List of authors of South African botanical taxa

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List of authors of South African botanical taxa is a list of authors who have named South African plants and the standard abbreviations used for those authors in the botanical literature.

The entry for each author is given on a single line showing their name, dates and other names by which they have been known. Following this comes a list of the major groups they have worked on, separated by commas, and finally the standard form for their name (in bold).

The major groups are[]

  • S - Spermatophytes/Phanerogams (flowering plants and gymnosperms)
  • M - Fungi and Lichens (Mycology)
  • A - Algae
  • P - Pteridophytes
  • B - Bryophytes
  • F - Fossils
  • L - Pre-Linnaean (from 'Stafleu & Cowan 1976)
  • C - Cryptogamic (from 'Stafleu & Cowan 1976)

The dates given are those of birth and death where one or both are available. If neither is known, a date on which the author is known to have published a name (usually the earliest if more than one is known) is given preceded by 'fl.' (floruit).


  • Robert Stephen Adamson (1885–1965) S ........ Adamson
  • Adam Afzelius (1750–1837) M, P, S ........ Afzel.
  • William Aiton (1731–1793) P, S ........ Aiton
  • (1914-) M ........ Almb.
  • Arthur Hugh Garfit Alston (1902–1958) P, S ........ Alston
  • (1926–1970) S ........ J.G.Anderson
  • Thomas Anderson (1832–1870) S ........ T.Anderson
  • William Anderson (1750–1778) S ........ W.Anderson
  • Nils Johan Andersson (1821–1880) P, S ........ N.J.Andersson
  • (1916-) S ........ Archibald
  • (1940-) A ........ R.E.M.Archibald
  • Edward Armitage (1822–1906) S ........ Arm.
  • (1947-) S ........ T.H.Arnold
  • George Arnott Walker-Arnott (1799–1868) A, P, M, S ........ Arn.
  • Edwin Ashby (1861–1941) S ........ Ashby
  • (1897–1982) S ........ Aubrév.


  • Franz Ewald Theodor Bachmann (1850–1937) B, M ........ Bachm.
  • James Backhouse (1794–1869) P, S ........ Backh.
  • (1943-) S ........ Baijnath
  • Henri Ernest Baillon (1827–1895) B, M, P, S ........ Baill.
  • (1896–1976) S ........ H.A.Baker
  • Joseph Banks (1743–1820) S ........ Banks
  • (1932-) S ........ A.S.Barclay
  • Winsome Fanny Barker (1907-) S ........ W.F.Barker
  • (1898–1983) A, S ........ Barnard
  • John Barrow (1764–1848) S ........ Barrow
  • Friedrich Gottlieb Bartling (1798–1875) S ........ Bartl.
  • Ferdinand Lukas Bauer (1760–1826) S ........ F.L.Bauer
  • (1935-) S ........ M.B.Bayer
  • John Stanley Beard (1916-) S ........ Beard
  • Odoardo Beccari (1843–1920) A, M, P, S ........ Becc.
  • Thomas W. Naylor Beckett (1838–1906) B ........ Beckett
  • (1805–1881) B, M, P, S ........ Bél.
  • (1843–1929) S ........ A.Benn.
  • George Bentham (1800–1884) M, P, S ........ Benth.
  • (1934-) S ........ C.C.Berg
  • (1815–1866) S ........ O.Berg
  • (1814–1853) S ........ Berger
  • Karl Heinrich Bergius (1790–1818) S ........ K.Bergius
  • Johann Jakob Bernhardi (1774–1850) B, M, P, S ........ Bernh.
  • Antonio Bertoloni (1775–1869) A, B, M, P, S ........ Bertol.
  • John William Bews (1884–1938) S ........ Bews
  • (1746–1816) S ........ Bladh
  • Ralph Anthony Blakelock (1915–1963) S ........ Blakelock
  • (1737–1815) S ........ Blom
  • Carl Ludwig Blume (1796–1862) B, M, P, S ........ Blume
  • Pierre Edmond Boissier (1810–1885) M, P, S ........ Boiss.
  • (1808–1852) S ........ Boivin
  • Carl (Karl) August Bolle (1821–1909) B, P, S ........ Bolle
  • Frank Bolus (1870–1945) S ........ F.Bolus
  • Harriet Margaret Louisa Bolus née Kensit (1877–1970) S ........ L.Bolus
  • Harry Bolus (1834–1911) S ........ Bolus
  • Joseph (Jean) Edouard Bommer (1829–1895) M, P, S ........ J.Bommer
  • (1917-2010) S ........ Bond
  • Aime Jacques Alexandre Bonpland (1773–1858) A, P, S ........ Bonpl.
  • (1865–1941) A, S ........ Boodle
  • Jan Justus Bos (1939-) S ........ Bos
  • Averil Maud Bottomley (1889-1984) M ........ Bottomley
  • (1944-) S ........ C.Boucher
  • James Bowie (1789–1869) S ........ Bowie
  • Cornelis Eliza Bertus Bremekamp (1888–1984) P, S ........ Bremek.
  • John Patrick Micklethwait Brenan (1917–1985) P, S ........ Brenan
  • (1788–1875) B, S ........ Breutel
  • Lillian Louisa Britten (1886–1952) S ........ L.L.Britten
  • Adolphe Theodore (de) Brongniart (1801–1876) A, B, F, M, P, S ........ Brongn.
  • Nicholas Edward Brown (1849–1934) A, S ........ N.E.Br.
  • Robert Brown (1773–1858) B, M, P, S ........ R.Br.
  • Eileen Adelaide Bruce (1905–1955) S ........ E.A.Bruce
  • Jean Guillaume Bruguiere (1750–1798) S ........ Brug.
  • Richard Kenneth Brummitt (1937-) S ........ Brummitt
  • Josef Brunnthaler (1871–1914) A, B ........ Brunnth.
  • (1957-) S ........ Bruyns
  • John Buchanan (1819–1898) B, S ........ Buchanan
  • Francis Buchanan-Hamilton (1762–1829) P, S ........ Buch.-Ham.
  • (1906–1980) S ........ Bullock
  • Charles James Fox Bunbury (1809–1886) S ........ Bunbury
  • William John Burchell (1781–1863) B, P, S ........ Burch.
  • Johannes Burman (1707–1779) P, S ........ Burm.
  • (Maximilian) Karl Ewald Burret (1883–1964) S ........ Burret
  • Brian Laurence Burtt ('Bill') (1913-) S ........ B.L.Burtt
  • Joseph Burtt Davy (1870–1940) S ........ Burtt Davy


