List of garden plants

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This is a partial list of garden plants, plants that can be cultivated in the garden, listed alphabetically by genus.


  • Abelia
  • Abeliophyllum (white forsythia)
  • Abelmoschus (okra)
  • Abies (fir)
  • Abroma
  • Abromeitiella (obsolete)
  • Abronia (sand verbena)
  • Abrus
  • Abutilon
  • Acacia (wattle)
  • Acaena
  • Acalypha
  • Acanthaceae
  • Acanthodium
  • Acantholimon
  • Acanthopale
  • Acanthophoenix
  • Acanthus
  • Acca
  • Acer (maple)
  • Achariaceae
  • Achillea (yarrow)
  • (hybrid genus)
  • Achimenes
  • Acinos (calamint)
  • Aciphylla
  • Acmena
  • Acoelorrhaphe (saw palm)
  • Acokanthera
  • Aconitum (aconite, monkshood)
  • Acorus
  • Acradenia
  • Acrocomia
  • Actaea (baneberry)
  • Actinidia (kiwifruit)
  • Ada orchid genus
  • Adansonia
  • Adenandra
  • Adenanthos
  • Adenia
  • Adenium
  • Adenocarpus
  • Adenophora
  • Adenostoma
  • Adiantum (maidenhair fern)
  • Adlumia
  • Adonis
  • Adromischus
  • Aechmea
  • Aegopodium
  • Aeonium
  • Aerangis (an orchid genus)
  • Aerides (an orchid genus)
  • Aeschynanthus
  • Aesculus
  • Aethionema
  • Afgekia
  • Agapanthus
  • Agapetes
  • Agastache
  • Agathis
  • Agathosma
  • Agave
  • Ageratum
  • Aglaia
  • Aglaomorpha
  • Aglaonema
  • Agonis
  • Agrimonia
  • Agrostemma (corn cockle)
  • Agrostis
  • Aichryson
  • Ailanthus (tree of heaven, etc.)
  • Aiphanes
  • Aira (hair grass)
  • Ajania
  • Ajuga (bugleweed)
  • Akebia
  • Alangium
  • Alberta
  • Albizia (silk tree)
  • Albuca
  • Alcea (hollyhock)
  • Alchemilla
  • Aldrovanda
  • Aleurites
  • Aliceara (hybrid genus)
  • Alisma (water plantain)
  • Alkanna
  • Allagoptera
  • Allamanda
  • Allium (onion)
  • Allocasuarina
  • Allosyncarpia
  • Alloxylon
  • Alluaudia
  • Alnus (alder)
  • Alocasia
  • Aloe
  • Aloinopsis
  • Alonsoa
  • Alopecurus (foxtail grass)
  • Aloysia
  • Alphitonia
  • Alpinia (ginger lily)
  • Alsobia
  • Alstonia
  • Alstroemeria
  • Alternanthera
  • Althaea
  • Alyogyne
  • Alyssum
  • Alyxia
  • Amaranthus
  • Amarcrinum (hybrid genus)
  • (hybrid genus)
  • Amaryllis
  • Amberboa
  • Amelanchier
  • Amesiella
  • Amherstia
  • Amicia
  • Ammi
  • Ammobium
  • Amorpha
  • Amorphophallus
  • Ampelopsis
  • Amsonia
  • Anacampseros
  • Anacardium
  • Anacyclus
  • Anagallis (pimpernel)
  • Ananas (pineapple)
  • Anaphalis
  • Anchusa
  • Andersonia
  • Andira
  • Androlepis
  • Andromeda
  • Andropogon
  • Androsace
  • Anemone (windflower)
  • Anemonella
  • Anemonopsis
  • Anemopaegma
  • Anethum (dill)
  • Angelica
  • Angelonia
  • Angiopteris
  • Angophora
  • Angraecum (an orchid genus)
  • Anguloa (an orchid genus)
  • (a hybrid orchid genus)
  • Anigozanthos
  • Anisacanthus
  • Anisodontea
  • Annona
  • Anoda
  • Anomatheca (See Freesia)
  • Anopterus
  • Anredera
  • Antennaria
  • Anthemis
  • Anthericum
  • Anthocleista
  • Anthotroche
  • Anthriscus
  • Anthurium
  • Anthyllis
  • Antidesma
  • Antigonon
  • Antirrhinum (snapdragon)
  • Apera
  • Aphelandra
  • Aphyllanthes
  • Apium
  • Apocynum
  • Aponogeton
  • Apophyllum
  • Apodytes
  • Aponogeton
  • Aporocactus
  • (hybrid genus)
  • Aprevalia
  • Aptenia
  • Aquilegia (columbine)
  • Arabis (rock cress)
  • Arachis
  • Arachniodes
  • Arachnis (scorpion orchid) (orchid genus)
  • Araeococcus
  • Araiostegia
  • Aralia
  • Araucaria (monkey-puzzle)
  • Araujia
  • Arbutus (madrone)
  • Archidendron
  • Archontophoenix (king palm)
  • Arctium
  • Arctostaphylos (bearberry, manzanita)
  • Arctotheca
  • Arctotis (African daisy)
  • Ardisia
  • Areca
  • Arenaria (sandwort)
  • Arenga
  • Argemone (prickly poppy)
  • Argyranthemum
  • Argyreia
  • Argyroderma
  • Ariocarpus
  • Arisaema
  • Arisarum
  • Aristea
  • Aristolochia
  • Aristotelia
  • Armeria
  • Armoracia
  • Arnebia
  • Arnica
  • Aronia (chokeberry)
  • Arrabidaea (See Saritaea)
  • Arrhenatherum (oat grass)
  • Artanema
  • Artabotrys
  • Artemisia (mugwort, sagebrush, wormwood)
  • Arthrocereus
  • Arthropodium
  • Artocarpus
  • Arum
  • Aruncus
  • Arundina
  • Arundinaria
  • Arundo
  • Asarina
  • Asarum (wild ginger)
  • Asclepias (milkweed, silkweed)
  • Ascocenda (hybrid genus) (an orchid genus)
  • Ascocentrum an orchid genus
  • Asimina
  • Asparagus
  • Asperula (woodruff)
  • Asphodeline
  • Asphodelus (asphodel)
  • Aspidistra
  • Asplenium
  • Astelia
  • Aster
  • Asteranthera
  • Astilbe
  • Astilboides
  • Astragalus (milk vetch)
  • Astrantia
  • Astrophytum
  • Asystasia
  • Atalaya
  • Athamanta
  • Atherosperma
  • Athrotaxis
  • Athyrium
  • Atriplex
  • Attalea
  • Aubrieta
  • Aucuba
  • Aulax
  • Auranticarpa
  • Aurinia
  • Austrocedrus
  • Austrocylindropuntia
  • Austrostipa
  • Averrhoa
  • Avicennia
  • Azadirachta
  • Azalea
  • Azara
  • Azolla (aquatic ferns)
  • Azorella
  • Azorina
  • Aztekium


