Nigerian National Assembly delegation from Sokoto

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The Nigerian National Assembly delegation from Sokoto comprises three Senators representing Sokoto North, Sokoto East, and Sokoto West, and eleven Representatives representing Sokoto North/Sokoto South, Binji/Silame, Wurno/Rabah, Isa-Sabon-Birni, Gwadaba/Illiza, Kware/Wamakko, Gudu/Tangaza, Kebbe/Tambuwal, Gorondo/Gada, Bodinga/Dange-Shuni/Tureta, and Shagari/Yabo.

Fourth Republic[]

The 4th Parliament (1999 - 2003)[]

Senator Abubakar III AliyuMai Sango ANPP Sokoto North 1999–2003
Senator Gada BelloJibril ANPP Sokoto East 1999–2003
Senator Wali Abdallah PDP Sokoto South 1999–2003
Representative Balarabe Ismaila Usman ANPP Sokoto North/Sokoto South 1999–2003
Representative Dikko Mukhtar ANPP Binji/Silame 1999–2003
Representative Gandi SuleYari ANPP Wurno/Rabah 1999–2003
Representative Gatawa SirajoMarafa ANPP Isa-Sabon-Birni 1999–2003
Representative Magori ZubairuS. PDP Gwadaba/Illiza 1999–2003
Representative Mohammed Usman ANPP Kware/Wamakko 1999–2003
Representative Mohammed ArewaS. ANPP Gudu/Tangaza 1999–2003
Representative Sanyinna AliyuUmar PDP Kebbe/Tambuwal 1999–2003
Representative Shinaka ZakariMuhammed ANPP Gorondo/Gada 1999–2003
Representative Tureta MohammedArzika PDP Bodinga/Dange-Shuni/Tureta 1999–2003
Representative Yabo HassanKiryo PDP Shagari/Yabo 1999–2003


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