]

  • Kishinouye, 1910

Family Milleporidae[]

  • Millepora tenella Esper, 1795 – Fire coral?[1] – taxon inquirendum
  • Millepora tenera Boschma, 1949 – Fire coral?[1]
  • Millepora platyphylla Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1834[3]

Family Moerisiidae[]

  • Paltschikowa-Osroumowa, 1925[9]

Family Pennariidae[]

Family Porpitidae[]

  • Porpita porpita (Linnaeus, 1758) – Porpita pacifica
  • Velella velella (Linnaeus, 1758)

Family Solanderiidae[]

  • (Gray, 1868)[9]
  • Solanderia procumbens (Carter, 1873)[9]
  • (Inaba, 1892)[9]

Family Sphaerocorynidae[]

  • Pictet, 1893[9] – Natal and Mozambique, India, Madagascar, Queensland and Japan

Family Teissieridae[]

  • Bouillon, 1978

Family Zancleidae[]

Family Zancleopsidae[]

  • (Uchida, 1927)
  • spp.

Capitata incertae sedis[]

  • Keferstein & Ehlers, 1861

Capitata incertae sedis[]

  • (Linko, 1900) – taxon inquirendum

Capitata incertae sedis[]

  • Bouillon, 1978

Suborder Filifera[]

Family Bougainvilliidae[]

  • Annandale, 1915[9]
  • Warren, 1919[9]
  • Wright, 1859[9]
  • Agassiz & Mayer, 1899
  • Lesson, 1830[9]
  • Jäderholm, 1923[9]
  • (Sars, 1846)[9]
  • Bougainvillia muscus (Allman, 1863)[9]
  • (Haeckel, 1879)
  • (Alder, 1856)[9]
  • (Stechow, 1923)
  • (Péron & Lesueur, 1810)
  • (Kramp, 1928)
  • Nemopsis bachei L. Agassiz, 1849
  • Bouillon, 1980
  • (Millard, 1959)[9]
  • Warren, 1907[9]

Family Bythotiaridae[]

  • Pagès, Bouillon & Gili, 1991
  • Günther, 1903
  • Vanhöffen, 1911
  • (Browne, 1910)
  • Vanhöffen, 1911
  • Fewkes, 1882
  • Vanhöffen, 1911
  • (Maas, 1905)
  • (Bigelow, 1912)
  • Maas, 1905

Family Cytaeididae[]

  • (Millard, 1959)[9]

Family Eudendriidae[]

Family Hydractiniidae[]

  • Clava sp.[9]
  • Hydractinia altispina Millard, 1955[9]
  • (Kramp, 1959)[9]
  • Millard, 1957[9]
  • Bergh, 1887
  • Millard, 1959[9]
  • Millard, 1955[9]
  • Millard, 1975[9]
  • (Millard, 1975)[9]
  • M. Sars, 1846

Family Hydrichthyidae[]

  • Warren, 1916[9]
  • Hydrocorella africana Stechow, 1921[9]

Family Magapiidae[]

  • (Kramp, 1955)
  • Bouillon, 1978

Family Oceaniidae[]

Family Pandeidae[]

  • (Mayer, 1900)
  • (Péron & Lesueur, 1810)
  • (Mayer, 1900)
  • (Mayer, 1900)
  • (Hartlaub, 1914)
  • (Browne, 1902)
  • Hartlaub, 1914
  • Pagès, Gili & Bouillon, 1992
  • Kramp, 1957
  • Browne, 1916
  • (Fleming, 1823)[9]
  • (Lesson, 1843)
  • (Forsskål, 1775)
  • Kramp, 1953
  • Pandea conica (Quoy & Gaimard, 1827)
  • (Uchida, 1927)

Family Proboscidactylidae[]

  • Pagès, Bouillon & Gili, 1991[10]
  • (Browne, 1902)
  • (McCrady, 1859)
  • (Forbes, 1846)

Family Rathkeidae[]

  • Forbes, 1848

Family Stylasteridae[]

Order Leptothecata[]