  • Babiana
  • Baccharis
  • Backhousia
  • Bacopa (water hyssop)
  • Bactris
  • Baeckea
  • Baikiaea
  • Baileya
  • Ballota
  • Balsamorhiza (balsam root)
  • Bambusa (bamboo)
  • Banksia
  • Baptisia an orchid genus
  • Barbarea (yellow rocket or winter cress)
  • Barkeria (an orchid genus)
  • Barleria
  • Barklya (gold blossom tree)
  • Barnadesia
  • Barringtonia
  • Bartlettina
  • Basselinia
  • Bassia
  • Bauera
  • Bauhinia
  • Baumea
  • Beallara an orchid hybrid genus
  • Beaucarnea
  • Beaufortia
  • Beaumontia
  • Beccariella
  • Bedfordia
  • Begonia
  • Belamcanda
  • Bellevalia
  • Bellis (daisy)
  • Bellium
  • Berberidopsis
  • Berberis (barberry)
  • Berchemia
  • Bergenia
  • Bergerocactus
  • Berkheya
  • Berlandiera
  • Berrya
  • Bertolonia
  • Berzelia
  • Beschorneria
  • Bessera
  • Beta (beet)
  • Betula (birch)
  • Biarum
  • Bidens
  • Bignonia
  • Bikkia
  • Billardiera
  • Billbergia
  • Bischofia
  • Bismarckia
  • Bixa
  • Blandfordia
  • Blechnum (hard fern)
  • Bletilla (an orchid genus)
  • Blighia
  • Bloomeria
  • Blossfeldia
  • Bocconia
  • Boenninghausenia
  • Bolax
  • Bolbitis
  • Bollea (an orchid genus)
  • Boltonia
  • Bolusanthus
  • Bomarea
  • Bombax
  • Bongardia
  • Boophone
  • Borago
  • Borassodendron
  • Borassus
  • Boronia
  • Bosea
  • Bossiaea
  • Bothriochloa
  • Bougainvillea
  • Bouteloua
  • Bouvardia
  • Bowenia
  • Bowiea
  • Bowkeria
  • Boykinia
  • Brabejum
  • Brachychiton
  • Brachyglottis
  • Brachylaena
  • Brachypodium
  • Brachyscome
  • Brachysema
  • Brachystelma
  • Bracteantha
  • Brahea (hesper palm)
  • Brassavola (an orchid genus)
  • Brassaia (octopus tree)
  • Brassia (an orchid genus)
  • Brassica (mustard, cabbage)
  • Brassidium (hybrid orchids)
  • Brassocattleya (hybrid orchids)
  • Brassolaeliocattleya (trigeneric hybrid orchids)
  • Breynia
  • Briggsia
  • Brillantaisia
  • Brimeura
  • Briza (quaking grass)
  • Brodiaea
  • Bromelia
  • Broughtonia an orchid genus
  • Broussonetia
  • Browallia
  • Brownea
  • Browningia
  • Bruckenthalia
  • Brugmansia
  • Brunfelsia
  • Brunia
  • Brunnera
  • Brunsvigia
  • Brya
  • Buchloe
  • Buckinghamia
  • Buddleja
  • Buglossoides
  • Bulbine
  • Bulbinella
  • Bulbocodium
  • Bulbophyllum (an orchid genus)
  • Bulnesia
  • Bunchosia
  • Buphthalmum
  • Bupleurum
  • Burchardia
  • Burchellia
  • Burrageara an orchid hybrid genus
  • Burretiokentia
  • Bursaria
  • Bursera
  • Burtonia
  • Butea
  • Butia
  • Butomus
  • Buxus (boxwood)
  • Byrsonima
  • Bystropogon


