Anthem of the Karelo-Finnish Soviet Socialist Republic

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Karjalais-suomalainen SNT hymni
English: Anthem of the Karelo-Finnish SSR
Karelo-Finnish SSR Anthem Music Sheet.InstrumentalSimple.svg
Musical sheet of the anthem.

State anthem of  Karelo-Finnish SSR
LyricsArmas Äikiä
MusicKarl Rautio
Relinquished16 July 1956 (demoted to ASSR)[1]
13 November 1991
Audio sample
Anthem of the Karelo-Finnish SSR - Karjalais-suomalainen SNT hymni (instrumental)
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The State Anthem of the Karelo-Finnish SSR was the national anthem of Karelia (now a federal subject of Russia) when it was a republic of the Soviet Union and known as the Karelo-Finnish SSR.[2][3][4][5]


In 1945, the government of the Karelo-Finnish SSR held a competition for the creation of a state anthem. The winning entry (written by Armas Äikiä and composed by Karl Rautio) was adopted as the SSR's official anthem in the early 1950s until 1956 when it was re-absorbed into the Russian SFSR. Along with the Georgian and Estonian SSR anthems, it was one of the only three Soviet republic anthems that did not mention the Russian people.[5]


Finnish lyrics IPA transcription Karelian Russian translation Literal English translation

Oma Karjalais-suomalaiskansamme maa,
Vapaa Pohjolan Neuvostojen tasavalta.
Kotimetsäimme kauneus öin kajastaa
Revontultemme taivaalta leimuavalta.

Neuvostoliitto on voittamaton,
Se kansamme suur-isänmaa ijät on.
Sen Tienä on Kansojen Kunniantie,
Se Karjalan Kansankin voittoihin vie.

Isänmaa Kalevan, kotimaa runojen,
Jota Leninin Stalinin lippu johtaa.
Yli kansamme uutteran onnellisen
Valo kansojen veljeystähdestä hohtaa.


Kotimaamme loi uudeksi kansamme työ,
Tätä maata me puollamme kuin isät ammoin.
Sotasuksemme suihkavat kalpamme lyö.
Asemahdilla suojaamme Neuvosto-Sammon.


[o̞mɑ kɑrjɑlɑi̯s̠ s̠uo̞̯mɑlɑi̯s̠kɑns̠ɑmːe̞ mɑː ǀ]
[ʋɑpɑː po̞h̝jo̞lɑn ne̞u̯ʋo̞s��t̪o̞je̞n t̪ɑs̠ɑʋɑlt̪ɑ ǁ]
[ko̞t̪ime̞t̪s̠æi̯mːe̞ kɑu̯ne̞u̯s̠ ø̞i̯n kɑjɑs̠t̪ɑː]
[re̞ʋo̞nt̪ult̪e̞mːe̞ t̪ɑi̯ʋɑːlt̪ɑ le̞i̯muɑʋɑlt̪ɑ ǁ]

[ne̞u̯ʋo̞s̠t̪o̞liːt̪ːo̞ o̞n ʋo̞i̯t̪ːɑmɑt̪o̞n ǀ]
[s̠e̞ kɑns̠ɑmːe̞ s̠uːr is̠ænmɑː ijæt̪ o̞n ǁ]
[s̠e̞n t̪ie̞̯næ o̞n kɑns̠o̞je̞n kunːiɑnt̪ie̞̯ ǀ]
[s̠e̞ kɑrjɑlɑn kɑns̠ɑnkin ʋo̞i̯t̪ːo̞i̯ɦin ʋie̞̯ ǁ]

[is̠ænmɑː kɑle̞ʋɑn ko̞t̪imɑː runo̞je̞n ǀ]
[jo̞t̪ɑ le̞ninin s̠t̪ɑlinin lipːu jo̞xt̪ɑː ǁ]
[yli kɑns̠ɑmːe̞ uːt̪ːe̞rɑn o̞nːe̞lːis̠e̞n]
[ʋɑlo̞ kɑns̠o̞je̞n ʋe̞lje̞y̯s̠t̪æh̝de̞s̠t̪æ h̝o̞xt̪ɑː ǁ]