Family Aequoreidae[]

  • Millard, 1966[9]
  • Uchida, 1947
  • (Brandt, 1835)
  • Browne, 1905
  • Aequorea forskalea Péron & Lesueur, 1810 – Crystal jellyfish[1]
  • Aequorea macrodactyla (Brandt, 1835)
  • (Haeckel, 1879)
  • Stiasny, 1928
  • Bigelow, 1912

Family Blackfordiidae[]

  • Mayer, 1910

Family Campanulinidae[]

  • Ritchie, 1910[9]

Family Campanulariidae[]

  • Stechow, 1923[9]
  • Alder, 1856[9]
  • Millard, 1966[9]
  • Millard, 1957[9]
  • Gow & Millard, 1975[9]
  • Gow & Millard, 1975[9]
  • (Bigelow, 1904)
  • (Mayer, 1900)
  • Clytia hemisphaerica (Linnaeus, 1767)[9]
  • (Leloup, 1935)[9]
  • Millard & Bouillon, 1973[9]
  • (Thorneley, 1900)[9]
  • Bouillon, 1984[9]
  • (Stechow, 1923)[9]
  • (Vanhöffen, 1910)[9]
  • (Péron & Lesueur, 1810) – taxon inquirendum
  • (Browne, 1902)
  • Stechow, 1919[9]
  • (Allman, 1859)[9]
  • (Hincks, 1871)[9]
  • Clark, 1875[9]
  • Obelia dichotoma (Linnaeus, 1758)[9]
  • Obelia geniculata (Linnaeus, 1758)[9]
  • (Clark, 1876)[9]
  • (MacGillivray, 1842)[9]

Family Eirenidae[]

  • Browne, 1905
  • (Goette, 1886)
  • Kramp, 1953
  • Browne, 1905
  • (Péron & Lesueur, 1809)
  • Browne, 1905
  • (Haeckel, 1864)
  • Kramp, 1958
  • Uchida, 1925
  • (Agassiz & Mayer, 1899)
  • McCrady, 1859
  • Torrey, 1909
  • (Johnston, 1833)

Family Hebellidae[]

  • (Warren, 1909)[9]
  • Millard, 1957[9]
  • (Hincks, 1853)[9] – (nomen dubium)
  • (Bale, 1888)[9]
  • Scandia mutabilis (Ritchie, 1907)[9]

Family Laodiceidae[]

  • Agassiz & Mayer, 1899
  • Browne, 1902
  • (Forbes & Goodsir, 1853)
  • (Kramp, 1959)

Family Lineolariidae[]

  • (Millard, 1975)[9]

Family Lovenellidae[]

  • Kramp, 1959
  • Kramp, 1959[9]
  • Mayer, 1900
  • Haeckel, 1879

Family Malagazziidae[]

  • (Mayer, 1900)
  • (Kramp, 1953)

Family Mitrocomidae[]

  • (Browne, 1902)
  • Kramp, 1965
  • Pagès, Gili & Bouillon, 1992

Family Phialellidae[]

  • (Millard, 1959)[9]
  • Browne, 1902
  • (Forbes, 1848) 
  • (Hincks, 1868)[9]

Family Sertulariidae[]