  • Cabomba
  • Cadia
  • Caesalpinia (dwarf poinciana, Pride of Barbados)
  • Caladium
  • Calamagrostis (reed grass, smallweed)
  • Calamintha (calamint)
  • Calamus
  • Calandrinia
  • Calanthe an orchid genus
  • Calathea
  • Calceolaria (slipperwort)
  • Calendula (pot marigold)
  • Calibanus
  • Calibrachoa
  • Calla
  • Calliandra
  • Callianthemum
  • Callicarpa (beauty berry)
  • Callicoma (black wattle)
  • Callirhoe (poppy mallow)
  • Callisia
  • Callistemon (bottlebrush)
  • Callistephus (Chinese aster)
  • Callitriche (water starwort)
  • Callitris (cypress pine)
  • Calluna (heather)
  • Calocedrus (incense cedar)
  • Calochone
  • Calochortus
  • Calodendrum (cape chestnut)
  • Calomeria
  • Calophaca
  • Calophyllum
  • Calopyxis
  • Caloscordum
  • Calothamnus
  • Calotropis
  • Calpurnia
  • Caltha (kingcup, marsh marigold)
  • Calycanthus
  • Calymmanthium
  • Calypso (an orchid genus)
  • Calytrix (starflower)
  • Camassia (quamash)
  • Camellia
  • Camoensia
  • Campanula (bellflower)
  • Campsis (trumpet vine)
  • Campylotropsis (SeeLespedeza)
  • Cananga (ylang ylang)
  • Canarina
  • Canistrum
  • Canna
  • Cantua
  • Capparis
  • Capsicum (pepper)
  • Caragana (peashrub)
  • Caralluma
  • Cardamine (bittercress)
  • Cardiocrinum
  • Cardiospermum
  • Cardwellia
  • Carex (sedge)
  • Carissa
  • Carlina
  • Carludovica
  • Carmichaelia
  • Carnegiea (saguaro)
  • Carpentaria
  • Carphalea
  • Carpinus (hornbeam)
  • Carpobrotus
  • Carthamus (safflower)
  • Carum (caraway)
  • Carya (hickory, pecan)
  • Caryopteris
  • Caryota (fishtail palm)
  • Cassia (shower tree)
  • Cassinia
  • Cassiope
  • Cassipourea
  • Castanea (chestnut)
  • Castanopsis
  • Castanospermum (black bean)
  • Casuarina (sheoak)
  • Catalpa (Indian bean)
  • Catananche
  • Catasetum (an orchid genus)
  • Catha (khat tree)
  • Catharanthus (Madagascar periwinkle)
  • Catopsis
  • Cattleya (an orchid genus)
  • Caulophyllum
  • Cautleya
  • Cavendishia
  • Ceanothus (California-lilac)
  • Cedrela (toon)
  • Cedronella
  • Cedrus (cedar)
  • Ceiba (kapok)
  • Celastrus (staff-vine)
  • Celmisia (New Zealand daisy, New Zealand aster)
  • Celosia (cockscomb)
  • Celtis (hackberry)
  • Centaurea
  • Centaurium
  • Centradenia
  • Centranthus (valerian)
  • Cephalaria
  • Cephalocereus
  • Cephalophyllum
  • Cephalotaxus (plum-yew)
  • Ceraria
  • Cerastium
  • Ceratonia (St.John's bread, carob bean)
  • Ceratopetalum (coachwood)
  • Ceratophyllum
  • Ceratopteris
  • Ceratostigma
  • Ceratozamia
  • Cerbera (sea mango)
  • Cercidiphyllum
  • Cercis (Judas tree, redbud)
  • Cercocarpus
  • Cereus
  • Ceropegia
  • Cestrum
  • Chadsia
  • Chaenomeles (flowering quince)
  • Chaenorhinum (dwarf snapdragon)
  • Chaerophyllum
  • Chamaecyparis (false cypress)
  • Chamaecytisus
  • Chamaedaphne
  • Chamaedorea
  • Chamaelirium
  • Chamaemelum (chamomile)
  • Chamaerops
  • Chamelaucium (wax flower)
  • Chasmanthe
  • Chasmanthium
  • Cheilanthes
  • Cheiridopsis
  • Chelidonium
  • Chelone (turtlehead)
  • Chiastophyllum
  • Chiliotrichum
  • Chilopsis (desert willow)
  • Chimaphila
  • Chimonanthus (wintersweet)
  • Chimonobambusa
  • Chionanthus (fringe tree)
  • Chionochloa
  • Chirita
  • Chlidanthus
  • Choisya
  • Chonemorpha (Frangipani vine)
  • Choricarpia (brush turpentine)
  • Chorisia (floss silk tree)
  • Chorizema
  • Chrysalidocarpus
  • Chrysanthemoides
  • Chrysanthemum
  • Chrysobalanus
  • Chrysogonum
  • Chrysolepis
  • Chrysophyllum (star apple)
  • Chrysothemis
  • Chusquea
  • Cibotium
  • Cicerbita
  • Cichorium (chicory, endive)
  • Cimicifuga (bugbane)
  • Cinnamomum (camphor laurel)
  • Cionura
  • Cirsium
  • Cissus
  • Cistus (rock rose, sun rose)
  • Citharexylum (fiddlewood)
  • Citrofortunella (hybrid)
  • Citrus (lime, lemon)
  • Cladanthus
  • Cladrastis
  • Clarkia
  • Claytonia
  • Cleistocactus
  • Clematis
  • Cleome (spider flower)
  • Clerodendrum
  • Clethra (summersweet)
  • Cleyera
  • Clianthus
  • Clintonia
  • Clitoria
  • Clivia
  • Clusia
  • Clytostoma
  • Cobaea
  • Coccoloba (sea grape)
  • Coccothrinax (thatch palm)
  • Cocculus
  • Cochlioda an orchid genus
  • Cochlospermum (buttercup tree, Maximiliana)
  • Cocos (coconut)
  • Codiaeum (croton)
  • Codonanthe
  • Codonopsis
  • Coelia
  • Coelogyne (an orchid genus)
  • Coffea (coffee tree)
  • Coix
  • Colchicum (autumn crocus, meadow saffron)
  • Coleonema
  • Colletia
  • Collinsia
  • Collomia
  • Colocasia (taro)
  • Colquhounia
  • Columnea
  • Colutea (bladder senna)
  • Coluteocarpus
  • Colvillea
  • Combretum
  • Comesperma
  • Commelina (day flower, spiderwort, widow's tears)
  • Commersonia
  • Commidendrum
  • Commiphora
  • Comptonella
  • Comptonia (Sweetfern)
  • Conandron
  • Congea
  • Conicosia
  • Coniogramme
  • Conoclinium (mistflower)
  • Conophytum
  • Conospermum
  • Conostylis
  • Conradina
  • Consolida (larkspur)
  • Convallaria (lily-of-the-valley)
  • Convolvulus (bindweed, morning glory)
  • Copernicia (caranda palm, wax palm)
  • Copiapoa syn. Pilocopiapoa
  • Coprosma
  • Coptis (goldthread)
  • Cordia (bird lime tree)
  • Cordyline
  • Coreopsis (tickseed)
  • Coriandrum (coriander cilantro)
  • Coriaria
  • Cornus (dogwood, cornel)
  • Corokia
  • Coronilla
  • Correa
  • Corryocactus
  • Cortaderia (pampas grass, tussock grass)
  • Cortusa
  • Corybas (helmet orchid)
  • Corydalis
  • Corylopsis (winter-hazel)
  • Corylus (hazel, filbert)
  • Corymbia
  • Corynocarpus
  • Corypha
  • Coryphantha
  • Cosmos
  • Costus
  • Cotinus (smoke bush)
  • Cotoneaster
  • Cotula (brass buttons)
  • Cotyledon
  • Couroupita (cannonball tree)
  • Crambe
  • Craspedia
  • Crassula
  • +Crataegomespilus (graft chimera)
  • Crataegus (hawthorn)
  • × Crataemespilus (hybrid)
  • Crepis
  • Crescentia (calabash)
  • Crinodendron
  • Crinum
  • Crocosmia (falling stars, montbretia)
  • Crocus
  • Crossandra (firecracker flower)
  • Crotalaria (rattlepod)
  • Croton
  • Crowea
  • Cryptanthus (earth stars)
  • (hybrid)
  • Cryptocarya
  • Cryptocoryne (water trumpet)
  • Cryptomeria (sugi, Japanese cedar)
  • Cryptostegia (Indian rubber vine)
  • Cryptotaenia
  • Ctenanthe
  • Cucumis
  • Cucurbita
  • Cuminum
  • Cunila
  • Cunninghamia (China-fir)
  • Cunonia
  • Cupaniopsis (tuckeroo)
  • Cuphea
  • Cupressus (cypress)
  • (hybrid)
  • Curcuma
  • Cussonia
  • Cyananthus (trailing bellflower)
  • Cyanotis
  • Cyathea (tree fern)
  • Cyathodes
  • Cybistax
  • Cycas (cycad, sago palm)
  • Cyclamen
    Pink cyclamen
  • Cycnoches an orchid genus
  • Cydista
  • Cydonia (quince)
  • Cylindropuntia
  • Cymbalaria (ivy-leaved toadflax)
  • Cymbidium (an orchid genus)
  • Cymbopogon
  • Cynara
  • Cynodon
  • Cynoglossum (hound's tongue)
  • Cypella
  • Cyperus
  • Cyphomandra (tree tomato)
  • Cyphostemma
  • Cypripedium (lady's slipper)(an orchid genus)
  • Cyrilla
  • Cyrtanthus (fire lily)
  • Cyrtomium
  • Cyrtostachys
  • Cystopteris (bladder fern)
  • Cytisus (broom)


  • Daboecia
  • Dacrydium
  • Dactylis
  • Dactylorhiza (marsh orchid)
  • Dahlia
  • Dalea (indigo bush)
  • Dalechampia
  • Damasonium
  • Dampiera
  • Danae
  • Daphne
  • Daphniphyllum
  • Darlingia
  • Darmera syn. Peltiphyllum
  • Darwinia (lemon scented myrtle)
  • Dasylirion
  • Datura
  • Davallia (hare's foot fern)
  • Davidia
  • Daviesia
  • Decaisnea
  • Degarmoara ( a hybrid orchid genus)
  • Decarya
  • Decumaria
  • Deinanthe
  • Delairea
  • Delonix
  • Delosperma
  • Delphinium
  • Dendranthema
  • Dendrobium (an orchid genus)
  • Dendrocalamus
  • Dendrochilum (an orchid genus)
  • Dendromecon (tree poppy)
  • Denmoza
  • Dennstaedtia (Hayscented fern or Cup fern)
  • Deppea
  • Derris
  • Derwentia
  • Deschampsia (hair grass)
  • Desfontainia
  • Desmodium
  • Deuterocohnia syn. Abromeitiella
  • Deutzia
  • Dianella (flax lily)
  • Dianthus (carnation, pink)
  • Diascia (twinspur)
  • Dicentra (bleeding heart)
  • Dichelostemma
  • Dichondra
  • Dichorisandra
  • Dichroa
  • Dicksonia
  • Dicliptera
  • Dictamnus (burning bush, dittany)
  • Dictyosperma (princess palm)
  • Didymochlaena
  • Dieffenbachia (dumb cane, mother-in-law's tongue, tuftroot)
  • Dierama (African harebell, angel's fishing rod, wand flower)
  • Diervilla (bush honeysuckle)
  • Dietes
  • Digitalis (foxglove)
  • Dillenia
  • Dillwynia
  • Dimorphotheca (African daisy)
  • Dionaea (Venus flytrap)
  • Dionysia
  • Dioon
  • Dioscorea syns. Rajania, Tamus, Testudinaria(yam)
  • Diospyros (ebony, persimmon)
  • Dipcadi
  • Dipelta
  • Diphylleia
  • Diplarrhena (butterfly flag)
  • Diplazium
  • Diplocyclos
  • Diploglottis
  • Diplolaena
  • Dipsacus (teasel)
  • Dipteris
  • Dipteronia
  • Dipteryx
  • Dirca (leatherwood)
  • Disa (an orchid genus)
  • Disanthus
  • Discaria
Dischidia pectinoides (ant plant)
  • Dischidia
  • Discocactus
  • Disocactus
  • Disporopsis
  • Disporum (fairy-bells)
  • Dissotis
  • Distictis
  • Distylium
  • Dizygotheca
  • Docynia
  • Dodecatheon (shooting stars, American cowslip)
  • Dodonaea (hop bush)
  • Dolichandrone
  • Dombeya
  • Doodia (hacksaw fern, rasp fern)
  • Doronicum (leopard's bane)
  • Dorotheanthus (ice plant, Livingstone daisy)
  • Dorstenia
  • Doryanthes (spear lily)
  • Doryopteris
  • Dovyalis
  • Draba (whitlow grass)
  • Dracaena
  • Dracocephalum
  • Dracophyllum
  • Dracula (an orchid genus)
  • Dracunculus
  • Dregea
  • Drimys
  • Drosanthemum
  • Drosera (sundew)
  • Dryandra
  • Dryas (mountain avens)
  • Drynaria
  • Dryopteris (buckler fern, shield fern, wood fern)
  • Duboisia
  • Duchesnea (Indian strawberry, mock strawberry)
  • Dudleya
  • Duranta
  • Duvalia
  • Dyckia
  • Dymondia
  • Dypsis syn. Chrysalidocarpus, Neodypsis