  • George Caley (1770–1829) S ........ Caley
  • Jacques Cambessèdes (1799–1863) B, S ........ Cambess.
  • Alphonse Pyramus de Candolle (1806–1893) S ........ A.DC.
  • Anne Casimir Pyramus de Candolle (1836–1918) S ........ C.DC.
  • Sherwin Carlquist (1930-) S ........ Carlquist
  • Dugald Carmichael (1772–1827) A, M, P, S ........ Carmich.
  • Cedric Errol Carr (1892–1936) S ........ Carr
  • François-Louis Laporte, comte de Castelnau (1802–1880) S ........ Castelnau
  • Ludolf Karl Adelbert von Chamisso (1781–1838) A, B, P, S ........ Cham.
  • Ernest Entwistle Cheesman (1898-) S ........ Cheesman
  • Auguste Jean Baptiste Chevalier (1873–1956) B, P, S ........ A.Chev.
  • Emilio Chiovenda (1871–1941) A, B, P, S ........ Chiov.
  • Lucy Katherine (Kathleen) Armitage Chippindall (1913–1992) S ........ Chippind.
  • (1899–1972) A ........ Cholnoky
  • (1871–1950) S ........ Christian
  • (1931-) A ........ Claassen
  • Charles Baron Clarke (1832–1906) P, S ........ C.B.Clarke
  • Leslie Edward Wostall Codd (1908–1999) S ........ Codd
  • (1945-) S ........ Coetzee
  • (1922-) S ........ D.T.Cole
  • (John) William Colenso (1811–1899) B, M, P, S ........ Colenso
  • Robert Harold Compton (1886–1979) A, P, S ........ Compton
  • Paul Conrath (1861–1931) S ........ Conrath
  • (1850–1941) B, S ........ Corb.
  • Edred John Henry Corner (1906-) M, S ........ Corner
  • Léon Camille Marius Croizat (1894–1982) S ........ Croizat


  • Rolf Dahlgren (1932–1987) S ........ R.Dahlgren
  • (1904–1963) S ........ Dale
  • William Dallimore (1871–1959) S ........ Dallim.
  • William Dampier (1652–1715) L ........ Dampier
  • (1916–1996) S ........ L.E.Davidson
  • Jean Odon Debeaux (1826–1910) M, S ........ Debeaux
  • Joseph Decaisne (1807–1882) A, P, S ........ Decne.
  • Ellen Marion Delf (1883–1980) A ........ Delf
  • Alire Raffeneau Delile (1778–1850) A, B, M, P, S ........ Delile
  • (fl. 1967) S......................Desc.
  • Rene Louiche Desfontaines (1750–1833) A, B, M, P, S ........ Desf.
  • Miriam Phoebe de Vos (1912-) S ........ Vos
  • (1927-) S ........ de Wet
  • Emile August(e) Joseph De Wildeman (1866–1947) M, P, S ........ De Wild.
  • Bernard de Winter (1924-) S ........ De Winter
  • (1927-) S ........ DeWolf
  • Didrik Ferdinand Didrichsen (1814–1887) S ........ Didr.
  • Friedrich Ludwig Emil Diels (1874–1945) B, P, S ........ Diels
  • Moritz Kurt Dinter (1868–1945) S ........ Dinter
  • (1902-) M ........ Dippen.
  • Ethel Doidge (1887–1965) M ........ Doidge
  • David Don (1799–1841) M, P, S ........ D.Don
  • George Don (1798–1856) B, P, S ........ G.Don
  • Emmanuel Drake del Castillo (1855–1904) P, S ........ Drake
  • (1791–1867) S ........ C.F.Drège
  • Jean Francois (Johann Franz) Drège (1794–1881) A, B, S ........ Drège
  • George Claridge Druce (1850–1932) P, S ........ Druce
  • (1924-) S ........ R.B.Drumm.
  • (1930-) S ........ Druten
  • (1873–1914) S ........ Dubard
  • (fl. 1953) S ........ Dumaz-le-Grand
  • Richard Arnold Dümmer (1887–1922) S ........ Dümmer
  • Edward John Dunn (1844–1937) S ........ E.J.Dunn
  • Stephen Troyte Dunn (1868–1938) P, S ........ Dunn
  • (1908-) M ........ du Plessis
  • (1947-) B ........ During
  • Augusta Vera Duthie (1881–1963) B, P, S ........ A.V.Duthie
  • Alexander Logie du Toit F ........ A.L.du Toit
  • (1945-) S ........ Du Toit
  • Robert Allen Dyer (1900–1987) S ........ R.A.Dyer
  • William Turner Thiselton-Dyer (1843–1928) P, S ........ Dyer