[ko̞t̪imɑːmːe̞ lo̞i̯ uːde̞ks̠i kɑns̠ɑmːe̞ t̪yø̞̯ ǀ]
[t̪æt̪æ mɑːt̪ɑ me̞ puo̞̯lːɑmːe̞ kui̯n is̠æt̪ ɑmːo̞i̯n ǁ]
[s̠o̞t̪ɑs̠uks̠e̞mːe̞ s̠ui̯çkɑʋɑt̪ kɑlpɑmːe̞ lyø̞̯ ǀ]
[ɑs̠e̞mɑxdilːɑ s̠uo̞̯jɑːmːe̞ ne̞u̯ʋo̞s̠t̪o̞ s̠ɑmːo̞n ǁ]


Oma karjalas-suomelasrahvahan mua,
Välly Pohjolan Nevvostoloin tazavaldu.
Kodimeččien čomevus[a] yöl kajostuakseh
selgielöin rebointuliloin taivahalpäi

Nevvostoliitto on voittamatoi
Se rahvahien suur-ižänmua ijät on.
Sen tienny on rahvahien kunnivotie
Se Karjalan rahvahangi voittoloih vie.

Ižänmua Kalevalan, kodimua runoloin,
Midä Leninin Stalinin flagu johtau.
Piäliči rahvahan ruadain ozakkahan
Valgo rahvahien vellestiähtespäi čilkettäy


Kodimuan luaji uvvekse rahvahan ruado,
Tädä muadu myö puolistammo gu tuatat ammui.
Sodasukset sukatah miekat iškietäh.
Azeväel suojuammo Nevvosto-Sammon.


Наша земля карело-финских народов,
Свободная северная республика Советов!
Ночью отражается красота наших лесов
С нашего сияющего неба северного сияния.

Советский Союз непобедим,
Это навсегда великое отечество нашего народа.
Его путь - славный путь Народа
К победам ведет и народ Карелии.

Отечество Калева, родина рун,
Теперь под знаменем Ленина и Сталина.
Свет звезды братства людей светит
О наших трудолюбивых и радостных людях.


Трудом нашего народа наша Родина возродилась,
Эту землю мы защищаем, как раньше наши отцы.
Наши небеса шелестят, наши мечи ударяют.
Военными силами мы защищаем советское Сампо.


Our land of the Karelian-Finnish peoples,
The free northern republic of Soviets!
By night is the beauty of our forests reflected
From our blazing skies of aurora borealis.

The Soviet Union is invincible,
’Tis forever the great fatherland of our People.
Its path is the glorious path of the People
It takes the people of Karelia, too, to the victories.

Fatherland of Kaleva, native land of runes,
Now led by the banner of Lenin and Stalin.
The light of the brotherhood star of the people shineth
O’er our industrious joyful people.


Our people’s labour our homeland revived,
This land we defend as our fathers used to.
Our skies rustle, our swords strike.
With military strength, we protect the Soviet Sampo.


See also[]


  1. ^ or čomus


  1. ^ Helin, Ronald Arthur (1961). Economic-geographic Reorientation in Western Finnish Karelia: A Result of the Finno-Soviet Boundary Demarcations of 1940 and 1944. National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council. p. 101.
  2. ^ Helin, Ronald Arthur (1961). Economic-geographic Reorientation in Western Finnish Karelia: A Result of the Finno-Soviet Boundary Demarcations of 1940 and 1944. National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council. p. 101.
  3. ^ Jump up to: a b Герб, флаг и гимн Карело-Финской Советской Социалистической Республики (КФССР) - Время СССР. Sovtime.
  4. ^ Jump up to: a b Гимн Карело-Финской ССР. Отдых в Карелии. Базы отдыха Карелии. Активный туризм и отдых Карелия.
  5. ^ Jump up to: a b c Karelia. Kendall, David.
  6. ^ "National Anthems & Patriotic Songs - Karelo-Finnish Soviet Socialist Republic, Anthem of the lyrics + Karelian translation".

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