  • (Ritchie, 1907)[9]
  • (Bale, 1884)[9]
  • (Thompson, 1879)[9]
  • (Linnaeus, 1758)[9]
  • (Warren, 1908)[9]
  • (Bale, 1882)[9]
  • Stechow, 1923[9]
  • (Busk, 1852)[9]
  • Billard, 1924[9]
  • Billard, 1907[9]
  • Lamouroux, 1824[9]
  • (Bosc, 1802)[9]
  • Lamouroux, 1816[9]
  • (Ellis & Solander, 1786)[9]
  • (Lamouroux, 1816)[9]
  • (Torrey, 1902)[9]
  • Millard, 1964[9]
  • Stechow, 1919[9]
  • Millard, 1964[9]
  • Sertularella arbuscula (Lamouroux, 1816)[9]
  • Nutting, 1904[9]
  • Millard, 1957[9]
  • Millard, 1964[9]
  • (Allman, 1885)[9]
  • (Lamouroux, 1816)[9]
  • Billard, 1907[9]
  • (Allman, 1885)[9]
  • (Hincks, 1861)[9]
  • Millard, 1964[9]
  • Stechow, 1923[9]
  • (Allman, 1888)[9]
  • Not found in WoRMS Could it be Sertularia marginata (Kirchenpauer, 1864)
  • Hartlaub, 1901[9]
  • Stechow, 1923[9]
  • Millard, 1968[9]
  • Sertularella polyzonias (Linnaeus, 1758)[9]
  • Stechow, 1923[9]
  • Stechow, 1923[9]
  • Stechow, 1923
  • Busk, 1852[9]
  • (Kirchenpauer, 1864)[9]
  • (Lamouroux, 1816)[9]
  • (Allman, 1888)[9]
  • (Lamouroux, 1816)[9]
  • (Allman, 1877)
  • (Marktanner-Turneretscher, 1890)[9]
  • (Trebilcock, 1928)[9]
  • Stechow, 1923[9]
  • (Kirchenpauer, 1884)[9]
  • Thuiaria articulata (Pallas, 1766)[9]
  • Warren, 1908[9]
  • (Esper, 1793)[9]

Family Syntheciidae[]

  • Millard, 1958
  • (Bale, 1888)[9]
  • Jarvis, 1922[9]
  • Allman, 1872[9]
  • Millard, 1957[9]

Family Thyroscyphidae[]

  • (Lamouroux, 1816)[9]

Family Tiarannidae[]

  • Fewkes, 1882
  • Pagès, Bouillon & Gili, 1991
  • (Quoy & Gaimard, 1827)[9]
  • (Allman, 1888)

Family Tiaropsidae[]

  • (Maas, 1905)

Superfamily Plumularioidea, family Aglaopheniidae[]

  • Lamouroux, 1816[9]
  • Allman, 1877[9]
  • Aglaophenia pluma (Linnaeus, 1758)[9]
  • Millard, 1975[9]
  • Clarke, 1907[9]
  • (Stechow, 1911)[9]
  • Vervoort, 1966[9]
  • Millard, 1962[9]
  • (Kirchenpauer, 1872)[9]
  •  Vervoort, 1966[9]
  • Millard, 1977
  • Millard, 1975[9]
  • Vervoort, 1966[9]
  • Clarke, 1879[9]
  • Millard, 1975[9]
  • Stechow, 1923[9]
  • (Millard, 1958)[9]
  • (Marktanner-Turneretscher, 1890)[9]
  • (Lamouroux, 1816)[9]
  • (Millard, 1962)[9]
  • (Billard, 1901)[9]
  • (Jäderholm, 1903)[9]
  • (Busk, 1852)[9]
  • (Kirchenpauer, 1872)[9]
  • (Billard, 1912)[9]
  • (Busk, 1852)[9]
  • (Busk, 1852)[9]
  • (Lamouroux, 1816)[9]
  • (Busk, 1851)[9]
  • Macrorhynchia filamentosa (Lamarck, 1816)[9]
  • Kirchenpauer, 1872[9]
  • (Busk, 1852)[9]

Family Haleciidae[]

  • (Johnston, 1838)[9]
  • Coughtrey, 1876[9]
  • Allman, 1888[9]
  • Billard, 1929[9]
  • Halecium halecinum (Linnaeus, 1758)[9]
  • Millard, 1958[9]
  • (Bourne, 1890)[9]
  • Halecium muricatum (Ellis & Solander, 1786)[9]
  • Norman, 1866[9]
  • Hincks, 1861[9]
  • (Millard, 1955)[9]
  • (Jarvis, 1922)[9]
  • (Fraser, 1914)[9]
  • (Hincks, 1866)[9]
  • Millard & Bouillon, 1974[9]

Family Halopterididae[]