  • Ebracteola
  • Ecballium
  • Eccremocarpus
  • Echeveria
  • Echidnopsis
  • Echinacea (coneflower)
  • Echinocactus
  • Echinocereus
  • Echinops (globe thistle)
  • Echinopsis
  • Echium
  • Edgeworthia
  • Edithcolea
  • Edraianthus
  • Egeria
  • Ehretia
  • Eichhornia (water hyacinth)
  • Elaeagnus
  • Elaeis (oil palm)
  • Elaeocarpus
  • Elatostema
  • Eleocharis (spike rush)
  • Elettaria
  • Eleutherococcus
  • Elodea (pondweed)
  • Elsholtzia
  • Elymus (wild rye)
  • Embothrium
  • Emilia (tasselflower)
  • Emmenopterys
  • Encelia
  • Encephalartos (Kaffir bread)
  • Encyclia (an orchid genus)
  • Enkianthus
  • Ensete
  • Eomecon (snow poppy)
  • Epacris
  • Ephedra (ephedra)
  • Epidendrum (an orchid genus)
  • Epigaea
  • Epilobium
  • Epimedium (barrenwort)
  • Epipactis (helleborine, an orchid genus)
  • Epiphyllum (orchid cactus)
  • Episcia (flame violet)
  • Epithelantha
  • Equisetum (horsetail)
  • Eragrostis (love grass)
  • Eranthemum
  • Eranthis (winter aconite)
  • Ercilla
  • Eremophila (emu bush)
  • Eremurus
  • Erica (heath/heather)
  • Erigeron (fleabane)
  • Erinacea
  • Erinus
  • Eriobotrya
  • Eriogonum
  • Eriophorum (cotton grass)
  • Eriophyllum
  • Eriostemon (waxflower)
  • Eritrichium
  • Erodium
  • Eryngium (eryngo, sea holly)
  • Erysimum (wallflower)
  • Erythrina (coral tree)
  • Erythronium
  • Escallonia
  • Eschscholzia (California poppy)
  • Escobaria
  • Espostoa
  • Etlingera
  • Eucalyptus (gum tree, ironbark)
  • Eucharis
  • Eucomis
  • Eucommia
  • Eucryphia
  • Eulophia (an orchid genus)
  • Euonymus
  • Eupatorium
  • Euphorbia (spurge)
  • Euptelea
  • Eurya
  • Euryale ferox
  • Euryops
  • Eustoma
  • Evolvulus
  • Exacum
  • Exochorda


  • Fabiana
  • Fagus (beech)
  • Fallopia
  • Farfugium
  • Fargesia
  • Fascicularia
  • Fatshederae (hybrid genus)
  • Fatsia
  • Faucaria
  • Felicia (blue daisy)
  • Fendlera
  • Fenestraria
  • Ferocactus
  • Ferraria
  • Ferula (giant fennel)
  • Festuca (fescue)
  • Fibigia
  • Ficus (fig)
  • Ficus pumila
  • Filipendula
  • Firmiana
  • Fittonia
  • Fitzroya
  • Fockea
  • Foeniculum (fennel)
  • Fontanesia
  • Forsythia
  • Fortunella (kumquat)
  • Fothergilla
  • Fouquieria
  • Fragaria (strawberry)
  • Frailea
  • Francoa
  • Frangipani
  • Franklinia
  • Fraxinus (ash)
  • Freesia
  • Fremontodendron
  • Fritillaria (fritillary)
  • Fuchsia
  • Furcraea
Fragaria x ananassa.


  • Gagea
  • Gaillardia
  • Galanthus (snowdrop)
  • Galax
  • Galega
  • Galium (bedstraw)
  • Galtonia
  • Gardenia
  • Garrya
  • Gasteria
  • Gaultheria
  • Gaura
  • Gaylussacia (huckleberry)
  • Gazania
  • Geissorhiza
  • Gelsemium
  • Genista
  • Gentiana (gentian)
  • Gentianopsis
  • Geranium (cranesbill, not same as Pelargonium)
  • Gerbera
  • Gesneria
  • Geum (avens)
  • Gevuina
  • Gibbaeum
  • Gilia
  • Gillenia
  • Ginkgo
  • Gladiolus
  • Glaucidium
  • Glaucium
  • Gleditsia (honey locust)
  • Globba
  • Globularia (globe daisy)
  • Gloriosa
  • Glottiphyllum
  • Gloxinia
  • Glyceria
  • Glycyrrhiza
  • Gomphocarpus
  • Gomphrena
  • Goniolimon
  • Goodyera (jewel orchid)
  • Gordonia
  • Graptopetalum
  • Graptophyllum
  • (hybrid genus)
  • Grevillea
  • Grewia
  • Greyia
  • Grindelia
  • Griselinia
  • Gunnera (dinosaur food)
  • Guzmania
  • Gymnocalycium
  • Gymnocarpium
  • Gymnocladus
  • Gynandriris
  • Gynura
  • Gypsophila