  • Christian Friedrich (Frederik) Ecklon (1795–1868) S ........ Eckl.
  • (1935-) M ........ Eicker
  • (1928-) (=Mrs Munday) S ........ Elffers
  • George Francis Scott-Elliot (1862–1934) S ........ G.Elliot
  • (1944-) S ........ R.P.Ellis
  • Stephan Friedrich Ladislaus Endlicher (1804–1849) A, B, F, M, P, S ........ Endl.
  • Heinrich Gustav Adolf Engler (1844–1930) A, B, M, P, S ........ Engl.
  • Johann Friedrich Gustav von Eschscholtz (1793–1831) S ........ Eschsch.
  • Elsie Elizabeth Esterhuysen (1912–2006) S ........ Esterh.
  • (1854–1920) S ........ M.S.Evans
  • (1882–1963) S ........ W.E.Evans
  • Arthur Wallis Exell (1901–1993) S ........ Exell


  • (1920–1970) S ........ Fairall
  • David Fairchild (1869–1954) S ........ D.Fairchild
  • Abilio Fernandes (1906–1994) S ........ A.Fern.
  • Rosette Mercedes Saraiva Batarda Fernandes (1916–2005) P, S ........ R.Fern.
  • Franciso Manoel Carlos de Mello de Ficalho (1837–1903) S ........ Ficalho
  • Adriano Fiori (1865–1950) M, P, S ........ Fiori
  • (1900–1959) S ........ H.M.L.Forbes
  • John Forbes (1798–1823) S ........ Forbes
  • Peter Forsskål (1732–1763) A, P, S ......Forssk.
  • Johann Reinhold Forster (1729–1798) S ........ J.R.Forst.
  • Henry Georges Fourcade (1865–1948) S ........ Fourc.
  • Eugene Pierre Nicolas Fournier (1834–1884) P, S ........ E.Fourn.
  • (1877–1964) P, S ........ P.Fourn.
  • A ........ R.O.Fourn.
  • Millicent Franks (=Mrs Flanders)(1886–1961) S ........ Franks
  • A ........ Frenzel
  • Johann Baptist Georg (George) Wolfgang Fresenius (1808–1866) A, M, S ........ Fresen.
  • Klas Robert Elias Fries (1876–1966) M, P, S ........ R.E.Fr.
  • Thore Christian Elias Fries (1886–1930) M, S ........ T.C.E.Fr.
  • Ib Friis (1945-) S ........ Friis
  • Felix Eugen Fritsch (1832–1893) A ........ F.E.Fritsch


  • Ernest Edward Galpin (1858–1941) S ........ Galpin
  • (1895–1978) S ........ Garab.
  • Christian August Friedrich Garcke (1819–1904) S ........ Garcke
  • (1889–1961) B ........ Garside
  • Charles Gaudichaud-Beaupre (1789–1854) A, B, M, P, S ........ Gaudich.
  • Howard Scott Gentry (1903-) S ........ Gentry
  • (1950-) S ........ Germish.
  • William Tyrer Gerrard ( -1866) P, S ........ Gerrard
  • (1888–1948) S ........ Gerstner
  • (1885–1983) S ........ Ghose
  • Johan Wilhelm Heinrich Giess (1910-) S ........ Giess
  • (1902-) A ........ Giffen
  • Ernest Friedrich Gilg (1867–1933) S ........ Gilg
  • (1911-) S ........ J.B.Gillett
  • Margaret Clark Gillett (1878–1962) S ........ Gillett
  • (1911–1965) S ........ Gilliland
  • (1950-) S ........ Glen
  • Johann Friedrich Gmelin (1748–1804) A, B, M, P, S ........ J.F.Gmel.
  • (1884–1960) P, S ........ Goddijn
  • Karl Christian Traugott Friedemann Goebel (1794–1851) S ........ Goebel
  • Peter Goldblatt (1943-) S ........ Goldblatt
  • (1896–1972) S ........ Gooss.
  • Kathleen Dixon Huntley Gordon-Gray (1918-) B, S ........ Gordon-Gray
  • (1913-) M ........ G.J.M.Gorter
  • Constantine Goulimis (1886–1963) S ........ Goulimis
  • (1937-) S ........ Grau
  • (1897–1980) S ........ Greenway
  • Leopold Hartley Grindon (1818–1904) S ........ Grindon
  • S ........ Groenew.
  • (1917-) P, S ........ Grubov
  • Jean Baptiste Antoine Guillemin (1796–1842) A, P, S ........ Guill.
  • Georg Julius Ernst Gurich (1859–1938) A, F ........ Gürich
  • Robert Louis August Maximilian Gürke (1854–1911) S ........ Gürke
  • Francis Guthrie (1831–1899) S ........ Guthrie
  • Louise Guthrie (1879–1966) S ........ L.Guthrie