  • Ritchie, 1909[9]
  • (Gmelin, 1791)[9]
  • Millard, 1962[9]
  • (Nutting, 1905)[9]
  • Millard, 1962[9]
  • Corhiza scotiae (Ritchie, 1907)[9]
  • (Billard, 1907)[9]
  • (Billard, 1907)[9]
  • Gattya humilis Allman, 1885[9]
  • (Jarvis, 1922)[9]
  • Millard, 1962[9]
  • (Lamouroux, 1816)[9]
  • (Billard, 1913)[9]
  • Millard, 1975[9]
  • Millard, 1975[9]
  • (Kirchenpauer, 1876)[9]
  • Millard, 1958[9]
  • Millard, 1958[9]
  • (McCrady, 1859)[9]
  • (Ellis & Solander, 1786)[9]

Family Kirchenpaueriidae[]

  • (Billard, 1906)
  • (Alder, 1859)
  • (Linnaeus, 1758)[9]
  • (Totton, 1930)[9]
  • (Jarvis, 1922)[9]
  • Pycnotheca mirabilis (Allman, 1883)[9]

Family Lafoeidae[]

  • (Allman, 1877)[9]
  • (Allman, 1888)
  • (Jarvis, 1922)[9]
  • (Allman, 1888)[9]
  • (Allman, 1888)[9]
  • (Hartlaub, 1904)[9]
  • (Hassall, 1848)[9]
  • (Clarke, 1879)[9]
  • Ritchie, 1909[9]
  • (Fleming, 1820)[9]
  • Stechow, 1923[9]
  • (Lamarck, 1816)[9]
  • (Ritchie, 1907)[9]
  • Billard, 1905[9]
  • Millard, 1958[9]
  • (Clarke, 1894)[9]
  • Millard, 1958[9]
  • Billard, 1918[9]

Family Plumulariidae[]

  • (Jäderholm, 1905)[9]
  • (Linnaeus, 1758)[9]
  • Bale, 1914[9]
  • (Busk, 1851)[9]
  • (Lamarck, 1816)[9]
  • Millard, 1967[9]
  • Kirchenpauer, 1876[9]
  • Nutting, 1900[9] 1973 
  • Allman, 1885[9]
  • Millard, 1975[9]
  • (Johnston, 1847)[9]
  • Bale, 1882[9]
  • Plumularia setacea (Linnaeus, 1758)[9]
  • Bale, 1882[9]
  • Pictet, 1893[9]
  • Stechow, 1919[9]
  • Jarvis, 1922[9]

Order Siphonophorae, suborder Calycophorae[]

Family Abylidae, subfamily Abylinae[]

  • Moser, 1925
  • Lens & van Riemsdijk, 1908
  • Quoy & Gaimard, 1827
  • (Bigelow, 1918)
  • (Huxley, 1859)
  • (Quoy & Gaimard, 1827)
Subfamily Abylopsinae[]

Family Clausophyidae[]

  • Lens & van Riemsdijk, 1908
  • Moser, 1925
  • (Moser, 1925)
  • Moser, 1925
  • (Keferstein & Ehlers, 1860) 

Family Diphyidae, subfamily Diphyinae[]

  • (Eschscholtz, 1829)
  • (Lens & van Riemsdijk, 1908)
  • Dimophyes arctica (Chun, 1897)
  • (Eschscholtz, 1825)
  • Huxley, 1859
  • Diphyes dispar Chamisso & Eysenhardt, 1821
  • (Huxley, 1859)
  • (Bigelow, 1911)[10]
  • Totton, 1941
  • Totton, 1941
  • (Moser, 1917)
  • (Keferstein & Ehlers, 1860)
  • Totton, 1941
  • Totton, 1941
  • (Bigelow, 1911)
  • Daniel & Daniel, 1963
  • Leloup, 1933
  • Totton, 1941
  • Totton, 1941
  • Totton, 1941
  • Totton, 1941
  • Totton, 1941
  • Totton, 1941
  • (Leloup, 1934)
  • (Moser, 1925)
  • Daniel, 1971
  • (Chun, 1886)
  • (Lens & van Riemsdijk, 1908)
  • Muggiaea atlantica Cunningham, 1892[10]
  • Muggiaea kochi (Will, 1844)
Subfamily Sulculeolariinae[]
  • (Sars, 1846)
  • (Lens & van Riemsdijk, 1908)
  • (Chun, 1888)
  • de Blainville, 1830
  • (Gegenbaur, 1854)