  • Haageocereus
  • Haastia
  • Habenaria (an orchid genus)
  • Haberlea
  • Habranthus
  • Hacquetia
  • Haemanthus (blood lily)
  • Hakea
  • Hakonechloa
  • Halesia (silverbell)
  • (hybrid genus)
  • Halimium
  • Halimodendron
  • Hamamelis (witch-hazel)
  • Haplopappus
  • Hardenbergia ()
  • Harrisia
  • Hatiora
  • Haworthia
  • Hebe
  • Hechtia
  • Hedera (ivy)
  • Hedychium
  • Hedyotis (bluets)
  • Hedysarum
  • Hedyscepe (umbrella palm)
  • Helenium (sneezeweed)
  • Helianthemum (rock rose)
  • Helianthus (sunflower)
  • Helichrysum
  • Heliconia
  • Helictotrichon
  • Heliocereus
  • Heliophila
  • Heliopsis (ox eye)
  • Heliotropium (heliotrope)
  • Helleborus (hellebore)
  • Heloniopsis
  • Hemerocallis (daylily)
  • Hemigraphis
  • Hepatica
  • Heptacodium
  • Heracleum
  • Herbertia
  • Hereroa
  • Hermannia
  • Hermodactylus
  • Hesperaloe
  • Hesperantha
  • Hesperis
  • Hesperocallis
  • Heterocentron
  • Heterotheca
  • Heuchera (coral flower)
  • × Heucherella (hybrid genus)
  • Hibbertia
  • Hibiscus (rose of Sharon)
  • Hieracium (hawkweed)
  • Himalayacalamus
  • Hippeastrum (amaryllis)
  • Hippocrepis
  • Hippophae
  • Hohenbergia
  • Hohenbergiopsis
  • Hoheria
  • Holboellia
  • Holcus
  • Holmskioldia
  • Holodiscus
  • Homalocladium (ribbon bush)
  • Homeria
  • Hoodia
  • Hordeum (barley)
  • Horminum
  • Hosta (plantain lily)
  • Hottonia
  • Houttuynia
  • Hovea
  • Hovenia
  • Howea (sentry palm)
  • Hoya (wax flower)
  • Huernia
  • Humulus (hops)
  • Hunnemannia
  • Huntleya an orchid genus
  • Hyacinthella
  • Hyacinthoides
  • Hyacinthus (hyacinth)
  • Hydrangea
  • Hydrastis (goldenseal)
  • Hydrocharis (frogbit)
  • Hydrocleys
  • Hydrocotyle (pennywort)
  • Hygrophila
  • Hylocereus
  • Hylomecon
  • Hymenocallis
  • Hymenosporum
  • Hyophorbe (bottle palm)
  • Hyoscyamus (henbane)
  • Hypericum (St. John's wort, rose of Sharon)
  • Hyphaene (doum palm)
  • Hypocalymma
  • Hypoestes
  • Hypoxis (starflower)
  • Hypsela
  • Hyssopus (hyssop)


  • Iberis (candytuft)
  • Ibervillea
  • Idesia
  • Ilex (holly)
  • Illicium
  • Impatiens (balsam)
  • Imperata
  • Incarvillea
  • Indigofera
  • Inula
  • Iochroma
  • Ipheion
  • Ipomoea (morning glory)
  • Ipomopsis
  • Iresine
  • Iris
  • Isatis
  • Isoplexis
  • Isopyrum
  • Itea
  • Ixia (corn lily)
  • Ixiolirion
  • Ixora


  • Jaborosa
  • Jacaranda
  • Jacquemontia
  • Jamesia
  • Jasione
  • Jasminum (jasmine, jessamine)
  • Jatropha
  • Jeffersonia
  • Jovellana
  • Jovibarba
  • Juanulloa
  • Jubaea (Chilean wine palm)
  • Juglans (walnut)
  • Juncus (rush)
  • Juniperus (juniper)
  • Justicia


  • Kadsura
  • Kaempferia
  • Kalanchoe
  • Kalimeris
  • Kalmia (mountain laurel)
  • Kalmiopsis
  • Kalopanax
  • Kelseya
  • Kerria
  • Kigelia (sausage tree)
  • Kirengeshoma
  • Kitaibela
  • Kleinia
  • Knautia
  • Knightia
  • Kniphofia
  • Koeleria (junegrass)
  • Koelreuteria (golden rain tree)
  • Kohleria
  • Kolkwitzia (beautybush)
  • Kosteletzkya
  • Kunzea


  • Lablab
  • Laburnocytisus
  • Laburnum (laburnum)
  • Laccospadix
  • Lachenalia (Cape cowslip)
  • Laelia (an orchid genus)
  • Laeliocattleya (hybrid orchid genus)
  • Lagarosiphon
  • Lagenophora
  • Lagerstroemia
  • Lagunaria
  • Lagurus
  • Lamarckia
  • Lambertia
  • Lamium (deadnettle)
  • Lampranthus
  • Lantana (shrub verbena)
  • Lapageria
  • Lardizabala
  • Larix (larch)
  • Larrea (creosote bush)
  • Latania (Latan palm)
  • Lathraea
  • Lathyrus
  • Laurelia
  • Laurus
  • Lavandula (lavender)
  • Lavatera (mallow)
  • Lawsonia
  • Layia
  • Ledebouria
  • (hybrid genus)
  • Ledum
  • Leea
  • Legousia
  • Leiophyllum
  • Leipoldtia
  • Leitneria
  • Lemboglossum
  • Lenophyllum
  • Leonotis
  • Leontice
  • Leontopodium (edelweiss)
  • Lepidozamia
  • Leptinella
  • Lechenaultia
  • Lespedeza (bush clover)
  • Leucadendron
  • Leucanthemella
  • Leucanthemopsis
  • Leucanthemum
  • Leuchtenbergia
  • Leucocoryne
  • Leucogenes
  • Leucojum (snowflake)
  • Leucophyllum
  • Leucophyta
  • Leucopogon
  • (hybrid genus)
  • Leucospermum (pincushion)
  • Leucothoe
  • Lewisia
  • Leycesteria
  • Leymus
  • Liatris
  • Libertia
  • Libocedrus
  • Ligularia
  • Ligustrum (privet)
  • Lilium (lily)
  • Limnanthes
  • Limnocharis
  • Limonium (sea lavender)
  • Linanthus
  • Linaria (toadflax)
  • Lindelofia
  • Lindera
  • Lindheimera (star daisy)
  • Linnaea (twinflower)
  • Linospadix
  • Linum (flax)
  • Liquidambar (sweetgum)
  • Liriodendron (tulip tree)
  • Liriope (lilyturf)
  • Lithocarpus
  • Lithodora
  • Lithophragma
  • Lithops
  • Littonia
  • Livistona
  • Loasa
  • Lobelia
  • Lobularia (sweet alyssum)
  • Lodoicea (coco de mer)
  • Loiseleuria
  • Lomandra ()
  • Lomatia
  • Lomatium
  • Lomatophyllum
  • Lonicera (honeysuckle)
  • Lopezia
  • Lophomyrtus
  • Lophospermum
  • Lophostemon
  • Loropetalum
  • Lotus
  • Luculia
  • Ludwigia
  • Luma
  • Lunaria
  • Lupinus (lupin)
  • Luzula (woodrush)
  • Lycaste (an orchid genus)
  • Lychnis (campion)
  • Lycium
  • Lycopodium (club moss)
  • Lycoris
  • Lygodium (climbing fern)
  • Lyonia
  • Lyonothamnus
  • Lysichiton (yellow skunk cabbage)
  • Lysiloma
  • Lysimachia
  • Lythrum (loosestrife)


