Bir pletok

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Bir pletok
Bir Pletok.JPG
Place of originIndonesia[1]
Region or stateJakarta
Serving temperatureHot
Main ingredientsginger, fragrant pandan leaves, lemongrass

Bir pletok is an Indonesian traditional drink of the Betawi people in Jakarta, Indonesia. Pletok beer is a refreshing drink made from a mixture of several spices, namely ginger, fragrant pandan leaves, and lemongrass.

Although it contains the word beer, Pletok beer does not contain alcohol. This efficacious drink smoothens blood circulation. Betawi people consume this drink at night as warmers.

Most lagers are alcoholic and may contribute unfavorable impact for one's well-being. There is, in any case, one lager that is gainful for well-being. It is mostly found in Jakarta, Indonesia. Bir pletok, a genuine Betawinese drink produced using flavors, with ginger as the primary fixing.

The presence of bir pletok was an answer of the Dutch expansionism that accompanied the majority of their traditions (counting their propensity to take a brew while having save times either at twelve or night). The nearby individuals of Betawi made their own particular home-made brew and without a doubt it wasn't a liquor-based drink since a large portion of Betawi individuals were known as an unwavering Moslem.

The Betawinese named it bir in the wake of seeing the Dutch drink genuine brew. The run-of-the-mill approach to serve it is by shaking it until the point when froth like that of brew is shaped before it's filled a serving glass. A bamboo tube was the first bundling of bir pletok. As the fluid put away in the tube and some ice shapes blended with the fluid, the bamboo is shaken for 1-2 minutes, delivering the dull hints of “pletak-pletok”. That is the reason this refreshment is known as bir pletok.

Bir pletok has different medical advantages; it is helpful to enhance blood stream, treat stomach torment, diminishing light influenza and hack indications, and mend joint inflammation. Bir pletok can likewise be utilized to treat sickness by virtue of its principle fixing, ginger. Betawi individuals used to drink this refreshment in the night to warm their bodies. Its tanned red shading looks exceptionally appealing. Its taste is interesting; it is sweet, warm and somewhat zesty with sweet-smelling.

See also[]


  1. ^ "tak bikin mabuk, ini asal usul bir pletok yang kaya manfaat". (Indonesian)

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