  • Norbert Hahn (1966-) S ........ N.Hahn
  • (1936-) S ........ A.V.Hall
  • Harry Hall (1906–1986) S ........ Harry Hall
  • (née Booysen)(fl. 1984) S ........ L.I.Hall
  • (1945-) S ........ O.J.Hansen
  • Thomas Hardwicke (1757–1835) S ........ Hardw.
  • (1931-) S ........ D.S.Hardy
  • Hermann August Theodor Harms (1870–1942) S ........ Harms
  • (1925-) S ........ E.R.Harrison
  • Heidrun Elsbeth Klara Hartmann (née Osterwald) (1942-) S ........ H.E.K.Hartmann
  • William Henry Harvey (1811–1866) A, B, M, S ........ Harv.
  • Johan Coenraad van Hasselt (1797–1823) M, S ........ Hasselt
  • Adrian Hardy Haworth (1768–1833) S ........ Haw.
  • Friedrich Gottlob Hayne (1763–1832) S ........ Hayne
  • (1922-) P, S ........ Heine
  • William Botting Hemsley (1843–1924) A, P, S ........ Hemsl.
  • (1928-) S ........ M.D.Hend.
  • Murray Ross Henderson (1899–1982) S ........ M.R.Hend.
  • (fl. 1986) S ........ Hennessy
  • Charles Louis L'Heritier de Brutelle (1746–1800) P, S ........ L'Hér.
  • Paul Hermann (Dutch 1646–1695) L ........ Herm.
  • (1895–1979) S ........ A.G.J.Herre
  • Florence Ellen Hewitt (1910–1979) A ........ Hewitt
  • William Philip Hiern (1839–1925) B, S ........ Hiern
  • Olive Mary Hilliard (née Hillary)(1926-) S ........ Hilliard
  • Albert Spear Hitchcock (1865–1935) P, S ........ Hitchc.
  • Benedict Pierre Georges Hochreutiner (1873–1959) S ........ Hochr.
  • Christian Ferdinand Friedrich Hochstetter (1787–1860) A, M, P, S ........ Hochst.
  • Christian Gottlob Ferdinand von Hochstetter (1829–1884) S ........ C.G.F.Hochst.
  • (1912-) P, S ........ Hodge
  • (1883–c.1931) S ........ K.Hoffm.
  • Karl August Otto Hoffmann (1853–1909) S ........ O.Hoffm.
  • Edward Morell Holmes (1843–1930) A, S ........ Holmes
  • Ove Arbo Hoeg (1898-) A, F, M ........ Hoeg
  • Joseph Dalton Hooker (1817–1911) A, B, M, P, S ........ Hook.f.
  • William Jackson Hooker (1785–1865) A, B, M, P, S ........ Hook.
  • (1893-) A ........ Hornby
  • David Hornby (fl. 1977) M ........ D.Hornby
  • Claës Fredrik Hornstedt (1758–1809) S ........ Hornst.
  • (1877–1966) A ........ Hub.-Pest.
  • Jean-Henri Humbert (1887–1967) P, S ........ Humbert
  • John Hutchinson (1884–1972) S ........ Hutch.


  • (1932-) S ........ Ihlenf.
  • (1955-) S ........ Immelman
  • Collingwood Ingram (1880–1981) S ........ Ingram
  • Edward George Irving (1816–1855) S ........ Irving
  • (1909-) S ........ Isaac
  • (1905-) A ........ W.E.Isaac


  • William Jack (1795–1822) S ........ Jack
  • (1929–1983) S ........ M.Jacobs
  • (1941-) P, S ........ N.Jacobsen
  • (1909-) P, S ........ W.Jacobsen
  • Amy Jacot Guillarmod (1911–1992) M, S ........ Jacot Guill.
  • Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin (1727–1817) A, B, M, P, S ........ Jacq.
  • (1939-) P, S ........ Jessop
  • (1933-) M ........ Jooste
  • Adrien-Henri de Jussieu (1797–1853) S ........ A.Juss.


  • Cornelis Kalkman (1928–1998) S ........ Kalkman
  • (1902-) S ........ M.C.Karst.
  • Ronald William John Keay (1920–1998) S ........ Keay
  • John Bellenden Ker Gawler (1764-1842) ........ Ker Gawl
  • (1931-) M, S ........ Kers
  • Pauline Kies (=Mrs Bohnen)(1918-1999) S ........ Kies
  • (1926-) S ........ Killick
  • John William Carnegie Kirk (1878–1962) S ........ J.W.C.Kirk
  • Thomas Kirk (1828–1898) P, S ........ Kirk
  • Friedrich Wilhelm Klatt (1825–1897) A ........ Klatt
  • Anthonia Kleinhoonte (1887–1960/1) S ........ Kleinhoonte
  • Johann Friedrich Klotzsch (1805–1860) M, P, S ........ Klotzsch
  • Emil Friedrich Knoblauch (1864–1936) S ........ Knobl.
  • Karl Heinrich Emil Koch (1809–1879) P, S ........ K.Koch
  • Johann Gerhard Konig (1728–1785) B, M, P, S ........ J.König
  • Friedrich August Körnicke (1828–1908) M, P, S ........ Körn.
  • Karl Georg Theodor Kotschy (1813–1866) B, S ........ Kotschy
  • Richard Kräusel (1890–1966) A, B, F, M ........ Kräusel
  • Christian Ferdinand Friedrich von Krauss (1812–1890) A, B, S ........ C.Krauss
  • Johan Carl Krauss (1759–1826) S ........ Krauss
  • Georg Ludwig Engelhard Krebs (1792–1844) S ........ Krebs
  • Heinrich Kuhl (1796–1821) M, S ........ Kuhl
  • Otto Carl Ernst Kuntze (1843–1907) A, B, F, M, P, S ........ Kuntze
  • Wilhelm Sulpiz Kurz (1834–1878) P, S ........ Kurz