Family Hippopodiidae[]

Family Prayidae, subfamily Amphicaryoninae[]

  • Chun, 1888
  • Totton, 1954
  • (Haeckel, 1888)
Subfamily Nectopyramidinae[]
  • (Bigelow, 1911)
  • (Bigelow, 1911)
  • Bigelow, 1911
Subfamily Prayinae[]
  • Haeckel, 1888
  • Praya dubia (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833)
  • (Bigelow, 1911)
  • (Delle Chiaje, 1830)
  • Bigelow, 1911

Family Sphaeronectidae[]

Suborder Cystonectae[]

Family Physaliidae[]

  • Physalia physalis (Linnaeus, 1758)

Family Rhizophysidae[]

  • Gegenbaur, 1859
  • (Forsskål, 1775)

Suborder Physonectae[]

Family Agalmatidae[]

  • Agalma elegans (Sars, 1846)
  • Eschscholtz, 1825
  • (Forsskål, 1775)
  • (Haeckel, 1888)
  • (Vogt, 1852)
  • Totton, 1954
  • Totton, 1954
  • (Quoy & Gaimard, 1827)
  • Nanomia bijuga (Delle Chiaje, 1844)

Family Apolemiidae[]

Family Forskaliidae[]

  • (Milne-Edwards, 1841)
  • Kölliker, 1853
  • Haeckel, 1888 – (taxon inquirendum)

Family Physophoridae[]

Family Pyrostephidae[]

  • Totton, 1954

Subclass Trachylinae[]

Order Limnomedusae[]

Family Olindiidae[]

  • Pagès, Bouillon & Gili, 1991
  • Pagès, Bouillon & Gili, 1991

Order Narcomedusae[]

Family Aeginidae[]

Family Cuninidae[]

  • Maas, 1893
  • Kramp, 1948
  • Eschscholtz, 1829
  • McCrady, 1857
  • Bigelow, 1909
  • Solmissus marshalli Agassiz & Mayer, 1902

Family Solmarisidae[]

  • Bigelow, 1909
  • H. B. Bigelow, 1909
  • Haeckel, 1879
  • (Kölliker, 1853)
  • Haeckel, 1879
  • Haeckel, 1879

Order Trachymedusae[]

Family Geryoniidae[]

  • (Forsskål, 1775)
  • Liriope tetraphylla (Chamisso & Eysenhardt, 1821)[10]

Family Halicreatidae[]

Family Rhopalonematidae[]

  • Aglantha elata (Haeckel, 1879)
  • Aglaura hemistoma Péron & Lesueur, 1810[10]
  • Amphogona apicata Kramp, 1957
  • Colobonema sericeum Vanhöffen, 1902
  • Crossota alba Bigelow, 1913
  • Vanhöffen, 1902
  • Maas, 1893
  • Persa incolorata McCrady, 1857
  • Vanhöffen, 1902
  • Gegenbaur, 1857
  • Gegenbaur, 1856
  • Bigelow, 1909

Class Scyphozoa[]

Order Coronatae[]

Family Atollidae[]

  • Repelin, 1962
  • Atolla wyvillei Haeckel, 1880

Family Nausithoidae[]

  • Kölliker, 1853

Family Periphyllidae[]

  • Periphylla periphylla (Péron & Lesueur, 1810)

Order Carybdeida[]

Family Carybdeidae[]

Order Rhizostomeae, suborder Kolpophorae[]

Family Cassiopeidae[]

  • Cassiopea andromeda (Forsskål, 1775)
  • Haeckel, 1880

Family Cepheidae[]