  • Maackia
  • Macfadyena
  • Machaeranthera
  • Mackaya
  • Macleania
  • Macleaya
  • Maclura
  • Macropidia
  • Macrozamia
  • Magnolia
  • Mahonia
  • Maianthemum (May lily)
  • Maihuenia
  • Malcolmia
  • Malephora
  • Malope
  • Malpighia
  • Malus (apple, crabapple)
  • Malva (mallow)
  • Malvastrum
  • Malvaviscus
  • Mammillaria
  • Mandevilla
  • Mandragora (mandrake)
  • Manettia
  • Manglietia
  • Maranta
  • Margyricarpus
  • Marrubium (horehound)
  • Marsilea (pepperwort)
  • Masdevallia (an orchid genus)
  • Matteuccia
  • Matthiola (stock)
  • Maurandella
  • Maurandya
  • Maxillaria (an orchid genus)
  • Maytenus
  • Mazus
  • Meconopsis
  • Medicago (alfalfa)
  • Medinilla
  • Meehania
  • Megacodon
  • Megaskepasma
  • Melaleuca (paperbark)
  • Melasphaerula
  • Melastoma
  • Melia
  • Melianthus
  • Melica (melic)
  • Melicytus
  • Melinis
  • Meliosma
  • Melissa (balm)
  • Melittis (bastard balm)
  • Melocactus
  • Menispermum (moonseed)
  • Mentha (mint)
  • Mentzelia (starflower)
  • Menyanthes
  • Menziesia
  • Merendera
  • Merremia
  • Mertensia
  • Mespilus
  • Metasequoia (dawn redwood)
  • Metrosideros
  • Meum
  • Mexicoa
  • Michauxia
  • Michelia
  • Microbiota
  • Microcachrys
  • Microlepia
  • Micromeria
  • Mikania
  • Milium
  • Milla
  • Millettia
  • Miltonia (an orchid genus)
  • Miltoniopsis (pansy orchid)
  • Mimetes
  • Mimosa (mimosa, or sensitive plant)
  • Mimulus (monkey flower)
  • Mirabilis
  • Miscanthus
  • Mitchella (partridge berry)
  • Mitella
  • Mitraria
  • Molinia
  • Moltkia
  • Moluccella
  • Monadenium
  • Monanthes
  • Monarda (bee balm)
  • Monardella
  • Monstera
  • Moraea
  • Morina
  • Morisia
  • Morus (mulberry)
  • Mucuna
  • Muehlenbeckia
  • Mukdenia
  • Musa (banana, plantain)
  • Muscari (grape hyacinth)
  • Mussaenda
  • Mutisia
  • Myoporum
  • Myosotidium
  • Myosotis (forget-me-not)
  • Myrica
  • Myriophyllum (milfoil)
  • Myrrhis (sweet cicely)
  • Myrsine
  • Myrteola
  • Myrtillocactus
  • Myrtus (myrtle)


  • Nandina (heavenly bamboo)
  • Narcissus (daffodil)
  • Nasturtium (watercress)
  • Nautilocalyx
  • Nectaroscordum
  • Neillia
  • Nelumbo (lotus)
  • Nematanthus
  • Nemesia
  • Nemopanthus (mountain holly)
  • Nemophila
  • Neobuxbaumia
  • Neolitsea
  • Neolloydia
  • Neomarica
  • Neoporteria
  • Neoregelia
  • Nepenthes (pitcher plant)
  • Nepeta (catmint)
  • Nephrolepis
  • Nerine
  • Nerium (oleander)
  • Nertera
  • Nicandra
  • Nicotiana (tobacco)
  • Nidularium
  • Nierembergia
  • Nigella
  • Nipponanthemum
  • Nolana
  • Nomocharis
  • Nopalxochia
  • Nothofagus (southern beech)
  • Notholirion
  • Nothoscordum (false garlic)
  • Notospartium
  • Nuphar (spatterdock)
  • Nymania
  • Nymphaea ()
  • Nymphoides (floating heart)
  • Nyssa (tupelo)


  • Obregonia
  • Ochagavia
  • Ochna
  • Ocimum
  • Odontioda (hybrid orchid genus)
  • Odontocidium (hybrid orchid genus)
  • Odontoglossum (an orchid genus)
  • Odontonema
  • Odontonia (hybrid orchid genus)
  • Oemleria
  • Oenanthe (water dropwort)
  • Oenothera (evening primrose, sundrops)
  • Olea (olive)
  • Olearia (daisy bush)
  • Olneya
  • Olsynium
  • Omphalodes (navelwort)
  • Omphalogramma
  • Oncidium (an orchid genus)
  • Onoclea
  • Ononis (restharrow)
  • Onopordum
  • Onosma
  • Oophytum
  • Ophiopogon (lilyturf)
  • Ophrys (an orchid genus)
  • Oplismenus
  • Opuntia (prickly pears, chollas and many other cactus species)
  • Orbea
  • Orbeopsis
  • Orchis (an orchid genus)
  • Oreocereus
  • Origanum (marjoram, oregano)
  • Orixa
  • Ornithogalum
  • Orontium (golden club)
  • Orostachys
  • Oroya
  • Ortegocactus
  • Orthophytum
  • Orthrosanthus
  • Orychophragmus
  • Oryza (rice)
  • Osbeckia
  • Osmanthus
  • Osmunda (royal fern)
  • Osteomeles
  • Osteospermum
  • Ostrowskia (giant bellflower)
  • Ostrya
  • Othonna
  • Ourisia
  • Oxalis (shamrock, sorrel)
  • Oxydendrum
  • Oxypetalum
  • Ozothamnus


