List of wars involving Sri Lanka

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This is a list of wars involving the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka and its predecessor states.

Early Sri Lanka[]

Conflict Sri Lanka and allies Opponents Results Sri Lankan commanders Sri Lankan losses
King General SL
Anuradhapura Kingdom
Battle of Vijithapura
(162 or 161 BC)
 Anuradhapura Kingdom Chola dynasty Victory
Unknown Unknown

 Anuradhapura Kingdom  Chola dynasty


Gajabahu I
Unknown Unknown
Anuradhapura invasion of Pandya
 Anuradhapura Kingdom

Pandya dynasty


Sena II
Sena II
Unknown Unknown

 Anuradhapura Kingdom Pandyan Dynasty
Kassapa IV
Unknown Unknown

 Anuradhapura Kingdom
Dappula V
Unknown Unknown
Chola rule in Sri Lanka
 Anuradhapura Kingdom  Chola dynasty Defeat
Mahinda V
Unknown Unknown
Polonnaruwa Kingdom

 Polonnaruwa Kingdom
Pagan Kingdom
Chola dynasty (in Pegu)
  • Chola stronghold in Pegu lost
  • Pathein and Pegu occupied by Polonnaruwa
  • Angkor occupies certain parts of Burma
  • Grant of land to commanders
Parakramabahu I
Unknown Unknown
Polonnaru-Chola proxy war
 Polonnaruwa Kingdom
  • Pandyan Dynasty of Vira Pandya
Chola dynasty Victory
  • Vira Pandya installed to the throne as a client
  • Rameshvaram occupied by Sinhalese forces
Parakramabahu I
Lankapura Dandanatha
Unknown Unknown
Kingdom of Kotte
Ming–Kotte War
(1410 or 1411)

Ming Dynasty
Kingdom of Kotte

Alagakkonara dynasty

Parakramabahu VI
Zheng He


 Kingdom of Kotte

Vijayanagar Empire

? ?
Kingdom of Sitawaka
Sinhalese–Portuguese War
 Kingdom of Sitawaka
 Kingdom of Kandy
 Dutch East India Company
 Portuguese Empire

 Kingdom of Kotte

  • Sinhalese and Dutch divide territories of the island
? ?
Jaffna Kingdom
Portuguese conquest of the Jaffna kingdom
Jaffna Kingdom
 Kingdom of Kandy
Supported by:
Thanjavur Nayak kingdom
 Portuguese Empire Defeat
  • Cankili II imprisoned and executed by Portuguese
  • 11 February 1621: Tamils sovereignty ended
Cankili II
Unknown Unknown
Chiefdom of Vanni (Vanni Bandara)

Chiefdom of Vanni
 Kingdom of Kandy
 Dutch Republic Victory
  • Vanni region liberated from Dutch rule
Pandara Vanniyan
Unknown Unknown
British Expedition to Ceylon
Chiefdom of Vanni
 Kingdom of Kandy
 Dutch Republic
 British Empire
  • Vanni region lost to the British
  • The last Tamil resistance against colonial rule was crushed.
Pandara Vanniyan
Unknown Unknown
Kingdom of Kandy
Dutch–Portuguese War
 Kingdom of Kandy
 Dutch Republic
 Kingdom of England
(until 1640)
Johor Johor Sultanate
Kingdom of Kongo
Kingdom of Ndongo
Rio Grande Tupis
Nhandui Tarairiu Tribe
Portugal Kingdom of Portugal
Supported by:
 Crown of Castile
(until 1640)
Kingdom of Cochin
Potiguara Tupis
Treaty of Hague
Rajasinghe II
? ? ?
British Expedition to Ceylon
 Kingdom of Kandy  British Empire Victory ? ? ? ?
Kandyan Wars
 Kingdom of Kandy  British Empire Defeat
  • Treaty signed between two forces to abolish the Kandyan monarchy
  • Effectively ending the 2357 years old independence of the Sinhalese
Sri Vikrama Rajasinha
? ? ?