  • Jacques-Julien Houtou de Labillardiere (1755–1834) A, M, P, S ........ Labill.
  • Carl von Linnaeus (1707–1778) A, B, M, P, S ........ L.
  • Herman Johannes Lam (1892–1977) B, P, S ........ H.J.Lam
  • Jean Baptiste Antoine Pierre de Monnet de Lamarck (1744–1829) A, M, P, S ........ Lam.
  • (1902–1984) S ........ Lanj.
  • (née Young)(1898–1974) M ........ Laughton
  • (=Mrs O'Connor-Fenton)(1902-) S ........ Lavis
  • John Jacob Lavranos (1926–2018) S ........ Lavranos
  • Leslie Charles Leach (1909–1996) S ........ L.C.Leach
  • Anthonius Josephus Maria Leeuwenberg (1930-) S ........ Leeuwenb.
  • Johann Georg Christian Lehmann (1792–1860) A, B, P, S ........ Lehm.
  • Friedrich Ernst Leibold (1804–1864) S ........ Leibold
  • Frances Margaret Leighton (=Mrs WE Isaac)(1909–2006) S ........ F.M.Leight.
  • (1931-) S ........ Leistner
  • Charles Antoine Lemaire (1801–1871) P, S ........ Lem.
  • François Mathias René Leprieur (1799–1869) M, P, S ........ Lepr.
  • (1915–1976) F ........ Le Roux
  • Christian Friedrich Lessing (1809–1862) A, M, S ........ Less.
  • Pierre Adolphe Lesson (1805–1888) S ........ A.Lesson
  • Cythna Lindenberg Letty (1895–1985) S ........ Letty
  • (1913–1980) A ........ Levring
  • Margaret Rutherford Bryan Levyns (née Michell)(1890–1975) S ........ Levyns
  • Gwendoline Joyce Lewis (1909–1967) S ........ G.J.Lewis
  • Martin Heinrich Karl von Lichtenstein (1780–1857) S ........ Licht.
  • Gustav Lindau (1866–1923) M, P, S ........ Lindau
  • Johann Bernhard Wilhelm Lindenberg (1781–1851) A, B, S ........Lindenb.
  • (1954-) S ........ H.P.Linder
  • Ray/ (1924–1967) S ........ Littlew.
  • Ludwig Eduard Theodor Loesener (1865–1941) S ........ Loes.
  • (1905–1973) S ........ Loock
  • (1865–1928) S ........ Lopr.
  • Johannes Paulus Lotsy (1867–1931) M, P, S ........ Lotsy
  • Joao de Loureiro (1717–1791) A, B, P, S ........ Lour.
  • (1914–1960) S ........ C.A.Lückh.
  • (1916-) S ........ H.A.Lückh.
  • (1907–1983) M, S ........ Lütjeh.


  • Peter MacOwan (1830–1909) M, S ........ MacOwan
  • Wessel Marais (1929-) S ........ Marais
  • Charles Dwight Marsh (1855–1932) S ........ Marsh
  • Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius (1794–1868) A, M, P, S ........ Mart.
  • Maxwell Tylden Masters (1833–1907) P, S ........ Mast.
  • (1902-) S ........ McClean
  • (fl. 1848–1864) S ........ McGibb.
  • (1823–1872) P, S ........ McKen
  • (1908–1986) S ........ McNeil
  • (1947-) B, S ........ Magill
  • Wessel Marais (1929-) S ........ Marais
  • (1941-) M, S ........ Marasas
  • (1905~06–1983) S ........ Markötter
  • Hermann Wilhelm Rudolf Marloth (1855–1931) S ........ Marloth
  • (=Mrs Hutchings)(1951-) S ........ J.A.Marsh
  • Francis Masson (1741–1805) S ........ Masson
  • (1871–1949) S ........ J.W.Mathews
  • (1914-) S ........ A.Meeuse
  • Robert Desmond Meikle (1923-) S ........ Meikle
  • Carl Daniel Friedrich Meisner (1800–1874) S ........ Meisn.
  • Archibald Menzies (1754–1842) B, P, S ........ Menzies
  • Elmer Drew Merrill (1876–1956) M, P, S ........ Merr.
  • Hermann Merxmüller (1920–1988) M, S ........ Merxm.
  • Ernst Heinrich Friedrich Meyer (1791–1858) B, S ........ E.Mey.
  • (1934-) S ........ P.G.Mey.
  • Carl Christian Mez (1866–1944) S ........ Mez
  • (=Mrs Levyns) A ........ Michell
  • John Miers (1789–1879) P, S ........ Miers
  • Gottfried Wilhelm Johannes Mildbraed (1879–1954) B, P, S ........ Mildbr.
  • (1882–1966) S ........ O.B.Mill.
  • (1906-) S ........ Milne-Redh.
  • Friedrich Anton Wilhelm Miquel (1811–1871) A, B, M, P, S ........ Miq.
  • Philip Miller (1691–1771) S ........ Mill.
  • Charles Francois Brisseau de Mirbel (1776–1854) B, P, S ........ Mirb.
  • (1935-) P, S ........ D.S.Mitch.
  • (1937-) S ........ Moffett
  • (1886–1979) S ........Mogg[1]
  • Spencer Le Marchant Moore (1850–1931) S ........ S.Moore
  • Henry Nottidge Moseley (1844–1890) S ........ H.Moseley
  • Charles Edward Moss (1870–1930) S ........ Moss
  • (née Heatley)(1885–1953) S ........ M.Moss
  • (fl. 1973) M ........ P.J.Mull.bis
  • Johannes (Jean) Muller Argoviensis (1828–1896) A, B, M, P, S ........ Müll.Arg.
  • Dietrich Muller-Doblies (1938-) S ........ D.Müll.-Doblies
  • (1938-) S ........ U.Müll.-Doblies
  • Johannes Ludwig Leopold Mund (1791–1831) S ........ Mund