  • Pachistima
  • Pachycereus
  • Pachycormus
  • Pachycymbium
  • Pachyphragma
  • Pachyphytum
  • Pachypodium
  • Pachysandra
  • Pachystachys
  • Pachystegia
  • Pachystima
  • Pachyveria (hybrid genus)
  • Paeonia (peony)
  • Paliurus
  • Pamianthe
  • Panax (ginseng)
  • Pancratium (sea lily)
  • Pandanus (screw pine)
  • Pandorea
  • Panicum
  • Pansy
  • Papaver (poppy)
  • Paphiopedilum (slipper orchid)
  • Paradisea (paradise lily)
  • Parahebe
  • Paraquilegia
  • Parkinsonia
  • Parnassia
  • Parochetus
  • Parodia
  • Paronychia
  • Parrotia
  • Parrotiopsis
  • Parthenocissus
  • Passiflora (granadilla, passionflower)
  • Patersonia
  • Patrinia
  • Paulownia
  • Paurotis
  • Pavonia
  • Pedilanthus
  • Pediocactus
  • Pelargonium (geranium)
  • Pellaea
  • Peltandra (arrow arum)
  • Peltoboykinia
  • Peltophorum
  • Peniocereus
  • Pennisetum
  • Penstemon
  • Pentachondra
  • Pentaglottis
  • Pentas
  • Peperomia
  • Peraphyllum
  • Pereskia
  • Perezia
  • Pericallis
  • Perilla
  • Periploca
  • Perovskia (now included in Salvia)
  • Pernettya (now included in Gaultheria)
  • Persea
  • Persicaria (fleeceflower, knotweed)
  • Petasites (butterbur, sweet coltsfoot)
  • Petrea
  • Petrocosmea
  • Petrophile
  • Petrophytum
  • Petrorhagia
  • Petroselinum (parsley)
  • Petteria
  • Petunia
  • Phacelia
  • Phaedranassa (queen lily)
  • Phaius (an orchid genus)
  • Phalaenopsis (moth orchid)
  • Phalaris
  • Phebalium
  • Phegopteris (beech fern)
  • Phellodendron (cork tree)
  • Philadelphus (mock orange)
  • (hybrid genus)
  • Philesia
  • Phillyrea
  • Philodendron
  • Phlebodium
  • Phlomis
  • Phlox
  • Phoenix (date palm)
  • Phormium
  • Photinia
  • Phragmipedium (an orchid genus)
  • Phragmites (reed)
  • Phuopsis
  • Phygelius
  • Phylica (Cape myrtle)
  • × Phylliopsis (hybrid genus)
  • Phyllocladus (toatoa)
  • Phyllodoce
  • Phyllostachys
  • (hybrid genus)
  • Physalis (ground cherry)
  • Physaria (bladderpod)
  • Physocarpus
  • Physoplexis
  • Physostegia
  • Phyteuma
  • Phytolacca (pokeweed)
  • Picea (spruce)
  • Picrasma
  • Pieris
  • Pilea
  • Pileostegia
  • Pilosella
  • Pilosocereus
  • Pimelea
  • Pimpinella
  • Pinanga
  • Pinckneya
  • Pinellia
  • Pinguicula (butterwort)
  • Pinus (pine)
  • Piper (pepper)
  • Piptanthus
  • Pisonia
  • Pistacia (pistachio)
  • Pistia
  • Pitcairnia
  • Pithecellobium
  • Pittosporum
  • Pityrogramma
  • Plantago (plantain)
  • Platanus (plane tree, sycamore)
  • Platycarya
  • Platycerium (staghorn fern)
  • Platycladus (Chinese arborvitae)
  • Platycodon (balloon flower)
  • Platystemon (creamcups)
  • Plectranthus an orchid genus
  • Pleioblastus
  • Pleione (an orchid genus)
  • Pleiospilos (living granite)
  • Pleurothallis (an orchid genus)
  • Plumeria (frangipani)
  • Poa
  • Podalyria
  • Podocarpus
  • Podophyllum (mayapple)
  • Podranea
  • Polemonium (jacob's ladder, abscess root)
  • Polianthes
  • Poliothyrsis
  • Polygala (milkwort, , snakeroot)
  • Polygonatum
  • Polygonum (knotweed, knotgrass)
  • Polypodium
  • Polyscias
  • Polystichum
  • Poncirus
  • Pongamia
  • Pontederia (pickerel weed)
  • Populus (aspen, poplar, cottonwood)
  • Porana
  • Portea
  • Portulaca (purslane, moss rose)
  • Portulacaria
  • Posoqueria
  • Potamogeton
  • Potentilla (cinquefoil)
  • Pothos
  • Potinara (hybrid orchid genus)
  • Pratia
  • Primula (primrose)
  • Prinsepia
  • Pritchardia
  • Proboscidea (unicorn plant)
  • Promenaea an orchid genus
  • Prosopis (mesquite)
  • Prostanthera (mint bush)
  • Protea
  • Prumnopitys
  • Prunella (self-heal)
  • Prunus (almond, apricot, cherry, peach, plum)
  • Pseuderanthemum
  • Pseudocydonia
  • Pseudolarix (golden-larch)
  • Pseudopanax
  • Pseudosasa
  • Pseudotsuga (douglas-fir)
  • Pseudowintera
  • Psilotum
  • Psychopsis (butterfly orchid)
  • Psylliostachys (statice)
  • Ptelea
  • Pteris (brake, table fern)
  • Pterocactus
  • Pterocarya (wingnut)
  • Pteroceltis
  • Pterocephalus
  • Pterodiscus
  • Pterostyrax
  • Ptilotus
  • Ptychosperma
  • Pueraria
  • Pulmonaria (lungwort)
  • Pulsatilla
  • Pultenaea
  • Punica (pomegranate)
  • Purshia
  • Puschkinia
  • Putoria
  • Puya
  • Pycnanthemum
  • Pycnostachys
  • Pyracantha (firethorn)
  • Pyrola (wintergreen)
  • Pyrostegia
  • Pyrrosia
  • Pyrus (pear)


  • Quamoclit
  • Quaqua
  • Quercus (oak)
  • Quesnelia
  • Quisqualis
  • Quince


  • Ramonda
  • Ranunculus (buttercup, )
  • Ranzania
  • Raoulia
  • Raphia (raffia)
  • Ratibida
  • Ravenala (traveler's tree)
  • Rebutia
  • Rehderodendron
  • Rehmannia
  • Reineckea
  • Reinwardtia
  • Reseda (Mignonette)
  • Retama
  • Rhamnus
  • Rhaphidophora
  • Rhaphiolepis
  • Rhapidophyllum (needle palm)
  • Rhapis (lady palm)
  • Rheum (rhubarb)
  • Rhexia
  • Rhipsalis
  • Rhodanthe (strawflower)
  • Rhodanthemum
  • Rhodiola
  • Rhodochiton
  • Rhododendron
  • Rhodohypoxis
  • Rhodophiala
  • Rhodothamnus
  • Rhodotypos
  • Rhoeo
  • Rhoicissus
  • Rhombophyllum
  • Rhus (sumac)
  • Rhynchelytrum
  • Rhynchostylis (an orchid genus)
  • Ribes (currant)
  • Richea
  • Ricinus (castor-oil plant)
  • Rigidella
  • Robinia
  • Rodgersia
  • Rodriguezia an orchid genus
  • Rohdea
  • Romanzoffia
  • Romneya (Matilija poppy, tree poppy)
  • Romulea
  • Rondeletia
  • Rosa (rose)
  • Roscoea
  • Rosmarinus (rosemary)
  • Rossioglossum an orchid genus
  • Rothmannia
  • Roystonea (royal palm)
  • Rubus (raspberry)
  • Rudbeckia (coneflower)
  • Ruellia
  • Rumex (dock)
  • Rumohra
  • Rupicapnos
  • Ruschia
  • Ruscus
  • Russelia
  • Ruta (rue)