British Ceylon[]

Conflict British Ceylon and allies Opponents Results Governor(s) British Ceylon losses
British Ceylon
Matale Rebellion
 British Ceylon Kandyan Opposition Victory
The Viscount Torrington
? ?
Second Boer War
 British Ceylon
 British Empire
 Orange Free State

 South African Republic Foreign volunteers from:

  • Treaty of Vereeniging:
    • All Boers to surrender arms and swear allegiance to the Crown
    • Dutch language permitted in education
    • Promise to grant Boer republics self-government
    • £3,000,000 compensation "reconstruction aid" to Afrikaners
West Ridgeway
? ?
World War I
The Allies
Central Powers and Allies
  • Treaty of Versailles:
  • German demobilization

Treaties of Saint-Germain-en-Laye and Trianon:

  • Demise of Austria-Hungary

Russia pulls out in 1917

Creation of League of Nations:

  • Mesopotamia ceded from the Ottoman Empire
  • Palestine and Jordan ceded from the Ottoman Empire
  • Tanganyika ceded from Germany
  • Part of Kamerun ceded from Germany
  • Part of Togoland ceded from Germany
  • German New Guinea ceded to Australia
  • German Samoa ceded to New Zealand
  • German South-West Africa ceded to South Africa
Robert Chalmers
Reginald Edward Stubbs
John Anderson
Reginald Edward Stubbs
William Manning
? ?
World War II
The Allies
Axis Powers
Graeme Thomson
Francis Graeme Tyrrell
Reginald Edward Stubbs
Maxwell MacLagan Wedderburn
Andrew Caldecott
Henry Monck-Mason Moore
? ?

Dominion of Ceylon[]

Conflict Ceylon and allies Opponents Results Ceylon commanders Ceylon losses
Head(s) of Government Defence Minister(s) Ceylonese
1971 JVP Insurrection
Dominion of Ceylon Ceylon

Australia Australia
Egypt Egypt
India India
Pakistan Pakistan
Singapore Singapore
Soviet Union Soviet Union
United Kingdom United Kingdom
United States United States
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Yugoslavia
China China

Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna

Supported by:
 North Korea (alleged)
Ba'athist Iraq ASBPI
South Asian Communist Banner.svg CCP (Maoist) (alleged)

  • Rebel forces surrender
  • Ceylonese government reestablishes control over entire island
Sirimavo Bandaranaike
53 1,200

Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka[]

Conflict Sri Lanka and allies Opponents Results Sri Lankan commanders Sri Lankan losses
Head(s) of Government Defense Minister(s) SL
1987–1989 JVP insurrection
Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
India India
 United States
 United Kingdom

Military support:

  •  Japan
  •  South Korea
  •  France
  •  Israel
  •  South Africa
  •  Pakistan
  •  Egypt
Deshapremi Janatha Viyaparaya

Supported by:

  •  Soviet Union
  •  North Korea
  •  Cuba
  • Ba'athist Iraq ASBPI
  • PLOTE (until 1988)
  • SLFP
  • Emergency conditions in South-western and Central provinces lifted
  • Insurgency declined following the fall of the Eastern bloc
J. R. Jayewardene
? ?
Sri Lankan Civil War

 Sri Lanka


Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam


  • Sri Lankan government decisive victory
  • Rebel Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam organisation is wiped out
  • Sri Lankan government reestablishes control over entire island
  • Tamil National Alliance drops the demand for a separate state
J. R. Jayewardene
Ranasinghe Premadasa X
Dingiri Banda Wijetunga
Chandrika Kumaratunga
Mahinda Rajapaksa
Ranasinghe Premadasa
Ranjan Wijeratne
Dingiri Banda Wijetunga
Tilak Marapana
Mahinda Rajapaksa
28,708 60,000–100,000

Sri Lankan peacekeeping[]

Conflict Sri Lanka and allies Country Results Sri Lankan commanders Sri Lankan losses
Head(s) of Government Defense Minister(s)
United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon
 Sri Lanka  Lebanon Ongoing
J. R. Jayewardene
United Nations Stabilisation Mission in Haiti
 Sri Lanka  Haiti Ongoing
Chandrika Kumaratunga
United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad
 Sri Lanka  Central African Republic
Mahinda Rajapaksa
United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali
 Sri Lanka  Mali Ongoing
Maithripala Sirisena


  1. ^ "Three Sri Lankan soldiers die in Mali attack | Daily FT".
  2. ^
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