  • Gustav Hermann Nachtigal (1834–1885) S ........ Nacht.
  • Christian Gottfried Daniel Nees von Esenbeck (1776–1858) A, B, M, P, S ........ Nees
  • Gert Cornelius Nel (1885–1950) S ........ Nel
  • ( -1789) S ........ Nelson
  • (David) James Niven (1774–1826)/(1776–1828) S ........ Niven
  • Rune Bertil Nordenstam (1936-) S ........ B.Nord.
  • (1906-) S ........ Norl.


  • Anna Amelia Obermeyer (1907–2001) P, S ........ Oberm.
  • Henrik Bernard Oldenland (1663–1697) L ........ Oldenl.
  • Daniel Oliver (1830–1916) P, S ........ Oliv.
  • Edward George Hudson Oliver (1938-) S ........ E.G.H.Oliv.
  • Pehr Osbeck (1723–1805) M, S ........ Osbeck


  • (1933-) S ........ Paiva
  • (1917- ) M ........ Papendorf
  • (1903–1981) A ........ Papenf.
  • Karl Wilhelm Ludwig Pappe (1803–1862) P, S ........ Pappe
  • Richard Neville Parker (1884–1958) S ........ R.Parker
  • William Paterson (1755–1810) S ........ Paterson
  • Ferdinand Albin Pax (1858–1942) S ........ Pax
  • Arthur Anselm Pearson (1874–1954) M ........ A.Pearson
  • Henry Harold Welch Pearson (1870–1916) S ........ H.Pearson
  • George(Georges Guerrard) Samuel Perrottet (1793–1870) S ........ Perr.
  • Pauline Lesley Perry (1927- ) S ........ P.L.Perry
  • Christiaan Hendrik Persoon (1761–1836) A, M, S ........ Pers.
  • (1918–1990) S ........ B.Peterson
  • Johann Joseph Peyritsch (1835–1889) M, S ........ Peyr.
  • Edwin Percy Phillips (1884–1967) S ........ E.Phillips
  • Marcel Pichon (1921–1954) A, S ........ Pichon
  • (1926-) S ........ B.J.Pienaar
  • (1942-) A ........ Pienaar
  • (fl. 1908) S ........ G.Piep.
  • (1884–1964) S ........ Pillans
  • Jules Emile Planchon (1823–1888) P, S ........ Planch.
  • (fl. 1986) S ........ Plowes
  • Edna Pauline Plumstead (1903-1989) F ........Plumst.
  • Mary Agard Pocock (1886–1977) A ........ Pocock
  • Eduard Friedrich Poeppig (1798–1868) M, P, S ........ Poepp.
  • Jean Louis Marie Poiret (1755–1834) A, B, M, P, S ........ Poir.
  • Illtyd Buller Pole-Evans (1879–1968) M, S ........ Pole-Evans
  • (1937-) S ........ Polhill
  • (1925–1977) S ........ Powrie
  • David Prain (1857–1944) A, P, S ........ Prain
  • Johann August Ludwig Preiss (1811–1883) S ........ L.Preiss
  • (1809–1902) S ........ Prior
  • (1949-) S ........ Puff
  • (fl. 1954)(=Mrs Abbott) M ........ K.M.Putterill
  • (fl. 1919) M ........ V.A.Putterill


  • Ludwig Adolph Timotheus Radlkofer (1829–1927) A, M, S ........ Radlk.
  • Paul Theodor Range (1879–1952) S ........ Range
  • Werner Rauh (1913-) B, P, S ........ Rauh
  • Rawson William Rawson (1812–1899) P ........ Rawson
  • (1848–1926) S ........ Reber
  • Eduard August von Regel (1815–1892) B, M, P, S ........ Regel
  • (1911-) S ........ S.E.A.Rehm
  • Anton Rehmann (1840–1917) B, S ........ Rehmann
  • Caspar Georg Carl Reinwardt (1773–1854) B, P, S ........ Reinw.
  • Alfred Barton Rendle (1865–1938) A, P, S ........ Rendle
  • (1947-) S ........ Retief
  • (1945-) S ........ Reyneke
  • Gilbert Westacott Reynolds (1895–1967) S ........ Reynolds
  • Achille Richard (1794–1852) A, B, M, P, S ........ A.Rich.
  • (1932-) S ........ Robbertse
  • ( -1946) S ........ C.Robertson
  • Norman Keith Bonner Robson (1928-) S ........ N.Robson
  • Frans Hubert Edouard Arthur Walter Robyns (1901–1986) B, S ........ Robyns
  • Johann Jakob Roemer (1763–1819) P, S ........ Roem.
  • (1876–1944) S ........ F.A.Rogers
  • (1835–1920) S ........ W.M.Rogers
  • (1935-) S ........ Rojo
  • Robert Allen Rolfe (1855–1921) S ........ Rolfe
  • James Henderson Ross (1941-) S ........ J.H.Ross
  • Johan Peter Rottler (1749–1836) S ........ Rottler
  • Arabella Elizabeth Roupell (1817–1914) S ........ Roupell
  • John Patrick Rourke (1942-) S ........ Rourke
  • (1954-) P, S ........ J.P.Roux
  • William Roxburgh (1751–1815) P, S ........ Roxb.
  • (1918–1990) S ........ Rycroft