  • Sabal (palmetto)
  • Saccharum (, sugar cane)
  • Sadleria
  • Sagina (pearlwort)
  • Sagittaria (arrowhead)
  • Salix (willow)
  • Salpiglossis
  • Salvia (sage)
  • Salvinia
  • Sambucus (elder)
  • Sanchezia
  • Sandersonia
  • Sanguinaria (bloodroot)
  • Sanguisorba (burnet)
  • Sansevieria
  • Santolina
  • Sanvitalia (creeping zinnia)
  • Sapindus
  • Sapium (tallow tree)
  • Saponaria (soapwort)
  • Sarcocapnos
  • Sarcocaulon
  • Sarcococca
  • Saritaea
  • Sarmienta
  • Sarracenia (pitcher plant)
  • Sasa
  • Sassafras
  • Satureja (savory)
  • Sauromatum
  • Saxegothaea
  • Saxifraga (saxifrage)
  • Scabiosa ()
  • Scadoxus (blood lily)
  • Scaevola
  • Schefflera
  • Schima
  • Schinus
  • Schisandra
  • Schizachyrium
  • Schizanthus
  • Schizopetalon
  • Schizophragma
  • Schizostylis
  • Schlumbergera
  • Schoenoplectus
  • Schomburgkia an orchid genus
  • Schotia
  • Schwantesia
  • Sciadopitys
  • Scilla (including the former genus Chionodoxa)
  • Scindapsus
  • Scirpoides
  • Sclerocactus
  • Scoliopus
  • Scopolia
  • Scrophularia (figwort)
  • Scutellaria
  • Securinega
  • Sedum (stonecrop)
  • Selaginella
  • Selago
  • Selenicereus
  • Selinum
  • Semele
  • Semiaquilegia
  • Semiarundinaria
  • Sempervivum (hens and chicks)
  • Senecio (ragwort)
  • Senna
  • Sequoia (coast redwood)
  • Sequoiadendron (giant sequoia)
  • Seriphidium
  • Serissa
  • Serruria
  • Sesbania
  • Sesleria
  • Setaria
  • Shepherdia
  • Shibataea
  • Shortia
  • Sibiraea
  • Sidalcea
  • Sideritis
  • Silene (campion)
  • Silphium
  • Silybum
  • Simmondsia (jojoba)
  • Sinningia
  • Sinofranchetia
  • Sinojackia
  • Sinowilsonia
  • Sisyrinchium
  • Skimmia
  • Smilacina
  • Smilax
  • Smithiantha
  • Smyrnium
  • Sobralia an orchid genus
  • Solandra
  • Solanum (potato, nightshade)
  • Soldanella (snowbell)
  • Soleirolia
  • Solenopsis
  • Solenostemon
  • Solidago (goldenrod)
  • Solidaster (supposedly hybrid genus; see Solidago)
  • Sollya
  • Sonerila
  • Sophora
  • Sophrolaeliocattleya (trigeneric hybrid orchid)
  • Sophronitis (an orchid genus)
  • Sorbaria
  • Sorbus (rowan, whitebeam)
  • Sorghastrum
  • Sparaxis
  • Sparganium (bur-reed)
  • Sparrmannia
  • Spartina (cord grass)
  • Spartium (broom)
  • Spathiphyllum
  • Spathodea
  • Sphaeralcea
  • Spigelia
  • Spiraea (spirea)
  • (an orchid genus)
  • Sporobolus
  • Sprekelia
  • Stachys (betony)
  • Stachyurus
  • Stangeria
  • Stanhopea (an orchid genus)
  • Stapelia
  • Stapelianthus
  • Staphylea (bladdernut)
  • Stauntonia
  • Stenanthium
  • Stenocactus
  • Stenocarpus
  • Stenocereus
  • Stenomesson
  • Stenotaphrum
  • Stenotus
  • Stephanandra
  • Stephanocereus
  • Stephanotis
  • Sternbergia
  • Stigmaphyllon
  • Stipa
  • Stokesia
  • Stomatium
  • Stratiotes
  • Strelitzia (bird of paradise)
  • Streptocarpus (Cape primrose)
  • Streptosolen
  • Strobilanthes
  • Stromanthe
  • Strombocactus
  • Strongylodon
  • Stuartia
  • Stylidium
  • Stylophorum
  • Styphelia
  • Styrax
  • Succisa
  • Sulcorebutia
  • Sutera
  • Sutherlandia
  • Swainsona
  • Swainsonia
  • Syagrus
  • (hybrid genus)
  • Sycopsis
  • Symphoricarpos (snowberry)
  • Symphyandra
  • Symphytum (comfrey)
  • Symplocos
  • Synadenium
  • Syneilesis
  • Syngonium
  • Synthyris
  • Syringa (lilac)
  • Syzygium (rose apple)


  • Tabebuia
  • Tabernaemontana
  • Tacca
  • Tagetes (Mexican or French marigold)
  • Talinum (fameflower)
  • Tamarix (tamarisk)
  • Tanacetum (tansy)
  • Tanakaea
  • Tapeinochilos
  • Taxodium (bald cypress)
  • Taxus (yew)
  • Tecoma
  • Tecomanthe
  • Tecomaria
  • Tecophilaea
  • Telekia
  • Telephium
  • Tellima
  • Telopea (waratah)
  • Templetonia
  • Terminalia
  • Ternstroemia
  • Tetracentron
  • Tetradium (bee tree)
  • Tetranema
  • Tetraneuris
  • Tetrapanax
  • Tetrastigma
  • Tetratheca
  • Teucrium
  • Thalia
  • Thalictrum
  • Thelesperma
  • Thelocactus
  • Thelypteris
  • Thermopsis
  • Thespesia
  • Thevetia
  • Thlaspi
  • Thrinax (thatch palm)
  • Thryptomene (heath myrtle)
  • Thuja (thuja, arborvitae)
  • Thujopsis (hiba)
  • Thunbergia
  • Thymophylla
  • Thymus (thyme)
  • Tiarella
  • Tibouchina
  • Tigridia
  • Tilia (linden)
  • Tillandsia (air plant, Spanish moss)
  • Tipuana
  • Titanopsis
  • Tithonia (Mexican sunflower)
  • Todea
  • Tolmiea
  • Tolpis
  • Toona
  • Torenia
  • Torreya (nutmeg yew)
  • Tovara
  • Townsendia
  • Trachelium
    • Trachelium caeruleum (blue throatwort)
  • Trachelospermum
  • Trachycarpus (chusan palm)
  • Trachymene
  • Tradescantia (spiderwort)
  • Trapa (water caltrop)
  • Trichodiadema
  • Trichosanthes
  • Tricyrtis (toad lily)
  • Trientalis
  • Trifolium (clover)
  • Trillium
  • Tripetaleia
  • Tripterygium
  • Triteleia (triplet lily)
  • Tritonia
  • Trochodendron
  • Trollius (globeflower)
  • Tropaeolum (nasturtium)
  • Tsuga (hemlock)
  • Tsusiophyllum
  • Tuberaria
  • Tulbaghia
  • Tulipa (tulip)
  • Tweedia
  • Tylecodon
  • Typha (cattail)


  • Uebelmannia
  • Ugni
  • Ulex (gorse)
  • Ulmus (elm)
  • Umbellularia
  • Uncinia
  • Uniola
  • Urceolina
  • Urginea
  • Ursinia
  • Utricularia (bladderwort)
  • Uvularia (merrybells, bellwort)


  • Valeriana (garden valerian)
  • Vallea
  • Vancouveria
  • Vanda (an orchid genus)
  • Vanilla an orchid genus
  • Veitchia
  • Vellozia
  • Veltheimia
  • Veratrum
  • Verbascum (mullein)
  • Verbena
  • Vernonia (ironweed)
  • Veronica (speedwell)
  • Veronicastrum
  • Verticordia
  • Vestia
  • Viburnum
  • Victoria (giant waterlily)
  • Vigna (cowpea and various beans)
  • Viguiera
  • Vinca (periwinkle)
  • Viola (pansy, violet)
  • Virgilia
  • Viscaria
  • Vitaliana
  • Vitex
  • Vitis (grape)
  • Vriesea


  • Wachendorfia
  • Wahlenbergia
  • Waldsteinia
  • Washingtonia
  • Watsonia
  • Weberocereus
  • Wedelia
  • Weigela
  • Weingartia
  • Weldenia
  • Welwitschia
  • Westringia
  • Widdringtonia
  • Wigandia
  • Wigginsia
  • Wikstroemia
  • (hybrid orchid genus)
  • Wisteria
  • Wittrockia
  • Wolffia
  • Woodsia
  • Woodwardia (chain fern)
  • Worsleya
  • Wulfenia


  • Xanthoceras
  • Xanthorhiza
  • Xanthosoma
  • Xeranthemum
  • Xerophyllum
  • Xylosma



  • Zaluzianskya
  • Zamia
  • Zamioculcas
  • Zantedeschia (calla lily)
  • Zanthoxylum
  • Zauschneria
  • Zea (maize)
  • Zelkova
  • Zenobia
  • Zephyranthes
  • Zigadenus
  • Zinnia
  • Zizania (wild rice)
  • Zygopetalum (an orchid genus)

See also[]

  • List of culinary fruits
  • List of foods
  • List of vegetables
  • List of leaf vegetables
  • Lists of plants
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