Dulkadiroğlu, Kahramanmaraş

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Dulkadiroğlu is a planned district and second level municipality in Kahramanmaraş Province, Turkey. According to Law act no 6360, all Turkish provinces with a population more than 750000, will be a metropolitan municipality and the districts within the metropolitan municipalities will be second level municipalities. The law also creates new districts within the provinces in addition to present districts.[1] These changes will be effective by the local elections in 2014.

Thus after 2014 the present Kahramanmaraş central district will be split into two. A part will be named Dulkadiroğlu and the name Kahramanmaraş will be reserved for the metropolitan municipality. ("Dulkadiroğlu means "son of Dulkadir" and Dulkadir was a Turkmen tribe leader who had founded a beylik (principality) in and around Kahramanmaraş in the 15th century.)

Rural area[]

There will be one town and 57 villages in the rural area of Dulkadiroğlu district. Now their official status became "neighborhood of Dulkadiroğlu".


Coordinates: 37°35′00″N 36°56′00″E / 37.5833°N 36.9333°E / 37.5833; 36.9333

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