  • Terence Macleane Salter (1883–1969) S ........ T.M.Salter
  • Henry Frederick Conrad Sander (1847–1920) P, S ........ Sander
  • (1820~21-1881) S ........ Sand.
  • Carl Heinrich Schultz (1805–1867) S ........ Sch.Bip.
  • Hans Conrad Schellenberg (1872–1923) A, M, S ........ Schellenb.
  • Edmund Andre Charles Lois Eloi Schelpe (1924–1985) B, F, P, S ........ Schelpe
  • Andreas Franz Wilhelm Schimper (1856–1901) A, B, S ........ A.Schimp.
  • Wilhelm Philippe Schimper (1808–1880) A, B, F, M, S ........ Schimp.
  • Hans Schinz (1858–1941) P, S ........ Schinz
  • Diederich Franz Leonhard von Schlechtendal (1794–1866) M, P, S ........ Schltdl.
  • Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1872–1925) S ........ Schltr.
  • (1902–1975) S ........ Schlieb.
  • (1943-) A ........ Schoeman
  • Selmar Schonland (1860–1940) S ........ Schönland
  • Johann Lucas Schonlein (1793–1864) S ........ Schönl.
  • Carl Joseph Schroter (1855–1939) A, S ........ Schröt.
  • Josef (Joseph) August Schultes (1773–1831) B, S ........ Schult.
  • Karl Moritz Schumann (1851–1904) A, B, P, S ........ K.Schum.
  • Herold Georg Wilhelm Johannes Schweickerdt (1903–1977) S ........ Schweick.
  • Georg August Schweinfurth (1836–1925) P, S ........ Schweinf.
  • (1913–2001) S ........ C.L.Scott
  • George Francis Scott-Elliot (1862–1934) M, S ........ Scott-Elliot
  • John Scouler (1804–1871) S ........ Scouler
  • Stanley Charles Seagrief (1927–1995) A ........ Seagrief
  • Berthold Carl Seemann (1825–1871) B, P, S ........ Seem.
  • Karl Otto von Seemen (1838–1910) S ........ Seemen
  • Homer LeRoy Shantz (1876–1958) A, S ........ Shantz
  • (1837–1890) B ........ J.Shaw
  • (1789–1844) B, P ........ Sieber
  • Thomas Robertson Sim (1856–1938) B, P, S ........ Sim
  • (1928-) A ........ Simons
  • John Sims (1749–1831) S ........ Sims
  • Christo Albertyn Smith (1898–1956) S ........ C.A.Sm.
  • (1892–1976) S ........ G.G.Sm.
  • Jan Christiaan Smuts (1870–1950) S ........ Smuts
  • Thomas Robert Soderstrom (1936–1987) S ........ Soderstr.
  • Daniel Carl Solander (1733–1782) A, S ........ Sol.
  • Hans Solereder (1860–1920) S ........ Soler.
  • Otto Wilhelm Sonder (1812–1881) A, B, S ........ Sond.
  • Pierre Sonnerat (1748–1814) S ........ Sonn.
  • Édouard Spach (1801–1879) P, S ........ Spach
  • Anders Sparrman (1748–1820) S ........ Sparrm.
  • Curt Polycarp Joachim Sprengel (1766–1833) A, B, M, P, S ........ Spreng.
  • William Stanger (1811–1854) S ........ Stanger
  • Otto Stapf (1857–1933) B, S ........ Stapf
  • (1929–1965) S ........ Stauffer
  • Sydney Margaret Stent (1875–1942) S ........ Stent
  • Edith Layard Stephens (1884–1966) A, M, S ........ Stephens
  • Ernst Gottlieb von Steudel (1783–1856) A, B, M, P, S ........ Steud.
  • (née Tucker)(1936-) S ........ J.L.Stewart
  • (1946-) S ........ C.H.Stirt.
  • Bertha M. Stoneman (1866–1943) M ........ Stoneman
  • Robert Story (1913–1999) S ........ Story
  • (1907–1988) S ........ Strey
  • (1943-) S ........ Strid
  • (`Harry') (1922–1993) M ........ H.J.Swart
  • Robert Sweet (1783–1835) P, S ........ Sweet
  • Charles Francis Massey Swynnerton (1877–1938) S ........ Swynn.
  • Ignaz von Szyszylowicz (1857–1910) B, P, S ........ Szyszyl[Polish l].


  • (1919–1979) M ........ P.H.B.Talbot
  • (1950-) A ........ Ji.Tanaka
  • Paul Hermann Wilhelm Taubert (1862–1897) P, S ........ Taub.
  • George Taylor (1904-1993) S ........ G.Taylor
  • William Randolph Taylor (1895–1990) A ........ W.R.Taylor
  • (1905-) S ........ Theron
  • David Thoday (1883–1964) S ........ Thoday
  • (Hans) Justus Thode (1859–1932) S ........ Thode
  • (=Mrs Rand)(1941–1982) S ........ M.F.Thomps.
  • Peter Thonning (1775–1848) S ........ Thonn.
  • Abel Aubert du Petit-Thouars (1793–1864) S ........ A.Thouars
  • Louis-Marie Aubert du Petit-Thouars (1758–1831) P, S ........ Thouars
  • Carl Peter Thunberg (1743–1828) A, B, M, P, S ........ Thunb.
  • (1939-) S ........ Toelken
  • Antonio Rocha da Torre (1904-) S ........ Torre
  • Hamilton Paul Traub (1890–1983) S ........ Traub
  • Jose Jeronimo Triana (1834–1890) P, S ........ Triana
  • (1883–1957) S ........ Triebner
  • Roland Trimen (1840–1916) S ........ R.Trimen
  • (1923-) S ........ Troupin
  • Louis René Tulasne (1815–1885) M, S ........ Tul.
  • Billie Lee Turner (1925-) S ........ B.L.Turner
  • William Bertram Turrill (1890–1961) S ........ Turrill
  • William Tyson (1851–1920) A ........ Tyson