  • Vanhöffen, 1902

Suborder Daktyliophorae[]

Familu Catostylidae[]

  • Catostylus mosaicus (Quoy & Gaimard,1824) – Blue blubber[1]
  • Catostylus tagi (Haeckel, 1869)
  • (Chun, 1896)

Family Rhizostomatidae[]

Order Semaeostomeae[]

Family Cyaneidae[]

  • Haeckel, 1880 – Lion's mane (nomen dubium)
  • Cyanea capillata (Linnaeus, 1758) – Lion's mane
  • Haeckel, 1880

Family Pelagiidae[]

  • Chrysaora fulgida (Reynaud, 1830)
  • Chrysaora hysoscella (Linnaeus, 1767) – Compass jelly; Red-banded jelly[11]
  • Chrysaora quinquecirrha (Desor, 1848)
  • Pelagia noctiluca (Forsskål, 1775) – Night-light jelly[11]

Family Ulmaridae[]

  • Aurelia aurita (Linnaeus, 1758) – Moon jellyfish[1]
  • Claus, 1877
  • Phacellophora camtschatica Brandt, 1835
  • Haeckel, 1880

Class Staurozoa[]

Order Stauromedusae, suborder Cleistocarpida[]

Family Depastridae[]

  • Depastromorpha africana Carlgren, 1935 – Stalked trumpet jelly[11]

Family Lipkeidae[]

  • Lipkea stephensoni Carlgren, 1933 – Bell stalked jelly[11]



  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv Branch, G.M.; Branch, M.L.; Griffiths, C.L.; Beckley, L.E. (2010). Two Oceans: a guide to the marine life of southern Africa (2nd ed.). Cape Town: Struik Nature. ISBN 978 1 77007 772 0.
  2. ^ a b c d King, Dennis. 1996. Reef fishes and corals: East coast of southern Africa. Struik, Cape Town. ISBN 1 86825 981 1
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch Schleyer 2008, To be cited
  4. ^ a b Schleyer MH, Celliers L (2003) Biodiversity on the marginal coral reefs of South Africa: What does the future hold? Zool Ver 345:387–400
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak Williams, Gary C. (1992). "The Alcyonacea of Southern Africa. Stoloniferous Octocorals and Soft Corals (Coelenterata, Anthozoa)". Annals of the South African Museum. 100 (3). ISSN 0303-2515.
  6. ^ McFadden, C.S. & L.P. van Ofwegen 2012. A revision of the soft coral genus, Eunephthya Verrill, 1869 (Anthozoa: Octocorallia: Nephtheidae), with a description of four new species from South Africa. Zootaxa 3485: 1-25
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba Williams, Gary C. (July 1992). "The Alcyonacea of Southern Africa. Gorgonian Octocorals (Coelenterata. Anthozoa)". Annals of the South African Museum. 101 (8). ISSN 0303-2515.
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y Williams, Gary C. (1990). "The Pennatulacea of Southern Africa (Coelentera, Anthozoa)". Annals of the South African Museum. 99 (4). ISSN 0303-2515.
  9. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en eo ep eq er es et eu ev ew ex ey ez fa fb fc fd fe ff fg fh fi fj fk fl fm fn fo fp fq fr fs ft fu fv fw fx fy fz ga gb gc gd ge gf gg gh gi gj gk gl gm gn go gp gq gr gs gt gu gv gw gx gy gz ha hb hc hd he hf hg hh hi hj hk hl hm hn ho hp hq hr hs ht hu hv hw hx Millard, N.A.H. (December 1975). "Monograph on the Hydroida of South Africa". Annals of the South African Museum. 68. ISSN 0303-2515.
  10. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Gibbons, Mark J. An introduction to the Zooplankton of the Benguela Current Region. ISBN 0 620 24225 6.
  11. ^ a b c d e f Jones, Georgina (2008). A field guide to the marine animals of the Cape Peninsula. Cape Town: SURG. ISBN 978-0-620-41639-9.
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