  • Noel Rosa Urton (née Bryant)(fl. 1986) S ........ Urton


  • Martin (Henrichsen) Vahl (1749–1804) A, B, M, P, S ........ Vahl
  • Paul Andries Van der Byl (1888–1939) M ........ Van der Byl
  • (1894–1968) S ........ Van der Merwe
  • (1946-) S ........ J.J.M.van der Merwe
  • (1938-) S ........ J.J.A.van der Walt
  • (fl. 1956) M ........ Van der Westh.
  • (1953-) S ........ Van Jaarsv.
  • Abraham Erasmus van Wyk (1952-) S ........ A.E.van Wyk
  • Georg Carl Wilhelm Vatke (1849–1889) S ........ Vatke
  • Jose Mariano da Conceicao Vellozo (1742–1811) P, S ........ Vell.
  • Etienne Pierre Ventenat (1757–1808) M, P, S ........ Vent.
  • (1938-) S ........ Venter
  • (fl. 1988) S ........ S.Venter
  • Bernard Verdcourt (1925-) P, S ........ Verdc.
  • (1906–1984) B, P, S ........ Verd.
  • Inez Clare Verdoorn (1896–1989) S ........ I.Verd.
  • (fl. 1924) M ........ Verwoerd
  • Eugène Vieillard (1819–1896) P, S ........ Vieill.
  • (1790–1867) S ........ Vig.
  • (1903-) B, S ........ O.H.Volk
  • Kaj Borge Vollesen (1946-) S ........ Vollesen
  • (1945-) P, S ........ Vorster


  • (1876–1951) B ........ Wager
  • (1904-) M, S ........ V.A.Wager
  • Johann August Wahlberg (1810–1856) S ........ J.Wahlb.
  • (=Mrs McNae)(1914-) S ........ Walgate
  • Nathaniel Wallich (olim Nathan Wolff)(1786–1854) P, S ........ Wall.
  • Wilhelm Gerhard Walpers (1816–1853) S ........ Walp.
  • Heinrich (Karl) Walter (1898-) S ........ H.K.Walter
  • Otto Warburg (1859–1938) P, S ........ Warb.
  • Alma May Waterman (1893-) M ........ Waterman
  • William Watson (1858–1925) S ........ W.Watson
  • John Mitchell Watt (1892–1980) S ........ J.M.Watt
  • Heinrich Wawra (1831–1887) P, S ........ Wawra
  • Anna Weber-Van Bosse (née van Bosse)(1852–1942) S ........ A.A.Weber-van Bosse
  • Hugh Algernon Weddell (1819–1877) M, S ........ Wedd.
  • (1903–1980) S ........ Weim.
  • (1906–1967) A ........ Welsh
  • Friedrich Martin Josef Welwitsch (1806–1872) M, P, S ........ Welw.
  • Erich Werdermann (1892–1959) M, S ........ Werderm.
  • Fritz (Friedrich) Wettstein (1895–1945) A, B, M, P, S ........ F.Wettst.
  • Louis Cutter Wheeler (1910–1980) S ........ L.C.Wheeler
  • Frank White (1927-) S ........ F.White
  • Gerald Ernest Wickens (1927-) S ........ Wickens
  • (1932-) S ........ Wiens
  • Robert Wight (1796–1872) S ........ Wight
  • Ernst Wilczek (1867–1948) M, P, S ........ Wilczek
  • Hiram Wild (1917–1982) S ........ Wild
  • Carl Ludwig von Willdenow (1765–1812) A, M, P, S ........ Willd.
  • (1912-) S ........ I.Williams
  • Friedrich Wilms (1848–1919) B, S ........ F.Wilms
  • Ernest Henry Wilson (1876–1930) S ........ E.H.Wilson
  • (1799-) S ........ Winkl.
  • Anthony Hurt Wolley-Dod (1861–1948) S ........ Wolley-Dod
  • John Medley Wood (1827–1915) S ........ J.M.Wood
  • (1867–1957) S ........ Worsd.
  • Charles Wright (1811–1885) P, S ........ C.Wright
  • (1864–1941) A, P, S ........ C.H.Wright
  • William Wright (1735–1819) S ........ W.Wright
  • (1820-) S ........ Wyley


  • (1904–1979) S ........ R.G.N.Young


  • Alexander Zahlbruckner (1860–1938) M, S ........ Zahlbr.
  • Carl Ludwig Philipp Zeyher (1799–1858) S ........ Zeyh.
  • Eduard Meine van Zinderen-Bakker (1907–2002) B, M ........ Zind.-Bakker

See also[]


  1. ^ "Mogg, Albert Oliver Dean". Global Plants. JStor. Retrieved 2018-03-02.

Further reading[]

External links[]

Wikispecies catalogue of taxon authorities

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